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File 165932359006.jpg - (210.75KB , 1600x1200 , Motel1-1.jpg )
1039664 No. 1039664 ID: d63ea8

:unknowntalk: “You had one job! ONE JOB ASSHOLE!”
:unknowntalk: “Get off my back Gwen! I said sorry- shit!
:unknowntalk: “No! Don’t give me that! I told you to check the counter and you fucking didn’t!
:alextalk: “Hey guys, can you keep it down? There might still be some zeds around.
:unknowntalk: “Yeah Gwen.”
:unknowntalk: “Fuck you Brett. Do you need help up the stairs Alex?”
:alextalk: “I’m okay, I just need to sit down.”

:unknowntalk: “Pass me the keys Lisa…”
:unknowntalk: “Here.”

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No. 1039665 ID: d63ea8
File 165932364035.jpg - (215.32KB , 1600x1200 , Motel1-2.jpg )

The door swings open. Jessie carefully scans the motel room, bat at the ready. It looked to be in a lot better condition than the neighboring ones.

He leans back outside.

:jessietalk: “Looks clear… Let me check around…”
:unknowntalk: “I’ll wave the others over.”

:alextalk: “It looks like Jessie found a room.”
:unknowntalk: “Fine, lets get inside and I can look at your shoulder.”

The gang starts to head in.
No. 1039666 ID: d63ea8
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Jessie carefully pushes on the bathroom door, but it doesn’t budge. He starts moving to the sliding door leading to the balcony.

:bretttalk: “Are you crazy? We can’t let them in with us, they’re bit!”
:gwentalk: “And whose fault was that, Brett?
:bretttalk: “Hey- That old lady didn’t make a peep the entire time we were there and jumped us just as we were walking out. Any one of you could’ve seen her shamble out if you were paying attention.”
:alextalk: “I’m just going to sit down.”
:gwentalk: “It was your job to check that corner of the grocery store, and it’s your fault that we had to drop all the bags when that horde came when you shot it.”
:bretttalk:OoOOoh! So now you're upset that I tried to save your dumbass friend!”
:gwentalk: “That’s not-”
:jessietalk: “QUIET… I’m going to open the sliding door, we don’t want any of those things to hear us…”

I lean on the wall and try to lower myself to the ground. Fuck my shoulder hurts.
No. 1039667 ID: d63ea8
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Lisa closes and locks the door behind us. Gwen and Brett continue to argue, but they are a bit quieter about it.

:bretttalk: “Look, we’re going to have an adult conversation about this. Alex got bit, we can’t bring them with us.”
:gwentalk: “Like fuck we can’t. The safe-zone is barely a day away.”
:bretttalk: “I’m saying we can’t because they’ll turn-”
:gwentalk: “We don’t know that-”

Jessie closes the screen door with a solid *thud*.

:jessietalk: “I’ve seen it… Mom got nipped on the hand by one of her patients… She started to get sick, and then…”

He trails off. Brett looks from Jessie to Gwen, and then to me.

:bretttalk: “Fine, we’ll put it to a vote. I say we put them down now. We don’t know how the hordes work, if they turn they might just bring one straight to us.”
:gwentalk:Fuck that, asshole-
:jessietalk: “I vote yes… I can use my bat, I’ll try to make it quick Alex...”
:gwentalk: “Jessie-”
:bretttalk: “Alright, that’s two in favour, one opposed. Lisa?”

Lisa jumps a bit.

:lisatalk: “I -uh.”
:alextalk: “Don’t I get a vote?”
No. 1039668 ID: ebb1b3

There's too much we don't know. Keep you isolated. Gag you if necessary. But you don't want to die on a maybe.
No. 1039670 ID: e51896

this room in better condition than the others? that might mean that someone is camping here. be careful they might return...
No. 1039672 ID: b4ab25

The big question here in my mind is the wound from a bite as is claimed or did we manage to get this wound from like a claw or something. Cause if we agree we were bit, death will probably be a mercy.
If we really think we have a chance, request to be bandaged up best that can be managed and request up to two days rations or up to 1/6th the party's rations (intentionally less than 1/5th) whichever is less, and leave the party.
This protects our party, gives us a chance at survival if we are not infected (or are immune or something), as well as ideally not taking too many resources from the party for your chance at survival.
Two days gives you a day to verify lack of infection, then a day to get to the safe zone. All this calculus changes if the safe-zone has a way to cure unfinished infections.
Also if we are sure we were not bit, request to be gagged for a day, so even if you were to turn you can't bite the others to spread it.
No. 1039673 ID: cdbcf8

Just leave me here. If I go with you guys, and if I turn, I will take one of you down with me...But I won't be put down on a if.
No. 1039674 ID: 9fd70a

Alright let's see, first question how would the bitten person fell about turning into a zed? Does he see it as a fate worse then death or is it a better alternative then to die? Second question is today Monday?
No. 1039675 ID: 15c72a

Tell them they can't kill you yet, you're not sick.
No. 1039676 ID: e5709d

Well, you're going insane, so...
No. 1039677 ID: 9fd70a

Let's be honest we all know when he will get sick. At the worst possible time.
No. 1039680 ID: a0a93b

Ask the guy who's seen it how long incubation was, and how long between symptoms and loss of control. That gives you a reasonable estimate how long you can afford to wait. And even supposing the wound is infected, perhaps they could still help the group, lead the zombies away or something - if they're ok with that.
No. 1039747 ID: d63ea8
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:gwentalk: “Of course you do.”

It looks like Brett is about to speak up, but I cut him off.

:alextalk: “Look, I won’t lie. This situation is beyond fucked up. We should be finishing up highschool, not hiking cross country trying to get away from a literal zombie apocalypse.”

>There's too much we don't know. Keep you isolated. Gag you if necessary. But you don't want to die on a maybe.
>Tell them they can't kill you yet, you're not sick.
:alextalk: “But this isn’t like the movies, there’s just too many unknowns right now-”
:bretttalk: “So you’re saying we just ignore the problem? Pretend that you're not even bleeding from a zombie bite on your shoulder?”
:alextalk: “I’m not saying that. I'm saying that I’m not even sick yet and you want to bash my head in.”

Jessie looks away.

:alextalk: “I get why everyone is freaking out, I’m freaking out too, but I don’t want to die because of a maybe. Okay?”
:lisatalk: “Yeah babe, I’m not comfortable with this. I’m voting no.”
:bretttalk: “Lisa-”
:gwentalk: “Looks like three to two on not killing Alex, glad it’s settled.”

Brett grumbles, but doesn’t seem to push back, instead he focuses on refilling his magazine.

:jessietalk: “It’s not a maybe though…”

>Ask the guy who's seen it how long incubation was, and how long between symptoms and loss of control. That gives you a reasonable estimate of how long you can afford to wait. And even supposing the wound is infected, perhaps they could still help the group, lead the zombies away or something - if they're ok with that.
>Alright let's see, first question: how would the bitten person feel about turning into a zed? Does he see it as a fate worse than death or is it a better alternative then to die?
:alextalk: “What am I in for Jessie?”
:jessietalk: “...”
:alextalk: “I need to hear it. How long do I have? What symptoms do we need to watch for? How… bad is it?”
:jessietalk: “...”
:lisatalk: “Alex he-”
:alextalk: Please. I still want to help the group, even if it means luring away a bunch of zeds I still want to-”
:gwentalk: “No way. No chance in hell. We’re not using you as bait.”
:alextalk: “We might not have a choice. Heck, depending on what I’m in for, getting torn limb from limb might be the prefered option.”

We all sort of sit there for a second, processing it. Why did this have to happen when we were so damn close to the safe-zone?

:jessietalk: “Fine, I’ll tell you…”
:lisatalk: “You don’t have to, we’ll all understand if it’s too hard-”
:jessietalk: “It’s fine…”

I sit up to listen.
No. 1039748 ID: d63ea8
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:jessietalk: “Hospital beds were already filling up by the time it happened… Mom had gotten a couple of shots, had her hand bandaged up, and was sent home so she’d be out of the way…”
:jessietalk: “At first we thought she had the flu… Coughing, fever, a general tiredness, so she went to bed… I brought her some soup an hour later and she was tossing and turning unable to get to sleep... She insisted on getting up, even though the rest of us told her to stay in bed, but even when she was up Mom couldn’t stop fidgeting…”
:jessietalk: “So my sisters and I watched her pace back and forth in the living room while Dad tried to call the hospital, but all the calls were getting dropped because… well, the obvious…”
:jessietalk: “This continued for about two hours, but she kept stopping and looking at us as if confused…. I tried asking her about it, but she’d wave me off….”
:jessietalk: “Suddenly she went into the kitchen and started opening up the cupboards and scarfing down all she could grab. I was worried that she was going to make herself sick, and at one point she nearly was… I tried to grab her to pull her away -to get her back to her room- but she-”

Jessie shudders and takes a deep breath.

:jessietalk: “She lashed out at me… Wildly swinging a hand and- She apologized of course, said that she… thought I was someone else. Dad and I brought her back upstairs and she just sat on the bed, looking over her shoulder… again and again…”
:jessietalk: “Dad tried again with the phone and was about to grab the car to drive Mom back to the hospital when the emergency broadcast went out…”
:gwentalk: “That was the one at 9:00 pm, right?”
:jessietalk: “Yeah… about six hours after it all started. They said all the roads were closed, and that we all needed to stay home…”
:bretttalk: “A fat lot of good that did.”

:jessietalk: “Then Mom was up and about -screaming her head off- saying that there were people in the walls- I… I went to grab her again, but when she looked at me… I froze…
:jessietalk: “There was something really wrong with her. It felt like she was looking at me but… couldn’t see me… or that she had forgotten what I looked like..”
:jessietalk: “Dad grabbed her and she collapsed in his arms, convulsing…”
:jessietalk: “I came back with our first-aid kit and with all the pill bottles I could carry -not twenty seconds later- she was-”
:jessietalk: “She…”
:lisatalk: “Jess-”
:jessietalk: “She had already torn out Dad’s throat! And Alice and Becky-!”

He stifles a sob, hands quaking.

:jessietalk: “My guess is the deeper the bite, the faster it is… Because I-”
:jessietalk: “I had to clean up the house after… When I was done I just sat on the porch…”
:bretttalk: “That was when Lisa and I… shit.”
:lisatalk: “I’m so sorry Jessie. You shouldn’t have had to go through that again.”

Jessie just shakes his head.

:jessietalk: “Talking about it won’t make then any more dead… I just… need a minute…”
No. 1039749 ID: d63ea8
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Jessie heads back towards the sliding door, and then out onto the balcony. After a few seconds Lisa follows, and then closes the door behind her.

Brett watches her leave, then looks back at Gwen and me.

:bretttalk: “I’d say that answers your questions.”
:gwentalk: “Brett-”
:alextalk: “It’s fine Gwen. I guess… it doesn’t look too good for me.”

>Just leave me here. If I go with you guys, and if I turn, I will take one of you down with me...But I won't be put down on a if.
>Let's be honest, we all know when we will get sick. At the worst possible time.
:alextalk: “You’ll have to leave me behind.”

Both Gwen and Brett stay quiet.

:alextalk: “If I go with you guys and end up… turning… I will end up hurting one of you, or worse, and it will probably happen at the worst possible time.”
:bretttalk: “All the more reason to go with plan A.”
:gwentalk: “Fuck off Brett.”
:alextalk: “I still want to live, because if there’s the slimmest chance I-”

Brett stands back up.

:bretttalk: “You’re delusional if you think you’re special, or some sort of chosen one.”
:gwentalk: “They’re just trying to hold onto some shred of hope shithead.”
:bretttalk: “Wishful thinking like that will just get them or one of us killed.”

