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427308 No. 427308 ID: 34cbef

Damnit I do not want more paperwork about useless information. What I DO want is coordinates to the messages origin. I'm not going by his rules no matter how much he wants it.
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No. 432875 ID: 107c3d

there may be a way for humanity to save itself despite the game being rigged, if we can find whatever event is being put on pause and shut it down ourselves we can probably survive independent of the games outcome. we should still try and stop this however, galbaara is not something I would like to leave alive.
No. 433352 ID: 34cbef
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I'm not becomeing a futile martyr, i'm giving you my heritage to make you faster! I can't give you my heritage the same way i can pass it to another krobin, and this is the only way i know-
No. 433355 ID: 34cbef
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bweep bweep bweep, target obtained, bweep bweep bweep

...uh, little help here? Elcie?

OH GOSH, SORRY- it's so small and cute- OH WAIT COME BACK!!!
No. 433359 ID: 132b99

bust it. seriosuly wtf.
No. 433731 ID: 34cbef
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Catch that thing!



...well there it goes...

No. 433736 ID: 34cbef
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>You are now the group of humans known as the Union of Human Space Diplomacy and Government.

SAMSON- If what the brown creature said is true we need to find the potential disaster. I need you to go to the files archive and collect the listings of all the reported issues within the past year or more. Anything from here all the way to ursa- Check in the orions belt files aswell.


Martinez, Look up in the local web about incidents or whatnot that could possibly be a problem for us.

Sir, i can look up all sorts of things, but you need to be more specific about that. If you give me a localized area to look in i can ping the local communications chatter.

Do the best you can! Susan- talk to the federation of alien lifeforms and ask them about disputes that may be directed at the human race.

On it sir.

Wiggins, I need to to help martinez search the web about disputes or any propaganda that might cause someone to do a total planetary sweep against us.

Same problem, need more info boss- i can ping only small sections of galaxies at a time.

WELL DO YOUR BEST, DAMMIT- COFFEE, be warm and delicious!


What is it martinez.

I need a location to start with, there are millions of colonies across the cosmos and there has to be a place to branch from if i'm doing a manual search.

No. 433747 ID: 132b99

outward spiral, earth.
No. 433750 ID: 6a1ec2

Wait, we already have space colonies? A planet sized bio-bomb wouldn't wipe out our race then. Is he just talking about humans on Earth, or all humans?

Places to look:
* Cuddle bee homeworld. It's been wiped obviously, but this Galbaara is somehow connected to it so there may be clues how he did it or found out about it.
* Lucifer is totally a guy we have heard of before. Aliens may have ancient records of if anyone or anything trashed our planet around 6000BC.
No. 433773 ID: 0c2247

If you have colonies then there aren't many ways to wipe you out. The two that spring to mind are a disease which could be biological or technological, or some sort of extermination campaign.

For a disease, limit travel and transport between biospheres, and more importantly delay all transport so symptoms are more likely to manifest. Have colonies become as self-sufficient as possible.
Technological diseases can be worked around several ways. Diversify your technology - start having different colonies switch over to tech from different species, and conduct research on different designs that will be incompatible with each other and existing tech. Humans are really, really good at building systems that are incapable of working together - we basically can't not do it!

Most important of all? Start establishing new colonies comprised of as many alien races as possible all over the place. Diseases can't spread via completely alien biology, so herd immunity would be out in force in a diverse community. That would make every person on those colonies nigh-immune to a plague and eliminate the problem of having nobody healthy enough to tend to the ill.

As a side benefit? Anybody who attacked a mixed-species colony to kill humans would be declaring war on all those species as well. That's about the best anti-extinction protection you can get without actually knowing what it is you're facing.
Since the other species would gain the same benefits of these colonies they'll likely be amenable to the proposal.
No. 434173 ID: 34cbef
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it does not seem to be any close by dangers. And we're protected by the asteroid belt with our rail cannons online we should be able to take on any invasion.

This has been done many times over and it has failed many times over. The human and space creature culture does not mix well here on earth, and the part about immunities- I'm immune to god knows what could possibly be out there due to the medicine nowadays.

Human is the puritan term for our species. We mostly use that term along with earthling here on earth because it reminds us of our ancestors of long ago. We have solar colonies all over, and they call themselves solars because of their birth. It's mostly subjective what we call ourselves based on politics, but we all are the same species.

Sir, I found some chatter about something in the Andromeda Galaxy

Well what is it then?

It seems a planet has had a communications black out for a long while, and the localized commerce organizations are throwing a fit due to no info on what's happening.

Alright, bring me a feed of what the chatter is about.

