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246012 No. 246012 ID: 919826

Okay, so I fucked up, my bad. I went to this ARC or IPT or whatever thing to talk to people like someone said, and I accidentally forgot to pause the little fairy girl's window. A bunch of stuff happened while I was talking, and I didn't get to talk to her again.

My bad. Here's what happened in the meantime.
40 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 246130 ID: 919826
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No. 246131 ID: 919826
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No. 246132 ID: 919826
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Hmm, anything else?
No. 246133 ID: dad664

"Dude, I'm a pixie...or...a fairy...or an imp...fuck I don't know, but the point is I'm magical in nature anyways.

In the words of a great Chinese Magician, 'Magic, must defeat Magic.'"
No. 246164 ID: e31d52

Let's go blind us a dragon.
No. 246167 ID: ecdfd6

yes, that is so good.
No. 246177 ID: 40cb26

Well clearly buddying up would involve making the dragon redeeming his ways. But he's probably a jerk, so as long as you can get a cut of the hoard you're in.

There is a hoard, right?
No. 246266 ID: c71597

Enemy of the state doesn't have to be that bad. Anyway, lets meet the other volunters and see if we can't get some epic poison for our arrows. The dragon might be big and hard, but a few extremely poisoned arrows through the eyes and I bet it's not that up to the fight anymore.
No. 246427 ID: 919826
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"Oh wait, before you go! Make sure the dragon's got treasure."

>Haha, fine.
No. 246428 ID: 919826
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>Way to make me look like an ass, ass.

"Hey, doesn't hurt to check. They said there'd be two legionnaires, right?"

>Yeah, and some other volunteers, whatever that means.

"Cool. When do you meet them?"
No. 246430 ID: 919826
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No. 246432 ID: 919826
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>A Troll, a Satyr, and a Dryad walk into a jailhouse...

>Stop me if you've heard this one.
No. 246437 ID: 51f267

okay, so they are all also magical creatures. like the troll said, rather interesting group.
No. 246438 ID: 93e8e3

Troll? Looks to me like an owlbear.
No. 246449 ID: e31d52

Oh god does that Satyr really want to-

oh, right. Satyr.

Stay away from him.
No. 246456 ID: 1854db

I think that satyr wants to stuff himself inside the fairy. How would that even WORK? Can fairies change size?
No. 246535 ID: 0dff97

At least it's not the dreaded manbearpig.
No. 246543 ID: c71597

Hmm, decent tits on the dryad. Ok, lets get their stories, see why they're in the slammer and stuff.
No. 246612 ID: 127c1b

"Oh, a pixie. Hi."

Ask that flippin' tree-lady wot 'zactly that means, yeh?
No. 246624 ID: 919826
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"Alright, let's get these introductions out of the way. Tell 'em who you are, what you do, and why you're here, and try to get the same information out of them. You have to work with these guys for a while.

"Also, keep an eye on that Dryad. She might have something against pixies."

>Yeh, duly noted.
No. 246625 ID: 919826
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No. 246626 ID: 919826
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No. 246627 ID: 919826
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Anything that needs to be discussed right now, or should we just wait for the guards to come back and give Tika her gear and GTFO?
No. 246628 ID: 5c4201

yeah, dryad is racist. will do her job but don't trust her with your life.
other then that stewar seems like a nice enough guy.
No. 246629 ID: 919826

Ah, that's "Stevar".

More spatial distortion on your viewport, I'm sure.
No. 246634 ID: 5c4201

ah, yes the V appears to be slightly bent. it is a common side-effect of sound being turned into text. just to make sure, troll is darbin?
No. 246636 ID: 40cb26

She should make an attempt at casual chitchat but not force it. Otherwise she should avoid and try not to piss off the dryad because she doesn't like her much, avoid the satyr for the opposite reasons, but the troll seems to be chill enough she could ride around on his head. If the other two want to be mounted they have each other, heh.
No. 246637 ID: 127c1b

>Tell these fuckers to get off their asses so you can get going!
No. 246638 ID: 919826

Yeah. Stevar the Satyr bard, Florence the Dryad...druid, I'm guessin'? And Darbin the Troll. Not sure what his class is.
No. 246643 ID: e31d52

He's a fighter. Doesn't preclude being a warrior-poet, though.
No. 246733 ID: 919826
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"I got nothin. I guess make some small talk until the guards arrive."

>I'm glad I got magical voices in my head to tell me to make small talk. Real boon there.

"Hey, I'll be more help later. Pretty sure we're still in the introductory stages here."

>I like that yer talking about this like a story. Makes it feel kinda epic.

"Yeah, I like to party."
No. 246734 ID: 919826
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"Be careful around that satyr. I think he's got a thing for you."

>Huh. I ain't particularly interested, but whys'sat a problem? You a chaste, pure prude voice?

"Oh, far from it, I just thought, uh, you know. Size concerns and..."

