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File 127645704894.png - (13.22KB , 700x700 , 102.png )
193128 No. 193128 ID: 5e4482

Various screams and groans could heard. The sound of sharp objects piercing through soft objects at high speed fills the air as if to compliment the orchestra of high pitched screams and low moans and groans. Soft laughter makes up the softer background music and loud cracks make up what could be called the percussion. Somewhere between the hellish music, Kylie's soft groan mixes with the other low groans.
47 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 204019 ID: 059120

So, other souls, what have the other games you've been in like? Have you actually won all of them? Was each night different? Really any information at all would be helpful. Oh, hey, I wonder if it counts as 2 people if we save both of you, now. If we can find another player maybe we can wrap it up this game!

Eh, maybe we just fucked something up last time, and they don't have such specific memory erasage abilities.
No. 204055 ID: fa86f0
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'The bird looked like this,' Sam thinks as he concentrates and imagines the bird.
'That sucks man,' A hippy sounding voice says.
'Weird voice? I don't think anything like that happened to us,' The enthusiastic voice says.
'It's probably nothing,' The whiny voice says bluntly.
'So it's not your 97th?' The feminine voice says with a tone of disappointment.
'That sucks man,' A hippy sounding voice says.
'Why would they do something like that do you?' The spunky voice says obviously too curious for her own good.
'Maybe to instill confidence?' The old voice says.
'Frost giant?' The whiny voice says with a tone of disbelief.
'Giant metal golem?!' The enthusiastic voice says excitedly.
'The fuck is a kobold?' The manly voice says.
'Raped to death...' The masculine voice says perversely.
'The other games varied from one another. Some had us trying to make a person fall in love with our host within two weeks. Other had us trying to escape the wilderness and find civilization. My favorite had to be the one where he had to save the host's wife from a predetermined death. This is the first game where we could only act at a certain time. Most of the others were pretty free in terms of rules. Of course we had to win them all or else we would be disqualified. Well, since some of our souls are in the girl now, maybe we might get credit too, but according to what your saying, we need two people for you to get to 100,' The old voice says letting out a light chuckle.
'Can you guys wrap this up? All this talking is wearing me out, and not having enough sleep last night didn't help either.' Sam thinks wanting to turn you off as soon as possible.
No. 204060 ID: 94f6c0

sure, i guess. not much left to do. oh and take a nap if you can.
No. 204061 ID: 059120

Can we just go back to Kylie? I have something I want to tell her. And yeah, take a nap or something before tonight's game.
No. 204087 ID: c2c011

Hmm, that's quite a strange birdcreature. But sure we can go back to Kylie. You can get some rest and think of how to get better weapons while we're out.

Oh yeah, the salt was useful. Might be a good idea to get some more of it.
No. 208137 ID: e473fd
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'Yeah, yeah,' Sam thinks as his voice fades away.
(Note: Connection with Sam has been cut.)
The world turns back to Kylie's red, purple, and black world.
'What the hell is that red thing?! Why won't you answer me?!' A scratchy male voice yells at Kylie.
'Calm down, man. It's not, like, we're in any danger, or anything.' A young feminine voice chides.
'I think it's kinda cool, actually,' A light masculine voice says cool like fashion.
You can tell Kylie is slightly irritated by these new souls.
No. 208139 ID: 54aa3e

okay, all new souls in here shut up. now, we just got back from sam so switch back is easy. just everyone focus on going back while kylie also tries to boot you over.
No. 208211 ID: a594b9

Hey, you guys are pretty confused. Kylie here is blind but can 'see' things through echolocation, then gives us a visualization by imagining it. Other people and creatures tend to be red, the background is black, and objects are various colors.
No. 208441 ID: 732129

Kylie I was tellin' them about the transvestite that got raped to death by a gay bondage murderer and then we had to help him escape an asylum and that was one of the souls we saved I think...
No. 208467 ID: c2c011

Hello again Kylie. Had any chance to get any schoolwork done or have they been distracting you?
No. 208608 ID: f5b8a3
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Various shapes come into view and chattering starts to fill the air.
"Later, Kylie," Sam says as he goes into a different direction.
'Really?! Alright, let's go!' The scratchy voice says.
After a moment of silence the young voice chimes in.
'I don't think it worked.'
"Hah," Kylie sighs softly.
'What's that suppose to mean?!' The scratchy roars out.
'Yeah, we sort of figured that out,' The light voice says.
'The idiot over there just doesn't like it here.' The young voice says with a harsh tone.
'I don't like the dark!' The scratchy voice roars out louder.
'...What's a transvestite?' Kylie thinks sure that the context of the sentence means that it's not a good thing.
'Ah, she said something,' The light voice says chuckling.
'Why didn't you say anything earlier?!' The scratchy voice continues to whine.
'Annoying,' Kylie says bluntly.
'I did it all yesterday as soon as I got home. It's best to do that stuff as soon as possible,' Kylie thinks sounding like a grade A student.
No. 208609 ID: c2c011

Ok, so anything fun planned now? Like hanging out with friends or finding people who you can buy weapons off? Or maybe breaking into a church to steal some holy water?
No. 208650 ID: a594b9

Ergh. Kylie, maybe you can make the background a lighter shade? Like, grey? That should quiet down the scratchy one.

