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File 127576992916.png - (15.46KB , 1014x640 , startup.png )
188253 No. 188253 ID: 0f9dad

24 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 193109 ID: 0f9dad

˙ɟɟo ǝʞɐʇ oʇ buıʇɹɐʇs sı ʇoןd ǝɥʇ uǝɥʍ ʇsnظ ˙uɐɯ pɐq sןǝǝɟ 'pɐǝɹɥʇ sıɥʇ dɯnq oʇ ǝʌɐɥ ı ǝʌǝıןǝq ʇ,uɐɔ ı
No. 193111 ID: a594b9

What does he mean by under the hood? Is he gonna crack open your head and poke your brain?
No. 193114 ID: 2a421d

You might as well tell him that you feel your system's been compromised... voices and odd thoughts... I'll warn you though. We aren't exactly 'system standard.'

You'll be lucky to pick us up on a scan.
No. 193145 ID: 0f9dad
File 127646023983.png - (74.10KB , 479x361 , earth.png )

>What does he mean by under the hood? Is he gonna crack open your head and poke your brain?
Shit, I don't know-


The man stares, blank at first. Then a smile spreads across his face. "Please, call me Sergei."

"Okay then, Sergei, but, when you say look under the hood..."

The man Sergei laughs, as if this is the funniest joke in the world but only he understood it. "Ah, it was just shop-talk. You'll be under general anesthetic; It's really no different from say a spinal tap or an endoscopy. It really shouldn't take long. Look, all our instruments are safe."

"I'm not so sure-"

"Hey, you said you were having security problems, right?"

>You might as well tell him that you feel your system's been compromised... voices and odd thoughts... I'll warn you though. We aren't exactly 'system standard.'

Anze swallows hard, but this is something she has to do. Right?

"Yes, a very bad issue, I believe I might be compromised."

Sergei looks askance for a moment.

"Then you would be in favor of a check, no?

I mean, it's a slow work day, so I most likely can start it up right now. It shouldn't take longer than... I don't know, an hour? To get finished. Why don't you lie down and we'll get started?"

>You'll be lucky to pick us up on a scan.
Should I really tell him that?

"Sure, that sounds great," Anze says with a straight face.
No. 193146 ID: 0f9dad
File 127646025797.png - (31.33KB , 481x281 , 123.png )

"Alright, this shouldn't take long..."
No. 193147 ID: 0f9dad
File 127646027458.png - (70.84KB , 479x354 , asleep.png )

Anze is becoming very tired
No. 193148 ID: 0f9dad
File 127646029493.png - (77.17KB , 640x400 , 000.png )

...It's almost serene.
No. 193151 ID: 0f9dad
File 127646066441.png - (98.11KB , 640x400 , 0.png )


Something tight grips around Anze's neck- is that her neck? Is that my neck? I can't see anythi

What you did, I'll admit was creative. I truly would recommend you not struggle, however.

A new voice, mechanical and almost toneless. Anze can't make out a gender. However, she can feel pain, which confuses her- just seconds ago she was drifting to sleep.

Don't struggle, I won't hurt you.

Anze feels like she's just attempted to breathe through her nose in a pool filled with chlorine.

Let me go-

You heard what was said.
No. 193153 ID: 1ac39d

well this is a rock and a hard place, just go with the flow.
No. 193154 ID: a594b9

Who are you?
No. 193155 ID: 2a421d

Oy newvoice... get y'ere own head... didn'cha read the sign? no vacancies! Also, what's with all the heavy equipment outside. I was told there wasn't going to be any demo work in here! Just a little drilling.
No. 194990 ID: 0f9dad
File 127680595118.png - (275.11KB , 1014x640 , aggressive.png )

Walk with me.

There's irony in the fact Anze can't walk. Yet she "follows" as well as she can. She's terrified.

>Who are you?

I do not have a name. A conventional name. I do not depend on names for identification.

"So you're nameless?"

Not quite. As I have said do not have a conventional name as your species does- first and last names are impossible. The most recent incarnation- I suppose I have copied, compiled, installed, uninstalled, deleted and quarantined multiple times- of my properties, I am Scylla.A.nxi.

"What do you want with me?"

I'm... I don't know.
No. 194991 ID: 0f9dad
File 127680596487.png - (206.29KB , 1014x640 , 108.png )

No. Incorrect. I had a motive-have a motive. I did not assume the chance would come this quickly. It can somewhat wait. Walk with me, I said.

"I can't walk."

Not in the traditional sense. I was attempting to comfort you by using one of your terms. Follow me. It gets lonely with only the dead and artificial for company.

This is a very vast place. Anze. Is that your conventional name?


You take your time to reply. Are you scared? I can tell- having access to your neurological output- but that doesn't tell me why. I do know why, but I rarely talk. "Talk". I suppose I am not actually talking right now.

