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112521 No. 112521 ID: 34470e


People go on Pokemon journeys for different reasons. Some want adventure. Some want to collect every single Pokemon there is. For me, tomorrow's the big day...
235 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 119102 ID: 57aa53

right now care for brownie.

ask her about:
-personalized moves and their legality
-not claiming you didnt abided by the local league rules
-strange lack of heart from scyther why scyther tooked little damage from eletric damage. and i dont mean isolation.
-why you feed pokemon to pokemon. its cannibalism considering they are all near sentient, talking creatures.
-why would you be stupid enougth to go against a franchise without a franchise. YOU COULD BE MAKIN MILLIONS! POKEMON BLOODY WRESTLING, LIKE HOUND DOG RACES, BUT THE BUNNY ISNT STUFFED!
No. 119114 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Can you heal Brownie?"

Alvis takes what looks to be a Super Potion out and uses it on Brownie.

Dai:"How can Odin know moves that he isn't supposed to know?"
Alvis:"Odin can't use moves they don't know how to use, like Hyper Beam. He has wings, so it's only logical that he can use Gust. Odin also knows how to use Sand Attack because he has legs and feet."

Dai:"What do you mean by the Pokedex being an innacurate piece of junk?"
Odin:"Have I attacked you yet, Dai? I already told you I don't get all ragey at the color red."
Alvis:"Plus there are way more than the 493 Pokemon listed on the Pokedex."
Odin:"So it's p. inaccurate."

Dai:"What are you doing way out here?"
Alvis:"I'm a field agent. I work out on the field. I don't like to be cooped up in a lab all the time."
Odin:"Not to mention he would've gotten arre-"
Alvis:"Just quiet yourself."
No. 119115 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Are personalized moves illegal to use?"
Alvis:"First of all, that wasn't a personalized move. I saw many people use it in North Amerion. Second, some gyms I've been to encourage personalized moves. It all depends on the rules the gym leaders set forth."

Dai:"Why didn't Odin take any damage from the electric shock he took?"
Odin:"I stuck one of my metal scythe arms into the ground. plusimasupersoldierBUT never mind that."

Dai:"Why do you feed Pokemon to other Pokemon?"
Alvis:"Damnit, Odin!"
Odin:"Hey, the world is a much darker place the what the league teaches you. Pokemon die, hunt, and are abused. Nothing can change that. Plus I don't really enjoy the taste of manufactured Pokemon food."
No. 119184 ID: 57aa53

so, SUPERSOLDIER! is it like rare candy or just a pack of horse sized steroids?

ask him why he was rude by not pointing out he played by american rules.
No. 119196 ID: 74f445

To Odin: "Did you just say he would have gotten arrested?"
No. 119199 ID: 57aa53

obviously because of pokeroids. but that is a interesting question because odin has a loose mouth!
No. 119200 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Odin, I think I heard something about Alvis getting arrested for something."

Alvis sighs.

Alvis:"Yes... The League assigned me to look after you for some reason. They said if I don't, I'd get the death sentence if I refused. It's very strange, though."

Dai:"And the super soldier thing?"

There's a pause. Odin looks at his feet.

Odin:"I was... created... by Team Rocket... please don't ask for more info."

Is there anything more I can ask?
No. 119215 ID: 6834bc

"Death sentence? Whose coffee did you piss in to get such a harsh punishment?"

Odin must've seen some pretty harsh crap if Team Rocket screwed around with him to weaponize him. Might explain his general attitude and rudeness - you can forgive him for that, right?
No. 119216 ID: 57aa53

so to clear it up, the pokeleague supadudes decided to send a scientcheater baka foreigner gaijin (that hates them) to guard us (or else DEATH!) with a pokemon created for/by team rocket.

for unknow reasons.

onward to pokecenter! we need to check with jenny for what alvis did and if we can rely on him on the long term. in secrecy.

who am i kidding, ask the scyther anyway. loosened mouth, dont fail me now!
No. 119219 ID: 57aa53

american team rocket. i woulnt doubt if that scyter would have some human in his scoreboard.
No. 119225 ID: 74f445

American Team Rocket is Hardcore!

