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27943 No. 27943 ID: 138351

250 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 44426 ID: 2dbf33

No. 44513 ID: 37e7d1
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There is an address and a time on the note. Although the bird does look fluffy, Daniel resists the temptation to hug what could very well be a stranger's soul.

>"If you'll excuse me now, I have work to do, Mr. Passer."

>"Yes of course. Goodbye."

Daniel's mobile phone tells him that it's 9:00 AM. He hurries to work.


He finds Markus at his desk filling in some form. A very common sight.
No. 44515 ID: 43d730

Apologise profusely.
No. 44557 ID: 8b14a1

Say you think you're feeling better now, and you're sorry about yesterday. Ask if its still okay if you work today, even though you're late.
No. 44583 ID: 37e7d1
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>"Hi there, Markus!"

Markus drops his pen.
>"Daniel... I..."

>"I'm sorry, I'm late. I'm feeling quite a lot better now. Sorry for yesterday. I'll make it up for you."

Markus stares at Daniel in disbelief.
>"Dan. You... don't have to strain yourself like that."

That is not the response, Daniel expected.

>"Look, Dan. I managed to distribute all your driving lessons of the next week to your colleagues. Just take that one damn week and do whatever you feel like doing."
Markus gets up and physically pushes Daniel out through the door.
>"You know what your problem is, Daniel? You're a too nice guy. IF you manage to wrestle some free time from your grumpy old boss, you don't go to him and give it back. You go out there and enjoy your damn time."
He gives Daniel a clap on the shoulder.
>"You're also a workaholic. Go home, enjoy life. Maybe get a good book."
No. 44585 ID: 8b14a1

"Well I... Okay. Sorry boss."
No. 44596 ID: 192956

Smile jokingly ask him if there is form you need to fill out to enjoy yourself.
No. 44644 ID: 9d41ab

To the coffee shop? Maybe we'll see Maja there?
No. 44875 ID: 3bce4f
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>Well... okay. Sorry boss"
Daniel says and starts walking down the road. Then he turns back around to say:
>"Aren't there any forms I could fill out for fun?"
Markus raises his fist.
>"Don't make me hit you!"

They share a laugh.

Now, Daniel really doesn't have anything to do for now. The meeting with Dr. Tetrao is at 7:00 PM... The coffee shop seems like a dead end. Maja should be working around this time and Clara is evidently still at the asylum. If he doesn't find any ideas what he could do, he could as well just kill time until 7 o'clock.
No. 44884 ID: 1afd58

Call Maja. If she won't pick up, go meet her at work if you can.

Otherwise just go dick around in the park again. Worked last time, right?
No. 45393 ID: de5903
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As Marcus goes back to his desk, Daniel triess to call Maja once again. Her phone is still off, so he decides to ambush her at work.

In front of the library he finds a figure with a cellphone.
No. 45394 ID: de5903
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Konrad turns around. he looks severely stressed out.
>"Oh! Daniel! How convenient of you to come here. I wanted to have a word with you anyway, old pal."
No. 45395 ID: e06d69

Sure, why not.
No. 45398 ID: de5903
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>"Sure, why n-"

No. 45399 ID: 73d8d7

No. 45400 ID: e06d69

Dan try to keep calm. At least one of you needs to be calm.

Calm down. I presume you mean Maja? Yeah, I've been looking for her too. I don't know where she is. She did crash at mine last night, but I haven't seen her since then. If you see her tell her I want to talk to her.
No. 45406 ID: 1afd58

Hey broseph! I have no idea where maja is. She won't answer the phone.
No. 45408 ID: de5903
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The shock subsides quickly and Dan composes himself.

>"C-Calm down. I presume you mean Maja? Yeah, I've been looking for her too. I don't know where she is. She did crash at mine last night, but I haven't seen her since then. If you see her tell her I want to talk to her."
No. 45410 ID: de5903
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>"I KNEW IT! She WAS with you! You wanna talk to her? Oooooh, I BET!"

[Shit, sorry, Q]
No. 45411 ID: 1afd58

Isn't this dude our friend?

Tell him he knows us better than that, for fuck's sake. We're not going to fool around with his girl.
No. 45412 ID: bd2eec

(s'cool bro, it came out late anyway)
"GodDAMN IT KONRAD. Take it easy. What the hell is going on with you two?"
No. 45419 ID: de5903
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Daniel finally loses his cool and frees himself from Konrad.

>"GodDAMN IT KONRAD. Take it easy. What the hell is going on with you two? You know me better, for fuck's sake! I'm not gonna fool around with your girl!"

He grinds his teeth and forces out:
>"Where did she go?! She must've told you something! Sure as hell never tells ME shit!"
No. 45420 ID: 4553b2

Put a hand on his shoulder, smile and say:

Yukkuri Shitte Itte Ne.
No. 45426 ID: de5903
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[Feel free to post suggestions... >____>Q]
No. 45427 ID: 1afd58

Go on the offensive a bit here, Dan. You've got height on him, and you've had a frustrating and infuriating couple of days.

Why can't you keep tabs on your own damn girlfriend if you're so goddamn worried? It's not my job to keep track of Maja, she's a friend, not my damn child. Back the hell off, Konrad, I've got my own shit to deal with right now!
No. 45429 ID: bd2eec

"She left me a note that said she was left for work. You still haven't given me a fucking answer about why you're so fucking angry. Is she not here or something? And why have you been showing up late? Mentioned that when she first showed up.
No. 45431 ID: 9ce203


>And why have you been showing up late? Mentioned that when she first showed up.
Don't bring that up now.

