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38965 No. 38965 ID: e8cd4a

Ask questions, give comments, suggestions and feedback.

Many thanks to everyone for your continued readership.
17 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 39631 ID: 947fc1

So far it's been good. There's a lot of things going on that are confusing but I'm sure they'll get explained further on. The art itself is good but it can be a little confusing sometimes.
No. 39635 ID: e75de4

I agree with the other voices.

Good art, interesting story, enjoyable quest overall.

However, sometimes the art is slightly confusing (dspite its excellent looks), and the combat/stat system is confusing me to no end. But that's probably just me, I'll probably get into it later during the quest.
No. 39646 ID: c3c9c0



It's been good so far.
No. 39696 ID: 75bcc0

I also find it confusing, but in a good way. this has been the very first chapter after all, and I'm looking forward the plot unveiling itself further.
No. 39705 ID: c0e7f3

Was the interface inspired by something? It looks neat, except I'd drop the mech/tech icons next to our integrity/focus/whatever bar.
It's not like we're constantly forgetting wht our specialty is. And when we do, the [use] icons on stuff remind us.
No. 39707 ID: e8cd4a

Thanks. I don't think the interface is inspired by anything in specific, but rather from many aesthetics I like from various games and media footage, mostly that from real-life military vehicles and titles that feature similar low-color overlays.

I agree removing the class icons that appear next to integrity / shape is a good idea. Your input is greatly appreciated !
No. 39876 ID: e8cd4a

Reaction images are OK. This comes at a readers request to clarify this.

Be mindful of those who use 'Expand all images' and watch the dimensions. Please voice any concerns you might have, and most importantly, have fun.

Many thanks.
No. 39878 ID: e8cd4a
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Some background mechanics taking place in Beyond

INTEGRITY is a statistic specifying tolerance to impairment by physical injury. When Integrity reaches zero, don't expect good things. Integrity is restored through deliberate rest after consuming foodstuffs or rations; it can also be restored without rest by careful application of advanced medical knowledge combined with simple tools at minimum. Some drugs and implements will temporarily restore Integrity, such as the Psychoactives Injector found in trauma kits.

Integrity is displayed above a character as a filled rectangle.

SHAPE is an energy pool that can be used to execute special or improved actions dependent on element and intentions. It also acts like Integrity, and can cause impairment if brought to zero. Some attacks exclusively damage Shape. Shape can be restored with deliberate rest or immediately by consuming certain substances. Some drugs and implements will alter Shape properties.

Shape is displayed above a character as individual diamonds. Ayu has the ability, Focus2, to recover lost shape.

There are several types of actions in combat. Don't think too hard about this unless you enjoy it; suggest actions as you would normally.

ATTACK specifies offensively engaging one or more targets. It is related directly to the stat 'Attack' of the same name. With average level (**), Attack is reduced in effectiveness when paired with any other action and only has the chance of critical effect when specified as the sole action; this is called Attack2 or 'All-out Attack'.

DEFENSE specifies attention to threats of any kind. It is related to the stat, Defense. With average level, Defense -always- reduces damage taken when attention is given and only has the chance to completely avoid all damage (critical effect) when specified as the only action.

MOVE specifies major reposition about cover or battlespace. It is related directly to the stat, Move. With normal statistics, Move will allow taking or moving out of complete cover or repositioning around any target within a little more than lunging range and only has the ability to reposition beyond this when specified as the only action.

USE / INTERACT specifies virtually all other actions. The relationship to stats is dependent on intentions and targets. Many times Dexterity and Strength will determine effectiveness and only some Use / Interact actions have opportunity of critical effects.

Normally, two actions can be specified at a time. This enables combinations like Defense2 to survive a devastating attack but do nothing else, or Attack Move to reposition while delivering damage at the cost of becoming vulnerable yourself.

There are several classes.

MECH, also known as Mechanized, have an affinity for mechanical / electrical systems and physical engineering. Their skills in combat are suited to systems denial and environment manipulation.

Mechs can equip the Welder / Cutter, GEAR, and Super-Bit without cost.
Mechs can identify mechanical systems without deliberate inspection.
Mechs can receive increased bonuses from equipment upgrades and modifications.

TECH, also known as Technopath, have an affinity for computer / electrical and information systems. Their skills in combat are suited to systems denial and combat solutions.

