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141592 No. 141592 ID: 360d4d

Wiki: http://questden.org/wiki/History_Unmade
Part 0: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1079873.html

A Sci-Fi Mystery Quest about Ethics, Loss and Finding Oneself

The place for discussion and also feedback. Tell me what you like and what you dislike. Tell me about plot holes at your own peril. I might sneakily fix them and you'll never know.

I might also post additional art here, if I have any.
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No. 141595 ID: 273c18

I'm... not sure if I like being stuck in one room, but it feels quite like the plot requires it because of how cagey the other characters are(they won't even admit they stole our stuff!). You know, unless we came up with a plan to ambush someone at the door and escape. But I guess that's part of the ethics part of the quest.
No. 141597 ID: 2916f1

Hey thank you for the feedback. Honestly, the single-room thing is a decision I made early on to cut down on scene complexity and make the project more manageable. Didn't wanna burn myself out on this thing, so I constructed a mystery that can be investigated in a single, simple place, focusing more on character interactions. So at least for the early stages, the room is likely where we'll stay.

We'll see other places eventually, though.
No. 141685 ID: dd3fe0

Is some of the science stuff I'm suggesting okay, or is some of the hard sci fi stuff beyond the scope of the quest?
No. 141686 ID: 225d23

Good question. So far I think the questions have been pretty appropriate. I will say though that I'm not an expert on spaceflight and astrophysics and parts of the setting are by necessity gonna play a bit fast and loose with scientific fact.

Let's just handle it like this: feel free to ask the science questions but be prepared for me ignoring the ones I can't answer. I don't want to categorically ban any line of inquiry, because it is a mystery quest and asking questions is how the mystery is unveiled.
No. 141689 ID: dd3fe0


By Coriolis Effect, I'm thinking of this:


Note this is visually exaggerated for cinematic effect, the visual there is more for a 20m radius habitat at 0.3g. But pouring water from high up and watching carefully, or throwing a ball across the room and again, watching carefully, should be enough to show the effect if one is subject to rotational gravity rather than mass gravity.
No. 141695 ID: 120095

I did actually know that one haha. I just forgot to include it in the update. Mea culpa. I'll get it in the next one. Promise!
No. 141711 ID: 8f9bc4

Incidentally, the infamous Nazi rocket scientist Wernher von Braun was immediately hired by the USA after the war, because the USA just loves Nazis. He once proposed that the USA build an orbital weapons platform, to ensure world peace through raining down death on anyone who questions you. His fellow less Nazi scientists soundly rebuked this, and Wernher von Braun himself eventually admitted it wasn't feasible, because when you're on a weapons platform hurtling at high speeds in orbit around the planet, it's a lot harder to aim than if you just launch a rocket from the ground.

That being said, orbital death platforms are soooooo badass anyone would forgive someone who didn't try to realistically approach how hard it would be to maintain and operate it up in orbit in a vacuum. If I was a megalomaniacal time travelling mass murderer, I sure would build my missile silos in a remote location on the planet's surface, before launching them off to glass the Roman empire. But either way works, in a story.
No. 141716 ID: 273c18

>when you're on a weapons platform hurtling at high speeds in orbit around the planet, it's a lot harder to aim than if you just launch a rocket from the ground.
There are geosynchronous orbits though. The real issue is that it's really difficult to get missiles up to the weapons satellite, so your maximum offensive capability is limited. Also any bomb worth a damn is going to be extremely heavy which makes them extremely difficult to launch into orbit.
No. 141717 ID: dd3fe0


Well, if freaking TIME TRAVEL is on the table, than presumably various constraints like sufficient orbital lift capacity are trivial in comparison.

