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1080778 No. 1080778 ID: 681cb5

[Blood, gore, death and perhaps nudity]

The world is ending. The gods are dead and their rotting corpses have crashed into the world, crushing beneath them what little peace this realm once had. What left of civilization is being torn apart by an endless stream of beasts and monsters pouring out from the decayed remains of what was once your idols of worship. Disease, starvation and death are well-known friends for those that still remain. This is the final generation before all life will be snuffed out…

Which means now is a great opportunity to make some gold!
214 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1086787 ID: 681cb5
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>She's a reptile and you're warm. Unlike the floor. That's why.
That doesn’t explain why you’re the one on top! She’s not even that soft…
>Because you're a horny perv who got high off mixed meds?
…you’re not that kind of perv. You’re the… secretly peeking kind.

>Up and at em. Go help with the barricade.
After quickly escaping the grasp of the old snake, you head for the front door before she can try and grab you again. Gokk is already there; slowly pulling away one of the shelves blocking the door… and to his side, the headless body of the Hanged Man is nailed to the wall with big metal spikes.

Raskrev: ”Err…” you gesture towards the flayed corpse, “So you found them…?”
Gokk: ”Orma told us what happen, Tiny.” the crocodile mumbles, clearly annoyed with your presence, “That you took down that beast after it took your eye.”
Raskrev: ”And you nailed it to the wall?”
Gokk: ”Just in case it tried to get up again. You never know.”
Raskrev: ”Right…”
Gokk: ”Now make yourself useful, small fox,” he snarls, “and grab something from the barricade and move!”
Raskrev: ”On it!” you walk past him, grabbing a large sack of old, petrified potatoes, “Say, you wouldn’t have a spare eye patch, would you?”
Gokk: ”Bah…” he grits his teeth, “I do have a spare you can take.” Before he continues, he gives you a glare that would kill, “But I will take it back when you die, weakling.”
Raskrev: ”Geez, why are so angry today?”
Gokk: ”Because you little man get to fight a glorious battle while I only get a weak wretched to slay!”
Kani: ”Don’t mind him, pipsqueak.” Kani’s head appear around the corner, smiling a wicked smile, “He’s just cranky because he got a booboo on his arm.”
Gokk: ”Go fuck yourself.”
Kani: ”Heh.”
No. 1086788 ID: 681cb5
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Beyond the barricaded door you find a silent forest, thick with mist and an uneasy stillness. It’s too quiet out there… it is making the fur on your neck stand on edge…

Kani: ”We head for the city as fast as we can.” her voice is tense, “We need to reach the wall before the abomination patrolling these woods finds us again.”
Orma: ”If there anything we need to do before leaving, now is the time.”

>Find something to eat.
Orma: ”Breakfast might be prudent. We need all the energy we can get.”
Gokk: ”Ugh, I should eat a horse…” the crocodile rubs his arm, gritting his teeth as he shivers, “And drink a whole brewery.”

>Do your usual inventory check to make sure everything is alright.
Everything seems to be in order…

Your equipment:
Daggers x 4
Dart gun
Darts x 4
Big bottle of Bleeding venom.
Small bottle of paralyzing venom.
Tiny bottle of… “Last Freedom” (For self-use only)
Some Food
Starlight lantern
Your own head

Skills: Daggers, venom, stealth, avoiding danger and suicide.

Kani: ”I know what you did yesterday, pipsqueak.”
Raskrev: ”Huh?” you feel her knife slide up between your legs, ”Err…”
Kani: ”If I find you trying to spy on us again I’ll cut your balls off.”
Raskrev: ”N-noted.”
Kani: ”Next time, just ask if you want to watch.” the hare pulls away her blade and turn around to leave, “Or join for that matter. I’m sure Gokk wouldn’t mind.”
Raskrev: ”Oh… um… r-right…”
No. 1086791 ID: 273c18

Where's the corpse that got rehanged?
No. 1086796 ID: 5ebd37

Check the kitchen for anything that can be whipped up into a quick breakfast.
No. 1086799 ID: 031458

I would cut open three hanged man's corpse. Disgusting ass it is, I'm sure you'll find something useful within. It used it's own innards quite aptly, afterall.
No. 1086806 ID: eb0a9c

Give the house one last search. Then go outside and have a disposable undead throw the gold coin in the pit to you.
... Say, what happened to your lucky coin?
No. 1086824 ID: 19ea25

Well we can fulfill the brewery at least. There's still about two to three full bottles of white lightning down there.

