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1068283 No. 1068283 ID: 1bc2cb

The effects of suggestions in this quest may not always be immediately obvious.

No promises.
21 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1068356 ID: 51f2a2
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ThreeThirtyThree: I'm sorry. MagicOwlCreature: i'm surprised to hear you say that at all, but, MagicOwlCreature: not good enough, threes. MagicOwlCreature: you hurt people when you do this. MagicOwlCreature: the others keep asking me if you're dead. MagicOwlCreature: again. MagicOwlCreature: because, you know, after the LAST time,
No. 1068357 ID: 51f2a2
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ThreeThirtyThree: You said you wouldn't bring that up again. MagicOwlCreature: YOU said you wouldn't DO this again. ThreeThirtyThree: I really am sorry. ThreeThirtyThree: I mean it, Owl. MagicOwlCreature: whatever.
No. 1068358 ID: 51f2a2
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MagicOwlCreature: why ARE you even talking to me now, anyway? MagicOwlCreature: there's no way you actually feel guilty. ThreeThirtyThree: That's rude. MagicOwlCreature: i don't have to be nice to you. ThreeThirtyThree: Look. ThreeThirtyThree: My brother sent me a Western box. ThreeThirtyThree: In one piece. ThreeThirtyThree: More or less.
No. 1068359 ID: 51f2a2
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MagicOwlCreature: what the FUCK. MagicOwlCreature: wait. MagicOwlCreature: you don't talk to me - or anyone - for a month, MagicOwlCreature: and now you just MagicOwlCreature: HAVE a western box?? MagicOwlCreature: from your BROTHER? MagicOwlCreature: the scrapyard guy? ThreeThirtyThree: It was a surprise. ThreeThirtyThree: For my birthday.
No. 1068360 ID: 51f2a2
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MagicOwlCreature: what the fuck!! MagicOwlCreature: a CAKE is a reasonable birthday surprise! MagicOwlCreature: an INTACT WESTERN COMPUTER isn't a MagicOwlCreature: vjivirbe MagicOwlCreature: how - MagicOwlCreature: why YOU MagicOwlCreature: of all people. MagicOwlCreature: life isn't fair.
No. 1068361 ID: 51f2a2
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ThreeThirtyThree: Are you done? MagicOwlCreature: fuck you, threes. MagicOwlCreature: but. MagicOwlCreature: yes. MagicOwlCreature: i see why you suddenly wanted to talk now. MagicOwlCreature: and i'm listening. MagicOwlCreature: against my better judgment, i want to say.
No. 1068362 ID: 99f29a

You guys should use the box to watch obscure 00s gonzo comedy horror flicks.
No. 1068363 ID: a7a180

Not sure you have a better judgment in there, pal. The one you've got will have to do.
Box: Start beeping the tune to 'Daisy'.
No. 1068367 ID: 4314ed

Wow, calling someone a shit person for other unspecified reasons, and for also disappearing for a while is a pretty mixed message.

If you were actually a bad person, they should be happy to not talk to you.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure "MagicOwlCreature" & the guys must not be great ppl. Real "gaslight gatekeep girlboss" energy.

Anyway, yeah. You need cables for this box. You'll even pay for them(if you have money, hopefully), cause free favors from this guy doesn't seem like a good idea.
No. 1068442 ID: 273c18

Tell them you're missing parts. Stirring up drama won't help you get those parts, so try to minimize the bullshit. But at the same time, don't grovel.
No. 1068451 ID: a112b4

Your "friend" looks really unpleasant.
Start by describing the device to them to check what might be missing.
No. 1068453 ID: fa3034

