Prince Diamond Drifter
I head over to where she's standing, at least to look her in the eyes. Can't really see far in with all the smoke coming out, but I can tell it's warm where she is.
"It's not over yet, Whiskers. I'll pass on the recordings. I want to know where the nanoband is, but I'm not gonna remove it yet. Once this is all over, I may still come chase you. If I do kick the bucket, though, I still hope you'll drop off the recording for Zozu."
"I'll see I do, but don't think of me as reliable!"
"I don't suppose you could give us information that'll help me and my friends out? Maybe know stuff about forging identities or faking deaths?"
"Like I say, I'm not reliable! I'm not in the market for direct help. That said... Itcher, I'm damn good, but I'm not perfect. I threw in a load of stuff in that cargo van and sent it off expecting it to get lost at some point. There's more in there than just gold, and I'm just not sure how I feel about Zozu getting some of that stuff. I rolled the dice hoping it wouldn't land zozu side up. You guys are powerful enough already. That's not to say I'm going to steal it back, but... well, look at me, thinking to myself. Here, I'm going to give you some motivation to get out of this alive. Both of you."
She gives me a Cat Pin. I didn't even need to ask, she at least knows me somewhat well. Not that that's a difficult thing to learn about me.
"Thank you, by the way, for the way you gave us leads. It's been a good week."
"Quite welcome. The nanoband is in two places. Where a mustache would grow, and the back of your head, just at the farthest point back. No special locations. If you're going to chase me but not accept my invitations, Itcher, then I'm going to run. You'll have to take off that nanoband when you do."
I lean in to bend down where I'm pretty sure she's on some kind of elevator.
"I'd say goodbye, but I'll be watching till you take off your fur."
"Yeah. See ya."