It's also prudent to make sure to grab some of those supplies from downstairs. I imagine Orma might find it handy to have some fancy materials to keep on hand for her research and abilities.
No. 1088696 ID: 681cb5
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>Say, what happened to your lucky coin?
…huh. You must have dropped it when fighting THE HANGED MAN.
>Where's the corpse that got rehanged?
Did it even get hanged? All you saw was the WOODSMEN snapping its neck with a noose.

>I would cut open three hanged man's corpse. Disgusting ass it is, I'm sure you'll find something useful within. It used its own innards quite aptly, afterall.
Gokk: ”We already tried that, tiny.” the crocodile says as he slaps the crucified corpse, “While its skin is as thick as leather and its guts like rope, there isn’t anything else in there.” He punches the body hard enough to make more of its intestines fall out, “Not even a heart to rip out! BAH!”
>Check the kitchen for anything that can be whipped up into a quick breakfast.
Orma: ”Didn’t we pack rations just so we don’t have to scavenge for food?” she gives you a questioning look, “Besides, anything in here is probably two decades old and carrying who knows what kind of diseases.”
Gokk: ”Guys, look!” Gokk suddenly shouts, showing off a big bag of potatoes, “I found ‘taters! A whole bag of them!”
>Well we can fulfill the brewery at least. There's still about two to three full bottles of white lightning down there.
Gokk: ”BOOZE!?”

>It's also prudent to make sure to grab some of those supplies from downstairs.
Orma: ”I’ve already procured everything I deemed to have worth.” the snake chuckles, “After all, we still haven’t even reached the city, so there is more to find. No need to get our bags full just yet.”
Kani: ”And we need to be light on our feet out there.” the hare suddenly speaks up, “So make sure none of you are carrying anything unnecessary to our survival, get it!?” Before anyone can say anything else, she pulls out her knife and scowls, “Or do I have to start cutting off useless parts from you?”
>Go outside and have a disposable undead throw the gold coin in the pit to you.
Kani: ”A gold coin?” the glare she gives you would kill a lesser man, ”Wasting time is not worth a gold coin!”
Raskrev: ”Come on, it won’t…” you suddenly notice something… the hole the crow fell down into is gone. ”Wait, the trap has been hidden again.” holding up a hand to the others, you continue, ”Be careful, someone has been here and reset all the traps.”
Kani: ”And?” Kani doesn’t even look at you as she leaves, ”It was probably the WOODSMEN. So we better just hurry up and leave right now, before they return.”

Kani: ”That’s it. We have no more time to waste.” the hare snarls, “We’re leaving immediately, and we won’t stop until we reach the city.” she looks over at Gokk,“So stop your whining and get ready to move!”
Gokk: ”I’m not whining!” the crocodile says as he sheepishly rubs his arm, “My arm is just a bit itchy, that’s all…”
Kani: ”And you can itch it later! Let’s go!” she starts moving towards the woods, not even waiting for the rest of you, “If we keep a steady pace, we should reach the walls before midday, as long as there aren’t any surpris-”
No. 1088697 ID: 681cb5
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Kani: ”Wha-”


No. 1088698 ID: 681cb5
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A wooden monster suddenly burst out from one of the traps, swinging a massive, pulsating arm towards Kani with enough force to break bones. Barely having time to react, the hare throws herself backwards, narrowly dodging to giant fist of the abomination.

THE FOOL: ”CAWAHAHA!” the abomination laugh sound unnatural and fake, echoing through its wooden body, “Let’s have some fun!”
No. 1088699 ID: 681cb5
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With unnatural grace, the creature climbs out of the pit, revealing its full form. A headless scarecrow, whose one arm is a mutated mess of flesh and bone, while the other has a lantern made from a crows head hanging from it. But what disturbs you the most is how it moves. It floats through the air, as if each step it takes with its long legs has been rehearsed for years and now it’s expertly performing an impossible dance, just for you. This elegance is in stark contrast to its disgusting, oscillating arm which it drags behind it without a care…

THE FOOL: “You will die here…” the scarecrow does a pirouette as it walks towards you, seemingly showing off its new body, “Just like all the other gullible fools! CAWAHAHA!”

