Coconut Daisy
“There is a chain from the First Cause all the way to our world. In the First Cause all things are one, combined. When descending down to our plane, this oneness has become gradually divided into ever smaller systems according to the design Themu and by the realization of Anima Mundi.
In this event, at first like beings attract like, opposite begin to repel one another. This causes a vast diversity of energies. After this separation, qualities of reactive and unreactive are created. Eventually First Cause has become Themu and Anima Mundi, Themu has become “rock”, “magma”, “tree” and so on and Anima Mundi has become “mood”, “observation”, “love”, “realisation” etc. If you can grasp this perfectly with your minds, you will pass into the trials of an adept.
Anima Mundi comes into the scheme by this very important division. Anima Mundi has the tools the adept will learn to manipulate. In realization, it is clusters of pure consciousness brought down from the higher dimensions to maintain the experience that material people think they have, and do have because of this. These “angels” of pure consciousness create a weave of magic, or the Weave! The elves call this weave ‘guldur’ and have become very advanced in guiding it by what they call the pacts. It is by the ways of dragons that the method of true magic has come to Our bidding. We don’t have to appease and excel before the “angels” of magic, like the elves, to affect the Weave. We can command them by the voice of our own scheme.”