Coconut Blossom
Billions? That's an exaggeration. Besides, even if a story ending- or not being finished- can be compared to everything in it dying, you have to also take into account that the world didn't exist at ALL before the story started. If there is life, there must also be death. Be glad we are creating worlds at all. The reason for their stories ending might be kinda shallow, but so was the reason for them being made. Plus, it's not like the characters suffer when the story ends. It just ends.
Wrath, even if you somehow managed to escape the story and put an end to the creative aspirations of every writer in our reality, you wouldn't be saving anyone. You would merely be preventing the birth of new worlds. Doesn't matter anyway though, because what you're attempting is COMPLETELY 100% IMPOSSIBLE. You're just an annoying villain in a sprite-based quest on the internet. You can't exist outside the author's head.
Plus, let me tell you a few things about our world. We've got war, famine, corruption, poverty, and pollution so bad it's slowly overheating the atmosphere and will most likely cause the collapse of the global ecosystem. There are no Lizards or Dwarves, and our civilization is founded on pure technology without any magic. Our tech is based off of the intimate knowledge we have about how the world works- electricity drives our machines, and we create new materials and tools via careful manipulation of chemical and physical reactions. More importantly, there is no evidence that any of us have souls. Personally, I believe we're all organic robots- our actions are based entirely on our memories and the physical attributes of our brains. Our emotions are just chemicals sloshing around in our skulls, our love is just an instinctual aide for reproduction, and when we die, we simply die. Religion is a comforting farce created by our brains' need for something to keep us going in spite of the fear of death.
Life in your world has more meaning than in ours, despite it being not "real". Your actions are objectively evil, you stupid machine.
Liz, it sounds like Serge is outside fate, somehow. Since we're up to our ears in meta, maybe he's an author insert? Does the paper include your actions, Liz? What about Serge's troops? Regardless, if he's the only person who can act outside the author's script (and that's what you've got there- it's the script), then he's the only person who can stop this.
Kev, you should try to keep Serge alive, probably.