Ask if he minds if you ask how he and Alvis ended up together. I'm feeling nosy. Maybe imply that Alvis rescued him- that ought to provoke a response.
No. 119232 ID: 57aa53

me am going now but id like to point out we would had been much more effective if we used fartmon, then fearmon, then marysuemon.
No. 119246 ID: 6faa8c

No. 119252 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"What do you mean death sentence? What did you do?"
Alvis:"I honestly have absolutely no idea. I was contacted one day, and they told me to watch over you or die."
Dai:"Odin, is Alvis hiding anything?"
Odin:"Yes. Lots of things."

Alvis shoots an extremely angry glance at Odin.

Odin:"Er, but I'd rather not talk about them."
Dai:"Is Alvis trustworthy?"
Odin:"If he wasn't, I would've run away by now."
Dai:"So How did Alvis rescue you?"

There's a long pause. Odin sighs.

Odin:"I wasn't rescued... I escaped on my own..."
Dai:"And how did you meet Alvis?"
Odin:"Alvis won me off a bet."
Alvis:"That Odin made, of course."
No. 119254 ID: 57aa53

its actualy less suicidal that sending waffles and not using ghastly.

gaston would simply sulk damage that the schyter cant really do properly to it. given some estimative, by the time chikorita would face it, ghastly would have fainted but odin would have began to get tired.

some fooling with waffles would further exaust him and then brownie could fry him given some unbalancing before each thunder.

of course this is all useless because our opponent also has PC status and uses a SUPASOLDIER schyter that problaby was taught to ear security guards for dinner.
No. 119255 ID: 57aa53

i am a mild paranoid horror-themed RPG player and i approve of this union.
No. 119274 ID: 74f445

"That's brave of you. And risky. Do I have to worry about Team Rocket now that the two of you are with me?"
No. 119277 ID: e3f578

"Wait, watching me? Why in the hell would the league want to watch me? Granted, yeah I want to take over the world and be pokemon queen but realistically I'm still a kid. I'm no threat... speaking of which how did you know I wanted to be queen?"
No. 119285 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"That's brave of you. And risky. Do I have to worry about Team Rocket now that the two of you are with me?"
Alvis:"I've never been attacked by Team Rocket, so I think we're pretty safe."
"Wait, watching me? Why would the league want to watch me? How did you know I wanted to be the Pokemon Queen?"
Alvis:"I'm sure you know of registration."

...Oh, right. Registration. They take a picture of you, have you do a test, and ask you what your one desire is. If you fail the test, they don't allow you to have a license. But you can also retake the test next year.

Alvis:"As for how I know about you, the girl who contacted me bought up the data on you. Location and Registration Data."

Is that all I can ask?
No. 119289 ID: c0f3bf

Ask if he can teach you how to screw the rules.
No. 119292 ID: e3f578

"You didn't answer why they're watching me. IS that because you don't know or can't tell me?"
No. 119303 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Why do you break the rules?"
Odin:"They're actually more like guidelines."
Alvis:"What he said. And I'm more used to North Amerion battle style-battling, where you have to constantly be on your toes. It seems like you'd fit in quite well."
Dai:"You didn't answer why they're watching me. IS that because you don't know or can't tell me?"
Alvis:"I don't have a clue."
Odin:"They told us to watch you because you smell good."
Alvis:"...Just quiet yourself."

Is that all?
No. 119306 ID: e3f578

I realize its probably your special gift of talking to Pokemon.
No. 119316 ID: 74f445

Yeah, I'm out of ammo and don't want to make Odin dislike us.

No. 119342 ID: 34470e
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Hmm... That seems like it makes sense.

Dai:"I'm all out of questions."
Alvis:"Okay. Let's head on over to Viridian then."

It's going to take a couple more days to get to Viridian. See you soon, voices.
No. 122674 ID: 34470e
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Hello again voices. I haven't been to the gym in Viridian yet. Alvis has been teaching me lots of things, and I feel some are extremely important.

