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465765 No. 465765 ID: 09a2fd

Rina isn't feeling too good. It started as a pretty fun night, and she hated to just walk off on the commotion. It was her best friend's graduation after all. It also wouldn't look too good on her since she's the one that made the effort to reach out to everyone to join the celebration in the first place.

Rasha enters the room.

"Rina?" he says. Rina turns her head at him, offering a fake smile. "Are you alright?" Rina just nods. "Girl, the party's out there! C'mon. We're just getting started here." Rina just scratches the back of her neck.

"I'll be out in a minute," Rina replies.

"What are you doing in here anyway?" Rasha questions. Rina sighs. She doesn't really like it when Rasha gets nosy, but then again, Rina does not really know what she's doing in the storage room of all places. "You sure you're alright?" Rasha asks.
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No. 487155 ID: 57a559

Ask Glade to talk. To say anything. I want to know how far this amnesia goes.
I find that a little weird, considering she remembered you in the orb space. It's weird because you carried all the knowledge you had on you into the orb. And then she's missing it all over again in the real world.
No. 487186 ID: c6319f

A pregnancy test wont give you a result soon enough for a morning after pill to function. Detecting pregnancy is impossible before a fertilized egg has implanted on the uterine lining and even then hormone levels take weeks to build to conclusive levels. Morning after pills function by preventing implantation, they are a form of contraceptive and prevent pregnancy from occurring. Measures taken after implantation would be considered abortion. Just get the damn pill so you don't have to worry about it or take chances.
No. 487350 ID: 25e59d
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> A pregnancy test wont give you a result soon enough for a morning after pill to function.

Right. Rina's never had to deal with this before since taking the pill coupled with Rasha always using protection. It would probably be best to get her hands on one of those morning after pills.

> Ask Glade to talk. To say anything.

Glade eyes Rina and seems to blush. She scoots behind Rasha timidly. Rina is speechless for a moment.

"Glade? Do you remember me?" she doesn't respond.

"Yeah...they may have missed something, I think. They do want to see her again though. They may hook her up with a therapist too."
No. 487409 ID: 57a559

That's going to be nasty on the bills. Goddamn, none of us have any real health insurance, do we? Your parents can help with yours, and maybe Rasha's if they don't help out, but Glade's going to have the biggest bill of you all and she doesn't have any resources to cover this, we don't even know if she can function at all in a job, and health insurance plans don't cover friends. Now if you could get married, like, maybe. Depends on the state your in.
Okay, that's all I can think of to worry about right now. Maybe you should get yourself checked out now.
No. 487662 ID: 25e59d
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> Your parents can help with yours, and maybe Rasha's if they don't help out, but Glade's going to have the biggest bill of you all and she doesn't have any resources to cover this, we don't even know if she can function at all in a job, and health insurance plans don't cover friends.

Rina's parents would definitely be able to help with her bill. Rasha and Glade would be able to take care of themselves, especially Glade, since her relatives are actually quite wealthy.

"I'll be back, guys. I need to speak to a doctor." Rina gets up and leads herself to a pharmacy where she asks for a morning-after pill. The process is fairly simple and she acquires it with no hassle. She also makes an appointment to see if she has contracted any sort of disease.

As she heads back to the lobby, she sees that Leon has finished talking to Dad. He looks excited and beams when he eyes Rina. Rina smiles, expecting good news.

"Rina, he'll do it! He'll help me out! He even wants me to live with him!"
No. 487680 ID: 91c1b3

Nice, hopefully he can keep his life on track this time.
No. 487689 ID: fd3a92

No. 487712 ID: 66ff59

you had to say it, didn't you. you just had to say it.
No. 487719 ID: 25e59d
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Rina gives Leon a big hug.

"That's great, Leon," she says.

"I can't believe it. After how disrespectful I've been!"

"I let him know you were willing, and I believe in you."

"Thank you so much, Rina." With that, the gang rounds up and takes their leave. Rina eyes another television propped up against a ceiling corner as they make their way to the exit.