Techs can equip the Interface, ULTRA, and Data Injector without cost.
Techs can identify computer systems without deliberate inspection.
Techs can receive detailed information bonuses from equipment upgrades and modifications.
No. 39893 ID: 0d7a83

Well I understand a lot more now, but I would like to know what the elements during the customization of Ayu represented. What abilities did she get from being None x4?
No. 39895 ID: 35e1a0

was said on IRC, was the mech/tech deal. picking 1 would of only let us pick one skill while picking 2-4 would of had us picking none instead being a mage i guess.
No. 39899 ID: e8cd4a

The elements shown during Turn 0 are four of six major Shape types, each with their properties; Normal -does- effect a Shape property, though it is the most subtle of all.

None x4 gave Ayu an extra class and better outcome with related items and interactions, but no Shape-consuming abilities other than the generic, 'channel Shape'.

This is correct.
No. 39929 ID: 35bb8d


tell us about channeling shape.
No. 39940 ID: 5aac32

Is there a limit to use of Focus2, or is it mainly a matter of time/action priority (i.e. using Focus2 costing an 'action' that could be used to attack/defend/etc.)?
No. 39943 ID: e8cd4a

You can consume one Shape to effect something of you or anything in your immediate influence. The result will depend on what Shape properties are interacting and the intentions.

Focus2 will prevent its use on the following turn, but there is no limit to use. It is an issue of action priority.
No. 40371 ID: 7896f5

Posting here so we don't clutter the quest thread.

Yeah, the guy with the white mask and white goggles is one of our enemies, as Perimeter said.

In fact, the rat girl took Ayu for one of them because we were wearing the white goggles and ran away. And because the white mask guy wants to kill her in place we can assume that she's on our side, or at least not on THEIR side. Maybe she's a deserter, who knows? But yeah, if we're going to shoot somebody, it should be white mask dude.
No. 40538 ID: a35261

What's the difference between the ULTRA and the GEAR? I'd like to know before suggesting which one should we keep.
No. 40539 ID: e8cd4a


GEAR acts as an upgrade to Ayu's Mechanized skills; ULTRA is the same but for Technopath skills.
No. 40780 ID: 6fe91c

Can you give us a bit of background information on Foxtits?
Like what her stats are and such? I really don't like putting her in harms way when I don't know her strengths and weaknesses. I'd hate for us to accidentally kill her because we didn't realize/ask if she was bad at something.
No. 40785 ID: e8cd4a

This is not possible. We know Foxtits had prepared skills to defuse explosives and survived an encounter with creatures. She claims to be a poor marksman, but at least puts up a fight at close judging by combat results.

Ayu is free to communicate with her and she does not have to put herself in danger; alternatives are available.
No. 40945 ID: 55c4cf

I am actually curious, is there some sort of mechanics reason that Rice and Guitars can be created by Ayu? I enjoy trying to use them, but I don't actually understand why I am able to have Ayu do silly thing.
No. 40946 ID: 2563d4

I thought that was just because the protagonist shot themself up with combat druuugs and was stoned out of their gourd? (Although I'm not following all the game mechanics, may be talking complete twaddle.)
No. 41240 ID: e8cd4a
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Beyond : the quest the movie the game.
No. 41244 ID: 55c4cf

does Ryu know hadouken
No. 41313 ID: e8cd4a

There will be a new inventory system in effect. Because the changes are not subtle, information will be provided.

SLOT - Each takes up one slot of Ayu's three. Slot items previously encountered :
Baton, Silla Revolver Scattergun, Grand Rifle, Plasma Gun (+ Core Shot), Lever Bow, Trauma Kit (+ Psychoactives Injector), Ammo Crate, Mixed Air, and others with similar bulk and / or needing strong hold to use.
Limit One Each : Welder / Cutter (+ Extinguisher), Interface, Pack (Doubles BULK limit), GEAR, ULTRA (Keep in mind Ayu can hold Mech and Tech items at zero cost)

LIMITED - Each takes up one slot of Ayu's three. Unlike SLOT, there can be only one ! (You cannot have two turrets nor a turret + cannon, etc.)
Regal Machine Turret, Sinae Cannon, and others with exceptional weight and / or snag.