>'Scuse me? Again, not like I'm interested or anything, but I can accomodate more'n... no you know what I am not havin' dis discussion with you.

"Yeah, okay. Also, don't piss off that Dryad. Don't think she likes you."

>That's like the exact opposite of what I'm gonna do, 'specially since she doesn't like me.
No. 246735 ID: 919826
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>See, wot'd I tell ya?
No. 246736 ID: 919826
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No. 246737 ID: 919826
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No. 246739 ID: 5c4201

hmm, for romance purposes let's assume Tika is normal sized. in fact, let's assume she is normal size except in situations where being small is an advantage.
anyway, the reason we can beat the dragon and not the army is because we are officially ADVENTURERS, and a small ragtag group is better then ANY army.

anyway, let's get off on the right foot with the guards. dryad is a nearly a lost cause, started on the wrong foot from just entering the room.
No. 246742 ID: 6834bc

They're hoping to hit on a set of adventurers with the right mix of "expendable" and "invincible" that makes them capable of doing the impossible.
No. 246744 ID: e31d52

Hot guy in armor, hell yeah!

Finally the right kinda guy for this firecracker we landed with.
No. 246746 ID: 445c48

I'm not quite sure either of them are guys.

All the better.
No. 246758 ID: d3dfb8

... when we make camp we are pouring sand in her vagina.
No. 246760 ID: e31d52

Dude, she'd probably like that.
No. 246761 ID: 5c4201

she is a tree, sand is a kind of dirt. it wont work as well as you think.
No. 246766 ID: d3dfb8

... when we make camp we are pouring fire in her vagina.
No. 246783 ID: e31d52

That's called murder. M U R D E R. It's okay to do it to our target but not our allies.
No. 246792 ID: d3dfb8

... when we make camp we are pouring Trine in her vagina.
No. 246821 ID: e31d52

You have an unhealthy obsession with lower-body orifices.
No. 246872 ID: 919826

Manhood (ˈman-ˌhu̇d), noun:
1) The state of having both testicles and an unhealthy obsession with lower-body orifices.
No. 246874 ID: 5c4201

HA, i WOULD agree with you but d3dfb8 seems to want to put everything EXCEPT the thing that is supposed to go in there, in there.
No. 246879 ID: b0138b

Anyway on with the exposition! These must be the Legionnaires.

Is Tika getting any reward for this other than her freedom? I mean she only got thrown in jail over a customer service dispute.
No. 246881 ID: d3dfb8

And that would be...?
No. 247015 ID: 919826

Updates will be slowed or possibly halted until next week. Busy busy.

Just a heads up.
No. 247650 ID: 7f2572

what's the name of this quest? I can't seem to find an archive for it.
No. 247656 ID: e31d52

Because there isn't one :D
No. 247875 ID: 919826

The one that's stuck is Little Angry Fairy Quest, or LAF Quest. This is its first thread. You might be confused by the first few lines of my dialogue with the titular little angry fairy because it vaguely references when I found her by flipping through "channels" here:

By the way, I'm still figuring out the viewport thing, but I've found a way to copy a sort of temporary facsimile of these four characters (Stevar, Florence, Darbin, and Tika), personality and all, for Qs and also As concerning whatever anatomical, historical, or other concerns you might have. I stuck them in a convenient demiplane I had sitting around, you know, for whatever. I guess that can go down in this thread: >>>/questdis/327658
unless you think I should make my own for it.
No. 251964 ID: 919826
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"Hey, whatcha think of that armored guy?"

>Yer not too good at telling genders, are ya? Armored one's a woman, the one with the crazy look in his eye's a man.

"Yikes, my bad."

>But maybe.
No. 251966 ID: 919826
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"Ask them if you're getting anything else outta this. You're only here for a civil service dispute. This seems kinda severe for your crime."
No. 251968 ID: 919826
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No. 251973 ID: 31e5bb

well shit. also, not sure that thing will fit right.
No. 251985 ID: e31d52

Yeah, they look a little big for a fairy.
No. 252003 ID: 445c48

24 hours seems a bit... tight. How far is the dragon again? I mean, what happens if the dragon kills them? Would you have enough time to run back to town and get it removed?
No. 252006 ID: 31e5bb

think you missed the "renewed every 12 hours"
No. 252018 ID: 445c48

No, I didn't. I'm talking about what might happen if they were to die during the fight with the dragon.

Then we'd 24 hours at most, if it's renewed right before the fight and they get killed while fighting the dragon. Is the dragon less than 24 hours away? If not, we would be totally boned if they die. If so, well, the town officials can probably refresh/remove it. But still, we should really endeavor to not let them die.
No. 252031 ID: 0464d7

Pull a jailbreak yo!
No. 252170 ID: 69e533

This means you have to keep your escort alive?

I was kind of expecting everyone except you to die the moment we encounter the dragon.
No. 252176 ID: 127c1b

Yeah, it seems like a given that these guys are gonna croak at some point, leaving our heroes with a <24 hour clock to do something about it. So, that said, maybe we take them out sooner rather than later?