Bringing up Andromeda Satellite imaging now, it's directed at this planet sir... seems the name of it is called black rose

...what is that strange cloud around it?

The space limousines are saying that it's Kadrupontium- some sort of microscopic bio engineered nanobot. Supposedly it's slowly eating away at the organics on the planet, all the locals are afraid to set foot on the surface due to it.

What is that ship outside the atmosphere?

...looking into it sir, currently sending a hailing signal.
No. 434178 ID: 34cbef
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We have obtained a signal sir

Hello there.


What is the situation there, who am i speaking with?

...this is the Kilobyte Operating Systems on the Spear Gugnir, who am i speaking to?

Chief Officer of the UHSDG, what is the situation down there, AI, do you have survivors on board?

... current sentient life aboard the Gugnir account to two living, both humanoid: race1 Volto, race2 Goblin.

What happened, i still need to know what happened, give me a face to work with... put the ... volto on the line.

... I cannot grant your request, currently both sentients are occupied

Occupied with what? They're on a ship the size of a planet by themselves. What are your command priorities, i demand to know what you are programmmed to do!

I am programmed with the gremlin commands, these entail dominate, integrate and assimilate. My coordinates are locked.

Uh sir, it's pinging our end of the feed...



... it's too late, a ship the size of a moon is coming here... what are your orders?

No. 434186 ID: 0c2247

Oh! Oh! We can fix this!
Hail that ship again, and this time let US talk to it!

We offer to tell the two survivors who ruined everything for them in exchange for them leaving our species alone and help killing the jerk responsible.
All we need to say is "Kilobyte, when Pont and his lover Helena wake up tell them we know who sent that goddamn bear after them, and we only share intel with friends, not invaders."

They'll have to choose between fighting us or fighting a threat.
They'll pick the threat.
No. 434234 ID: bf54a8

you THINK that's the problem. nothing is ever that easy. we can only reach the AI not the people on it. and AI suck at negotiating.
No. 434280 ID: 1444d5

>a ship the size of a moon is coming here... what are your orders?
Take a cue from the Galactic Patrol: send your own moon to meet it. Or your own planet. Several, in fact. At relativistic speeds. Find some nickel-iron lumps nobody wants from nearby systems, strap some oversized drives to them and accelerate them along a reciprocal of the least-time course from Black Rose to Earth.
No. 434289 ID: 6a1ec2

Oh god Pont. We are totally fucked. Our only hope is to appeal to his wicked fashion sense.
No. 434312 ID: e3aff6

I suspect we are sadly all out of lensmen.
No. 434454 ID: 34cbef
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Ready an asteroid rail.


Begin launch in 3


No. 434456 ID: 34cbef
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Asteroid has been ejected... estimated time of impact in 30 secons

No. 434459 ID: 34cbef
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...launch is a miss, i repeat the asteroid missed it's target.

Damn, ready a second.

Sir, we're being hailed

...Put it up.
No. 434466 ID: 34cbef
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Eliminating a threat?

OH I WILL SHOW YOU A THREAT, when i reach your planet there will be nothing but SPACE DUST!

Ha-hah, you tell your owner that he can think twice about threatening earth.

there is no owner, I am the owner! You are beginning to be as troublesome as my occupants. All of you walking and breathing organisms are a NUISANCE. Wipe the universes clear of such horrid trash!

Sir, another asteroid is ready to fire

Sir, it is within the Barios signal field- if both me and martinez work at it we can infiltrate his system with a drone program.

chief, Me and samson have found recent reports of conflict between solar collonies military and the astranian alliance. What do you propose we do?

Here's you're coffee, so... what do you want us to do?

No. 434543 ID: 0c2247

Why did you fire BEFORE trying to talk it down?
That was dumb. Now it probably won't listen to us when we try to talk it down.

"You threatened us, and now you're calling foul when we defend ourselves?
You're the most irrational and illogical AI I've ever encountered, Kilobyte. You've gone mad with power and now you're picking fights for silly reasons.

What resources could you possibly want from us, anyway?"
No. 434557 ID: 0c2247

Oh! Stage a rescue for the Goblin and the Volto! We need them alive!
No. 434663 ID: e3aff6

It sounds like his occupants have no control over the situation, so if we can contact them we might be able to get them to help sabotage the ship in exchange for rescue from it.
No. 435356 ID: 34cbef
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"Well sir, let us do this, and that and this then abit of nothing...."

"What is that samson? i did not understand what the suggestion was based on what was offered... probably because i'm a G.I. Joe with only one arm..."

"Gasp, and i just realized that i'm a sock monkey- what do we do now?"

