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1066570 No. 1066570 ID: 681cb5

Kobolds of the desert, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
Dragons beware, when you screw the Kobolds, they multiply!

This quest will contain unions, so NSFW! (Not to mention being super lewd)
70 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1069275 ID: 8f9bc4

Whatever you do, don't bet your baby maker. You can't start the glorious revolution, if Rhino babies are in the way of you producing more kobolds!
No. 1069277 ID: 2a82d3

Liar's dice, right? Make sure you get all 5 dice to start the game. Grab more dice, if you think they're going to be dicks about it.

Breeding privileges would be nice to offer*, but that would draw attention to the keys you want to steal in the first place. Blowjob it is, then, or maybe a deep kiss with tongue.

*Be confident in becoming a better Breeder Queen than somebody here ever was, because Damn the jealousy is REAL.
No. 1069284 ID: eb7ce4

bet your VIRGINITY
it is probably like, worth a bunch of coins.
No. 1069288 ID: f14228

Oh! Ideas! You'll fetch a few things you THINK have value (from among the kobolds' common hoards surely someone in the revolution must have picked up something of potential value!). Annnnd then they can bet on whether what you bring is worth betting on at all - a warmup for the real game!

If you do come back with something worth betting with though, they have to give you a - no, TWO actual shinies each to make the gambling part more exciting.

(Make other kobolds stay around and observe the gamblers while you're gone and report to you what they said to each other before you get back. Maybe you can get some good information that way.)

Also, you had a thought. If they like to play dice games, but not to lose money...

...would playing with those nearly-worthless kobold coins be an idea instead? In exchange for one or two real shinies (more for you to gamble with), you can fetch kobold shinies for them to play for fun with instead, without feeling the pinch on their purse. As a kobold, you know losing shinies is tough!

Like, whoever has kobold shinies could use them as a buffer before real shinies are spent? You could also make other things be the buffer instead, like: they have to drink an entire mug of nectar in one go! Or spank Preshis Jade's precious ass! Or milk her good! Or deadlift her many times, before putting her down again!

(on the floor, within reach of the rest of you)

And if they have ideas, maybe you could offer similar things as buffer stuffers if you run out of valuables again.
No. 1069290 ID: e030af

Dickish as they may be, these guys are pretty hot... Uh, right, viva la revolution. They shall spill their secrets soon enough, for the glory of kobold kind!

Play the servile and naive Kobold. It shouldn't be terribly hard, between your own ignorance and their sense of superiority, and it'll lower their guard a little. Doesn't seem they'll let you slip away to get anything more valuable, which means they know you've got something nice, or they believe YOU are of value, and don't want you to know that. Don't get an ego, use that fact.

Don't bet your womb so quick, not when they're so likely to screw you over: your mouth and/or your clothes should be put on the line first (rather, your nudity, seeing as they won't be interested in your clothes). The best kiss of your life would be quite the wager as well, but you better have the enthusiasm to make it worth it in their eyes; give tongue, passion, and everything. Depending on how abstract they'll allow, you could wager sitting on one of their laps for a while, and perhaps you could even bet use of your thighs (for the bull predominantly)
The alternative is ideas and information, and those they might simply steal or have little value in.

Kobold under the table might be able to assist, but save that for a key moment.
No. 1069291 ID: e5709d

>Sultana isn’t paying you any shinies at all
One valid reason to go postal on these asswipes.

"If you lose, I'll take the sin for 'murdering' Jade's unborn child? You know, the one you were planning to abort anyway? Heck, I can make a show of slaughtering that &!+(# so you can cook her hide later!"
No. 1069364 ID: f2320a

No. 1069380 ID: 01fe07

How do we know they'll honor any bet that's made? After all, we're just a kobold so they won't have any reason to honor any bets made with us, since they can just beat us up and walk away whenever they want.
No. 1069388 ID: 1704f7

Doess Zaroul's name sound like Zarul, Zarol, Zarawl, or Zarowl?
No. 1069725 ID: 681cb5
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>Doess Zaroul's name sound like Zarul, Zarol, Zarawl, or Zarowl?
ZA-rool, obviously.
>Dickish as they may be, these guys are pretty hot...
Yeah, they are… you wouldn’t mind having the female one sit on your with her meaty posterior… and you want to see what kind of club that young bull is hiding… heh, maybe you should just- err… wait… what you meant to say was viva la koboldution! You will defeat these thugs for the glory of Kobold kind! Huzzah!

