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File 128694894296.png - (111.44KB , 900x1300 , trapquest chp4 pg01.png )
242763 No. 242763 ID: f89631

now with 400% more blood...
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No. 243049 ID: dad664

Oh COME ON, she's got wings! She can fly, or at least hover!
No. 243051 ID: 4643fd

yeah, immy is fine, i doubt her wings can lift much more then herself. so she probably drifted to the bottom.
No. 243070 ID: 921da7

Dip into the shadow of the pit and catch them using your shadow powers
No. 245771 ID: bf16ef
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No. 245772 ID: 1b42c5

is that a dead thing? or.. mother?
No. 245777 ID: f52552

Holy shit it's crocomore
Watch out for acid pits nearby
No. 245793 ID: fba40f

Oh shit is that the hat-dragon
We are so totally fucked
No. 245860 ID: c958bf

HAT IS EVIL! Make with the hiding in your own shadow and the running like hell itself is on your heels.

It is. That hat is evil, spits fire, eats babbies, etc. Not to even mention the guy under it.
No. 246651 ID: 799c97
File 128769223813.png - (37.21KB , 900x1300 , trapquest chp4 pg04-a.png )

what to do?
No. 246654 ID: 5c4201

go the way he came from. would be secure.
No. 246700 ID: b0ef4c

Smash the statue.
No. 246750 ID: 476456

poke statue.
No. 247023 ID: 49d7f1
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No. 247025 ID: 701a19

Gah! Don't do that! Go get Izzy some help! The tentacle-heads might be able to do something!
No. 247626 ID: 87457b
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No. 247631 ID: 476456

oh shit run bitches run
No. 247643 ID: d3dfb8

This, but do it sexily.
No. 247655 ID: dad664

Welcome back, big man. Sleep well?
No. 247659 ID: 87457b
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note: the little girls are the elemental resistance that helped immy and cenny, and the ones immy are trying to reach for help
No. 247665 ID: b0ef4c

reflect the attack back at the boob dragon lady.
No. 247667 ID: 1854db

Senselessly kill the dragon bitch.
No. 247672 ID: e31d52

Yes, let's do this. Then we can take her armor and distribute it among out comrades.
No. 247679 ID: 63647c

Actually, I think she's fed up with all of the Death and Murder and funtimes.
Can we just disable the dragon chick?
That way maybe we get to stare more at her ti- I mean, could get some useful information out of her?
No. 247694 ID: 5c4201

point. maim her.
No. 247703 ID: 87457b
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No. 247705 ID: 87457b
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No. 247707 ID: 476456

Remind self to choke the teleport out of her
No. 247862 ID: 701a19

How are things between Lonk and that girl? And why does she have a RED EYE?
No. 247998 ID: fba40f

So... Lonk's a good guy again?
No. 248037 ID: b0e6a8
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No. 248038 ID: b0ef4c

Use the medicine. if her conditions seems to be getting worse then use lonks abilities.
No. 248045 ID: c71597

Go with Lonk. A bit of pain and a scar is not alot to pay for healing and a quicker and more sure recuperation.
No. 248049 ID: 9c59c9

Wait, how long do we have? Try the medicine first, and if it looks like it's not going to work, lets use Lonk.
No. 249108 ID: 476456

Lonk you're not gonna rape it out of her right?
No. 249110 ID: d0d91e

knock her unconscious and let lonk have his way with her.

uh. do his thing on her.
No. 250698 ID: b8bc7b
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pandora has 1 mind controlling arrow, use it with care...
No. 250699 ID: b8bc7b
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No. 250703 ID: bfa900

wait does lonk even has a weapon?

ask him what is it and why would delaying it be a good strategy. if we are talking of dragonbitch, surely a get-together is at order.

oh its the hat. damm.
No. 250707 ID: b0ef4c

Split up.
No. 250781 ID: 1ef7bb

Man! No way we're letting Lonk go off on his own again! That's how bad stuff happened the last time!
But we won't get everything done if we stick together. But we'll ALSO become weaker the more we split up, picked off one by one.

