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File 168896189391.png - (128.90KB , 600x600 , Toriel's Tower.png )
1067505 No. 1067505 ID: 48c015

A quick quest about good people and bad life choices.
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No. 1067818 ID: f2320a

never leave a child on a task alone if you are not sure if they can do it its important to keep a eye on them if you are unsure
No. 1067928 ID: 3f26e0

Keep his spirits up by intermittently asking him about his little brother and things he mentioned reading about. It helps to have someone talking to you about things you like when you're doing things you dislike, and he seems to like his little brother even if he's not exactly having a great time with his family but maybe don't get into that part right now.
No. 1068039 ID: 48c015
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>Simpler tasks for Clod, Harder tasks for you. Bathroom and walls together. Teach him about laundry.

You consider the chores that a young boy his age might be able to deal with and assign him tasks accordingly, whilst telling him you will be handling the more complicated ones.

Cleaning out the fridge turns out not to be that complicated, as pretty much everything is expired, though the handling and washing off of the remaining dross is ghastly enough to warrant someone with a stronger stomach.

Overall, you handle the cleaning and fixing well, carefully replacing the broken windows and teaching your charge how to divide colored and white clothes before doing laundry, as well as how to iron and fold it after, and the proper way of scrubbing the marks and stains on the walls.

Clod, on his part, tends to his part of the job quite diligently, washing the dishes and vacuuming the rugs with expertise and clear veterancy. You quickly realize he is a hardworking and dependable child once he is enthused. No wonder he was paired with you for this test!

That is not to say the day goes without its hiccups, though. You barely manage to not drop the window pane you are holding when you hear the little boy scream from inside the house, and wind up having to save him from the assault of an insanely large cockroach that had been hiding inside a stuffy bedroom filled with old junk like a writing machine, dusty suitcases and a load of accounting papers.

The boy gains some fear from the experience but become more trustful after seeing you jump so readily to his rescue. You even choose to SPARE the giant cockroach and toss it out the window to the overgrown backyard. It will probably handle itself just fine.
The same cannot be said for the brown monsters in the bathroom, however, who are met with a hail of fireballs and exterminated without mercy, after which you put on some rubber gloves and apply a liberal amount of detergent and cleaning solutions to the shower and toilet before signaling Clod it’s safe to go in and help.

You spend a lot of time talking to Clod about his favorite books, games and his brother, whom he adores. You quickly learn that despite having a hard time relating to people outside his household, he really loves sharing time with his younger sibling, and is quite a brilliant kid for his age, who really just wishes to find more people he can connect with. A wish you, it turns out, are quite eager to grant.
No. 1068040 ID: 48c015
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By the end of the day, with most of the work done and a lot of talking, you manage to get Clod to open up much more and even achieve the rare gift of compelling him to smile.
No. 1068041 ID: 48c015
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No. 1068042 ID: 48c015
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No. 1068043 ID: 48c015
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That is a smile.
No. 1068044 ID: 48c015
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You both are dead tired by nightfall, but your cleaning was so effective and thorough that you feel pretty happy about yourselves. You even dare to make two beds and sleep within the cleanest bedroom, the tent and sleeping bags you had been given as contingency never leaving their sacks.

The following morning, you both rise early and give the final cleaning touches until near noon, when your instructor comes to pick you both up. Some details are still missing: the wall cracks and crude etchings cannot be fixed with cleaning agents, and the backyard is missing half its fence and largely overgrown, but Mr. Teacherson gives you an approving nod for all the work you managed to pull off in just twenty four hours and quickly turns to drive your getaway van before the police get here.
They are planning to finish refurbishing the house and make a new station in the place.

After short conversation with Mr. Teacherson and a happy hug with Clod you leave the guidance academy relieved and enthusiastic to know that you passed the first test.

You promptly rush to make good on your promise and begin preparing a butterscotch cake for Clod and his family, as Mr. Teacherson informs you that you will be having your second test later that day. As you put the final ingredients, a dark cloud falls over your mind.

Which test do you take next?



>Outside Interactions.

>Security and Safeguarding.

>Don’t Let Your Husband Harvest Their Soul For Power!

And do you…?

>Bake the cake normally.