First off, Alvis told me not to use Hyper Beam with Brownie too much. He says it puts extreme stress on a Pokemon's body if they aren't strong enough, and that doing it too much will kill Brownie.

Next is about Gaston. Alvis says that dead Pokemon can usually remember most of what happened after they die. Gaston says he can't remember anything before he died.

Next is the gym leader. Alvis says he's a friend of his. He also says his name is Tom Argy. Alvis says he traveled to Kanto with him. He also says the only Pokemon he owns is a Scizor, and it's lucky that the gym has been open. When I asked about that, Alvis said never mind.

Oh, and I asked him about the Pokemon that was in his other Pokeball. He says it's a weak Bidoof that needs to be healed. I suggested bringing it to a Pokemon center, but Alvis says he broke league rules and can't hand it to be healed at a Pokemon Center. Then I suggested he use one of his Potions, but he says that they're only for emergencies.

And Last, he told me of all sorts of Pokemon I never knew existed.
No. 123561 ID: 34470e
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Any questions before I make my final preparations to go to the gym?
No. 123573 ID: 631142

asides why not loaning bidoof to heal him, iono.

if the dude with the scizor is the only one you will face i will be disapointed, so lets just go and hope for, un, unsafer grounds.

>told me not to use Hyper Beam
i so want a raichu with hyperbeam
No. 123575 ID: 5ecc87

You've got potions and stuff, yes? If so, may as well head in there. Lots of people lose their first gym battle, but you never know until you give it a go!
No. 123585 ID: 34470e
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I go back to the PokeHotel room Alvis and I have been staying in.

Dai:"Alvis, about your Bidoof-"
Dai:"I didn't even ask the question!"

Alvis sighs.

Alvis:"Fine, go ahead."
Dai:"Would it be possible to lend it to me so I-"

I look at Odin.

Odin:"Sorry, I'd be bug guts if I sympathize with you."

As for the Gym Leader, there's only one in each gym. You have to defeat a certain number of trainers outside the gym in order to gain access. Kinda weird.

As for the Thunderstone, they're really expensive. I don't have the money for them. They cost about as much as an Ultra Ball.

Yeah, I now have around 6 potions and 3 antidotes. I think I'm pretty covered.

Dai:"I think I'm all set. I'll head to the gym now."

Odin jumps out of his seat.

Odin:"Dai... C- can I come?"
No. 123586 ID: 6834bc

Sure, why not. Alvis can come as well, if he wants.
No. 123594 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Sure, Odin."

It's weird. Odin has been acting this way since we arrived in Viridian.

Dai:"Alvis, are you going to come as well?"
Alvis:"Very we-"

Alvis takes what looks like a PokeNav of some sort and looks at it's screen.

Alvis:"I'll come when this call ends. It's important."

Odin and I leave the PokeHotel. Odin doesn't say anything. We start heading toward the gym.
No. 123600 ID: 34470e
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It takes a couple minutes to get to the gym. Something's bugging me about Odin. Why isn't he talking? Should I ask him?
No. 123616 ID: 5ecc87

Actually, ask him if he's willing to fight for you. I wouldn't nose into his business unless he seems to want to talk, though.
No. 123621 ID: 34470e
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That sounds like a good idea. Plus, if I get caught, Alvis would clear my name. He says Silph works somewhat closely with the league.

Dai:"Odin, can I ask you a question?"
Odin:"Oh. W-what were you saying?"
Dai:"Can you follow my commands in battle while we're in the gym?"

Odin looks a bit shocked.

Odin:"D-do you really want me to?"
No. 123622 ID: 5ecc87

"Do you think I shouldn't? I guess I didn't train you myself..."

I'm curious about what he'll say.
No. 123631 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Do you think I shouldn't? I guess I didn't train you myself..."
Odin:"W-well, it's just that... It's just..."

Odin looks to the ground.

Odin:"L-Loki is... someone I es- escaped with... and... h-he... he's... l-let's just say... t-that he's..."

