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File 169782339159.jpg - (474.71KB , 1356x1153 , I hatemy job 1.jpg )
1075139 No. 1075139 ID: dc13c4

A short quest about dealing with the troubles of your daily work hours.
Expand all images
No. 1075140 ID: dc13c4
File 169782341530.jpg - (113.60KB , 521x695 , I hatemy job 2.jpg )

No. 1075141 ID: dc13c4
File 169782342459.jpg - (454.22KB , 1359x1154 , I hatemy job 3.jpg )

No. 1075143 ID: 9fbc97

Mason Vidal
If your coworkers insisted on you coming here at the very least they should care about your wellbeing
Too busy to have a social life after-hours
No. 1075182 ID: e51896


except, I would change the last name to "Deer" so his name is "Mason Deer" just for consistency since the doctor has an animal name in it (pelican)
No. 1075191 ID: dc13c4
File 169791529138.jpg - (242.57KB , 786x568 , I hatemy job 4.jpg )

No. 1075192 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1075193 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1075194 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1075195 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1075196 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1075197 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1075198 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1075365 ID: 8f9bc4

Fail to realize you are in a snuff film

a silent snuff film.
No. 1075418 ID: e51896

"At first, I thought I could take it, I've always thought I was someone with thick skin, especially after seeing the kinds of files and investigations I've seen. but as I continued viewing those films, I started to feel disturbed and disgust towards how far into depravity and evil animality humanity is willing to commit. I eventually started to become emotionally numb to it, whats the word... desensitized to it, and emotionally detatched towards others as I know what terrible things they can be capable of doing... And what worse, if anyone is capable of just snapping and doing some of the horrible things and be desensitized enough to commit such atrocities in those films, what if with how desensitized I am feeling viewing them, I am no different from those criminals?"
No. 1075797 ID: dc13c4
File 169853530754.jpg - (182.70KB , 476x386 , I hatemy job 12.jpg )

No. 1075798 ID: dc13c4
File 169853533667.jpg - (743.52KB , 1750x1176 , I hatemy job 13.jpg )

No. 1075800 ID: dc13c4
File 169853537326.jpg - (156.10KB , 296x506 , I hatemy job 14.jpg )

No. 1075801 ID: dc13c4
File 169853543348.jpg - (458.16KB , 1384x1194 , I hatemy job 15.jpg )

No. 1075802 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1075803 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1075804 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1075805 ID: dc13c4
File 169853555347.jpg - (405.77KB , 1226x1074 , I hatemy job 19.jpg )

No. 1075871 ID: 8f9bc4

Beg all he wants, he'll feel no worry for your well-being today.
No. 1075974 ID: ed3442

I... think I'm starting to like them.

I think ... I want to take part.

I think...

I think...

I think I want to exterminate the dinosaurs.
No. 1076040 ID: a7ddda

try not to think about the film that haunts you the most.

say you're fine. you just need a day off or two. you know how it is when you work a little too hard.
No. 1076044 ID: fa6745

What got you into this line of work? maybe don't tell him, but thinking what got you into it might help you figure something out
No. 1076066 ID: e51896

Agree on this. You don't have to spill all the beans on your first day here, that's a little bit much on your mental state. Maybe when you learn to trust the good doctor a little more you'll be more willing to open up. Baby step.
No. 1076243 ID: dc13c4
File 169896924464.jpg - (157.73KB , 601x608 , I hatemy job 20.jpg )

No. 1076244 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076245 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076246 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076247 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076248 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076249 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076252 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076255 ID: dc13c4
File 169896966071.jpg - (288.38KB , 1081x1164 , I hatemy job 31.jpg )

No. 1076259 ID: eb0a9c

Your parents died when you were a baby, so your uncle raised you. Apparently, they both committed suicide after they made poor long-term financial decisions.