Gokk grunts behind you as he ready his axe, while Orma starts chanting something under her breath… you try and pull your knife, but find it already in your hand

THE FOOL dances closer, right on the edge of a pit…
A consequence of the reckless and naïve.
No. 1088701 ID: 19ea25

Good to know we've found the crow. Whether what was a true form or just her remains after running ahead. Given how the head glows it may be prudent to remove the headed arm for any potential magical danger, but the legs.. It is tempting to cut them to stop the dance.
No. 1088704 ID: 5ebd37

The lack of anatomy on this thing is bad news for you. The only target for a knife throw is the arm where it's held on by sinews, but that will tack more than one throw.
Unfortunately I'd say you are most useful in this fight as a distraction. Try to set it up so Gokk can chop its legs off.
No. 1088705 ID: 273c18

Be careful. Don't charge in, it's staying near the pits because it wants to knock people into them.
No. 1088756 ID: 7c0da2

Approach The Fool from the right so it can't get into your blind side. Let Gokk attack first and try to trip the thing if it tries do dodge him. Try not to look the severed head in the eyes, just in case.
No. 1095314 ID: 681cb5
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Raskrev: ”Watch out!” you yell to the others, “It’s trying to lure us close to the pits! Keep your distance!”
Gokk: ”Go suck the Corpse God’s flaccid penis, tiny!” the crocodile laughs as he charges the monstrosity, “THIS KILL IS MINE!”
Kani: ”I’m trying, pipsqueak, but-” as the hare starts crawling away from the monster, it easily grabs her with its massive, mutated arm, “GAH! LET GO OF ME!”
Raskrev: ”Dammit, we need to focus our attacks!” try as you might, the only one actually listening to you right now is Orma, “The head with its glow can’t be good… and the arm, we need to save Kani! The sinews are the weak point!”
Orma: ”I will deal with the arm, young man, if you focus on the head.” the druid tells you calmly, before she starts chanting strange words, “Kara… Qet… Dul…”

You throw your dagger with precision, hitting it square in the forehead to little effect. It doesn’t even react, instead focusing on making its dance even more deranged, both to keep Gokk from hitting it as well as to use its own legs as weapons. The hare in its hand plunges her dagger into it, but the only reaction she gets is THE FOOL closing its palm further around her.

THE FOOL: “CAWHAHAHA!” the monster laughs as it squeezes Kani in its grip, audibly cracking her bones and making her cough up blood, “Crushed rabbit is on the menu tonight!”

The crocodile find an opening and charges, but something makes his swing miss. He growls in pain as he takes a step back…

Gokk: ”Gah! Stupid arm, stop-” before Gokk can react, one of the dancing legs glides by and cuts his chest, “Ngg… you’re going to pay for that, scarecrow.”

It’s not looking good…
No. 1095315 ID: 681cb5
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THE FOOL: “Do you think I can’t hear you little witch?” the head moves on its own, focusing its gaze on the murmuring snake behind you, “Chanting your little spell, like the good little witch you are…” before suddenly the flames within it intensifies, the fire engulfing the whole head, “NOW BURN! BURN TO CINDERS LITTLE WITCH!”
No. 1095316 ID: 681cb5
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Your dagger wedges itself into its skull, making the whole thing crack as it can no longer control its flames. Before you know it, there’s an explosion… followed by fire.
No. 1095318 ID: 681cb5
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The flames quickly spread across THE FOOL’s body, engulfing its right side completely. But even as it burns, it’s frantic dance continues… the beautiful dance…

THE FOOL: “FOOLS!!!” the scarecrow screams, “YOU WILL ALL DIE HERE! ALL OF YOU!”

In retort, Orma yells something that sounds like the sound of breaking glass, making THE FOOLs mutated arm rip apart, as if a giant grabbed it and pulled it into two. Its huge hand falls onto the ground with a thud, freeing Kani from its grip.

Gokk: ”HA!” the crocodile takes the opportunity to sink his axe deep into the creatures leg, almost splitting it in twain, “Take that, long legs!”

It staggers, the leg barely keeping it upright as it burns. With both its arms gone, it suddenly doesn’t seem like that big of a threat.
No. 1095319 ID: 681cb5
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And then it kicks Kani over the edge of one of the pit traps, he broken body unable to dodge.

THE FOOL: “CAWHAHAHA!” the former crow laughs as Kani is fly towards the hole, “Skewered bunny it is!”