BULK - Ten spaces.
Limit 10 : Pointed Magazine, Shot Drum, Battery Cell, Rifle Grenade, Bolt, Throw Flame, Throw Flare, Ration, E-Ration and others to come.
Special Limits : Psychoactives Injector (1 Per Kit), 4 Medical Soda, 4 Super Bit, 4 Arrestor Snake, 4 High Explosive

PASSIVE - Takes up absolutely no space ! Usually cosmetic items, weapon attachments, and ammo upgrades. Limit one per weapon for ammo upgrades.
Gunlight, Optics, White Goggles, ammo upgrades.
No. 41741 ID: 2563d4

I'm paying absolutely no attention to the mechanics and only have a vague idea of what's going on partially as a result, but this quest is an entertainingly odd ride to watch.
No. 41742 ID: e8cd4a
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With the latest thread at it's close, it feels like it's had some low moments. If you can agree or have criticism for particulars of Beyond so far, I would greatly appreciate hearing about it.

Recycled image is recycled.

Thanks again to you, continuing readers.
No. 41746 ID: 6467a9

Wait did you do some sort sneaky murrsona insert?
You did didn't you, you sly bastard.
No. 41748 ID: 26eb87

that is clearly the creature from the OP with it's head glued back on. Why is your decapitated murrsona the OP?
No. 41750 ID: e8cd4a

It's possible.

Decapitation is a thing in Beyond. Here, it doesn't mean anything, yet.
No. 41754 ID: 55c4cf


No. 41863 ID: bc1e6f

My only complaint would be that at times it seemed as if no one really had any idea what to do.
Like the incidents with the armored van. Both with Ayu and Carl, everyone seemed to be confused about the status of things, and so would suggest thing that had already been stated not to work or that were not possible.

I don't feel that was your fault, but I can't really say as I was not one of those people.
No. 41864 ID: e8cd4a


I should do something about this, but what exactly is difficult to determine. Ayu and Carl's brush with the armored van comes off even to me as very unfair; are there too little courses and opportunities to seizing awareness of these situations ?

Thank you for bringing this up.
No. 41869 ID: 07416a

So. Mind hoppers. Meanwhile, from Melissa.

>She scowls and hurls a container to the floor. "I'M NOT KARI !! .. I'm Melissa, I'm Melissa .."

>".. Who is Kari ?"

>".. The Huntress eternal I felt in Ayu, a soldier .. Kari is a brigand and Thiefess .. I'm destroyed; I have to give in .."

Casper is instructive.

Ima reread turn 0 sometime.
No. 41885 ID: 07416a

Disintegration, body shifting... Milky was the one who possessed Melissa.
No. 41950 ID: 276266

I'm not sure, I think there were plenty of options on what to do, but people seemed to keep repeating the same ideas. Even if it was proven not viable.
Perhaps stating very directly when something isn't feasible would work, if the same suggestions appear over and over again?
No. 45615 ID: e55966

Enormous thanks to Insomnia who kicks off the first guest update as of >>/quest/364984 !
No. 45617 ID: 55c4cf

I'm just going to throw this out here.

We're the rogue agent. We're the one getting everyone killed. Balth got injured and tortured by what we did unintentionally, and from her response, Hen is probably a part of the problem.

I doubt anyone is going to listen to me, but I'm putting this down before we realize we're all being dumb, rather than afterwards.
No. 45618 ID: 35bcde


Hen lied to authorities about her name, was very nervous around us, is incompetent at stopping /deliberately allowed evil plant growth, and is in disguise.

Not looking trustworthy.

On the other hand Balth hasn't told us shit and http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/src/132066293033.png her brain is glowy. I vote we hit her in the head with the EM/magic disrupting rod and talk some more.
No. 45620 ID: 20f620

An interesting argument, and one I'm willing to listen to with enough backing. I must admit to being a little bewildered sometimes, so care to expand on how we're getting everyone killed?
No. 45622 ID: 578dec

Because I like the idea of backing up my views with facts, I will support my stance of offing Balph.

When you were drowning, she didn't help you. Instead she waited until you dragged yourself to shore, ripped your mask off, and then kicked the person you just met. She then claimed you knew what was going on, and that maybe you could help her (PROTIP: She wants something from you, which is possibly the only reason why you're still alive). She purposely drew out giving you the antibiotic to get you to talk instead of getting right down to it the moment you mentioned you were poisoned.

