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428082 No. 428082 ID: befc95

Everything is a special sort of pleasant here. I cannot feel the cold currents that come from the cavemouth and make bones chill. There is no hazy smell of a fire burning far off, no pain, no rats nipping at my loose scales....

It's quite as well, I cannot hear |||||| in my head like I used to, I feel so very small without her presence. But the looming shadow is gone, I can be happy again! We can even go hunting like we once did, and kill and eat and play and......
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No. 433445 ID: 6a13b9

Not if you're a proper vampire or Conan O'Brian.

Yeah, if you were told to avoid the sun for your own good, that's probably best.
No. 433454 ID: 272f27


mama's boy >:U
No. 433749 ID: 6a1ec2


You're just trying to get her to hurt her eyes!
No. 434786 ID: befc95
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I want to get out. Out into the world as a REAL dragon, not some little hatchling who couldn't even keep her MOTHER pleased. I suppose I will have to go alone, why would any others bother to help me along after they find out what a vicious and cruel hearted beast I am?

Oh well, I suppose Dragons are MEANT to be alone once they grow. The way MOTHER thought about them.... there must be hundreds, if not thousands roaming in the upper world. All vying for a cave like this. If they've gone I must as well to free if up for a more deserving dragon.

The trip goes faster if I think about things besides my feet. The bands are chafing the scales off my hindlegs, and I do not care for it. I can see the shelf from here, and the air is all wrong in this chamber. Thick and smokey and angry and red and iron.... My stomach twists and tightens at the scent.

I can almost make out a large mass on the shelf. The color is wrong though, it's not MOTHER.
No. 434792 ID: ad164c

Do you know what it is? Can you get its attention?
No. 434795 ID: 4a328b

Climb up that rope.
No. 434800 ID: b33427

Do not get its attention! For all you know it could be a creature those THINGS brought. Or perhaps another dragon that decided to take advantage of the situation and moved in. Whatever it is, be cautious.

Climb that thing dangling from the edge up high enough that you can peek over the top.
No. 434838 ID: 6a1ec2

Climb up that obvious lure rope.
No. 434848 ID: 2972f8

climb up and see mother. sans skin. I think.
No. 436714 ID: befc95
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I suppose the only way to go is up!

This task, of course, would be much easier if my wings were developed. I can hop and glide, but upright flight isn't one of my many skills just yet.

Bile rises into my tightened throat. The acrid smell hits me like a shelf, pouring and falling and guarding the top half of the shelf. I gag, but manage to keep my stomach under modest control. MOTHER would always lift brother and I back up here by her tail, I never realized how much effort she put into it. Such a sheer cliff she managed for her darling hatchlings.

This banded piece of stuff is almost the same as the bits on my legs, as well as the ones that bound my wings and forelimbs not long ago. It smells slimy with a hint of fleshyness. I could probably chew through it if I had to.

I'm almost at the top now, eyes watering at the overpowering aroma. I clamp my nostrils shut the best I can and press on.
No. 436715 ID: 4a328b

Just a bit further, Hatchet!
No. 436733 ID: 886a4d

Oh god that is not a rope.
No. 436747 ID: b33427

Keep going, little one. Whatever is at the top is something you have to see, for better or worse.

Is there another way down from the shelf, or is climbing this back down the only way. Also, bite and taste the rope you're climbing, and try and identify the taste.
No. 436756 ID: befc95
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The higher I go, the more strenuous and tasking the climb is on me. I can hardly keep my back legs going, the band biting into the softer flesh under my scales.

I manage though, heaving myself up over the lip of the shelf, ready to face whatever creature is up here, taking my cave, stinking up the place, I'm ready to fight!
No. 436757 ID: befc95
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What...I'm not sure what this is.
No. 436764 ID: 4a328b

Looks like meat!

Eat it.
No. 436766 ID: bf54a8

wait.. those bones.. is that....
No. 436770 ID: b85f8c

Wow, that's worse than I expected. They took all but her skinless, vivisected torso. And... and they used her guts as a rope...

Wait. You said your mother lifted you up there by her tail... but the last thing I remember is you play-biting your brother and getting screeched at to unconsciousness. I don't remember her ever lifting you anywhere. What do you remember, hatchling?

There is enough meat here to sate your appetite for some time. Do not let it go to waste, regardless of its source. She would want it this way. You can't hunt easily, bound and weakened as you are.
No. 436774 ID: 735f4f

It might just be a cow they brought in as bait.
No. 436789 ID: 886a4d

The fact that it has 3 sets of visible limbs makes me think it is Mother I'm afraid.

Eat Hatchling. You need the strength and she will not begrudge it.
No. 436811 ID: b33427

...I'm sorry to have to ask, but how big is that slaughtered body, compared to MOTHER, and how strong is her smell here? It's just... You have to consider the worst, now. Perhaps you should lay down, before the gravity of the situation sets in.
No. 436865 ID: c6ec33


Try not to think about the fact that your mom was just slaughtered, dismembered, skinned, etc.

