Pink Feather Day
I'm feeling a bit better now and a Torfin comes out to see me!
"A pony? Did you smash into my wall?" He says. I don't remember hitting any wall, but if he says so. "Uh, maybe."
"Now I have to fix this tomorrow instead of going back to the Slime Caves. I lost my backpack in there and almost slipped down a ravine last time and I need to see if I can get it back. It had all my slime samples in it!" He sighs, "Say, you can fly, right? It would be a lot easier for you to get it back, so why don't you go do that for me, in exchange for busting up my wall."
Oh wow. I guess he's right, I think. I could go get his thing and he can fix his wall if I head to the SLIME CAVES.