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File 128978005567.png - (37.53KB , 368x334 , Capture.png )
256304 No. 256304 ID: 479b46

6 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 256311 ID: 2563d4

Focus! FOCUS!
No. 256312 ID: 479b46
File 128978027775.png - (129.61KB , 605x352 , b.png )

No. 256313 ID: 479b46
File 128978031412.png - (304.11KB , 560x352 , c.png )

No. 256314 ID: e3f578

Down in front, Rockethead!
No. 256315 ID: 7410d9

No. 256316 ID: 479b46
File 128978038150.png - (199.65KB , 412x329 , d.png )

No. 256317 ID: 8f17f0

No. 256318 ID: 479b46
File 128978045366.png - (146.67KB , 538x340 , f.png )

oh fuck it's cold and dark and I feel like birds ate my face or something. It's cold and dark and moist like i've been covered in mud and dark and dark and fuck


hello? anyone out there?
No. 256320 ID: 479b46
File 128978059198.png - (140.03KB , 494x333 , g.png )

No. 256321 ID: 479b46
File 128978066694.png - (96.10KB , 615x339 , h.png )

fuck. i'm scared.
No. 256322 ID: 903f16

Relax, take a deep breath. Who are you? What are you're last memories?
No. 256323 ID: e0a79c

look around. where are you?
check yourself. are you hurt?
check around you. what's nearby?
No. 256324 ID: 7410d9

Can you feel your legs? You're toes?
Also and this is important
Can you not feel the sunshine?
as long as you can't you should be good.
No. 256328 ID: 479b46
File 128978106699.png - (123.70KB , 624x341 , i.png )

>Relax, take a deep breath.


i think i'm relaxed a little

>Who are you?
right now? i'm cold. and wet all over for some reason. my name, i don't know, i have too many.

right now, i'm just who i am.

>What are you're last memories?
I don't know. I remember this house, a really bright light...
No. 256331 ID: 479b46
File 128978123392.png - (215.28KB , 619x348 , j.png )

oh, and waking up with a splitting headache in this cube thing with a what i guess is a microphone spitting out voices. that's my memory at the moment.

>Can you feel your legs? You're toes?

yeah, not much, like i'm covered in some mud-esque liquid

...i hope it's mud.

but i have to move all my limbs through it and it's like surprisingly heavy.

>Can you not feel the sunshine?

i don't even know what the fuck that means.
No. 256333 ID: fba40f

Start moving, the stuff should start falling off.
No. 256336 ID: 479b46
File 128978215992.png - (122.54KB , 631x352 , k.png )

I start easing this.. goop off of my body.

much easier said than done. this liquid covers me like a film and seems to be everywhere.
No. 256337 ID: 479b46
File 128978219764.png - (137.01KB , 638x349 , l.png )

and truth be told, it disgusts me.
No. 256338 ID: 479b46
File 12897822595.png - (83.69KB , 640x352 , m.png )

fuck, this is gross.

it's like i'm peeling off my own skin.

am i shedding?

gross, gross, gross, grossgrossgrossgrossgrossgrossgrossgrossdisgusting.
No. 256340 ID: 479b46
File 128978245473.png - (114.82KB , 625x328 , n.png )

back in this cramped little cube of a room again.

there's a window but when i try to get close to it, all i can really see are violently white spotlights.
No. 256341 ID: 479b46
File 128978249732.png - (103.36KB , 636x350 , o.png )

And there's a cord on the floor, but I'm not exactly sure what to do with it.

if i should even touch it at all.
No. 256346 ID: 7410d9

uh... I wouldn't touch the cord yet... at least not with out rubber... Hey fling some goop onto the cable and see what happens.
No. 256370 ID: 479b46
File 128978486677.png - (105.58KB , 633x352 , p.png )

>Hey fling some goop onto the cable and see what happens

...nothing seems to happen.
No. 256371 ID: 479b46
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No. 256372 ID: 479b46
File 128978496824.png - (112.67KB , 614x333 , r.png )

No. 256374 ID: 479b46
File 128978507673.png - (150.17KB , 603x321 , s.png )

It's moving!

