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190583 No. 190583 ID: d5dd74

You are shipwrecked on an island after treading water for several hours. Before your ship sank you managed to stuff some things in your pack and get a life vest, but not much else.

Choose your game mode.
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No. 190589 ID: 981af7

No. 190590 ID: 1963d1

insane for great justice
No. 190591 ID: 8e7d2a

No. 190592 ID: c71597

Lets get insane on this motherfucker.

Float ashore halfdrowned on a rock inhabited by rabid cannibals. And we got a broken limb.
No. 190593 ID: 6dfcf4

insanely hard.
No. 190595 ID: b4566e

No. 190596 ID: f39593

Insanely easy
No. 190599 ID: 4cfc69

Insanely normal
No. 190601 ID: d3dfb8

Hurts-your-eyes-to-look-at-it difficulty.
No. 190602 ID: 93c708

No. 190603 ID: cf68aa

No. 190604 ID: 6dfcf4

No just a bunch of normal pussies
No. 190605 ID: 55e935

Insane in the membrane!

No. 190606 ID: d560d6

1NSANE, the classic '90s offroad racing game.
No. 190607 ID: b89e1f

No. 190608 ID: 1a99f0

i'm a fucking pussy...
No. 190609 ID: 1806cd

I've done stranded from beginning to end
I've lived in the wilderness for a week...

I know ma shtuff

Just in case, you know, insane involves lions and raptors
No. 190610 ID: 58aaf3

Easy. It's our first run, after all
No. 190611 ID: ad15db

easy, because I'm a casual faggot
No. 190614 ID: d6cb21

Id just go with normal
No. 190625 ID: 6dfcf4

If there are raptors we grow a huge mustache by force of will and train them to be our mounts. Lions are a problem however.
No. 190641 ID: da696f

No. 190644 ID: d5dd74
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It turned out you were overzealous with the items you took, so you needed to discard the pack to stay floating and not exhaust yourself. Damn, that would have really helped. You're cold and wet, and need to catch your breath, but other than that you should be ready to get your ass in gear and...

Author note: You can check your inventory and status screen, inventory doesn't matter now, 'cause you have no items stored, carried, or held yet, but status will tell you the state of things, if it's something important. Yknow, stuff like status ailments or how good the tools and shelter are that you have made. Assuming you survive that long...
No. 190645 ID: 41ba59

For Lions we grow a beard and tame them.

Also, Status Screen prease!
No. 190647 ID: 1ac39d

rest until tired is down to 50% then look around some coconuts would stave off hunger and thirst for a while but are poor in th long term.
No. 190648 ID: 6dfcf4

Turn over and check your surroundings, if its safe THEN you can get up.
No. 190649 ID: b4566e

>look for driftwood
No. 190650 ID: d3dfb8

No. 190653 ID: c71597

Check out your suroundings.
No. 190656 ID: da696f

take this time to think about your life so far and if you'll ever see it again.
No. 190659 ID: 1806cd

First thing you'll want to do is find some sturdy pieces of wood...

I also suggest moving inland. Out near the sea, there's only saltwater... you can't drink that...

I'd suggest a Forrest or some high rocky terrain. Rocky terrain tends to be a nice place to create a still...

Honestly though, not even any saran wrap to start with?
No. 190660 ID: d5dd74
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You check yourself for various arbitrary stats and discover your name is Guy.
Lower percentage is worse, actually.
You've got so much nothing you don't even have lint in your pockets. (arguably that might be useful for starting a fire or something, but you don't have it so you can't try it and find out)
No. 190663 ID: 1ac39d

oh, well then. check beach for stuff, anything.
No. 190664 ID: c00244

Look around the beach. Identify potential points of interest.
No. 190666 ID: 911d56

Once rested, our first priority should be finding fresh water. Maybe grab food en route if we see any.
No. 190674 ID: 1963d1

First thing's first.

