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34532 No. 34532 ID: 6faa8c



I tire of this endless wait. And you shall entertain. To that end, I Awaken you, Yorick. I give you intellect beyond a mere skeleton. There may be... issues, but...

That's part of the fun.


You are in the MARBLE CORRIDOR. There are OTHER MONSTERS here, namely, AXE ARMORS and OTHER SKELLIES. They stand around and wait. I can see why big D is bored. After all, everything here is dead, stupid, or bloodthirsty. Nothing smart to talk to except Master, who is asleep. Between Belmonts.

You'd sigh if you had lungs.
Speaking of which, your current inventory is... BONES. A LOT OF BONES.

My name's Yorick. I'm a skeleton in Castlevania. And I'm bored out of my hypothetical mind.
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No. 34801 ID: 6faa8c

((Trivia: Most of the time it's 4,444 since Four Is Death.))

There's also the matter that D might simply refuse me, in which case I'd be boned. Since I'm a sentient in this Castle, I can actually gain power by killing things, like the more recent visitors.

I'm getting a clear hostile intent from the next area (UNDERGROUND LABORATORY).
No. 34802 ID: 448a65


(Oh yeh, my bad, I thought it was some digit repeated 4 times.)

Oh boy, Frankensteins? Lets see what we're up against!
No. 34803 ID: 6faa8c

I throw open the door and roll in, seeing the doorway get cruched beneath a massive pair of stone hands. Golem. A stone Golem, my knives won't be a whole lot of use. I can also see slimes on the walls and ceiling.
Another blow, a hard, stiff kick, and I dodge it, as he puts a big crater in the wall.
No. 34807 ID: 448a65


Hrmm, I dunno if it's worth trying to take him down considering pierce and cut won't do a lot against rock. Play cautiously and try to take him down with as few risks as possible, keep another eye out for slimes that might try and grab you.
No. 34810 ID: 6faa8c

I know Golems have got one weakness, I just can't remember. Something about a holy word...

Fuck he's fast! Like a goddamn rock gorilla! Fecking belmonts and their fecking holy whips and water make this shit look easy!
No. 34812 ID: 06fc25

Is this a boss golem or a regular one? If it's not a boss, jump over him and continue onwards.
No. 34813 ID: 448a65


Well if you think you can reach inside his mouth fast enough then be my guest. But he seems too fast.
No. 34815 ID: 6faa8c

Yep, discretion is the better part of valor!

No. 34816 ID: 6faa8c

I'm gone! That was a boss room. He had ripped his way in. I don't know where the real boss is or even what it is.

Just keep running, Yorick, just keep running.
No. 34817 ID: 6c80cf


Back of their heads. "The golem is a creation of the holy word, the script of life and instructions to act placed into their head. Generally believed to be created by Jewish people who were too cheap to pay for workers."
No. 34822 ID: 06fc25

You need to find one of those hallways with infinite zombies and grind out a level or two.
No. 34831 ID: 6faa8c

An excellent idea, when I get the chance.

But I can't waste time. I must find Galamoth. Then I'll put my plan into action.
The wall behind me explodes, and the Golem steps through. He leeks pissed, covered in cracks and deep pock marks.

What could have caused that? No matter. I dodge the opening blow and allow the fists to barely miss me, then I climb atop him, Onto his head. I can see the Words! Quickly, I pull out the old parchment and tear it in half.

The Golem turns to dust.

I'm very tired.
No. 34846 ID: 276781

Rub the dust on your bones to increase durability (become BLAZE MASTER.)

Find a Skeleton Flail and ask if you can borrow his weapon so you can switch between bashing and cutting whenever you need to.
No. 34853 ID: 6faa8c

I rub the dust on my legs, and they bronze. Spurs grow on my knees and my boots get spikes. I gain a cape. I gain green gauntlets.

I am slightly sturdier. I am a little faster. My knives are longer. I become a SKELETON HERO.


I am no longer tired.

Flails are in the SKELETON CAVE, but if I happen upon one I'll snag his weapon.
No. 34886 ID: 6faa8c
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I wonder. Is this what it feels like to be a Belmont?
No. 34912 ID: 06fc25


You need a whip, hair, and girlish face first.
No. 34917 ID: 6faa8c

Ah, right.

Of course. I just... I feel so strong. Better get moving before the rest of the critters start acting up... God I hope I don't encounter the boss for this area.
No. 34979 ID: 6c80cf


Also, organs. In the meantime... yeah, moving would be good. Also, where did this sentience derive from?
No. 34997 ID: 6faa8c

Death gave it to me. He was bored. Did you know it takes 100 years for Master to awaken and new belmonts to show up? Can you imagine a lifestyle like that? Once every hundred years shit hits the fan, but the other 99, better break out the fecking cards? I don't envy him.