Your ex-girlfriend... that's a sorry story. She latched on one day when you were kids and never let go. She wasn't passionate, she was just... dedicated.
She was more like a bratty little sister with benefits. She cared more about being around you than helping you. Occasionally, she'd be more than a shallow caricature and try to ask you what was wrong, patch it up with sex, and then go back to her daily routine of gossip and shopping while forcing you to tag along.
And then one day, about two years ago, you realized you had enough. That you had to be just friends or not friends at all. She chose the latter. You're not sure if you made the right decision.
No. 1076363 ID: 8f9bc4

You have a daughter whose father is being held hostage by an evil psychiatrist.
No. 1076814 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076815 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076816 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076817 ID: dc13c4
File 169948963511.jpg - (380.57KB , 1209x1065 , I hatemy job 35.jpg )

No. 1076818 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076819 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076820 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076821 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076822 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1076823 ID: dc13c4
File 169948979014.jpg - (394.73KB , 1234x1026 , I hatemy job 41.jpg )

No. 1076840 ID: eb0a9c

"I... what? Oh you mean the Mepillow guy. The businessman on the news who worships our 'beloved' ex-president, Mickey Mountain. I am honestly confident about telling you, a clinical therapist, that I want that asshole to die in prison.
Turns out the happy optimist personality is just a mask. He's a textbook movie villain; intentionally fakes everything in public, threatens his workers, scams every customer and their family, and apparently he sexually abused a minor.
I just... this has not stopped being old news for the past four years. I would like to forget these people exist, but they're dangerous and need to be watched. Life was calmer when I didn't have to worry about all this."
No. 1076847 ID: 8f9bc4

I've never referred to anyone as the Pilloperson before. Are you feeling okay, doctor?
No. 1076862 ID: 094d8d

Maybe you misheard the question. Dont mention Pilloperson, but ask if he can repeat the question.
No. 1076863 ID: c75e0b

No, no. It was Captain Person. One of the protagonists of that Lovingly Doomsday comic I read, along with Pilot Boy and Sniper Boy.

Good comic, kind of wordy, though.
No. 1077236 ID: dc13c4
File 169995433369.jpg - (240.16KB , 704x572 , I hatemy job 42.jpg )

No. 1077237 ID: dc13c4
File 169995436316.jpg - (409.51KB , 1346x1171 , I hatemy job 43.jpg )

No. 1077238 ID: dc13c4
File 169995438865.jpg - (176.21KB , 398x620 , I hatemy job 44.jpg )

No. 1077239 ID: dc13c4
File 169995442315.jpg - (482.39KB , 1242x1164 , I hatemy job 45.jpg )

No. 1077240 ID: dc13c4
File 169995445647.jpg - (247.19KB , 698x540 , I hatemy job 46.jpg )

No. 1077241 ID: dc13c4
File 169995447872.jpg - (332.82KB , 994x1039 , I hatemy job 47.jpg )

No. 1077242 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1077243 ID: dc13c4
File 169995455241.jpg - (527.97KB , 1240x1153 , I hatemy job 50.jpg )

No. 1077250 ID: e51896

This is obviously something we are not ready to discuss. For now, tell him its just a fictional character from your imagination that you draw and write about as a way to relieve stress.

Then tell him that you need a moment to collect your thoughts, as you cannot believe your own friends invaded your privacy and safe zone.
No. 1077259 ID: 8f9bc4

And you were being honest. Well, truthful at least. If you had to be totally honest, you'd say that the only things that are bothering you right now are your job, and a psychologist. (The pilloperson isn't bothering you. He's helping you.)
No. 1077353 ID: c75e0b

"Well, it's an angry character I came up with. A boogyeman behind all the snuff films I must look at.

The thing is, I have been watching those films more than what I must recently; watching the entire thing beggining to end for hours at time.

I think it's taking a toll on me, but I don't want to quit either.

What if I can't find a new job and I am left out in the streets? What if people think less of me?

I mean I watch films where people are murdered for criminal prosecution and I want to leave for mental health issues.

