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File 127386949353.png - (44.95KB , 600x450 , AorB.png )
177281 No. 177281 ID: 543aa6

>You have fallen from the sky out of nowhere like most adventure games. A voice in your ear asks you a few questions.
...A or B..?
269 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 180133 ID: f2622e

Go after Roo- I mean, the party, you silly girl.
No. 180137 ID: 3416ec

No. 180138 ID: a594b9

Summon your familiar in preparation for entering the dungeon.
No. 180140 ID: 543aa6
File 127434165868.png - (114.58KB , 600x600 , pause.png )

>You run to catch up with the rest of the party. It seems like there isn't much in the cave so far. It gets darker and Eli mentions something about a candle or something, but you glance at Rook who is looking right back, grinning, as if he knew what you were thinking about...
Rook: Shhh...

No. 180141 ID: 701a19

If you want to tap him, slap him on the ass.
No. 180160 ID: e31d52

Slap it! slap dat ass!
No. 180168 ID: c5296f

Nonono, it's quite simple. First you cast Emit Light on the weapons of the other two so they can scout ahead, then you're free to keep "accidentally" bumping into him in the dark.
No. 180178 ID: c71597

Slap that ass for luck and then plunge into the deep dank dark of the cave.
No. 180194 ID: 7e92ee

i get it.

by the end of the cave we will find a 5 star motel and a condom dispenser.

well since this turned into datequest, my paranoia kicked in and now i think rook is a crook that wants to steal our shit.
No. 180201 ID: b58b7e

Or an incubus.
After all, he seems to have used charms on Sarah.
Be wary.
No. 180227 ID: 69b9b9

Rook is a Manslutcubus. We should probably dual class him into a berserker.
No. 180243 ID: 72fa46

I somehow had a feeling that this would end up happening.

Chick casters always go for the dashing rogues.
No. 180250 ID: 72fa46

I hope she isn't like this in reality. That's just givin' us tanks a bad name. T__________T
No. 180256 ID: 543aa6

>She just has a bat phobia. I don't know why she didn't mention it during all the cave talk.
No. 180259 ID: 07e95c

Have Eli cast +10 STR on Rooks cawk.
No. 180265 ID: d3dfb8

Hes hardly dashing. More creepy than anything.
Now that Ali on the other hand~
No. 180270 ID: 72fa46

Yeah, I do love that pony-tail. :3
No. 180282 ID: 6e49b2

Illuminate the darkness.
No. 180286 ID: 72fa46

No. 180300 ID: 6eb63e

i am a part time grue and i approve of this message.

then accidentaly stumble everyone and grope away!
No. 180476 ID: 543aa6
File 127441129225.png - (206.96KB , 600x600 , bluelight.png )

>Darkness illuminated. Your thoughts are still clouded by the earlier... events. How did Rook know what you were thinking? It seemed odd, but you still trust him. Your thoughts are interrupted.
Aliandra: Oh, good job, Sarah!
Sarah: Yeah, thanks..
>You whip your head to the right with the rest of the party...
No. 180486 ID: d3dfb8

We should ditch rook, he's creepy.
No. 180487 ID: a594b9

He knew what you were thinking because you were staring at him, blushing, and drooling with a distant smile on your face.

Doesn't take a mind reader to guess.
No. 180491 ID: 69b9b9

Rook was bluffing, you silly billy.

No. 180501 ID: c5296f

OK, theories! 1- Nothing out of the ordinary is going on and we just have really obvious poor control over our hormones. 2- We have really poor control over our hormones and our rogue is a mindreader. 3- As above, but he's reading this whole thread. 4- He has some sort of freaky magic mojo and is flat out projecting this stuff into our mind.

And independent of all those he kind of has an evil vibe going on. He's got those scrunchy evil planning eyes, he totally stabbed some bats to death, and it was his idea to go to this cave which has caused the other two party members to totally abandon us and he knows too much about it. So odds are like 80/20 he's a secretly some horrible evil monster who's planning to murder the other two and keep as as his love slave chained to the wall. So if it comes up, say no to manacles!
No. 180502 ID: 409e5d

Don't use your new light to stare at Rook's fine, manly ass cheeks.
No. 180511 ID: 3416ec

Rook is a mind reader.