>The big question here in my mind is the wound from a bite as claimed or did we manage to get this wound from like a claw or something. Cause if we agree we were bit, death will probably be a mercy.
:alextalk: “Is there any chance that it might be a clawmark rather than a bite? The zed grabbed me from behind so I…”

But I already feel like I know the answer. Brett scoffs, Gwen gives a very somber sigh.

:gwentalk: “I’m sorry Alex, but it is a bite…”
:alextalk: “Then maybe killing me would be a mercy.”
:gwentalk: “Don’t talk like that. Like you said, we’re still in a world of unknowns. The military could have a treatment -or a cure-”

Brett scoffs again and it looks like Gwen is about to retort when Lisa and Jessie rush back in.
No. 1039750 ID: d63ea8
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:lisatalk: “Guys, there was an ashtray on the balcony. It looks like someone used it recently.”

>This room in better condition than the others? That might mean that someone is camping here. be careful they might return…
:alextalk: “This place looks a lot better than all of the other rooms, the beds aren’t even dusty.”
:gwentalk: “Dammit, okay. I’ll go over our maps and we can plan our next route.”
:lisatalk: “Wait, Jessie you said the bathroom was locked right?”
:jessietalk: “No… I said it was…”

He looks at the door and then gets in a readied stance.

:jessietalk: “Blocked…”
:bretttalk: “Shit.”

We look at each other and then the door. God, what if there’s someone in there.

>Is today Monday?
>Well, you're going insane, so...
Wait, what? Why the fuck would I think that. No, shit. Get a hold of yourself. You’re not crazy, this situation is.

>If we really think we have a chance, request to be bandaged up best that can be managed and request up to two days rations or up to 1/6th the party's rations (intentionally less than 1/5th) whichever is less, and leave the party.
:alextalk: “Shit. Just toss me a granola bar and get out of here.”
:gwentalk: “Fuck that, we’re not-”
:bretttalk: “Done and done.”

Brett tosses a half-melted bar in my direction.

:bretttalk: “Come on everyone, we’re leaving.”

Crap, I guess this is happening. Gwen reaches out to me but I lean away. Part of me still desperately wants to say something, what if this is my last chance?
No. 1039751 ID: 15c72a

Give Gwen a hug.
Tell them if you make a miraculous recovery you'll catch up later. Which way are they headed?
No. 1039752 ID: b4ab25

I mean yea now would be the time for goodbyes, but we as readers don't really know how we relate to these characters to give good goodbye words. Though perhaps mention if you are still yourself tomorrow, (and haven't acquired any additional bites) you will see about trying to join them at the safe zone
No. 1039754 ID: 5f4030

As nice as a hug sounds, Brett doesn't really seem the type to let that one go. He's all for putting that bat down on your skull. Best to just say your goodbyes for now.
No. 1039764 ID: 90c451

Say your goodbyes and take stock, we still gotta holdout some hope that we can survive. Try seeing if we can rip up a sheet or something to use as bandages to cover the wound and try to find any strong alcohol to disinfect the wound.
Though getting access to the bathroom would probably allow us some disinfectant and towels...
Try knocking on the bathroom door after they're gone, see if anyone's in there, or if it's a zed.
No. 1039767 ID: f2fb77

Tell her she's almost to the safe zone, and if by some miracle you survive, you'll catch up to them
No. 1039776 ID: e51896

I think once the others leave, we should wait a moment to give them time to leave and distance themselves from us, and then exit this room too, just in case there are survivors in there and we don't bite them.
It's okay to cry.
No. 1039807 ID: c1b1a3

Alright I have a crazy idea. Since the bitten man is already doomed might as well go all and do something truly reckless but maybe with that risk you might get a miracle of an result. Alright my plan is this simply for a bitten person to start to go outside and made as much noise as he can. This will make a giant conga line of zombies. Maybe this will get the attention of some people who could help you. In other words you can make yourself the giant and uncommon SOS signal, but again this is a really insane idea and I won't blame you if you ignore it.
No. 1039973 ID: b4ab25

I think this would be a bad idea as an earlier concern was
>"We don’t know how the hordes work, if they turn they might just bring one straight to us."
This suggests they would rather have zero nearby hordes if possible, and your suggestion is to intentionally attract a horde.
No. 1040010 ID: d63ea8
File 165958588204.jpg - (303.87KB , 1600x1200 , Motel3-1.jpg )

>I mean yea now would be the time for goodbyes, but we as readers don't really know how we relate to these characters to give good goodbye words.
Standing back up, I look at everyone and am at a loss for words. These are my classmates, my friends, the people I’ve spent nearly a month with just trying to survive. Why am I drawing a blank?
:alextalk: “I guess this is goodbye…”
:gwentalk: “I guess so…”
:bretttalk: “Are we really do-ow hey!”

Lisa steps on Brett’s foot.

:lisatalk: “Shh.”

>Say your goodbyes.
:alextalk: “Thank you, everyone. I understand that we haven’t always gotten along, but if it weren’t for all of you I don’t think I would’ve made it this far. Gwen, thanks for getting us out of that apartment, I just froze up, but you knew exactly what to do.”
:gwentalk: “We both looked out for each other, don’t you forget that.”
:alextalk: “Lisa, thanks for speaking up for us and letting us tag along.”
:lisatalk: “Hey, if it weren’t for you we wouldn’t have gotten that camp radio working again and wouldn’t even know about the safe-zone. Besides, Gwen was the one who got all her orienteering badges, bringing you two along was the smart choice.”
:alextalk: “Jessie, thank you. I’m sorry that I couldn’t pull my weight like you do, and sorry for pushing you, that was wrong.”
:jessietalk: “It’s fine… You wanted to know what would happen…”

His eyes are still fixed on the bathroom door as he speaks.

:jessietalk: “If you do turn… I’ll try to put you down… if I can…”

I just nod at that.

:alextalk: “Hey Brett?”
:bretttalk: “Yeah?
:alextalk: “I get that we don’t always see eye to eye, but I do hope you make it.”

Brett sighs.

:bretttalk: “I hope you make it too. And… sorry again about the zed. I fucked up. Bad.”

>Tell them if you make a miraculous recovery you'll catch up later. Which way are they headed?
>Though perhaps mention if you are still yourself tomorrow, (and haven't acquired any additional bites) you will see about trying to join them at the safe zone.
:alextalk: “In case I do make it, I’ll try to catch up with all of you or meet you at the safe-zone. Any particular route you’ll take out of town?”

Gwen presses a Map into my hand.

:gwentalk: “Take mine, it’ll have all my notes. The motel office had a rack full of brochures and local maps, so we’ll be fine.”

>Give Gwen a hug.
>As nice as a hug sounds, Brett doesn't really seem the type to let that one go. He's all for putting that bat down on your skull. Best to just say your goodbyes for now.
I hesitate about hugging her, what if I’m contagious? What if Brett-
But before I can react Gwen pulls me close.
I hear Brett mutter something, sounding exasperated.

:gwentalk: “Live, please.”

She’s barely keeping it together.

:gwentalk: “Just live and get back to us. We’ve come too far to lose you now.”

>Tell her she's almost to the safe zone, and if by some miracle you survive, you'll catch up to them.
:alextalk: “I will, I promise. Just get to the safe-zone, you’re almost there.”

With that she pulls away, wipes her eyes and smiles weakly. The gang starts to head out, Lisa pauses at the door and tosses me the Room Key.

:lisatalk: “You’ll probably need it more than us. And sorry about Brett, he’s a lot more rattled by this than he lets on.”
No. 1040011 ID: d63ea8
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And like that, they’re gone. Probably the last set of people still alive from my old life. I just…
>… It's okay to cry.
:alextalk: *sniff* “Fuck.”
No. 1040012 ID: d63ea8
File 165958589550.jpg - (249.29KB , 1600x1200 , Motel3-3.jpg )

>I think once the others leave, we should wait a moment to give them time to leave and distance themselves from us, and then exit this room too, just in case there are survivors in there and we don't bite them.
>Take stock, we still gotta hold out some hope that we can survive. Try seeing if we can rip up a sheet or something to use as bandages to cover the wound and try to find any strong alcohol to disinfect the wound.
After a few minutes of quiet sobbing I try to sit back and dry my eyes. I can’t act like I’m already dead. Just gotta focus on the next thing.

Alright, first thing’s first. I got to tend to this bite. Even if the zombie stuff is already a problem, I can’t let it get infected. The pillowcases are a bit easier to tear than the heavy sheets, so I rip them up into makeshift bandages so I can wrap my shoulder. Luckily enough, whoever was (is?) staying here left a quarter-filled bottle of vodka in the minifridge alongside a very mushy orange, I use it to disinfect the bandages and the bite wound itself.
:alextalk: “Motherf-”
:unknownstatic: -rgency aler-
It stings like a bastard, but that probably means it’s working. Wrapping my shoulder up takes a fair bit longer since I’m having to both take off my shirt and bandage the wound one-handed. But after a couple more minutes it’s done.

Let’s see, all together I have:
- A kinda melted Granola Bar, better than nothing.
- A Map that Gwen had been using to navigate us to the safe-zone.
- A Room Key to room 203, this room.
- Some spare Makeshift Bandages that were left over from the pillowcases, though I didn’t have enough vodka to disinfect them.
- An Empty Glass Bottle that held the previously mentioned vodka. I could maybe use it as a weapon, but it wouldn’t be great against a zed.

In the room I also find:
- A Dead Rat, fortunately animals can’t turn into zeds.
- An Unlabeled Bottle of Pills, in one of the drawers of the desk.
- And a Half-empty Pack of Cigarettes.

I decide to leave those other items alone for now. I imagine this room’s resident will already be pissed off enough by the vodka.

It’s been about fifteen minutes, so the others should be gone by now, and I’m not sure if whoever is staying here would appreciate a possibly infected highschooler in their room.

>Crazy idea, attract a horde.
>This would be a bad idea.
If other survivors were like our group, we’d avoid hordes as best we could. Two or three zeds were dangerous enough themselves, but upwards or twenty and thirty, suicide. We ended up totalling Lisa’s car when we drove through one of them, we were lucky that no one got grabbed at that point.

>Getting access to the bathroom would probably allow us some disinfectant and towels…
I look over to the bathroom door, proper disinfectant would work better than the vodka, and I would be able to sterilize the other bandages. It might be worth the risk…

>Try knocking on the bathroom door, see if anyone's in there, or if it's a zed.
I gently rap on the door…
:alextalk: “Hello? Is anyone in there? Hello?”
Still nothing.

I carefully push on the door. It feels like there is something heavy on the other side.
Putting my good shoulder against it, I push a bit harder, and feel something shift.