Green: “Alright! I got a cute thing to bet!” you yell while raising your fist into the air, “I bet my blue friends Kobold butt!”
Female Guard: The hybrid guard looks around the room, scanning it thoroughly, “Which blue Kobold? I can’t see a blue Kobold here?”
Male Guard: “Not to mention, you can’t really bet someone else, can you?” the young bull shakes his head, “Especially if they don’t consent.”
Green: “Oh right…” you just remembered that your blue friend went to clean up that alchemical spill and isn’t around, “Nevermind then…”

>Bet your VIRGINITY, it is probably like, worth a bunch of coins.
Green: “In that case, I’ll bet my VIRGI-”
>Whatever you do, don't bet your baby maker. You can't start the glorious revolution, if Rhino babies are in the way of you producing more kobolds!
Green: “Err… I mean… I bet my ANAL VIRGI-” the words escapes your snout before you can think them through, especially about how that Rhino lad is probably very girthy down there, “Wait, no… that won’t… um…”
>Blowjob it is, then, or maybe a deep kiss with tongue.
Green: “If I lose, I’ll give the winner a blowjob!” you tell them, “Or eat them out or whatever!”
Male Guard: “Oh, really?” he rubs his chin as he looks you up, “Add some boob play and I’m all in for it.” the guard gives you a sly smile and a wink, “Though I won’t go easy on you, little lady.”
Female Guard: “A oral and some tits, huh?” the lady guard digs something up from under the table, “That would be worth about a silver coin, yes?”
Green: “A silver… coin…?”

The light reflects off its surface, making it shine as bright as the very sun. Your eyes are transfixed at the beautiful sight of the shiny between her fingers; it being one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever witness. She start to blabber on about “Either call their bluff or increase your bet.” As well as something about “Increasing either the value of the face or the amount of dice.” but you aren’t listening. No, the only thing you can focus on is that shiny little star she holds between her fingers. You even whimper a bit as she puts it away, hiding it from your sight.

Male Guard: “Now, enough talking! Let’s roll some dice!” the male guard holler as he gives you a cup with five dices in it, “Oh, and you’ll go first, little lady, seeing as you’re new here.”
No. 1069726 ID: 681cb5
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>How do we know they'll honor any bet that's made?
Female Guard: “…you do realize you can’t really stop us from grabbing what we want from you, right?” she muses while flashing a smile, “If we weren’t going to honor the bet, we wouldn’t even play in the first place, runt.”
>Kobold under the table might be able to assist, but save that for a key moment.
…how are you even supposed to signal him if you want help? Not to mention, he’s supposed to steal their things while you distract these guards, remember?

The three of you shake the dice filled cups for a bit before thumping them into the table, hiding the dice from the others. You watch as the two guard look under their cups, with the young bull grinning like a little boy who’s just found a shiny while the older lady scowls slightly. Lifting up your own cup, you’re met with the sight of two 2s, a 3, a 4 and a 6. Is that good or bad?

Female Guard: “Alright, runt.” the half-lizard guard studies your face, “You’re first. What is your bet?”
Green: “Um…” you don’t really know the rules, but you’ve heard them play this before, “I bet there’s two 2s?”
Female Guard: “…two 3s.” the hybrid says with a monotone voice.
Male Guard: “Heh, two 6s!” the young bull quickly answers.
Green: “…err… three 2s?” you manage to stammer out.
Female Guard: The female guard looks at you, before letting her gaze move over to the male in front of her, “…four 2s.”
Male Guard: “There’s at least four 6s on the table in total.” he says with confidence.
Green: “Um…”

…you’re not sure what do now.

Female Guard: “It’s your turn, runt. Do you call him a liar or can you bet higher, little miss…” she stops herself and looks over at you, “Wait, what is your name anyway?” before scratching the top of her head, “Do you even have a name?”
Male Guard: “She doesn’t.” the male one smirks, “Kobolds don’t have names.”
Green: “Hey!” you shout, “Of course I have a name!”
Male Guard: “Oh?” he gives you a smug smile, “And what is your name, then?”
Green: “It is…” did anyone ever actually give you a name? “Err…”
No. 1069728 ID: 5f9912

Your name is Emerelda of course!