Do you smell ozone? I smell ozone.
No. 35007 ID: 6c80cf


But... he's death. Surely he has to take care of souls, people dying, and so on and so forth. Heck, in the end, he must even get the Belmonts that "slayed" him.

They don't last forever.

Ozone? Ozone... what would cause that?
No. 35010 ID: 6faa8c

Big D's 'traditional' role is really only a side job. In reality? He is a super-powerful entity who works for whoever holds a powerful artifact, known as the Crimson Orb. I think.

That may be Galamoth's target. After all, whoever holds it can never ever be reaped, and control of the dead is pretty much yours! Why do you think master is so powerful? Only part of that is from sucking blood and flipping off God, you know.

The scent grows closer.

FUCK. I can see him. The Creature. He's a little weaker because he's away from a source of electricity, but... He's stronger than the Golem by far. He hasn't noticed me yet...
No. 35011 ID: 6c80cf


Uh... I thought he was powerful due to contrived plot devices. Ahem.

Ground him first, which requires a bit of metal-do you have a metal spike, or something similar? Just throw it through his foot...

Oh, a sword will do nicely.
No. 35012 ID: 6faa8c

<<All there in the lore XD>>

It flies with incredible accuracy, stabbing through its foot and into the ground. There's a spark. I think I've rid him of all his non-essential electricity.

I run in to grab my blade and almost get a fist to the face. Luckily, I'm much faster than him, and I manage to take off his LEFT HAND. His right comes at me as I get away, and he pulverizes some of the ground into sand.

Wow. This guy is made of pretty prime stock!
No. 35013 ID: 6c80cf


Yeah he is, tough bastard, unless you do some rather... cheap moves. There's also this bloody confined space...

It would be helpful if you could take that good stock. Not as if you can cut him open and replace his bone structure, eh?

Oh, right. Advice. His neck is too thick to look up easily, and his arms are clumsy. Bounce on his head.
No. 35014 ID: 6faa8c


Naw, can't steal 'is bones. Most monsters in the castle self-destroy their remains. There's exceptions, and some of them drop their stuff...

>Bounce on head
I run straight at him and duck his backhanded swing, letting him take a portion out of the wall. Then I use this to leap up and over him, landing harshly on his head. I can hear things pop and crack, and for good measure I ram a blade between his disks.

I land behind him. Ha! He's not so to-


son of a bitch. I swear he's getting faster.
No. 35016 ID: 6c80cf


I meant remove his bones and instigate yourself as his skeleton. He would still be alive, but hapless to your actions!

Oh yeah I forgot about that. As he looses parts, he gets lighter. Since he doesn't suffer from pain or fatigue and is powered by electricity, he'll only speed up with the more damage you deal. Especially if you're using metal weapons-he's got metal bits inside of him, creates sparks dontchyaknow.

More importantly: Cut his tendons. Hard to move about without those.
No. 35017 ID: 6faa8c

Not really worth it to do so. Besides, it ain't the skeleton that does the movin' and shakin' in a body.

But of course you know that.

Right, less severin' more slicin'! I have to keep an eye out for all his limbs now. Back of the hand, under the armpit, back of the leg, and the heel.

With some artful dodging, it's easy enough to slice these places. Wait.

If he doesn't need those bits and bobs, he can just redirect...

The lightning engulfs my body, arcing to the floor harmlessly. Well, that was mostly harmless. I'm a skeleton, after all, no heart to stop or brain to whisk.

And without charge, he just falls flat on his face, and then, for no reason I can discern, burns to ashes which blow away.
No. 35018 ID: 6c80cf


Well... yes. It was just an idea. Sadly, one that does not work.

The major point of making organic constructs over metallic ones is the capacity for regeneration and the flexing capacity. You probably know that, though.

Also because it's cool.

Moving on, there should be some LOOT. There's always loot after bosses. Or mini-bosses. Which is he?
No. 35019 ID: 6faa8c

A full Boss. I must be getting stronger. Let's see...


A Roc Feather. Nice.

No. 35020 ID: 6c80cf


Now all you have to worry about is accidentally jumping so high you splinter yourself against the ceiling.

Remember to fly feet first!
No. 35033 ID: 448a65


If you can do those "Super Jumps" that slam you against the ceiling just flip yourself upside down >>35020 feet first like this guy said.