The door opens a crack.
No. 1040013 ID: d63ea8
File 165958593639.jpg - (1.24MB , 1600x1200 , Motel3-4.jpg )

:alextalk: “Hello-”

I’m suddenly hit with the rancid stench of old blood, and am barely able to stifle a scream.
No. 1040014 ID: d63ea8
File 165958596814.jpg - (1.25MB , 1600x1200 , Motel3-5.jpg )

:zombietalk: “Hrrughh…”
No. 1040016 ID: 629f2e

Break a leg off that chair and use it to safely brain that undead jackass from behind the door.
No. 1040017 ID: e51896

that zed can't move without its arms and legs. But going near it is still a bad idea. Get that coat rack, and push him farther away from the door. Then, once the zed is far enough away, open the bathtub curtains, see what is inside.
No. 1040018 ID: 7b2026

This. Find a weapon if you can. If you can’t, then curb stomp it’s head in provided you’ve got good shoes.
No. 1040019 ID: e51896

Something to consider
if we leave that zombie alone and we become zombie, this guy can be one of our party members as zombie in arms :P


Either way, he doesn't have arms or legs. probably won't help much, but maybe you'll understand their language if we let this one survive and we turn.?
No. 1040020 ID: b4ab25

Shouldn't need a tool to push this zed around, just your foot pushing it around from the waist or lower. No need to break a perfectly good chair
Looks like you should be able to get an angle from the door there to get a thin view of what is in the tub, if it doesn't look alive or undead open the curtain for a better look. If you can't tell use the coat-rack as a tool to open the curtain from a distance
No. 1040022 ID: b4ab25

>:unknownstatic: -rgency aler-
Might want to figure out what this is saying too, would suck if it was saying something like the safe-zone had fallen
No. 1040027 ID: 65bbdc

What the fuck happened in this bathroom? Yeah this is a tutorial kill so no problem, learn how much power do you need to kill one of them.
No. 1040031 ID: 894419

get a bludgeon and finish it, but watch out, could be more threats behind that curtain
No. 1040042 ID: 15c72a

Ok, something is wrong here. Who chopped up the zombie? Or... was that a living person who got mostly eaten then turned after death? The blood is coming from the bathtub. Well, it's old blood, not fresh blood, so it probably can't hurt to take a look at the tub after you bash the zed.
No. 1040051 ID: 7c0da2

That's a messed up bathroom.
Don't go inside. No point risking another bite.
The blood is infected and you have an open wound. Anything from in there would likely be contaminated too.

Plus, that's a seriously gruesome sight, even without seeing what's in the bath. It's best to leave the motel, what kind of people keeps a limbless zed in their bathroom anyway?
No. 1040053 ID: 4432a5

>what kind of people keeps a limbless zed in their bathroom anyway?

Maybe this zed was limbless before it became a zed, having their limbs torn off by another person before death.
No. 1040056 ID: e5709d

No, keep this zombie alive.
* You can use them as a distraction. If you come across raiders, you can have it scream and freak them out.
* You can experiment, vivisect, and generally determine reactions from zombies with your experiment.
* You can also test out various stealth and distraction tricks, see what sticks.
* Also you need a pet zombie and you will now call them Steve Harmy-McButty.
No. 1040307 ID: fce62b
File 165992660083.jpg - (223.21KB , 1600x1200 , Motel4-1.jpg )

(5-3 Vote on killing the zed)

>Break a leg off that chair and use it to safely brain that undead jackass from behind the door.
>This. Find a weapon if you can. If you can’t, then curb stomp its head in provided you’ve got good shoes.
>Get a bludgeon and finish it, but watch out, could be more threats behind that curtain.
I need something more sturdy than a glass bottle to use as a weapon. The coat rack is too heavy to swing with one hand, and the chair is too unwieldy. In lieu of that I will try to make one.

It takes a fair bit of effort to pry off a chair leg to use, but it’s worth it. I shouldn’t be nearly as defenseless now.

>Yeah this is a tutorial kill so no problem, learn how much power you need to kill one of them.
I’ve killed zeds before, but that was usually with the help of everyone else. Jessie would usually try to crack them in the knee so that they’d fall over, and Gwen or I would finish it off. But that was also when I had the crowbar and use of both of my arms.

We’ll have to see what I can do, one-handed.
No. 1040313 ID: fce62b
File 165992671413.jpg - (1.25MB , 1600x1200 , Motel4-2.jpg )

>Shouldn't need a tool to push this zed around, just your foot pushing it around from the waist or lower. No need to break a perfectly good chair.
Even without any of its limbs, I imagine the zed would still try to gnaw on my ankles, given half a chance, and I need some more room if I want to hit it properly.

>That zed can't move without its arms and legs. But going near it is still a bad idea. Get that coat rack, and push him further away from the door. Then, once the zed is far enough away, open the bathtub curtains, see what is inside.
While I can’t use the coat rack as a weapon, I can still haul it around with one arm. Bracing the base against my stomach I firmly prod at the zed and start pushing it away from the door.

:zombietalk: “Grurhk..?”
No. 1040314 ID: fce62b
File 165992674670.jpg - (1.26MB , 1600x1200 , Motel4-3.jpg )


:zombietalk: “mmhrmm…”

There, that should be enough room.

>Something to consider…
>if we leave that zombie alone and we become zombie, this guy can be one of our party members as zombie in arms :P
I don’t think that would be possible due to its lack of arms. Though more seriously even if I were up for ‘joining the other team’ I imagine that this guy would be nothing but dead weight.

>Also you need a pet zombie and you will now call them Steve Harmy-McButty.
:alextalk: *snicker* “McButty. Nothing butt dead weight.”

:zombietalk: “Mrhmmrm...”

>Either way, he doesn't have arms or legs. probably won't help much, but maybe you'll understand their language if we let this one survive and we turn?
Brett had been theorizing that the zeds might have some way of communicating with one another, beyond the obvious sounds of snarling attracting more, and this one is oddly quiet. We’re not sure how hordes exactly form up, but they do seem to move from one location to another with at least a basic sense of coordination, and it always felt like more than a coincidence that a horde shambled into the summer camp.

But I’m no linguist, and I doubt that I’ll have a breakthrough anytime soon.

>Looks like you should be able to get an angle from the door there to get a thin view of what is in the tub, if it doesn't look alive or undead open the curtain for a better look. If you can't tell, use the coat-rack as a tool to open the curtain from a distance.
It’s hard to make out with the shadows, but I don’t think anyone is in there. Hefting the coat rack once more I start pushing the curtains out of the way and open up the door fully to let in more light.
No. 1040315 ID: fce62b
File 165992676677.jpg - (818.33KB , 1600x1200 , Motel4-4.jpg )

>What the fuck happened in this bathroom?
Jeez. Someone really went hog wild in here. The tub is filled with more old blood, but it looks like most of it has gone down the drain. Welp, there’s the arm and leg. To the side there is a blooded set of Pliers and-

Oh fuck- Is that a bowl of human teeth?! And what’s that to the side? A small set of darts… made from teeth too…

:alextalk: “What in the actual fuck…”
:zombietalk: “Mrmmrhm...”

>The blood is coming from the bathtub. Well, it's old blood, not fresh blood, so it probably can't hurt to take a look at the tub after you bash the zed.
Yeah, bashing first, tub second.
No. 1040316 ID: fce62b
File 165992678643.jpg - (806.66KB , 1600x1200 , Motel4-5.jpg )

It takes-
-a bit of effort to-
-kill the-
-fuck Jessie made this look easy-

:zombietalk: “MrHhrRm..!”


Finally the zed’s head splits open and a bunch of horrific goo and blood sloughs out.

>Ok, something is wrong here. Who chopped up the zombie? Or... was that a living person who got mostly eaten then turned after death?
>Maybe this zed was limbless before it became a zed, having their limbs torn off by another person before death.
God, I hope all this happened to them after they turned, but it looks like someone hacked off all their limbs with a weapon, like an ax or a machete. Using the chair leg to tilt the zed’s head over, I am finally able to see that its throat has been slashed and all of its teeth removed. What kind of psycho is staying here?

>That's a messed up bathroom.
Yep. Looks exactly like something you’d see in a slasher film.

>Don't go inside. No point risking another bite.
Welp, the threat of a bite should be thoroughly neutralized now.

>The blood is infected and you have an open wound. Anything from in there would likely be contaminated too.
I am careful to try and step around the worst of the blood while in here, though I’ll definitely need to wash my shoes after this. Best to leave everything else in here untouched, especially the darts, why the hell would you even make those?

>No, keep this zombie alive.
>* You can use them as a distraction. If you come across raiders, you can scream and freak them out.
>* You can experiment, vivisect, and generally determine reactions from zombies with your experiment.
>* You can also test out various stealth and distraction tricks, see what sticks.
I wonder if whoever is staying here had the same idea. At the very least, blows to the head still seem to work, and cutting the zed’s vocal cords looked to have made it a lot quieter.

Beyond that I’m not sure what else I can learn from a naked limbless zed.
No. 1040318 ID: fce62b
File 165992684614.jpg - (244.07KB , 1600x1200 , Motel4-6.jpg )

>It's best to leave the motel, what kind of people keep a limbless zed in their bathroom anyway?
Sticking around here seems like a worse idea with every passing moment. If that’s what they’d do to a zed, what would they do with a possibly infected person like me? Best not to find out.

>Might want to figure out what this is saying too, would suck if it was saying something like the safe-zone had fallen
I- What? I don’t…
The safe-zone has to be intact, they said that the military had fortified the area and had ammo and weapons to spare. It couldn’t have fallen, could it?

But what had that-? It didn’t sound like-

No. Don’t get distracted right now. Just figure out if you need to grab anything else and then get out of this serial-killer motel room.
No. 1040320 ID: 461b1a

Let’s do a 10 minute look around, find what supplies we can then see if we can find a way to the safe zone. Also how are zombies created? Are we dealing with infections bite ? Or is it something like the walking dead where if you die regardless of bites or not you’re turned?
No. 1040322 ID: aff302

Rip Steven Harmy-McButty you will be missed. Smack his ass for good luck. On the other note after you finish that get the fuck out of there! Whoever did this to a zed will probably do the same thing to a person who will become one.
No. 1040335 ID: 15c72a

Oh hell. The darts and pulled teeth mean... someone made bio-weapons out of this zombie. The darts will infect whoever they hit.

Put the coatrack back where it was. Close the bathroom door. Move the wrecked chair out of view of the door. Hide behind that wall so you can ambush whoever comes into this apartment-- whoever did this needs to be stopped, as there is NO valid reason to turn more people into zombies. It takes too long to be an effective battle tactic and is thus strictly inferior to a gun so the person who was here just wants to make people suffer.

Actually, you might try using the entire chair as a weapon, if you can swing it with one hand.
No. 1040365 ID: b4ab25

This seems to be a 'bites turn' world. Starting fragment:
>:jessietalk: “I’ve seen it… Mom got nipped on the hand by one of her patients… She started to get sick, and then…” >>1039667
Continued in earnest: >>1039748

Oh shit, that makes a twisted kinda sense, but I think that probably also means that (double) dead zombies can't infect, so those teeth have to be from a 'live' zombie which is why 'Harmy-McButty' was kept 'alive'.
These are also exactly the kind of sneaky weapons that would help cause a safe-zone to crumble from an internal outbreak... and this is near a safe-zone.
Unfortunately, I think our best bet for taking this fellow out would have been their own 'one hit' weapons and turning them into a zombie. As our current weapon(s) barely let us take out a limbless zombie. I think even a healthy child/teen could be too much for us.
I don't think we can take whoever this is, but we may be able to warn others to look out for this kind of threat, if we can find a radio or our former group.
Though, if it is true that a zombie must be 'alive' for it or its bits to infect, it might be possible that an incomplete infection could be 'aborted' by killing the responsible zombie(s) in time.

>:bretttalk: “Hey- That old lady didn’t make a peep the entire time we were there and jumped us just as we were walking out. Any one of you could’ve seen her shamble out if you were paying attention.” >>1039666
We just learned a reason a zombie might be particularly quiet, and that teeth may be the infection vector. It is not inconceivable that an old lady might have lost their original teeth, and have something like dentures or other fake replacement teeth, and perhaps old failing vocal cords that, with a little extra strain/rot, failed completely. or perhaps Psycho Mc Teeth Extractor had got to her already.

If (human zombie) Teeth really are the infection vector, things like dental retainers, teeth grinding guards, and the like could be, basically, the equivalent to masks. They don't particularly protect you from being infected, but drastically reduce your ability to infect others. (and make it hard to eat while worn =P)

We need to try pass this information on to other survivors. Lets take a dart or three as evidence and (hopefully now empty) threats, make a mess of/scatter the the rest of the teeth and darts into the tub. Unfortunately, I think it is safest to assume Mc Psycho actively got out of our way to avoid detection, and that our former party may be his next marks. That said, is this hotel room low or fire-escape-connected enough to leave via the balcony, because if so, we probably want to lock the door with locks/latches the keys don't help with. Sadly it looks like we took one of the back legs of the chair, so it will probably not be too good as a door brace. If we are not going to need to use the door, I vote we at least shove the mini-fridge against it in addition to latching and locking.
No. 1040376 ID: 0838d6

A few things, anything under the mattress?
Anything in the toilet tank?
The door opens towards you, so if you need to rest you could prop the chair against the door.

