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File 168627897808.png - (21.28KB , 1280x1280 , there_is_a_rat_title.png )
1065388 No. 1065388 ID: 2f7f6e

[A quest with no plans, no plots, no stakes. Just rat.]

There is nothing. Space and time are in flux, unable to be defined or separated. The universe cries out, and entropy answers. Spontaneous creation of matter stabilizes the chaos.
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No. 1069128 ID: 8f9bc4

Yes follow Ted into the basement. What could possibly go wrong?
No. 1069144 ID: 48c015

Add some spy googles to your inventory and look into the basement without having to enter and invade Ted's privacy.
No. 1069248 ID: 8f9bc4


Alas, you cannot spy googles without a web browser. It would probably just direct you towards advertisements anyway.
No. 1069501 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169087201369.png - (43.67KB , 1280x1280 , basement_door.png )

The rat and plushie head to the basement to see if Ted’s having some trouble. Next to the basement door is a table of free flashlights, so of course they each take one.

Entering the basement, the lights are perfectly functional, which makes the plushie wonder why flashlights were provided.
No. 1069502 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169087203720.png - (329B , 1280x1280 , generic_dark_canvas_so_i_dont_need_to_remake_it_ev.png )

Then the lights go out, answering the plushie’s question.

The rat thinks it was very nice of Ted to provide those flashlights. Speaking of which, where might he be? The rat turns on his flashlight.
No. 1069503 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169087205865.png - (42.33KB , 1280x1280 , ted_is_ded.png )

Oh, there he is.

The plushie thinks this is very concerning, and the rat agrees. How are they supposed to get gas now?!

Stealing is the conclusion the rat immediately comes to. There is supposedly gas somewhere in this house. They just have to find it.

Might as well check the basement first, since they’re already here. What will they find?
No. 1069512 ID: 435f13

A scare chord plays when something moves in the dark but the flashlight reveals only a mop and bucket that fell over. Also, they step through a big cobweb.
No. 1069517 ID: 273c18

hey, anything good to gnaw on that skeleton?
No. 1069545 ID: 8f9bc4

Gasoline is well and good, but this is very important. Is there a permanent marker to be found anywhere in the basement?
No. 1070054 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169173195266.png - (30.32KB , 1280x1280 , the_buckets_dead_too.png )

>Anything good to gnaw on that skeleton?

No, the rat already checked. There’s not even any marrow left, unfortunately.

>Scare chord!

The rat and plushie turn around at the sudden noise, but relax when they see it was just a bucket falling over and spilling out a marker. The cane must have overbalanced it. The plushie is still nervous though, and wants to go back upstairs.
No. 1070062 ID: 435f13

Add the cane and permanent marker to your inventory. Suggest to the plushie that you split up to cover more ground.
No. 1070069 ID: 8f9bc4

Use the marker to add a tail to each D on that shirt, making it spell PEP.
No. 1070071 ID: 481cd1

Seconding this also.
No. 1070094 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169180662945.png - (27.39KB , 1280x1280 , empty_dead_bucket.png )

>Add to inventory

The rat picks up the marker, leaving the overturned bucket empty.
No. 1070095 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169180664659.png - (42.63KB , 1280x1280 , ted_is_pep.png )

>Put some pep in that skeleton’s step

The rat uses his new marker to attempt a resurrection, or a reanimation, but sadly neither work. Mildly disappointed at the end to his short necromancy career, the rat suggests the plushie go explore upstairs while he keeps searching the basement. The plushie thinks it would be safer to stick together, but hesitantly accepts and goes up the stairs.
No. 1070096 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169180666152.png - (48.29KB , 1280x1280 , free_darkness.png )

It turns out that the basement is not the only part of the house where the lights stopped working. It’s safe to assume the whole building will have no light aside from the rat and plushie’s flashlights.
No. 1070142 ID: bbd459

Rat: find the gasoline in the basement.

Plushie: while exploring the upstairs, come across a scary clue like an evil photo album full of newspaper clippings that reveal this house's dark past, but also hint that the danger is still present. Realize that Rat is in imminent danger.

Rat: be so focused on the gas cans you don't realize something scary is about to happen to you.
No. 1070143 ID: 8f9bc4

It was worth a try!

I'm sure the skeleton appreciates his peppier shirt.

No. 1070151 ID: 273c18

The wall is angry! Is the entire house a monster?!
No. 1071545 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169377967895.png - (57.71KB , 1280x1280 , an_old_photo.png )


>The house is angry!

Something must have liked that clock the rat stole. The plushie doesn’t blame it.

>A clue!

After some unfortunately justifiable snooping, the plushie finds what seems to be a photo of Ted when he first moved into this house. But… there’s something missing.
No. 1071546 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169377970386.png - (117.72KB , 1280x1280 , normal_shadows.png )


The rat has found the gasoline! So there was some in the basement, after all. Now he just needs to get this back up and outside, and he and the plushie can move on with their road trip. Easy peasy.
No. 1071573 ID: c3ebd9

The cane! It was the cane all along! Run, Plushie! Run! Rat is in danger!
No. 1071604 ID: 273c18

Oh god run it's after you!
No. 1073064 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169553805409.png - (37.23KB , 1280x1280 , the_tallway.png )

The plushie rushes downstairs to warn the rat, but finds that it is too late for that.

