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223997 No. 223997 ID: e31d52

>>This takes place in the same setting and timeline as Bardic.

>>You are not legion. This shall be explained shortly.

"Injection completed. Subject is utterly docile. Refuses to leave the area." Noise.
There is pencil on paper. More noise. "Subject does not speak or comment on surroundings or treatment. Subject shows a lack of reflex actions."
More pencil on paper. Noise!

"Subject Amalgam will be treated by Neuromancer expert later today. Subject is ready after the fiftieth injection."
64 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 227868 ID: 40cb26

This is a big gamble in more than one way, but might work out very well:
"Would you like to fight me when I am stronger? If you will hold a moment I will see if this room hides vials of blood. If so I will take them and fight you at full strength. If not I will fight you as I am."

Pray he likes a good fight, and for cubbyholes! If he says no RUN and try to discover a cubbyhole as you go.
No. 227985 ID: e31d52
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"... Very well. But know that I shall prepare as well."

The bony plates snap into place over the red eye, and the runes on his body change and glow, pulsing like small hearts.
No. 227987 ID: 97cb33

okay stick to the plan.
No. 227989 ID: e31d52
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I run along the hall, looking behind the tapestries. At the end, I've yet to find anything.

Oh no. Oh no.

Heavy footsteps. A roar, beastial and low. I have at most three seconds before he slams me into this wall.
No. 227992 ID: 97cb33

wait until the last moment and then hit the deck, letting him slam into the wall, and then run the other way. let twenty out and hope he slows 19 down some. then run through the room with the mages and just yell "19 IS LOOSE!" they will probably question what you are doing out but will decide they have bigger fish to fry.
No. 227995 ID: e31d52
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>"JUMP, DAMN YOU! Put that hair to use!"

Instinctively, I follow the command, leaping into the sky, my 'hair' slamming into and finding purchase in the walls and ceiling as the creature slams into the wall below me.

>"Now. You're out of it's reach, for now. We need a better plan than 'release more of the blighters and hope' or 'alert the mages that you are loose'. Think quickly, gel, I want you to try and work yourself outta this one."

... It's stuck. The spikes on its shoulders appear to have lodged into some support beams. It roars mightily.

>"An' speaking from the heart, love, I'm certain they are on their way."
No. 227996 ID: 97cb33

well then, i guess that open doorway right there is a good enough place to go.
No. 227997 ID: 97cb33

OR, option2: we hide in 19's Cell and when the mages run past it to sub due him you slip past and go through the room they were gathered in.
No. 228042 ID: 40cb26

That's damn risky, considering we'd be trapped in there. Let's check out what is in this room, if it has one or no exits we'll try your idea.

Otherwise we'll try whatever deceptions later on without intentionally backtracking and cornering ourselves.
No. 228043 ID: 97cb33

no dude, they are ON THEIR WAY, we cannot do one and then the other. need to pick.
No. 228078 ID: 40cb26

Well then ONWARD.
No. 230717 ID: e31d52
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I swing through the doorway into a very large room. Three absolutely enourmous tapestries adorn one wall, behind a small stage. There are, in bad repair, rows of pews lined up, all the way to the back of the room, where two staircases are, one leading up, the other down.

I feel a strange attraction to the latter.

Shaking it off, I note that the distant door has a sign that reads "LAB".

I can hear the men engaging 19 behind me. He is too large to fit through the door to this room, and voices his anger. The men attempt to pacify.
No. 230719 ID: 97cb33

go through the tapestries on your way to the lab, just cut them at the tops so they fall away and if nothing then go into the lab.
No. 231221 ID: a594b9

What's that written in the corner?
No. 231441 ID: e31d52
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Scrawled graffiti... no, this is carved.


I am uncertain. All I know now is that I want out of here. They are fighting 19. They are losing.

You have regained some Sanity.
No. 231454 ID: 175f4a

wow. you feeling okay now? okay, think we ether go to the lab or take the up stairs. i'm inclined to try the lab first. who knows what magical things they could have?
No. 231475 ID: a594b9

Get in the lab.
No. 231657 ID: e31d52
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I move into the lab. It's sparse, as if recently cleaned out... or, rather, ransacked.

"It's over. The containments are failing. Good gods, we've failed. Let me join the chorus."
No. 231661 ID: 701a19

"Would you kindly shut up and see about getting out of here?"
No. 231662 ID: 175f4a

"you have two options you can ether continue and kill yourself or you can help me get out of here and redeem yourself a little"
No. 231671 ID: ea2a3c

"You can either help me, or your blood can help me. Your choice."
No. 235166 ID: e31d52
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The man looks up at me.

"H̛ùr̡r͠y. ̨Y̶o͢u͟ mu̧st̕ ̕esca͞p͝e.̨ ̶Yo͜u m͠u̡st͏ hu̧rry!̶ ̶Befo͢r͜ȩ ḩe̸ t̛ak͟e̢s͜ you̵!"

His eyes seem to be... warping, changing. He's speaking strangely.