Something is pulling it back. There's rustling behind this greasy sheet and a wet squeaking.

the wire starts to furl away from me.
No. 256375 ID: 479b46
File 12897851532.png - (126.51KB , 633x348 , t.png )

There's gotta be something behind this sheet.

i don't know if i want to know.
No. 256376 ID: 903f16

Yeah you really don't, go check the window. Walk towards it and ignore the lights, close your eyes if you need to, and open it.

(I wonder what happens when this gets to z)
No. 256380 ID: cf68aa

Better question is, where the hell is E?
No. 256649 ID: 479b46
File 128984428687.png - (96.06KB , 481x356 , e.png )

>where the hell is E?


>go check the window. Walk towards it and ignore the lights, close your eyes if you need to, and open it.

I start for the window. I'm still getting used to the light- my eyes water and sting. I can barely see anything in front of me because it's all bathed in white.
No. 256650 ID: 479b46
File 128984438139.png - (84.18KB , 424x358 , u.png )

I grope around for anything, and find a handle.

I twist it left, right, and tug it in every direction but it doesn't budge.

looks like it's stuck.
No. 256651 ID: 479b46
File 128984455310.png - (93.32KB , 586x341 , v.png )

just where the hell am i?
No. 256957 ID: 479b46
File 128992515872.png - (300.00KB , 570x323 , w.png )

dirt and mud and blood and wires on the floor.
No. 256958 ID: 479b46
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Strange embeddings on the walls
No. 256959 ID: 479b46
File 12899252149.png - (142.93KB , 557x325 , y.png )

some pipes on the ceiling.

don't tell me i'm trapped.
No. 256960 ID: 479b46
File 128992524719.png - (169.32KB , 566x321 , z.png )

and that weird-looking, opaque sheet.
No. 257009 ID: df798e

What does it smell like? Pull on the wires and see what happens.
No. 257057 ID: 479b46
File 128994936156.png - (215.58KB , 615x355 , 00.png )

I think I saw one of these things rotate, but I'm not sure what for. looks like something i'd see in a stereo, but it's bolted to a wall.

>What does it smell like?
Do I really want to do that?

This room is stale and has a odor like that of copper rusting metal, though.

>Pull on the wires and see what happens.
No. 257058 ID: 479b46
File 128994940872.png - (118.33KB , 627x341 , 01.png )

I give it a tug and pull it towards me.
No. 257059 ID: 479b46
File 128994943581.png - (156.99KB , 627x350 , 02.png )

Something pulls it right back.
No. 257111 ID: f73f9e

No. 257113 ID: be62f9

Break through that sheet. Looks like it's your only way out.

What's your name anyway?
No. 258189 ID: 479b46
File 129022682993.png - (392.39KB , 612x353 , 03.png )

No. 258190 ID: 479b46
File 129022691388.png - (86.71KB , 559x348 , 04.png )

I push through the sheet, which begins to rip. I take the initiative and push out harder and harder until I break though.
No. 258191 ID: 479b46
File 129022696210.png - (183.80KB , 623x352 , 05.png )

And eventually, I fall through. Bumped my chin on the ground, which is covered in rubble.

I take one last look at the cube behind me and then turn around to look at what's there
No. 258192 ID: 479b46
File 129022699065.png - (287.09KB , 614x334 , 06.png )

Oh, what the hell?
No. 258432 ID: 479b46
File 129029167265.png - (167.12KB , 635x354 , 07.png )

All this debris.

Like something's torn through the place.
No. 258509 ID: 479b46
File 129030603152.png - (208.91KB , 606x343 , 1.png )

some time passes as i lie around like a lop.

i sure could use a good suggestion right now.
No. 258515 ID: 96aedd

Go towards the light.
No. 258971 ID: 2ec8d6

random button pressing on that panel. That'll make something happen.
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