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File 135002380635.png - (306.57KB , 992x658 , Discussion image.png )
62002 No. 62002 ID: 67ba4b

Vampire twins, discuss things and ask questions here

quest threads
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No. 62011 ID: 1e72ae

As soon as you agreed to reference shots, I immediately thought of what landmarks I thought looked cool, and I got a few pictures lined up for what I can shoot in a day. It takes me less than 25 min to get to any of the places in these pictures and I have most days free before class so it won't take long.

If you want to see any specific aspect of the buildings (outside shots, paintings, foliage, architecture) let me know. If you have any landmarks not on the list that you'd like to see, let me know, I'll see what I can do. If you just wanted me to take random pictures of like broad street or something, that's cool too. Feel free to use any, or none of my final photos.

No. 62116 ID: 67ba4b

those are really cool thanks.

normal streets would be useful, I'll also have to find a map of the city at some point.

I might also need to know what the tallest building in the city are.
No. 62202 ID: 1e72ae

So were there actually any clothes left intact in the store, or was the entire thing a set-up? Also, why did we go looking for supplies (clothing), but not take something with us to carry them in?

[Tallest building is the James Monroe building at 29 stories, but the top 4 are only used for maintenance/storage. I put up the pictures I took of the church and a few misc. ones. (2 streets, the Monroe building, etc.)]
No. 62205 ID: ecfcdc

Why not just use Google Maps? Street View should give you plenty of references.
No. 62219 ID: 67ba4b

>So were there actually any clothes left intact in the store, or was the entire thing a set-up? Also,
to Loria's knowlege it was a set up, she made a quick search and didn't find anything. it is possible there are things there, but to find them it would take more time.

>why did we go looking for supplies (clothing), but not take something with us to carry them in?
Sania brought two able bodied slaves to carry things for her,
also clothes can be worn, and are much easier to carry.

>Why not just use Google Maps? Street View should give you plenty of references.
Salestax offered, and and his photos' are quite usefull

as for reference I'm will to just do things of the top of my head by default

but if people want to provide me references I'd me more than happy to use them.

and not just for buldings, if you'd like to see specific weapons, clothing and items in the quest feel free to post references for me and I'd be happy to use them.

also if people felt like designing human prey for the sisters I could add them in whenever new potential slaves are encountered.
No. 64723 ID: 3734f6

There seems to be a big chunk of story missing between:

Is there another thread in between them that got lost? or what?
No. 64779 ID: 67ba4b

there isn't a thread missing.

with a lot of my quests I like to experiment with new ideas.

In Vampire Twins I felt like skipping over some boring parts to try and keep the story fresh and interesting, also to get into situations more suitible for reader suggestions
No. 64789 ID: 3734f6

thanks for the explanation.
No. 64794 ID: 67ba4b

no problem if you have any more questions/concerns about the quest let me know
No. 65369 ID: 3e5241

the whole "tempting" thing we are doing is failing because the crows are superhuman predators who have a clan and the humans are all survivors. I think they need to be broken with torture first (but carefully applied to break spirit but not body). Or heck, save it for their kids...
No. 95522 ID: fe06ff
File 144488689949.png - (409.07KB , 943x847 , VampRef.png )

A reference for Sania and Loria
No. 142297 ID: 0d1c28
File 171769418461.png - (1.96MB , 1005x1150 , SharubStripV4.png )

Sharub has a bad vampire experience
No. 142671 ID: 0d1c28

made a strip poker pack for everyone's favorite bird slave!

No. 142977 ID: 0d1c28
File 173032973830.png - (1.89MB , 1005x1150 , SharubStrip01v3.png )

Sharub having a bad halloween
No. 143023 ID: 0d1c28
File 173189395757.png - (2.12MB , 1005x1150 , SharubStrip02v4.png )

it only gets worse
No. 143025 ID: 0d1c28
File 173206892376.png - (2.18MB , 1005x1150 , SharubStrip03v3.png )

playing with her food
No. 143218 ID: 0d1c28
File 173535586019.png - (2.77MB , 2010x1150 , BirdPairV3.png )

some more corvid based artwork
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