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File 134546695839.png - (64.92KB , 458x403 , Legacy Title.png )
445572 No. 445572 ID: 8c2d28

Legacy Quest

Chapter 1: Awakening

Starting soon!

Story by Kaed
Art by Lovar
3 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 445616 ID: d6c330

Wood mage does sound interesting. I'll second that.

The hybrid elements are derivative from the other four? Right? Going by the image,

wood = water + earth
magma = earth + fire
lightning = fire + air
ice = air + water
No. 445617 ID: c191f6

Lightning. Electromancy will come in handy on any adventure.
No. 445623 ID: d0d3fe

Wood seems like the unusual choice to go with, so I say we pick that.
No. 445625 ID: 4a328b

Wood is good, y'know
No. 445632 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134548522198.png - (99.61KB , 399x413 , waking1.png )

itical failure imm


chnicians for repai

I am... what
No. 445634 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134548535404.png - (81.22KB , 383x415 , Waking2.png )

ought suppr... fail... uurr... click

What am I? Where am I?

I must find out.


So weak... so cold...
No. 445637 ID: d6c330


We're not sure exactly what you are, so we can't help there. You do appear somewhat canine, though. And you're associated with the element of wood, in some way.

Let's start by checking out your surroundings. What can you see about where you are? Looks like some kind of cave.
No. 445643 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134548689102.png - (199.52KB , 500x500 , Look.png )

Look... around?

Ah yes... I can see. It's dark in here, but something is providing... a green light? Very faint green light. I can't see what.

Let's see what's in here...
No. 445644 ID: d0d3fe

As important as finding out where you are is, are you okay? You seem to be covered in plants.
No. 445647 ID: 886a4d

Pretty sure that green light is your eyes. Do you think you can control your element at all yet? Or shall we have to find an exit the old fashioned way.
No. 445648 ID: 0c2247

Grab that Pip-Boy 3000! You'll need it!
No. 445649 ID: d6c330

See if there's anything interesting in the immediate vicinity. If there's not, lets go check out the light.

Can you manipulate or control the wooden tendrils sticking out of you? That could come in handy, later.
No. 445650 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134548808997.png - (82.06KB , 500x500 , Cave.png )

Plants...? What's wrong with plants?

And... this is a big cave. There is some sort of open stone box to the left of it, with some scattered... debris of various sorts. The far wall has some things attached to the wall, but they look like burned out torches, I think.

There is also a cavern that opens to near the torches, and on the west wall, some drawings? I can't really make them out from this angle very well.
No. 445651 ID: d6c330

I see what looks to be a backpack, or knapsack. You should get that, could come in handy.

The pot could be used to carry water as you explore the caves, though it might be inconvenient to lug pottery around. If there's water in there now, you might need a drink.
No. 445652 ID: 886a4d

Check out the debris, take the pack, the jar and a torch. Also look in the box. Finally check the drawing... that might help us out.
No. 445661 ID: 9dc0f4
File 134549000470.png - (160.82KB , 500x500 , Small.png )

One thing at a time,

.... And I think we are having a crucial issue of proportions here. The best I could do is perhaps wear that thing around my neck?

The jar has something dark in the bottom... but it smells sour... unpleasant.

And these things on my back... I feel them with my hands, but when I touch then, there is no feeling. I think whatever they are, they are dead, or at least don't work right now... I think it's related to how weak and tired I feel.
No. 445662 ID: d6c330

Okay, not a backpack. You've got a purse or a wallet, instead. Still good for carrying stuff in.

Check out the pictures next.
No. 445663 ID: 886a4d

Pity there isn't any rope, you could use it as a belt and that pack is a perfect size to make a pouch for you. Pick it up and put it on your wrist.

Check in the box next.
No. 445665 ID: 39856c

After we check everything out, perhaps you should get some rest if you feel so badly?

If you can find it, drink some water.
No. 445666 ID: 6a1ec2

Rest would just be wasted in here. What you need is sunlight.
No. 445667 ID: 813c01
File 134549120043.png - (178.44KB , 500x500 , Eww.png )

It's less in the way around my neck, so I'm putting it there.

As for getting a drink, maybe that jar could be worth...

... Eugh.

No, there is no way I'm drinking that. I'll go check the box.
No. 445669 ID: 6a1ec2

Pour out that disgusting brew and roll in it like a dog.
No. 445671 ID: 886a4d

Might be oil of some sort. Keep it for now.
No. 445674 ID: 83c12a
File 134549282289.png - (133.75KB , 458x403 , Grave Matter.png )

The box is... well. There's certainly something in the box.

But I don't want to touch it. I don't even feel comfortable being near that...

I... I think I want to go look at something else. I feel so very sad for some reason.

This should not be this way... so ransacked... defiled...