Most importantly, she won't tell you why she wants Hen dead. This pretty much always means that it's not for a good reason. When one kid hits another and the teacher asks why, if Billy stole John's wallet you can bet Billy is going to chime in about it. If Billy's got nothing, he's going to be aloof and skirt the issue like Balph is doing now.

Lastly, we don't even know if that's actually a cure. It's inhibiting the poison for now, but it could be a temporary fix. The restoration to our shape and everything could just be a product of the hallucination; we don't know, and Balph isn't telling us.

Hen at the very least kept us from drowning to death, and offered a steroid to help you deal with the antibiotic provided we could keep Balph at bay.

At the very minimum we should incapacitate Balph and stip her gear. For all we know she knew about the hallucinagen and was counting on it to disorient Ayu enough to allow her time to take out Hen without us interfering.
No. 58523 ID: 0006f5

The 20th is when school picks up for me. I'm not academic, and my previous attempt at furthering my education was lackluster. Freezing all of my authoring and limiting myself to more than the bare minimum of attention away from school had such a minuscule effect on my grade, the reveal was devastating to me at a very basic level I am ashamed and forced to live with.

I can come up with any number of different excuses for why I haven't been updating or being as involved as I have with the site. If my tone throughout this discussion thread serves as a timeline illustrating my personal feelings about my being as an author and my satisfaction with my work, it is that I unnecessarily cripple myself, paralyzed over perceived literary weaknesses and failures I am honestly told exist only in my imagination. I seem to have suddenly regressed to fostering an old idea of mine that I am not clever or lucky enough to keep calm and carry on, to transform lead mistakes into gold opportunities; that I should stop for good so I can stop torturing myself fixing something that isn't broken, and that I have a problem expecting perfection and should stop reaching for platinum when I am wood, and should be setting wood goals.

I remember it said somewhere that if it's not fun, it's time to stop. Also that not giving up, even if the whole experience is shitty, is the key to moving up. Basically a heads up for how I've been feeling since, oh, the end of the first thread really, and what to expect once the 20th rears.
No. 58524 ID: 31015f


I think there's no need to tell you that of course your studies are the priority here and we'll understand if you drop updating regularly or updating at all because them.

Now I can only speak for myself here but as an author I frequently experience the feeling that you describe, that no matter how hard I try everything I produce is sub-par, and I see countless flaws in every quest I do. And I've also considered just stop doing them. Of course, if it's not fun anymore, you shouldn't stress yourself with something you are not enjoying. But you should ask yourself if you'd really felt better if you stopped updating altogether.

I think lots of people enjoy your quest and I think your art, plot and attention to detail are some of the best. There's always room to improve, but you shouldn't feel like it's all crippling terrible. Take your mistakes as opportunities to be better. I think you've already achieved gold, but you can still go for platinum. Just take it easy.
No. 58535 ID: dbba11
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Rottel, you have probably heard this from me a lot, but you are the best, and with my limitless authority, that so-called subjectivity holds serious fucking weight. Now I like other authors and quests, but I am genuinely delighted to see updates of Beyond. We all have ups and downs with our quests. I know I do, and it's even harder when it is meant to be a lengthy and great saga, and Beyond is just that.

However, your schoolwork is a priority! I am sure we can all understand and appreciate this matter, and if you decide that your activities must be put on an indefinite hiatus, that is completely legitimate.

While it is sad to see that you do not enjoy running the quest very much anymore, you should know that even if you decide to stop it, you made a pretty great thing.

So uh, yeah. Keep being cool, no matter what.
No. 58608 ID: ce47da

go on, then. leave us. live a life without /quest/ for a while. and then realize how great we were for you. I know you'll be back. for we are the crack cocaine of the internet, which is the crack cocaine of all media, which is the crack cocaine of all forms of escapism.

I just wish I wasn't addicted to you.
No. 73108 ID: 0046c5

rottel please come back to questing we miss you ;~;
No. 73109 ID: 9ddf68

are we finding old threads now of old quest that never finished to see if they will be reborn like Obltus just was?
No. 73169 ID: 1e43fc

Rottel please D:
No. 73172 ID: 0046c5

Octary told me that bumping Rottel's thread might help.
No. 73184 ID: 51cecc
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If that is the case, then bumping the shit out of rottel's thread. Rottel, we love you. Gratify us with updates, which will in turn promote the celebration of your name.
No. 73198 ID: 2f4b71

Come back Rottel, we love you!
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