Wild Calling Lily
"Gentlemen, It occurs to me, that we have a problem. We have tried to rehabilitate the Slavers and Raiders of this region and we have learned something. It's impossible. These people have been raised from birth to veiw a certain kind of human being as inferior. Oh I'm not talking about mutants, I am talking about an honest, law abiding citezen who wants nothing more than to do his work, reap his prrofit, and spend it (after paying his due taxes of course.) These people view farmers, carpenters, doctors and other gentlemen whose trad involves building or healing as inferior. They view killers as the leader of men.
For a man to earn redemption he must experience regret! These men do not experienc eregret, they dream of revenge. In their backwards minds they have not been imprisoned and punished for a crime they have been enslaved. Therefore they dream of escaping and treating their captors to the same fate.
Oh yes, a few have found Jesus, the real one not that wierd blood drinking one."