Think about asparagus.
No. 180514 ID: 543aa6
File 12744143329.png - (318.03KB , 600x600 , HULKSMASH.png )

>You think that he was probably bluffing you, but telepathically? If that's true, that skill could come in very handy later if necessary. To your left, a hulking ogre thing appears.
>The Ogre stomps forward. Attack? Bluff? Say whaaaaaaaaaat?
No. 180515 ID: 409e5d

Yes, long, stiff asparagus shafts...
No. 180516 ID: 409e5d

Turn undea- wait, no cleric! Crap!

Um um magic missile?
No. 180518 ID: 6e49b2

use a spell to blind him and then GANK THAT BITCH with your combined team might.
if its eyes are used to the dark, a blinding spell will be especially effective.
No. 180519 ID: 3416ec


Tank, attack the ogre up front. Rogue, sneak around and flank him. Healer, keep healing the tank. Sarah, cast some sort of damage on the Ogre.

No. 180520 ID: d9f9ef

What spells do you know?
Cast an illusion on him and make him think your all hideous hob goblins.
No. 180522 ID: c5296f

Wait, was that an accidental direction switch, or did an orc show up from the left while everyone's freaking out and looking at something off to the right? If it wasn't a typo, than clearly this ogre is our friend and we should ally with it against the mystery Bad before it assumes we're on its side.

Unless of course it's Rook's secret evil true form, in which case it'd take a heck of a bluff check to convince it we weren't together.
No. 180524 ID: 620bfb

Summon something to cover you until the tank gets in position.
No. 180530 ID: 48de3d

Ogres are dumb. Tell him you're not bad, and in fact the master will want to talk to you.

Charming would be nice if you have that, but it's worth a bluff.
No. 180534 ID: 543aa6
File 127441576049.png - (480.78KB , 750x600 , ogreattakz.png )

>Rook had already hid behind a rock and jumped up to the ogre's shoulders to stab him in the head. Aliandra pulls out her sword and begins to swing at the beast. Elijah casts sparkly star healy spells on Ali and Rook while.. a cat jumps into the scene.
Rook: Hit him hard, Ali!
>Sarah is muttering something with her eyes closed. She has put the blue flame down on a rock nearby/
No. 180536 ID: 543aa6

>Shhhh... I totes didn't feel like checking what I typed before so f u
No. 180537 ID: 3416ec


Keep Sarah covered until she finishes her casting!
No. 180538 ID: 409e5d

Whose side is the cat on?
No. 180539 ID: e31d52

Aliandra, avoid taking damage to armor/clothing, as that is your greatest concern as a woman in danger.
No. 180540 ID: a594b9

If Eli has a chance during the healing thing, cast some buffs on Ali and Rook. Give Rook +damage and Ali +defense.
No. 180542 ID: c5296f

Rook's continued skills as some kind of crazy combat god putting the official tank to shame really do help the secret evil horror theory, particularly when it was the OTHER rogue choice who was supposed to have been the stab-happy one.

Also, KITTY! $#@% combat! Hunch over and hold your hand up palm up so the cat can come sniff your hand and know you're good people! Sure earlier theorizing suggests it's either also a secret evil monster but Cat > Logic dagnabit!
No. 180546 ID: 2bbc4f

Have the cat jump down his throat and claw him apart from the inside!

The other rogue wasn't more stabby, just more stealthy.
No. 180547 ID: d3dfb8

And sexy. She was a lot more sexy.
No. 180550 ID: 543aa6
File 127441732557.png - (416.89KB , 750x600 , mangle.png )

>The little cat morphs into a saber toothed tiger, knocking over the ogre and mangling him, ripping at his neck and tearing at his chest. The party seems impressed. Don't you just love blood?
Aliandra: Well you coulda just done that from the start.
Rook: Oh, I need my knife back...
>Sarah opens her eyes and smiles at her familiar. She beckons him back.
No. 180552 ID: 543aa6