Anyway it doesn't matter if you lose as long as the guards are distracted long enough for you to get the keys. Call the guard a liar and do a little jig as kobolds are wont to do.
No. 1069732 ID: 12dfec

Emerelda, or Emmy for short, isn't bad. Get their names, seeing as you shared yours.

He's a sucky liar, but unfortunately, so are you. Options are five 6s or five 2s, leaning towards five 6s, and the female is giving nothing. He's worse at the game, which would make sense if his tells are so obvious, probably excited about sinking his cock in a scaly maw and imagining its his hybrid sumperior's. He's dead set on those 6s, 4 of 15 is likely (especially when he basically told you he has two or more 6s and you have one, compared to your two 2s and maybe one 2 and a 3 from the female guard), and your only bet here is five 2s or five 6s. Your "sister in scales" will likely call you on it either way, cause she doesn't seem to have anything.
No. 1069733 ID: 1a35ec

Grianne is a lovely name.
No. 1069734 ID: f88415

Pronounced "Green" ofc.

I like it
No. 1069741 ID: 8f9bc4

Green Bean!
No. 1069743 ID: 2a82d3

Call him on it before she calls you out. That male bull is so confident he's really dumb, or found a tell of yours.

Or cheating. Look around for any reflective surfaces or possible accomplices. See if your friend is trying to get your attention. Check his cup and dice next round, of you can
No. 1069962 ID: 681cb5
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>It doesn't matter if you lose as long as the guards are distracted long enough for you to get the keys.
But… the shiny? If you lose you won’t get it, will you?

Emmy: “My name is Emerelda!” you loudly cheer, “And you better not forget it!”
Male Guard: “Pff, that sounds made up.” the bull snorts back, “It’s supposed to be Esmeralda, with an s, you doofus.”
Emmy: “Well, if it’s too hard for you to remember, then just call me Emmy.” the Rhino rolls his eyes as you stick out your tongue towards him, “Now, as I’ve shared mine, what are your names?”
Hawa: “It’s Hawa.” the older lady tells you, “Nothing more than that.”
Male Guard: “Ha! You think I’ll give you my name, little Kobold?” the lad shouts as he bangs his chest, “No, the only thing you’ll call me is daddy as I choke you on my huge, meaty cock.” With a loud bang, he slams his fist into the table, “Now, lose already!”

Emmy: “Lose! Ha!” pointing at him, you continue, “I call your bluff! There aren’t four 6s here!”
Male Guard: “Really?” he chuckles, “Are you sure?”
Emmy: “Look!” you tell him as you push your cup over, “I only got one six!”
Hawa: “And I got none… ” Hawa says as she moves her cup as well, showing of that she had a 5, a 4, a 3 and two 2s, “Which looks pretty bad for you, kid.”
Male Guard: “Tsk, you’re out of your league, little bold.” he makes a dismissive gesture towards you before quickly lifting up his cup, “Because I have three sixes.”

Your heart sinks as you see his dices… a 2, a 3 and finally… three 6s. That means there’s four sixes on the table and he’s won. The hope of getting that beautiful, glorious shiny has been destroyed with your failure… still, getting to suck some Rhino cock isn’t that bad of a conciliation prize.

Male Guard: “With your six, that makes it four, so I win.” with a wink, he beckons you closer, “Now get over here so I can claim my pr-”
No. 1069963 ID: 681cb5
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“-iieeeh!?” All the sudden he gives off a high pitched shriek more befitting a little girl than a large bull.
No. 1069964 ID: 681cb5
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Male Guard: “What the-” with an impressive speed, the guard reaches under the table and grabs something, before pulling out the Kobold you sent down there earlier, “A Kobold!? Who the heck are you, you little ball fondler!?”
Bowl: “Goddessht graciousht, you can grind meat on those abs…” the kobold on his part barely notice the grip the bull has around his neck, instead focuses several seconds on his chest before letting his eyes move upwards, “Oh! I’m not ball fondler, but bowl fondler, my fabulousht little gent.”
Male Guard: “You’re the what?” the two of them just stare at each other for a moment, “Why where you under the table grabbing my balls, you little nerd!?”
Bowl: “Oh, I wasth told to clean under there.” Bowl mentions absent mindedly with a lisp, “Especially any lovely sacks I should get my handsth on.”
Male Guard: “Eh? Sacks?” the guard tries to find the right words, but fails, “But-”
Bowl: “I also hand out tasty little mints to tasty slabs of meat.” The kobold reaches down and procures a small piece of candy, which he then holds up towards the guard, “Like yourself. Do you want a mint?”
Male Guard: “A what?” the bull stares at the mint, before looking over at Bowl and finally towards you, “The fuck is going on here!?”