Just ask why he's so pissed, and where she might be.
No. 45970 ID: 4c1d91

Sounds good.

Also ask him whether anything happened between them ... and whether she was acting strange lately.
No. 46409 ID: 8f188f
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Daniel thinks, that making Konrad even angrier would not be a good idea now... So he plays it safe for now.

>"She left me a note that said she was left for work. You still haven't given me a fucking answer about why you're so fucking angry. Is she not here or something?"

>"No, she's not here, genious! If she were I wouldn't ask you! If she left you a letter, she hasno real reason NOT to be here, IF you're not bullshitting me."
He seems to have calmed down a bit.
"Look, Dan. Usually I have no reason to distrust you, but you have to admit, this is not like her. Somebody plays foul and I swear to whoever will listen, if you have anything to do with her disappearance, I'll smash your face in the sidewalk so hard, Chuck Norris would be envious!"
No. 46416 ID: 95b3aa

Get out of here, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
No. 46443 ID: 1afd58

Man, what the hell do you want?

I've told you everything I know. I came by here looking to see if she was ok, since she left that note before I even woke up.

Calm the hell down.
No. 46495 ID: 6faa8c

>Plays foul
Giggle on the inside.

But in all seriousness...

"I don't know where she is either. I'm sorry. Maybe we should take this to the police, man. I'm worried too, she's my friend, after all."
No. 47881 ID: 9fdac5
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>"Man, what the hell do you want? I've told you everything I know. I came by here looking to see if she was ok, since she left that note before I even woke up. Calm the hell down."
Both of them are silent for a few seconds.
>"I'm sorry. Maybe we should take this to the police, man. I'm worried too, she's my friend, after all."

Konrad sighs irritated.
>"The cops won't lift one obese finger until she's gone for a week or so. I'll go pester some of her online connections. Maybe you should ask Sonja. She might know where that silly girl went."
He turns around and starts to walk off.

Daniel feels terrible all of a sudden.
No. 47885 ID: 8d0a9c

Yes, because you ARE terrible! You terrible man!
No. 47897 ID: 4553b2

Well... you'll probably regret this, but... give Sonja a call. Ask her about Maja. Do your best to keep it all business.
No. 49695 ID: 7ae331
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Daniel has little choice. He has no desire to think about, let alone talk to Sonja. But since he's worried about Maja's whereabouts, he decides to make the call anyway.

Sonja picks up after letting the phone ring two times and sighs.
>"Yes? What is it Daniel?"
Her voice is... so tender despite the unnerved tone. Something seems stuck in Daniel's throat.

>"It's about Maja",
he croaks.
>"Did she tell you where she was going today?"

Short silence.

>"No, she didn't. Sorry."

>"I see. That's all."

>"Wait, Daniel!"

Daniel gulps. He wants to end this phonecall. it's pure torment. At the same time he'd like to listen to her voice some more. What now? Neither option is going to be pleasurable, he fears.
No. 49696 ID: bd6ea1

Suck it up, ask what it is.
No. 49698 ID: 8e415c

Well, hear her out, I guess. If she starts being a bitch give a big fat "Fuck you." and do important stuff.
No. 49701 ID: 7ae331
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He can't bring himself to hang up on her like this.

>"What is it?"

She clears her throat.
>"Uh... Look Daniel, I, uh... I think I went a bit overboard yesterday. In the park, remember?"

She seems to await an answer, but Daniel can't say a word.

>"What I'm trying to say is: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that and I have no right to tell you what to do and how to do it."

No apology ever hurt this much.
No. 49730 ID: 6faa8c

"Hey, it's alright. Everyone loses their temper sometimes. If you hear anything about Maja, give me a call, alright? Me and Konrad are really worried."
No. 49732 ID: 7ae331
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>"Hey, it's alright. Everyone loses their temper sometimes. If you hear anything about Maja, give me a call, alright? Me and Konrad are really worried."

Again, silence for a few seconds.
>"Ok. I'll do that. Goodbye."


Daniel hangs up. He feels.. alright, actually. The fact that Sonja apologised means that he still means something to her, he thinks. What now? Daniel ponders if there's something he's forgotten, or if he could just kill time until his... appointment.
No. 49754 ID: 192956

Is there any other place Maja would go, what about that cafe at the very least you could get something to eat.
No. 54846 ID: 2d774a
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Daniel can't think of any other place. She spent most of her time at home, programming weird stuff.

He decides to pay the Café a visit, but it seems to be closed at the moment.
No. 54880 ID: 625570

Fucking damn it. Search for the backdoor, you ain't givin' up now.
No. 54968 ID: 192956

head home wait for meeting.
No. 55131 ID: 0d9e4b

Dick around in the park and hope for a random encounter. Then go for the meeting.
No. 55303 ID: 15f6d6

Dick around in the park. Totally a solid plan.
No. 111814 ID: d9faf1

Is this quest going to be continued?
It would be a damn shame if it were abandoned :(

Bubo means Owl
Pica means Magpie
Tetrao means Capercaille

Kingfisher is Alcedo

What are Sonja's and Markus's last names?
No. 111835 ID: 97f6ce

If you notice the dates, the last post was October 1st of last year. I miss Moonmaster as well, but it appears tgchan has lost one of its greats.
No. 112868 ID: d9faf1

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