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172250 No. 172250 ID: 3441fa

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No. 174949 ID: a594b9

Only if your father supervises.
No. 174952 ID: 956565

>>174943 >>174945
Lest we forget, we are busy being a useful and valuable member of the party. So let's at least finish the adventure before we go off with any weird and creepy necromancers.
After all, Sally and Flint and William need us. They are our friends. And as we've taught Mira, friendship is all about blowing the shit out of things in times of need.
No. 174953 ID: 2c47db

If the powers are so fantastic he can explain their nature in detail. Otherwise don't even bother with him.
No. 174963 ID: 476456

ha ha, fuck no, get the fuck out of here you crazy necromancer
No. 174973 ID: 6a5a08

It's an evil Black Mage Outcast! Or Necromancer. The two look shockingly similar.

If it is in fact a Necromancer, say, "No, I'm too young to learn about Necromancy. Haven't you seen Tiffany the Necromancer and how much trouble she's having with it?"

If they are a Black Mage Outcast, they are even more powerful and dangerous than a Necromancer and should be made to teach you Meteor.
Then killed after.
No. 174975 ID: 1ac39d

gang up on him but don't kill. if he loses to a bunch of kids then his powers were obviously false.
No. 174991 ID: c587a4

I'm seconding this
No. 174997 ID: f16354

Tell him no. You can't abandon your friends right now! They'd have no-one to properly deal with the ghosts!

And besides, you have your father to teach you all the magic-knowledge you need.
No. 174999 ID: 5a2e05

Get him to explain them in detail. If they are evil and/or involve the raising of an undead army, hell no.
No. 175011 ID: 19ecf1

get her to get our wizard over. We should be able to converse with this guy and ensure she doesn't get hurt in that month...
We still need to get the other three out...
But necromancy/dark magic used properly can give a major advantage...

And considering we defeated Satan, supervision will be easy. (this guy probably will want our guidance too)
No. 175025 ID: 754d8d

We can't really suggest anything to Mira.. this choice is hers. We have to be ready to come to her aid IMMEDIATELY. This fella might not want to take 'no' for an answer.
No. 175026 ID: 059120

No. 175173 ID: 3441fa
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"What are these... powers?"

"Heh heh... the control of the dark thingss, of course... You'll learn much more than how to tosss fireballss from me..."

"I'm sorry, but I need to help my friends! We're adventuring..."

"I undersstand. If you change your mind, come back with thiss..."

No. 175174 ID: 3441fa
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The rest of the dungeon goes normally enough. The party ends up running into a mummy lord, and deciding they can't take on such a powerful creature, flees. It seems like Mira still isn't quite used to boys, judging by her reaction once they get out.

On the upside, the party has made off with a decent sum of treasure. After dividing it four ways, Mira has obtained enough gold to last for the next 7 months. With the gold you already had, this makes your current treasury 10 months worth of gold.

In addition, Mira has obtained Skeleton Dust! It seems like it can be burned up in a spell to boost that spell's performance. Her adventuring completed, you drop everyone off in their kingdoms, then return home. Mira's birthday is 2 months away.
No. 175179 ID: 476456

Begin plans for most awesomest birthday party ever.
No. 175180 ID: 476456

or at least schedule a cake to be baked
No. 175183 ID: 1ac39d

ask her how it was in there and if she met any other adventurers, it by not happen often but it does happen. relate to her a story of of when you ran into someone mid adventure and formed a temp party to go further then each of you could alone. it's asking her about the man and testing her trust but disguising it as a story.
No. 175187 ID: a594b9

We should do a bit of research on Cultists. Are they evil or what?
No. 175197 ID: a594b9

For her birthday present, how about some advanced chemist supplies?
No. 175240 ID: 3441fa
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You and Mire spend the next month studying up on Cultists together. You find that they are one of many different Alternate Classes - Mira's WIZ class would be replaced by CLT if she takes him up on his offer. This would change her skillset from Fire, Ice, and Thunder magic to Darkness, Necromancy, and Drain magic. It sounds like she'd lose her direct blasting capabilities, the ones you are oh so fond of, in exchange for a wide variety of less direct magic.

It seems there are 4 more Alternate Classes out there in the world, one for each area. If you want to learn what class is offered in a particular place, it takes 2 months of study on the area, or only 1 month if you have discovered the class change offered to the area already.

For her birthday, you get her an advanced chemistry set! She loves it and says she will put it to good use.

>You can now learn Chemistry from home!
>7 months worth of gold remaining.

