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474847 No. 474847 ID: 056536

You’re a bandit.

No that’s entirely wrong. You’re the best bandit.

Daring raids and robberies? Done. Heroic rescues? Sure! Adventuresome shenanigans? Yes.

Has there ever been anyone better?

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No. 476482 ID: 14a1d0

Those are the eyes of a woman that longs for the touch of a man. Casually mount her and kind of wiggle it up in there, dude. She totally wants you to.
No. 476492 ID: 4a20fa

>Why me? What do you want?
She was the first one that came along, and you want bragging rights about banging a bear in front of your mates.

You're basically a terrible person.
No. 476501 ID: 8d1cdb

Say that you're unimpressed by women of other species (basically true, it's the reason you're here in the first place). You came to see if the accounts of her majestic beauty or whatever were accurate, and they turned out to be far more so than you expected (also basically true). Now all others pale in comparison (true in size if nothing else) and you must win her love for your own.

Or something like that.
No. 476505 ID: f2c20c

Whatever you say, be a gentleman and a charmer. I do think we should be straight with her though, don't beat around the bush. Mention passion somehow, and wishing to serve her in that capacity. Oh, we could play off what we said earlier about improving her evening.

If she refuses, apologize for wasting her time with a foolish fox's foolish desires, and leave her the other bladder of honey.
No. 476512 ID: 24d1d9
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You basically can’t screw this up at this point, right?

All you have to do is tell her!

:crcljashbiretheye: “An elegant but lonely lady like yourself? I am unimpressed by other species, especially now upon seeing you! I must steal your love now, for myself. The greatest theft, the most treasured treasure.”

:crclmajorie: “And how will you do that?”

:crcljashbiretheye: “Uhm. Sexually?”

:crclmajorie: “I have to attend to my fish-catch.”

:crcljashbiretheye: “Yeah.”

:crclmajorie: “Try to steal from me again sometime, bandit. You’re amusing.”

She turns into her den and disappears into the passage.


:crclpocketafter: “You’re the best bandit ever.”
No. 476513 ID: 24d1d9
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The walk home would be a long and sad one if you actually had a specific place you called home.

Instead you wander off into the forest a little distance, find a spot of earth that’s dry, and settle down.

You have the mice unbuckle your war-saddle and you slip out of it. It’s the first time it’s been off all day, and the fur on your back feels flattened and damp. There’s still a phantom-weight pressing down against your shoulders and spine. It’s always a weird feeling.

You push some long-dead leaves and dirt together and curl up in under the root of a tree and reflect on how things went.

You got to see two wolves banging. You kind of seduced that librarian? Pocket got, like, five ferrets at once. You’re pretty sure that cat came on to you. The bear actually wants to see you some more, maybe? She basically told you to visit her again! That’s good enough, right?

Also you may have burned down the wolf manor. You harassed a crow! You solved the mystery of the cat’s secret worship cult! And then you blackmailed her over it! And if nothing else, the bear’s night was way more eventful!

You didn’t get laid, but this was a decent adventure!

But you didn’t get laid.

Everyone else did.

You’re… really kind of too turned on from all of this to just go to sleep or something.

A: Beg Pocket to have sex with you.
B: Ask Pocket to have sex with you.
C: Force Pocket to have sex with you.
No. 476514 ID: 5dad26

C. When you're feelin' horny and a weasel's in your tote, just whip out your cock and fuck that stoat.
No. 476515 ID: ec6d4c

...anything but C.

Ask, beg, whatever it takes, but you're too guilty to force anything again.
No. 476517 ID: a68605

B, remember you are a gentelman..fox..bandit...
No. 476518 ID: 5d98c3

No. 476519 ID: ff94c7

Mix up of A and B, ask the gal if she can help you relieve what you have pent up. After the ferrets...she might need to be begged a little.
No. 476522 ID: 98c372

asking or begging is the same as forcing when you know someone's soul name. do none of the above.
No. 476524 ID: f453e3

Pocket didn't seem to mind the whole thing too much in the end, so B seems like a safe bet.
No. 476525 ID: 5e4719

B, then C if it fails.
No. 476527 ID: 5d410e

Definitely not C. Going to second >>476519
No. 476528 ID: c31f72

D! You have a mouth and foxes are flexible, take care of your needs yourself!
No. 476529 ID: ff94c7


D sounds like a plan.
No. 476530 ID: 62496e

Best idea.
No. 476531 ID: e3f578

No. 476532 ID: 67e8b2

E: Cry.

I think Pocket's had enough fun already.
No. 476533 ID: b7169d

No. 476534 ID: c460ad

NOT C! Try B.
No. 476535 ID: 68bbc5

Mixture of D and E. :}
No. 476536 ID: 14a1d0

C. Put yourself at ease-l and cum on that weasel
No. 476537 ID: d3f29d


Wait, what?
No. 476538 ID: bb79d6

A then E then D and then some more E.
No. 476540 ID: ecfcdc

Well, tomorrow you can work on the other two initial goals of getting shinier gear (from the raccoon quartermaster) and perhaps getting that crow to join your retinue. And future visits with the bear will probably yield fruit, as might future visits with that Librarian wolf.