I like the idea of the teeth being the infection vector, but it would be weird for the zed to be alive to be able to use the teeth, that implies some sort of pseudo-magic exists, and if pseudo magic exists, then as a zed, maybe eating things can grant intelligence or pseudo magic.

But unfortunately it's all speculation, if you cant find anything extra and don't have a backpack, what do you remember about your way in, other doors, rooms, etc.

Also where'd you get the room key from? Are there more room keys around?

And is there a window to the outside you can check?
No. 1040435 ID: 7c0da2

We have no clear indication yet that a zombie needs to be alive to infect, or that only teeth are infectious. Stay cautious around things like blood or zombie bits, and don't touch it if you can help it.
Try to find the radio (?) that made the sound you heard. You checked the room already, so it's probably not in an obvious spot, maybe under the bed or in the mattress? Take all his stuff by the way.
Then get out of here fast. Don't bother locking behind you, whoever lives here will figure out you where here anyway.
No. 1040440 ID: ea2a0c

That would actually make sense for somebody to make such zed poisonious darts. If we go ambush the one responsible, we'll have to consider that they're not alone, and prepare to deal with more than one crazy lunatic trying to turn people into zeds.
What if we wait in the next apartment over, and try to listen in through the walls if they return?
No. 1040448 ID: e5709d

>but I think that probably also means that (double) dead zombies can't infect, so those teeth have to be from a 'live' zombie which is why 'Harmy-McButty' was kept 'alive'.
Eh. We haven't seen any zombies casting basic magic yet, so I'd err on the side of pseudo-realistic scientific horror.
In this case, the implication is that a living zombie, at least certain types, will be capable of regenerating low-maintenance body parts, especially teeth. At the very least, zombie blood would be easy to replicate and use as an infection vector.

No. This is their base of operations, and it's a good one. If you leave it intact, they'll upgrade it even further and become nigh-unstoppable psychos. They will hunt down other survivors in their bid for a power grab. You either need to kill the gang and take their base for yourself or tarnish the place with traps - possibly a grenade, if they've been stockpiling - so you can end them all before you escape.
No. 1040539 ID: fce62b
File 166018585526.jpg - (602.05KB , 1600x1200 , Motel5-1.jpg )

(5-3 vote on staying at the motel)

>The door opens towards you, so if you need to rest you could prop the chair against the door.
>Put the coat rack back where it was. Close the bathroom door.
I’m suddenly hit with a flurry of differing thoughts:
What just happened to me not even an hour ago, everyone else having to leave me behind, the fact that whoever is staying here was harvesting the teeth from a zed. As much as I want to rush out -to get away from here- I can’t just act on instinct. I need to think and I need a plan.

>Sadly it looks like we took one of the back legs of the chair, so it will probably not be too good as a door brace. If we are not going to need to use the door, I vote we at least shove the mini-fridge against it in addition to latching and locking.
>Move the wrecked chair out of view of the door. Hide behind that wall so you can ambush whoever comes into this apartment-- whoever did this needs to be stopped, as there is NO valid reason to turn more people into zombies.
After putting the coat rack back I wedge the chair under the doorknob, it doesn’t even look remotely secure. I debate about moving the mini fridge as well, it’s kinda heavy and if I wedge it against the corner that the door swings in on it would make it hard to get into the motel room without breaking down the door entirely.

The only thing that gives me pause is the fact that I’d be giving up the element of surprise. Whoever this psycho is, they have to at least be strong enough to chop off the limbs of a zed and/or lug it up to their bathroom. I doubt that I’d be able to take that person in a straight fight.

>Unfortunately, I think our best bet for taking this fellow out would have been their own 'one hit' weapons and turning them into a zombie. As our current weapon(s) barely let us take out a limbless zombie. I think even a healthy child/teen could be too much for us. I don't think we can take whoever this is, but we may be able to warn others to look out for this kind of threat, if we can find a radio or our former group.
>No. This is their base of operations, and it's a good one. If you leave it intact, they'll upgrade it even further and become nigh-unstoppable psychos. They will hunt down other survivors in their bid for a power grab. You either need to kill the gang and take their base for yourself or tarnish the place with traps - possibly a grenade, if they've been stockpiling - so you can end them all before you escape.
Shit. I wish I had a gun or a grenade or something to even the odds. If I could get the drop on them and get in one good hit I might be able to take them. Zeds are tough, but aren’t people. People can die pretty quick if you can hit the right spot, but they could easily have a gun or something that could take me out in an instant too. Either way, I can’t let this person (or people) stay here doing this. If they are trying to find a way of infecting people they might go after Gwen, the others or even the safe-zone itself. I can’t let that happen. Not if I can still fight.

>Also how are zombies created? Are we dealing with infectious bite? Or is it something like the walking dead where if you die regardless of bites or not you’re turned?
>This seems to be a 'bites turn' world.
To the best of my knowledge, and this is mainly going off of Jessie’s account, bites are what do it. I doubt it's airborne, otherwise we’d all be dead, and from what I’ve seen we aren’t going by Walking Dead rules, thank god. In our month of trekking cross country, we have come across dead bodies who were from people who didn’t turn. Main one I can think of was some motorcyclist who looked to have gone off the bridge of an overpass. Broke his neck on the fall but didn’t turn.

What I don’t get is how it spread so fast initially. Sure, zeds are tough and decently strong, but they're all pretty slow. In the initial few days of all this people were still trying to figure out what was going on, but suddenly it was all over the country, maybe even the world. How did all those people get sick? There weren’t any reports of people biting or eating one another until things were going to hell.

>Oh hell. The darts and pulled teeth mean... someone made bio-weapons out of this zombie. The darts will infect whoever they hit. It takes too long to be an effective battle tactic and is thus strictly inferior to a gun so the person who was here just wants to make people suffer.
>These are also exactly the kind of sneaky weapons that would help cause a safe-zone to crumble from an internal outbreak... and this is near a safe-zone.
I can’t believe that even now, people are trying to find new and horrible ways of killing each other. If one of those darts managed to make its way into the safe-zone, god. Though it does make me wonder… What if someone has already attempted it?

>Oh shit, that makes a twisted kinda sense, but I think that probably also means that (double) dead zombies can't infect, so those teeth have to be from a 'live' zombie which is why 'Harmy-McButty' was kept 'alive'.
>We have no clear indication yet that a zombie needs to be alive to infect, or that only teeth are infectious. Stay cautious around things like blood or zombie bits, and don't touch it if you can help it.
>I like the idea of the teeth being the infection vector, but it would be weird for the zed to be alive to be able to use the teeth, that implies some sort of pseudo-magic exists, and if pseudo magic exists, then as a zed.
I imagine it would be pretty hard to get a zed bite after it was already re-killed, but I can’t imagine why the teeth would need to be fresh, unless its infecting potential goes down after a while. If that is the case, I’m not exactly sure how I could test that theory without ‘experimenting,’ and I’m not going to copy this person. Though, that does beg the question, why keep a limbless toothless zed in your bathroom?

>Though, if it is true that a zombie must be 'alive' for it or its bits to infect, it might be possible that an incomplete infection could be 'aborted' by killing the responsible zombie(s) in time.
I really hope that’s the case.

>We just learned a reason a zombie might be particularly quiet, and that teeth may be the infection vector. It is not inconceivable that an old lady might have lost their original teeth, and have something like dentures or other fake replacement teeth, and perhaps old failing vocal cords that, with a little extra strain/rot, failed completely. or perhaps Psycho Mc Teeth Extractor had got to her already.
I think the old lady bit me with real teeth, granted none of us checked to see if she had dentures or not -fuck- imagine if that was my lucky break. No, her and Harmy being quiet seems like a new thing, and it’s kinda weird that we ran into them back-to-back. In that split-second before she grabbed me she was hissing and growling as loud as any other zed would, but up until that point, nothing. Harmy on the other hand seemed to be trying to make as much of a ruckus as possible, but couldn’t since his vocal chords had been cut. Yet he didn’t even try to make a peep until I hit him with the bathroom door.

>Maybe eating things can grant intelligence or pseudo magic.
I haven’t seen any zeds levitate do anything super weird, beyond the hordes ‘herding themselves,’ but I imagine that the hordes do eat a lot…

>Eh. We haven't seen any zombies casting basic magic yet, so I'd err on the side of pseudo-realistic scientific horror. In this case, the implication is that a living zombie, at least certain types, will be capable of regenerating low-maintenance body parts, especially teeth. At the very least, zombie blood would be easy to replicate and use as an infection vector.
That actually makes a lot of sense. I’m not a dentist, but I don’t think one mouth’s worth of teeth could fill up a bowl that much. It’s not like any of us stuck around to see if an active zed could regenerate itself.

>If (human zombie) Teeth really are the infection vector, things like dental retainers, teeth grinding guards, and the like could be, basically, the equivalent to masks. They don't particularly protect you from being infected, but drastically reduce your ability to infect others. (and make it hard to eat while worn =P)
I think I saw a sporting goods store about a block away from the grocery store, grabbing a retainer or mouth-guard from there might be a good way of making me ‘less dangerous’ if I do turn.
No. 1040540 ID: fce62b
File 166018586189.jpg - (610.80KB , 1600x1200 , Motel5-2.jpg )

>Whoever did this to a zed will probably do the same thing to a person who will become one.
If they have those darts, then they’d probably try to do the same thing to me as they did with Harmy, if not someone else they’d try to infect. I need to find a way of stopping them.

>If we go ambush the one responsible, we'll have to consider that they're not alone, and prepare to deal with more than one crazy lunatic trying to turn people into zeds. What if we wait in the next apartment over, and try to listen in through the walls if they return?
>What do you remember about your way in, other doors, rooms, etc.
If there is more than one person staying here, then I’m probably screwed unless I get stupid lucky. From what I remember the neighboring rooms are in much worse states than this.
Room 202 had its door broken down, probably by a bunch of zeds and the interior was just a mess. Room 204 was unlocked but it looked like someone had already gone through it, furniture and trash was scattered everywhere. Now that I think about it, the reason why this room looks so good comparatively is probably because whoever stayed here took the best stuff from the surrounding rooms and moved it here.

The walkway that connects the second floor of this motel has a staircase on either end, and each second floor room has a balcony while every first floor room just has a window. The fence surrounding the property seemed pretty intact, hence why we chose to crash here after I got attacked.

>Also where'd you get the room key from? Are there more room keys around?
Lisa and Jessie searched the motel office in the north-eastern corner of the property, a lot of the spare rooms keys were either strewn about or missing, though Lisa said that she found this set tucked away under one of the desks.

Beyond that there are two nearby buildings on this strip of road outside of town. To the west is an auto parts store and to the east is a gas station. Would’ve been helpful if we still had the car with us.

>Actually, you might try using the entire chair as a weapon, if you can swing it with one hand.
While I can kinda swing the chair with one hand, I don’t think I could use it to any great effect. It’s awkward, unbalanced, and I’d be way too clumsy if I tried attacking someone with it. I need to be able to hit someone precisely since I don’t have the raw strength that Jessie has.
No. 1040541 ID: fce62b
File 166018586620.jpg - (292.08KB , 1600x1200 , Motel5-3.jpg )

>And is there a window to the outside you can check?
Yeah, the sliding door is one of those glass ones, and since we're somewhat out of town, in the middle of nowhere, I can see a lot of the surrounding area.