Oh, and a transvestite is a cross-dresser. Specifically, an otherwise normal person who just likes dressing up in the opposite gender's clothing. Sexual orientation and gender identity are unrelated to the term itself... but it is most often used to refer to crossdressing males.
No. 208658 ID: 059120
File 127924013592.png - (164.43KB , 597x353 , It\'s weird to recap to the quest itself.png )

Hi Kylie. If you haven't figured it out, apparently your group of souls got mixed up with Sam's or something. So these newbies are over from him. Some of us can even jump across the gap at will, it seems.

Oh, yeah, I brought you a present from there. Check it out, it's Sam! Hmm. I just realized that you probably can't see yourself even though we can. Here, I included you right now, too.

What time is it now? Did you see that teacher today yet? I forget his name, that one that we thought might have remembered the day you died?
No. 208683 ID: f5b8a3
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'Planned? Well I'm going to class. Should I be doing something else?'
'I think mom made Sam do that once, and I don't want to waste energy needlessly coloring everything, so I'll keep it black.'
'Bitch!' The scratchy voice yells.
Kylie doesn't speak for a bit and lets out a slight smile.
'Thanks souls.'
Kylie stops walking and stands there quietly. A minute or two passes by until she thinks one phrase.
'I can't forget this time.'
The school bell rings in with a loud sharp buzz.
'Mmn, can't get used to that. Anyway, it's morning and I have to go to Mr. Morrison's class right now or I'll be late.'
Kylie runs into the building and spots a group of reds standing about.
No. 208684 ID: f5b8a3
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Kylie approaches the two reds.
"What's going on, Clarissa?"
"You didn't watch the news, Kylie?" Clarissa says with a grin even a blind person can see.
"You didn't either. In fact, I was the one who told you." Mark says with a deadpan manner.
"You didn't watch the news either, Mark," Clarissa says standing up as straight as she could to show their difference in height.
"My dad is better than the news," Mark says proudly.
'Mark's dad is a police officer for your information.'
"So what happened?"
"Mr. Morrison is missing apparently," Mark says as though nothing was lost.
"I'm not sure, but doesn't it take a few days for a person to be declared missing?" Kylie says as though nothing was lost.
"That's the thing. He's not the only one. About a dozen of people went missing yesterday. My dad said that they disappeared at night. Not only that, but the people missing varied from one another. Some were old people, some were young people, some were asian, some were black, hell there was even a baby missing. There's no motive."
"Heh, maybe there's a lion on the loose that can unlock doors," Clarissa says as though nothing was lost.
"Better a lion than a group of kidnappers," Mark says.
"No, I don't think that's better, Mark," Kylie says questioning Marks values.
"No! I mean it's easier to find!" Mark says.
"So are we waiting for a sub?" Kylie says changing the subject.
"Yeah, should be soon," Clarissa says going along with it.
No. 208687 ID: c4c313

Oh no. Mister Morrison was one of the ones who remembered your accident! This is certainly not standard afterlife trial protocol. You have to find him!
No. 208691 ID: 059120

Shit, he lost. But they didn't rewrite history? That's... odd, to the say the least. Something is wrong with this whole thing. Why are you guys getting a second chance? How often does this happen? Why'd we lose our memories?

Damn, there's not really much we can do to get answers. There's supposed to be a spirit guide or something to fill you in in these kind of situations! ...except that's us. Fuck.

Other voices, this isn't standard, is it? I guess from what you said the other games are usually more open, and if they lost they'd have more explainable deaths, but still.

Oh well. I guess all we can do for now is wait to see what's happening tonight. With Morrison gone we've lost another lead, and I think that's basically all we had.
No. 208729 ID: 732129


They re-write history at the end of the week, when they know who are the winners. Some of this stuff is coming back to me.
No. 208777 ID: c2c011

Sounds like some people didn't win yesterday. Hmm, that truck might have been carrying something that was quite hazardous. Have to remember to ask Sam what he saw of it.

By the way, you might be able to sort of "see" with out help if you stay in contact with Sam. Might be worth to examine before the next contest.
No. 210879 ID: 962371
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Kylie walks over to the wall, puts down her backpack, and leans against it, while Clarissa does the same. Mark then walks off to talk to some other people.
'I don't even know where to look for him.'
'This is the first game where we had other people besides us. If it wasn't, we would've tried this soul transfer thing sooner,' The light voice says just as curious as you are.
'Not to mention this is the first time that we went back in time instead of, like, starting from the point out host died,' The young voice says just as confused as you are.
A moment of silences passes until Kylie thinks something.
'...So I guess I should turn you off? What's a good time to turn you back on?'
'Is that so?' Kylie thinks tilting her head to the side.
'Wait, what? You guys don't have your memories?!' The scratchy voice says.
'Yeah, what's with that?' The light voice says curiously.
"What's wrong, Kylie? You looked confused," Clarissa says rubbing her back against the wall like a bear does to a tree.
"Nothing. What's with you?" Kylie says following Clarissa's motions with her ears.
"I just got this itch on my back. I think it's a mosquito bite. Hey, wanna hang out after school? My parents aren't gonna be home, and my brother has soccer practice, so it's gonna be boring," Clarissa says as she stops rubbing, satisfied."
'Hm, you guys think it's okay if I do?'
No. 210887 ID: a594b9

