Silver Cream
Welcome to the quest, and thanks for the input. You might fit in :P
>GM needs to l2text formatting
We might not stay on tgchan. If we go back to /tg/ on 4chan, which doesn't gots no formatting, it's sort of a waste of time and effort. If not, I'm sure he'll pick it up. This quest was continued with GM ragan at his ban, so yeah. Distractions.
Not that I'd mind moar formatting, it's just kind of secondary.
>Complaint to players
Yeah, we've been playing for three days and went from no dollars to about four million bucks in gold if the plan pays out.
I don't think we're exactly screwed. At this rate, we could have everything we need by the end of the week.
And the thing about the dorf at the inn was largely due to not having any change. At that point, the GM was posting every half hour or so and we just didn't get to it. Besides which, all that shit's on a tab with the guy. I think we might offer to buy the inn or something later, so it's not that big a deal.
>Find a PERFECT diamond the size of watermelon
>The size of a beach ball
>size of a MORTAR SHELL
...Yeah, go re-read the earlier quest. There were at least two anons, counting me, acting against that. And we still have the diamond.
I think we're all up to speed on the money thing now. But we'll probably post relative gold, silver, and bronze values, as well as those of other currencies, on a wiki page for the quest.
Your point's taken well enough, but we seem to be accruing wealth fast enough to allow for a certain measure of generosity to our bros.
>Power levels
Yeah, I'd considered that, but I'd suggest you consider that there's a bunch of Jedi fucking Knights from the Old Empire walking around, digging up thousand-foot robots that break continents maybe, tracking you, and bearing a grudge against you.
We could use brute force, sure. The idea is to be careful about getting spotted. If the point was to level the town, it'd be leveled - the point is that we'd rather excercise soft power because 1) it's more entertaining, and 2) the story of conquest is something we're all familiar with. There's opportunity for more here, let the battles come later.
Also, we're just getting our bearings.
As for magic, the GM basically told us that Carne's weakness in magical affairs is such that his spells have something akin to a perils of the warp effect in Dark Heresy, if you're familiar with that. In other words, yes, he's a powerful mage - because he lacks the things that keep biological mages from destroying themselves and the world around them.
>We have been offered 400 gold for this task. 800,000$.
Sheesh, am I the only one who thinks we are going to be backstabbed? I doubt the one who hired us will be willing to part with this kind of money.
Yeah, a high society pawnbroker had three hundred gold in his bank account and just gave it to us. A royal house bought a diamond for a six-figure sum of gold, which is a couple of billion. For some ornamentation.
I don't think NID's going to completely withhold the money, but if they do, we're getting fifteen hundred from playing a market.
It's not adding up to look like a betrayal. Think of it as CIA seed money for a new front company. Why betray what you can control?
>swords, going to the ruins, getting whatever was gotten from them, eetc
Yeah, already planned on it, brah. But good attention to detail.
>Bitchwhining about how we're missing an opportunity to buy a chunk of the city, etc
Look up 'short-selling,' and read the GM's post again here: >>275278
Specifically, the very last line, where it says "-Full Rentention."
I'm lead to believe that refers to ownership of properties and businesses.
>Plan recap
Coming up.
>Senses, what's wrong with them?
We need to fix them, it takes an hour. If we don't do so we'll be senseless within a week, which would suck nuts.
>The Empire was crazy-powerful, blah
GM says it's just tech levels from the contemporary world plus some magic. Not spanning worlds or whatever. Hang on.
>They made an afterlife
No, they shunted souls from GOING TO the existing planar afterlife and turned them into a fuel-source for the sun. Nothing else.
The Empire was powerful and an improvement on the previous way of life, but it fell apart and left us a lot of fucked-up things to deal with.
Scrying spells TEAR OPEN A HOLE IN REALITY AND DEMONS COME THROUGH IT, okay? Magic in this setting is the sort of shit John Constantine has to deal with at higher levels. Enchanted items usually have negative attributes and consequences. There are no native gods. 'Angels' are potentially neutral at best. It's something like a sneakier, more seductive WH40K warp out there.
Try not to just open a door to darkness and stand there surprised when all kinds of shit comes bursting through to chop your cock off.