I notice the ashtray Lisa mention alongside a few more empty glass bottles out on the balcony.

>That said, is this hotel room low or fire-escape-connected enough to leave via the balcony, because if so, we probably want to lock the door with locks/latches the keys don't help with.
The balcony seems low enough to the ground that I could probably drop from it without hurting myself. Heck, I might even be able to jump to one of the neighboring balconies, but that would definitely be more risky.
No. 1040542 ID: fce62b
File 166018587065.jpg - (199.98KB , 1600x1200 , Motel5-4.jpg )

Looking out through the sliding door I see that the horde is still gathered around the grocery store, swarming about almost like ants.

At least they’re not heading in this direction. Gwen said that we needed to continue west for about a day or day-and-a-half before we’d hit the safe-zone. The one reason why we even went near the town was because the grocery store was just on the edge of it, and we were basically out of food and clean water.

Fuck we were so close.
No. 1040543 ID: fce62b
File 166018587520.jpg - (284.23KB , 1600x1200 , Motel5-5.jpg )

>Let’s do a 10 minute look around, find what supplies we can.
>A few things, anything under the mattress?
>Try to find the radio (?) that made the sound you heard. You checked the room already, so it's probably not in an obvious spot, maybe under the bed or in the mattress?
>We need to try to pass this information on to other survivors.
If whatever I heard was a radio I might be able to warn someone. If it’s a short ranged one or even a walkie talkie I should be able to mess with it. At the very least I should be able to find out if this psycho has friends or not.

I do a more thorough search for the room, I find:
- Some Pornographic Magazines under the matress. They look stuck together, I’m not touching them.
- There are also some Assorted Coins that look to have fallen between the desk and the wall.
- Using one of the dimes I’m able to unscrew the air vent above the bed, but there’s nothing but dust in there.

I can't find a radio… but I think I did here something over my shoulder. Maybe it came from the bathroom or room 202?
No. 1040544 ID: fce62b
File 166018589109.jpg - (796.13KB , 1600x1200 , Motel5-6.jpg )

>Let's take a dart or three as evidence and (hopefully now empty) threats, make a mess of/scatter the rest of the teeth and darts into the tub.
I carefully wrap up the darts in one of my makeshift bandages before putting them back in my pocket. I also upend the bowl into the bathtub. Hope they have fun cleaning that up.

>Unfortunately, I think it is safest to assume Mc Psycho actively got out of our way to avoid detection, and that our former party may be his next marks.
I won’t let that happen, not to Gwen, not to Jessie, not to anyone. They’ll make it, even if I can’t.

>Anything in the toilet tank?
The lid is a bit difficult to move with one hand, being made out of that ceramic-y stuff, but I do find a swtichblade tucked inside the empty tank. This should be helpful. It’d be basically useless against a zed, it being so small, but I won’t be fighting a zed.

I pause for a second, and look back over my shoulder. What was that?

>Take all his stuff by the way.
I grab the Pliers from the far edge of the tub. My pockets are getting pretty full, I think I’ll only be able to grab one or two more things.
No. 1040545 ID: fce62b
File 166018592603.jpg - (250.97KB , 1600x1200 , Motel5-7.jpg )

Heading back out to the sliding door I see that the horde is starting to disperse and-


That bike wasn’t here a minute ago, looks like I’m out of time.

How am I going to ambush or avoid this guy?

(You may take up to two more items previously found and add them to your inventory.)
No. 1040552 ID: b4ab25

Their bike? What if our bike? Deprive em of er speed and gain it for ourselves. If we just have two more pocket slots, might take the bottles, (good fluid contains) or leave them open for a bike-by-robbery of the sporting goods store.
I again vote we latch the door. Then when the person tries to come in we will have a warning and some time to get away out the balcony, (while even if they knew our plan they would still have to traverse the motel building,) and then we get to their bike, at which point we can ride away.
(or if we are dead set on the ambush, put the chair back where it was when you got there and make the door as locked as when you got there, sadly we probably can't do anything about the bit of blood in the middle of the room and we can't un-use the bedding, prepare with the switchblade behind the wall that makes the little coatrack alcove. If we are going for kill first questions later a good stab up into the armpit should be able to cut an important vein otherwise just the upper chest/lung area should also have a good chance of critical damage. If we are not going for the kill first, we can try the classic knife-to-neck thing, though apparently that cut is harder to make than movies would have you believe.)
No. 1040554 ID: 15c72a

>What if someone has already attempted it?
That's probably how the initial outbreak happened. Someone bio-engineered this plague, then spread it on purpose, and now those responsible are attempting to spread the plague into safe zones. It's an attempted genocide of the entire country. If you can interrogate this guy you can find out who did it, and then use your last remaining days reporting it to whatever remnants of civilization you can find. It's not solid proof but they might be able to follow up with an investigation to find solid proof...

Ashtray means you can potentially ID the right person by what brand of cigs they're smoking. If there was an empty pack in the room, make note.

>plan for ambush?
Well, they're gonna have to come out of the store eventually, and will go for the bike. Hide around the other side of the building from the bike, then when you hear the door open you can sneak up behind them and put the knife to their throat.
Do your best not to kill them until you know it's actually the person that was using this room. For instance, you can get them to empty their pockets, and if they have the same cigs or something dart-related then you know it's them.
No. 1040557 ID: 15c72a

Oh, but go around the back so you won't be seen through the doors.
No. 1040558 ID: aff302

I would probably take a coat hanger it could be used to make a makeshift spear. But maybe it is too big to be practical to carry around.
No. 1040587 ID: b4ab25

Think our problem with that is that we only have one 'functional' arm and only normal human wrist strength to compensate for one-handing it (not to mention I think just lifting it with one arm is non-trivial)
Oh, is bathroom door closed or not? Cause we probably want it closed.
>>1040554 >>1040557
>Well, they're gonna have to come out of the store eventually, and will go for the bike. Hide around the other side of the building from the bike, then when you hear the door open you can sneak up behind them and put the knife to their throat.
>Oh, but go around the back so you won't be seen through the doors.
This whole plan seems to involve us already being outside and down one floor. Though it is a good point that they may be there for the place they parked their bike, Elmers' Auto & Truck.
Unsure what building's corner we are seeing in >>1040541 such that we are able to see so much of Elmers' Auto & Truck in >>1040542. If possible, probably watch the bike (and by extension the building) from behind the coat rack alcove wall. We don't really have a way to say with confidence that bike owner is also our Mc Psycho, unless they enter or at least attempt to enter this room.
No. 1040593 ID: 90c451

Look, we may be psyching ourselves up here. I think we should at least get a read on the guy before we do anything drastic, for all we know the bike may belong to another survivor making their way to the safe zone. I mean, why would the guy stop at the auto shop instead of going to his room?
All I'm saying is to get a good look at this guy before we ambush him or steal his bike. We could just be leaving another victim for the psychopath that lives in this room that way.
No. 1040735 ID: e51896

No. 1040738 ID: 15c72a

There is one way we can confirm it's the same guy. Watch the lobby from a hidden spot. If the survivor goes directly to where the room key was stashed, we have our target. At which point, we can ambush them as they're reaching under the desk, or somewhere between there and the room that has a blind spot.
No. 1040873 ID: fce62b
File 166052845374.jpg - (325.91KB , 1600x1200 , Motel6-1.jpg )

>Unsure what building's corner we are seeing.
((The building is Elmer’s Auto & Truck. Apologies, I’ll try to be clearer with the perspective next time.))

>If possible, probably watch the bike (and by extension the building) from behind the coat rack alcove wall.
Unfortunately because of the angle and how far back the alcove is I would only be able to see the top of the auto parts store, and staying here at the sliding door might let them spot me.

>I would probably take a coat rack, it could be used to make a makeshift spear. But maybe it is too big to be practical to carry around.
>Think our problem with that is that we only have one 'functional' arm and only normal human wrist strength to compensate for one-handing it.
I’m not that strong to begin with, and being stuck with one usable arm isn’t helping either. As much as I would love to have the extra reach, my overall speed is worth more. On my own dealing with more than one zed at a time will be extremely risky.

>Their bike? What if our bike? Deprive em of er speed and gain it for ourselves.
It might take some practice only using one hand, but a bike would be really helpful. You can outpace most zeds with a light jog, a bike would leave them in the dust.

>Ashtray means you can potentially ID the right person by what brand of cigs they're smoking. If there was an empty pack in the room, make note.
Quickly checking the half-empty pack of cigarettes I mentally note the brand and labeling. Each cigarette also has the brand logo printed around the base, so hopefully I can use that to ID them as well.

>If we just have two more pocket slots, might take the bottles, (good fluid contains) or leave them open for a bike-by-robbery of the sporting goods store.
Might as well take them for now. It usually takes hours for a horde to fully disperse or move on, and tossing an empty bottle can make for a good momentary distraction.

>Oh, is the bathroom door closed or not? Cause we probably want it closed.
>I again vote we latch the door.
I try to make it a habit of closing doors behind me if it doesn’t look like they're going to lock. Last thing you want is a zed wandering in behind you. But just to be safe I make sure that the bathroom door is closed and the front door is latched.

>Well, they're gonna have to come out of the store eventually, and will go for the bike. Hide around the other side of the building from the bike, then when you hear the door open you can sneak up behind them and put the knife to their throat.
>This whole plan seems to involve us already being outside and down one floor.
Alright, let’s be proactive about this. I toss my chair leg unto the ground below then carefully climb over the railing of the balcony. Using one hand, I lower myself closer to the group before dropping.
No. 1040874 ID: fce62b
File 166052845804.jpg - (589.84KB , 1600x1200 , Motel6-2.jpg )

I land quietly on the dead dry grass and quickly retrieve my club.

>Someone bio-engineered this plague, then spread it on purpose, and now those responsible are attempting to spread the plague into safe zones. It's an attempted genocide of the entire country. If you can interrogate this guy you can find out who did it, and then use your last remaining days reporting it to whatever remnants of civilization you can find. It's not solid proof but they might be able to follow up with an investigation to find solid proof…
He’ll definitely have some questions to answer when I find him. Life is already hard enough with the zeds wandering around wanting to eat us, why the hell would you try to turn more people? Why would anyone do this at all?! Jessie lost his family, the rest of us don’t know what happened to ours. We’ve already suffered enough.

>Though it is a good point that they may be there for the place they parked their bike, Elmers' Auto & Truck.
Certainly makes it easier to steal if they try to keep it away from their room, but they’re probably inside.

>Look, we may be psyching ourselves up here. I think we should at least get a read on the guy before we do anything drastic, for all we know the bike may belong to another survivor making their way to the safe zone. I mean, why would the guy stop at the auto shop instead of going to his room?
>We don't really have a way to say with confidence that bike owner is also our Mc Psycho, unless they enter or at least attempt to enter this room.
I take a deep breath. Yeah, I could be missing something. Our group was probably one of many who heard that message about the safe-zone. They could be trying to get their bearing just like we were, and stealing their stuff would be a real dick move.

>All I'm saying is to get a good look at this guy before we ambush him or steal his bike. We could just be leaving another victim for the psychopath that lives in this room that way.
At the very least I need to know what I’m going up against. If they're just another survivor I’ll be able to warn them about the psycho and maybe even get work to the safe-zone about the crashing shit going on at this motel.

>Oh, but go around the back so you won't be seen through the doors.
Luckily part of the fence is broken at this side of the property so I can just slip behind the auto shop no problem.
No. 1040875 ID: fce62b
File 166052846276.jpg - (300.70KB , 1600x1200 , Motel6-3.jpg )

Just as I round the building I hear one of the doors open.

:blaketalk: “Should fucking dig an outhouse at this point.”

