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159748 No. 159748 ID: 40056d

The night drags on as I try to finish the project-of-the-week by the deadline. Salary work does have it's downsides at times. ...at least there's a nearby internet connection I can 'borrow' if I wanted. I feel a slight... tingling...

Out of curiosity, I open something to type into.
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No. 159894 ID: 1ac39d

get this out of the way now:

No. 165568 ID: 25246a
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As I drive home, I feel good. Probably the best I've felt in a while.

I consider my options for when I get home, since I'm still not feeling that tired.
No. 165574 ID: 7524b0

Well... You could watch TV or read a book or something. What kind of hobbies do you have?
No. 165660 ID: 3b6c92

What do you usually have as your stopgap activity between more pertinent things?
No. 166066 ID: d12053
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Well... usually, I shoot people with other people, with most of 'em on the other side of the world. Or, I sic my aliens against their aliens in a massive strategic battle. Sometimes, I don't feel like playing games, though, and just watch movies or shows. I don't really have much in the way of books, unless you count comics and graphic novels. Even then, I don't have many that are in dead-tree version.

Occasionally, I work on personal projects I take on, but I currently don't have any of those.

I wonder why I feel so good. ...and everything's looking... interesting. I guess I never really bothered to look at stuff as I head home.
No. 166069 ID: 1ac39d

meeting a ghost can do that.
No. 166103 ID: 7524b0

Watch a movie.
No. 166125 ID: 6a5a08

Isn't it, like, midnight? get some sleep. My guess is tomorrow you'll be chatting with ghostie all night long again.
No. 166141 ID: a73abd

Well hey, if you've got no projects, think one up! It's not good to let your skills get more rest than you, yknow.
No. 166811 ID: 3dde9c
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Ahh.... the sweet sweet relaxing hum of home...

Sounds like everyone's behaving themselves. No troublesome alarm beeps or anything.

Nah... probably closer to four in the morning.

I guess I've got time for a movie. Maybe I'll get an idea while watching or something.
No. 166812 ID: 3b6c92


What are all those lights in your room?
No. 166824 ID: d2ea61


Ordinary server status lights would be the obvious and probably true answer.
No. 166881 ID: 3b6c92

Yeah but it never hurt to ask.
No. 166882 ID: 6a5a08

Dude, is that a TV or a Microwave?

Also, do computer nerds and gaming geeks worship you as a god?
No. 166883 ID: e2020c


Find some porn
No. 170503 ID: e3d71f
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Bringin' my setup back on...

Correct. I do a bit of hosting on the side. It helps with the electric bill and the internet bill I rack up usually. I think I've got a few set up as a render farm that I never actually got around to either using, renting, or setting up as something else.

That's my crappy first attempt at a case mod. I put way too many glowy bits in it. I keep it around for sentimental reasons. ...plus, it helps me not stub my foot when I'm walking around in the dark.

And I've gotten a few compliments from online associates. I've had a few get upset with how well I can do in games with this setup. Accuse me of Hax. I got over game hacking long ago.

True, one can hardly have enough porn. One benefit to hosting sites... if I want, I can browse the st--gah! My arm is flipping the fuck out. What the hell? Scrambling about. Scrambling... looking for... something?
No. 170504 ID: e3d71f
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...a pen. My hand grabs a pen. I get some paper for it with my other hand.


It does this.
No. 170506 ID: 1ac39d

oh great. she isn't haunting your work place, she is haunting you!
No. 170507 ID: 609024

Reply: What way would you rather I express my sexual urges?
No. 170508 ID: 86bece

Looks like Marisse followed you home. You can probably speak directly to her and she will hear it. Tell her that you're a single man and you have certain needs and urges. She might also want to stay out of your hands when those come up, or might not. Up to her I guess.
No. 170509 ID: 4531bc

Also, this is why everything seems so new and fresh and happy to you.You seem to be capable of receiving the ghost's feelings.
No. 170524 ID: 43d730

Could it have to do with the content of the porn rather than the presence of it?
No. 176821 ID: 3a973c
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I turn off the other monitors and open up something to type in, getting weakly whacked a bit atop the head by my free hand until it opens. Typing commences.
No. 176831 ID: a594b9

Tell her you have a great respect for women, but really like looking at them too. It's not like you're into the hard stuff. Also tell her that you didn't mean to be rude but this is rather embarrassing.
No. 176833 ID: e973f4

Dunno what else you can say, really.
No. 176834 ID: e31d52

Tell her that the female form is a work of art, and that you are merely a connisuer.

