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File 127396742168.jpg - (35.20KB , 484x353 , i feel fantastic.jpg )
177932 No. 177932 ID: 1d6838

You wake up.
You feel fantastic. Hey. Hey. Hey.

What should be done?
39 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 178274 ID: 1d6838
File 127402491846.png - (95.88KB , 642x361 , wire therapy.png )

With her teabags, Shaye can now focus on wire therapy.


No need for skin tape.

Just need for wire therapy.

Fantastic wire therapy.
No. 178275 ID: 1d6838
File 127402499986.png - (146.03KB , 486x346 , wire therrrrapy.png )

But what should be done with the other fantastic things you found in the tea box?

Shaye says she doesn't need them.

Shaye agrees, however, that the things you found are fantastic.




But what should be done with the tea box's fantastic goods?
No. 178277 ID: d3dfb8

Eat them
Hey. Hey. Hey.
No. 178304 ID: 5e217a



how about getting some fantastic money?

lets try to sell it.
No. 178335 ID: 1d6838
File 127403713899.png - (193.24KB , 433x322 , jerron.png )

>how about getting some fantastic money?

>lets try to sell it.

That is a fantastic idea.

>Eat them
>Hey. Hey. Hey.
You do so.

But only a little bit.

Overeating isn't fantastic, and you need the fantastic goods for your fantastic sale.

Jerron operates a market. Perhaps we should see him.

Jerron's a tad strange. He wants to be just like Shaye. He botched a surgery to look like Shaye.

But it isn't polite to gossip. Gossiping isn't fantastic.

And Jerron is happy about it.

Jerron feels fantastic.




Perhaps we should see Jerron.
No. 178356 ID: 5e217a

hey, that i snot a bad idea.

as long as he isnt a fantastic chtulean entity.



No. 178570 ID: 482f1b

Yeah we should check for Chtulu before we goes to any place. Weird shit, ho!


No. 178571 ID: 482f1b

Yeah we should check for Chtulu before we goes to any place. Weird shit, ho!


No. 178586 ID: 7630d5

Have the most fantastic sale with the fantastic other things

No. 178728 ID: a85626
File 127412212052.jpg - (39.85KB , 379x500 , horses-mouth.jpg )

No. 178852 ID: 1d6838
File 127413923077.gif - (29.54KB , 433x320 , jerron.gif )

>hey, that i snot a bad idea.

>hey, that i snot a bad idea.

>as long as he isnt a fantastic chtulean entity.

Jerron is not a chtulean entity.

He is Jerron.

>Yeah we should check for Chtulu before we goes to any place. Weird shit, ho!

You see no Cthulhu.

>Yeah we should check for Chtulu before we goes to any place. Weird shit, ho!

You see no Cthulhu.

>Have the most fantastic sale with the fantastic other things

Of course.

We must be quick, however. Jerron took the tablets. He will be gone by midnight.















No. 178865 ID: 7630d5

Go find Jerron and get the tablets. If he leaves by midnight that wouldn't be very fantastic.
No. 179038 ID: 482f1b

Does the name Autons ring any bells? If so, find the Doctor; he's quite the fantastic gentleman. Also brilliant. And Geromino, but that's for another day.
BTW this shit is like bad acid
No. 180295 ID: 0f9dad
File 127439041366.gif - (33.47KB , 438x332 , jerron_.gif )

>Does the name Autons ring any bells? If so, find the Doctor; he's quite the fantastic gentleman. Also brilliant. And Geromino, but that's for another day.

It's vague. You cannot think of any persons named Auton. Nor do you know a doctor or Geronimo.

They sound fantastic and will be kept in mind, however. Never forget things. Never.

>Go find Jerron and get the tablets. If he leaves by midnight that wouldn't be very fantastic.

He's going to be gone regardless.

As such, if you are going to make a sale, you must make it now.

Jerron says our goods are worth a lot, and is willing to pay us in currency.
No. 180308 ID: 6eb63e

fantastic, i guess.

accept the offer.




by the by, what does he has to sell?
No. 181240 ID: 0f9dad
File 127453589818.png - (321.93KB , 375x454 , what the fucking fucking fucking fuck.png )

>fantastic, i guess.

>accept the offer.

You do so.

>by the by, what does he has to sell?

Many things.

A handbag catches your eyes. You could possibly put coins in there.
No. 181273 ID: b1c12c

hey, i am wondering what that fantastic currency is.

also does the fantastic handbag makes any sound? maybe move on its own?
No. 181327 ID: a7a85a
File 127456055317.jpg - (25.35KB , 459x347 , francis_trash.jpg )

See if you can purchase this guy's services.

He's old school.

He can only make your day more fantastic.
No. 181979 ID: 0f9dad
File 12746573144.jpg - (28.17KB , 400x400 , fantastic currency.jpg )

>hey, i am wondering what that fantastic currency is.

We call them flares.

>also does the fantastic handbag makes any sound? maybe move on its own?
It does not. You can't use wire therapy on a handbag.

>See if you can purchase this guy's services.
You were not aware he was purchasable.
No. 182068 ID: 7630d5

Those really are some fantastic flares.

They would go fantastic with that fantastic handbag.
No. 182238 ID: 3adf4a


its time for some news. lets check his price list first.

and dont forget to loot the flares on the tea box. hey. hey. hey.
No. 183030 ID: 0f9dad
File 127483105458.jpg - (13.64KB , 513x412 , flare wallet.jpg )

>Those really are some fantastic flares.
They certainly are.