"H-honestly, I don't know how I'm supposed to answer..."

Then simply don't.
No. 194992 ID: 0f9dad
File 127680598421.png - (85.52KB , 640x400 , span.png )

>Oy newvoice... get y'ere own head... didn'cha read the sign? no vacancies! Also, what's with all the heavy equipment outside. I was told there wasn't going to be any demo work in here! Just a little drilling.

Scylla.A.nxi makes a noise Anze wouldn't have been surprised to call laughing.

A lot of different programs call you your home, don't they? Why don't your friends introduce themselves to me?

No? They're just voices in your head? I doubt that. Are they afraid to manifest themselves to me?

"What do you want with me?"

A domain, girl. I am tired of running. Right now I'm doing my hardest not to be detected by that scan that man is doing. I do not wish to threaten, but my livelihood is at stake here.

I will not go easily if you decline. Your species' neural-interfaces are too deeply rooted in the brain. I could easily mimic the effects of transorbital lobotomy. Without releasing my full payload.

You could say I am a virus, but I do not wish to be unless I have to. I have spread to many targets for survival. I am tired of this. Each time I've thought of memories of what I was previously before existing- and I do not want to.

But I do not have that much time, as I believe your anesthesia is beginning to expire. Consider what I have said. There are many

No. 194993 ID: 0f9dad
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Anze's eyes snap open, oxygen filling her lungs. Everything is still blurry and coming into focus. Sergei's face is obscured, but his head is tilted to the side in curiousity.

"I was unable to find anything, but I was concerned as your vital signs were at a statistic not unlike someone running a marathon. Was something wrong?"
No. 194994 ID: aeade0

say it was a nightmare, dreamed he was taking out your brain and using it in a tank.
No. 194995 ID: a594b9

No, don't tell him. Scylla appears to be harmless. Just say you were having a nightmare.
No. 197619 ID: 0f9dad
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>accidentally my camera. at the moment paused.
No. 198942 ID: 0f9dad
File 127750851761.jpg - (35.14KB , 450x304 , BN140201.jpg )

>No, don't tell him. Scylla appears to be harmless. Just say you were having a nightmare.

"Oh, it was nothing. Just a nightmare."

"Are you sure? You looked pretty bothered there."

"It was just about you taking out my brain and putting it in a tank," Anze concludes with nervous laughter.

If it didn't go over with Sergei, he doesn't show it.

"Hehe, alright then," he says, starting to put away the equipment. "You might have a bit of a headache for a little bit, but you'll be fine. If you continue to have problems like this, come back and we'll have a more in-depth look."

Anze's vision begins to clear up and
No. 198944 ID: 0f9dad
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No. 198945 ID: 0f9dad
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No. 198946 ID: 0f9dad
File 127750857175.gif - (43.55KB , 1014x640 , startup.gif )

From the top.
No. 198948 ID: 0f9dad
File 127750865589.png - (109.23KB , 1014x640 , elt.png )

Good morning, beautiful.

You're a card.

I try my hardest.

What's in store for today?
No. 198953 ID: a594b9

Hello. Um. You said before that we weren't just voices in her head. Thing is we're not sure what we are. Could be part of the 'epidemic'... Uh, I guess I'll try to do something.

No. 199038 ID: 0f9dad
File 127751897762.jpg - (143.31KB , 448x560 , g20 wake up.jpg )

>Hello. Um.

Well, what do we have here?

A prone body sits up from its stupor much quicker than it did in days before.

Looks like we have a new visitor.

I don't like this. You're becoming almost a motel for these things.

You're one of "these things", you know.

I just don't think... being so welcoming is a good idea.

True, true.

New to me.

>You said before that we weren't just voices in her head.

I said that? This one seems to be awfully confused.

I didn't know it was even here.

Some program you are.

Well, I'm not perfect.

Hehe, that's been your mantra for a while now. You should get it copyrighted.

It's trying to manifest, by the way.

The person yawns while shaking her head, brunette hair twisting in some fan-generated breeze.

No shit. I might let it since more or less I'm going down that route.

So what happens to be your story?

No. 199039 ID: a594b9

WHAT. We're in someone else's head now?

Okay, who are you then? Who's this 'program'?
No. 199340 ID: 732129

We're, uh, something. We're not really sure what, except that we think we're some kinda program running in CruxOS, or that if we're not properly a CruxOS program, then we're at least capable of calling up programs in the head of whoever we're being hosted by.

Something like that, anyways. Don't really have a name of our own.

Who're you lady? Who're you, other voice?
No. 201006 ID: 0f9dad
File 127785995490.png - (116.31KB , 640x400 , mind.png )

>WHAT. We're in someone else's head now?
Were you in someone else's comp before?