>Poison the cake. (Genocide Run)
No. 1068045 ID: e51896

>The same cannot be said for the brown monsters in the bathroom, however, who are met with a hail of fireballs and exterminated without mercy

uhhhhhh, I think you were supposed to flush those, not burn them

Lets do outdoor interactions next before we do Assertiveness.
No. 1068047 ID: e51896

also bake it normally. be sure none of your fur got in the pie.
No. 1068048 ID: d542ac

Assertiveness, and bake it normally.
No. 1068051 ID: 38349b

> Mr. Teacherson gives you an approving nod for all the work you managed to pull off in just twenty four hours and quickly turns to drive your getaway van before the police get here.

Is... is Mr Teacherson state sponsored?
Is... is he real?
Is... Is he just forcing you to spend time with kids to prove yourself for his own amusement?
Are you in danger Toriel?
No. 1068058 ID: 273c18

finish the job
By baking it normally.

No. 1068060 ID: 15a025

Let's learn to be Assertive! Also bake cake normally.
No. 1068135 ID: 2c1245

...fuck now I'm worried.
No. 1068136 ID: 031458

...Poison the cake.
As a fire mage it is your duty to burn this world ash!
No. 1068148 ID: 48c015
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>Bake the cake normally.

Haha, what a crazily grisly idea, adding poison to the recipe. Where did that intrusive thought come from? The pent up frustration from this course sure has done a number on you, old girl, hahahaha.

You go to Parent Counseling Agency once again that afternoon. On your way towards your appointed classroom, you make a small detour into one of the waiting rooms, where you find Clod and his family expecting you and your promised present.

Clod goes wide eyed when he sees your cheery little pastry, and his brother, a small boy with a wild mane of hair, jumps for joy at the sight of such deliciousness. Their parents smile warmly as you hand over the butterscotch-cinnamon cake and nod to you gratefully.

“Thank you so much, this will keep us fed for many winters to come”- the father says. They must live very frugally.
No. 1068149 ID: 48c015
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>Is Mr. Teacherson real?

Of course he is real! He is got a birth certificate and everything!

His parents are Mr. Teacherdad and Mrs. Fire-fightermom.

He lives in Simple Street 678, at ConvinienCondoss, Floor 5, Room E.

He is even got a 555 phone.

What silly notions you come up with, sometimes.
No. 1068150 ID: 48c015
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For your second test you are taken to a small abode in the underground, which comes to your attention in both its semi-secluded location, and on how all of its windows appeared to be shuttered and, in two cases, boarded up.

Inside, Mr. Teacherson introduces you to a rather grumpy-looking monster child, who stares daggers at you from behind one of the doorframes. He explains that this is a very particular problem child who enjoys contradicting parents and tutors alike, often resorting to violence in order to avoid school, steal candy, or other petty goals of the sort.

He goes on to say that Lime, as he is called, is grounded and not allowed to go outside after school for a week after his latest misbehavior, and sent here to this house with his parents’ permission in the hopes he will be able to learn manners through. Your test is to keep him inside the house and as well-behaved as possible until tomorrow.

After beckoning Lime to come closer and greet you, to which he gives a grumbling “hey” before ducking his head behind the wall and out of sight, Mr. Teacherson hands you a copy of the house keys and instructs you to lock the door behind him, as well as to not trust too much on Lime’s good side, as he’s been known to lie before.

Once you hear the lock click into place, you tuck away the keys and look around the living room, getting acquainted with the place whilst nervously wondering how to proceed.

Not ten minutes pass before Lime shows up again, walking out of the following room in your direction, his apprehension seemingly replaced with malicious determination.

“Let me out, you hag”- he says with his silvery tongue.

Such a bashful personality, how will you handle the situation?
No. 1068151 ID: 273c18

Tell him that he has to endure his punishment, or else it will just be worse next time. Short term loss for long term gain.
No. 1068156 ID: 15a025

Use reverse psychology. Express that they should NOT wash the dishes. It's a very challenging task and should be left to only skilled and impressive dish washers, such as yourself.
No. 1068166 ID: e51896

Tell him that calling you a hag just netted him one extra day of being grounded, extending it to a week, and one day. But let him know that If he wants to apologize and have that day back, he can do that by doing all his homework for school that is due by tomorrow and do a good job with it. (we can help with his homework if he asks for it, but we're not giving him answers.)
No. 1068169 ID: 4481aa


This is a good line to follow. Persuade him by pointing out that his parents could give him worse punishments if grounding doesn't work. They could send him to bed without supper, or take away his favorite toys. Make him come to the conclusion that he should go along with the punishment, because it's better than receiving a new and possibly worse one.

This may not work, as his conclusion may be "If I can get out of my punishments, then what does it matter if more are handed down?" If that's the case, then you need to change your tactics.