Also, give your bones a chance to regrow, regenerate, whatever.
No. 35112 ID: b61b02
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>Girlish face
Nigga wat?
No. 35137 ID: 448a65


He's probably the most worthless Belmont out the lot, he got his ass kicked by Dracula's successor and drained all his energy just breaking a seal.
No. 35387 ID: 6faa8c

I wake up. Fuck! I fell asleep! Looking around quickly, I notice not much different except... Well, okay, it's very different.

The tunnel is wider. Much, much much moreso. Tunneles out like a bigass worm the size of a house just plowed through. I can smell even more... ozone, like a storm went through here, and there's white formless bodies everywhere, none of them moving.
No. 35390 ID: 476456

not to mention he's friends with dracula's reincarnation.
No. 35392 ID: 448a65


I think he's doin' it wrong.


You are a skeleton, how do you require sleep???

Anyway, proceed with caution! And make that cape flap around behind you for DRAMATIC EFFECT.
No. 35394 ID: 6faa8c

Part of the sentience, I think. Diurnal-ism.

Dramatic effect acheived. Man, there's a lot of bodies here... they all look... the same... oh god, it can't be, can it?
No. 35395 ID: 448a65


Hold your short swords in a flashy style and run towards the source of the destruction, that's how a Belmont rolls.
No. 35398 ID: 43d730

You were my favorite boss...
No. 35400 ID: 6faa8c

I have to hurry! A boss may be in danger!
I run with all my might towards the source of the mess. I can feel the static in the air.

What I see before me is a clash of the titans. Galamoth, scepter held high, lightning blasting through the air.

Legion, his shell reduced to a third of its size, his lazer carving the stone as he nearly missed Galamoth. The white arcs blazed across the sheild of bodies, scattering them, leaving a hole.


And like that, a lance of light impales Legion. The bodies melt like so much rot, and the core of Legion tumbles to earth like a firey wheel, bouncing past me.

Oh my god.

I'm going to die.
No. 35403 ID: 43d730
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Fine, too early.
No. 35407 ID: 0d5afc
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No. 35409 ID: 6faa8c

Galamoth looks down at me.

>"A fly. A tiny maggot, it squirms before me."

I can feel those tiny eyes, like embers from hell, upon me. Like a boulder balanced on my skull.

I take two steps back.
His wrist. His wrist is unarmored. The wrist holding his scepter is not armored.

A skeleton is defined by his holdings...

The plan bubbles back up.
No. 35417 ID: 6faa8c

I point a dagger at Galamoth and utter what may well be my very last words:




(A little help here?)
No. 35418 ID: 43d730

"Galamoth, you've always been a fucking putz."
No. 35419 ID: 6164e0

'You have tried before, what makes you believe you shall succeed now?'

When he is then compelled to give you some self important speech (as all BBEG's must), cut that fucker's hand off.
No. 35420 ID: 6faa8c


'You have tried before, what makes you believe you shall succeed now?'

Galamoth roars,
>"Throughout the years, I have always..."
he trails off into some long dithering nonsense about the Crimson Orb and his 'ascension' and a bunch of fecking nonsense. He's so distracted, I'm able to run up the side of the wall, leap off, and come down on his wrist.

"Galamoth, you've always been a fucking putz."

The blade slices clean. It stays attached until it lands, and then blood sprays from the wound, the hand and the scepter falling with a loud clong to the earth.

He roars in agony and grips the bloody stump, as I run over and carve the dead hand from the huge weapon.

I take it in my hands.
No. 35421 ID: 43d730

And will be at some point in the futu...
You know what? Fuck it.
You've had your ass beaten by time-buggered Alucard.
I don't care about your backstory, your destiny.
I don't give two shits about whatever this is about.
Legion, however, was a great guy.

This is for him.
No. 35423 ID: 6faa8c
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No. 35424 ID: 6faa8c


I feel far stronger.
I feel much taller.
I feel invincible.
I feel strong.

Yorick has become SKELETON PARAGON!

"You know what? Fuck it.
You've had your ass beaten by time-buggered Alucard.
I don't care about your backstory, your destiny.
I don't give two shits about whatever this is about.
>Legion, however, was a great guy."
No. 35425 ID: 6faa8c

I hold a Femur in my hands. It is bronzed, adorned with jems that scream with souls.

I am clad in armor of chain and steel. His hands cannot touch me.

My head his horned thrice with power, his words cannot touch me.

My eyes see clearly for the first time.

My mind thinks clearly for the first time. I will not hold this power long. Galamoth is not the true threat, like the line of powder to a keg.
Nay, the threat approaches now.
The monsters he animated targeted not Master's belongings.
They served to weaken the castle, set the bosses at one another.

Clear a path.
Attract attention.