The monster is heavily damaged, and Gokk is getting ready to finish it off… but that won’t change what’s about to happen.

Kani is falling to her death, as the FOOL dances on the edge…
No. 1095332 ID: a7c2ff

Slide towards her and grab her!
Closes eyes for a moment. Whatver happens, happens.

I choose MOON for the coin flip.
No. 1095335 ID: 19ea25

There's not much you can do outside of a diving grab. Her body will not support her in grabbing something right now otherwise, but the fool is still a dangerous threat even distracted as it is.
No. 1095336 ID: 44c167

If you are close enough to catch her hand then go for it. But if you aren't... then throw a knife and hope her ear can support her full body weight.
No. 1095348 ID: eb0a9c

You won't be able to reach her in time, but your knife can!
Throw a sheathed knife, alter her velocity so she hits the edge of the well, where the trap contains the least spikes.
No. 1095354 ID: 273c18

Do we even need to help? There are huge gaps between the spikes, she could just twist to avoid them.
No. 1095376 ID: eb0a9c

Injuries lowered her dexterity to 0, she can't dodge.
No. 1095377 ID: 273c18

Please don't make up excuses for why other suggestions won't work.
No. 1095514 ID: 681cb5
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>Do we even need to help? There are huge gaps between the spikes, she could just twist to avoid them.
The Fool clearly did a number on her, as she couldn’t even evade its slow moving kick, so her dodging the spikes while falling backwards into the pit doesn’t seem likely. Not to mention, even if managed to avoid them, the fall itself might be lethal.
>Slide towards her and grab her!
You start to sprint towards her, but even before you take the first step you know you won’t be able to make it in time.
>Then throw a knife and hope her ear can support her full body weight.
As your paw touches the ground, you fling two of your daggers towards her. Not to kill her, but in an attempt to slow her down. One hits her tabard, slicing through the cloth as if it was nothing… while the other lodges itself into her ear, pinning it against the wall of the well.

Kani: ”GAH! FUCK!” She screams, clearly in a lot of pain, “I’LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THAT!”
Orma: ”I got her.” you barely hear the snake’s voice behind you as you run towards the pit, “This will keep her steady.”

The long roots of a mushroom bind themselves around Kani’s arm, pulling her up slightly as it constrict her body. You did it, she’s alive…
No. 1095515 ID: 681cb5
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As you run past The Fool, you can see Gokk cutting off one of its legs, followed by another spell from Orma blowing away what’s left of its arm. As it stumbles around, the crocodile finds a weakness and deals the finishing blow, cleaving The Fool in twain, ending its suffering.

Gokk: ”And stay down!” he yells as the two parts of the monster hits the ground, “Bah! No blood!? What is this shit? Hay!?” Gokk gives the smoldering pile of wood and cloth in front of him a kick, “At least scream in pain or something!”
Orma: ”Gahaha! Don’t you hear it!?” the maniac laughter coming from Orma stops you in your tracks, “They are screaming! Crying!” She grabs her mask and shakes her head, “It’s… it’s my fault…”
Gokk: ”…the fuck is wrong with you?”

Orma’s spell casting has degraded her mind.
Orma has learned a new skill: Suicide.
No. 1095517 ID: 681cb5
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With The Fool dead, you can easily pull out Kani from the pit and start binding her wounds.

Kani: ”Corpse God!” the hare shouts into the air, “That rotting thing broke my ribs!”
Raskrev: ”Take it easy.” You tell her as you try and find something to bandage her wounds, “I’m no expert, but I can at least stop the bleeding.”
Gokk: ”Cloth and wood.” the crocodile mutters behind you, “Where’s the trophy!? There’s nothing but ash here!”
Orma: ”Hehe… then take the ash…” the old snakes giggling sounds wrong, “It might be useful, love… heh…”
Gokk: “No way!” Gokk throws the last of The Fool into the kindled pile of her body, watching it burn, “If you want it, you grab it, old hag.”
Raskrev: ”Don’t move around so much!” Kani squirms under you, “You’re only making it worse.”
Kani: ”I’m fine!” she says, “It’s not-” but she’s interrupted by a fit of coughing, “I’ll lived through worse… *cough*”

The Fool has been slain, freeing the Guide of the weight of her guilt.