We can keep this as professional as possible to minimize drama and headaches
No. 1068455 ID: 1bc2cb
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ThreeThirtyThree: The box is ... ThreeThirtyThree: It seems intact. ThreeThirtyThree: I think. ThreeThirtyThree: But wherever my brother got it, it didn't have any cables or peripherals or anything. ThreeThirtyThree: Not even a power source. ThreeThirtyThree: It's just the box. MagicOwlCreature: and for some reason you think that i know anything more about western tech than you do?
No. 1068456 ID: 1bc2cb
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MagicOwlCreature: look, between the two of us, MagicOwlCreature: we have seen exactly ONE piece of western tech that wasn't obviously broken, MagicOwlCreature: which is the box you apparently have in your room. MagicOwlCreature: what, exactly, do you think i'm going to be able to tell you here?
No. 1068457 ID: 1bc2cb
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ThreeThirtyThree: I know you don't know either. ThreeThirtyThree: Not personally. ThreeThirtyThree: But you could ask around. MagicOwlCreature: threes. MagicOwlCreature: do it yourself. MagicOwlCreature: it's not like you're banned from the group. MagicOwlCreature: you just left.
No. 1068458 ID: 1bc2cb
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MagicOwlCreature: even if i think you're an emotionally abusive jackass, MagicOwlCreature: there are people i DO still care about in there, MagicOwlCreature: and some of them would really like to hear from you. MagicOwlCreature: instead you're bothering me. MagicOwlCreature: why me, anyway?
No. 1068459 ID: e139aa

probably because you were online, dude
No. 1068461 ID: 99f29a

Apologies had to start somewhere.
No. 1068462 ID: 48c015

Because owl people are cool, I don't care what the state, religion, or commin decency have to say about it!
No. 1068463 ID: b66e85

An excellent question. Also, not all tech will be broken the same way.
No. 1068465 ID: 1bc2cb
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MagicOwlCreature: well, threes? MagicOwlCreature: got an answer for me? MagicOwlCreature: wait. MagicOwlCreature: am i REALLY the only contact you kept? MagicOwlCreature: i don't even know how that's supposed to make me feel. ThreeThirtyThree: It's not ... ThreeThirtyThree: Look. Can we focus on the box?
No. 1068466 ID: 1bc2cb
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MagicOwlCreature: i can't just pretend we don't need to have a serious conversation about your actions. MagicOwlCreature: and i really should just refuse to help you. ThreeThirtyThree: Owl ... MagicOwlCreature: but. MagicOwlCreature: i want to know about the box too. MagicOwlCreature: so.
No. 1068467 ID: 1bc2cb
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MagicOwlCreature: don't mistake this for forgiveness, threes. MagicOwlCreature: however. MagicOwlCreature: i WILL "ask around" like you want me to. ThreeThirtyThree: Thank you. MagicOwlCreature: if MagicOwlCreature: IF. MagicOwlCreature: you agree to keep me in the loop on this. MagicOwlCreature: if you get it working, i want to know all about it. MagicOwlCreature: deal?
No. 1068468 ID: 7c0da2

It's a deal. (it's also the only option you have, but don't point that out)
Ask them the contact infos of some of those other people to contact yourself, but only those who are likely to not react badly to you reappearing. It's probably better if you contact them directly rather than through Owl who seems to have a rather poor opinion of you.
No. 1068482 ID: c6cf5d

Go silent again for another three months, it’ll be hilarious.
No. 1068485 ID: fa3034

This is your in. Please don't be dramatic this time. Say thank you.
No. 1068495 ID: 1bc2cb
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MagicOwlCreature: do we have a deal, threes? ThreeThirtyThree: I can do that. MagicOwlCreature: okay. MagicOwlCreature: i'll start with the group and go from there. MagicOwlCreature: i don't think we have a subject matter expert or anything, MagicOwlCreature: but i should at least be able to get a lead. ThreeThirtyThree: Thank you. MagicOwlCreature: you still don't deserve this.
No. 1068496 ID: 1bc2cb
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WhatIfIDidnt: hey big s WhatIfIDidnt: i gotta go in to work or ill be late WhatIfIDidnt: call me if you need me haha
No. 1068497 ID: 99f29a

Tell him you're hunting down a lead and to watch out if anyone suddenly tries contacting him.
No. 1068498 ID: cdcadb

What did you do, and how can you make things easier when you inevitably face the group again?
No. 1068500 ID: 99f29a

