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File 126721968429.png - (22.36KB , 929x570 , OQ1.png )
139133 No. 139133 ID: c1b520

Alim: "The image is blurry miss, but there is something there... I can see it... no, I can see them... I have good news miss..."
10 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 139192 ID: 2eac65

That's still a change. There's no reason to expect it to turn out worse every time.
No. 139195 ID: 716eb0

Has the lesson of the monkey paw taught you NOTHING?
No. 139200 ID: 632862

Perhaps you should be more vague in your warnings, then. The bad thing might still happen, but they won't blame you for it as much.
No. 139275 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "It's not like that Omee, What I tell them is what will happen if they simply continue to act as they normally would, good news makes them seek that destiny. People want to avoid bad things, so they attempt to alter their fate, which only leads to more terrible effects."

Alim: "I'm fine with the burden of their blame, it's the regret that I could not avoid it in the first place that I cannot stand."

Alim: "I have thought of other positions, but I have no other skills. I'm not that strong, I'm smart but the schools won't allow me thinking I would frighten the children. The only position the people of this town, my home, will allow me to take is as their oracle."
No. 139280 ID: 632862

Alright, perhaps you should give them instructions in order to help them deal with the bad event, without avoiding it.

Like, tell the man 'not to blame the twins for what is to come.'

You might've been able to prevent some casualties during the wolf attack by suggesting that they 'prepare meat for unexpected guests.'
No. 139285 ID: 701a19

Thus it is proven that the hand of fate bears malice to all life, for only malice would taunt you with horrors and punish you more for trying to escape them.
No. 139312 ID: c0f3bf

Have you EVER seen something good?
No. 139313 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "Please understand Omee, it's not me telling them that would make it happen. It's the actions themselves. Even if I hint towards any action taken, if the action is taken then the effects take place. I can't change the future, I can only see it."

Alim: "I am not trapped here Omee, I simply have no where else to go. The only family I had is dead, and whoever my real parents are abandoned me before I even knew them. I can only hope those two boys find a similar fate when the time comes."

Alim: "I hold no grudge towards the gods, and I would never attempt to kill one. They may be cruel on occasion, but they also help us far more then we know. I am, by proxy, named after the god Alimalla, the god whom this town was named after, Alimal. I am named after the town."

Alim: "On occasion yes, though most of my visions hold some shadow over them. The most beautiful however are my visions of the coming of spring. Though it is sometimes shadowed by floods, I can never forget those beautiful sights and sounds of spring before they have come."
No. 139412 ID: 34470e

What race are you?
No. 139413 ID: 632862

You say you can't change the future, but you already have. You warned them about the wolves, and the wolves were driven off... yet came back. That is different from what would have normally happened, isn't it?

Now, if you're saying you simply can't prevent disasters, well... that's different. So if you can guide them to accept the disaster in a way that is not as harmful, then perhaps fate will be kind and not cause backlash.
No. 139426 ID: 288dda

So how, praytell, do you see the future?
And how long have you been doing it?

Got any other skills / potential romantic interests we would be interested in?
No. 139431 ID: a85626

You're a terrible fortune teller and a terrible person. Real fortune tellers could stop the wolves from killing everyone. And stop saying Omee all the time.
No. 139439 ID: 632862

Omee is us, some kind of spirit guardian thingy.
No. 139446 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "Omee, try to understand. It's not that I can't change things, it's that it always turns around for the worse whenever I try. And it's not like I haven't tried to simply warn them of these things and ask them to accept it as fate asks. But it's simply human nature to try and avoid the bad. I've tried Omee, I've really tried, I just can't stop bad things from happening."

Alim: "Now that you ask Omee, I don't really know... I know I was hatched from an egg, because that's what my parents told me, and they showed me the shards as proof. I also have a smooth skin like a serpent. Most of the signs point toward a dragon born. But what throws me off is the mark on my head, and my ears, which remain unidentifiable. They feel almost chitinous. Not to mention you Omee. For some reason you appeared out of the woods when I turned 15 and you haven't left my side once in 5 years. Soon it'll be six."