I hear the doors slam back shut as I edge up to the corner. In front of the store is a tall man decked out in a heavy leather coat, football helmet and has a machete strapped over his shoulder. Dude looks like he’s straight out of a Mad Max film and is probably in his mid-twenties.

:blaketalk: “Goddamn prick got the zeds all riled up. Gotta see if I can nab that gun.”

>Do your best not to kill them until you know it's actually the person that was using this room. For instance, you can get them to empty their pockets, and if they have the same cigs or something dart-related then you know it's them.
Reaching a hand into an interior pocket I see him pull out a lighter and cigarette. I narrow my eyes. With him turned away I can’t tell if those are the same brand, but I get the feeling that this is our psycho. With a helmet on I doubt the chair leg will be of any use and I carefully set it down behind me.

>If we are going for kill first questions later, a good stab up into the armpit should be able to cut an important vein otherwise just the upper chest/lung area should also have a good chance of critical damage. If we are not going for the kill first, we can try the classic knife-to-neck thing, though apparently that cut is harder to make than movies would have you believe.
I’m not sure well the switchblade would do against his coat, but at least his neck is exposed. I just hope I can take him down quick, because this guy looks way stronger than Jessie and will probably take me apart.

>There is one way we can confirm it's the same guy. Watch the lobby from a hidden spot. If the survivor goes directly to where the room key was stashed, we have our target. At which point, we can ambush them as they're reaching under the desk, or somewhere between there and the room that has a blind spot.
If he does go to the office to grab the keys I might be able to jump onto his back while he’s crouched down, or I could try to sneak back into the room.

I doubt I’ll be able to hold him down for questioning, not unless I get him a few times, and even then this guy is super dangerous.

How do I approach this? Attack now? Wait and see?
I could just go for his bike too.
No. 1040904 ID: b4ab25

Decked out as he seems to be, almost no exposed skin and (presumably) hard to bite through leather, this guy seems prepared. I Would expect some skill behind that, combine that with our injury, and even by surprise I would say at best we got a 50/50 chance. I don't like those odds. (If we go for the surprise kill anyway, don't like yell before stabbing, and be sure that shadows, for instance, will not give away your approach)
Furthermore our injury marks us as 'high risk' to other survivors, which makes talking extra risky for us. (Just remember how our own party handled it, and they already knew us) just remember his voice and looks, hide and wait, if he leaves the bike behind, we can take it. Otherwise its too risky, and he would be properly looking after his belongings. We get the bike only through his negligence, not our skill.
>“Should fucking dig an outhouse at this point.”
Wonder if he is using this building as one, and it is getting full somehow

No. 1040905 ID: aff302

For this big guy I would use the wait and see tactics. Maybe an opening will present itself for us to rob this guy, also it is good to see if he is working alone or with somebody.
No. 1040906 ID: e5709d

He'll live if you steal his bike. So wait for him to leave, then steal his bike.
No. 1041008 ID: e51896

agreed on this.
No. 1041016 ID: 15c72a

If we're not gonna try to merk him now, it might be worth looking in the shop for a better means of killing him. Hard to say what that'd be though. All I can think of is trying to trap him somewhere then setting the place on fire, but none of the locations we've seen so far can be blocked in like that. Stupid fire safety regulations...
Well, maybe the bathroom? but there's no reason for him to stay in there for long enough to trap him, not anymore.
No. 1041151 ID: fce62b
File 166079254510.jpg - (267.06KB , 1600x1200 , Motel7-1.jpg )

>Decked out as he seems to be, almost no exposed skin and (presumably) hard to bite through leather, this guy seems prepared. I Would expect some skill behind that, combine that with our injury, and even by surprise I would say at best we got a 50/50 chance. I don't like those odds. (If we go for the surprise kill anyway, don't like yell before stabbing, and be sure that shadows, for instance, will not give away your approach)
50/50 aren’t odds worth getting killed over. I wait for a moment, trying to glean any possible weaknesses, but there’s no use. His legs seem pretty protected by both the coat and a set of cargo pants beneath, and it also looks like he’s wearing hiking or work boots as well.

What catches my eye next is the set of heavy duty gloves he is wearing, they look to be from a roller derby ring and even look to have rigid plastic and pvc pipes extending over the forearms. Did he make those himself?

The only exposed point is a small strip of neck that is between the collar of his leather jacket and the bottom of his helmet. I might be able to reach it with a running jump, but if I don’t down him, I’m toast.

>Furthermore our injury marks us as 'high risk' to other survivors, which makes talking extra risky for us. (Just remember how our own party handled it, and they already knew us) just remember his voice and looks, hide and wait, if he leaves the bike behind, we can take it. Otherwise it's too risky, and he would be properly looking after his belongings.
>Agreed on this.
I slip back around the corner as he finishes his cigarette. The best I can probably do is warn others about him. I can’t fight him, not in my current state, and not while he’s fully kitted out.

Talking probably wouldn’t fare any better, judging by what he does in his pastime. If I do come across anyone else, I’ll need to be careful about this bite injury. The gang was pretty rattled by it, others might just freak out.

:blaketalk: *sigh* “Better check on ol’ Nubby, guy must be up in arms over that gunshot.”

He chuckles at that and I see him pitch his cigarette butt out into the street. A few moments later I can hear the faint clicking of his bike as he begins walking it up to the motel.

:alextalk: “Gotta get my hand on that thing.”
No. 1041152 ID: fce62b
File 166079255014.jpg - (1.07MB , 1600x1200 , Motel7-2.jpg )

>If we're not gonna try to merk him now, it might be worth looking in the shop for a better means of killing him. Hard to say what that'd be though.
After waiting a minute so he’s properly out of sight, I quickly poke my head into the store.

The stench is overpowering.

>Wonder if he is using this building as one, and it is getting full somehow
It certainly smells like it’s getting full. You don’t realize how much of a luxury indoor plumbing is until you lose it. At least whatever ‘bathroom’ there is, it is confined to the store’s back rooms.

The interior of the is shaded, but I can certainly see:
- A tire iron on the floor, a bit too big to fit into my pockets, but it should definitely be able to crack a zed skull.
- A car tire on its side near the back wall, way too heavy to pick up with one arm.
- A box of screws and washers, nifty to have if you want to make something that rattles a lot.

There also seem to be other items on the shelves, but I can’t make out their labels in the gloom.
No. 1041153 ID: fce62b
File 166079256631.jpg - (412.37KB , 1600x1200 , Motel7-3.jpg )

>For this big guy I would use the wait and see tactics. Maybe an opening will present itself for us to rob this guy, also it is good to see if he is working alone or with somebody.
I quickly scan the surrounding streets, but the only movement I see are the zeds in the distance. If this guy is working with someone else, they’re not here right now at least.

I do see that he’s left his bike at the bottom of the stairs.

Quietly circling the edge of the fence I watch as he enters room 203, pulling out another room key from his pocket, I guess we must’ve found a spare.

This is my opportunity.

>He'll live if you steal his bike. So wait for him to leave, then steal his bike.
>We get the bike only through his negligence, not our skill.
Guess he’s not expecting others to be around here, not with a horde so close. Definitely won’t let this go to waste.

I grab the handlebars with my good hand and quickly start walking it off of the property.
No. 1041154 ID: fce62b
File 166079257954.jpg - (301.59KB , 1600x1200 , Motel7-4.jpg )

>All I can think of is trying to trap him somewhere then setting the place on fire, but none of the locations we've seen so far can be blocked in like that. Stupid fire safety regulations…
>Well, maybe the bathroom? but there's no reason for him to stay in there for long enough to trap him, not anymore.
If I had a firestarter of some kind I would definitely be tempted to do that, but Gwen was the one with all the matches, and she was adamant on rationing them as best as we could.

Otherwise yeah, he could probably get out pretty quick if I tried anything, and with Harmy put to rest I doubt he’s going to be spending a lot of time in his bathroom right now. Hopefully the psycho doesn’t check that room first.

I quicken my pace until I’m at the auto parts store again.

I can probably grab something small before I head out, but I’d have to drop something else first. I could also grab the tire iron and hold it under my arm while riding the bike, but that’ll make steering even more wonky.

But where should I go?
- Checking the map I can see the route Gwen plotted for the group to take. It looks like they’re going to circle around the southern edge of the town, hugging the edge of the forest. I could try to catch up with them.
- Or I could go into town, towards the grocery or sporting goods stores. Though I’d have to be careful about the zeds, most of the horde is still there, but they have thinned out a bit.
- There is the road to the north, judging from the map there are mostly farms up there.
- Otherwise I could head back east onto the highway, but there won’t be anything for miles around and would be in effectively the opposite direction of the safe-zone.

I feel a faint tickle at the back of my throat.

:alextalk: *cough cough*
No. 1041170 ID: b4ab25

>I could try to catch up with them.
Still too soon for that.
That cough is a bad sign... Not conclusive, but not great. Also our new 'friend' may have heard it. If we plan to leave we better go now
I don't think any of the items are worth taking right now.
>Hopefully the psycho doesn’t check that room first.
Bad news
>Better check on ol’ Nubby
I think Nubby is exactly the one we killed, so that seems like definitely the place he is checking, part of why the going should be a now rather than a later thing.
As for direction, thinking north to the farms, as a potential place to stay the night.
Once away we probably want to write a note about our darts to keep on our person saying how we stole them from a guy at the motel. (wouldn't want anyone finding our body and thinking those are our darts and we were the psycho) We probably also want to fashion ourselves a makeshift gag in case we feel we are losing ourselves, since I don't think the sports store is really going to be viable, still too much of the horde around.
No. 1041199 ID: cd5c4f

Yeah I think it would be for the best if you make as much distance away from this guy as possible. If you asked me he looks like a person who was waiting his whole life for a zombie apocalypse. Actually did you also daydream about just this kind of scenario before everything went to shit. Because if you did I would like to hear the plan that you had and it would be a good idea to get a idea of your surroundings.
No. 1041201 ID: cd5c4f

Also hello Thk! I see that you are quick on the update, you are the quickest Updater the west!
No. 1041203 ID: 15c72a

Quickly grab the tire iron. Head towards the zombie horde. The psycho won't be able to pursue you effectively if you're near zeds, and in fact that may be our best bet for killing him.
No. 1041220 ID: b4ab25

If we could get the Tire Iron in zero (narrative) time and could prevent it from "mak[ing the] steering even more wonky" by like using two pocket slots or something it could (and probably would be) be worth it. But as it is we need to go now and we need all the help we can get riding this bike, if we fall/fail and he notices us, that will probably be the end for us.
No. 1041503 ID: fce62b
File 166113472617.jpg - (1.06MB , 1600x1200 , Motel8-1.jpg )

(2-1 vote on going north vs. going west)

>Quickly grab the tire iron.
>If we could get the Tire Iron in zero (narrative) time and could prevent it from "mak[ing the] steering even more wonky" by using two pocket slots or something it could (and probably would be) be worth it. But as it is and we need all the help we can get riding this bike, if we fall/fail and he notices us, that will probably be the end for us.
As much as I can’t afford being without a good zed-bashing weapon, I also can’t risk taking a spill on the road. If I drop a couple of items I should be able to carry it without compromising my movement or balance.

(You can choose to drop two or more items at this point to carry the tire iron, otherwise Alex will become Overencumbered, penalizing most of their physical abilities.)
No. 1041504 ID: fce62b
File 166113473087.jpg - (318.61KB , 1600x1200 , Motel8-2.jpg )

>Bad news
>I think Nubby is exactly the one we killed, so that seems like definitely the place he is checking, part of why the going should be a now rather than a later thing.


The man is shouting from the motel balcony, machete drawn.



I flip him off for good measure.

:blaketalk: “NnngrRRAAAAH!”

