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File 128729298081.png - (13.04KB , 482x374 , sa1.png )
244557 No. 244557 ID: 919826

Woah, hey. Freeze frame.

Found this guy. Looks interesting. Thought you guys might like to help me see where it goes.
108 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 245675 ID: e31d52

No. 245676 ID: 1b42c5

is that the big black thing, the smaller black thing, or the girl?
No. 245749 ID: 919826
File 128744920038.png - (33.74KB , 557x695 , sa46.png )

"Okay, so some folks are asking you to start getting some answers, and warn girlie about creepy guy. But you should probably introduce yourself first or something, yeah?"

>Oh god talking to girls is hard!

"How do you know? Baby steps."

No. 245750 ID: 919826
File 128744928664.png - (15.43KB , 557x334 , sa47.png )

"Yikes. Babier steps. Like, maybe just practice standing up first. You should probably shut up right now."

>Yeah. Yeah, okay.
No. 245751 ID: 919826
File 128744950425.png - (10.24KB , 411x460 , sa48.png )

"Okay, now here's where you gotta wow her. Say something clever. Don't stare at her wet t-shirt. Maybe just laugh it off, like you're so confident it doesn't faze you. Yeah, how about like, 'ha ha I've had better introductions before, hey I'm Rick, terrible weather we're having,' etc."

No. 245752 ID: 919826
File 12874495352.png - (21.59KB , 523x460 , sa50.png )

"Well, you're wobbling, but you're still standing."
No. 245753 ID: 919826
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No. 245754 ID: 919826
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No. 245755 ID: 919826
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No. 245756 ID: 919826
File 128744962794.png - (23.68KB , 621x460 , sa54.png )

"Nice. You've successfully navigated the introduction. You're like 1/100th the way into her pants."
No. 245769 ID: 1b42c5

okay cool. now ask if she knows anywhere to get out of the rain or something. or maybe that that is a nice name.
No. 245775 ID: e31d52

I approve of Allie. She's clearly able to put the past behind her and take responsibility.

As for yourself? Don't go around asking for things. Ask how you can help her.
No. 245778 ID: acc691

That's a nice name.
No. 245812 ID: 919826
File 128745664255.png - (20.43KB , 621x460 , sa55.png )

Pfft, you wanna compliment her? Yeah dudes, whatever.

"Hey Rick, be a pussy and tell her she's got a nice name."
No. 245813 ID: 919826
File 128745672133.png - (13.75KB , 621x460 , sa56.png )

"Oh hells yes. Tell her RAGU THE LOVE PRINCE came up with the name, and he says she's pretty cool for an ugly girl."
No. 245814 ID: 919826
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No. 245815 ID: 919826
File 128745684413.png - (17.30KB , 423x462 , sa58.png )

Oh shit, exposition time. Nice. This setting's not half bad after all. Sounds like quests happen alla time around here.
No. 245816 ID: 919826
File 128745702940.png - (9.12KB , 423x462 , sa59.png )

"Oh, cheer up Rick. So you're not a real boy. Ain't no fairy godmother to come fix you. Jesus, I've seen other questers take things twice as bad twice as well."
No. 245817 ID: 919826
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No. 245818 ID: 919826
File 128745709992.png - (14.92KB , 423x462 , sa61.png )

So there's our mystery solved. Needs more objective.
No. 245819 ID: 919826
File 128745715638.png - (13.27KB , 423x462 , sa62.png )

"Ugh, jesus dude. Give the lady a hug at least."
No. 245820 ID: 919826
File 128745716741.png - (15.04KB , 423x462 , sa63.png )

No. 245821 ID: e31d52


"Could be worse. So, uh... no hard feelings? Only you looked really mad earlier... understandable."

Alternatively, smile and hum happy birthday, the song.
No. 245823 ID: 1b42c5

awwwww, that's pretty cute. well let's see her house. help her fix it up.
No. 245825 ID: a9a46d

I still don't get why she's blushing, but whatever.