Find a hunter.
No. 35426 ID: 6faa8c

Blows rain upon the once-great creature's frame. His armor dents, his bones break, his organs rupture, and his muscles are ground into the rocky floor. Blue flames lick his body as his force leaves this world, and with it, my own power.

But the knowledge does not leave.
The monsters have been fighting each other. The bosses are at half strength. Master is asleep, and a Hunter will soon be coming. He will not need Vampire Killer this time!

As I return to my normal form of a SKELETON HERO, the scepter crumbles to dust.

No. 35429 ID: 6faa8c

>I do not pass so easily, knuckle hoarder!



No. 35432 ID: 6faa8c

It is dark. Like a night with no moon, I sit on the unlit halls. The candles have been destroyed. I was passed over, like so much refuse, kicked to the side.
No. 35451 ID: 6c80cf


Do you need a hand?
No. 35453 ID: 43d730
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Wrong game.
No. 35457 ID: 6faa8c

I can barely move. My jaw is gone.
I... I can see it, though. Next to the hole I made when the son of a dog smote me throught the roo-er, floor.
No. 35474 ID: 007a2e


Out the frying pan and into the fire huh...
No. 35475 ID: 43d730

Roll with all your might!
Then we can hop.
We aren't beated yet!
No. 35496 ID: 6faa8c

That is one way of putting it, noble voices.

Yes! It shall take more than a mere boxing to put an end to the tale of Yorick Von Calcium!

Yorick has retrieved JAW!
No. 35515 ID: 007a2e


Try and borrow some bones off your fellow skeletons...If any remain alive.
No. 35518 ID: 6faa8c

A fantastic idea, but you're right: None remain, and like most, we self-dispose on death. I might find some friends deeper in...

I am in the MARBLE CORRIDOR. Neighboring this zone is the ENTRANCE, the ENDLESS WALKWAY, and the ETERNAL STAIRWAY.
No. 35531 ID: 007a2e


Could we get to the clock tower in our current state? Before Death gets his bony behind handed to him?
No. 35544 ID: 6faa8c

No. I am merely a skull. Most of the CLOCK TOWER is a munch of jumping puzzles and spike malarkey. I could head in that direction, however. And away!

No. 35629 ID: 8a66e4

Well I guess it's time for some endless walking...
No. 35630 ID: 43d730

No. 41201 ID: 6faa8c
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Yes, a lot of hopping indeed. I certainly hope there's no combat awaiting me, I'm rather frail at the mo-


All the candles are gone! I can see the mounts, but there are no candles!
No. 43205 ID: 6faa8c
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I can hear soft clicking, of metal on the stone floor. I sense the presence of an OPTIONAL BOSS.

"My, you look quite down on your luck, skeleton. May I interest you in some assistance?"
No. 43218 ID: 4f4764

Yeah, we could use a hand.

... and a body, evidently.
No. 43228 ID: 6faa8c


"Clearly, I am lacking in anatomy. Would thou be kind enough to assist me?"

"Mayhaps, mayhaps. Everything has a price, you understand. Everything has a cost. I know you have not that worthless shining metal the humans covet oh so much, but perhaps, between the damned, we can strike a deal."
No. 43242 ID: 4f4764

Of couse, of course. What can we do for you?
No. 43248 ID: 6faa8c

"Certainly. What sort of payment do you accept?"

"I take... favours. I cash them later, when it's conveinient for myself. For instance, I may ask you to retrieve an item of power, or obtain a certain form so I may catalouge it. There's a few limits to what I may ask you:
1: I cannot ask you to do something that would place you in immediate mortal danger, such as jumping off a tall cliff, or into an unpredictable hole in reality.
2: I cannot ask you to do things you clearly cannot do, such as perfom complex magical rituals.

Now that that is cleared up...
I currently have the following things that may help you.
Spine of a snake: 1 favour
Arms and hands: 2 favours
Legs, feet, and pelvis: 3 favours."
No. 43392 ID: 6faa8c

Yorick's assesment: All of them may be useful. The legs will let me run, of course, but... not a whole lot of offensive options there.

The arms and hands will also let me run and jump, just with less precision. I'll have a few more offensive options, being able to hold weaponry.

The spine might have interesting results.
No. 43395 ID: 1689ab

Let's take them all. We can do anything.
No. 43420 ID: 6faa8c

Are you certain? That's a total of 6 favours.
No. 43463 ID: 1689ab

We're sure. I mean, come on? Moving some furniture once or twice? what's a favor or two? We'e got work to do.
No. 43466 ID: 43d730

One for spine.
We can find more stuff later.
No. 43486 ID: 6faa8c

Did you miss the bit about searching for items of power?

These are binding agreements, not little tasks. I feel I should be cautious with this fellow, especially since he's an OPTIONAL BOSS.