I don't see why not. But... you'll need to get some kind of excuse to equip yourself just before the game.
No. 210888 ID: 059120

Yeah, sounds fine to me. I mean, obviously we're not going to let it happen, but this still could be the end of your life. You should enjoy every chance you've got.
No. 211027 ID: c2c011

Yeah sure it's probably ok. And you can shut us down for class. You seem bright enough to get through it without us handing you the answers.
No. 212977 ID: 36e537
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"Okay," Kylie says as she turns you off.
No. 212979 ID: 36e537
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Sam sits on top of a table, which makes him look huge compared to the petite girl talking to him. The girl plays a hand-held game without even looking at the screen, and sounds of blades clashing ring out from it. In fact, the sounds not only come from the game, but from the whole room as well. Sounds of gunfire, yelling, and idle conversation fill the room.
"So did you see the newest episode?" The girl says tapping the buttons on the game furiously.
"Yeah, the story is really picking up, but the protagonist is such a pussy," Sam says with a sigh.
"What do you expect? It's Japanese," The girl says laughing.
"Good point," Sam says as he laughs with her.
'So, did you just want to show us you talking to women?' The masculine voice chimes.
'No, I wanted to tell you that a group people have gone missing last night,' Sam thinks while still talking to the girl.
'Last night?' The whiny voice says adding nothing to the conversation.
'Do you think it has to do with the game?' The enthusiastic voice asks.
'Probably,' Sam thinks.
No. 212981 ID: 68584a

huh, looks like we pop over to you when sam stops thinking about us. anyway yeah, looks like the game's fault. hopefully it really is just everyone plays it out to the end and then they change it otherwise some bad shit is going down.

and what anime you talking about?
No. 213035 ID: c4c313


If it's Gantz I'm leaving.
No. 213117 ID: 36e537
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'Huh, you guys are still here?' Sam says as he wipes the smile off his face.
"Whats wrong? You look tense," the girls noticing the change in Sam.
"Nothing," Sam replies quickly.
'Don't worry. I haven't even seen that. It something called nura-something. I'm no good with names,' Sam thinks confused at why you are still with him.
'Anything else, Sam?' The old voice croaks out.
'Nah. I'll turn you off now unless you want to know more about something.'
No. 213120 ID: 361ab6

just one, you going out with that girl? :3c
No. 213327 ID: 36e537
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'Hah, he wishes!' The masculine voice laughs.
'Sam likes her, but he can't confess because he doesn't want to upset her brother,' The feminine voice says with a hint of pity.
'Hey, shut-'
'How sad,' The spunky voice says in a mocking tone. 'If only he was more manly.'
'If only,' The manly voice says seriously.
'Ah, fuck off!' Sam thinks as he turns you off.
No. 213328 ID: 36e537
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Kylie and two other people that seem to be Clarissa and Ken are sitting around a game board, which appears to scrabble from the tiles. Kylie picks up some of her tiles and lays them down. Then, she runs her fingers over them once more to make sure.
"Smash. 10 points with double word score," She says as she fishes out some more letters from a small bag."
"Man, you guys are vicious. Do you play this often?" Ken says fiddling around with his tiles.
"Yeah, we also play some other games too," Clarissa says concentrating, "Guess I can only do this. H-I-S. His. 6 points."
Clarissa grabs some tiles and then stands up.
"I'm gonna get something to drink. You guys want anything?"
"Can I get a soda?" Ken says tapping his tile.
"Nothing for me, thanks," Kylie says as she starts matching hers.
Clarissa walks out the door and shuts it. The room is quiet as they both play with their tiles. Ken makes a small cough, as if to start a conversation, but Kylie ignores it.
No. 213329 ID: 36e537
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'Sorry for not talking souls. Just giving you an update since you told me to turn you on after school.'
Ken lays down some tiles.
"F-A-C-E. Face. 9 points plus double word. So... Kylie, how long have you and Clarissa been friends?"
"Five years," She replies.
"Really? That long?"
The conversation gets killed by Kylie.
'Hm, D-E-K-T-S-I-N. What can I make with this?'
No. 213330 ID: c71597

Well you got the obvious one in SIN. Other than that I can't really come up with something. I suck at scrabble.
No. 213331 ID: 94dc61

best you can get is 'kindest' which uses all letters you have.

also, is ken trying to ask you out or something?
No. 213334 ID: a594b9

Talk to Ken a little more, won't you? You're acting like you have no interest in him at all.

