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File 126306811919.png - (11.21KB , 388x388 , Zombie Quest.png )
108097 No. 108097 ID: c1b520

God this is demoralizing... eating dead puppies off the ground... Well, it beats attacking the human settlements and risking my life... or lack thereof. I think the worst part is the severe lack of communication, I wish I had someone who could have a two way conversation. Or at the very least an intellectual who would listen to my mid-meal rants...
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No. 108100 ID: 8ecfd4

Sweet, a zombie. Hey are you infectous or are you some sort of sentient thing with a conscience?

Btw have you ever tried raiding graveyards? Or finding out about some people who do sky burials. That way you might get some better food than dead puppies.
No. 108105 ID: a64482

DUDE. How were you created? Do you remember being human? Oh god with is awesome.
No. 108107 ID: d9faf1

Find a girl named Kara Sigurd.
Try to communicate with her
I'm sure she will understand you~
No. 108122 ID: c1b520
File 126307267816.png - (14.33KB , 624x513 , ZQ2.png )

Well god damn. I got a wish. Must have been some sort of magic puppy or some shit, hell with all the shit that's been going on I could be right.

Believe me, my cheek is the least of my worries right now.

I'm infectious and I'm one of the very few sentient zombies around. I know a couple, but we rarely stay in a group. And raiding graveyards aint happening, that's where the infection started, I won't find any corpses there. And I have no idea where they do sky burials.

The infection, just like everyone else. And I don't remember being human, though I know that at some point I was.

Communication with humans is a big no. Even if I could find out where this person is, I would never be able to get through the barricades.
No. 108124 ID: 5696d4

Information on our area, stat!
No. 108125 ID: 8ecfd4

Damn, the zombie apocalypse has already happened. I wanted to be resposible for that part.

Oh well. Can you order around non sentient zombies? What kind of defenses does the humans have and what kind of weaponry? If we get some information about these things we might be able to help you out better.
No. 108133 ID: c1b520
File 126307444657.png - (7.05KB , 739x481 , ZQ3.png )

I'm on what some of the other sentients call a "killing field". What happens is the humans come in with massive vehicles and basically sweep the area with giant flamethrower wielding vehicles. However they do it rather rarely to save fuel. Generally the case is, the thinner the grass, the safer. Right now the grass is pretty thin, though it's defiantly starting to thicken in spots. To the East is the woods, I can normally find sentients hanging out in the woods. It's safer, though food is scarce due the zombie to living animal ratio. To the west is the city. There are a few zombie hideouts there led by sentients. Though they are more keen on finding food then actually surviving. I went on a raid one time. That's how I lost most of my right half. The food is plentiful, though dangerous to obtain and dangerous overall just trying to find the hideouts considering all the sniper spots.

I can't order non-sentients around though most will follow those whom they think has a plan. As far as human defenses they have a wide selection. Rockets, snipers, mines, bombs, machine guns, you name it they probably have it.
And it's near impossible to break a barricade by force.
No. 108138 ID: 8ecfd4

Hmmm, that is problematical. Have you ever come across any abandone human settlements? Because I think you could find all sorts of useful stuff at those.
No. 108140 ID: e828f5

I've always wondered... why can't zombies eat other zombies?
No. 108146 ID: d6b5ea

because PVP has been disabled in the main servers.
No. 108150 ID: d6b5ea

maybe you need to socialize your way out.

do you have how to cover yourself? we can figure out about the smell later on.

how is your hunger? do you heal or canibalize other parts to replace your body? can you talk? tell me more about your father disease.
No. 108152 ID: 34470e

I'm just wondering, but do you know anyone named "Donatio"?
No. 108155 ID: d9faf1

Sooo... you got all the voices in your head after eating a dead puppy? You probably swallowed a shard of the Orb of Infinite Psyche, friend. The puppy probably ate it before.