I need to sit down for a bit... feel free to make suggestions, I'll get to them later...
No. 445675 ID: 886a4d

I;m sorry you had to see that. Once your ready lets look at those drawings... perhaps they will help explain something.
No. 445677 ID: 6a1ec2

Bones mean someone died. That's reason enough for anyone to be sad. Perhaps you recognize them? What can you remember before you woke up?
No. 445704 ID: b85f8c

Try to set the room in a bit more order out of respect for the dead. There's a few off-color round objects lying about. If those are just rocks I suppose we can move on through the passage.
No. 446014 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134558421667.png - (131.75KB , 500x500 , Sad.png )

I think they've been touched enough. My hands are so big, they would probably just make things worse.

But I feel... not better. But I think I can continue now.

I've been staring at this jar for a while now. I think... I think it's some kind of fruit juice. Very old, rotten fruit juice. I can't tell anymore, it's gone so bad.

I guess I'll go look at that thing on the wall now...
No. 446017 ID: 6a1ec2

When fruit juice goes bad you get vinegar eventually. So probably a mildly acidic mixture of vinegar and accumulated dust that fell from the cave ceiling. Could be useful?

Look at that thing on the wall. Also look for exits and/or roots (which indicate surface nearness).
No. 446020 ID: b6edd6

Was that skull as differently scaled from you as the item are?
No. 446037 ID: 8c24d3
File 134559115628.png - (75.94KB , 458x443 , Caveart1.png )


Yes. Even the drawing on the wall is about at my waistline...


... There are five parts. Each has a word above them...

No. 446038 ID: 8c24d3
File 134559119116.png - (72.71KB , 458x403 , Caveart2.png )

...And to the right of it, "Rise"...
No. 446039 ID: 8c24d3
File 134559123602.png - (261.57KB , 732x707 , Caveart3.png )

... then in the middle, "The Golden Age"...

... there is something else written here, in the center, but I can't read what it says...
No. 446041 ID: 8c24d3
File 134559125925.png - (119.40KB , 458x443 , Caveart4.png )

... Then past that, "Searing"...
No. 446042 ID: 8c24d3
File 134559129102.png - (111.32KB , 458x443 , Caveart5.png )

... And finally, "Reckoning"

This cave drawing means something important, though. Maybe something involving what I am.

But nothing in this room is familiar. I don't know why the bones make me sad.

I don't even know what I am.

And there are no roots on the celing, unless the grey things hanging down are roots made of rock.
No. 446044 ID: 886a4d

It looks likes its detailing creation of beings like yourself. First you were created, then spread across the lands for gold. You aided in the creation of wonders... and were used to kill and destroy. Instead of blaming the wizards that made you or the tyrants who bought you they killed you.
No. 446046 ID: b6edd6

No. 446047 ID: b85f8c

Looks like beings such as yourself were created then sold, used for labor and then war, and eventually destroyed because of the war.

The bones are those of the same race as your owners and creators, I think. That is why they make you sad. You probably have some inbuilt emotional ties to them.

Is there any exit we can take out of this room? We've examined everything so far I think, so it's time to go.
No. 446050 ID: d6c330

The script you cannot read says "they were so beautiful".
No. 446058 ID: f6276d
File 134559391046.png - (63.37KB , 458x403 , Altar.png )

That does tell me where I came from, yes.

But not what I am. Why I'm here and alive. What I can do... what I did.

Did I help in those wars? Am I a monster?

And how long have I been in here?

I think... These is all things I can't find out in here. I'm going to go out though that cave. There is nothing else in here for me.
No. 446068 ID: 31a627
File 134559489193.png - (104.39KB , 458x403 , Tight.png )

Bit of a tight fit, though... I hope I'm not going to be down here for long.
No. 446075 ID: 6a1ec2

You got in here somehow. There's got to be a way out. Unless you fell, in which case you're screwed. But at your size that's not likely.

Beware having looked at those drawings. You may have some sort of onus to obey those on the surface, and the order to "Kill people no wait don't kill people" is rather difficult to follow. That may be why they destroyed your kind, is they couldn't figure out how to give orders that made sense. Unfortunately that attitude still may exist. You can't tell how long you've been here, but any more than a few years and the juice/vinegar would have long since dried up. I would resist being destroyed however because if history is any indication the order to "Die" is actually the first half of the order to "Die wait no don't die we love you," and it simply takes them a while to formulate it.
No. 446076 ID: b6edd6

Or unless you were not a giant magic person when you came in. Still, there is probably a way out.
No. 446082 ID: 8c2d28
File 134559605289.png - (78.11KB , 458x403 , Cavern.png )

Ugh... Oof.

I can hear my branches scraping the top of the tunnel. I bet this would hurt if I could feel them.

Don't like this...

See something ahead though. Light.

... And I think I like this room much better, actually. Just seeing this makes me feel happier.