Ask him why he wants to go out. What is out there that he does not have in here? Try getting him to open up about his likes, so that you can try to connect the threads of his attitude problems and not getting to engage with what he likes. Even better if he has friends that he wants to spend time with, as you may be able to point out that he wouldn't like his own behavior from others, so why would they like it from him?
No. 1068196 ID: 8f9bc4

Why are they even testing you on this? You are the best at keeping young children trapped in the house. EZPZ
No. 1068513 ID: 48c015
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>Additional punishment.

“Name-calling will get you nowhere, mister. You earned yourself an extra day of grounding.”
No. 1068514 ID: 48c015
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Oh, he did not like that.
No. 1068515 ID: 48c015
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“But I will take it back if you do your homework.”
No. 1068516 ID: 48c015
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He REALLY did not like that.
No. 1068517 ID: 48c015
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“Aww don’t be like that, I can help you finish it!”

“I don’t want your help, I want to go out!”

>Reverse psychology.
“Fine then, you can go ahead and play with your toys while I finish up the house chores. Normal kids can’t figure how to them right, anyway. You’d probably end up embarrassing yourself.”

“Hey, I can prove I’m good at chores! I’ll show you. I’ll start by painting the fence.”

“Very we- Hey, wait, no!”

“Heheheheh yeah, I read the book, you old bag!”

>Why going out?

“You are very rude! Why do you want to go outside, at any rate?”

“My friends are out in the park! I’m missing out playing with them. And also, I wanna go home!”

“Child..” you sigh, “I get that people are being mean to you and giving you a hard time, but they really just want you to learn the rules so you can get along with everyone and make more friends.”

“Boring friends! I like the friends I have right now. The others are just gonna be my friends if I keep following the rules!”

You frown slightly at that remark, knowing there is some truth to it. You hesitate for half a second, in which Lime prepares to harangue you again when suddenly an idea crosses your mind.

“Say, what do you think about the idea of tricking your parents?”

“Eh? Tricking my… what are you playing at, old fart?”

“First off: no name-calling” you point a stern finger at the little boy again, “and second off: no playing. I’m talking about getting them to trust with minimum effort.”

“Oh, yeah? How?” Lime asks skeptically but also amused at your attempt at tomfoolery.

“By being nice long enough that they think you are a good boy and they leave you alone to do your stuff more often. If you do a couple chores around the house, your parents will think that you are becoming more responsible and reward you for it.”

“Take this house, for example,” you continue, “your parents brought all the way here just to see if you could wait it out until tomorrow. This test has to mean a lot to them. If you play with your toys until tomorrow and do your homework for this-“

“I don’t wanna do the homework.”

“Wait! Let me finish! If you stay and I help you on how to finish your homework for this week, your parents will start thinking you are learning your lesson and let you out of their sight more often. If you do things like that once in a while and don’t cause trouble right in front of them, you will not be able to do the things you want more often!”
No. 1068518 ID: 48c015
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“Guuuuuuuuuuuuuh- Huh… yeah, that makes sense, you could help finish that stuff for school and then the grown ups won’t annoy me so much.”

“I still really wanna go to the park, though.”

Lime has been momentarily appeased and is considering your idea, but he is not fully bought into it yet.

What do you do or say to seal the deal and get him to stay?
No. 1068523 ID: 4481aa

If you can forego the park for today, you'll be able to go many more times in the future.

And if it'll help you feel better, then perhaps we could find something fun to do here to make up for the lost social opportunity? It may not be AS fun, but you'll regain some of your otherwise absent joy.
No. 1068524 ID: 90d5d6

If you know how to do homework, you know how to fool your parents. It’s a direct line from “my homework is done!” to “I’m gonna go to the park with no supervision!”
No. 1068552 ID: 15a025

The sooner you finish your homework, the sooner you can do the things you want. Not to mention, the better you get at homework, the faster you'll get at finishing it. Meaning more time to be at the park in the future.
No. 1068575 ID: 273c18

Tell him that's the best deal he's going to get.
No. 1069018 ID: 48c015
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“Do not worry, my dear, I’m sure we can finish that pesky homework real quick and then we can get to do something fun in here.”

“Yeah? Like what?”

“Oh, we can come up with a few games to play around the house.”

“But I don’t want to play here, I want to play with my friends outside.”

“Remember what I said, dear boy, if you forgo the park for today and stay here, your parents will trust you more and leave you in peace more often.”