Who would ever hire me with such a resumé?"
No. 1078015 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078016 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078017 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078018 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078019 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078020 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078021 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078039 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078043 ID: 8f9bc4

You sure talk a lot.
No. 1078098 ID: eb0a9c

We're not going to listen to you if you can't @#$%ing spell it out for once in your pathetic existence.
No. 1078422 ID: dc13c4
File 170146681594.jpg - (405.52KB , 874x602 , I hatemy job 75.jpg )

No. 1078423 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078424 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078425 ID: dc13c4
File 170146691658.jpg - (570.36KB , 1120x1044 , I hatemy job 78.jpg )

No. 1078431 ID: 7bff6f

Well, then. I'll just continue the session and get rid of the stuff that's in there after.
Why, I might even hand it over to internal affairs. I'm sick of this job and of sinking further and further into those films, further and further into being stuck with you.
No. 1078434 ID: 8f9bc4

Alright, how do I get rid of the psychologist then, without looking suspicious? If we just leave for the special place now, they'll follow us and we'll lead them right to it.
No. 1078730 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078731 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078732 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078733 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078734 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078735 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078736 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078737 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078739 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1078744 ID: 8f9bc4

Tell the psychologist you you're very distressed at the moment, and you need to end the session now and have some time to yourself. Schedule the next session with him so he feels confident you'll continue to seek treatment, then head home making sure you aren't followed. You can reach the special place before they do then, which is what you need to do.

If the psychologist refuses to end the session, or tries to call the authorities, use the pillow on your couch to muffle the gunshot, and be sure to hide the body before you leave.
No. 1079334 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1079335 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1079336 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1079337 ID: dc13c4
File 170263355513.jpg - (372.36KB , 928x1051 , I hatemy job 92.jpg )

No. 1079339 ID: eb0a9c

Turn off GPS, now!
No. 1079340 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1079342 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1079343 ID: eb0a9c

Oh no
Check the trunk
No. 1079344 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1079345 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1079348 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1079349 ID: eb0a9c

Don't listen to him, you have the Compulsive Reloader perk and you do not have the Drives Like An Action Hero perk. Eyes on the road, find a good place to park.
No. 1079366 ID: 8f9bc4

On the bright side, you aren't at your job right now! Find the secret shed first. Then you can make educated guesses as to whether you snuffed the psychologist or not. A better question to ask is why you have a problem remembering things. But shed first, questions later.
No. 1079766 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1079775 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1079779 ID: e51896

highway is the quickest route without stop lights or stop signs. Take a highway to your destination.
No. 1079781 ID: eb0a9c


Consider stopping the car right now, because apparently the plan is to get you to run over a kid.
No. 1079795 ID: 8f9bc4

Sing the absolutely worst song you can think of, very loudly. The more tired you are, the louder you sing. Come on what's the most annoying song you know? Soda jingle? Cartoon theme song? Something they play over and over again on the radio? Christmas music?
No. 1079861 ID: dcefc3

If there is a car lighter then use it on your skin, the pain of it will keep you awake
No. 1080510 ID: f6204d

There is no choice.

Emergencies merit emergency measures.

Put the Shrek 2 I need a hero cover on your CD-player. It's time to kick things into high gear.
No. 1080745 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1080749 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1080750 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1080756 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1082349 ID: f6204d

Indeed. Here we are one last time.

One last time to make things right.

We may not be in the car anymore, but I can still backpedal. Away from more harm. Away from you.

You can make me second guess my every descision. You can even take the reins at times. But you cannot exist by yourself. Real or imaginary, you use as your vessel. You need me, guilty, doubtful and compliant.

And I don't need that in my life.

*Call the cops to come*
No. 1082373 ID: 2f41db

Check the trunk of your car. Not just for curiisity, but also to see if you have a light source youbcan use. Torch. Maybe a roadside emergency kit.
Its going to be dark where youre going. Lterally so, not just emotionally.
No. 1082560 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1082561 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1082563 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1082600 ID: 2f41db

It's real enough. Even if you cant trust everything you see or hear.
Even the police call.
"Someone from the woods" is an odd response.
I would question this is reality unfiltered.

Who is the voice? Sadly, i suspect Part of you. Or at least a fragment.
As antagonistic as it may be, it could be a part of yourself trying get the rest of your mind to realise something you are on the periphery of understanding.
I think its clear by now its not anything good, but its not something you can hide from any longer.
You need to know.
No. 1082602 ID: 8f9bc4

Who you really are? You're the only person who gives a shit about me. You need something done, and I see no reason not to, so let's get it over with.
No. 1082663 ID: e51896

You're the pelican doctor, aren't you?
No. 1083564 ID: 43b164
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No. 1083575 ID: 2f41db

Do one thing and be slave to the other.