>We need to go now
I’m kinda tempted to taunt him more, but the dude looks like he might vault over the railing at any second.

>As for direction, thinking north to the farms, as a potential place to stay the night.
Leaning forward on the bike I start pedaling hard, turning the bike north and heading towards the farms. With it getting later in the day I need to find a place to rest. I feel like I’m going to need it.

>Head towards the zombie horde. The psycho won't be able to pursue you effectively if you're near zeds, and in fact that may be our best bet for killing him.
Going through the horde would be the best way to throw off any pursuit, but I might not be able to weave between the zeds with just one hand. If I lost my balance or got grabbed, that’d be the end.

Hopefully putting distance between me and the psycho will be enough.
No. 1041505 ID: fce62b
File 166113473598.jpg - (299.51KB , 1600x1200 , Motel8-3.jpg )

After a few minutes of riding the motel starts to fade into the distance, along with the psycho’s yelling. With any luck he’ll attract the horde.

It gets pretty quiet as I continue north, the only sound being the wind rustling through the untended fields. As a city kid, I always found the silence of countryside life to be a bit unnerving, but I definitely prefer it to the growling of hungry zeds.

It also gives me time to think. Again I feel a tickle at the back of my throat.

:alextalk: *cough*

>That cough is a bad sign... Not conclusive, but not great.
Jessie did say that flu-like symptoms were the first sign, so a cough isn’t great. I do feel a bit tired, and my shoulder aches pretty bad, but that could just be from physical exertion. I hope it's that.

Seeing a side road branching off I stop pedaling for a few seconds and let the bike glide forward. It looks like the house is in rough shape, the walls are blackened with ash and its roof almost entirely caved it. Someone even took out the mailbox. There is a pond nearby and the property itself has relatively clear sightlines, maybe there’s a basement I can use?

Though, seeing that l have daylight to work with, I should try to scout out other useful locations.
No. 1041506 ID: fce62b
File 166113475492.jpg - (302.97KB , 1600x1200 , Motel8-4.jpg )

>Once away we probably want to write a note about our darts to keep on our person saying how we stole them from a guy at the motel. (wouldn't want anyone finding our body and thinking those are our darts and we were the psycho) We probably also want to fashion ourselves a makeshift gag in case we feel we are losing ourselves, since I don't think the sports store is really going to be viable, still too much of the horde around.
The only thing that I can write on is the back of the map… which honestly wouldn’t be a bad idea. I just need something to write with. If I do turn, hopefully someone will be able to read it once I’m… dealt with. I wish I could get it to Gwen and the others, but I can’t risk hurting them if I’m infected.

I imagine most of these farmhouses should have some scrap cloth, so making a gag shouldn’t be hard. It’ll probably taste a lot worse than a mouthguard, but between the horde and the psycho, raiding that sporting goods store seems less and less likely.

Part of me can’t shake the worry in Jessie’s voice as he told his story, what will ‘losing myself’ look like?

To my left I see another property coming up, with a couple of corpses out front as well. It looks like they’ve been hacked up pretty good, probably the handiwork of our resident psycho.

This place seems a bit more sturdy. Two floors on the main house and a barn out back, though I also see a zed meandering out front, not a great sign.

I keep a wide berth and circle around it.

:zombietalk: “Grrhaah.”
No. 1041507 ID: fce62b
File 166113476675.jpg - (250.76KB , 1600x1200 , Motel8-5.jpg )

>Yeah I think it would be for the best if you make as much distance away from this guy as possible. If you asked me he looks like a person who was waiting his whole life for a zombie apocalypse.
Certainly seems like it. Wonder if the dude added those spikes to his football helmet or if he just had it stashed away in his room.

>Actually did you also daydream about just this kind of scenario before everything went to shit. Because if you did I would like to hear the plan that you had and it would be a good idea to get an idea of your surroundings.
I mean, doesn’t everyone think about this kind of scenario? Of course it didn’t mean squat when it actually happened. Mom and Dad were out of town, so hopping in the car and driving to the grandparents failed at step zero.

If it wasn’t for Gwen pounding on my door and getting us out of there I doubt I would’ve left, and then I would’ve probably ended up as zed food. It was her idea to head out to the summer camp she worked at, and she was able to navigate us out of the city on foot.

I remember seeing from the hillside how the traffic on the highway stretched back for miles. So many people must’ve been grabbed by the horde that followed…

It looks like this is the last farmhouse before we start hitting woodland. It looks a lot smaller than the others, but it looks relatively untouched, the car is even in the driveway. But that does make me wonder where the owner went…
No. 1041508 ID: fce62b
File 166113477072.jpg - (193.15KB , 1600x1200 , Motel8-6.jpg )

I see something poking up from between the trees in the distance. Oh shit, is that a radio tower? Squinting a bit, I notice an odd antenna sticking up from the top of the tower. That… shouldn’t be there.

But it does mean that someone came by to put it there, and the station could even be working!

I should be able to scout out one or two of these places before it gets dark, depending on how long I take looking around. Also my legs are starting to get tired from all this biking.

Which place should I head to first?
(Please remember to note which items Alex discarded in the auto parts shop, or else they will be Overencumbered)
No. 1041511 ID: 15c72a

>drop two or more items
Okay, drop two empty bottles. We want to keep the pliers as we leave so the psycho doesn't get to use them on another zed, and we want to keep the spare key because presumably he doesn't know about it (he would've hidden it better otherwise) and if we're gonna kill him our best plan is to return at night and cut his throat in his sleep. We need to keep the teeth darts to prove what he was doing in case we find another survivor before we go back there, and the other stuff is just generally useful survival stuff. Plus we have an extra glass bottle and those things are easy to replace.

Head towards the radio tower. If we can reach it, and communicate with a safe zone, we can warn them about the danger of teeth darts being used to spread the plague. That alone would save countless lives and you could die happy. Plus let's be honest there's probably more than one psycho, so using your last legs to kill that one guy wouldn't matter that much.
No. 1041527 ID: cd5c4f

Yeah, let's go to the radio tower, clime it and then get a better look at our surroundence.
No. 1041536 ID: b4ab25

>drop two or more items
We picked up the bottles as 'better than nothing', 'might as well fill the slots' picks, so it makes sense to drop them for a 'good' item.
Look out for that zombie behind the tree to your right.

Given it is nearing night we can also clear up an extra slot by eating our granola bar (though we probably want to leave the wrapper somewhere like a bin or otherwise not trivially found from the path.)
Also can we store the key in the folds of the map to save another slot? (If that works and we are feeling spicy we could try doing the same with the darts)

Radio tower seems like a solid first option, but if it doesn't have, like, a little broadcast building we will probably need to turn back without spending much time there, so we make sure we have plenty of time to find and secure a suitable room in the farmhouse for the night. (Also if we find ourselves unwilling or unable to sleep, its gag time.)

(Thinking about it, Psycho, assuming he never saw the rest of our party, probably thinks we did all the things to his room, so that's good that he probably will not be after them)
I uh, don't think we could reasonably climb a ladder, (one working arm and all) let alone a tower not explicitly designed for climbing
No. 1041738 ID: fce62b
File 166139355731.jpg - (319.01KB , 1600x1200 , Radio1-1.jpg )

>Okay, drop two empty bottles.
>We picked up the bottles as 'better than nothing', 'might as well fill the slots' picks, so it makes sense to drop them for a 'good' item.
(The two empty bottles were left at the auto parts shop. Alex will not be Overencumbered)

>Look out for that zombie behind the tree to your right.

:alextalk: “SHIT-”

Swerving to the left I manage to avoid the grasping hands of the zed.

:zombietalk: “GhHrRackk!”
No. 1041739 ID: fce62b
File 166139356177.jpg - (244.85KB , 1600x1200 , Radio1-2.jpg )

The bike wobbles as I desperately try to keep my balance after the sudden turn, but I am able to lean back to the right in a much wider arc and regain stability.

:alextalk: “Asshole.”

:zombietalk: “Muehhck.”

The zed starts to shamble after me, but I’m easily able to outpace it.

That was a close call, if I didn’t notice that zed at the last second I might’ve crashed the bike, or worse. Without anyone else to watch my back, I’ll have to be extra careful.

>We want to keep the pliers as we leave so the psycho doesn't get to use them on another zed, and we want to keep the spare key because presumably he doesn't know about it (he would've hidden it better otherwise) and if we're gonna kill him our best plan is to return at night and cut his throat in his sleep.
That psycho has to go to sleep at some point, and I can be pretty quiet if I need to. I’ll just have to be careful on the bike ride back and not plow into any zeds on the road. Best as we could tell, zeds see about as well as any other person in the dark, but they’ll quickly swarm to any sort of bright lights at night. Kinda like moths.

>Radio tower seems like a solid first option, but if it doesn't have, like, a little broadcast building we will probably need to turn back without spending much time there, so we make sure we have plenty of time to find and secure a suitable room in the farmhouse for the night.
>Head towards the radio tower. If we can reach it, and communicate with a safe zone, we can warn them about the danger of teeth darts being used to spread the plague. That alone would save countless lives and you could die happy. Plus let's be honest there's probably more than one psycho, so using your last legs to kill that one guy wouldn't matter that much.
With any luck the backup generator should have some fuel left in it. Small radio stations like these were built to function during blackouts. I doubt it’ll have much in the way of amenities, but I’m used to not sleeping in a bed by now. If I can get the generator up and running I should be able to broadcast on the same frequency that reached us back at the summer camp. The people at the safe-zone need to know about the psycho, especially if he’s not working alone.

>(Thinking about it, Psycho, assuming he never saw the rest of our party, probably thinks we did all the things to his room, so that's good that he probably will not be after them)
I hope that’s the case.
No. 1041740 ID: fce62b
File 166139356603.jpg - (526.07KB , 1600x1200 , Radio1-3.jpg )

It takes another ten minutes before I’m at the radio station itself. It’s a one story block of concrete with weathered and peeling paint, probably used to play music and send out weather alerts to the community.

What catches my eye though are the very new set of solar panels on the station’s roof. The building looks like it's been around for decades, but those panels don’t even have a hint of rust on them.

I let the bike glide forward before slowly coming to a stop. This had to have been installed after the apocalypse, right? Those panels look high-end, and I doubt a small town like this would have the budget for them.

:alextalk: *cough cough*

>Yeah, let's go to the radio tower, climb it and then get a better look at our surroundings.
>I uh, don't think we could reasonably climb a ladder, (one working arm and all) let alone a tower not explicitly designed for climbing.
I’d need one of those special harnesses with all the clip-on straps if I wanted any chance of climbing that tower. Though I doubt I’d have the upper body strength needed to climb all the way up there anyway.

But someone else had to have gone up there to put up that antenna. The cable runs down from the top of the tower before snaking over to the radio station’s roof, well out of reach of the ground.

>Given it is nearing night we can also clear up an extra slot by eating our granola bar (though we probably want to leave the wrapper somewhere like a bin or otherwise not trivially found from the path.)
There doesn’t seem to be any garbage cans out here, though it shouldn’t matter once I’m inside. I’ll just have to check around to make sure that the building is zed free.

>Also can we store the key in the folds of the map to save another slot? (If that works and we are feeling spicy we could try doing the same with the darts)
With everything just being shoved into my pockets, I’m not sure tucking the key into the folds of the map will make much of a difference. Sucks that we dropped all our bags at the grocery store. I’m also not feeling ‘spicy enough’ to mess around with potential bio-weapons, not yet at least.

>(Also if we find ourselves unwilling or unable to sleep, its gag time.)
No. 1041741 ID: fce62b
File 166139357160.jpg - (1.03MB , 1600x1200 , Radio1-4.jpg )

Setting my bike to the side, I check the door.

It’s unlocked.