There's only two of them in the room with us, and I'm guessing that little brown sack at their feet contains our stuff. I think the four of them have enough firepower at their disposal to take these guys out before they even put the runes on them in the first place.
No. 252181 ID: c71597

Better hope that neither of them die. Or that the dragon is powerful enough to figure out a way to get them off.

Hmm, probably not much she can do right now. But she could try to put some moves on the wizard and try to convince him to take it off. Depends a bit on how far it is to the cave though, things like that can take some time.
No. 252339 ID: 919826

So dudes, do I have her go along with it or get everyone to kill these bitches before they tag 'em? I don't think we have a consensus here.
No. 252341 ID: 31e5bb

yeah, we need to go with them, because if the troll hasn't just broken his way through the doors yet then they are probably enchanted doors that you can't break. so you would just be stuck in here.
No. 252344 ID: dad664

This sounds extremely fishy to me. Those two could easily make everyone blow up after the dragon is slain and go "oh, the dragon ate them, now gimme my half of the hoard."
No. 252364 ID: be29bc

I say go along.
No. 252624 ID: 40cb26

Have her demand to go along without the fucking explosive bullshit that can go wrong through no fault of their own, and what guarantee is there they don't get blown up even if they win? Are they too fucking cheap to afford a proper geas or what? I mean shit those guys get enough out of the deal without this fucking crap shoved down their throats.
No. 252647 ID: 1854db

Refuse the runes. If they insist, jailbreak motherfucker.
No. 252781 ID: 919826
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"This smells bad. What if they die when you fight the dragon? What if they just decide to kill you all and take the hoard for themselves?"
>I was thinkin' the same thing.
No. 252782 ID: 919826
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No. 252783 ID: 919826
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No. 252784 ID: 919826
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No. 252785 ID: 919826
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No. 252786 ID: 919826
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No. 252787 ID: 919826
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No. 252788 ID: 919826
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No. 252789 ID: 919826
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No. 252790 ID: 919826
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No. 252791 ID: 919826
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"Is that a saying where you come from or something?"
>Yeah. Means basically, "Don't plan too far ahead, roll with what comes" sum'n like that.
"Gotcha. So, you gonna kill her?"
>...I dunno. Should I?
No. 252792 ID: c71597

Bitch is an enemy now. She could come after you later for revenge and shit. Kill her and move on.
No. 252794 ID: 31e5bb

shoot her in the voicebox. mute forever.
No. 252831 ID: 08ff68

Oh come now, this is a prime opportunity to find out what the shit is up!
You can always ice her if she tries something and/or stops being useful.

Clerics can't normally teleport, can they?
No. 252840 ID: dad664

Stick one of the Runes on her.
No. 252842 ID: 31e5bb

ohhh, much better.
No. 252843 ID: c71597

Seems like a very unnecessarily complicated way of killing her, one that's not entirely certain to work either. She could be really pissed after somehting like that.
No. 252850 ID: f795f0

You kinda have to at this point, so do it.
No. 253405 ID: 74c4bb

They can have Word of Recall, but she probably would have used it by now if she had it.

Ask her what her orders were, and if she if forthcoming with information, then spare her. If she won't spill the beans, take her out. Don't forget to loot the bodies!

Did the satyr kill the wizard?
No. 253416 ID: 40cb26

You know, they may still want to go kill that dragon, and this bitch can help them do it. It's not like will have an easy time just going free. Then they can save the goddamn princess and take all the fucking loot and boast about their victory and shove their heroics down the goddamn kings throat. It will be the biggest "fuck you" ever.
No. 253433 ID: e31d52

I agree.
No. 253733 ID: 4ad9b2

Do you have a sleep or paralysis arrow or something?

How about you go tell the dragon what's going on and that the king is trying some kind of double backstab by sending penal legion conscripts at it? Maybe the dragon is the good guy here.
No. 253785 ID: a9a2cd

Try to figure out what's really going on.

Then probably kill her anyway.
No. 253861 ID: 919826

Sorry to bump with a non-update, but I just wanted to let you guys know that we figured out how to interact with the other characters here: >>>/questdis/336155
I can talk with whoever you want. Precede commands with T, S, F, and D or whatever, as long as I know what you mean.
No. 253865 ID: 27fe93

S: so you an ass man?
No. 254112 ID: 478b5a

Do it. These people have given you every reason to.
No. 255215 ID: 127c1b

S: play a sleepy song at the cleric.

I am assuming this isn't a "all bards are useless" comic. He did just cut the wizard's throat pretty handily.

D: See how yielding these walls are to your fists. Also, give us a rundown of whatever moral code you run by, just so it won't be an unexpected obstacle later.

F: Scout adjacent hallways

T: Frisk the cleric and wizard
No. 280844 ID: f7dcb6

Don't kill her yet; try to get some solid information on all this dragon bullshit.
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