You’ve gained the cinders of the Guide.
No. 1095530 ID: f44bc0

Alright, check on the group and get everyone together: Gokk's arm is undeniably infected and getting worse, and has been for a while. Which is bad but nothing we can do about that right this second.
Orma shouldn't be left alone, ever, and no spells unless absolutely necessary. We need that snake lucid asap. Make sure she knows we need her, and that she's been doing well so far.
And give Kani a little space: she gets angry when she's hurt, and in general. That she hasn't passed out from the pain is impressive. Still, if she's bleeding internally (which given that she's coughing blood...), she needs more than bandages. If Orma has any more healing potions, now might be a good time for one. Avoid spouting that info out though.

Assume the fighting managed to draw attention, and that moving is top priority once no one is actively dying.
No. 1095541 ID: 273c18

I think we might need to go back inside and rest again. We've got one half-mad witch and one badly injured bun. Although, if we can stabilize Orma in short order and someone carries Raskrev, we could try to travel to a new place of shelter.

Like, for real, Orma needs to be calmed down and kept from hurting herself.
No. 1095542 ID: 44c167

After you finish bandaging Kani offer her a knife. She said she'd make you pay, might as well get that over with.
No. 1095738 ID: 681cb5
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>After you finish bandaging Kani offer her a knife. She said she'd make you pay, might as well get that over with.
Kani: ”I was talking to the scarecrow, idiot.” she snarls before looking away from you, “But thank you for saving me… even if you did it in a moronic way that cost me my ear.”

>Orma shouldn't be left alone, ever, and no spells unless absolutely necessary. Make sure she knows we need her, and that she's been doing well so far.
Orma: ”Why, such a young, handsome boy being worried about little old me, hmm?” she sits down on a pile of wood and produces a small, wooden pipe, “but you needn’t fret, dear, I know what I’m doing.” with a snap of her finger, the pipe lights up, spewing out a black, sickly looking smog, “It’s not the first time I’ve cast spells, after all.”
Raskrev: ”Still, you didn’t sound very… ah… lucid for a bit there.” you rub the back of your head awkwardly, “Are you sure you’re alright?”
Orma: ”Come here!” before you can react she pulls you in with her tail, before grabbing your head and smushing it into her chest, “There, hugging a cute fox boy will make me feel even better.”
Raskrev: ”Ugh…” you groan, the vile smell of the pipe entering your nose, “What even is that?”
Orma: ”It’s a drug that calms the nerves, dear.” she takes a drag before continuing, “Very addictive, very dangerous. Makes you very sick given time… luckily, I’m already old, so I needn’t worry.” You watch as she exhales smoke from her nostrils, “Tobacco, I believe it’s called.”

Orma’s mind is no longer on the brink of madness.

>Still, if she's bleeding internally (which given that she's coughing blood...), she needs more than bandages. If Orma has any more healing potions, now might be a good time for one.
Orma: ”I do only have one potion left, so you better be careful, dears.”
Kani: ”Give it here!” the hare grabs the potion out of the snakes hand and downs it in one motion, “Ugh, this taste like rot!”
Orma: ”It’s not meant to taste good, Kani.” Orma takes another long drag from her pipe, “It will save your life, nothing more.”

>I think we might need to go back inside and rest again.
Kani: ”Ha! With all the noise we’ve been doing the whole forest is probably already on its way. No way we can stay, pipsqueak.”
Gokk: ”As much as I hate running, we can’t stand and fight the whole blasted area.”
Orma: ”We need to head for the city.”
Raskrev: ”Maybe we can find another-”
Orma: ”Unless we get into the city, we’re dead.”
Raskrev: ”…alright, I guess it shouldn’t be that far… the guide did say something about a sewer drain…”
Kani: ”We’re going through the shit tunnels?” she shrugs, “Well, let’s mosey before the rot takes us.”

>Gokk's arm is undeniably infected and getting worse, and has been for a while.
Gokk: ”Bah! It’s fine.” he flexes his arm, “See, it doesn’t even hurt anymore.”
Orma: ”It’s infected. Probably from that wretch that puked on you. Somehow it got into your blood.“ she sighs, “We need to cut it off.”
Gokk: ”What? No way.” balling his hand into a fist, the crocodile grins, “It feels even stronger than before! No way am I cutting my arm off, you old hag!”
Orma: “The Rot can’t be cured…” she puffs her pipe, “and when it spreads to your brain, you’ll become just another wretched… or worse.”
Gokk: ”Ha! Why would we listen to some old, half-mad witch?”
Kani: ”I don’t know…” the hare sounds unsure, “She’s the expert.”
Orma: ”I’d rather cut of your arm than your head.”
Gokk: ”…Bah, you two are insane.”