Odin looks like he's very hurt right now. Should I stop him? Should I make him fight for me? Should I forget the gym altogether?
No. 123633 ID: 631142

he is not willing to fight.

ask him about his friend and why he would be with the gym leader.
No. 123636 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Why would your friend be with a gym leader?"
Odin:"When- when we escaped... Loki and I... we meh- met Tom. We ag- agreed to be his Pokeh- Pokemon. About a w- week later, Alvis came in and- and I made a bet for Tom. Alvis def- feated Tom."

Odin looks at the gym.

Odin:"Loki may be... in ah- a bad state right now. But... The gym is open... so I- I doubt it."
No. 123649 ID: 6834bc

"A bad state"? And Loki is a Scizor, right?
...Is it possible for item-based trade evolutions to go wrong?
No. 123651 ID: 5ecc87

He's in love~ That is the only excuse for that much stuttering. c:

Ask about the bet! What were the stakes? Maybe we can win Odin's pal.
No. 123660 ID: 34470e
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I'll keep that in mind to ask Alvis later.

Dai:"What were the stakes of the bet?"
Odin:"That I would b-be owned by the w-winner. Both tom and Alvis were a b-bit shocked, but Alvis accepted before- before Tom could say anything."

Hmm... I'll try what Odin did. So should I make Odin fight for me? Should we enter the gym now?
No. 123665 ID: 5ecc87

How did Alvis manage to beat Tom? ...Was it the Bidoof? And does Odin think he can beat Loki in a fight?
No. 123679 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"How did Alvis manage to beat Tom? Was it the Bidoof?"
Odin:"It... It was, um, he used a B-Bidoof, a Croason, A Mokk, A Polywrath, an Absol, and a Tidalisk. The, um, Bidoof m-managed to knock me out. It took a long time, though."
Dai:"Do you think you can beat Loki in a fight?"
Odin:"W-what? Uh-um... I th-think... Y-yes... I... I'm proba- probably st-stronger..."

What should I do?
No. 123681 ID: 631142

i dont remember him stuttering this much.

im affraid to go in like this really means sure defeat. you are asking a 1 on 1 with dudes that havent seen each other since the equivalent of vietnam.
No. 123684 ID: 5ecc87

Yeah, uh, Brownie used Hyper Beam and couldn't take Odin down. You'll get slaughtered if you fight with Odin this twitchy, so I think we'd better hear what his problem is and what he thinks of Loki.
No. 123689 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"What exactly is wrong with Loki?"

Odin looks down.

Odin:"H- he goes into c- convultions sometimes... It's u-usually predic- predictable..."

What does covultion mean?

Dai:"Well, What do you think of him?"
Odin:"...Uhm... I'm wo- worried because h- he might go into... a- a bad state... But I d- don't want to see him go b- bad."
Dai:"One more question. You said You and Loki escaped together."
Odin:"Y- yes."
Dai:"Is he any different than you?"
Odin:"...I h- have increased end- endurance. He h- has the ab- ability t- to read the mih- minds of who he t-touches."
No. 123701 ID: 5ecc87

"How would you feel about him coming with us? Are you willing to wager your freedom on your fighting abilities?"

Another superweapon wouldn't hurt, even if this one does have convulsions.

(Assuming that convultion was a typo, convulsions are violent spasms.)
No. 123705 ID: 34470e
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I know what a convulsion is, Dai doesn't. I mean, come on? What 10-year old has even HEARD of that word?
Thanks for telling me what it means.

Dai:"How would you feel about him coming with us?"
Odin:"N- no, he can't. T- there's a machine i- in the gym th- that keeps him f- from dying when he... when he g- goes bad."
Dai:"Are you willing to wager your freedom on your fighting abilities?"
Odin:"W- what do you m- mean?"

That last question should have been worded better.
No. 123707 ID: 5ecc87

nonono, just making sure that convultions wasn't some fictional symptom or something.

Anyway, that last bit doesn't matter if Loki can't leave the gym. I think the best thing to do would be to let your Pokemon watch Loki and Odin duke it out, assuming he's willing to fight. Otherwise, back to plan a, your real team.
No. 123709 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Never mind that last question. Odin?"
Odin:"Y- yes?"
Dai:"I would really love it if you'd fight under my command. We'll cream Tom!"
Odin:"O- okay."