Wait, do you like men or women?
No. 213354 ID: 36e537
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'Yeah, the only one I could find was SKIN.'
'The thing is that I kind of dislike him. I think I told you this before, but his type of humor is sex jokes and the like. I don't really care between men and women either. The only difference is their shape, right? Although, Aunt Charlotte says that men are scum and that they only want your body.'
'Wow. I didn't even see that. You guys are pretty good at this sort of thing aren't you? Too bad there isn't any place to put it on the board. And if he is trying to ask me out, that would explain why Clarissa is standing outside the door and not coming in.'
"Hey, Kylie. Do you mind if I ask you something?" Ken says with a serious tone after waiting a while.
'Oh, great.'
"Do you... want to be my... girlfriend?"
'Goddammit. I'm no good at this sort of thing. What should I say?'
No. 213355 ID: 732129


Well I guess you're turning him down? Don't beat around the bush then, say you appreciate the sentiment but you don't want to be in a relationship.
No. 213357 ID: a594b9

That almost seems like a good idea.
No. 213358 ID: b9cb39

give him a chance with "if you manage to not make ANY sex jokes or crude humor for a week then i just may. for now it's trial period, we can hang out more and stuff, but no kissing or anything like that yet." will make him be on his best behavior.
No. 213363 ID: 059120

Yeah, basically. Just be straightfoward about it. Mention that you're not interested in a relationship at all, if that's true (which it appears to be.) Confront him about how you don't really enjoy his crude humor.

Just don't do this, at all. >>213358
No. 213405 ID: 36e537
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'I don't think you guys get the term dislike. It means to like less than a stranger. That would mean that I would rather date a stranger than him.'
"But thank you for the sentiment," Kylie says halfheartedly.
"I see," Ken says as he gets up and heads for the door.
Clarissa opens the door, gives him a soda, and pats him on the back.
"I'm leaving now," Ken says quietly to Clarissa.
No. 213406 ID: 36e537
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Clarissa walks over and lays down on the floor.
"So, were you in on it?" Kylie asks her.
"Yeah, are you mad?"
"Of course not. You're my friend," Kylie says with a small smile.
"But man, you were harsh," Clarissa says looking over her tiles.
"Is that so?" Kylie says as she puts down some tiles, "Kind. 9 points."
"Yeah. Aren't you interested in anyone?" Clarissa says as she puts down some tiles, "Fake. 22 points altogether."
"Not really. I don't even know what it means to be attracted to someone," Kylie says as she looks over to Ken's tiles, "Should we split his points and tiles?"
"Okay," Clarissa says as she starts writing on the score sheet, "So does that mean sex doesn't really matter to you?"
"Who knows," Kylie says with a shrug.
'I'm going to turn you off now souls, unless there is anything else.'
No. 213410 ID: 059120

Oh, uh, what time is it? Game is supposed to be at 10 still, right? You should make sure to still be at home, maybe even with Sam then. Other than that, no, we're good, I think.
No. 213415 ID: e9e630

if you never give anyone a chance how can you get attracted to them? the normal gauge of initial attraction is looks, which doesn't work for you since you can't see. for all we know Ken could of honestly liked you for a very long time but always went to the jokes to cover up his feelings.

anyway, yeah, whatever, turn us off.
No. 213435 ID: 732129


I'd like to listen in, but if you don't want us to I guess we have no choice.
No. 213451 ID: a594b9

If you like Clarissa maybe you could be HER girlfriend?
No. 213523 ID: c71597

Hmm, you're quite interesting. Anyway, make sure you got what you need for the game. And there is a theory I think you should try out. Be in physical contact with your brother when it starts and see if you both end up in the same place.
No. 213559 ID: 732129


You... weird dead thing, she just said she's not interested in anyone.
No. 213794 ID: a7adcf
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'It's about 4 'o clock right now. I'll be going home in a few hours.'
'It's not good to listen in on other people's conversations,' Kylie thinks with a hint of sarcasm.
'I didn't ask you on a lecture about love, so keep it to yourself,' Kylie thinks coldly.
'I don't see why I have to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I'm perfectly happy with my life.'
'Alright. Bye souls,' Kylie thinks as she turns you off.
No. 213795 ID: a7adcf
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Sam walks through the doorway carrying what seems to be a duffel bag.
"Okay, here's what I got. I couldn't find any shotgun shells, so I couldn't make the slam bang," Sam says with a tone of disappointment, "However, I do have a can of bear mace. Manage to convince my friend to buy it for me, although it cost me a good amount of money. I also have a jar of salt, some bandages, two bottles of water, six granola bars, and something special for you."
"Something special?"
No. 213796 ID: a7adcf
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Sam pulls out something behind him.
"A metal bat!" He says although he was showing a brand new car, "I figured it would be more useful than your cane."
"I guess so."
"So, do we need anything else?"
No. 213805 ID: a594b9

Hmm, no that sounds good. The granola bars probably won't be necessary for food, but... we could use them to bait monsters!
No. 213809 ID: 732129


Don't knock the effects of having a calorie-dense meal after a fight. It can save your life, if you spent enough energy.