Mira has reached age 14!
>Mira has remained fond of BOOKS and MAGIC and POTIONS. She is still SHY AROUND BOYS.
>Mira's eyesight has deteriorated! You get her new glasses, identical to the old ones.
>Mira is capable of taking the following jobs: Tutor, Cleaner, Church, Babysitting, Farmer, Restaurant, and Researcher.
>Class Progress: 6 more months of Wizardry to become a Talented Wizard! 6 more months of Chemistry to become a ???!
No. 175248 ID: 2c47db

This sounds like an excellent option, do this. Chemical, magical or otherwise, it will only help studies.

>6 more months of Chemistry to become a ???!
Oh is that some hybrid classing results? Nice. Lets progress with a combination of research work, chemistry, and time off. Just so that we reach that class upgrade point without nothing but constant study.

We should also make sure she becomes more sociable though, how about we take her to the Purple Kingdom Castle to let her visit once in a while? Maybe get some training in how to deal with people better? I'm sure the king likes us well enough for that.
No. 175249 ID: a594b9

I think we'll avoid the Cultist job switch. That ???! sounds fascinating though.

Let's study Chemistry for 3 months then take a vacation in the Blue Kingdom to see what that's all about.
No. 175250 ID: e3f578

William might be the best bet if you want her to be less shy around boys. Since he's interested in purple kingdom's stuff I think, you can invite him occasionally or at least have a better chance than Flint.

Also, I think maybe Mira should spend time socializing around purple kingdom. There has to be some fun and interesting people here!
No. 175337 ID: 2c47db

The bardling could well be good for helping her be more sociable... but being also a ranger and an elf, maybe the castle isn't his sort of social thing. Still it could be healthy for them to hang out together a bit even if they don't get along swimmingly right now.

And maybe she can hang with Flint too, later. Maybe he can help her get into an exercise regimen or something, earn her a few more HP.
No. 175440 ID: 3441fa
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You spend the next several months doing a wide variety of things. First off, you have Mira study Chemistry for 3 months, as well as work as a research assistant at the local magical college. Mira begins to get stressed by the heavy workload, but makes good money - the researcher job covers those 3 months as well as another 2 months. In addition, she met a cute researcher there and will not stop talking about him. Unfortunately, she hasn't yet talked TO him, either.

>Mira has discovered boys! She is still very shy, however...
No. 175441 ID: 3441fa
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To calm her down, you spend the next month on vacation in the Blue Kingdom, meeting Lizzy and her father, Berserker Ikari. Mira seems a bit intimidated by Lizzy...

>Lizzie, Age 17
>Master RAGER. RAGERs are Berserkers who have sold their soul for more power.
>Has an interest in power and glory.
>Is loud and imposing

You have reached age 77. You seem to be having a lot of trouble getting around lately...
No. 175443 ID: 3441fa
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Since she didn't really have any stress relieved from your time visiting Lizzie, you only spend a day visiting. The remainder of the month there is spent vacationing in the hot springs on the mountain. This is a bit expensive, but you and Mira feel infinitely relaxed. You feel a lot better, and Mira does too.

>Stress levels significantly reduced!
No. 175444 ID: 3441fa
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Feeling much better, the two of you head back home to get back to studies with renewed vigor! Over the next 5 months, Mira gets Etiquette classes from school to try and help with her shyness. You also take her to a few royal parties, again to try and help with the shyness. She spends a bit too much time hiding behind you for your liking, but you think it is helping.

During that time, she also spends more time with the researchers, as well as keeping up with her chemistry.

What's this!? Mira's class is changing!
No. 175445 ID: 3441fa
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Mira has become an Apprentice Scholar!
>Mira has obtained Wizard/Chemist hybrid class! It now takes 8 months of study to rank up instead of 6 months, but each rank up increases both her Wizardry and Chemistry abilities one level. Right now, she has the abilities of a rank 2 Wizard and a rank 2 Chemist.
>If you take an Alternate Class, such as Cultist, it will change your class name and abilities. You will still be a hybrid class.
>Scholar Special Ability: Rapid Learning! It takes 10% less time to learn things through study for you than normal! For example, leveling up in Scholar only takes 7 months of study!

It will be Mira's birthday again in 3 more months. My, how time does fly. You also have 2 months' worth of money left.
No. 175458 ID: b6541b

Well, she's at that age. Might start saving up for one of those... 'female enhancement' pills, should she complain about how she's 'developing'.

If she doesn't, then hey. More cash for living expenses, or for presents.
No. 175464 ID: a594b9

Since we have no way of extending our lifespan, we should determine exactly when we would die of old age. Then we could prepare the power transfer potion at the last minute. One last gift. Be sure to leave a little bit of buffer time just in case.

Let's expand Mira's wardrobe some more and get her a SWEET HAT, and perhaps some BEAUTY SUPPLIES. Or a MAGICALLY ENCHANTED ROBE for better combat protection?