...Inb4 someone does "Cute Puppy Quest" D:
No. 108161 ID: c1b520
File 126308086072.png - (10.09KB , 627x420 , ZQ4.png )

Abandoned? No. Filled with either zombies or humans? Plenty.

Technically it's unhealthy for us. Speeds up the decay to unsafe levels and starts to rot the bone. It's not fun, not safe, and overall a really bad experience. Though the non-sentients sometimes reach that level in desperate times.

I'm telling ya this now, socialization with humans is strictly off limits. They hate us, and we don't like them. Well we don't like their attitudes, they taste pretty good though. Better then puppies I'll tell ya that much. I mean I have no problems helping a human if they have no interest in hurting me, but the chances of finding someone like that is minimal to none.

As far as appetite, it's more or less to help slow down decay, I don't get the details but not eating means slow painful double death. And it needs to be raw meat, or it don't work as well.

Never heard of im.

Huh... If that's the case it shouldn't be too much of a problem. I mean it's not like glass affects our diet in any way.
No. 108184 ID: d6b5ea

have you considered strapping dead meat back on you to regenerate?

we can do this, but without natural heal its like hoping the next human take the bravery to dig the shard of the orb from your dead stomach.

also head to forest. less likely to die there, we need info, you need expendables.
No. 108189 ID: 8ecfd4

Well then head on over to the nearest zombie controlled city. If humans can use vehicles and weapons then sentient zombies can too. Time to show those pink skinend fucks who really own the place.

So, get to a city. Assert what they have in workable vehicles and weapons.
No. 108195 ID: c1b520
File 126308573658.png - (21.00KB , 851x577 , ZQ5.png )

Weapons are actually pretty rare to come by for our kind, most of the humans stockpiled everything. We do get our hands on the occasional one though. And vehicles on rare occasions. The closest city is in the woods. I've been there plenty of times so I know my way...

Ah, here we are. This is the bouncer, so to speak. He's OUR barricade. Nothing gets past him without the rest of us knowing, and no human can take on the number of zombies that occupy this little city we made.

Bouncer: "How's it goin gain, stranger?"

I'm not much of a conversationalist, I've been here before so he'll let me pass no probs, but I feel I should at least say something. Any suggestions?
No. 108196 ID: 8ecfd4

Tell him that you have a plan to take down the pesky humans. We're gonna need every zombie we can get our hands on. I'm guessing there's not alot of vehicles or weapons currently in the forrest. I'm also guessing you have tried tunneling before.

I think the best way to get in is with a small inflitration force that can open the way for the rest of the horde. Btw the non sentient ones, can they run or are they shufflers?
No. 108199 ID: d6b5ea

dont say you have a plan to take down all humans. its like a vampire saying he has a plan to kill all humans, except vampires actualy live forever.

if we have a ruling society, talk with him for a bit. it is worthy to have friends in security.

didnt i said you where goin to socialize your way out of it?
No. 108204 ID: c1b520
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I talk to him a bit, nothing drastically important, friends, weather, a bit about the food shortage, after a bit I mention a bit about finding people to take down some of the human settlements.

Bouncer: "Really? Not to be the bad guy here but is that really the best idea? I mean, yeah them humans aint fun, but what have they done to us? Sure foods runnin low, but is it really necessary to start attacking the humans recklessly? I mean, we have a nice gig goin on here. A nice place, good people, whats not to like? Not to be a downer on ya but I doubt you'll find anybody useful walkin round here. Most people who come here are lookin for a way outta the combat zone. Know what I'm sayin man? Anyway I'm not gonna stop ya from tryin, it's just not gonna be a very successful venture."

I thank him for his take on it and head in. He looks a little concerned but overall I think I got on his good side. Talk about two birds with one stone.