I've was seeing visions when I was around 7, and I was able to clearly see the future around 12. I've been doing this job for 4 years since I turned 16 at your recommendation, if I remember right. As far as skills go, as I said, I'm not strong but I'm very intelligent. I was taught by my parents and I excelled quickly through everything they taught me. As far as interests go... I've had a couple... But every time I try to talk to them they just run. They see me as a freak, I can't really blame them though... It only happened at school, and that's why my parents taught me. I've stopped trying anymore, the men in this village don't see me as an ideal wife and honestly, I no longer find any of them an ideal husband."

"Omee... Thank you for always being there for me. I wish there was something I could do for you. You've helped me so much through these last few years, and I have no idea how I can repay you. Thank you Omee. Thank you so much."
No. 139449 ID: 632862

Let's go on an adventure to find out what you are, and what I am. Perhaps you can find somewhere with people that know how to use your gift correctly.

Let's go into the woods.
No. 139477 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "Leave the town? My home? There are so many memories here. I don't know anything outside... but... I don't know anything inside either. I don't know what I am, and the town doesn't want me, it only wants my gift... But..."
No. 139484 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "Before I decide, there is someone I have to ask..."
No. 139492 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "Papa... Mama... Papa was obsessed with the circus... He always kept a ton of circus stuff around the house, mostly statuettes. I don't think Mama approved of it all the time, but I don't think she minded so long as the clutter didn't get too high. I remember one time me and papa made a huge mess playing with all the statues and we spent all weekend picking up. When they died, their will stated that I was supposed to get all of their inheritance... at least... what was left of it..."
No. 139496 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "My father's pocket watch... It was the only thing that made it. It hasn't moved off of that time ever since it was given to me. It was stated that this was the time my father supposedly died. It was still ticking when it was given to me, it doesn't any more, I can only guess that it needs to be wound up again, but the knob is welded tight. It's the only thing of true value I own."
No. 139497 ID: c0f3bf

The knob is WELDED? With fire?

If you decide to leave, you might want to either give a speech to the town or leave without anyone knowing. How big is it? And who did you need to ask something of?
No. 139501 ID: c1b520
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No. 139852 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "That is the most likely possibility yes. Considering what it went through. It's about as big as my palm. As far as informing the town, it might just be easiest to leave a note... The word will get around either way I think. And... I just needed to ask my parents, Omee. ... I... I think they would have wanted to me Omee... I think they would have wanted to see me go on my own, I had always seen clues of them wanting me to discover things for myself. I guess they wish now that they could have left me more... but all I can wish for is that they remain with me in spirit. That's all I would have asked for... I'm sorry Omee, I'm just stalling here aren't I? I wish I had better clothes for the journey but.. I guess I'll pick some up in the next town. I'll bring what cash I have..."
No. 139875 ID: 817cd3

There is little tying us here it seems and we should be on our way. Let us hope not to see the end of this path before we take it.
No. 139878 ID: c0f3bf

Start writing the note. Make sure to explain that you can't change the future without making it worse, and that you almost always see horrible stuff.
No. 139953 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "I... I would prefer to keep that out. I just want to say goodbye to them... for now."

Alim: "I think this is good. It's a little mushy, but... it gets the point across I guess. Alright... Unless you want me to do anything else before we leave Omeee... You said you wanted me to exit through the woods right? There is a road out of the village but I guess the woods would be a bit more subtle."
No. 139956 ID: c0f3bf

You don't have any friends here? Woods are the better option.
No. 139972 ID: 632862

(try to remember our origin, in the woods)
No. 140008 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "I guess that's a blunt way of putting it, but alright. I'll leave the note posted outside my door."

*You attempt to remember from the time before you fled the forest, you are greeted to a sharp pain and diffuse for only a second. Alim notices.*

Alim: "Are you alright Omee? You tried to remember your past again didn't you. I wish I could do something Omee."