I don't think we're getting any internal monologue here with the disclaimer and the general way things have gone. We're just seeing IRC logs.
No. 1068602 ID: 51f2a2
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ThreeThirtyThree: You were right. ThreeThirtyThree: I've got a lead. ThreeThirtyThree: ... ThreeThirtyThree: Maybe.
No. 1068603 ID: 51f2a2
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MagicOwlCreature: i can't believe i'm covering for you AGAIN. MagicOwlCreature: this would be a lot easier if i could just tell them it was you asking. MagicOwlCreature: i don't like lying to my friends.
No. 1068605 ID: e139aa

Maybe it's time to just come clean. Let Owl know you can tell them it's you. Bear the brunt of the fallout now rather than later.
No. 1068606 ID: fa3034

Say thank you.
No. 1068607 ID: 17c2ee

Suggest that you broach the topic by streaming something nice for movie night. I suggest Die You Zombie Bastards!.
No. 1068608 ID: 7c0da2

Ask Owl how mad all of them are at you, on a scale from "annoyed" to "enraged".
Depending on the answer tell Owl to tell them it's you. They will learn the truth sooner or later anyway.
No. 1068632 ID: 9e0893

What matters right now is the box, owl. They'd be more willing to help a stranger than me at this point.
No. 1068645 ID: a7a180

Just join the chat directly if there's other people who want to hear from you there, since MO isn't one of them.
No. 1068674 ID: 51f2a2
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ThreeThirtyThree: I'm sorry. MagicOwlCreature: you already said that twice, threes. ThreeThirtyThree: You know why I don't want to do this myself. MagicOwlCreature: i do. MagicOwlCreature: because you're a coward. ThreeThirtyThree: Owl ...
No. 1068675 ID: 51f2a2
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MagicOwlCreature: okay actually MagicOwlCreature: i can tell this is going to take a while, MagicOwlCreature: and i'm already having to manage four direct chats at once, MagicOwlCreature: and i just do NOT have the multitasking ability to ALSO deal with your drama. MagicOwlCreature: or the desire. MagicOwlCreature: go find something else to do, threes.
No. 1068677 ID: a8f755

Do you have anything other than this chat program? You should probably note down information about the box, serial number, and labels etc, if only for something to pass the time.
No. 1068678 ID: 51f2a2

(The next update may take a bit longer than usual.)
No. 1068681 ID: 6fec12

past trying to squeeze blood from a stone, there's nothing you can do except move on to a forum or something for more information, or maybe call Moshe to ask where he got it, but he's at work right now.

...or you could go to the group, but something tells me that won't be happening soon.
No. 1068682 ID: ae0c62

Someone on the internet must have cataloged different types of Western boxes. See if you can compare what you have to that.
No. 1068758 ID: 51f2a2
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The Western Territories, officially the Federation of the Western Territories, is a country on the continent of Solomonia[1]. It comprises the entirety of the Western Peninsula[2] and the adjoining islands. Its sole land border, which is disputed[3], is with the Solomonian Union[4] to the east, across a mountainous desert region known as the Divide[5]. Formed in the aftermath of the Great War[6] by the colonies of several Borean[7] nations which were annexed during the conflict, it has developed a reputation for mystery and isolation, especially in the aftermath of its Civil War[8].
No. 1068759 ID: 51f2a2
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The computing industry[1] in the Western Territories[2] has developed largely independent of and parallel to that of the rest of the world, due to that country's isolation during the last half-century. Examples of Western-produced computers outside of the peninsula are rare. Known manufacturers include WMT, Sharpen, Intelligent, Aster and Holt. (Know more about this topic? Please contact us[3] so we can improve this
No. 1068760 ID: 17c2ee

Wow golly gosh what a coincidence, Aster. Might as well look for more info on them, they're the first possibility alphabetically speaking.
No. 1068770 ID: 7c0da2

Try to follow the "computing industry[1]" link.
No. 1069283 ID: 48c015

Let's reeducate ourselves a bit about the Great War, the Western Territories Civil War, and the Boreans.
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