Shouldn't we mention that 'thing' we saw just before big shadowy and scary grabbed us?
No. 245830 ID: e31d52

Yeah, we should mention the weird thing.

Also turn to the little shadow dude and ask him if he wants a hug too.
No. 245837 ID: 919826

Okay, next you unzip your shorts...
No. 245855 ID: 1b42c5

dude, in the middle of nowhere on the wet ground? do you WANT to get sick?
No. 245857 ID: a9a46d


You need an answer?
No. 245914 ID: ee7b2e

Man, I'm so torn between using everything from the original adventure, or just letting this fan-fic sequel quest go on the way it has been.

Alright, a compromise, then.

Tell "Allie" here that you've got spectral advisers amalgamated to you. She'll know what it means.

Oh, and the whole love-plot thing? Yeah, not going to happen. You're in no position to go after that sort of thing, lost memory or otherwise.
No. 245919 ID: e31d52

>Man, I'm so torn between using everything from the original adventure, or just letting this fan-fic sequel quest go on the way it has been.

What previous adventure? It's almost like you're alluding to something the author has made pretty clear we aren't supposed to know about. So yeah. Knock it off.

I'm not reading it unless he links it himself, because otherwise it's metagaming. So yeah.

>Oh, and the whole love-plot thing? Yeah, not going to happen. You're in no position to go after that sort of thing, lost memory or otherwise.

Hope springs eternal! After all, no matter what happened before, we're Rick now! Totally different person.At the very least let's be friendly and not give up early because of something we clearly don't know about.
No. 245926 ID: 1854db

I guess he should get going to the house. He should ask about the mask thing though. Why did he have it?
No. 245998 ID: 919826
File 128750637639.png - (17.63KB , 423x462 , sa64.png )

FFFFFFFFFUCK THAT NOISE. You're saying I'm getting sloppy seconds, here? And no chance of sweet lovin'? Well, that certainly ties up every loose end possible. Surely there is nothing of value left here. Lessee what else is on.

"Yo, Ricky-boy. Best of luck to you. I'm peacing the fuck out. Try not to die."

>Wait, what? I was actually- I mean, you were an asshole but-

"Yeah yeah I know, I'm tearing up a little. Peace."

I am not actually tearing up a little.

Okay, so I want something with some damn romance this time. I'ma search for that. Lessee...
No. 245999 ID: 919826
File 128750639410.png - (21.16KB , 536x574 , Flip1.png )

What am I looking at here?
No. 246000 ID: 919826
File 128750640555.png - (26.16KB , 536x574 , Flip2.png )

No. 246001 ID: 919826
File 128750647921.png - (24.20KB , 536x574 , Flip3.png )

Aha! There's our romance. But, it looks like this one is wrapping up.

Let's spice it up a little. Let's try UNRESOLVED romance, and see if I can put in some terms that would relate to an incomplete tale...
No. 246002 ID: 919826
File 128750654547.png - (45.92KB , 1013x760 , Flip4.png )

Huh, what is this, the Pogeymans? Psh, Pikamins is lame and for kids.

Fuck it, I'm just gonna hit random.
No. 246003 ID: 919826
File 128750658956.png - (21.88KB , 569x549 , Flip5.png )

Ha ha! look, a tiny woman!
No. 246004 ID: 919826
File 128750664412.png - (15.74KB , 569x549 , Flip6.png )

Test the waters here.

"Greetings little woman! I am RAMBO, THE LOVEMASTER!"
No. 246005 ID: 644ca1

This looks promising, let's make her a hero, or a villain, something grand anyway.

Let's start by telling her that she is destined for greatness and that you are here to help her achieve her destiny! And to help her find love, but make her believe that's just secondary.
No. 246007 ID: c71597

Hmm, this doesn't look halfbad. Well aside from the tuskmouth there. Ugh, talk about ugly and no taste in men. Besides, there's the size difference, that pairing just can't work out.