"...grisly murders have followed in merely a day. The victims included nurse Janice Carson, who had been previously accused of unauthorized euthanasia toward a sanitarium patient, Chief of Locust Grove police Mr. Jay Briar, and lastly, a professor of the University of Vinefield, Mr. David Farrow. Police forces have speculated a cult may be the doing of these murders, and although the cult itself hasn't been found, police have uncovered a village nestled deep in Locust Grove forestlands where injured officer Jack Miles was recovered as well as several young adults. Thanks to Officer Miles's testimonies, the police have revealed a plethora of information related to the cult and its practices."
No. 487721 ID: 25e59d
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A couple months pass and life seems to have taken a turn for the better. Leon caught his flight a couple weeks ago. He'll be attending a college over where Dad lives, so he will be able to stay close to his parents. It may have been the separation that caused him to take the bad turn in his life.

Glade is back at her home doing well. She is slowly but surely beginning to remember things again, and as Rina expected, her relatives were nice enough to handle her bills. Now that Glade graduated, she is trying to pursue a career as a hair stylist/groomer.

Rasha has become a lot more social, making new friends and gradually losing his intense dependency on Rina.

Miles is recovering steadily and successfully persuaded the force to believe Rina and her friends were not the cause of the murders and instead helped to stop the cultists from their plans.

Rina herself is trying to get back to her normal life, catching up with school work and maintaining her job as a waitress. She has also been diagnosed as being clean of any diseases following her doctor appointment.

Today is her day off and she's trying to remember a task she had been putting off for this day...
No. 487737 ID: 78c6ea


Disbelieve the True Illusion
No. 487753 ID: 57a559

Sadie Hawkin's style propose to Rasha?
No. 487816 ID: 25e59d
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> Sadie Hawkin's style propose to Rasha?

No, that's not it. At least, not yet.

Rina goes to the kitchen, hoping something will come to mind as she randomly looks about.

"Ugghh...what was it??"
No. 487817 ID: 695191

Check out the notes on the fridge, maybe one of them is related.
No. 487831 ID: c7b3ee

You forgot to aggressively shag Rasha's hot rabbit body before getting up.
No. 487834 ID: 91c1b3

Of course, the microwave!
No. 487886 ID: e6888a

Jeez girl, you sure are fit.
No. 487907 ID: a5478c

someone's birthday, perhaps?
No. 488271 ID: 25e59d
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Rina plucks one of the sticky notes from the fridge.

"Ah, groceries!" Rina says, snapping her finger.

"Groceries?" Rasha emerges from the corner behind Rina. "You goin' now?"

"Well, after breakfast," Rina replies with a smile.

"I might as well go too. How about I drive?"

"Fine with me. I'll whip up something awesome for us both in the meantime," Rina states with a wink.
No. 488272 ID: 25e59d
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"Oh, right. I got something in the mail today. Thought you might be interested in it since I know you like outdoors activities," says Rasha.
No. 488273 ID: 25e59d
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No. 488278 ID: 78c6ea

Time to kill Rasha
No. 488325 ID: 66ff59

sounds like fun! what could possibly go wrong!?
No. 488338 ID: c6319f

No. 488342 ID: 37aa84

Laugh, give him a playful swat and tell him he's an asshole.
No. 488343 ID: 57a559

You really should just go
I mean, what if there really is another god you have to deal with? THe solution here simply is to just get the box filled with the cult artifact, run away and throw it into the fucking ocean. Surround it with fucking chains and lock that shit.

Then again, the cult artifact might be the god of pleasure and happiness for all we know and actually want to help mankind, so... I guess we open the box and solve all the problems again if there is any. Do you have any other friends with personal problems that can be fixed like Rasha and Leon's were? Maybe some of Rasha's friends he hangs out with? Shit son, go down to a rehab clinic, get a crack addict out to do this shit with you and watch what happens. And this time, NOT trust any convicted criminals that may or may not be in the same clinic.
No. 488360 ID: 25e59d
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Rina playfully jabs Rasha on the arm.

