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101388 No. 101388 ID: bde1b8

Team9: A group of the most generally plot-irrelevant characters in touhou.
23 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 101508 ID: bde1b8
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>M: Keep luring the fish!
>W:Make a net out of fireflies for Mystia!
The fish go into a feeding frenzy!

...Many fireflies were lost this day.
No. 101509 ID: bde1b8
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>C: Freeze the fish!
Cirno ensures it was not in vain.

Now you just need a way to get them out of the ice.
No. 101510 ID: bde1b8
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>T9: Think hard. Where could we get a net?
Daiyousei and Mystia work together to draw a map!

They think the shop might be a good place to check.
No. 101511 ID: bde1b8
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>R: More darkness! MOOOORE!
Rumia flies over the nearby mansion, leaving her previous field of darkness behind and making another.
No. 101528 ID: 1afd58

>way to get them out of the ice

You could just let them melt. But probably instead it would be better to just break the ice by hitting it.
No. 101542 ID: c2c011

C: Tell M that you know of a better way to get the fish. Then freeze the entire lake and get a pickaxe to dig out the fish. Imagine it, you will be mining for fish and everyone will be soo jelous becuse you're smart and cute.
No. 101551 ID: bde1b8
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>You could just let them melt. But probably instead it would be better to just break the ice by hitting it.
We don't have anything to hit the ice with! Except maybe Wriggle.

>Rumia has left Team9. You may now command Daiyousei instead with D.
No. 101552 ID: bde1b8
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>C: Get a pickaxe.
Okay. Cirno has no idea where to get one though. So she makes one! Also the entire lake is now frozen.

>M: Is told better way to get fish
Mystia has no problems with this, as long as we remember to unthaw Wriggle later.
No. 101580 ID: 1afd58

Well start pickaxing!

Of course, it's ice on ice so it might not work.

I wonder if she can wriggle free~
No. 101583 ID: bde1b8
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Initial goal achieved! We now have lampreys for Mystia to sell.

Daiyousei is of the professional opinion that Wriggle is looking pretty bad, and likely will not thaw before she freezes to death since there isn't any sun. She thinks we should probably do something about that.
No. 101585 ID: bde1b8
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She mentions rumors of some fire bird who lives in Tengu Mountain, and there's also a youkai doctor south of the Human Village in the bamboo grove they could try asking. What should we do?
No. 101587 ID: 1afd58

Fire bird is better~ So warm~ So soft~ So inviting~
No. 101601 ID: 108e41

Isn't hell hot? Also that's like the closest place! Perfect!
No. 101697 ID: bde1b8
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Hell is pretty close, but it mostly has ghosts and stuff. There is a village there though! Maybe they have someone who can help. Or fire. Fire would help too.

There are these performers at the gates! The really really tall gates. They seem to be in the way!
No. 101711 ID: 476456

well you could try dancing your way past them
No. 101712 ID: 12fc66

Freeze the CRAP out of them.
No. 101721 ID: c42be6

Everyone: Ask them for fire. Since this is touhou, make sure it's in a way that will cause a misunderstanding and result in a danmaku battle.
No. 101745 ID: cf91f7

You can just..fly over the gates
No. 101751 ID: 476456

hhaahahaha oh right you can all fly.
No. 101836 ID: 2855c8

T9: form a alliance of villains with lex luthor. adquire short term goals.

heroes of gensoko: become mildly aware of T9's plotting, devise league of justice to fight them.
No. 101851 ID: bde1b8
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D+M: Ask them for fire in a way that leads to a Danmaku battle!
Daiyousei politely asks for fire, because we need it for our friend! Lunasa gets all excited and starts shooting bullets but Lyrica stops her after she sees Wriggle's condition. Merlin offers to bring her back to their old place! They are pretty sure they have some firewood, and can help thaw her out in no time at all!
No. 101852 ID: bde1b8
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>C: Freeze the crap out of them!
Cirno takes the initiative! The opposition is frozen solid. Also its getting dark now.
No. 101853 ID: bde1b8
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>Fly over the gates
...Okay sure. There is a village and a mansion on a hill here. There's a big tree in the back too.