We enter the gym.

???:"Welcome to the Viridian Gym, young trainer. My name is Tom Argy. First, I would like to-"
Odin:"Is h- he alright?"
Tom:"Uh, Odin? How did you lose to a little girl's Pokemon?"
Odin:"Is Loki a- alright?"
Tom:"Yes, he hasn't shown any signs lately."

Odin relaxes.

Odin:"Great. And yes, this is my new trainer, Dai Hoshiko."

Wait a second, I am not his new trainer!

Tom:"So which of her Pokemon defeated you?"
Odin:"Her Groudon."

I do not have a Groudon!
No. 123721 ID: c0f3bf

He's bluffing, jeeze, get with the program girl. Ask Tom what these "signs" are, might as well use that naivety to your advantage.
No. 123723 ID: 34470e
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Oh! I didn't see that! Sorry voices!

Dai:"What are these signs?"
Tom:"Well, um, paranoia, shortness of breath, and... um... I think loss of appetite. But Loki's been doing fine."
Dai:"Any reason why... this stuff happens?"
Tom:"Hmm... I think it's either a failed item evolution or the nanowhatevers in his bloodstream are malfunctioning. You should ask Alvis, I'm no scientist. Where is he?"
Odin:"He said he's going to Fiore to train so he can win me back."

Fiore? What's that? Um, I should also probably ask the gym rules.
No. 123724 ID: c0f3bf

Ask the gym rules. You'll probably find out only the pokemon that you actually own can fight for you, thus Odin's rampant lying. Not sure why though, maybe he has the hots for you.
No. 123726 ID: 34470e
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Um, what are you talking about? I have Brownie, Waffle, and Gaston right here in the balls on my waist!

Dai:"What are the gym rules?"
Tom:"Rules? Okay. This is an official 1-vs-1 turn-based gym battle. You may only use 4 different moves. If a Pokemon is unable to battle, the victory goes to the Pokemon left standing. This means that if your Pokemon is paralyzed, frozen, knocked out, too fatigued, or charmed, you lose. Do you need further clarification?"
No. 123756 ID: 631142

lol 1v1. odin it is, check with him what are the moves he can do.

convultion is a condidion where you lose body control and black out. you simply crash and all your muscles spasm. the disease described looks like a advanced mental condition. if he can read minds i wouldnt be surprised if he convulsed as a form of attack.
No. 123825 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Hold on:"

I whisper at Odin.

Dai:"What 4 moves are you comfortable using right now?"
Odin:"I... don't know. I just follow the commands. You're the one that's supposed to come up with strategies."
Tom:"Are you ready? If so, choose your Pokemon."
No. 124037 ID: 34470e
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No more questions? Okay.

Dai:"I choose Odin!"

Odin walks over to the middle of the arena.

Tom:"I's knew you'd choose him. I choose Loki!"

A Scizor appears in the middle of the arena.

???:"A Scyther? okay."
Odin:"It's been a long time, Loki."

Loki looks a bit surprised.

Loki:"O- Odin! I haven't seen you since that battle with Alvis! How's it been going?"
Odin:"I've been doing p good. You?"
Loki:"Oh, the usual. I see you're with someone new."
No. 124039 ID: c0f3bf

Can't you two like, play chess or something while others fight?
No. 124071 ID: 34470e
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Um, what are you talking about? Trainers have to pay attention when giving commands to Pokemon!

Scizor. The pincer Pokemon. his Pokemon's pincers, which contain steel, can crush any hard object it gets a hold of into bits.

Odin:"Didn't I tell you that thing is a piece of junk? Look! There is a red Scizor in front of me that is red!"
Dai:"But if I don't use it, I can't get the amount of Pokemon I've seen to increase!"
Loki:"Anyways, what's her name?"
Odin:"Dai Hoshiko. She wants to become an evil king."
Dai:"Just quiet yourself!"

Woah, that must've been a reflex or something.