Lets give her the usual stuff about destiny and find out what we can about her.
No. 246010 ID: a5543d

awww, i wanted to see what was going on with rick. still need to fight off that creepy dude. but i guess we can help out the tiny woman for now.
No. 246018 ID: 919826

Eh, I'll come back later, I guess.

I put the little fairy girl in her own thread.
No. 246020 ID: e31d52



Not fucking cool man.
No. 246028 ID: 919826
File 128751603358.png - (26.91KB , 569x549 , sa65.png )

Aight, y'all convinced me. Gonna try to follow both these people at once.

Oh son of a bitch, did I forget to pause this one too?

"Hey Rick, what's shaking?"
No. 246030 ID: c71597

Is she talking about that faceless tentaclelegged guy? Because that sort of fits her description. Oh shit, they might be his fucking hitmen out to take down all the copies, because the dude might have come to the conclusion that having multiple hims running around without any real loyalty to the original is a seriously bad idea.

For a reason that we should get the to test out. Now Rick may not have the near divine powers the original have right now, but he should have the ability to become just as powerful as the guy was before sapping power from a god. So we should get him training on magic and stuff, might turn out he's fucking awesome at it.
No. 246032 ID: 919826
File 128751639254.png - (22.66KB , 569x549 , sa66.png )

>Oh hey! Glad to have you back.

"Yeah, who wouldn't be?"

>Allie was just talking about the spider-leg-guys.

"Nice. Did you fuck her yet?"



"Well, let's work on that."

>...Huh. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder.


>Thanks for reminding me that you're an asshole.

"Anytime, kid."

>So we've been walking a while, and she's explained a lot of stuff. Are you one of the same spectral advisors that helped her out?

"Spectral advisors? No, I'm all man. Tell her I'm way sexier than that guy."



Did he grow some balls in the last fifteen minutes?
No. 246034 ID: e31d52

He learned to do shit himself! Haha.

Anyway, look behind you, Rick. Betcha Creepy mcCreeper is there!
No. 246040 ID: 51b901

probably got some confidence from talking to her. if that isn't love then i don't know what is.
No. 246056 ID: 1854db

He should ask her about how magic works here! She did some funky summon stuff, what's that about? Also ask about Franklin.
No. 246058 ID: e31d52

Okay yeah this is a good idea. I'd understand if she doesn't want us to learn magic, though: Apples, trees, falling etc.

If that's the case, then ask if she can help you learn to defend yourself. Franklin might be able to teach you!

((And he hates the fuck out of you for macking on his girl so bonus points for severe training!))
No. 246227 ID: 919826
File 128755190620.png - (21.61KB , 541x405 , sa67.png )

"Nice. You're sticking up for yourself now. You passed the test."


"I was just, y'know, trying to toughen you up."

>I don't buy it.

"Well, whatever. Can we still work together?"

>Yeah, sure.

"So, first things first, did you learn about the mask?"

>Yeah, it's apparently just an enchanted mask. the symbol on it is the symbol of the three gods, which this mage guy put on everything.

"Enchanted? So, stuff you wear can be given magical properties?"

>Uh, I didn't really ask about it.

"C'mon, Rick, these things are important!"

>Okay, sorry.

"Why don't you ask her if you can learn some magic? Be gentle about it"

>Uh, okay.
No. 246228 ID: d3dfb8

Four or five spells is better than none.
No. 246229 ID: 919826
File 128755211027.png - (22.31KB , 541x405 , sa68.png )

"Huh, if she's not that great a mage, how'd she beat that other guy? Did she say?"

>Uh, something like she was temporarily bound to the god of destruction. Its personality was supposed to overwrite hers, but somehow her spectral advisors kept her mind in control.

"Nice. Is she still like that?"

>No, once the advisors left, the god left with them.