If you don't feel too sick of the concept, eat some. Otherwise, GTFO and see if you can spot your assailants from a distance. You need to burn their look and smell into your mind for revenge and stuff. And maybe rescuing your brother.
No. 436870 ID: 5c0329

>bat: fly into cave.

I'm still hellbent on making him the goddamn dragonbatman.
No. 436872 ID: 886a4d

Its a she. The high-pitched squeek would remind her of brother and she might be frightened of that noise a bit. BatDragon would be fun.
No. 436922 ID: 6a1ec2

Wow, what they did to your tail, they did to mother's... everything.
No. 442035 ID: befc95
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This isn't MOTHER. MOTHER is yellow and green and big and smells of wood and love and everything right.

This is food, I think.... The smell is horrid.

My jaw fights me as I try to take a small bite. If I'm going to be my own Dragon, I have to be able to eat, no exceptions. The air around my meal is thick and heavy and sluggish and burnt copper. My stomach rolls and twists, throat tightening.

I can't, it's meat, but it isn't something a Dragon is suppose to eat, things for eating are always welcome in the stomach, this is bad meat. Very bad meat. I stumble to the edge of the shelf, chest heaving, and empty the meager contents of my already shaking insides.
No. 442039 ID: bf54a8

go, you need to get out of the cave, away from the smell.
No. 442059 ID: b85f8c

Damn, now we have an empty stomach. Let's go, we need to get out.
No. 442079 ID: 4a328b

Leave the cave, get away from the bad meat D:
No. 442087 ID: b33427

Oh, dear. That meat has been there long enough to go rotten. Get away from it, and down from the shelf.

Even though there is no food here, is there a source of water? It would be good to drink your fill before heading out into the world, and it'll knock down the hunger somewhat.
No. 442095 ID: b85f8c

If it was rotten it would be more obvious. I think it's an instinctual "do not eat dragon meat" thing.
No. 442173 ID: ce47da

eat it anyway. then puke. preferable fire or some other destructive force of nature.
No. 442674 ID: befc95
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Okay, yes okay. I need to go. This cave is vast and perfect and I could live here for 3 ages, easily, before needing to expand it.

I can't stay. Bad Dragons don't deserve this cave. A bad dragon in a bad cave with bad meat. I have displeased something greater than myself, scared off MOTHER and brother in my aggression towards him....

I don't think I did anything wrong though... he was hungry and I couldn't coddle him, he would never learn! Such as slow thing as him would die off his first day in the light if I handed everything to him. I was being responsible. I was being good. Yet here I am alone, abandoned, hungry....

I can see the Cavemouth from here, the barest of fresh breezes blowing into it, washing away the smell of hate and death and everything-wrong. It looks dark enough, The Sun must be away.

Off I go then.
No. 442697 ID: befc95
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Alright I'll just step this way here, it slopes a bit, then I juuuust....
No. 442716 ID: b85f8c

You don't have to leave forever, but we do need to go out and look around, to find water and food.
No. 442717 ID: befc95
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No. 442718 ID: b85f8c

Flap those wings! Flap them like there's no tomorrow!
No. 442721 ID: d6c330

Attempting a controlled glide might be easier than trying to fly, actually.
No. 442722 ID: bf54a8

wings out!
No. 442725 ID: 4a328b

No. 442786 ID: befc95
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Height Thrust Drag Tilt

"No no no nonononoo...."

I catch the air, I glide.


No. 442787 ID: 4a328b

Ouch. You ok?

I think I can see the outside wooooooooooorld, go check it out!
No. 442788 ID: bf54a8

gliding is just falling slowly. still not strong enough to fly and be really free. make sure you aren't hurt.
No. 442792 ID: b33427

Alright, you're not going to be flying anytime soon. You can work on your gliding where it isn't a long fall later.

Check that nothing is broken. Hold still, and extend your limbs, one at a time, starting with your arms, then legs, followed by your wings, then tail.
No. 442795 ID: befc95
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I'm alright aside from my pride. I... I landed in my vomit. I suppose that is not so horrible, a bit of flesh as still viable in the mess. It was hastily snapped up.

The bands on my leg tangled a bit, and I'm having no luck with the chain versus my stubby claws. I find myself a bit hobbled in step. No matter.

I breath deeply, lungs aching with the full expanse but my heart is pounding pounding pounding at the openness of it all. I cautiously poke my head out, peering first to the sides to make sure my way is clear. Who knows if those things have up and left yet?

Comfortable that I'm safe I take my first look up. It's clear. I am... so very small. Even MOTHER in all her vastness couldn't fill it, I could fit her up there more times than I can imagine. The color... everything... everything is not cave colored. It's just so much....
No. 442799 ID: b85f8c

You must gather your courage before venturing forth!
No. 442802 ID: befc95
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I stumble back a bit, seating myself and taking a moment to clear my head, gather my thoughts...

This stuff is soft.
No. 442803 ID: 4a328b

Well, you should have thought of how scary the world would be before you went and were a disappointment of a dragon. >:O
No. 442815 ID: 6a1ec2

Go little dragon, go and live your adventure!
No. 442826 ID: b85f8c

I'll be helpful and point out the End Ch.2 at the top-left of the image.
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