Alim: "We've reached the edge of the forest... I guess it's time to enter the great unkn-"

*several seconds pass*

Alim: "Wolves..."
No. 140009 ID: c1b520
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No. 140011 ID: 632862

Well I suppose we'd better not go through here. I wanted to find out what was in there... where I came from.
No. 140332 ID: a85626


Tell their fortunes. You're so incompetent they'll probably die on the spot.
No. 142949 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "I don't think we have a choice Omee. I just had a vision, I saw a den of wolves... I think we have to go there. I was a fool to think that my visions wouldn't interfere.... but... I guess I'm too far now to turn back. I... I'm scared Omee."
No. 142950 ID: c0f3bf

It'll be alright. Can you talk to animals?
No. 142951 ID: b71223

you would truly be a fool if you weren't scared.
it's ok. in my experiance the universe is fond of balance. who knows the wolves might be nice and offer to give you a cup of tea.
I doubt it, but still have hope, if we must go to a wolf den we should at least make a good entrance.
No. 142952 ID: 8ecfd4

Have you ever had visions involving yourself before?

Atleast prepare yourself for the encounter. Find a stout stick or something.
No. 142962 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "I've never talked to animals before, but I guess anything can happen right?"

Alim: "I guess..."

Alim: "Yeah, at least with a stick I'll be able to keep them busy... I've had visions of myself before, but they're mostly random. In most cases with other people they just need to be in the vicinity and I can see their future if I concentrate, but the random visions do appear. They are either about me, or about the weather. which is why I can predict good or bad weather."

Alim: "There are sticks all around here, but I can't find any big enough to ward them off in case they atta-... what is that?"
No. 142964 ID: 8ecfd4

Looks like either a sleeping or wounded wolf. Cautiously move forward to investigate.
No. 142969 ID: b71223

it may be sleeping I doubt it's injured due to the fact I see no blood near it but then again my eyes may be playing trick on me.
carefully move forward.
No. 142980 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "Omee... I think I know why we have to go to the den..."
No. 142981 ID: c1b520
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No. 142983 ID: 8ecfd4

Check up on the mother as well. And when they're that young they really need a warm place and they're sensitive to infection. So do you have any warm place where you can carry them that's clean?
No. 150144 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "My scarf is clean so I can hold them in their if that's needed, but she won't let me get close to them. I guess that's no surprise. She doesn't seem wounded in any way but I can bet that she can't move around right now due to the pups. What do you think we should do to calm her down Omee?"
No. 150145 ID: c0f3bf

Can you sing?

And sit down and don't move.
No. 150149 ID: 8ecfd4

Do you have any meat on you? If so offer some.

Sit down nearby, talk in a low soft voice and keep talking. Make the wolf relax and get used to your presence.
No. 150157 ID: a85626


Do what you usually do to calm her down. Tell her crappy fortune, and lie like a sailor to make it sound good.
No. 150166 ID: c1b520
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Alim: "I don't have any food on me actually, I didn't have anything to bring with me since I just pick up what I need from the grocers around town when I need it. I just didn't have the tools necessary to keep the food stored in my own home. I was hoping I could do the same in the next town and just pick berries on the way to the next town. Kind of a bad decision huh..."

Alim: "I've never sung before, and I don't know any songs that I could sing."
No. 150170 ID: c0f3bf

Just keep looking in its eyes.

...CAN you read its fortune?
No. 150173 ID: 8ecfd4

Singing isn't needed. Just talk to it in a low and soft voice wile remaining still. Once it has calmed down you can try to extend a hand for it sniff.
No. 150175 ID: 34470e

Get as low to the ground as possible. Extend the hand palm-up below it's head. Talk in a calm voice. Let the dog sniff your hand. Um... Am I forgetting anything?
No. 150187 ID: b71223

I have a song.
"there was a man named ivory.
who saw things you couldn't see.
his sight was beyond...mortal reach.
he saw the horrors, the wars, the fears.
and was cut off by all his peers.
but the animals showed no fear.
and in their eyes he saw no leer.
and so he lived in the forest here.
a protecter from there to hear."
or theirs alwaysthe classic:"come with me and you'll see there is a world beyond imagination..."
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