I propose we split up into two groups, maybe three. One of these groups will work to save Mother, the other will try to save the Elementals. Once we have more ALLIES we will be able to do awesome stuff.
If we create a third group, their job will mostly be to distract all the baddies trying to kill us, stop them if possible, but unlikely, so mostly they will just attempt stalling tactics while the others get ALLIES.

Of course, Ji and Lonk have to stick together.
Also, since they each suggested it, Immy should attempt to save the Elementals while Sugar tries to save Mother.
Bunny should be on a team that does not include Ji and Lonk, because those two can handle themselves, so she is better suited defending weaker characters.
But after that it doesn't really matter who does what. I guess ask everyone who they want to team up with.
No. 250800 ID: 701a19

Why not mind control the tentacle dragon?~
Or that evil mage jerk.

Pandora! How are things between you and Lonk?
No. 250806 ID: fba40f

If we mind controlled the hat-dragon we would have a powerful asset, but if we controlled the Master himself we would be completely untouchable. By anything. At all. Ever.
No. 250824 ID: bfa900

you say like if any of those would work with no shadow of doubt.

controlling the hat-dragon may work temporarily. if he cannot be "permanently converted", killing him could become the only way out. now easier because he is under control.

the wizard is now god level. he must have all sorts of willpower bonus to prevent those things.
No. 252759 ID: 3709ae
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No. 252766 ID: eac7aa

could all of us win this battle? i dont think there would be a purpose to drop a cripple jerk just because we may need more time.
No. 253100 ID: 31e5bb

hmmm, fine, we'll give your plan a try, but if you get hurt, retreat.
No. 253235 ID: 153f3a
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No. 253241 ID: 153f3a
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No. 253253 ID: 31e5bb

full force attacks. even if the arrow can't control him the magical burst may distract it. the weakpoint is the guy on the back, aim to take his hat off or decapitate him.
No. 253333 ID: f0b4bc

Everyone, flip him off as hard as you can.
No. 253368 ID: fba40f

>Immortal god of death
>Ragtag group of adventurers
>bg is a realist
No. 253450 ID: 6b389b

by FUN you mean MAGMA.

attempt to talk with the creature. in case of failure, engage benny hill soundtrack and run
No. 253513 ID: 4c3f77

Take your pointy things

And throw them into his glowing eyes
No. 253517 ID: f52552

DELICIOUS ALCOHOL generally is pretty fun.
But I'm a teetotaler, so leggit.
No. 253666 ID: cf798e
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No. 253668 ID: 701a19

Collapse the ceiling on it then shadow-teleport everybody away! You can't win like this!
No. 253674 ID: 383006

Isn't he a prisoner here too? Tell him there is no reason to fight at all - you're here to free everybody and take the whole tower down.
No. 253677 ID: cbdb9f

well dang.

... can we savescum?
No. 253678 ID: c71597

He's not really a prisoner. He wants to take over the place and kill the Master. He doesn't give a flying shit about the others, and he wants the tower intact.
No. 253687 ID: eeb556

destroy him, fire the magic arrow to distract him, then smack the little guy on it's back as hard as you can.
No. 253700 ID: cbdb9f

it was already stated the arrow will not break plot device related NPCs. it wont even distract him, as much as annoy and maybe arm him against us.
No. 253709 ID: cf798e
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No. 253710 ID: b0ef4c

someone grab izzy and get the hell out of there!
No. 253711 ID: 27fe93

let him fire his ranged attack then Ji reflects it,
No. 253784 ID: fba40f

Fire attack incoming. Reflect it then GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE.
No. 253787 ID: 9618e3

This foe is beyond any of you. Run!
No. 253819 ID: e5c8b3

collapse the cave between you and him. keep doing that to block the path and give cover.

anyone have any clue of what to talk to the dragon to buy time? i figured we could bullshit him but i dont think he will take it at all
No. 253889 ID: 476456

if there's enough destruction it might attract the master's attention, then you're REAL boned.
No. 253908 ID: cf798e
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No. 253909 ID: 27fe93

bunny: neutralize it with your earth mastery.
No. 253910 ID: 476456

if there's nobody behind you let the beam go and escape through the hole it blasts.

alternatively deflect it into a wall since you cant reflect it.
No. 253970 ID: 3d7a30

hmm I wonder if he can shield against his own beam?