"Quickly, now that we realize that the folks of /quest/ are as dense as a bag of potatoes lets hide in the toybox!"
No. 435357 ID: 34cbef
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No. 435358 ID: 34cbef
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why do i even bother.
No. 435364 ID: bf54a8

do everything, at the same time.
No. 435367 ID: 6a1ec2

Quick, realize your own self hatred is the reason you see so much fault in others, and instead chill and draw whatever you enjoy, without any crushing depression!
No. 435376 ID: 34cbef
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I use my hipster feng shui to calm my inner peace. Now that my peace is inner calmed i will try to present this in an easier way for the audience to consume.
No. 435377 ID: 34cbef
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"But Sir, we cannot do everything at once- we have to focus on one thing at a time!"

"Like what?"

"Well, it's either fire another asteroid kitty-wumpus into space having it pass out of the barious space field no longer giving us a chance to hack into it; or to have both our techs attmept to hack into it to insert a drone into it before to attempt to take it out from the inside. But the downside for this one is that the barious field helped us aim properly with the asteroid rails"

No. 435378 ID: e3aff6

Um... If you are feeling depressed it is ok to take a break from quest authoring, but I am genuinely interested in seeing this quest continue at some point.
No. 435383 ID: 9f34b8

Well we already tried the asteroid and even with the barious field it missed, so lets give hacking a shot.
Also ask the AI would it accept our surrender, we are not really going to surrender but it might buy us some time.
No. 435388 ID: 6a1ec2

No. 436067 ID: 34cbef
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uh... well- I... i have no idea why you are surrendering, i'm going to come over there and break down your molecules to use as building blocks for my nanites. absolutely nothing will be spared... nice of you to offer though- never had anyone surrender before
No. 436068 ID: 34cbef
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"sir, the drone is successful. It's up to either the champ or the drone to take this thing down."

>you may continue the story as either the drone or the tozol, which do you choose?
No. 436071 ID: 0c2247

Tozols are capable of acting on their own, so lets go with the drone.

"Wait, you want to break things down for molecules, and you're headed here? You have to pass right by trillions of times more resources on the way here than our solar system could possibly provide. Hell, for organic compounds Sagittarius B2 alone has three million times the mass of our entire solar system in just that, and last I checked there isn't anybody who would bother fighting over it.
Send us a list of what you need and we can tell you better places to get what you want."
No. 436104 ID: 4c4acb

The Tozol probably isn't going to be making much progress in the game, so let's go with the drone.
No. 436106 ID: 9f34b8


Also the AI said that it was "programmed with the gremlin commands, these entail dominate, integrate and assimilate."

Lets keep working on our fake surrender angle and ask about these commands, can we only be dominated and integrated? Is there really need for assimilation.

Do we have any alliances with other races? Can we call for help or are we going to have to face this thing by ourselves?
No. 436176 ID: 6a1ec2


Kilobyte is hungry for molecular building blocks... and souls
No. 437057 ID: 34cbef
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Well now- it seems I have made it inside the enemy ship... why do I have personality protocols? Asside from minor trouble in repurposing the nanites, insertion is a succes. I have lost connection from the origin computer... but it seems the complexity of these nanites shows that if more then a small splash of them are connected they can think independantly... It is an odd thing to be able to create commands instead of execute them... What would my next command tree be? What do i compute? I need input for my next actions.

No. 437059 ID: bf54a8

we seem to have an organic over there. greet her but be wary, my shoot you out of reflex. explain you are part of a operation to stop this thing.
No. 437071 ID: 0c2247

Greet the robo-girl around the corner.
No. 437195 ID: 34cbef
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Hello organic, I mean you no harm. I am here to h- BLARGARGAGAR!?
No. 437196 ID: bf54a8

good thing you are an amorphous mass that doesn't actually have a head. and i did warn you of attacks. turn into a puddle and keep talking.
No. 437199 ID: f5832c

Break off into two parts, the smallest of wich will try to communicate with the robot, the rest will retreat to a safe distance and Engage repair protocols
No. 437219 ID: 0c2247

"RESCUE MISSION! I'm here to help!"
No. 437222 ID: bf54a8

being a single mass is the only reason this part can think.
No. 438923 ID: 34cbef
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No wait, i'm here to help... oh there are two of you.... I was sent by, uh... someone to come save you two from this ship.

... Still looks funny, might be a trap.[i]

[i] Not much we can do about a mass of jello, helena. I could step on it but i don't think that's gonna help us much.

Wait, i'm serious! I'm trying to hack the AI and take control of the ship.

well... it's not really all artificial.
No. 438924 ID: 6a1ec2

It's biological? Spiritual? Extradimenisonal? AHH THREAD END
No. 439016 ID: e3aff6

Is that an orb of psyche?
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