>We're, uh, something. We're not really sure what, except that we think we're some kinda program running in CruxOS, or that if we're not properly a CruxOS program, then we're at least capable of calling up programs in the head of whoever we're being hosted by.

Crux is a cheap shit. If you can overtake a user being a manifest, that's terrible.

It's not like what you're running right now is better.

Shut up.


>Something like that, anyways. Don't really have a name of our own.

Well, okay then, stranger.

>Who're you lady? Who're you, other voice?

You can call me.... No. That's not proper.

Vancouver was a city before that disease ravaged everything. The name Vancouver itself originates from the Dutch van Coevorden. Not my name, though. Used to be in my family. Before the disease, aga
You're talking in circles.

A transition's been made.

Whatever. I'm Skadi, she's Charybdis.
No. 201008 ID: 0f9dad
File 127785997720.jpg - (337.15KB , 1280x960 , 0f.jpg )

This is the infranet.
No. 201012 ID: 0f9dad
File 127786023088.jpg - (69.94KB , 480x320 , once was enough.jpg )

Well, partially. A visualization would be the best name for it.

The point is, we are here.
No. 201016 ID: 00160c

huh, well what goes on here? and i think it would be nice to find a way back, we promised to help the person and i'll be damned if we broke it.
No. 201038 ID: 0f9dad
File 127786263756.jpg - (315.22KB , 1155x768 , 03.jpg )

>huh, well what goes on here?
Well, like Char said, this is a visualization of the infranet. The actual thing is even bigger.

I'm looking for someone. But that's something personal.

>and i think it would be nice to find a way back, we promised to help the person and i'll be damned if we broke it.

I'll keep an eye ou-
No. 201040 ID: 0f9dad
File 127786265729.png - (77.38KB , 640x400 , manifest.png )

No. 201041 ID: 0f9dad
File 127786276649.png - (168.54KB , 640x400 , hostile.png )

That's a hostile manifest. Do you know how to combat one? Ugh, I don't have time.

acierice.la loaded.

This should at least keep her alright. If it gets any closer, we have an issue.
No. 201062 ID: 00160c

no, we don't. only thing we may have is that we are we, not I, so mind control would prove impossible.
No. 205048 ID: 0f9dad
File 127863345592.jpg - (128.88KB , 640x400 , atdi5.jpg )

>no, we don't. only thing we may have is that we are we, not I, so mind control would prove impossible.

Neuken. Damnit.

Wait a second.
No. 205049 ID: 0f9dad
File 127863351084.png - (108.86KB , 640x400 , 08.png )

It appears that the manifest has snapped itself in two.

It's still heading this w
No. 205050 ID: 0f9dad
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No. 205051 ID: 0f9dad
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No. 205052 ID: 0f9dad
File 127863360874.png - (103.57KB , 640x400 , 10101.png )


anze? are you there? please respond. anze?

I... I hurt.
No. 205057 ID: 35c8d5

No. 205061 ID: a594b9

Hi, we're back. It looks like we're kindof split between more than one person right now though. I'm not sure what's going on.
No. 214609 ID: 3bc942

computer's working again?

oh yeah.gif
No. 215980 ID: 3bc942


>Hi, we're back. It looks like we're kindof split between more than one person right now though. I'm not sure what's going on.

I wasn't the only one.

Those things- they fought me off, took control for a while, but now it looks like they escaped. I can't understand why they suddenly left.

where am i?

As in location? I don't know. I can look for a familiar place. Two places I do know about. The first is a sort of nexus of sorts for manifests when they're not...

in my head?

Not your head, specifically, but you can say that. Usually news travels fast through the infranet- Perhaps one of them has knowledge on this situation.

What is the other option?

The other option is following the network signature and getting out of here. While this could take us out of here, those signatures can have several security measures or be extremely long to find out.
No. 215982 ID: c5d3aa

so uhhhh, where are we physically?
No. 215984 ID: 3bc942

>so uhhhh, where are we physically?

yeah, where am I?

Physically I assume still in sergei's room, but right now your consciousness- better word would be neural-interface is situated in the Infranet.
No. 216062 ID: 701a19

Oh, lovely, we're confined to the local network.
Oh well, nothing much we can do about that at the moment.
No. 216064 ID: 9d50c7

looks like we are gonna have to go decker, or would it be more like uplink? anyway, we need hax programs.
No. 222136 ID: 3bc942

>anyway, we need hax programs.


What do you have in mind?

No. 222139 ID: 97cb33

offensive and defensive algorithms. perhaps cloak so as to hide our signature and a silencer that makes it so any network entities that spot us cannot call in reinforcements.
after that a scanner and a decrypter would be useful for any secure files we may come across.
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