Pick up some sand off the beach. You never know when we'll need it.
No. 190684 ID: abb53b

look for neat sand dollars at beach.

establish sand dollars as currency
No. 190689 ID: 1806cd

crabs are a good thing to eat, as long as you don't eat the gills. Find a heafty enough rock and pummel some crabs. They're a good source of fresh water, and can be eaten too...

A nice snack to have on you at any time.
No. 190694 ID: 1806cd

I know double post... but
Bark (of many uses. Mostly in this case for fire)
sticks (of all sizes. scrap thin, able to be held in hand, and two hands. This is for fire. Also, we'll need a large log to be the center pole of a makeshift lean-to. Then use many smaller sticks to cover so dropped leaves will get caught on)
stones (good for bashing things. With time, we can make tools and knifes with these)
leafs (good for covering makeshift shelters. Also, fresh leaves can be used to squeeze water.)
Clay- Lot's of beach cliffs contain clay. With clay and a fire, we can hold liquids. Stored water is a plus.

I'll remember more as time goes on...
So priority is gathering a few snacks to keep Guy stable. Then building a lean-to shelter in a good location. Then to begin create a stock of food.

Spears anyone?
No. 190719 ID: d5dd74
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You look around shortly for some driftwood. Most of it is either too rotten or too big to carry, but you manage to find this humble, but serviceable specimen.
Sticks 'n' Stones. Just like your high school band was named.
Handful of Sand, just like the rival band was named. It feels weird stuffing sand in your pocket, but if you say it's useful for something there's no harm in carrying it.
Since you're the only one here, you set the exchange rate of 1 sand dollar to be 1 million US Dollars. If you find one, you're a millionaire!
Goals added to memo.

Yeah I know, it's insane that we start with nothing! It's like it's harder than hard! People voted insane, and like a DM once told me, once you roll the dice you can't take it back. If anyone is curious, each easier mode than insane lets you take 1 additional item which would have helped your stats in various ways.
No. 190721 ID: 23bbe0

First goal is to find fresh water. Go.
No. 190724 ID: 1e89ae

Look for an abandoned shack and a helpful monkey follower.
No. 190731 ID: cf68aa


Okay see if you can peel anything from those trees there. Bark or dead twigs
No. 190754 ID: 867a61

first we need sharp things.

lets find a ledge to trhow rocks from. you need a good enought flint to make a sharp stone, then you can break it to make a initial edge.

after sharpening a stick, we can attempt fishing. for now forage for food. grab rocks case you find anything small and edible, remember to trhow sand on eyes if we find anything big enought to eat us.

for shelter... we would need to make a axe, that would definitively take a day of work. treebark doesnt make that much of a good rope, but we can work with it if we make a sufficiently small rock edge. for now, attempt to find a tree that crashed and cover it with branches.

its not winning that makes you great, its defeating a strong adversary
No. 191001 ID: bcf25c


This man has it right. Fresh water first. Explore inside the island. Also look for potential food sources.
No. 191023 ID: 1806cd

right, which is why we need to start killing Crabs.
I don't think you all know this, but Crab blood is mostly water. On top of that, Crabs ensure fresh nonsalty water.

therefore, having some dead crabs will be of use to us while we are exploring inland...
No. 191062 ID: b44d5e

fruits now is our best bet for clean water.
No. 191128 ID: 1806cd

yes. We're gonna go looking for fruits, and in that time not have anything.
No. 191711 ID: e4e9c3

Stranded II anyone?

Anyway, check nearby trees for fruit, especially coconuts. Coconut milk will help with the water issue.

If your island is in the middle of the ocean, chances are that it is part of a chain of islands generated by a underwater volcanic hotspot. Do you see any other islands? Is there some chance that this island is the one currently over the hotspot? If so, there may be volcanic springs, which should provide brakish, but drinkable water.

Manufacture a basic knife out of rock. Just bash rocks together until one shatters in such a way to give you a sharp edge. Use your stick as a club, and try to discover the size and shape of your island, by following the beach -JUST INSIDE- the forest. The trees will provide shade, and help prevent heatstroke.
No. 192855 ID: 0ff2b4

Look for insects under bark for a quick snack and then do the productive stuff other people have suggested.
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