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454147 No. 454147 ID: 3d6661

It's three o'clock in the morning when I get the phonecall.

Great. It's time for work.
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No. 456577 ID: 1987d1

...we could try just operating the keypad first. We've already seen these guys are idiots with passwords. Try the idiot combinations. 1111, 1234, etc.
No. 456636 ID: b8ac38
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I instruct Omi to look at the terminal next to the portal while I inspect Mircea's fancy rapier.

It looks like a normal rapier, but when I twist the handle like he did, the whine begins again. It sounds like a dentist's drill, but quieter. This is the disruptive function of the weapon, which makes it so effective. I don't really understand the science, but if I'm not mistaken, the blade emits this field that fucks up the molecules of what enters it, so that when it touches a solid object, it's a bit like you are cutting through a liquid. Of course, the field is microscopically small, so the sword doesn't just 'melt' whatever comes near to it, and so the cut doesn't close up behind the blade. I've never used anything like it before, but that's what I'm told.

>"Hey Kali, there's no password!"

"Are you kidding me?"

>"No, I'm serious! It had a logon prompt, but when you press 'cancel,' it skips the password screen and logs onto an administrator account."

I walk over to where Omi is standing and look over his shoulder.

>"This big machine is some kind of archive or repository. It's got documents, and most of the projects are stored in it. This terminal lets me access them. The files, like the electronic plans and stuff, can be downloaded from this terminal onto a portable drive as well. The actual hardware is kept in 'bays' in this massive wheel. I assume that portal there is how you access them."

"Omi, we're looking for a power unit. I don't know any special name for it, or ID number or something."

>"That's alright. There's only one entry under 'power unit' anyway. This should bring it up."

The giant wheel begins turning. It is smooth and completely silent. When it stops, there is the sound of motors, and something moves down to behind the portal door.

>"It wants a password to open the door."

"I have a key."
No. 456639 ID: 6e44d2

No. 456642 ID: 1987d1

...man, electronic security here really sucks. Is this some kind of trap?

If either of you have a portable drive on you, you should really copy the plans. And destroy the originals, of course.
No. 456650 ID: f2c20c

Go on...
No. 456665 ID: b8ac38
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I finish cutting through the portal.

There's a small container in there. When I undo the latch, there is a briefcase embedded in some foam.

I take out the briefcase. Inside it is the battery we've been chasing. Finally, it's ours.

>If either of you have a portable drive on you, you should really copy the plans. And destroy the originals, of course.

Oh yeah. I throw my portable drive to Omi.

"Copy the plans onto this, and delete the originals, please."

When he's done, Omi returns the drive to me. Great. We have fulfilled our mission. I call Efrence.

"Hey, we've got your magic battery. Send someone to grab us, and we will be there in a few minutes."


Oh uh... Shit, what do I tell him? Would he want to know Omi was in on this?
No. 456669 ID: 1987d1

Well, trying to lie or cover up now would just come off bad. Might as well be honest- Omi's tendency to show up on your missions has to be in your case file. I doubt your employer will be happy to have another person in the loop, but oh well. They're getting what they paid for, and they should be used to trusting mercs to confidentiality agreements.

Besides, you can't leave him here.
No. 456677 ID: 4a328b

"Oui oui, we. Where should I expect to be picked up?"
No. 456694 ID: 6e44d2

Yes, we. I decided that I'd bring extra resources. You don't care how I do it as long as it gets done, yes?
No. 456699 ID: 6a1ec2
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Battery is disappointed in you, Kali.
No. 456703 ID: 2f4b71

"Two. Don't be late."
No. 456708 ID: f2c20c

Well, how is Omi going to get out otherwise? If Omi can get out on his own, we COULD just say "Yeah, me and the battery."

Just look meaningfully at him- he should either nod or shake his head.
No. 456720 ID: d0772d
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I try to look meaningfully at Omi.

He looks behind himself and then looks really confused.

"Yeah, I acquired some assistance, who also requires extraction."

>"Kali, you are not to bring civilians into our operations."

"Chill out, dude. He's one of yours, too."

>"Whatever. Be on the rooftop soon."