"Huh. Okay."
No. 246230 ID: 919826
File 128755215435.png - (28.78KB , 770x405 , sa69.png )

"Hey sounds like she can teach you that one thing, Rick."


Oh god damnit.
No. 246233 ID: b7dde4

uh oh, the popo, play it cool.
No. 246234 ID: 754124

Oh shit, it's the cops. Put on your cool face. Act like nothing's wrong.
No. 246238 ID: 69bee4

Tell Rick that his magic is most likely fire for now (the fires of love baby!), and to be sure to get a chocolate cake with strawberry icing to celebrate his birthday (as apparently he was just born)! DEMAND THIS ODDLY SPECIFIC CAKE NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS!
No. 246244 ID: 40cb26

You also have a summoned being standing behind you still. It kinda is magic. You know what, you might just have to fucking run so be ready for that.
No. 246245 ID: e31d52

>Don't tell these people about magic

>Frederick's still there

No. 246247 ID: 919826
File 128755755328.png - (27.41KB , 543x571 , sa70.png )

Ha ha, I guess that's something relevant to whatever Allie went through? Well, I guess the worst that can happen is it'll be a hilarious non-sequitur.

"Hey, Rick! Rick! Something absolutely urgent! You must tell her that you want a chocolate cake with strawberry icing for your birthday!"


"Just do it. I got a lead, says it means something to her."

>I... uh, okay.
No. 246248 ID: 919826
File 128755764018.png - (18.20KB , 543x571 , sa71.png )

"Ha ha, awesome, let's see what she says..."

"Kind of..."

"...Kind of a cold shoulder she's giving you there..."

"...Ha ha..."
No. 246249 ID: 919826
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No. 246250 ID: 919826
File 128755770413.png - (19.32KB , 543x571 , sa73.png )


>What did you do?

No. 246251 ID: 919826
File 128755772762.png - (22.04KB , 543x571 , sa74.png )

"Oh shit dude."
No. 246252 ID: 919826
File 128755779243.png - (19.94KB , 543x571 , sa75.png )

"I'm sorry."

So uh, on another note,
Fuck you, guy.
No. 246254 ID: b7dde4

i think that means the voice known as NaiveOne is now on probation for suggesting to say something that was apparently a really bad idea. anything it says take with a grain of salt.
No. 246257 ID: e31d52



Mental note, advisor: tell her we apoligize and that she is very scary.
No. 246269 ID: c71597

Wow, she really has some issues. Rick probably isn't going to be able to hit that any time soon. But on the good side we have found more humans now, so he can find someone else to bump ugly with instead for a while until she settles down.

Ok, get him to follow her lead. And we're probably gonna have to guide him through this. Oh, and he has a total lack of identification papers, that will be fun. Have to act completly normal then to make sure they don't ask to see stuff we don't have.
No. 246303 ID: 9fe1a5

Hey a piece of advice, ake sure you comb your hair a bit before taking the lead. Your hair looks a bit of a mess. I don't want to see a hero of sorts looking all scrrfuy now do we.
No. 246322 ID: e31d52

VotD has good advice, for once. On your first opportunity, you'll want to shower and clean up.
No. 249187 ID: 919826

Okay, so someone posted the quest involving that girl in the discussion thread here:
tl;dr:most of the summary the girl gave here:
is accurate, except that the guy (Tristan) didn't make clones of himself, she killed him and the electric god thing regenerated him from a drop of blood.

As he had been nearly completely obliterated before this, he had no clothes left upon regeneration, and his red dyed hair regenerated to his natural dirty blonde. Also, the electric god is also the god of knowledge so it took all his memory as payment and split.

In other words, "Rick" is Tristan. Near as I can tell, his original plan was to brainwash these two gods, OB and EB, bind one to himself and the other to this girl Alanna, which should have overwritten her personality, leaving her like his god-slave or something while he created another universe to rule.