One wants you to hide revelations from yourself and hide from the price paud in knowing.
the other to reveal everything without concern for what will happen to you when all is known.

Therefore do both and be slave to neither.
Remove the hood, know, but then light that fire.
No. 1083631 ID: eb0a9c

Okay, this has gone on long enough.
You're hearing demons. You're hearing us. But right now, you need to block all of us out - for just five minutes - and ask yourself; if you weren't crazy, what would you do right now?
No. 1083638 ID: 8f9bc4

You will burn the corpse to save yourself, but you will see his face before you do. You will not be denied that closure. It makes no difference to the fire. Remove the pillow sheet and save yourself, because someone other than the Pilloperson just started giving a fuck about you!
No. 1083648 ID: e51896

Can we wear the pillowsheet after we remove it? just cut some eyeholes and a big ol' smile on it
No. 1083666 ID: c75e0b

Okay, what if...

We look who is under the mask and then we decide if we burn the body. I mean, mannequin.
The police saying they are coming to kill the protagonist is probably justo an auditory trick caused by the Pilloman to make him paranoid.


We hug the mannequin and forgive him for all past grievances (he knows what he did) and then just walk home to eat some Doritos. No burning involved, other than the spicy taste of Doritos.
No. 1084396 ID: 8452b1
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No. 1084409 ID: eb0a9c


"Rape me harder, daddy~"
No. 1084410 ID: 2f41db

Name yourself.
Keep going.
Say whatever you can to cover the fact you.
The matches.

Doesnt matter how you cover it.
Let the thing get close
Burn the bastard.
No. 1084438 ID: 8f9bc4

You are working for the FBI, investigating snuff films, and you've done it. You've tracked down the killer. The one behind the camera. Are you going to be his next victim? Do your job, man!
No. 1085477 ID: b7f1b0
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No. 1085489 ID: 2f41db

Im not sure if he can be stopped by fire anymore anyway.

Even if this is a twisted shade of reality, its now more mindscape than real
I still lean towards the matches
whats he gonna do if you set him on fire?
Shoot you?

There is only one reason for you to just let this happen.
You are an investigator.
Your job is to assist in the solving of crimes.
If any of this is even remotely real, a fire would destroy evidence.
Four murders and one suicide would be unsolved as a result.

Its your last case.
You may not make it out alive, but at least someone else might be able to peice together the case from what you leave behind.
No. 1085495 ID: 8f9bc4


> whats he gonna do if you set him on fire?
> Shoot you?

Hug you. Are you ready?
No. 1085686 ID: c75e0b

Ugh, fine. I'll shoot you.
Let's see how bad we messed up.
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No. 1086552 ID: 7c55ad

So, now that the silent snuff film is over, lets see who the investigators are who watched it, and what their conclusions are.

(unless the quest is over)
No. 1086577 ID: 8f9bc4

I love my job.
No. 1086579 ID: eb0a9c

"He was so ugly that everyone is going to rape you.
-Poop Patrick
No. 1086592 ID: 2f41db

Same take away here.
No. 1086622 ID: a3b6f7

So help me if anything bad happened Mr. Pelican!
No. 1086706 ID: 42e55e
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So there are some questions and something feels unfinished. So do you wish for this to be the ending or do you want to reject it?
No. 1086757 ID: 37587f

I gotta be honest, I got no clue of what the hell happened over there. Did we unlock the true ending or are we supposed to go through endings A to E while carrying the key item that unlocks the TRUE SUPREME OMEGA ENDING? Or does this even has a real ending at all?
Well, I'd like to watch this movie again with a different outcome. Like "Clue the movie."
Anyway. Absolute peak cinema. Keep cooking, I love your job.
No. 1086783 ID: eb0a9c

I think we're done with the quest. Good work.
No. 1086876 ID: c75e0b

I would like to know what this story was about. Where were we? What were making an impact on? And what impact was it?
No. 1086886 ID: 2f41db

If we do have a behind the scenes or explaned section, maybe in a discussion thread?
To keep this as is for those who will read after.

If there is more, im here for it.
If its done, then thanks for the weird journey.
No. 1087668 ID: fbe348
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This movie has only one ending and it was one that you made happen. As for the answers they can be received but only if you want for this story to continue or leave it at this position as a satisfying ending.

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