We'd better get moving. I don't know what floor this is - I assume it's a basement - but we have to get to the roof. There is probably more fighting yet to come, and my assault rifle is fucked.
No. 456723 ID: f2c20c

Just use your pistol. You'll be carrying the briefcase anyway.
No. 456734 ID: 678d01

Or grab one of the SMGs. Check the suitcase for bugs and tracking devices.
No. 456743 ID: b0d1a8

tape the 2 smgs together that way you get double the firepower in one hand.
No. 456780 ID: 61e7f9

Stairwell. Screw the elevator. How tall is this building?
No. 456788 ID: e3f578

Warn Omi that if he wasn't actually hired like he said he was, that will be bad for his reputation as a mercenary. And even if he was, it really sounds like it was on the down low, and the extraction team may shoot him out of suspicion, either by them themselves or their superiors their informing over radio which probably also aren't aware of Omi's presence. There might actually be infighting between some superiors over this secrecy or he's been used in some foolish plot or something.

Tell Omi that he should really research and think about what his employer's are asking him to do next time, if they ask you to do something potentially stupid, which may not even concern the mission itself but instead things like causing infighting inside a business like I said earlier. Secrecy can be pretty great, but it can be pretty stupid too, specially with the stupid, scheming white collars you work for. You're not lecturing him or mommying him at all, you're just giving him a pointer. Employers can be really dumb sometimes. Don't do everything they say without sufficient capital to back that up, and charge higher for how stupid the actions are if you're going to do them anyway.
No. 456793 ID: 26a7c1

No. 456835 ID: 061a93

Paranoid Anon? d3894b deserves that name more than you, sir!
No. 456843 ID: 0006f5

stairs, and are we equipped for scaling the exterior ? also smg's are fun, they are like smaller mg's; not really but its better than a broken assault rifle
No. 456875 ID: 6e44d2

Who's d3894b? Ctrl + f couldn't find him.
No. 456900 ID: 5118df

Funny. Seeing how that's actually me.

No. 456955 ID: 7644aa
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We go back up the laboratory elevator. It doesn't have all the floors, so we just go back to where I was prior to encountering Omi.

There is still a gaping hole in the floor, unsurprisingly. I could go down that, and I would arrive back on level two, from where I could use the stairs of the building.

Or I could see if this elevator takes us up to the level 9 laboratory, but I don't know how to get to the roof from there - the labs seem to be somewhat different to the other floors.

I still have two remote charges with which to create entryways and otherwise radically redecorate this building.
No. 456958 ID: 0006f5

go down and use the stairs
No. 456960 ID: 1987d1

Yeah, elevators are just death traps.
No. 456961 ID: f2c20c

They will probably have guards posted down at that entrance to the stairs. Instead, let's blast through a wall to find some stairs on this level.
No. 456986 ID: 26a7c1

I'm tempted to use the detpacks to just blow a hole in the roof... but I get the feeling we'll need them later.

Take the stairs.
No. 457162 ID: b8f5a8
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Me and Omi hop down the hole in the floor and crawl back to where the access hatch was. When we drop down at the second floor, some guards run around the corner.

>"Hey, it's you again!"

I decide to have a go at using Mircea's sword. One guy points a pistol at me, so I swing the sword at his hand. It comes off so easily, it's pretty amazing. Blood sprays from the wound and the guard stumbles back. He grabs the stump of his arm and howls in pain. His partner drops his gun and scrambles, but runs into a glass door. He falls over before half getting to his feet and bumbling off in a different direction.
No. 457163 ID: b8f5a8
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When I get into the stairwell, I see a bunch of white helmets peek over the railings of the flights above. If you've got a good way of taking them down without sabotaging my own chance of escape, now's the time to share it.
No. 457191 ID: f2c20c

Err... Well, if we had a sniper rifle we could use that. It looks like we're well and proper fucked here though. They have cover and we don't.

I say take the elevator up partway so you don't have to deal with as many of them.
No. 457198 ID: 5cd436

Tell them that we already took down Mircea easily so we could easily kill all of you mooks.
So if they wanna live they better get out of our way!

If that does not work lets take the elevator
No. 457223 ID: 1987d1

...begin laughing like a crazy person, while gesturing with the blood-soaked sword. Or the severed arm, if you have it. Maybe you can get them to crack.
No. 457227 ID: cf03c7
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I go back outside and find the man holding his severed hand in the hallway. I tell Omi to hold the briefcase, as I am going to take a gamble. I take the hand from the guard and go back into the stairwell.

