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File 126841634677.png - (296.27KB , 600x800 , razorbladeromance.png )
12428 No. 12428 ID: 889351

Okay, this thread will start with the complaints from the quest thread itself, oh well.
4 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 12435 ID: 87583b

Trolls trolling trolls.
No. 12436 ID: f68a75

You should walk into the road and kill yourself.

It'll fix all your problems

/quest/ is just going down hill fast and threads like this just prove it
No. 12438 ID: 632862

I think some people are missing the point here.

The quest centers around this very lame individual. We can fuck up his life if we want, or try to make him a better person. We're not supposed to roleplay as him or sympathize with him. It's supposed to be kindof meta.
No. 12439 ID: 051a02

So, we are...
So, this guy came to quest for advice. And we're the anons.
No. 12440 ID: f3abfa

This quest reminds of this one


It's in the same vein.
No. 12442 ID: 5a2e05

I find this hilarious and pledge my full life-ruining support. AntiRomanticar, here we come!
No. 12444 ID: 8ecfd4

Who is with me on making him run away to California where he will become a pornstar staring in bad gay porn and dominatrix rape fantasies?
No. 12445 ID: e9a4f7

No, no, come one he mentioned a sister who loves being tickled.

You must think inside the box.
No. 12446 ID: 8ecfd4

No she loves tickling him. She could become one of the dominatrixes that rapes him on film.
No. 12447 ID: e9a4f7


It never specified, he just said she thinks tickling is fun.
If there must be dominatrix is needs to be at home where the paretns can walk in causing all sorts of awkward situations. Don't you agree?
No. 12449 ID: 8ecfd4

But it would be so much more awkward if his dad or mom found out while surfing for porn. But it could start at home I guess.
No. 12457 ID: 286553

everryone got it worng. he is depressed and a emo, so to end his emoness we must help him to find his inner self and to express that.

with badassery acts.

lets turn him into Bart MK II
No. 12459 ID: fa7b85

bleh why not have him continue to humiliate himself.
No. 12463 ID: 717301

Hey, now, who hasn't wanted to abuse an emo kid? This could be fun.
No. 12485 ID: ab902d

Oh god i lol'd
No. 12490 ID: 0f8117

This quest is complete garbage. It's pretty much the first Romanticar without anything redeeming. And MORE incest? Goddammit, this is the worst thing on the board.
No. 12498 ID: f609ed

>Goddammit, this is the worst thing on the board.
Not even close.
No. 12503 ID: 7b0892


Yeah, you're right. This is the worst IMAGE quest on the boards. Hey Reaver, why not stop doing these terrible Romanticar rehashes and do a quest with a plot? Knights Blades and Mudy both need endings. Why not stop wasting our time with these pointless romance/incest quests?
No. 12504 ID: fa7b85

But not following a formula is hard.
And hell even if we all went DO X the nature of this "Quest" is that he can just go NO and it not technically being railroading.
No. 12505 ID: f98e0b

Hey Reaver maybe you should just get AIDS and write a book about it and tour the country and get it turned into a movie that gets several Oscar nods and then on your deathbed say something really really profound and become a pop culture icon and get a musical biopic based on you REAVER
Am I right
No. 12508 ID: e159be

woah and now i'm losing track of which thread is the quest and which is the discussion.
No. 12512 ID: 024a9e

This quest is the cancer.
No. 12523 ID: 37a583


This. Both this quest and Valley of Love showcase everything that's wrong with /quest/ recently. Valley of Love is pretty much just a furry's wet dream turned into a quest, (with a plot hastily added in near the end) while this new quest is unoriginal shit done in a previous quest. I think someone before me said it best: it's just a Romanticar redo. The main character could practically be named 58. To top it off, the thing is written in a style that makes me wanna kill myself. Quest minimized.

I mean, why not just finish a quest? Or maybe do one that's not the same old sex shit. Or a quest that doesn't devolve into sex shit, like Knights Blades did.
No. 12524 ID: 950529

I totally agree, TGchan should be a "no fun" zone, and there should be more rules limiting quest content. Bad authors should be banned, and the 'minimize thread' options should get removed.
I think every thread should have a vote-delete so it can be removed if it's not in TGchan's best interest.
No. 12525 ID: 52ee55


I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was a crime to have standards, or post your opinions. Also, I like Reaver's old quests. I just think these new ones are dumb, plotless and thoughtless.
No. 12526 ID: 12084d

This reminds me a lot of stock /tg/ in how the board was always better a year before, and people are perpetually claiming things are spiraling down the deep end because they don't approve of what seems to be popular at the time.
No. 12527 ID: 52ee55


Dude not even a year ago Reaver was giving us Mudy, and I think Mudy was 100x better than this crap, and if you disagree then I don't know what you've been smoking. It had a plot, for one. But you're right. Maybe I should just mindlessly approve of what's popular at the time. Peer pressure is kewl!
No. 12532 ID: 697b23

I don't get what the big deal is. If you don't want to read it, minimize it and the discussion thread too. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean others won't or can't.