>They would go fantastic with that fantastic handbag.

They certainly would.

>its time for some news. lets check his price list first.

The handbag is relatively cheap for its quality-79҉ with a discount for helping Shaye's wire therapy, Jerron says.

That should come to about 30҉.
No. 183367 ID: bde1b8

If that means we can afford it, then lets do so.
No. 184034 ID: 0f9dad

>If that means we can afford it, then lets do so.
We do so!

We still have about 49҉.
No. 184035 ID: 0f9dad
File 127497507818.jpg - (32.25KB , 462x342 , i can see you.jpg )

We should go home, no?
No. 184037 ID: 0f9dad
File 127497531112.gif - (34.51KB , 567x409 , oh.gif )

But what's this?

It looks like someone has been here.
No. 184038 ID: 0f9dad
File 127497536691.jpg - (32.63KB , 852x434 , oh.jpg )

Someone has left quite a mess.
No. 184039 ID: 752a98

no we shouldnt go ho- wait we are already home?


get weepan. prepare for battel.
No. 184084 ID: 0f9dad
File 127499276287.jpg - (37.79KB , 855x394 , what a mess.jpg )

>get weepan. prepare for battel.
We have no weepan. Or a weapon for that matter. Just the handbag, though you could use that as a weapon.

There is rustling in the other room.
No. 184091 ID: 44ec13

Before entering the other room, check the space in between.

No. 184108 ID: 3f82ff

thats not fantastic. that is un-fantastic, in matter of fact.

get to kitchen, grab a knife, try to phone the police, etc.
No. 184183 ID: 0f9dad
File 127500986165.jpg - (48.04KB , 500x375 , 1274741910498.jpg )

>Before entering the other room, check the space in between.

You see what you did there.

>get to kitchen

Our maid is here, but she seems to know about much as us about the current situation.
No. 184184 ID: 0f9dad
File 127500990886.jpg - (30.53KB , 450x350 , armed.jpg )

>grab a knife

We retrieve a knife from the cutting board.

The rustling in the other rooms continue still.
No. 184203 ID: 3f82ff

we have a maid. that isnt mexican.

this is fantastic.

lets get dangerous in the next room.


its harass time!

No. 184448 ID: 0f9dad
File 127507824538.jpg - (120.42KB , 740x571 , writing.jpg )

>lets get dangerous in the next room.
Someone's left graffiti all over the wall. How rude.
No. 184449 ID: 0f9dad
File 127507828217.jpg - (668.26KB , 1600x1200 , smile.jpg )

Here's our intruder!

It makes a low, wet rumbling noise.
No. 184469 ID: 2cff42

What a fantastic intruder.

Condemn it for the mess, then open it and see what's inside.
No. 184668 ID: 0f9dad
File 127510390347.jpg - (908.93KB , 1600x1200 , it\'s not that easy.jpg )

>Condemn it for the mess

It ignores us.

>then open it and see what's inside.

It resists! It screeches and scratches at us. Our maid falls backwards.

A very interesting fluid leaks from our arms, yet this intruder is hostile.

This is a very fantastic fluid.
No. 184669 ID: 8e82a3

Lick the fluid from its face.
No. 184688 ID: 7630d5

Fling the fluid at its face, blind it ever so fantastically
No. 184903 ID: d1622a

Stab the intruder with the knife, then open it. Don't forget to apologize and tell it to have a fantastic rest of the day.
No. 185476 ID: 0f9dad
File 127526255765.jpg - (29.20KB , 475x359 , just like we imagined.jpg )

fluid?! fluid...

˙ʇsǝq ǝɥʇ pǝɹ ǝɥʇ ǝʞıן ı

ʇsoɯןɐ uɐɔ ı

uoısıʌ ˙dn ǝʞɐʍ 'dn ǝʞɐʍ

You explained your intentions clearly to the intruder, yet it doesn't respond, only makes more noises at us.

So with the help of the maid you opened it up.

It's very pretty now.
No. 185477 ID: 0f9dad
File 127526257188.jpg - (31.20KB , 480x356 , pretty.jpg )

No. 185478 ID: 0f9dad
File 127526258138.jpg - (32.42KB , 481x360 , beautiful.jpg )

So very, very pretty.
No. 185480 ID: 6a5a08

Fantastically pretty.




Squish fantastic bugs, eat fantastic bugs, search intruder corpse. Be sure to do this fantastically.
No. 185520 ID: ca82d1

um. attempt to identify the intruder? did it carried something? maybe it had money? maybe teabags?
No. 185712 ID: 2cff42

Tell us more about our maid.
No. 187797 ID: 0f9dad
File 127568442678.jpg - (2.99MB , 2816x2112 , 1271793133416.jpg )

>Squish fantastic bugs, eat fantastic bugs,
That would be rude.

Would you stomp out ɔıʇsɐʇuɐɟ?

>search intruder corpse.

There isn't anything. With enough cutting with our knife we might be able to manufacture some currency.

>did it carried something?
Only its life.
No. 187798 ID: 0f9dad
File 127568450066.jpg - (8.94KB , 720x357 , a01.jpg )

>Tell us more about our maid.
The best in the area.

Truly fantastic.
No. 187839 ID: bfaf59

Gather the fantastic currency. Do intruders happen often? It would probably be a good source of income...
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