Problem is, she had these spectral advisors in her head, and that kept the magic from working properly. The god got bound to them instead of her, she stayed in control of her own psyche, and she went on a whirlwind adventure to defeat him blah blah blah.

His plan at that point was apparently to subdue and rape her so she'd have a kid that was the child of all three elements (since humans are already children of the third god left out of the equation) who could live out his dream for him. So, pretty villainous dude.

So, I'm not unpausing his screen yet because I am really not sure how to proceed here.

Please advise.
No. 249192 ID: e31d52

And hey, none of this matters. So what? We aren't Tristan, we're Rick. Whoopdy doo. She associates the rape with a red-haired guy, not a dirty blonde. So long as we no longer reference the shit Tristan pulled on her, we'll be fine and banging her in no time. We've made suggestions, so yeah. No change in our plan of action.

No. 249193 ID: e3f578

Let the police officer ask their questions, not move on love sub-plot thing until we can convince Alanna this dude is a totally different Bro, and act like total sly motherfuckers with these cops
No. 249198 ID: e31d52

In case you don't get it: Don't reference Alanna unless we will die otherwise. Doing so will make it clear Rick is Tristan instead of a new guy, which makes things very dangerous for us!
No. 249204 ID: 1854db

I would like to point out that he did not actually rape her, he just planned to, and basically spelled it out that he was gonna do it whether she liked it or not.

Tell Rick to just follow her lead.
No. 251737 ID: 919826
File 128876439414.png - (27.79KB , 518x606 , sa76.png )

"So, Ricky-boy. Play it cool with the cops, like a boss. Also, try to take a shower or something."

>Thanks, ass. What, the rain wasn't enough?

"Apparently. Your hair is still sticking up all over."

>I think it does that on its own. So, the cops...?

"Whatever. Just do what they say. They're cops. Don't freak out. You have a magical disembodied time-altering voice in your head if you need anything."
No. 251738 ID: 919826
File 128876447167.png - (18.52KB , 518x387 , sa77.png )

"Stevenson? Really?"

>It was the first thing that came to mind.

"Could be worse, I guess."
No. 251739 ID: 919826
File 128876455777.png - (11.27KB , 518x387 , sa78.png )

Oh, huh, pause. I don't think girlie's got a plan. Maybe Rick can bail her out here. Any bright ideas for what to say here, or you wanna just leave it up to her?
No. 251742 ID: e31d52

Let's see, the tree's fallen over, there's holes in that house, uh... oh, the glass is broken. HM.

Lightning struck the tree, causing it to fall over. some branches hit the roof, knocking a hole in it. You don't clearly remember whether or not they fell in, but it looks like the window suffered some damage too...
No. 251747 ID: 919826

If you think the explanation would benefit from it, I could go scope something out while we're paused here. Remember, I'm not stuck staring at this asshole's ugly mug all day.

I guess it would also help to say something about why we were in the woods and why the mom's not there, too.
No. 251748 ID: e3f578

It certainly just looks like a crazy burglary. How can they expect Alanna to know what went on if they have no evidence she was here at the time of the incident? We don't have to know what went on, Alanna was having a day out and presumably her mother must have been home at the time. Since this seems like a massive Home Invasion, the disappearance of Mom can be blamed on that while we let the police try to explain what went on themselves.

They don't know shiiiiit. Also if we need a coverstory or something, just say Rick's a homeless poor dude. Alanna was kind enough to offer him some canned food like beans. They aren't good covers but they don't need to be. What are we, suspects?
No. 251749 ID: e31d52

Dirtbag, as usual, comes to the rescue.
No. 251808 ID: 631c87

Playing dumb is usually a good idea with cops, regardless of whether you know anything or not. I support this. However, it's suspicious that one of the house occupants was absent at the time, then comes wandering out of the woods with a homeless guy some time later.

How long has it been? I didn't read the first thing. What's the time frame between kidnapping and the present moment? The longer it's been, the more suspicious this story's gonna be.