You watch as his hand pulses in a disgusting manner…
No. 1095748 ID: 273c18

Tell him you trust Orma. If she says the limb must be amputated, then that's what has to be done. Ask her how long it'll be before he turns, based on the rate of infection.
No. 1095750 ID: 681328

... How is Orma so cute? She's a crazy old lady, and usually the voice of reason in this group, and most likely to stab you in the back (by virtue of everyone else stabbing you in the front)

If it's in Gokk's veins, you can't put this off: once it's reached his heart, he's fucked. You can't force him to lose the arm, but eventually, he'll be a liability, and death will be the only option. He'd listen to Kani, and she knows this the same as everyone else.
No. 1095777 ID: 355e44

Its ok if Gokk doesn't want to cut off his arm, he'll just need to die in battle before the rot reaches his head.

However, if he removes his hand now while the rot is localized he can graft a weapon to the stump and still get most of the use of his arm.
No. 1095780 ID: 19ea25

As he said. If Gokk removes the arm he can get a weapon grafted n its place. I'm certain he'd be quite pleased with being just as dangerous or moreso then before..

But yeah given his profile having him rot out would be quite awful for the group.
No. 1095903 ID: eb0a9c

If Gokk needs to amputate his hand, it ought to be in a warrior's manner. Bind the hand with sharp wire to stem the rot, and let him lose it in a high-risk, high-reward battle.
No. 1095913 ID: c8380b

Thing about how metal it would be to replace your hand with a trophy from a really tough fight.
No. 1095914 ID: 97c584

Ask him if it's /really/ that farfetched, all the wretches we've seen/killed have had their rot forms pretty visibly themed around their points of infection. The rat that vomited on him, mouth, its' partner wretch, hands or gut, hangman, intestines/internal.. Woodsman's a lil harder to pinpoint but something that took all of them at once. And Gokk's arm.. remember that scarecrow?
No. 1096064 ID: 681cb5
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>...How is Orma so cute?
Huh? S-she’s not cute! She’s an old, crazy hag, nothing more!

>Bind the hand with sharp wire to stem the rot.
Orma ties some thin rope around Gokk’s wrist, as well as near his shoulder, trying her best to constrict the blood flow.
Orma: ”There, that will give us another hour or two.”
Gokk: ”Bah!” the crocodile flexes his muscle, snapping the rope around his biceps in two, “As if a bit of string will do anything.”

>Tell him you trust Orma.
Gokk: ”If you want to trust that old witch, then do so!” he snarls, “But don’t come crying to me when she drives a dagger into your back.”
Raskrev: ”While I admit she is the one most likely to backstab me, that’s because you and Kani will just stab me from the front instead.”
Kani: ”HA!”
>Ask her how long it'll be before he turns, based on the rate of infection.
Orma: ”Probably midday, by the rate it’s going.”
Kani: ”What? He’ll be dead before the day is over!?”
Gokk: ”Ha! A likely story.”
Kani: ”Come on, Gokk, listen to the druid.”
Gokk: ”No.” Gokk huffs while making his chest bigger, “I’m not going to die to some weak ass infection, nor am I such a wuss that I’ll panic and lob my own arm off.” He turns away from you all, “I will not run anymore. Be it from battle or… whatever this is.”

>He'll just need to die in battle before the rot reaches his head.
Kani: ”You really think we’ll find a proper battle before noon?”
>However, if he removes his hand now while the rot is localized he can graft a weapon to the stump and still get most of the use of his arm.
Gokk: ”I’d always wanted a sword hand…”
Orma: ”We need to amputate near your shoulder, dear.”
Gokk: ”Well, fuck you then hag. Ruining all the fun.”