Did you guys get the foaming type of mace or the regular spray? The foam requires that you aim it carefully, but it's more irritating. The regular spray is easier to aim, but you have to take note of the wind direction when you use it. If you spray into the wind you may end up macing yourself.
No. 213810 ID: 18169f

also want to try holding hands when your portal monster wakes up. maybe you can get sucked into the same place? if it starts hurting your arm though let go. don't want any dislocations in a fight.
No. 229696 ID: d844f8
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"The souls want to know what kind of mace it is."
"Bear mace?" Sam says not understanding the question.
"No, spray or foam?"
"Oh, spray. It's really orange."
"They also want us to hold hands before the game starts so that we end up in the same place."
"It's worth a shot," Sam says complying with the demand.
After a minute of holding hands, the ball monsters awaken and begin to grow in size in unison.
'That's still creepy no matter how many times I see that,' The feminine voice says.
No. 229697 ID: d844f8
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After the a few seconds, they begin their rush. In an instant, the monster bares its wide, open, loud mouth and is in front of Sam, who can only open his eyes in surprise.
'That is stupidly fast,' Sam thinks to himself before getting swallowed.
The two monsters begin to devour the siblings and begin to start tugging from different directions when they realize that the two are bound.
No. 229698 ID: d844f8
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"Grgh!" Sam groans as he tries to hold on. Kylie's voice isn't heard, but she is probably in the same amount of pain.
The teeth begin to crush down on Sam's arm.
"Gnngh! Kylie! Let go! It's not gonna work!"
Kylie makes a small noise in agreement and they release each other.
"Woah!" Sam says as he begins to fall down the throat, if you could call it that, of the monster.
No. 229699 ID: d844f8
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'Don't land on my face! Don't land on my face!' Sam thinks as he tries to position himself during this free fall. For once, luck goes his way as he lands on both his feet.
'Fuck yeah,' He thinks with a smile full of pride strewn on his face as the sound of other people falling down fill the air.
'Aw, I wanted you to land on your side again,' the whiny voice says disappointed.
'Fuck no,' Sam replies to him.
'Sam, there are a lot of people here,' The old voice says surveying the area.
'Huh, I wonder what they're planning.'
'Maybe they're gonna make you kill each other,' The manly voice says seriously.
'It's possible,' The feminine voice agrees.
No. 229700 ID: d844f8
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Sam starts looking around at the people around him and notices the man with the chainsaw. He then lightly grips his sword just in case he did have to fight the people around him. In fact, most of the people around him look formidable.
Stigmas' voice suddenly chimes in to break Sam's paranoia.
"Welcome to the second game!"
No. 229701 ID: d844f8
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Everyone around him turns to one direction, so naturally, he does the same. Stigmas is standing by a stone door that is embedded into the wall, which resembles the kind you would find in a cave. But that isn't the only stone door, in fact, there are several more strewn about this circular room.
"I will now begin explaining the rules for this day's game," Stigmas says cutting straight to the chase, "Around you are various doors, each with a different number but with the same letters. These letters represent words, M for monster and P for puzzle. The number below that door represents the level of difficulty of above letter. So this door would mean it has monsters with the difficulty of five and puzzles with the difficulty of five, which is the highest difficulty a door could have. The lowest would a door with M1 and P1, therefore this is the hardest door to get through, do you understand? You shouldn't go through this door unless you have confidence in your skills, or else your death would be a very quick and boring one. All of these doors have varying levels of difficulty. The goal of this game is, of course, to get to the end of any of these doors, but there is a limit of how many people can make it though."
Various sounds of discontent and anger fill the crowd.
"How many?" A random voice shouts out.
"Twenty of you will die," Stigmas says coldly.
The crowd falls silent with this decree.
"Of course if twenty of you die to monsters then it wouldn't matter much, would it?" Stigmas says smiling, "Oh, and no violence is permitted in this room, so you can take it easy here as long as you want. Just don't stay too long. Well, then any questions?"
No. 229704 ID: 059120

"Why give us the option? Aren't we all just going to go in the 1/1 door?" I'm... really expecting a trap or something.

...Wait a minute. "Twenty of you will die"? ...Exactly twenty? If you wait til last, after that quota is met, will you be safe?
No. 229925 ID: a594b9

How many are allowed to pass through each door?
No. 229941 ID: c71597

Well this could be interesting. Forget goat guy for now. Go and look for Kylie, she should be somewhere here in this room. Yell out for her.

If you can find her then you will have someone you trust to work with and to watch your back. And you will be able to keep her safe. Then you need to pick a door, I would suggest a 3 or 4. With our help the two of you should hopefully be able to do it, and there's probably not going to be as many people who you need to watch out for in those. Who knows, the psychos might actually go with the easier ones because it's likely to be more people in those, and this here now is a place where they can kill someone without any repercussions in their civilian lives.

Other than that, hmm, is that sword sharp and can you actually use one without cutting off your own foot? There is a bit more to swordfighting than just waving it around.

But if we play it smart we should be able to get through it without having to fight.