The rat, meanwhile, is finding out that he does not like running away from an angry ghost cane, but what else is he supposed to do when an angry ghost cane is chasing him?

…Where did this hallway come from, anyways? He never left the basement. Oh well, the rat knows better than to question these things.
No. 1073065 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169553806818.png - (39.23KB , 1280x1280 , I_am_not_animating_this.png )

The rat also knows better than to question how those doors connected like that.

What he does question is whether this gag works at all in comic format. Judging that it does not, the rat remembers he has a gun.
No. 1073066 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169553808007.png - (51.52KB , 1280x1280 , rat_double_murder.png )

The rat has invented double murder.
No. 1073086 ID: 462d8c

Just to make sure, invent triple murder
No. 1073088 ID: 933203

All this multiplicative murder must be dangerous for your mental health. Take a break to restore your mental health: do a yoga and count the ammunition on your gun.
No. 1073095 ID: 58dd24

I don't know if this is double murder, the first one was so far away. This might just be a string of murders.
No. 1073104 ID: 8f9bc4

A serial sequence of murders, in fact. Perhaps it is some sort of serial murder, and the one who did all that killing could be known as a serial killenator.
No. 1073105 ID: 918cdb

Shoot the walls until they learn their lesson and let you go back to the ground floor.
No. 1073128 ID: 8b18c4

Can you even murder a ghost? Or was it a monster?

Anyway being able to kill it with a gun seems too easy. Obviously it will rise again after you leave, ready to menace the next visitor to the haunted house.
No. 1073129 ID: 8b18c4

Bring the gas upstairs and refuel your bike so you can continue on your road trip.
No. 1073425 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169588222704.jpg - (1.49MB , 4032x3024 , this_real_rat_will_kill_you.jpg )

>Double tap

Remember kids, always confirm your kills.
No. 1073426 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169588224938.jpg - (1.62MB , 3024x4032 , this_real_ghost_cane_is_dead.jpg )

>Does that really count as double murder?

Well, yeah. It was a ghost, so it was already dead. The rat double murdered it, so now it’s double dead. Hopefully there’s no such thing as a double ghost, or an un-un-undead, or a sprite^2, or whatever other ridiculous names there are for that.

>Count the gun’s ammo

Wait, guns have ammunition? Damn, this is just like the bike and the gas again! Now the rat’s gonna have to get some bullets before he and the plushie reach that treacherous cat. Hopefully there’s some at the next destination, because the rat doesn’t want to spend any more time here and the plushie very much agrees.
No. 1073427 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169588226585.png - (64.13KB , 1280x1280 , map_2.png )

The rat and plushie leave the house and refuel the motorcycle. They say goodbye to the haunted house and head off to their next destination.

What will it be?
No. 1073441 ID: e5709d

Did you key someone's car to make this?

The world's largest nut.
It's still going!
No. 1073447 ID: 435f13

Obviously a gun show where we can acquire some hardware no questions asked.
No. 1073448 ID: 933203

The worlds largest ikea store which coincidently also has the worlds largest collection of assorted nuts, including the largest peanut.
No. 1073800 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169622306470.png - (71.65KB , 1280x1280 , map_3.png )

Aha! The map conveniently has directions to the Endless Gun Nut Ikea, also known as Cabela’s.

The rat can definitely get some more ammo there. And he totally won’t get distracted by the cool shooting gallery or the many, many dead animals.

…But how will they get ammo without any money to buy it with, the plushie wonders. The rat immediately suggests a heist. The plushie counteroffers with a trade of goods and/or services. The two keep arguing, and can’t decide on a course of action.
No. 1073808 ID: 435f13

Heist obviously.
No. 1073809 ID: 435f13

But that means you're going to need a crew...
No. 1073859 ID: 8f9bc4

Check inventory for tradeable goods.
No. 1073936 ID: 127310

heist for sure
No. 1073938 ID: 462d8c

What is a heist but exchanging a service (heisting) for goods (money)?

Go a robbing
No. 1073941 ID: 0bf2fd

Fuck dude, we can just add more things with our godly powers, right?

Just spawn a billion dollars

Spawn Two Clown Masks
No. 1073945 ID: e5709d

Suddenly, your ears burst infinite earwax.
No. 1075489 ID: 2f7f6e
File 169818923809.png - (107.76KB , 1280x1280 , broke_rats.png )

The rat reminds the plushie that Cabela’s only accepts cash or credit, neither of which they have, and the plushie can’t argue with that. A heist it is, then!

The first step of any good heist is planning and preparation. The rat decides to scout ahead while the plushie tries to find people to recruit. What kind of defenses does this Cabela’s have? Who will the plushie recruit for the team?
No. 1075519 ID: 8f9bc4

The defenses are ALL THE POLICE.
Fortunately, Cabela's is located right next to THE DONUT SHOP. As long as you get your ammo without triggering a SECURITY ALARM they will be far too busy to trouble you.

Recruits? Uh... rat? Plushie should recruit rat. Oh and cat. Plushie should definitely recruit cat. Are there any other characters in this quest who are not deadBORING?
No. 1075544 ID: 933203

The defenses are lasers, pressure detectors, biometric scanners, 24/7 security, and mechas. Lot of mechas. Cabelas dig mechas, you see. Fortunately, you can also recruit your own oven-mech to help you!
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