Prince Music Bringer
>even if in extreme pain.
That's the part you're hoping to avoid.
And, you know, the whole 'dying' thing. The moment you take it for granted is the moment it'll bite you in the ass. Just like everything else.
It looks like there is an escape pod still here on the left! It seems like there's something wrong with the door, but peeking through it looks like everything is fine inside. The pilots probably both took the other pod when this one malfunctioned, since the one across the room has launched already.
You are currently ON the bridge, and judging by the state of the console there's not going to be much controlling going on at all.
You can't find a refrigerator big enough to hide in. There is probably a storage box with some supplies in the unlaunched escape pod, that's as close as it gets.
You feel a bit light on your feet, and your stomach feels like it is rising up into your chest.