Green Castle Harmony
You: My...My deal ?
Fiddler Imp: Yeah, Ya deal! What are ya all about ? If gonna be workin' wit ya I need ta know what i'm dealin' wit ya dig ?
You: Oh! Makes sense. Well, I'm on a mission to try and reset the world.
Fiddler Imp: Oh dat ol' song and dance huh ? Plenty of people got da idea ta try an' fix dis mess, what makes you think you can do any betta wise guy ?
You: I honestly am not sure, but I feel like I made a lot of progress and I can't screw up or quit now.
Fiddler Imp: Alright, dat's respectable. Well den you keep on wit it. You know da drill, play the song, summon me, I help ya howeva I can. When ya fightin' I can't do any real damage, but I'll make it real hard for ya enemies to fight ya.
You: What do you mean ?
Fiddler Imp: Heh Trust me, you'll see.
Fiddler Imp: Now I gotta go, I gotta uhhh...gotta lot to process right now.
Fiddler Imp blinks out of existence back into the void, guess he can send him self back at will. Are all Aberrant Summons this smart ? Maybe if you get another you'll see. Right now you'd better get back to Bridgette's