It is clear that the bull is more confused than anything, while Hawa is holding her snout trying to stifle a laugh, which means both of them are too distracted to spot the key ring Bowl just stole from the male and is currently holding. You need to act fast if you want to keep that fact hidden from the guards…
No. 1069965 ID: e5709d

"She's your prize, dumbass. I promised to give you a blowjob. Bowl, direct order: blow him."
No. 1069966 ID: ae7cae

Go double or nothing on a dick-measuring contest between the rhino and Bowl Fondler
No. 1069967 ID: 8f9bc4

Defend your honor! Make loud your demands! Don't let Bowl suck his cock. That Rhino penis is rightfully yours!
No. 1069968 ID: e030af

Unfortunately, the deal was oral and some tits, so Bowl alone can't do it. He'll owe you though, for both the dick and the cover.
Fortunately, tits might be just the distraction you need for the keys. Whip 'em out, get their attention, and get "Daddy's" bull dick on the table to distract Hawa with judging the bet. Try to secure the keys yourself if Bowl can't.

No to the measuring contest. Even if they honored it and Bowl had the length, and a rhino and kobold frotting would be hot, the bull would notice his missing keys.
No. 1069969 ID: 8f2693

Yes to the double or nothing! there might still be a chance to get the shiny after all
And dick measuring contests are a good distraction since time immemorial
No. 1070234 ID: 681cb5
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Male Guard: “Oh, I get it.” the male guard let go of Bowls neck, “She’s my prize! Well, little Kobold gal…” before standing up and start fiddling with his belt, “Start sucking.”
Bowl: “Um… I’m a male, sir…” the kobold replies, staring as his clearly growing junk hidden beneath the bulls tunic, “Not that I mind giving blowjobsth to studsth like yourself.”
Male Guard: “Eh, male, female…” the Rhino shrugs, “You’re cute either way, so what does it matter?”
Emmy: “Hey!” you interject loudly, jumping into the table in front of them, “That Rhino penis is rightfully mine!” with a dramatic pose, you point towards Bowl while hissing, “Get off him, Bowl, so I can suck him off properly!”
Bowl: “Oh hoho! You think you can beat me?” holding one hand over his chest, he waves dismissingly with the other, “I’ll have you know, I’m absolutely FABOLOUSth at sucking dick, darling.”
Emmy: “I’ll suck him dry so fast that you’ll feel empty as well!”
Male Guard: “Ladies, ladies, no need to fight. There’s plenty of cock to go around.” The Bull let his pants fall to the floor, revealing his still growing member, “Geez, you’re like kobolds fighting over a silver…”

Oh right, the silver! Not even seeing a girthy Rhino cock for the first time can make you forget about the shiny! You have to get it somehow… but how? Hmm…

Emmy: “Oh! I got an idea! Double or nothing!” you fall on your knees and slam your hands into the table, “A dick measuring contest between you and Bowl!” you point towards both of them, though Bowl doesn’t seem to notice as he’s completely transfixed with the newly revealed sword next to him, “If he wins, you’ll give me that si-” stopping yourself, you remember that you’re all in this together, including Bowl, “You’ll give both of us a silver coin each!” The bull looks at you while raising an eyebrow, “And if you win, you’ll get to fuck both of our cute rumps!”
Male Guard: “A double or nothing?” he rubs his chin, “Ha! Why would I even consider it?”
Hawa: “What’s wrong, Baako?” the female Rhino smirks, “Scared?”
Baako: “You really think a little Kobold would have a bigger… wait…” suddenly, the male Rhino stops and looks down at Bowl, “What did you say your name was again? And where do you usually work?”
Bowl: “I’m bowl fondler, love… and I usually give out mintsth in one of the restroomsth.”
Baako: “…the mint Kobold?” the cogs are clearly turning in Baako’s head, before something lights up behind his eyes, “Yeah, no deal, I’m not going up against big dick mcbold here.”
Emmy: “So you are scared, huh?” you try and edge him on, “Can’t even compete with a Kobold… pathetic.”

But even your taunt has no effect on him, as while he’s prideful, he’s not dumb enough to partake in something he knows he’ll lose. Damn it… how will you get that shiny now?