Also Paused
No. 180553 ID: 3416ec



Distribute XP to everyone!
No. 180554 ID: d3dfb8

Best familiar ever.
No. 180555 ID: d9f9ef

Ask the cat to retrieve dagger once its finished of course. Then pet kitty.
No. 180556 ID: 409e5d

That's some killer pussy
No. 180562 ID: f95872

Man, when I saw the image I thought we'd lost a party member. That would have been pretty brutal. But then I read the text and everything was happy.
No. 180563 ID: d3dfb8

Well, its not like they aren't replaceable.
No. 180578 ID: b58b7e

Now, pet the kitty and give both Rook and Ali a peck on the lips as thanks.
No. 180721 ID: c71597

Awww what cute widdle death on four legs. Pet it some and listen to it purring in contentment, maybe ask Rook to cute out the best bits of ogre for treats.
No. 180730 ID: 445c48

Have the cat grab his knife and bring it back to Rook
No. 180933 ID: 543aa6
File 12744822025.png - (330.33KB , 700x700 , tiger.png )

>The cat drags the dagger, back to its original domestic cat shape form.
Ali: So what's his name anyway?
Sarah: Tiger.
>Ali gives Sarah the eyebrows
Sarah: What? You think of something more original. Besides, it makes him feel like a manly cat. Who's a manly cat? Yes, you are, Tiger.
>Sarah picks up Tiger and hugs him as he begins cleaning the blood off of himself and Rook wipes the blood off the dagger and puts it back into his pocket.
Eli: So what do you think the ogre meant by his "Master"?
No. 180938 ID: 393a00

Proceed deeper into the dungeon, tank up front, very visible, rogue a bit farther up ahead than the tank, stealthed, everyone else behind.
No. 180941 ID: d3dfb8

probably just the dungeon boss.
No. 180943 ID: c71597

Probably just someone who had bound the ogre to their will. They seem to have treasure they want guarded, so there should be something here worth taking.
No. 181022 ID: 48de3d

Masters are people who have treasure. Too much of it.
No. 181063 ID: 6eb63e

hell yeah, redundant party members!

prolly a taskmaster, watch out for slaves and miners.

next time, get them ALIVE. we need info too.
No. 181065 ID: 3afd1f

Hey. Hey. We chose the Buff-capable healer so WHERE ARE OUR BUFFS
No. 181077 ID: c5296f

Clearly, our buffs are being saved for the upcoming boss fight. We've just had 2 random encounters that were over in one round without anyone taking damage. Keep on conserving that MP!
No. 181079 ID: 3afd1f

2? You mean 1. The bats were in our IMAGINATION.
No. 181163 ID: c5296f

Of course, the important thing here is- A party of a fighter thief mage and cleric met up at a bar, wandered to a nearby cave, killed a monster, and thus far have not stripped both the monster and the cavern of anything of possible value! I mean, clearly there's an oversized vest, some tattered pants, big ol' boots, a morning star, and a single disembodied shoulder pad! You can totally sucker some generic level 1 fighter into giving you all his money to make himself look like some goofy cartoony RPG protagonist with all that! And even if ogre blood isn't a real spell component, if you filled a vial with some you could totally pawn it off as someone as a natural male enhancement potion or something I'm sure.
No. 181175 ID: f95872

Probably he was in an S&M relationship, and it was his partner.

That tells us little of the actual entity, so we should just assume it's a little girl until we get more evidence.
No. 181254 ID: 07e95c

I second this notion.
No. 181272 ID: 543aa6

This is now canon
No. 181275 ID: d3dfb8

This is now the best quest.
No. 181298 ID: 543aa6

( This is good advice, will use later )
(I am still learnin how to do fightan quests <:3c )
No. 181344 ID: c5296f

Right then! Finish looting the ogre's equipment and blood and then further into the cave to kill and loot an uh... 8 year old dominatrix?
No. 182020 ID: 543aa6
File 127466253261.png - (124.47KB , 700x700 , rewards.png )