"H̢u̵r͡r̵y͟! ̷Yo̷u͘ ́can't let̡ h͡im̕ tak̢e͡ y̕ǫu! ̵Yo͞u ͠mi̵gh͝t̸ b͝e͏ able̢ to ̛f̡r̕e̕e͠ ̀h̢i͠m! T̡hȩn̢ ͜all h̡ope ̢is͢ ̕l̀o̢s̷t!͞"
No. 235185 ID: 442d4a

he seems to be being taken over by something. dart forward and slay him before it is complete. then cut the lock off of the cabinet and open it up.
No. 235260 ID: a594b9

Ask him who he's talking about, while investigating the blue/red stuff under the table? Is that some kind of special blood we can nab?

Grey: More information would be nice, to add on top of his soon-to-be-coming explanation.
No. 235921 ID: e31d52
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>There's not much I know about the Entity he speaks of, save that it is the bane of this world and yet its savior. The informant was not very... infromative...

"He is the taker of minds, the Living Madness! You must..."

I spear him through the face with my collected blood, and he falls over dead.

The debris on the floor? Dried blood and glass. The lock I can handle, but it might take a bit.
No. 235925 ID: 2a9922

i think you have time, and if it's locked up it mst be important, i mean, they left magic stuff out in the open. so stuff they wanted hidden?
No. 235929 ID: a594b9

Hmm, would it be faster to pick the lock or smash it open?
No. 236281 ID: e31d52
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That's a good point!

I'll smash it. That was pretty easy, actually.
No. 236308 ID: 2a9922

cut that jackasses head all the way off, looks like he was only mostly dead.
No. 236348 ID: 40cb26

Small dark and squiggly at stabbed face o'clock!
No. 236847 ID: e31d52
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Even as I turn to attack the scientist I thought dead, his body twitches out of the way, pulled from my assault by an ebony tentacle. And another tears free from his back, pulling him to the ceiling as his robe blackens, and then I realize... it's the man's skin, pulled from beneath the cloak, stretched and mutated until it takes the form of a gristly robe. His eyes vanish into his skull, his mouth agape as blood runs down his cheeks. His hands warp, and as I watch, the skin upon them peeled away, then the muscle, then the bone itself melts into black ooze that reforms into long tendrils that reshape into vile mockeries of hands.

Then, finally, his heart rises from his chest, beating slowly, glistening in the open air.

Something about this stirs a very primal fear within my heart, a sympathetic feeling of loss and pain.
No. 236848 ID: a594b9

Red: Little help here?
No. 236849 ID: 7d8185

lead it back to 19, and while they are trying to kill each other you collect the spoils.
No. 236993 ID: fd6d7e


Well obviously it inspires sympathetic feelings. You're made of the same black stuff as he just melted into. Even if you can't remember it I doubt you can completely forget the pain.

For the future, don't kill people just because they annoy you, because then you end up having to fight with things like this
No. 237007 ID: 7d8185

i said to kill him, not because he was annoying but because he looked like he was being taken over. which as you can see he was. may have gotten something worse if we didn't do it that soon.
No. 239968 ID: e31d52
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With a scream, the creature throws the furniture to the back of the room, blue lines appearing breifly upon them as they lift up and nearly slam into me.

The noise has died down. I doubt they are fighting anymore.

>I'm not sure but the gigantic swollen beating heart might be something!

I attempt to strike at it, but he raises an arm swiftly, and iron-hard tendrils of flesh block my blade.

No. 240276 ID: a594b9

Use your electrical breath!

Also possibly hair tentacle stabbing.
No. 240303 ID: c59f60

yes, a bolt directly to the heart.
No. 240308 ID: 40cb26

Even if the electrical breath doesn't hit the heart directly it should stun or at least distract enough so you can get an opening to stab at it.
No. 240315 ID: c59f60

point, if it does just seem to stun him then split your blood hair in two and grab each of his 'hands' by the wrist to keep them still then stab.
No. 249216 ID: e31d52
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I spew the lightning. It's not much -barely even a few tendrils- but they slide around the arms as if they aren't there, and almost seem to seek the heart.
No. 249217 ID: e31d52
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The heart explodes.
No. 249218 ID: e31d52
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He hurtles into the wall, breaking through, into a darkened room. Hm.
No. 249219 ID: e31d52

((Whoop! Mah trip went missing.))
No. 249220 ID: fd6d7e

Sniff the bubbling goo, get totally high. Oh wait no you probably want to keep sane in this quest. Looks like, are those levers or card slots?
No. 249221 ID: 40cb26


Check out those posters, and mind the goo.
No. 249231 ID: 18610a

looks like different color bloods. read the notes first, in case it's like "caution, may turn you inside out"
No. 249244 ID: e31d52
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They are both magically infused blood.


The Yellow Blood is called Immortal Sanguination. It grants supreme defense against one attack, taking the power of immortality from Elves and Halflings. The cost is, however, that the area I inject it into becomes paralyzed for one hour.

The purple blood is called Retreading Ichor, and allows me to randomize one of my mutated traits. However, doing so will forever remove a single upgrade from the ones you can see upon using mutagenic blood.

Both papers also note that each vial comes with a certain number of doses, the power behind them such that a single dose is all that is required for their effect.
No. 249247 ID: 18610a

hurm. take both and cram them into your hair. then look in the formerly locked cabinet.
No. 249337 ID: 1854db

Take the vials for use later, and go unlock that cabinet.
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