Raskrev: ”Gokk, all those wretches we’ve met… they were all infected the same way you were.” You yell to the crocodile as he starts to walk away, “The rat was clearly infected in their mouth… his partner was the guts… and the Hanged Man and Woodsmen… well…”
Orma: ”The Hanged Man was born from a wound to the mind, not the body.” the snake interrupts, “And the Woodsmen are… well, they are something else, something more… primal.”
Raskrev: ”…thanks a lot for weakening my point, Orma.”
Gokk: ”Bah!” as he disappears into the woods, you can hear him mutter, “I’m not going to run away again, dammit. I am not a coward!”
No. 1096065 ID: 681cb5
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As the three of you start making your way into the woods as well, Orma slither up to you and whispers,

Orma: ”He won’t listen to me, Raskrev, but you might be able to convince him somehow.” the snake passes you before looking back, “If you want him to live, of course.” before disappearing into the trees.

You’re about to follow them when you hear someone groan of pain behind you…

Kani: ”Hey… Fox…”

It’s Kani, steadying herself against a tree while gripping her chest.

Raskrev: ”Is everything alright?”
Kani: ”You know damn well it’s not.” she winces, “I can’t really keep up with you like this.”
Raskrev: ”…you want us to slow down?”
Kani: ”No.” she smirks, “I’m not going to get you all killed because I’m wounded.” The hare looks away from you, hiding her expression, “I need you to carry me, Raskrev.”
Raskrev: ”Huh? Why me?”
Kani: ”Because the snake is weak and I can’t trust Gokk with that arm.”
Raskrev: ”You sure you can’t just walk it off?”
Kani: ”Don’t make me stab your ass, Fox.” she takes a deep breath, “You have to carry me if we want keep ahead of whatever is lurking in these woods. ” The huntress locks her gaze with yours “Either that, or you leave me here to die. Your choice.”

The sound of breaking twigs and rustling leaves can be heard from the other side of the clearing… you better start moving.
No. 1096070 ID: 3ba91d

Damn, we didn't even got to the Forbidden city and we're about to lose two of our members, maybe more. What rotten luck, huh? Well, might as well carry le rabeet. Go, before shit goes down.
No. 1096072 ID: 8f9bc4


She's joking, right? She realizes you're down one eye, doesn't she? You don't need an eye to carry her though, and she has two eyes to provide. We're all dead at the end of this, but why lay down and make it easy for them? CARRY THAT DOE
No. 1096074 ID: c8380b

I'm not sure how quickly we can move while carrying another person with broken ribs. If only she voiced her problem before Muscles-for-Brains walked away. We can always give it a try, but it's going to hurt. Is covering her in leaves to hide her while she recovers an option?

Gokk is endangering everyone right now. Appeal to the pride he feels as the group's bulwark. We won't last very long if we don't have his strength to depend on.
No. 1096075 ID: 273c18

The potion wasn't enough? Carry her, then. ...we're gonna have to take a closer look at her wound soon; if it's infected then that's another party member in a critical situation.

Also tell Grok that what he's doing right NOW is running. He's refusing to face the facts and accept the loss of his arm, which is endangering those around him.
No. 1096076 ID: 7c0da2

>>1096075 is right. Being a coward is turning your back to whatever you should be facing. Right now, it means the state of his arm.
Now, can he look you in the eye and say that, yes, he does want to die an ignominious death, not in battle but on the road, then have to be left on the side or worse, put down as he rises back up as some kind of pitiful abomination ? All for want of a moment's courage ? Or would he rather cut that damn rotting arm off before it kills him ?

And, yes, carry Kani, there is not really much choice, you don't stand much chances of succeeding if you lose both her and Grok. Besides, you probably shouldn't trust Orma too much, best not be the last one standing in her way. Just in case. And maybe you'll get lucky and Grok'll cut off his arm sometime soon and still be able to carry her after that. You can always dream.
No. 1096125 ID: 9e924b

She's slowed, not dead weight, and leaving her to die means pissing off Gokk, which inevitably leaves just you and the snake, if you survive him, and will probably end with just Orma and a reanimated corpse. Plus, you didn't save her to let her die.

Keep snark to a minimum, Kani has been nice in spite of her pain. If your shoulders can handle her, better for her to sit there then piggyback: she has chest pain and you'd have fewer free hands. Also, even if she's hurt, EXPECT her to go for your ears as payback for hers.

The cute crazy old hag has a point, but you'll get through to him better with Kani's help. Gokk is still running away, by not acknowledging the truth of his infection. But it sounds like you should be moving quickly too.
No. 1096130 ID: 355e44

Carry her, you did just save her after all.
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