Loki:"Heh. I've seen you picked up his former owner's catchphrase."

...Sh- Should I just give my first command to him or whack him upside the head?
No. 124105 ID: 6834bc

>...Sh- Should I just give my first command to him or whack him upside the head?

Multitask. Tell Odin to give himself a thump upside the head.
No. 124205 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Odin, just go whack yourself upside the head for me."

Laughter breaks out from Tom, Odin, and Loki.

Loki:"Heheh... I see you're still you, Odin."

The laughter dies out.

Odin:"So we still haven't finished our battle since the last time, back in... you know..."
Loki:"Yes, it seems the chance has finally come. I'm looking forward to finally beating you after such a long time."
Odin:"We'll see. Tom, you can make the first command."
Tom:"Okay, use Metal Claw."

Loki starts rushing at Odin.
No. 124401 ID: c0f3bf

Double team, he won't know what to hit.
No. 124477 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Double Team!"

Odin... um... "splits" into 2 exact copies. One of them dodges the Metal Claw.

Tom:"Uhm, I- Iron Defense!"

Loki looks a bit shinier now.
No. 124478 ID: c0f3bf

Brick break, destroy its armor.
No. 124495 ID: e0499d

WHAT!? I don't think Iron Defense is a move...
I think Harden is though...
No. 124512 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Use Brick Break!"

One of Odin's... um... scythe-arms flashes before he hits Loki with it.

Loki:"Gaah! Heh, I think I have the advantage now."

I see the other Odin sneaking around Loki.


Loki looks like he's staring into Odin's soul or something.
No. 124534 ID: e0499d

Evasion up, leer may miss.

Counter with fury cutter
No. 124564 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Fury Cutter!"
Tom:"Agility now!"

The Odin in front of Loki starts swiping at him. Loki dodges most attacks, but gets hit by a couple of them. It seems the second Odin is ready for a sneak attack. Loki looks tired.
No. 124611 ID: e0499d

have sneaked Scyther giga impact.
As 2nd scyther impacts from behind, have scyther 1 use sword dance to increase attack power...

Then have him kick Loki in the nuts to finish him off...
No. 124672 ID: 34470e
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I can't use Swords Dance if I use Giga Impact. I already used 3 different moves already.

Dai:"Odin, Finish it off with Giga Impact!"

The Odin that's behind Loki rushes toward and swipes both scythe-arms at him.


Odin hi- wait, Loki dodged? How is that possi- oh. I forgot about the mind-reading thing. Loki looks more woozy than Odin does, but Odin is only panting a little bit. The illusion Odin fades.

Loki:"Y-you won't... defeat me th- that... easily."
Tom:"Use Dou- I mean, use Metal Claw!"
No. 124687 ID: e0499d

wait... if they have mind powers, that means they are capable of psychic moves?
if so, confusion (hopefully known?)
If not... Agility (Which he HAS to know...)
No. 124752 ID: 34470e
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What's wrong with you voices! Seriously, pay more attention!

Odin, Alvis's Scyther, has increased endrance. Loki, Tom's Scizor, has the power to read minds.

The main rule in the gym is that only 4 different moves can be used. Loki has already used Metal Claw, Agility, Iron Defense, and Leer. He can't use any other move this battle. Odin has already used Double Team, Brick Break, Fury Cutter, and Giga impact. He can't use any other move this battle.

Even if the "4-move limit: wasn't there, I don't think Loki will use any psychic attacks but Rest, and Light Screen.

The metal claw hits Odin.

No. 124764 ID: e3f578

Tell him to get out of that hold and double team like crazy. Then when the other guy's turn is over, double team again so its a quadruple team.
No. 124778 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Use Double Team!"

Odin once again splits into 2.

Tom:"Use... use Leer!"

Loki glares at one of the Odins. Plus I don't think Loki is mind-controlling Odin, only reading it.
No. 124779 ID: e3f578

Double Team! Quadruple the shit outta that Leer.
No. 124807 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Double Team again, Odin!"

The number of Odins increases to 4.

Tom:"Use... uh... Use Iron Defense."