So, lets go find Kylie and then get this show on the road.
No. 237804 ID: 37d2ab
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"Why give us the option of choosing? Wouldn't we all go to the 1/1 door since it's the easiest?" Sam says as the people around stare at him.
"Heh, that would be interesting in its own way, since it would end up being a big giant race, but I never said that easier is shorter. The length the doors vary, so of course, going through a door with a higher difficulty might make you reach your destination easier. It is all about how much you are willing to risk to survive."
"And by twenty people dying? Does that mean if twenty people die, we can take our time?"
"That's right," Stigmas says with a smile as though he was glad you asked that question.
Sam opens his mouth to ask the next question, but another feminine voice chimes in first.
"So any amount of people can enter a door?"
"Of course, and you can also exit a door any time you please. Well, that should about cover it. I'll let you get to the game now," Stigmas say as he disappears into the ground.
No. 237805 ID: 37d2ab
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'I really don't have any experience with a sword unless you count years of gaming as experience.'
'You handled yourself pretty well against that bird though,' The old voice tries to encourage him.
'But he lost his shield in the process, even though it was a flimsy one,' The masculine voice says a little worried.
'Think about that stuff later! Go look for Kylie!' The feminine voice says to make everyone focus.
As soon as Sam thinks that, Kylie is standing front of him.
"Hi...," Kylie says stiffly.
No. 237808 ID: 64b70e

i think all the people is making it hard for her to 'see'. ask her what's wrong.
No. 237809 ID: c71597

There is someone hiding behind her with their hands on her shoulders. They might also be threatening her. So don't indicate that you have noticed that yet, just ask her what's up.

You need to get close enough so that you can pull her out of their grip and see what actions need to be taken next.

Oh, and sadly years of gaming does not a master swordsman make. You need to get used to the weight and the balance, work in reflexes and a sense for where your body is compared to the sword and stuff. But if you just keep to stabbing and some general generic slashes you should be ok. But if you have time you should look into reading some fechtbucher later and get the footwork right.

But that's for later, if you survive. Now for the reunion with your sister and the revelation of who has their hands on her.
No. 237811 ID: 37d2ab
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"...What's going on?" Sam says as he approaches Kylie slowly.
"Kylie?" Sam says as he reaches out to her.
"Boo!" A girl behind Kylie says as she sticks her head out.
"Sang-hee?!" Sam says he retracts his arm a little, and then puts it down to his side, "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, you know, I was thinking about seeing how you were doing and here I am," She says with a mischievous smile, "Even though I don't need to ask it, but do you wanna party up?"
No. 237812 ID: 64b70e

i dunno. how much do you think she can be trusted? if you are SURE she wouldn't shove you into a death pit to save herself then sure.
No. 237813 ID: c71597

Well now, this poses an interesting question. Or two really. First, how much can you trust her? And second, what happened with that truck after it hit you? A large amount of people nearby seems to have been killed in whatever the aftermath was.

Anyway, she seems moderatly helpful and friendly. So I guess trust depends on how well you know her. If you trust her then bring her along, but watch her. If you don't trust her then don't let her tag along.
No. 237865 ID: 059120

Sure, unless you have a reason why not. What do you know about her?

Also, in regards to the doors, something like 1M/4P is probably the easiest. Try to find one +/-1 that which not many other people are going in.
No. 238088 ID: 732129

Yes, you should work in a three-man team with Sang-hee. We need to know what gear she has, but advertising that in the crowd is probably a bad idea.

I have an idea. Touch Sang-hee and we'll talk to her voices. It's secure, and we can talk faster to each other than you can talk to her. You really can't afford to waste much time.
No. 238106 ID: 37d2ab
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'Sang-hee is a good friends of mine,' Sam thinks.
'And by that you mean you like her,' The whiny voice says tauntingly.
'Yeah, yeah, she plays more games than me, and she can beat anyone one when it comes to them,' Sam says ignoring the whiny voice, 'She also has a good head on her shoulders, although she tends to rub people the wrong way sometimes.'
Kylie still stands there uncomfortably.
"Sang-hee, you should stop touching Kylie. She doesn't like to be touched too long," Sam says pointing at her.
"Oh, sorry," She says as she lets go.
"Anyway, Sang-hee, let's-"
"Wait, let's go over there first. You already brought enough attention to yourself by asking those questions." She says as she points to a secluded part of the cave.
'She has a point,' The old voice says.
"Alright," Sam says as he begins to walk to the empty area.
"So, what did you want to say?" Sang-hee says with a tone as though she already knows.
"You're sure dressed like you're prepared for this," Sam says purposely to betray her expectations.
"Of course, I had a year to prepare after all," Sang-hee says with her chest puffed out a little.
"Anyway, let's team up," Sam says with a small chuckle.
"Of course."
"Also, there's this," Sam says as he hold out his hand.
"If you touch my hand, we can exchange souls. It'll make communicating a lot faster."
"Really? That's a useful function," She says as she reaches out and touches Sams hand.
'Did it work?' A gloomy voice says.
'He probably was lying to make you look like a fool,' A spiteful voice says.
'... It worked,' The manly voice says as though he with it didn't.
'Cool. I'm Sang-hee Ryoo. Nice to meet ya,' Sang-hee says completely breaking the cold atmosphere of voices.
No. 238111 ID: b5448b

... a year? how did you manage that? kylie and Sam only had less then a day.
No. 238135 ID: 732129

Nice to meet you Sang-hee, we're the most successful souls we know. We've saved 96 souls, hopefully Kylie there will be number 97. Apparently we did something to merit a memory wipe, none of us remember what that was just yet.

Anyway, enough about us. Sam and Kylie had a day to prepare, and managed to get some decent weapons. Bear mace, melee weapons (bat and sword), salt for fighting slug-types and other vulnerable monsters, water, food, and painkillers.