As far as non-sentient combat abilities, they attempt to move as fast as the leader just trying to keep up with them. Then they attack the first thing that looks like food. They're pretty feral like that.
No. 108210 ID: d6b5ea

i agree with him. let us peform deer hunting groups.

can you craft? we could use nets, traps and crossbows.
No. 108214 ID: 8ecfd4

Well the nearby humans are trying to kill us. Which I guess I can understand as we're flesheating monsters back from the grave, but dying a second time doesn't seem very fun. So wiping out that nearby city might be a good idea.

But knowing these other guys they're gonna convince you to start coexisting with the humans and then seduce some guy. And in the end you will all live happily ever after with your living lover and shit.
No. 108216 ID: c1b520
File 126308754817.png - (13.05KB , 725x491 , ZQ7.png )

Well, here's the city, it aint much, but it's home enough. Looks like there's a gathering in the center of town.
No. 108220 ID: 8ecfd4

Invesitage shady character before you go to the gathering. He looks like he might know all sorts of useful things as well as being willing to join up with a hot new commando outfit looking to take down the city.
No. 108228 ID: c1b520
File 126308868818.png - (8.77KB , 526x374 , ZQ8.png )

Shady Character: "Yeah? What do you want?"

I ask him whats going on here?

Shady Character: "Some sort of concert. I'm not too fond of crowds so I'm not goin."

I tell him about a hunting group.

Shady Character: "Kinda my job, but I'm already helping out the guys here. They need everyone they can to try and keep the food stocks up. If you can help us solve our food problems I'll be happy to join... heh, I'm startin to sound like some sort of optional unit in some sort of recruiter war game..."



No. 108230 ID: 8ecfd4

Great. Now check out the concert, there's already a crowd there so you might get a chance to speak to them. Then you could reveal your plan to get more food by lessening the competition in the area and making sure all zombies in the area could feel safe. We could also get rid of the shufflers then as we won't need them for self defense any more.
No. 108239 ID: d6b5ea


also ask him for his skills? what about weaponmaking?
No. 108244 ID: c1b520
File 126309136032.png - (21.68KB , 821x441 , ZQ9.png )

I'll ask him on my way back. I got a concert to attend to.

...My god... this is horrible... just... god awful... There is no sync here. The vocalist is just gasping into a mic thats not on. The guitarist is plucking at sticks thinned out to look like strings, and the drummer isn't even hitting the drums. The only one doing any work is the keyboardist, and something tells me he's the brains behind all this, cus there is no way that these guys could be playing Stairway to Heaven this well... Either way the crowds wild for it so I guess I can't complain. I wish I knew who these guys were though. They couldn't have gotten this popular with this set up.
No. 108248 ID: d6b5ea

you have any kind of skill at all? can YOU sing?
No. 108250 ID: d6b5ea

also BARD GET. after concerto talk to keyboard dude.

also ponder making a band to unite zombies and humans. peacefully and with no cannibalism.
No. 108251 ID: 5696d4

Sure is a lot of sentient-looking zombies.
No. 108514 ID: 632862

Have you ever thought about farming cattle?
No. 108562 ID: c1b520
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See here's the problem with that, the only way to do that successfully is to make sure we don't infect the cattle. Seeing as we're infectious that's pretty much impossible. Plus most farm animals either died, or were rounded up by the humans. I don't any nearby farms so I can't raid any farms at the moment.

You're kidding right? No true sentient would bare listening to this filth. I can see why that hunter from earlier was keeping his distance. Sure the music is pre recorded, but the moans and 'improv' just ruins it.

I can speak, I can rhyme, so technically I CAN sing. However I'm too self-conscious to actually try anything. You saw how I was eating that puppy.

I'll talk to the keyboardist the first chance I get. And really? Uniting humans and zombies peacefully? Good luck with that, honestly you have to remember the whole thing about raids on human settlements and vice versa. As I said before, we don't like humans, and they HATE us. However, if we could by pure luck find a child immune to the disease, save her life from some outside force, take her back to her people and make sure someone knows we did it... maybe, just maybe... Of course what are the chances of that...*

(*See Xombie)
No. 108683 ID: d9faf1

Wait until the end of concert
Talk to keyboardist
Ask him while every keyboardist in every world of every multiverse wears glasses. Is it some kind of union thing?
No. 108694 ID: 8ecfd4

Compliment the beyboardist on his bitchin glasses.