Baako: “Oh, I got an better idea…”
Hawa: “Trying to save face?” Hawa laughs a bit before continuing, “Heh, good luck, boy.”
Baako: “Shut it.” the bull grabs the back of Bowls head and gently presses him into his crotch, much to the kobolds delight, “How about this, let’s have a competition on which one of you is the biggest dick sucker!”
Emmy: “Huh?” you tilt your head to the side, “What kind of competition?”
Baako: “Whichever one of you that I deem is the best at oral, will get a shiny silver coin.” he presses Bowls snout into his sack at the same time as he starts jerking off, “As well as a protein rich meal.”

Baako: “So which one of you would rather have the coin?” he smirks, “Show me just how determined you are to get it, sluts.”
No. 1070240 ID: 435f13

Well? Win that coin!
No. 1070244 ID: e5709d

Drop whatever you're holding, walk over to Jade, and punch her in the stomach repeatedly while screaming "give me my shiny".
No. 1070294 ID: e030af

Can you really have a kobold union without unity? Look how they've divided you already, with dick and coin. If Baako wants a challenge, give him a challenge: work with Bowl, hide those keys, and MAKE him have to distinguish between the 'lowly' kobolds sucking his dick (ie work together and match each other), even if it takes multiple rounds.

If Bowl opts to be a saboteur to RIGHTEOUS KOBOLD GLORY though, all bets are off: whip out those tits and find out if a big dick equals a big prostate in kobolds.
No. 1070295 ID: 2a82d3

Pretty much this. Don't make it too obvious you're really collaborating though, or do if he's into it. Be ribbed for his pleasure. Ask Hawa if she wants the "consolation prize" too.

Geezus no! Bellies are for rubbing, not punching! Her kid will be shunned enough by his kobold heritage as it is!

We can punch her face to assert dominance later.
No. 1070338 ID: 435f13

Draw upon your previously unrevealed backstory that your job around the palace before guarding the ferns was to suck golf balls through garden hoses.
No. 1070937 ID: 681cb5
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>Draw upon your previously unrevealed backstory that your job around the palace before guarding the ferns was to suck golf balls through garden hoses.
Neither do you know what this golf thing is, nor do you have anything to do with the prince’s harem in the garden. In fact, you have absolutely no experience at all with sucking anything, least of all a big rhino cock!

>Can you really have a kobold union without unity? Look how they've divided you already, with dick and coin.
That’s right! Not even the promise of shiny and fat cock will slow down the revolution! It is time to work together, Kobold with Kobold, to throw of these chain of oppression! You give Bowl some hidden signals in the secret Kobold tongue, but he just stares at you with empty eyes, clearly having no idea what you just did… so instead you just whisper your plan to him. Meanwhile, the large Rhino sits down again and glares at the two of you, clearly running out of patience…

Baako: “What’s wrong? Getting cold- Ah!?” in nearly perfect unison, you and Bowl performs a pincer maneuver on his meaty rod, attacking it from both sides with your tongues, “See, it isn’t so… ah… hard…”

Grabbing a handful of his heavy sack, you start to lick across his length, feeling it pulse beneath your tongue. With each beat of his heart, the two of you can outright see his member throb, eager to shoot his load down one of your throats. This man is clearly as pent up as the two of you are. As you have very little experience with polishing great swords like this, you try your best to follow Bowls lead… but it become rather clear that he’s not very good at this either, probably being more used to them just fucking his face instead of having him do the work.

Hawa: “Aw, how cute.” Hawa leans forward, placing her chin in her hands, “They are trying to work together…”
Baako: “Ow! Watch those teeth!” the Bull growls all the suddenly, right as you accidently scrape one of your teeth across his erection, “And don’t squeeze so hard down there, purple!” Bowl pulls his hands away from the Rhino’s package, giving him a sheepish smile, but Baako just shakes his head and mumbles, “Damn, you two suck at this!”
Emmy: “Wait, isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?”
Baako: “Not that kind of sucking, fool!” he sighs, clearly not enjoying himself as much anymore, “By the Sultana, this is by far the worst blowjob I’ve ever gotten.”
Hawa: “Really?” the female guard smirks, “And how many blowjobs have you gotten, boy?”
Baako: “Enough to know this one suck balls!” he pushes both of your heads together against his rod, “Neither of you deserve a silver for this sloppy work!”