But what now?
No. 446083 ID: 6a1ec2


Bark is tough. Just be careful not to crack them and you should be fine.

Roll in the puddle like a doggy!
No. 446084 ID: d6c330

Head for the water. You're wood. A drink has to do you good.
No. 446099 ID: e1062d
File 134559835726.png - (93.34KB , 458x403 , Drink.png )

That sounds like a great idea. I think this is a good time to rest. It's still so hard to move around...

Maybe after some water and rest I'll feel better.

Feel free to keep suggesting things. I'm not going anywhere.
No. 446100 ID: b6edd6

It might be worthwhile to drink some water the normal way as well.
No. 446101 ID: b85f8c

Eat a mushroom! Err, if you can tell they're safe to eat.
No. 446102 ID: d6c330

Yeah, test if you can drink like a plant, or an animal, or both.

Can you tell what's glowing there? Is there something under the water, or is that the mushrooms?
No. 446134 ID: 6a1ec2

Hopefully the mushrooms haven't laden this water full of glowing hallucinogens.
No. 446385 ID: b0cbd4
File 134567126197.png - (163.05KB , 458x403 , Drinking.png )


Is there some other, extra normal way to drink water that I wasn't aware of?

This is good. I feel a bit better after drinking. Something is still missing, though...


Uhm, I don't have roots. I'm pretty sure roots are what do that kind of thing. Maybe later?

And yes, those are mushrooms glowing into the water. They are bioluminescent.
No. 446386 ID: d6c330

Sorry, I think we assumed you were drinking by just sticking your arm in the water. Please excuse the silliness and expecting you to have magic root-limbs.

If you can dig up one of the shrooms, you have a portable light source. Try not to just pick it, it might just die and go out then.
No. 446387 ID: b6edd6

Oh right, I confused your branches with roots.
No. 446393 ID: 9c1eea

maybe you need something to eat... earth? Are the mushrooms growing on earth? do you like earth?^^
Excuse me for being a bit uncertain with a wood-based being...
Maybe as a canine you would need meat or as a magical being some magic force...
Sunlight could be also useful later... when you get green parts... if you get green parts to absorb the sunlight...

... just rest and explore more after that.
No. 446396 ID: b0cbd4
File 134567314738.gif - (272.66KB , 458x403 , Twigdog Rave.gif )


No. 446397 ID: b85f8c

I suspect you're missing the sun. Let's get moving again and go out that other passage.
No. 446400 ID: 9c1eea

I would highly recommend some rest now...
No. 446401 ID: b0cbd4
File 134567445596.png - (97.28KB , 458x403 , Sorry.png )


Erm, sorry about that. Heh...

But I'm not actually that tired anymore. I don't think I'm recovered fully, there is still something missing, but I don't need to rest anymore. The water and mushrooms have helped.


I can see just fine, but I think I'll keep a few anyway. They are pretty tasty, I'll just put them in the bag.

Hm... I think I can perhaps fit three more handfuls of stuff in this bag. FOUR palms worth of goods, if you will. I should conserve space.


You might be right...


... But which passage? There are two of them, opposite the tunnel I entered from. One of them has... something in the entryway.

It kind of looks like those bones from before...
No. 446403 ID: bbee3d


Never mind, I spoke too late.

Can you feel anything different about the two passages? If you can feel air moving into or out of one of them, or hear anything, that passage might be more likely to lead you somewhere.

Otherwise, inspect the bones. See if there's anything interesting about them. If someone died trying to go down that passage, it might lead to an escape or shelter of some kind.
No. 446407 ID: 31a627
File 134567725612.png - (65.32KB , 458x403 , Nothing To Worry About.png )

>> examine the bones

Hmm... they are the same kind of bones as before. But something seems off about them.

Nothing to find on them though. Shall I check this tunnel?
No. 446409 ID: d6c330

What are those marks there? Was something dragged through here? Was the skeleton crushed or pushed aside? Because there's a definite trail of some sort of the floor.
No. 446415 ID: bbee3d

Sure, why not? It looks like Stuff Has Happened here. You might as well check it out.
No. 446431 ID: b85f8c

Don't go where bones are, that way lies danger. Go the other route.
No. 446453 ID: 3eba16

Check for air flowing through both paths, then head through the one with a greater flow.
No. 446616 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134575905517.png - (133.63KB , 458x403 , Wat door.png )


Uhm... woah, slow down!

Okay, the one you think is dangerous does have more air coming out of it. So maybe it's the exit, even if it's dangerous?

Or should I go the safer route anyway?

I'm kind of confused now!
No. 446617 ID: 886a4d

Sorry for confusing you... but I think the Bone route is probably the best.
No. 446618 ID: d6c330

Well, we don't know it's dangerous, but that path is more likely to have an exit with airflow. Bones it is.
No. 446620 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134576001532.png - (159.84KB , 458x403 , Click.png )


Alright then, here goes.