“Yeah, I get it, but it’s annoying and they won’t let me go out until next week!”
No. 1069019 ID: 48c015
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>Tell him that…

“It’s the best deal you will get, little child.”
No. 1069020 ID: 48c015
File 169040663225.gif - (2.46MB , 600x600 , Toriel's gone and done it now 26.gif )

Convincing Lime 50/ 50 chance: >Failure

“No! I don’t wanna wait! I wanna go out! I wanna go to the park! I wanna meet with my friends! I wanna go and play with them! I wanna go to the park! I WANNA GO TO THE PAAAAAR-RAAAAAAAAGH!”
No. 1069021 ID: 48c015
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Looks like a dialogue has failed and Lime is wishing to switch to the language of fisticuffs.

A combat encounter is engaged.

Your current items are:

>Family Picture

>Rolling Pin

>Ebottbucks (x30)

>Pokeball (x3)

>Celular Phone

>Your House Keys

>This House Keys

Suggest what to do to rise victorious or defuse the situation, but remember: If you kill Lime you will fail the test and possibly go to prison.

Also, please don’t die.

Good luck!
No. 1069022 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh now we're worried about going to prison, huh?

Well, obviously ACT
No. 1069034 ID: 037fd6

Use item This House Key. Tell him if he so much as takes one step towards you to hurt you, you'll DESTROY it with your fireball, leaving you and him stuck here.

Yeah, he'll probably say you wont be able to leave if you destroy it, making us stuck with him, but thats when we remind him that Mr. Teacherson will return to let you out by tomorrow, and it's a sacrifice you're willing to take to make him behave. Cause you have patience, your best weapon.
No. 1069036 ID: 38349b

Hmm, this is just a test right? You do know that hurting a child is probably going to get you jail time no matter what the outcome, maybe you just dodge his strikes, don't fight back, and call teacherson saying that you're out, this kid is resorting to violence, send them to juvie. Assert that to them even.
No. 1069038 ID: 15a025

Show off fire magic. Warn you will melt the house key if they do not calm down.
No. 1069040 ID: f2320a

Good idea but probably not reveal the location of it
No. 1073395 ID: 918cdb
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>Threaten to lock you both in.

You quickly USE This House Keys and put them behind your back, the only glimpse Lime can clearly see being the glint they give off as they dangle over the fireball igniting from your free hand.

“Stop or I’ll destroy the keys!” you say.


“I’m serious! I’ll melt them to slag and lock us both here and you won’t be going to any park!”


“Don’t be so sure, I’ve put a lot of juice in this fireball!”


“Will I? Will I?! Just try me, you little miscreant!”

“(My goodness, where did that come from?)” you mutter to yourself.
No. 1073397 ID: 918cdb
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>Convincing Lime to back down 75% chance: Success. Eesh, you guys are lucky I decided to roll failure on a 4 and not a 1.




No. 1073398 ID: 918cdb
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“Language, mister!”

“I just want to hang out and have fun! Why do mom and dad have to ground me all the time?! I just get bored sometimes! It’s not like I hurt anyone for real, and they are always out digging stuff in the ruins or whatever, they never have fun with me! I just wanna have fun! I JUST WANT TO BE WITH MY FRIENDS!”

“Awww, there, there…” you say in your soothing, motherly voice.
Toriel says it too.

“I’m sure there is plenty fun we can have here, after I help you with your homework!”

*Sniff* “Hm? Like what?”

“Well, um, for instance…!”

Lime has momentarily defeated by your quick coercive thinking, but he is feeling pretty down. Suggest ways to encourage him to finish his homework with you and stay the night in the house without further incident.
No. 1073403 ID: 8f9bc4

Ask him what his misbehavior was that got him grounded. You can show him how dangerous it was then, and why his parents are trying so hard not to get him to do it again. It's good that he's taking care of himself and not letting his parent's absence leave him bored to tears, but there must be ways for him to get what he needs without putting himself or others in danger.

Really, I don't think you can make progress until you find out just what it is he did.

At worst you could tell him that you won't be allowed to see your child again, if you don't do what his parents say. They kind of have you on the ropes for that, even if he shouldn't be punished after all.
No. 1073912 ID: a09d40

Part of the test is to keep him inside the house
He seems to be very distressed about being locked in here (and grounded in his house)
Be supportive, maybe convice him to walk with you but still inside the house while you talk, but always keep an eye on the keys
No. 1073927 ID: 273c18

Tv and treats as a reward for doing chores? You could promise to bake him a pie... Maybe even show him how to make it! Cooking can be fun.
No. 1073930 ID: 15a025

Offer to play video games after homework.
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