No. 1070938 ID: 681cb5
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Hawa: “Get off him, runts!” the female Rhinotran exclaims as she pull both Kobolds off the Bulls dick before dragging him onto his feet, “Let mommy show you how it’s done.”

Then, with one quick and flawless motion, she slides his whole length down her throat, taking the whole thing down to his balls. Baako gasps, but before he can catch his breath, Hawa starts bopping her head back and forth, suckling on his member as her tongue explore every part of it. But just as quickly as she had begun, she stops, letting the Rhino boy’s member slide out of her maw with a loud pop, making Baako moan loudly.

Hawa: “What’s wrong, boy?” the Rhino gal gives the boy a quick kiss on his lower head, “Getting close already?”
Baako: “Sweet Sultana…” Baako manages to mutter, “…you almost sucked out my soul.”
Hawa: “Heh, that’s just something the whores in the garden thought me about golf balls…” she gives him a wink before looking over at you, “Well, runts, ready to give up?”

Meanwhile, Bowl is waiting for someone to order him around, which is what most Kobolds do when they aren’t busy doing something someone bigger pushed them to do.

>Drop whatever you're holding, walk over to Jade, and punch her in the stomach repeatedly while screaming "give me my shiny".
Hey! Tummies are made for rubbing, not punching! Besides, she doesn’t have your shiny, does she? No, there are more important matters to focus on than Jade’s very punchable face… like Hawa sucking off Baako like a pro!

Not only is Hawa trying to steal your shiny, but she’s stealing your cock as well! You can punch Jade in the face to assert dominance later; right now you need to reclaim that sausage as your own! But how…?
No. 1070975 ID: 435f13

Start eating Baako's ass.
No. 1070978 ID: 19ea25

Distract her. Pull down her pants and start eating her out, and have bowl go to town on Baako
No. 1070985 ID: cfe651

The winner is whoever he deems as "the best at oral", and he has a heart tattoo on his hip. I bet he has a really sensitive butt.
No. 1070998 ID: f2320a

can always pickpocket them after they had sex
No. 1071066 ID: 2a82d3

Forget coin for a sec. You need to work on your sex and seduction skills here. If you can't impress a rhino, you can't exactly expect to convince a dragon to be pegged by you.
No. 1071522 ID: 681cb5
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>Can always pickpocket them after they had sex.
But wouldn’t they know it was us? Wait, won’t they think we stole the keys when they notice they are gone!? Hmm, you need a scapegoat…
>You need to work on your sex and seduction skills here. If you can't impress a rhino, you can't exactly expect to convince a dragon to be pegged by you.
THAT’S RIGHT! If you’re going to peg the prince, you need to become a goddess of sex! But how do you even start with that? Other than having more sex, that is…

>Distract her. Pull down her pants and start eating her out.
Looking over at Bowl and getting his attention, you sign in the secret Kobold language for him to distract Hawa by eating some Rhino puss, but he once again just stares at you in confusion. So instead you give him a stern face and gesture repeatedly towards the bent over lady Rhino until he gets it. Finally, your new minion slinks over to Hawa and start pulling her pants down, though as soon as he does the Rhino grabs him and forces his snout into her crotch, before crushing his puny little body under her massive rear. Welp, at least he’s distracting her somewhat…
>The winner is whoever he deems as "the best at oral", and Baako has a heart tattoo on his hip. I bet he has a really sensitive butt. Start eating his ass.
You, on the other hand, have a more important plan to execute. Sneaking up behind the Rhino Bull, you ambush his rear when he least expect it! Grabbing two handfuls of that ass makes him yelp in surprise, before the act of pushing your snout against it makes him stammer something intelligible. Finally, as you let your tongue press against his rear entrance, you can hear him start saying something, but before he does you cut him off as you let yourself plunge deep into his backdoor. Of course, you have no idea what you’re actually doing, but after letting your tongue explore a bit, you find a spot that makes Baako arc his back and moan, so you simply focus your ass assault on that spot. It doesn’t take long before he grabs Hawa’s snout and hilts himself inside her mouth, even making some cute noises as he give a few last weak thrust into her. Then he explodes, shooting rope after rope of his fertile seed down into the Rhino gal’s gullet, his throbbing member blasting out so much of his sweet nectar that you can outright hear each time the Bull blast another load down Hawa’s throat… or maybe it’s just Hawa swallowing? Either way, he lets himself slip out of the Rhino snout with a load pop before collapsing back on his chair gasping for breath. Mission accomplished, you guess?
No. 1071523 ID: 681cb5
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Hawa: “Let’s see if the runt is right about you, Kobold.” Hawa exclaims as she lifts up Bowl and rips off his loincloth in one quick motion, “Why, would you look at that! That thing is huge!” The females guard maneuver has left the Kobolds lower half bare, showing off his rather massive yet imprisoned cock, "No wonder Quick Nut over there was scared of you!” looking up at him with a wide grin, she continues, “You won’t mind if I quickly impregnate myself on this fat cock, would you?”
Bowl: “Err…” the Kobold was clearly not ready for any of this, but he does stammer out a, “G-go ahead… I g-guessth…?”
Baako: “We’re n-not… not supposed to let them out of their… ah… their cages, Hawa.” Baako breathes heavily, making it hard to hear what he’s saying, “Not to mention… ah… we don’t have the keys, do we?”
Hawa: “Who needs a key for this junk?” the horny Rhino smirks, “These things are so cheaply and shoddily made you can just rip ‘em right off! Watch!”