Loki looks a bit shinier.
No. 124815 ID: f58788

Why stop there? Double Team has 15 PP. That means you could have up to 32,768 Odins!

Make your own army of pokemanz! Take over the world!
No. 124854 ID: 34470e
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I refuse to draw more than 4 Scyther in a pic. I have the neither the skill nor the recources to do so. CHOO CHOO
I think there's more Odin than Loki can handle right now. I don't want to spend all day to make more than a million Scyther.

Dai:"Finish off Loki with Fury Swipes! All of you!"

All 4 Odin circle around and begin to swipe at Loki. After a couple hits, Loki faints. 3 of the Odin disappear. The one remaining backs up.

Tom:"Heh. Good Job."

ijustwonmyfirstgymbattleYES! I mean, Of course I won it! I'm the future Pokemon Queen!
No. 124870 ID: 34470e
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Tom:"According to the official league rules, and since you defeated me, I present to you, the Earth Badge!"

Tom hands the badge to me. One step closer to becoming the Pokemon Queen! I hear the door open.

Alvis:"Hi, there. What'd I miss?"
Odin:"Dai beat Tom on her first try!"
Tom:"Wait a second... I thought you were heading to Fiore. Did something change your mind?"

Should I say something?
No. 124877 ID: 824397

Ask him why he gave us a studded dildo.
No. 124952 ID: 34470e
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Alvis:"Uh... Why would I be going to Fiore? I just came here to watch Dai's gym battle, and Odin went ahead of me. I had an important call."
Tom:"Wait, so Odin isn't Dai's Pokemon? I... I think it's against the rules. This hasn't happened before. I'll need to contact the league about this."
Alvis:"...Dai used Odin to fight?"

Alvis turns to me.

Alvis:"Why did you use Odin to fight? You might not get a gym badge now."

No! The future Pokemon Queen needs the badge! What should I say or do? I need help here!
No. 124957 ID: 6834bc

"Odin requested it. Like any true Pokemon master, I listened to his request and made a tough decision. He's powerful enough that, at any time, he could have decided to ignore my orders - but the fact that he listened to them is worth something, isn't it?

Beyond borrowing someone else's Pokemon, I kept within the established rules."
No. 124960 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Odin requested it. Like any true Pokemon master, I listened to his request and made a tough decision. He's powerful enough that, at any time, he could have decided to ignore my orders - but the fact that he listened to them is worth something, isn't it?

Beyond borrowing someone else's Pokemon, I kept within the established rules."

Tom and Alvis look at Odin.

Odin:"She's right."

Odin looks at Alvis.

Odin:"Don't I ignore your orders sometimes?"
Alvis:"Just quiet yourself."
Tom:"Well... Alright. I'll let you keep the badge. I won't tell the league about this. That is, under 1 condition."
Dai:"That would be...?"
Tom:"That you never pull this stunt again. Alvis, you have my phone number. Call me if she uses Odin again."

Um... should I accept? Or can I convince him further?
No. 124961 ID: 81ce59

Accept it. In the future you should use your own pokemons rather than Odin. You need your own pokemon to be strong.
No. 124963 ID: c0f3bf

Tell him you wouldn't even have done it this time, but he told you to. Also it isn't actually against the rules to trade back and fourth, Alvis just didn't get a collateral this time.
No. 124970 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"It's a deal. After all, the future Pokemon Queen needs to use her own Pokemon to get stronger."

Alvis looks over to Loki.

Alvis:"Tom, you want me to heal Loki?"
Tom:"Oh, sure."

Alvis brings out a Max potion and uses it on Loki.