I hope you have a ranged weapon type, we only have the mace. If we'd had more than a day to prepare we could have gotten them guns, but you got to roll with the punches right? Right.

What do you have, by the way? You've had a whole year to prepare for this, so I'm hoping you went all anarchist's cookbook and made some pipebombs or something cool. Distraction devices?
No. 238163 ID: c71597

Nice to meet you.

So, you had a year to prepare, what's up with that? Also, I'm gonna assume you have trained with those knives? Hmm, got anything else in that suit? Like maybe kevlar or a chain mail or something?

Oh, and it was nice of you to reunite Sam and Kylie. Really we need to find a way to restore Kylie's vision or something. She is good at coping with it but not being able to see is somewhat of a disadvantage here.
No. 238180 ID: 059120

Hi! Okay, if you had a year to prepare, then this means this game is probably an annual event or so. Which would explain why there's so many people around, they had a year to rack up candidates. Let's see... that means you basically got a free year of life, right? Unless we've got time travel on our hands, please don't let make us deal with time travel. Okay, we were at 96, Kylie, Sam, and you makes 99, so we've probably got one more person to help. Keep an eye out for anyone else you know.
No. 238617 ID: 37d2ab
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'By dying a year ago, I guess?'
'97 souls? How grand!' A preachy voice comments.
'97 souls and a memory wipe? Isn't that a grand tale you're spewing,' An unforgiving voice says with animosity.
'Quiet, I'm trying to think,' Sang-hee thinks as she tilts her head to the side and rests her arm on her hip as if that was her thinking pose, 'The things I currently have are five small firecrackers, the ones that need to be lit up, and a lighter in my front far left pouch, bandages and some painkillers in my front middle left pouch, about four very sharp throwing darts in my front middle right pouch, a good amount of sand in my front far right pouch, a hammer in my back right pouch, and a Molotov cocktail in my back left pouch. I guess my iphone that I keep in my pocket can be used as a distraction if I set it down and play some music on it. Of course, I'm trained with my knives, but not in the conventional sense. I would've gotten Kevlar or more destructive things if my parents weren't so overprotective. They usually have my older brother escort me everywhere. I used to have more Molotov cocktails too.'
'... A bear required three of them,' The gloomy voice says as though she was reliving that terror.
'Don't worry, nothing stupid and impossible like time travel happened, then again this whole game is impossible. I did see some familiar faces I've seen at soon here, but no one I know too well and i would trust my life with. Anyway, about those doors! Which do you prefer? I personally want to try the 5/5 door!'
'Egomaniac,' the spiteful voice spits out with a hint of jest.

Besides the 5m/5p door, there is also the following:
No. 238621 ID: a594b9

Let's stick to 3m at most. I'd say 4p at most... but we may be able to handle 5p.
No. 238658 ID: 732129


If you and your friends had guns, and you had fought together before, I would agree with your desire to try to 5/5 door. As it is, you don't and you haven't. The Duke abides, but the rest of us cope.

Still, three people is a significant fighting force. I suggest risking the 4m/2p door. You want to finish quickly, before 17 other people escape. You, Sam, and Kylie are all well armed. Kylie's handicap only slows her down a bit in a melee fight.

A final note. While it doesn't matter who we enter the door with, we should leave with the person who is most injured. Experience has led us to believe the quality of repairs performed to your corpus upon the end of the night's game depends in part on how powerful your attendant souls are.
No. 238667 ID: 127c1a

yeah, us souls are pro at puzzles. but your combined skill determines what M you should take. and 3m sounds about right, maybe 4.
No. 238736 ID: c71597

3/3 sounds good to me. While you have had alot of time to prepare the other two has had 2 days. And Kylie got busted up pretty hard in last nights little event. So they're probably not up to handling anything too dangerous.
No. 238745 ID: 059120

I vote for 2m/4p, but I just like puzzles.
No. 259804 ID: e4e724

Agreed. 2m/4p allows us to clear the monsters with no trouble, and 100+ brains shouldn't have an issue with a level 4 puzzle.

Also, is this quest still alive?
No. 267425 ID: 86bbf7
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'Alright, 3/3 sounds like a good balance to me then.'
"Let's go to the 3/3 door, any problems?"
"None here," Sam says with a shrug, "The people are starting to move also."
Various people are looking at the doors and wandering around.
"Why aren't they going in?" Kylie asks.
"Probably because it'll draw attention, but we already drawn so much attention that they're already bound to notice us, so let's go right now," Sang-hee says with determined eyebrows, her mouth, on the other hand, was curled into a smile that seemed to drift between cunning and sweet.
"Fine with me," Kylie says in her usual unfazed tone.
Sang-hee walks as soon as she gets the okay from her teammates and with steps filled with excitement that seemed to call on the people around them to look at them. Sam makes a worrisome face but grits down his teeth. Kylie... seems the same as usual.
"Hmmm," Sang-hee looks at the door and then just decided to push it open.
The loud grinding of the stone door meeting the hard stone floor immediately calls the attention of the people who weren't paying attention to them.
"Let's go in quick," Sam says to escape the gaze of other contestants.
"Yeah!" Sang-hee says as she and Sam run on ahead. Kylie continues her walk at her own pace.
No. 267428 ID: 86bbf7
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"A monster already?" Sam says drawing his sword.
"It sounds like it is asleep to me," Kylie says walking up to the two.
"You can tell? I don't hear anything," Sang-hee says keeping her eyes on the tail.
"Yeah, I don't hear any small noises, like the rubbing of flesh on stone, so I think it's resting or something."
"What do we do?" Sam says gripping his sword.
No. 267452 ID: 252e1b

If you risk fighting it, Sam or Sang-hee should keep an eye on the door for anyone following you three. If you are followed, prepare to fight the interloper as well as the monster.