... stupid tiny tunne- hey, did you hear something click?
No. 446623 ID: 6a1ec2

Probably just your imaginaOH SHIT
No. 446624 ID: d6c330


No. 446625 ID: 886a4d

Get out of the way, watch where it comes from tehn bash that spot... your big enough to seriously damage any sort of mechanism. Things just aren't built to deal with you.
No. 446626 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134576098145.png - (147.09KB , 458x403 , Quaint Decor.png )



What, that noisy thing?


I don't think I care much for this cave decor!
No. 446628 ID: d6c330

Make sure you're out of it's way, and it can't hit you. Then see if you can break it.
No. 446629 ID: 6a1ec2

OK our comfort levels just went way, way down. PROCEED WITH EXTREME CAUTION
No. 446630 ID: 886a4d

Break it, and proceed, watch out for additional traps... theres rarely just one.
No. 446634 ID: 8bb985

Yeah, try to break it, but BE CAREFUL!
No. 446636 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134576218151.png - (130.18KB , 458x403 , Close Shave.png )


No. 446640 ID: 8bb985

Are you OK!?
No. 446646 ID: 6a1ec2

Well you broke it. The question is, did it break you?
No. 446650 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134576288205.png - (125.36KB , 458x403 , Sappy.png )



Okay... that wasn't so bad. I'm still all in one piece... I think? Mostly?

... Yes.

And yeah, it's broken. It bounced off my back and onto the ceiling, then ground off all its uhm... cutty bits. I guess I was too big after all.

... Though I was pretty sure the stains weren't so brown before... or that drippy.

... Hmm. It smells like pine in here now.
No. 446654 ID: 6a1ec2

Dang you must be a softwood then.
No. 446655 ID: 8bb985

You must have gotten cut. You might want to check.
No. 446661 ID: b85f8c

Seems like you're made of pine. Also I'm betting you have metal shards in your back now. Pull them out so that you don't further injure yourself while scraping your back against these tunnels.
No. 446674 ID: 6a1ec2

Your element is between earth and water. This might be a bit crude, but you could pack your wounds with earth and then water them to grow them back together. You're not really sure how you work at all besides that gem inside you that must not be broken at all costs.
No. 447068 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134584330728.gif - (84.92KB , 832x532 , Status Screen v1_0.gif )


I'm a little cut, yeah. I'll manage though.

None of them actually caught in my back, looks like. They'll all on the tunnel floor.. or in the ceiling.

Gem? I have a gem? If I do, I can't tell where it is.... and there is not a premium of dirt around here, in stone caverns.

So, should I just continue through this tunnel, then?
No. 447070 ID: 886a4d

Yes continue. Watch out for additional traps... try to spot openings like the one that saw came out of.
No. 447074 ID: bbee3d

And listen for any more clicks.

Did your backpack get damaged?
No. 447075 ID: 886a4d

Its on his front thankfully
No. 447079 ID: 9a6b4d

We got some increase in level of insight for your body here...
Say, would you like to have some name? Now would be a good point to get one you like...
No. 447080 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134584510863.png - (115.13KB , 458x403 , Tunnel Crawling.png )


No, my FRONTpack was undamaged by my BACK wound, fortunately. The laws of causality remain stable.

But yeah, I'm keeping my eyes firmly out for more potential traps, trust me.

No. 447082 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134584512426.png - (33.43KB , 458x403 , Whoops.png )

No. 447085 ID: d6c330

A pitfall trap? I'd have thought you'd be too big for any in here.

Just climb back out, or stand up. I doubt the trap designers were planning on someone your size.
No. 447087 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134584612233.png - (163.76KB , 458x403 , Fallin\'.png )


Yeah, I actually don't think they intended size to be much of a factor, either.

But... good news is, I've found a way out.

Always think positive, right?


Sure, why not. A name sounds nice. I've got a few moments to spare.

What a lovely sunrise...
No. 447088 ID: b6edd6

Grab onto something I guess.
No. 447089 ID: d6c330

Yeah, no way too tell how high you're up. A long fall could hurt.
No. 447090 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134584729417.png - (174.82KB , 458x403 , Sunlight.png )


Nothing to grab in the air...

I'll just grab onto the ground, I guess...

... and it did hurt...

... but more importantly...

... I still can drag myself out...

... into the sun...

... and rest here.
No. 447091 ID: 2c68c5

Make sure the laws of causality are still in effect before you think of a name.
No. 447093 ID: d6c330

Well... rest then. You're wood, hopefully sun and earth will get you back on your feet after a while.
No. 447094 ID: 1fcf1d
File 134584753516.png - (156.56KB , 458x403 , Chapter 1 End.png )

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