Also: Mira should regularly spend time in the Research job. We should encourage that crush she has on the cute guy.

Can it be more adventure tiems now? Arrange for everyone to meet us in the Desert, this time. Um, except Lizzie. When, though...? Let's have Mira study for another 3 months.
No. 175465 ID: 956565

> My, how time does fly. You have 2 months' worth of money left.
Well, you know the drill. We need money to pay for more schooling. We're getting a bit too old to rip through tournaments wantonly now, and Mira's not quite skilled enough to do it, so adventuring seems like our best bet.

Actually, I might suggest we send her off with just Flint this time. Without direct supervision, again. The one-on-one would force her to interact with Flint a little -- she knows Flint a bit by now so it won't be completely horrible, but she still hangs back enough that it'll be good for her. We can stick to Moderate or Easy locations as before, to compensate for the lack of party members.
It might even give her the confidence to talk to that cute researcher boy.

No. 175467 ID: a594b9

If it's only Flint, we'd want to stick to the Forest. A full party of 4 had trouble in the Ruins.
No. 175473 ID: 2c47db

Or we can just take the full party adventuring on the Moon
No. 175507 ID: b14128

You're just screwing with us, right?

Yeah, this sounds like it'd be best. And while she's there, maybe we could ask her to question Flint for if he's ever heard of the alternate class for Fighters? ...Then again, from the looks of the alernate classes for wizards and berserkers... I'm starting to get the feeling the alternate classes might all be dark in nature, so we should be careful.

As for a birthday present... Hmm... Perhaps a LIBRARY or BOOKS or something like that? Maybe to help with research, science, learning about the world, and such? Still, the MAGICALLY ENCHANTED ROBE for combat protection is also a pretty good idea. Squishy wizard (Scholar?) and all that.
No. 175534 ID: 637d5e

new robe is a good gift idea. and yea an easy adventure with just flint sounds like a good idea to overcome her shyness...

and I'd thought we'd already ruled out power transfer potions as it would rob us of our last year and her of the experience of gaining her own?
No. 175536 ID: e3f578

Hhhrrmm, she doesn't have a female role model in her life. That's important... any idea where to get one? I doubt flexing our brain muscles to attract a mate is a good idea this late in his life and she's too old for a nanny.

Is there a master purple sorceress/scholar in the area?
No. 175548 ID: 2c47db

New robe design should be similar to the old one, same colors and maybe a little more detailed. Or just a nice MAGIC HAT.

Or do scholars have their own sort of traditional dress?
No. 175578 ID: f95872

We're getting older. Let's see about magic to make sure we don't end up dying on accident. Or becoming too decrepit, either.
No. 175627 ID: 5eabae

First adventuring, then investigation on not being decrepit in our old age or dying suddenly.
No. 175636 ID: 6a5a08

Let's stay over in the Green Kingdom for a while. Mrs. Ranger could teach Mira the ways of the woman. And we could teach William about how silly Bards are, when blowing stuff up is clearly more useful than status buffs that wear off after anyways.
No. 175643 ID: b3ee70

You know... a momentary trade off wouldn't hurt...
Mainly cause Mrs. Ranger has a boy
And we have a girl

And we would like Mira to learn how to be a girl for a while. We have been pushing training more than we've been pushing... well... social stuff...

Girl needs some charisma. (though, I guess with enough training, she COULD just make a love potion or something...)
No. 175675 ID: 2c47db

A scholar would be the best bet, if we can find one willing to take her under her wing. I doubt Ms Ranger would really have that much to offer her as far as training, even for non class related things.

>love potion
That's... one way to do things. Hardly the healthiest though. She'd be better off making potions of confidence, or perhaps just some cosmetics.
No. 175694 ID: 620bfb

Potion of confidence? She is too young to be drinking!

On a more serious note I support some sort of agreement with Roseworth.
No. 175699 ID: 6834bc

>And we could teach William about how silly Bards are, when blowing stuff up is clearly more useful than status buffs that wear off after anyways.
Not to say that Bards are better than Wizards or anything, but Bards have such insane powers that they just convince their enemies to blow themselves up.
No. 175755 ID: f95872

3.5 bards
4e bards

The fight rages on!
No. 210369 ID: ed09de

So, this is stopped? Too bad, I *really* liked this Quest.
No. 210394 ID: a7a85a


So did I. It had a nice flow to it.
No. 210401 ID: 600434

Come back 3441fa! We miss you!
No. 210405 ID: a594b9

It's Gnome. Also, the quest isn't over; he'll come back to it eventually. Cease your bumping!
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