You enjoy all the ladies, even the ones who have no form.

No. 176836 ID: 701a19

Also tell her that it's not really fair to judge people based on what they do in the privacy of their own homes, and that sex is one of the four major biological mandates of humans.
No. 176838 ID: a594b9

I think right now we should be working on positive things to say instead of confrontation.

She wants us to be NICE.
No. 176853 ID: 6ee21f
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I explain. Words words words.
No. 176854 ID: 6ee21f
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She's quiet for a while.
No. 176855 ID: 6ee21f
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...and then a response. ... She draws a little smiley face on the paper with a bit of a smirk
No. 176856 ID: e31d52

"I am male, hear me roar."
No. 176858 ID: a594b9

We can work with that. Let's ask what she wants to do. We've got movies and stuff we could watch.
No. 176860 ID: e973f4

Well, you're never gonna live this down.

But hey, better that she playfully rag on you about it than think less of you for it, y'know?

So, before Marisse said hi out of the blue, were you planning on doing anything? 'Cause I guess that's where we're back to, now.
No. 176864 ID: 701a19

Agreed. Movies would be good.
No. 176869 ID: e31d52
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Don't tell me you're going to fall in love with your own hand!
No. 177009 ID: b0dfe8
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Movie sounds good. Nice, social activity. And since I'm at home, and... um... she doesn't have a body... I only really need to get out snacks if I get the munchies.

I wonder what sort of movie to fire up. Decisions decisions...

Didn't have much planned, really. Either games or movies or just general exploration of the internet. So, this is good enough.
No. 177013 ID: 1ac39d

if you want to be corny play Casper. or a maybe comedy would be good. DO NOT play a romance, it's too soon to be suggesting that.
No. 177019 ID: a594b9

A not-ghost-related comedy.
No. 177022 ID: b43d64

Something Jim Carrey.

Yes Man, Liar Liar, something like that.
No. 177035 ID: e973f4

Ooh, Liar Liar sounds good.
No. 177277 ID: 697b23

I got a perfect one:

It's very relevant and Ricky Gervais is hilarious
No. 193031 ID: 26366a
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...Oh dear...

Well, we've been watching a few movies. Making a night of it. I... suppose it was inevitable... But... erm... a certain inevitability of life has... made itself known. Nature calls, as the saying goes.

But... err... um... Can't exactly see my guest.

I... doubt others have had this... particular dilemma.
No. 193035 ID: a594b9

Signal a time-out, and go over to the bathroom door. Try to make it clear what you need to do.
No. 193058 ID: 732129


Just pee in an empty mountain dew bottle like normal.
No. 193393 ID: e973f4

Tell her, as awkwardly as you feel necessary, what you need to do. I'm sure she'll understand. :V
No. 193395 ID: 1ac39d

just announce out loud that you are going to the bathroom and go.
No. 214882 ID: 5de2d9
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Right. Play it cool. I excuse myself stating nature calls.

No. That's behavior reserved for multi-day raids on some MMO. And I've kicked that habit.

Seems like ever since I met her, I've had that 'someone watching' feeling. Maybe I'll get used to it. But, the pressure is relieved.
No. 214889 ID: a4ad64

she is totally watching you go, but stay calm and just finish up and wash our hands. if she knows that you know she was watching you will never hear the end of it.
No. 215222 ID: c71597

You know your shadow looks a bit different. Don't let on that you noticed though. Just go back out and turn whatever you were watching back on.
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