>T9: Acquire short term goals
Well, Cirno wants to be The Strongest. Daiyousei doesn't have any goals, really, but she wants to support her friend Cirno. Wriggle wants respect for her and her bugs. And Mystia is pretty happy with the shop she runs. But maybe they could work for something more...?
No. 101881 ID: 2855c8


that would be the foundationof a gurren brigade that would host cirno as the coldest leader, daiyo as simon/second in command, wriggle as yoko and mystia as that creepy bissexual guy...?
No. 101883 ID: de3db8

Cirno, eat the plot.
No. 101893 ID: 476456

check out that village
No. 101899 ID: c5f90c

C: Hide your hit box away somewhere.
No. 101909 ID: 5ba271

Fuck yeah, postemptive strike!
No. 101946 ID: bde1b8
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>C: Eat plot
This plot is stupid, lets forget about Wriggle.

>C: Hide your hit box
Cirno hands it to Daiyousei.

>Form Gurren Brigade!
Cirno commands Daiyousei and Mystia to help her succeed in defeating all of Gensokyo!
No. 101947 ID: bde1b8
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>Check out that village
Starting right... here.
No. 101956 ID: 2855c8

prove yourself stronger by making a mobile popsickle stand. sell popsickles for $9 and perfect freeze whoever fails to give you a bill of $9.
No. 101959 ID: 12fc66

I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if we could turn all of Gensokyo into an dark and endless freezing wasteland lit only by fireflies? And then Mystia could sell lampreys to everyone 24/7.
Just have Mystia carry her around with us and if we find something to thaw her out then yay. And if not then she makes a pretty cool battering ram.

Anyway, let's get started.
No. 102000 ID: bde1b8
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>C: Freeze things if people don't pay you $9
The world will freeze under Cirno's icy dominion!

>M: Carry Wriggle dangit
Okay fine.

>D: Notice approaching enemy
No. 102003 ID: 12fc66

No. 102004 ID: bde1b8

C Freeze her!
No. 102005 ID: bde1b8

dont freeze. instead
R dynamic entrance
No. 102008 ID: bde1b8
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>R: Dynamic Entry!
Rumia is busy.
No. 102009 ID: bde1b8
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>M: Throw Wriggle!
Wriggle has been freed by super swordsmanship! She also has a couple of minor nicks and cuts, but for the most part she has been freed from her icy prison.
No. 102010 ID: bde1b8
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>C: Freeze her!
However, Cirno takes this opportunity to make a sneak attack! Victory for Team9!
No. 102011 ID: af3e6d

M: Commence Victory Fanfare
All: Pose as a team, cause shit just got real
No. 102030 ID: 12fc66

Rumia: Spread darkness over the village! Whee!
Cirno: Freeze everything not alive. Turn this place into a beautiful frozen wasteland!
Wriggle: Release lots of fireflies! They will be the sole source of light and thus beloved!
Mystia: Actually you're not really needed for our awesome armageddon plan. Take the role of 'girl behind the scenes' and delight that you'll make a killing off lampreys while doing very little. Also loot anything available! Wring hands in an evil manner!

Also, everyone pose together for a moment because poses are awesome.
No. 102186 ID: c2c011

All pose like a team. Well maybe not R since she's busy, but she can pose while spreading darkness.

C: Well it seems like it's time anyway. Show those silly laws of nature who is boss and freeze the earth below absolute zero. But leave some people unfrozen, you need someone to gloat over once your victory is complete.
No. 102631 ID: 3dfb34

T9: realize how the fireworks resemble a danmaku battle and join the celebration
No. 107377 ID: bde1b8
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>Pose as a team, cuz shit just got real.
You pose as a team!
No. 107378 ID: bde1b8
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Mystia and Wriggle have spotted an extra!
No. 107381 ID: 5ba271

Wait where'd Daiyousei go
No. 107394 ID: bde1b8
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Where DID Daiyousei go? You swear she was here just a minute ago.
No. 107471 ID: 476456

youuuu should prooobably run away
No. 107474 ID: 5ba271

C: Attempt to eat Yuyuko to avenge your fairy friend
No. 107708 ID: 8ecfd4

Well that doesn't look to good.

C: Ask her if she wants to end the world with you. While she start to answear you throw the frozen samurai girl at her and then freeze the shit out of her while she's distracted. Or you could get lucky and she accepts your offer.
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