And finding a kid that immune seems a bit farfetched. I think it would be easier to just form an elite team of zomie commandos that take out the humans defenses from inside.
No. 108787 ID: c1b520
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I catch up to the keyboardist as he heads off stage, he's heading deeper into the woods for some reason.

Keyboardist: "Hey, your that sentient who came to my concert. You must be new."

Keyboardist: "Yes."

Keyboardist: "Thanks, I guess."

From the inside? That's going to be difficult considering the sniper spots, the heavy defenses surrounding the perimeter, well.. just the concept s difficult to describe...
No. 108795 ID: 84889c

Note that for a zombie he's rather cute so you so you should totally hit on him and ask him to "join" your "group"
No. 108796 ID: 8ecfd4

Well my plan was that we get into the city with a crack squad of brainy zombies, unite whatever life impaired individuals we find there and then attack or more of the gates from the inside. Leaving the way open for a large attacking force to get in and start wreaking shit on the streets.

See, I told you this would happen. Just wait until they decide that a normal human looks good. Do you equipment even work? Even if it doesn't I don't think it's going to deter them.
No. 108798 ID: c1b520
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Maybe you guys would have done better working with 'Boss'...
No. 108800 ID: a64482

You dislike humans right?

Every one of us talking to you is human. Not from your world, but still, human.
No. 108802 ID: c1b520
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I take it back then. As a note for future, if you ever find yourself working for 'Boss', never mention that. Ever. Period. And it's not that I don't dislike humans, its that they hate us so much that it's impossible to reason with them.
No. 108815 ID: 8ecfd4

Well you are a flesheating abomination against the natural order. Btw who is the boss? Does he run some sort of prostitution ring? Because if so we must save one of his hoes for our team.

We need 1 shady guy, 1 broody leader type, 1 geeky tech guy and 1 chick who is there to make sure it's not a sausage fest. Then we need some random guys who die in spectacularly hilarious fashions. So with you as the broody leader guy we just need a chick and then we're set.
No. 108819 ID: c1b520
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You could say that. He captures live humans and keeps them as 'pets' before they succumb to the disease. He also has one of the largest followings and is as cruel as they come... at least that's what I've heard. I've never met the guy personally, and I don't think I ever want to. He's the only zombie I've ever heard of to ever successfully break through a human barricade.
No. 108821 ID: 8ecfd4

Well that is fucking sick.

Righto, let's head on over there and rescue a beatiful sentient lass from the vile and evil clutches of oppression. Then we gather up our crew of comical missfits and head on out for adventure and food.
No. 108828 ID: c1b520
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What group?

Keyboardist: "Look, buddy, I don't know about you but I got a lot of work to do so unless you got something to say I gotta go."
No. 108835 ID: 8ecfd4

The one we're going to recruit nerdboy into.

Tell him that he's needed for the betterment of zombiekind. Together with him we will stride confidently into the wastelands and assert our rights to unlife.
No. 108840 ID: c1b520
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Keyboardist: "No thanks man, I already got a sweet gig going right now. No hard feelings though."

He runs off deeper into the woods.
No. 108843 ID: 8ecfd4

Ok we're not going to accept that kind of shit. Follow him and ruin whatever he comes up with, he will follow us or face the consequences.

Or maybe we should get the hoe first. If we get a sweet piece of tail he might be more inclined to follow us.

Oh what the hell, let's rescue a hooker now. We can always ruin his life and sweet gig later.
No. 108850 ID: e0499d

heh... zombie hookers
No. 108942 ID: 589eac

the boss is now your best bet to get anything special goin.

gather that one dude you actualy managed to recruit and ask him abut t'boss
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