>One for spine

It's not like I can't find this guy again later, after all, and one favour won't keep me too occupied...

"The spine, please."
"Alright, here..."


My canines grow longer!
My sight is more acute!
I can now slither on the ground and evade faster than before!
I feel my canines swell with venom!
I feel a little more durable.
I feel I have minor use of the basic elements of magic.


"Now, just bite this..."
He proffers an apple and I bite into it. My first name is etched into the side of it along with the date, and it turns to stone instantly.
"Hm. Is that all?"
No. 43773 ID: 6faa8c

"I believe that concludes our business... but if I need to contact you again?"
"Say my name, Renon." he replies. "And I shall appear." he smiles, and in a puff of smoke, he's gone.

Well. Now that I have the ability to move faster and have some combat ability, I feel a little safer... Should I keep moving forward or head to the Clock Tower?
No. 43776 ID: 1689ab

Forward! To Adventure!
No. 43777 ID: 6faa8c

Yes! Onward and forward!

NEW AREA FOUND: Dancing Hall.

This area is beautiful.I can see myself in the floor! I almost feel bad for scraping it.

Again, no candles anywhere. Just wax everywhere, some wicks, and.... is that a copper piece?
No. 43781 ID: 276781

The Belmont has been through here very recently, one would presume.
Keep a close 'eye' on your surroundings. If you see the Belmont, do not engage. You'll just get destroyed like everything else, so be on the lookout for more things to jack parts from.
No. 43782 ID: 6faa8c

Right, right. I have to get to the boss of this area before him!

Most of the enemies here are GHOSTS, of various breeds and sorts. It would be hard to kill them physically, you'd need magic.

Which I have, thank goodness. I can feel it roiling around in my skull, like... like... like a rope pulled tightly taut and ready to snap at any moment.
No. 43783 ID: 1689ab

Do we know who the boss of this area is?
No. 43784 ID: 6faa8c

I believe it's Puppet Master. Creepy fellow if I ever met one. Ah, now I'm running into skeletons again... only... Hm.

NEW FOE ENCOUNTERED: Skeletal Medusa Heads
No. 43786 ID: 276781

Puppet Master? If you have to fight him, he'll be easy.
...Hopefully, it won't come down to that.
No. 43787 ID: 1689ab

Wait... how does that work? Wouldnt that be medusa skulls?
No. 43788 ID: 6faa8c

Well, yes. But the snakes are skeletal too. It's passing strange, but hey, look at where I am.

Here's hoping I don't. He scares me. Plus, I'm not exactly combat optimal.

No full skeletons here, though, which is surprising.
No. 43790 ID: 1689ab

So um... how can we get our body back, exactly?
No. 43791 ID: 6faa8c

Well, there's two ways: We find the bits and bobs scattered around the castle by that wormeaten bastard, or... we get a full body and work our way back up.
No. 43792 ID: 276781

I say work our way back up.
Confiscate a skeletal Medusa Head, or at least their snakes. Maybe that'll give you some sort of petrification eye-beam power, rather than petrification venom.
No. 43793 ID: 6faa8c


I take one in my sights, curl up... lunge...


It seems contact with these sorts is immediate petrification. Hurm...
No. 43855 ID: 43d730

New plan: Ranged attack.
We've got magic, right?
No. 43888 ID: 6faa8c

Oh, right!
Let's see... I mentally grasp the high-tension wire in my mind, and pull. I feel my tail reflexively coil into a wide circle, and fire blasts from the center.


The puff of fire knocks one ot of the air and onto the floor! I quickly slither up and grab Two of the snakes before she crumples to dust and fire...

They attach to my spine!

I feel more durable!
My spine grows longer and thicker!
There are now spikes along my spine!
The snakes grow in length, thickness, and strength, and two attack to my spine, under my skull!
I can now manipulate basic objects and hols weapons!

No. 43939 ID: 1be83d

Fuck yes!
Hmm... I wonder what happens if we eat our own tail...
No. 43942 ID: 6faa8c

I'd... rather not, thank you.

Besides, it'd just get my jaw knotted up and cause all sorts of issues.
No. 53366 ID: 6faa8c

At any rate...

Nearby me is the BOSS ROOM.
Above me is the path to the CLOCK TOWER.
Back the way I came is the ENDLESS WALKWAY.

No. 53370 ID: 43d730

Which boss is this?
No. 53373 ID: 6faa8c

Can't recall, but I think it's the one known as PUPPET MASTER. Not really sure. Might be PUMPKINHEAD. Either wa-

What's that snapping sound?
No. 53503 ID: 728a8e

tuck and roll!
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