The guards are running down the stairs. I hold the hand and the sword above my head and start laughing. Either I am going to look ridiculous and get shot, or they will be terrified. I need to yell something menacing.

"Er.. I've killed dozens of you today! Ahaha!"

Well, that was dumb. They aren't moving, but then I hear one yell at the others.

>"It's close-quarters! If that's a disruptor sword, we're fucked!"

They start shuffling up the stairs, trying to push past one another. I run up after them, but not too fast. I don't want them to realise I'm totally untrained with this thing.
No. 457231 ID: f2c20c

Pause to smear blood all over yourself.
No. 457237 ID: 5cd436

Cut the Safety railing with the sword to make some scary noises and hopefully sparks.
No. 457253 ID: 56490f

>Either I am going to look ridiculous and get shot, or they will be terrified.

Impressive. You managed both at the same time!

And what kid of training would you possibly need. Just keep the business end away from your face and you're golden.

Anyway, proceed upw- wait. Waaait.

>I tell Omi to hold the briefcase, as I am going to take a gamble.
>I tell Omi to hold the briefcase
>Omi hold the briefcase

Once you're at the top of the stairs, drop the arm and take the briefcase. Did you check that thing for a tracking device yet?
Don't forget to check that thing for a tracking device.
No. 457503 ID: 571929
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I make a lot more noise, yelling and hitting the sword into various things on the way up the stairs.

The guards are fleeing from me. Most of the ones further away from me escape into doors along the way, but the ones closer to me don't see the opportunity to do that, so they keep running.
No. 457504 ID: 571929
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And when they make it out onto the roof, our ride is there to gun them down. I wait behind the door until the shooting is over, Then I cautiously approach.
No. 457505 ID: 571929
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These aren't normal guards like the ones Venzimu has. The company recruits them more like soldiers, and they aren't from their own security company, but hired internally.

>"Do you have the item?"

"Yeah, it's right here."

>"Who is this with you?"

"It's Omi, you know..."

>"Alright. Get on."

I'm less excited about payment than just getting home and going to sleep. It's only 6 AM and I feel like I've been at it all day.
No. 457506 ID: 571929
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When I get back, Efrence is waiting in the board room.

>"I heard about an explosion in the Venzimu R&D building on the television. That is your usual way of being discreet, I see. Most importanly, do you have the power unit?"

"Yeah yeah. Here."

I hand the case to Efrence, who opens it right away.

>"Yes, excellent. This looks to be in order. Did you encounter much resistance."

"Nothing we couldn't handle. So, can I go now?"

>"Very well. Your payment will be in later today. We shall call upon you, should we need your services in the future. And Omi; don't do that again."

Omi looks smug.

>"I make no promises.

Efrence rolls his eyes and walks out of the conference room.

I turn to Omi.

"Thanks for coming along Omi. It was a surprise, but I really appreciate it."

He smiles.

No. 457507 ID: 571929
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No. 457508 ID: f2c20c

Yay! Good end.
No. 457519 ID: 0b214d


While I' am happy at the good end and all, there is one thing left to answer. If I recall correctly, Omi downloaded all of the project plans from the archive.

Considering that Venzimu probably has other projects, product schematics and such on that archive, did you get any bonus for that portable drive's contents? After all, detailed knowledge and schematics of every other project and products Venzimu has, should earn your employers a pretty penny considering they can deal with copyright infringement or at the very least that is what they implied in your briefing... I think.

Regardless, did you get a bonus for the portable drive?
No. 457520 ID: 571929


Let's say yes.
No. 457522 ID: 0b214d


Eh, good enough. :) Enjoy your cuddle and good night.
No. 457527 ID: f12bfa

wait what
that was short

Is there going to be more?
No. 457529 ID: 79896d

Well that went suspiciously well.
It's almost like... Venzimu WANTED US TO STEAL IT!
Oh wait this is over. Nevermind. Hope you're not done questing for good!
No. 457580 ID: 1987d1

I have to say, I'm somewhat disapointed we found a non-lethal way to bypass all those guards only to have our ride massacre them.

Oh well. Moral of the story: it sucks to be a grunt.

Omi's total disregard for authority is kind of cute.
No. 457624 ID: 061a93

Literally all of the adorables. There's none left, guys, it's all in here. Go home.
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