If you sneak by, you may want to take the time to set up a booby-trap for anyone who would try to follow you. It need not be elaborate, you just need a tripwire and something to make a racket to wake the monster. Do the firecrackers use friction fuses?

In either case, you do not want an interloper to benefit. You must get through the challenge as quickly and safely as possible, and you must be ready to stop anyone who would try to beat you to the exit.
No. 267558 ID: c2c011

Sneak up on it. Keep an eye out for anyone following.

You will have a better idea of how to act once you can see the damn thing.
No. 267564 ID: 86bbf7
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'No, my firecrackers need to be lit, which is why I carry around a lighter. What do you guys think we should do?'
'Kill everything,' the spiteful voice says a hint of forcefulness.
'Kill everything,' the preachy voice says in a condescending tone.
'...Kill everything,' the gloomy voice says probably just to fit in.
'Kill what you need to kill,' the manly voice says disgusted by the other three.
'...Let's just sneak up on it first,' Sang-hee said trying to reason with the blood lust in her head.
"Let's take a look at it first," Sam says before Sang-hee can speak.
"Yeah, you guys go, I'll keep a lookout here for any intruders," Sang-hee says as she turns around.
(Note: Control has switched to Sam.)
'Ah, crap. It's looking right at us.'
'It was waiting for us,' says a stern voice.
No. 267565 ID: c2c011

Wave a stick a bit and see if it reacts. Don't wave it in a hostile fashion.

Oh, and see who is talking.
No. 267577 ID: 252e1b


While we haven't met anything intelligent in the challenge zones, this may be able to talk. Since it is not attacking you, it is worth trying.

Something like, "We need to pass, is that ok?"
No. 267637 ID: 1854db

The 'stern voice' was one of the other spirits we got from... well, either one of our buddies.

I really honestly doubt this thing is intelligent. It does have eyes but I suggest you play it defensive and keep your guard up. Determine if it has some sort of weakness you can exploit... It might not be able to turn very fast or be clumsy with all those legs.
No. 267697 ID: 252e1b


Yeah it probably isn't intelligent, but it's not attacking even though it saw us, so it's worth trying anyway.
No. 267974 ID: 238861
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'It was waiting for us,' says a stern voice.
'This is a stupid idea,' the stern voice says stressing the word stupid.
'Shut up, new guy,' the spunky voice says in a somehow positive way.
'Hmph,' the stern voice grunts with a tone of that doesn't hold any anger.
'Might as well give it a shot,' Sam thinks.
"Hey, we-"
The moment Sam spoke the monster leaped up at him, but it was not a soft leap that ballerina or a frog would make. No, this was one was full of speed, with the force of a panther pouncing on its prey, except in this case the force was going on an angle up, toward Sam's face.
"Needagh!" Sam yelled as he rose his sword to guard, but a half-assed defense that uses the strength of one human arm is obviously no use against a full weight attack against a monster that is as long as a human.
"Sam!" Kylie called out.
No. 267976 ID: 238861
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Perhaps it was luck, or maybe the image of sharp, diseased ridden teeth is what caused the sword to be lodged in a way that allowed Sam's face not to be shredded up.
Sam grunted as he tried to raised the monster the monster off of him, but unfortunately, the strength of one human arm is not sufficient. It is never sufficient against these beasts. One of the claws began making a sort of squeaking sound.
'What is that?' Sam thought as he tried to stop the monster from crushing him and ending his life.
'You don't want to know,' the old voice says.
'Ah, it's the sound of my skull-'
Another claw digs into Sam's shoulder.
No. 267978 ID: 252e1b

You're ground fighting. In a normal fight your stance depends on using the big muscles in your legs to deliver extra power to your blows. In a ground fight you don't have that.

Bring your knees up, press hard to buy a little distance, and then roll back slightly so that you can get your feet under it. Then, extend your legs just like you're making a big jump. You should shove it off of you, hard.

You just need to buy time for your allies to move in and help.
No. 268021 ID: c2c011

The others should moving into assist. Just get some leverage and try to keep it from using those claws to cause further damage.
No. 268056 ID: 20fc85

you have a sword...
it may be on your shoulders...

But I'm pretty sure you can take out its jaw...
No. 282337 ID: 252e1b


Won't work, he's got no momentum and poor leverage in this position. The blade would have to be as sharp as obsidian to do what you want, and it's not. Actually we're lucky it hasn't snapped yet, it looks like a cheap gaudy showpiece.
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