"You asshole!" she shouts. They both laugh.
No. 488361 ID: 25e59d
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No. 488366 ID: 134793

Cool. Moth's got our back.

I think everything's alright. Really. We can unclench our buttholes here.
No. 488369 ID: 62496e

Was this supposed to be animated, or are you just fucking with us?
No. 488537 ID: 25e59d
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"Whoa!" Rasha hits the brakes.

"What? What??"

"Don't you see him? Over there." Rina eventually does catch the figure standing behind the hills. It's Moth. "Uh...what should we do?"
No. 488542 ID: 91c1b3

Wait for a second. If he doesn't come closer, wave. (thanks/goodbye wave)
No. 488556 ID: 908c2d

Get out of the car and see what's up, obviously.
No. 488563 ID: 57a559

You should buy him a beer. Or two. He doesn't have to just stare all the time. Come on, bro, let's chill, drink beer and play video games or watch anthro Nic Cage movies.
Or ask him if this poster is actually another one of those geocaching trips and we should team up again.
No. 488584 ID: 25e59d
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Rina starts to exit the car until Rasha grabs her arm.


"What? Rasha, he's a friend!"

"Okay, yeah. Sorry. It's just...be careful, okay?" Rasha says. Rina gently pulls her arm away.

"It'll be alright," she says assuringly. Rina walks up to the Moth. They look at each other for a few moments.

"Hey," Rina greets him.
No. 488585 ID: 25e59d
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The Moth unfurls his wing a bit and reveals something.
No. 488596 ID: 62496e

What's in the bag?
No. 488598 ID: c7b3ee

He wants to marry you.
I'd tap that.
Well it looks like your old knapsack. But inspect with a sense of caution and dread because you might find a head or something.
No. 488600 ID: 91c1b3

Oh cool, your bag. I thought we lost that forever ago. Check to see if he put anything else in it.
No. 488613 ID: 57a559

Cool, a kindness.
I am totally serious about the beer.
No. 488672 ID: 0b7fa2

Ying, take dat bag and hug the dude.
No. 488806 ID: 25e59d
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"Wow, thank you! I thought that was lost forever!" Rina takes the bag and starts rummaging through it, finding most of her items she had at the village.

There's also...
No. 488807 ID: 25e59d
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"Oh," Rina opens the small box. The wedding ring still sits comfortably inside it. It wouldn't hurt to use it...would it? Rina thinks it would be disrespectful, though, even though Janice and her fiance have passed.
No. 488838 ID: 57a559

I don't think you should, this item meant something special between two people that you never knew. You could probably try burying it. It wouldn't match the symbology between you and Rasha unless you guys got your rings yourselves or it was passed down through GENERATIONS.

Yuck, okay, maybe instead of burying it we should find next of kin. So that can get passed down for generations. Janice or her husband (most probably her husband, not everyone wears the pants in a relationship like you Rina, and Janice didn't seem the type) might have been the oldest kids in their recent generation. It might be best to give it to Miles since Janice's fiance was a cop and probably knew them, or the one cop survivor that was at the totaled office.
No. 489062 ID: 25e59d
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> I don't think you should, this item meant something special between two people that you never knew.

Right. Using the ring as her own would surely be disrespectful toward them. She'll take a trip to Locust Grove to give it to Miles sometime. She looks up at Moth and nods.

"Thanks again." She turns and walks back to the car. She looks back at Moth one last time.
No. 489063 ID: 25e59d
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Goodbye, Rina.
No. 489065 ID: 25e59d
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You have a long life ahead of you. You will face more hardships, but with the strength you've gained from this experience, you will conquer them all. I must return to my duties elsewhere. Farewell.
No. 489066 ID: 25e59d
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No. 489109 ID: c7b3ee

goodbye rina foxhart. :(
No. 489129 ID: 0b7fa2

Yaaaaaaay. *clap clap clap clap clap clap*
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