This is in no way a defense of Reaver and his shitty quests, but it's getting a little ridiculous. Just hide his crappy threads and move on.
No. 12533 ID: 9e9b47


If there's a discussion thread, I don't see why people can't post their opinions of the quest. They're not posting it in the actual quest, so what's the big deal?
No. 12534 ID: 1ac39d

while i do not agree with your opinion of reaver's quests, i agree with your methods. have a good day sir.
No. 12536 ID: f3abfa
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No. 12538 ID: 717301

Hey guys, let's keep it civil.

You're free to share negative opinions in here; let's not start throwing insults around. Anybody who needs further explanation can tell me in IRC
No. 12541 ID: 40b5e4

Either cheer up or I'm going to use admin powers to cover this thread in kittens. Cover it.
No. 12556 ID: 23ba2a

Kittens you say? :3
No. 12557 ID: 632862

...how many IDs in this thread are completely new?
No. 12558 ID: f609ed

>Either cheer up or I'm going to use admin powers to cover this thread in kittens. Cover it.
Actually that sounds pretty cool to me

I know it's hard to tell when you have a dozen different IDs but most people just stick to one.
It probably helps that I'm not a mod here though.

>Maybe I should just mindlessly approve of what's popular at the time.
No, you're free to hate what you like. There are plenty of quests I find asinine or stupid or whatever. But I just choose not to read them, instead of going into the threads about those quests and shitting all over everything.
No. 12559 ID: 34470e

>There are plenty of quests I find asinine or stupid or whatever. But I just choose not to read them, instead of going into the threads about those quests and shitting all over everything.
I agree with this so hard.
No. 12560 ID: d86d2c

I, for one, would not mind if this quest perished in short order.
No. 12566 ID: 78bf89

>But I just choose not to read them
I guess the same reasoning could be applied to discussions threads.
Is that supposed to be an official staff announcement?
No. 12567 ID: 8e18cd


I doubt it. I do believe that, like captain slowpoke notded - discussions should be kept civil. And that's the only rule about the discussions here.

The staff shouldn't be sorting out which opinion is wrong and which is right, or telling people to shut up. That kills the discussion and doesn't make us look any better.

People should be able to express their like or dislike towards what the author is doing and they shouldn't be punished for it.
No. 12569 ID: f609ed

>People should be able to express their like or dislike towards what the author is doing and they shouldn't be punished for it.
I think you're painting with strokes too broad. This is not a black and white "everything or nothing" situation.
Commenting on a quest you care about by saying "this is going in a bad direction, here's how we can save it" or something like that is one thing. Constructive criticism, sure. But if all you have to say is "this is garbage" and "I hope this quest dies", what does that add? To the discussion? To the board?
It's like you just said: discussion should be civil. What's possibly civil about insults and statements like "shitty quest"?

I think people should be able to make criticisms, sure, but if every poster went to the thread of every quest they didn't like and just posted "This is absolute shit and I hope it dies" do you really think that makes this a better place?
No. 12570 ID: 890d4b

>It probably helps that I'm not a mod here though.
I guess that's right, considering you and Reaver were mods until you used your powers to oppress any opinions you didn't like and got demodded again
No. 12572 ID: 37ab54
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Well I'm bored and a little sleepy so I think I'll go ahead and post all my complaints. Which honestly aren't many. Just that he is not even a poser Emo.

First off: HUGE NECK in the first 2 kinda implies he has good posture. Poser emos slouch. Real Emos slouch till their head is between their knees

Second: Posters look more like goth stuff... wait that is a poser emo thing my bad that's fine.

Third: iphone and anything else static needs approximately 80 bajillion stickers of all his favorite products, bands, and more things implying he cuts himself and hates life.


Fifth: Talks way too much like a retarded valley girl. The gayest acting gay guy I have ever met didn't end that many sentences in question marks. cut back on em so they aren't 2:1 to periods and you should be fine.

Sixth, more of an art thing: iPhone blur shouldn't compose the whole picture. at least a little bit should be in focus. Could've gotten away with it if her thumb was in the way.

Anyways I kinda like this one even if I know it won't have an ending. Besides the short return to POINTY FACE in the OP it's a real nice increase in quality. I also love the semi-trolling ironic humor. Keep it up Reaver.
No. 12573 ID: 889351
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Only one personal insult so far, deleted, so no need for emergency kittens. Thanks for keeping it about the quest, and thanks to those that are avoiding hyperbole.
No. 12574 ID: 37ab54
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this thread is now about adorable kittens
No. 12575 ID: 758ff3
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Still having sleepless nights about me, Weaver?
No. 12576 ID: f609ed
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>I guess that's right, considering you and Reaver were mods until you used your powers to oppress any opinions you didn't like and got demodded again
I was never at any point a mod on any board on tgchan. You were misinformed.

No. 12595 ID: f98e0b
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><Numbers>Believe it or not
><Numbers>People were overreacting about your post as well
><Numbers>Some actually found it offensive
><Brom>wait what

Just to clarify:
No one thought this post was actually angry and serious, right?
Because if you did you are a silly goose.
No. 12608 ID: 445c48

Yes. I approve of this.
No. 12616 ID: 2ecd97
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Pocket kitten agrees.
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