Um, should I talk to Tom and Loki about anything before we leave?
No. 124972 ID: c0f3bf

No. He's an annoying jerk.
No. 124974 ID: 81ce59

Ask him if he has any handy tips. We need all the knowledge we can get if we are to defeat our nameless and so far unencountered nemesis that's lurking out there in the wilderness.
No. 124975 ID: f12f07

about the wounded bidoof maybe.

ask about the most logical next gym to go. or just nearby gyms. we also need to practice with our own pokemon.

and, uh, where we can get some cool genetic enhacement for brownie and wafffles.
No. 124984 ID: a09ad6

Where's your TM? :(
No. 125061 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Have any handy tips for Alvis? I don't need them, but Alvis does."
Tom:"Uuh... train hard? I-... I guess."
Dai:"Alvis has a wounded Bidoof, Think you can help it out?"
Tom:"Bidoof? Last time he ca- er, I mean... I can't help with his Bidoof."

Alvis was giving Tom an angry look.

Dai:"Which gym do you think I should go to next?"
Tom:"Well, people usually go Viridian, Pewter, Cerulean, Vermillion, Saffron, Celadon, Fuschia, Cinnabar. But there are other not-as-famous gyms out there. Just do whatever you feel like doing."
Dai:"Alvis, Is there some way you can enhance Brownie and Waffle?"
Alvis:"Um, I can give them an injection of Pokerus if you want."
Dai:"What about cool abilities?"
Alvis:"That could take a while, and I don't have any resources necessary. You'll have to wait until we reach Saffron. Get your ideas as to what you want ahead of time."
Dai:"Tom, where's my TM?"
Tom:"Oh! I almost forgot!"

He opens up the closet. There's a stretcher and a bag there. He fiddles around looking in the bag a bit. He pulls out one of the things in the bag.

Tom:"This here is Will-O-Wisp. In case you don't know what it does, it burns the opponent you use it on."

Huh. The only Pokemon I can use it on would be Gaston. Loki gets up, looking refreshed. Is there anything else?
No. 125077 ID: 6834bc

All I can really think of is thanking Loki and Tom for the battle. Still have a bad feeling about Loki's condition, but maybe it's nothing.
No. 125105 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"Thanks for the battle, you two."
Tom:"Your welcome."
Dai:"Alvis, is there some sort of cure for Loki?"
Alvis:"Not yet. The call I got was good news, though. They've finally managed to replicate Loki's convulsions. The cure will be made in a few days."

Tom and Loki look happily surprised.

Alvis:"Loki, I don't want you going out of this building until you've had the cure used on you. Got that?"
Loki:"Yes. It's amazing, though. I'm finally going to be able to leave this building! I haven't been outside 19 years!"

Loki hugs Alvis. Tom joins in. Odin joins in. Should I join in?
No. 125117 ID: e3f578

No, this is obviously a Bro moment. Women are not allowed in the Bro moment unless that woman is kinda cool and awesome.
No. 125134 ID: 34470e
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Okay. I won't join in. After a while, Alvis speaks up.

Alvis:"It'll be delivered by a giant shiny Wingull."
Tom:"Got it."

They cease the hugs.

Odin:"You could've joined in, too, Dai."
Loki:"The only reason you won is because we were getting commands. It doesn't count."
Odin:"Yes it does."
Loki:"To truly finish our fight, we have to fight without our owners giving us commands."

I wonder what this 'finishing the fight' stuff is all about. Should I ask about it or just thank Tom and Loki then leave?
No. 125530 ID: c0f3bf

Leave them be, they've obviously got some unresolved sexual tension that can only be cured by beating the everloving crap out of eachother in a climactic fight and then making out. As of now, you can't speed that along.
No. 125539 ID: 34470e
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Dai:"It's been fun beating the crap out of you."
Tom:"Don't let it get to your head. Some gym leaders are much more skilled than I am. And they have their own personal rules as well."
Dai:"Well, I'll look forward to beating you again."

We leave with Loki and Tom seeing us off. It's nearly afternoon. Should we head for Pewter or do something else? I can't really see how staying will accomplish anything, but perhaps you voices can.
No. 125544 ID: c0f3bf

How's the equipment? And wallet? Either need refilling?
No. 125553 ID: 34470e
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Equipment and money? Uh let's see here...

I have about ¥2100
6xUnused Pokeball
1xTM Will-O-Wisp

Dai:"Alvis, what do you have in your pack?"
Alvis:"Lots of stuff. And before you ask, I'm not going to give anything to you."
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