>You receive: 20 gold coins, a 2 handed flail in used but alright condition, an ogre loincloth, a key, 3 ogre toes, and some experience.
Elijah: I want the flail!
Rook: Let's uh, toss out that loincloth... ugh.
Aliandra: I'll hold the key in my item pouch and Sarah, you take the coins.
>Everyone takes the items they wanted and leaves the ogre loincloth. The loincloth watches as the party walks away. It cries for hours before dying a week later from malnutrition. Everyone levels up to level 2!
No. 182022 ID: 701a19

The cave, I mean. Not your sexuality. Cave floors are icky horrible places to do that, and they're all covered in bat poo.
No. 182023 ID: d3dfb8

Do we get more experience from the ogre loincloth?
No. 182033 ID: c71597

Well then lets explore this deep, dark and dank orifice in the earth some more then. Keep going, who knows, maybe something will attack and rip off Rooks shirt.
No. 182040 ID: b3ee70

What? Loincloth coulda been an excellent strangling weapon for Rook. Person would suffocate willingly.
No. 182044 ID: c5296f

Do we have a spell book to consult for uses for ogre toes? Also, what's with Aliandra suddenly calling all the shots like she's the one who assembled this party? She keeps running up ahead of everyone too. And I bet that's not even her real hair color!
No. 182054 ID: f95872

Okay, this amused me.
No. 182089 ID: 1e89ae

Put Loincloth on head.
No. 182111 ID: b7178e

Write "DO NOT OPEN" on it.
No. 182170 ID: c5296f

Continuity says we already abandoned it, so we should at least wait to obsess over it until we're on the way back out. Give the scent of ogre crotch time to air out a bit and all.
No. 182202 ID: 543aa6
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>Y'all continue down the cave when Rook stops suddenly and kneels to the ground.
Rook: These are foot prints... they don't look human though..
>Aliandra gazes at the cave ceilings totally bored and wishing she were at ye olde mall. Elijah is too busy admiring his new weapon to care what Rook has to say and the only person really paying attention is Sarah.
Sarah: Well, we best be on our best look out then...
>Rook gets back to his feet and leads the party further into the cave, watching for traps, more footprints, and stepping lightly.
No. 182203 ID: a7a85a


Oh God. Elijah is going to flail himself to death. And not in the good way.
No. 182204 ID: 3416ec


Roll for a Perception check.

Look for traps.
No. 182205 ID: f95872

Let's follow them. Maybe the little girl has an unusual foot condition.
No. 182208 ID: d9f9ef

Does Elijah even know how to use a flail without hitting himself.
No. 182213 ID: c5296f

Man, we totally should have grabbed that guy with the beard instead of this haughty bimbo. And she's flat too! She probably slept with the blacksmith to get a discount on that armor too. I hope the next monster we find rips her empty little head right off!
No. 182214 ID: 1ac39d

wow, no, just no.

anyway, let's follow those tracks.
No. 182244 ID: c71597

Follow those tracks.

And prepare some sanity shattering spells, you know stuff that kills in such an awesome way that people who watch it doubt they're sane anymore, because there is no way such an awesome thing could have happened.
No. 182265 ID: 754d8d

Ali: Make sure Eli knows how to swing that thing. Nobody's wearing a helmet. If something panics him he's gonna conk someone, possibly himself, given his rear-guard position something could sneak up..
No. 182299 ID: 620bfb

This is a terrible adventuring party. If you can't power through the boss fight, be ready to leave the useless ones and flee.
No. 182301 ID: d3dfb8

I'm sure there are ways we could ENTERTAIN Ali~
Give her as a squeeze. When she looks at you point to rook.
No. 185017 ID: 1c90bc

Make sure Eli actually knows how to properly use his weapon, while following the tracks.
Also, inform Ali that it would be best if she payed more attention to what was going on, seeing as Rook may accidentally over look a trap.
No. 185020 ID: b58b7e

Get her attention with an ass-pat.
No. 194941 ID: b3dc5f

Is this quest still alive?
No. 194976 ID: b58b7e

I hope so.
No. 194978 ID: 732129

Let's hijack this quest!
No. 195095 ID: 3416ec


Let's not.
No. 211769 ID: 72bf0a

wtb bumps!
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