But for now, tell Pocket to have sex with you. If she just took five ferrets at once she's probably not "too small for the full deal" any more.
No. 476542 ID: f2c20c

Go with B.
No. 476543 ID: bbee3d

B. Leave the choice up to her - she's had a tough time today already.

And don't be too disappointed. Sure, everyone else might have had sex today, but you've gotten a head start on possibly three different future partners! Your patience is sure to pay off.
No. 476544 ID: a68605

yeah, youve made in's with that bear, and theres a cute little nerd wolf just waiting for a wooing, chalk this day up as a success!
No. 476547 ID: 9bd27f


It'll cheer her up a bit, maybe. Probably.
No. 476549 ID: eba9b6

No. 476551 ID: 1e72ae

D. (or B)
No. 476553 ID: 6cc859

And there's always D in the meantime.

Tomorrow you can go see that cat. She was totally into you.
No. 476563 ID: f655e8

Something other than A, B, or C.
She's still bloody, ffs!
No. 476565 ID: 4a328b

C just because.
No. 476594 ID: 522afb

No. 476599 ID: a5478c

No. 476618 ID: a19c8f

D. No one knows you better than yourself!
No. 476672 ID: 153df0
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D, suck yourself off!

Pocket’s been through enough. You’re just gonna… suck it up and suck yourself… off…

No, let’s not kid yourself here. You’re too horny. Letting it go that easy was never an option.

B, ask Pocket for sex!

:crcljashbiretheye: “Hey, Pocket.”

:crclpocketafter: “Yep.”

:crcljashbiretheye: “Do you wanna, uhm.”

:crclpocketafter: “I mean I guess I can uhm. Uhm uhm uhm.”

:crcljashbiretheye: “Sex.”

:crclpocketafter: “You’re asking me for sex.”

:crcljashbiretheye: “Uh, yeah.”

:crclpocketafter: “You’re not just gonna flop down on top of me and start grinding away?”

:crcljashbiretheye: “Well, you’ve already been through a lot…”

:crclpocketafter: “And you’re not going to beg me either or anything your plan is to just be like hey can you lick my dong.”

:crcljashbiretheye: “Uhm…”

:crclpocketafter: “You just like. Think I’m going to hop on your belly and get to work because you asked and I mean not even asking nicely just asking.”

:crcljashbiretheye: “But—”

:crclpocketafter: “You’re pathetic. Get on your back.”

You roll over onto your back. Pocket climbs up onto your chest, her body this limp weight pressing down on four little points. She tickles your belly as she shuffles down to it.

:crcljashbiretheye: “Are you actually going to—oh!”

Yeah, she’s going to. You can feel her little paws and mouth going to work on your business end. It feels okay. It isn’t penetration, though, like. You haven’t actually ever had penetrative sex. It’s mostly just been fooling around with Pocket, and you think you got drunk one time and did some stuff with all your mice.

Maybe you’re on the right track to fixing that though. You try to fantasize about that antsy wolf librarian who you totally put the moves on. Or the bear! She wants to see you again. Maybe even the cat? Can you fit it in a cat?

You barely notice your own orgasm, and Pocket slips off of you as soon as it happens, dripping with your spunk.

:crclpocketafter: “I’m gonna find something to eat I’ll back later try to get some sleep.”
No. 476674 ID: 153df0
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You drift off to sleep, recounting the events of the day.

Animal Relations:

:crclcrow: Unwelcoming

:crclflutterwolf: Familiar

:crcltradeferret: Familiar

:crclcratercat: Friendly

:crclmajorie: Friendly

Settlement Relations

Tangled-Ivy Manor: Neutral

Bumblebee Lane: Friendly

Things Achieved

Recruited a mouse!

Set a huge fire!

Caught a crow!

Sold your best friend sexually!

Took a rock to the face!

Blackmailed a cat!

Almost seduced a bear!

Final Ranking

Best Bandit

See you next adventure!
No. 476685 ID: f2c20c

Pocket is just SO UNIMPRESSED.
No. 476696 ID: 2f684c

So... our relation to our friends/subordinates/whatever they call themselves is unimportant?
No. 476697 ID: 0f60d7

It's probably safe to say they're in for the long haul. Pocket can't leave because Jashbireth knows her soul name, for instance. I have no idea why knowing her soul name means she can't really escape Jashbireth, but that's pretty much the case.
No. 476698 ID: ec6d4c

...our best friend has a lower opinion of us than people we blatantly and transparently flirted with. I wouldn't be surprised if her perception of us actually went down.
No. 476703 ID: c264df

The word you are looking for is "equipment"
No. 476705 ID: f2c20c

I think we've been thinking of her the wrong way. She likes effective and tricky plans and being in on the planning of them, not being treated especially nicely. She would've thought better of us if we had gone for the beg or force options because they were more likely to actually work. Alternatively you could look at it as begging being more manipulative and forcing being more assertive, both good qualities in a bandit. Just lamely asking is not proper behavior for the best bandit and I admit that was a mistake.

We shouldn't be so worried about other peoples' feelings, and be more worried about our own goals! BE SELFISH.
No. 476708 ID: b7169d


Seems about right, her thing about the ferrets was like "It worked" and the sex was pretty much how Ferrets have sex, not like it was off for her.
No. 476753 ID: ecfcdc

Conclusion: Pocket is basically like Sil from Rance in that we should treat her as a (primarily sexual) resource, and she'll like that.
No. 476795 ID: 39ca4c

Good quest.
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