Ji, direct the beam towards the ceiling. Use his beam to collapse the roof onto him.
No. 254021 ID: 3390f5

i was pretty sure it was impossible to reflect powerful beams...

anyway do you think you can control his minions? maybe incite a revolution? we could use the arrow to start it if needed be...
No. 254619 ID: c8fb0f
File 128936145543.png - (952.15KB , 1200x1700 , trapquest chp4 pg12-a.png )

she cant reflect it back, she can barely modify its course
No. 254633 ID: b0ef4c

use bunny in golem mode to block the attack. Should probably retreat after that.
No. 254636 ID: 27fe93

everyone: dodge leftward.
if that is invalid then
bunny: eat the dirt.
lonk: lend ji your dark and holy powers mixed as one.
No. 254723 ID: eae646

i'ma chargin my desperate move!

so is this it? the creature's power is bind others to its body?

and your will is to suffer forever? are you not still thinking? have you not loved ones still free, children of your children, living in terror of this creature? are you happy giving them nightmares of heroes trying to free their fathers and grandpas just to watch a demon lash at you to use youself as a tool?

have you no shame? strike your so called master, save yourself and let this nightmare end in fire! surely the might of everyone combined will not fail now!
No. 254838 ID: c8fb0f
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>only player characters can hear the voices

No. 254869 ID: c8fb0f
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>*Sugar used Shadow Teleport*

where to?
No. 254871 ID: 27fe93

to the elmentals.
No. 254879 ID: dcab87

i think that severed head is the tentacle's mother or something like that. id like to check out what we can do for her.
No. 256299 ID: 9d50af
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The bunny Head is a spirit captured by Fred inside the tower

No. 256302 ID: 6d73d9

okay, so exactly where are we? middle of the elemental stronghold? elsewhere?
No. 256349 ID: 69bee4

Kiss ze girl Lonk, you've had your heroic moment, and shes looking adorable. You know you want to~

Determine location would be good too.
No. 256632 ID: 3b0654

Assess your surroundings. Does anything look like it's going to try to kill you?
No. 256662 ID: 3d7a30


it's the lips, usually
No. 256682 ID: 69bee4

that is what I meant... the location was a more generalized 'this is what the group should do' thing.
No. 256701 ID: f8ff7f
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No. 256702 ID: 701a19

To the elemental queen!

Pandora: How do you feel about Lonk kissing her? Did you want him for yourself? Did you want him to want you? This is interesting! And also important for some reason!
No. 256703 ID: 8092e6

third cave go go.
No. 256704 ID: 6d73d9

most go to the first, someone check out the second.
No. 257151 ID: 037fb8
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No. 257153 ID: 8092e6

Immy should go with bunny. also what news of izzy? has she gotten better after the medicine?
No. 259211 ID: b5703c
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>Izzy is still diseabled, status still unknown...
No. 259238 ID: 701a19

Lonk: Snap out of it, douchebag. Give Pandora a light kiss when you have a chance.
No. 262144 ID: 318229
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No. 262147 ID: 35a0c6

No. 262377 ID: 701a19

Lonk: Figure out what's not right.
Everybody else: Follow Lonk's lead.
No. 262381 ID: d8735e

strange cat: act like scooby doo

try not to alarm the cat. drag the faint person to a safe place and attempt to acess what it knows of the situation
No. 262443 ID: 45be60

Cenny! Did you save Cenny, cat? Are you a good kitty?
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