No. 1071525 ID: 681cb5
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Jade: “Oh hoho~” Jade chuckles as she watch a red, muscular Kobold scrub the floor, “That’s right, plebian, crawl on the floor like the in-” but her gloating is interrupted as a massive metal cage suddenly hits her right in the face at a high speed. “GAH, MY FACE!” she screams as she falls behind the counter, “My beautiful fa- AH!!” but as she lands, she manage to knock over several of the pots and pans back there, making them all fall on top of her, burying her in a prison of steel and kitchenware. ”I’m fine, don’t wo-” once again she’s interrupted as several of the spice plants on the top shelf falls down over her, clay pots and all, including a rather prickly cacti which makes even the red Kobold flinch in pain, ”Ugh… I’m still… alright… ow…”

[Art by Apples]
No. 1071526 ID: 681cb5
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Emmy: “Whoa!” your schadenfreude is cut short as you suddenly find yourself lying on the table with a once again rock hard Rhino member sliding in between your breasts, still lubricated from when Hawa went down on it, “Someone is back up, I see!”
Baako: “He’s just eager for that boobjob you promised, cutie.” Baako explains as he starts to rub himself against your chest, “Not to mention, he’s really eager to become a dad…” He looks you in the eyes with a big, genuine smile, “So how about it, little Kobold… want to become a mother?”
Emmy: “Um…” just like with Bowl, you really wasn’t ready for that kind of question, “…well…”
Baako: “Just image how big that belly will become…” he winks as he continue rubbing his massive member in between your boobs, “Carrying the next generation of Rhino guards...”

Fuck, how are you even supposed to get that monster inside you!? It’s thicker than your arm and almost as long!?

No. 1071528 ID: c3ebd9

Don't worry, kobolds are very stretchy. Time to get pregnant, girl! Then raise the baby in secret to be a revolutionary.
No. 1071551 ID: 53b46b

There's also an uncaged male now, breeding up our numbers is looking more and more viable
No. 1071556 ID: 9f13c1

Except he's gay
No. 1071557 ID: 9f13c1

Actually I guess his bio only says he's "camp gay" which could refer to sexual orientation but might just describe his affectations.
No. 1071598 ID: 8f9bc4

Resist! Resiiiiist!
No. 1071601 ID: a758c7

raise more kobolds for the revolution, get pregnant for progress!
No. 1071698 ID: 2a82d3

You are not lubed up enough to take him yet and he is not wasted enough to dominate or consider having kobolds for kids. Stall until your coworker returns with the slime.

Having, and making, more kobold sympathizers among the other races doesn't sound half bad and could work for us in the long-term, but it's no explosion of kobolds.

>If you’re going to peg the prince, you need to become a goddess of sex! But how do you even start with that? Other than having more sex, that is…
You could start with a cucumber or eggplant. A good test is learn how to apply pressure without piercing the skin. Also good for stretching the internals down below, if you can't acquire a proper dildo.

For seduction or no, it's a good idea to start paying attention to the people above you. Learn the social structures and machinations on which your society runs, and learn what different folks are into along the way.

Screwing your way up the racial hierarchy is good practice for the prize at the top, as well.
No. 1071846 ID: f2320a

Yeah no rhino kids with that huge dick kobold free to impregnate all the kobolds we can overthrow them
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