I say Rick pretends to be Allie's boyfriend. They went out on a romantic camping trip in the woods for however long and they're just coming back to find this. Plus, romantic tension!
No. 251811 ID: e31d52


Nice cover!

And it's a great way to not only confess but to make a bold step. Haha!
No. 251818 ID: 31e5bb

except for the part where allie beats the shit out of us for being presumptuous.
No. 251823 ID: e31d52

That comes later~
No. 251825 ID: 631c87

She'll know we're lying to get her out of this. Look at her face in the last panel, she's begging Rick to come up with something.
No. 251834 ID: e3f578

She's begging The Advisor to come up with something, not Rick. Since she knows it's following him. Only reason I said homeless guy was because then it would explain why he has no proof of his identity, SS number, parents, etc. because he could have been homeless since childhood. It's suspicious, but if he's her boyfriend they'd expect him living in a house with all those things. I don't think old Tristan was dumb enough to leave evidence pointing out himself beyond well, the destroyed house. As for the time displacement, Alanna was out with some friends for her birthday and went out of the city for a while? She probably has friends she can convince to lie for her or we can bribe a few cool broads to be the evidence for that story.

If he's homeless, we can probably get a new SS number eventually that he can work with so he doesn't have to keep up a false identity. OF couse this shit runs on tropes, no one is going to question the lack of SS number, birth certificate and residence so actually the boyfriend thing might work.
No. 269194 ID: 55c4cf

Slap her.
No. 280472 ID: 919826
File 129723485278.png - (208.50KB , 800x600 , sa79.png )


"Hey Rick, buddy. You would not believe the couple months I've had-"
>I don't care! What do I say to the cops?
"Oh, right, that. Hang on."
Gotta pause them again and re-read the thread. It's been a while.

Oh yeah.


"Okay, so Allie is your girlfriend..."
>Raoul! Not this shit again.
"No no listen, she's your girlfriend and you went on a romantic camping trip in the woods together a couple days ago. You have no idea what's up with the house, and neither does she. The bacon's got nothing on you, this is your story. Deliver it with confidence."
No. 280473 ID: 919826
File 129723487269.png - (184.84KB , 800x600 , sa80.png )

There we fucking go.
No. 280474 ID: 919826
File 129723490161.png - (178.60KB , 800x600 , sa81.png )

Ho ho. Everything went better than expected.
No. 280475 ID: 919826
File 129723493118.png - (289.74KB , 800x600 , sa82.png )

>Hey, you know, this story kind of works. Plus, it got Allie to put her arm around me.
"Yeah yeah, let me know when she puts her legs around you too."
No. 280477 ID: 919826
File 129723500120.png - (287.00KB , 800x700 , sa83.png )

Oops, didn't count on the mom factor.
"Keep your cool, Rick. Don't suppose you remember an addresses offhand?"
Well, shit.
No. 280480 ID: 75d7a9

say that that would be rather hard as rick is from out of town, and was here for a visit, and does not mind waiting at the station.
No. 280482 ID: c71597

Time for more lies. Tell them that Rick lives out of town. Then ask the officer for some personal space so that they can take care of some stuff. If he starts being annoying then blow up on him over the fact that the house was just destroyed and the mom is missing and that shit kind of elevates stress levels.
No. 280497 ID: e3f578

Heeeeeerrreee? You lost your apartment a week ago because you lost your cheap-ass job that was barely keeping you there in the first place and now you couldn't pay rent. The romantic camping trip also doubled as a job interview as a camp counselor but everything got ruined by a serial killer with a chainsaw that Alanna thwated all by yourself as you played the normal roll as damsel in distress the camp closing due to a budget cuts.

It just hasn't been your week.
No. 280500 ID: 252e1b

You're doing what all young men do when they don't have a proper place to stay. You're staying at the Y.
No. 280510 ID: 1854db

Creepy thing is behind a tree behind and to your left. Be advised.
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