If you can swap various different timelines, but keep your relative position in space, it's possible that you just jump from a timeline with robust orbital lift infrastructure and space militarization, and take stuff from THAT timeline and place it in a different one as needed.
No. 141718 ID: 273c18

Huh? Oh, I didn't realize the question being asked was "how did the nuke carpet bombing even happen". That's easy, it wasn't done by a satellite. If you're loading a SPACESHIP up with a bunch of nukes then it's much easier because you can use a space station to assemble the weapons and load them onto the ship. Getting bomb parts into space is much easier than getting whole bombs into space!
No. 141722 ID: 815fee

Yeah orbital weapons platforms only really become feasible once moving stuff to space just to drop it again stops being prohibitively expensive. Consider: You don't even necessarily need bombs at that point. Find a suitably massive and durable material, make it aerodynamic and drop it from orbit.
Might not make holes like nukes can, but the upside is you don't have to put radioactive materials on a rocket, which would make me, personally, very very nervous.
No. 141730 ID: 0be7f9
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Size comparison of all the characters so far
No. 141757 ID: dd3fe0


It still needs a method of acceleration to get up to speed. That's still tricky. Just dumping it out isn't enough. There is extra engineering and energy expenditure involved to do the Rods from God thing.
No. 141758 ID: 273c18

Hmm yeah I'll agree with you there. Much more efficient to go find an asteroid on a near-miss trajectory and shove it into a direct impact trajectory.
No. 141764 ID: f99fa0
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Welp have to post this now because lulz.
No. 141766 ID: 273c18

That's cute and all but it's WH40k which has such a high tech level they can bombard an entire planet with 5 bombs. In addition, time for them is much more important since they're fighting a galaxy-wide scale battle and can travel through the warp for excessively FTL speeds. Also that fuel usage is vastly inflated, the paint cost is a joke, and no they don't actually need Tech Priests to look at a rock. Even in the context of WH40k the costs should be around 4 vs 2.9.

In the context of more plasuable physics... Take Chicxulub for example. A six mile wide asteroid that completely destroyed our planet's ecosystem and left an impact crater the size of a small country. You'd need a lot of God Rods for that. In addition, you kinda need to have space-fleet superiority in the system you're doing an orbital bombardment in, which means nothing there could stop an asteroid anyway.
As a side note, asteroids can be difficult to detect, which is useful if you want to try something sneaky.
No. 141821 ID: dd3fe0


Also, the number of starships AND spaceships under arms that 40k has is *absurdly low* for the size of the polities in question. They're big ships, to be certain, but there are NOT very many of them!
No. 141849 ID: dd3fe0

Hey Silicon, what did you think of my logic? =D
No. 141878 ID: 0be7f9

Uuuh sorry which suggestion exactly are you referring to?
No. 141880 ID: dd3fe0


The extended post of mine that was 'half a million dead', which inferred a bunch of stuff about the setting.
No. 141883 ID: dd3fe0

I mean, I don't really wanna trap you with hard sci fi / rationalist storytelling logic, lol. You can let me know if I'm laying it on too thick.
No. 141891 ID: 225d23

Oh, that one, right!
Definitely a very interesting read! I'll tell you right now that you're definitely going off a much more hard-sci-fi approach than I'm using, so that might lead you astray in solving the mystery.

But I do genuinely appreciate the amount of thought you put into it. I suppose it means the mystery is compelling!
No. 141892 ID: 225d23

Oh, that one, right!
Definitely a very interesting read! I'll tell you right now that you're definitely going off a much more hard-sci-fi approach than I'm using, so that might lead you astray in solving the mystery.

But I do genuinely appreciate the amount of thought you put into it. I suppose it means the mystery is compelling!
No. 141897 ID: dd3fe0


Well, that's kind of my thing. Does it at least inform some of the language or concerns that need to be addressed, and does it not limit or mess with you too much?

I mean even hard sci fi has a few allowances for unscientific stuff, as a concession to, 'yea, without this, no story would happen' sorts of things.
No. 141898 ID: 225d23

Well I think the best most honest way I can put this is: I threw the mystery together over a fairly short amount of time and while there is some wiggle room here and there, the basic shape of it is what it is and while the technical theorycrafting is very entertaining, you shouldn't expect the answers to adhere too close to scientific viability and rather trust the clues given in the quest.
Because my knowledge of astrophysics and whatnot is simply fairly limited and I cannot spare the time to do the sort of research a novelist might.
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