Creaking the door open ever so slightly I see a faint blueish-white glow in the otherwise pitchblack room. Looks like someone is putting those solar panels to good use. Beyond that I see a set of heavy metal shutters placed over top the window, they look pretty new too.

It seems quiet, but if Harmy is any good metric to go off of, zeds are getting sneakier.
No. 1041742 ID: 15c72a

Laser tripwire. This place is being used by someone with access to pretty swanky stuff. The door opens inwards so... we can't enter this way. Look around for another access point. Those vents look big. You could also try knocking? A trap like this was probably set up with some way to wirelessly disable it though so maybe the person using this place isn't around.

A possibility is that the psycho was using this tower as a way to communicate with other plague-spreaders, which is a terrible thought, eesh. Let's hope not.

...huh, that was a car in the driveway of that house we passed up. Might be a good thing to grab on the way back, if we do go back.
No. 1041743 ID: 36784c

There is a laser tripwire on the floor. If you step through the red beam, it’ll trigger a trap! Make sure you step over it!

Actually, if the door swings open inward, it’s going to set off the trap. You might want to just move to the side and push the door and hope the trap completely misses you.
No. 1041748 ID: b4ab25

I think this is more of an 'alert' trap. Perhaps this door can open outward too, either way I think this may be a 'later' problem. Right now we need a place to sleep, and this isn't looking like it, I say it is time to go back to the house without opening the door anymore, as we are trying to lie low.
No. 1041777 ID: 15c72a

With how fast the cough is progressing, we might not last the night...
No. 1041781 ID: e51896

look around the building for an alternative way in
No. 1041782 ID: cd5c4f

Interesting enough that there is electrical power here it appears that maybe other humans still use this facility. Why not try to find them, I mean not every survivor will be an evil bastard.
No. 1041783 ID: a2d88b

Yeah, you could possibly... knock on the door and open it wide, if you're willing to take the bet that whoever lives here isn't in league with spiky helmet guy.
No. 1042130 ID: fce62b
File 166173939167.jpg - (445.50KB , 1600x1200 , Radio2-1.jpg )

(4-2 vote on trying to get into the radio station)

>Laser tripwire.
>There is a laser tripwire on the floor. If you step through the red beam, it’ll trigger a trap!
Crap! I take a step back and the door swings closed. Whoever’s here isn’t taking any chances.

>This place is being used by someone with access to pretty swanky stuff.
First the solar panels, then the metal shutters and now this. This is a lot of high-end gear for some person on the outskirts of town. Where did they get all this? It’s not like there are any major shipping warehouses around here, otherwise Gwen or Brett would have alerted us to it. The town probably has an electronics store, but I’d think that most of these things you’d have to get on a specialty website.

Either this person is a hardcore prepper, or was expecting something like this to happen.

>Perhaps this door can open outward too
>The door opens inwards so... we can't enter this way.
>Actually, if the door swings open inward, it’s going to set off the trap.
I gingerly pull on the door, damn. Only opens inward.

:alextalk: “Goddamnit.”

While I am thin, I doubt I’d be able slip through the door without it hitting the tripwire.

>A trap like this was probably set up with some way to wirelessly disable it though so maybe the person using this place isn't around.
That makes a lot of sense, it seems like the (laptop?) was on standby. If they’re already able to have all of this other stuff, why not a wireless signaller?

>You could also try knocking?
>Yeah, you could possibly... knock on the door, if you're willing to take the bet that whoever lives here isn't in league with spiky helmet guy.
I mean, if Mr. Psycho had a good setup like this, with security and electricity why would they stay at the motel and not one of the nearby farmhouses? Also, this place feels a lot more crisp and clean than that slasher film bathroom, but maybe looks can be deceiving.

*Knock knock*

I carefully open the door a crack to call in.

:alextalk: “Hello..?”

Listening for a bit, I don’t hear any kind of response or sounds of movement.
No. 1042131 ID: fce62b
File 166173939606.jpg - (732.94KB , 1600x1200 , Radio2-2.jpg )

>Look around for another access point.
>Look around the building for an alternative way in.
Circling around to the north side of the building I try to look around for another door, or some way to get onto the roof.

It looks like this place has undergone some renovations. A large hole in the fence has been patched over with an extra sheet of chain link. Both of the windows have been covered up by those heavy metal shutters, if they have any sort of latching or releasing mechanisms, they’re probably facing inwards.

What really gives me pause are the holes in the side of the building. My guess is that an external ladder used to be here for roof access, but someone has fully torn it out. It looks like this used to be a run-of-the-mill radio station, but someone’s gone above and beyond to fortify it.

>Those vents look big.
No vents, just shutters. If there are any vents they’re probably on the roof.

All of this is pretty impressive, but removing the ladder just seems like overkill. Zeds already have a hard enough time with stairs, I doubt any of them would ever be coordinated enough to navigate a ladder.

>A possibility is that the psycho was using this tower as a way to communicate with other plague-spreaders, which is a terrible thought, eesh. Let's hope not.
Jeez, now that’s a scary thought, but it might go some ways in explaining why this place is somewhat human-proofed. But why leave the front door unlocked?

Circling around the building counter-clockwise, I note that the east-facing window is also shuttered and that there doesn’t seem to be anything around that I can use to climb up to the roof. If there was a dumpster here, it’s been removed too.
No. 1042132 ID: fce62b
File 166173940082.jpg - (442.94KB , 1600x1200 , Radio2-3.jpg )

:alextalk: *cough*

>With how fast the cough is progressing, we might not last the night…
God I hope that this is just a badly timed cold. I otherwise don’t feel bad, but even then, the sound might give me away to a zed. I should definitely try to get a gag sooner rather than later.

>Interesting enough that there is electrical power here it appears that maybe other humans still use this facility. Why not try to find them, I mean not every survivor will be an evil bastard.
I could really do with a friendly face. The psycho in the motel can’t be the only one out here, even with the safe-zone a day away. Hopefully they won’t mind if I poke my head in.

>You might want to just move to the side and push the door and hope the trap completely misses you.
>Open it wide.
I brace myself against the corner of the station. It’s not like you can rig up a shotgun with a laser tripwire, right?

>I think this is more of an 'alert' trap.
If it starts blaring like a car alarm I’m out of here. I should be able to reach one of the farmhouses before the horde makes it here, but it’ll be another risk.

I tentatively place my hand on the doorknob.

:alextalk: “C'mon… Big money no whammies…”
No. 1042133 ID: fce62b
File 166173940563.jpg - (780.80KB , 1600x1200 , Radio2-4.jpg )

I turn the knob and push the door open, pulling my hand back as quickly as possible.

:speaker: *crackle*

My heart skips a beat as I recognize that electric crackle, I get ready to run… nothing else happens.

The portable speaker is silent, as the radio station’s door starts to swing back closed.
No. 1042134 ID: fce62b
File 166173941160.jpg - (833.79KB , 1600x1200 , Radio2-5.jpg )

Carefully catching the door again, I push it back open. Nothing seems to change.

Stepping past the threshold I look into the room fully. Minus the heavy shutters and the high-tech toys, this just seems like a normal radio station. There’s a small desk set up for the host, and a small divider separating it from the rest of the radio equipment.

Maybe the tripwire was a bluff? No. Looking at the cables the speaker and tripwire are definitely connected to the terminal on the desk, and it seems like the speaker is on.

:g_b_iel: -e your intrusion and disperse from this zo-

The speaker shakes a bit, but there is no noise. But what was-

:g_b_iel: Cease your intrusion and disperse from this zone.
No. 1042135 ID: fce62b
File 166173941696.jpg - (874.07KB , 1600x1200 , Radio2-6.jpg )

>Make sure you step over it!
I’m extra careful to step over the tripwire as I properly enter the room. It looks like whoever was here drilled a hole in the roof so they could run down the solar panel cables. That had to have been pretty noisy to put in, using any sort of power tools would bring most hordes right to you.

:g_b_iel: Cease your intrusion and disperse from this zone.

Wh- where is that coming from?

It doesn’t sound like… well, it doesn’t sound. If that makes sense.

Looking around the room from my place at the door I see:
- A microphone on the desk, and what looks like spares in the tech booth.
- A set of headphones, same deal.
- A portable speaker on the floor; Looks pretty high-quality too.
- The previously mentioned laser tripwire set up in the corner.
- A portable terminal on the desk of the tech booth. It looks kind of like the ones they wheeled out during elementary school, not quite a computer but-

:g_b_iel: Cease your intrusion and disperse from this zone.
:unknownstatic: -nable to comply, please abort. Repeat we are un-

I look back outside. Was that the radi- ow ow Ow!
My face starts to heat up and my eyes begin to water.
Ow Ow fuck-!
No. 1042136 ID: fce62b
File 166173942153.jpg - (352.62KB , 1600x1200 , Radio2-7.jpg )

I rush back outside, my skin stinging.

:alextalk: “Ow fuck- shit!”

What the hell is- I wipe both tears and sweat from my face.

:alextalk: *cough cough. AtcHOO-*

:g_b_iel: Cease your intrusion an-


The door swings closed.

It feels like I’ve been low-key maced. Not as bad as what’ve I’ve gotten at a protest, but- OW. I didn’t feel anything hit me, so what-?

>I think this may be a 'later' problem. Right now we need a place to sleep, and this isn't looking like it, I say it is time to go back to the house without opening the door anymore, as we are trying to lie low.
>...huh, that was a car in the driveway of that house we passed up. Might be a good thing to grab on the way back, if we do go back.
God, this definitely feels like a ‘later’ problem. What even WAS that? First I thought I heard -no more like felt some kind of hum in the air, then I heard the radio again then-

(̵͓̄̋x̶̼̦̀̒-̶̝̋y̴̻̤̾ ̴̯͌̈́v̶̨̱͝͝ố̶̳t̵͕̎̊ͅe̸̙̒͠ ̴͖̺͌̂o̶͚̒̾n̸̯̘̈́ t̶̩̖̗̫͗̉̽r̶̢͖̘̦̒̓̈́̉̄ỹ̵͉̞̘̈́̊͜͝į̶̢͉̮̪͕̻̻̏͆̈́́͋ņ̵̮̙͚̱̾̄͐͐̀ġ̴̱̰͓͌͊ͅ ̴̠̘̮̗̳͎̲̖͊͋͛̋̕t̵̰͈̟͑̏̊̓̿ó̵̳̀ ̸̼͙̱͉̠̅̌g̵̛̲̜ę̷̦̼̹͍̄̓̑͛̂̈̿̀ẗ̵͔̉̅̈́̒̑͊͠ ̷̧̭̫͓̬̬̩̩̿̈́̎i̸̡͓̖͓̮͖̰̬̾̐̿̆́̑̂͠n̵̳̄̋͂t̸͉̝͎͋̐͗̈̆͐͝ö̷̯̪̪̜̣̟͋̀̂͋͋ ̸̱̬̺̙̱̼̟̟̅͐t̸̖͍̮͕̆̆̋͐͂̕̕h̸͓̀͐͑́́̓̑͝ͅe̶̢̱̳̾͌̿̈́͌̄̀͝ r̷̗̙̀̀̑͂͗͆̚ą̵̺̹̜̒͋̐̓̊̀͘͜͝ͅḑ̷̡̗͚̪͚̠̝̠͖̱͛ḯ̶̛̗̼͓́̈́̈́̽̒́̒͌̍͝͝ở̶̧͖̫͒̐̿͑̅̋͂̀͠ ̵̛̲̈͛̒̽̉̓̕͝͠ṡ̵̛̛̛̬̌̏͊͑́t̵̮͖̯̘̖̮̪̳̬̙̼̫̝͕̎̏́̅̎ͅą̵̄̔ţ̵̧̧̣̺̻͚̟̘̖̦̩̤͖̩͙̂́̊̋̈́̎͋͋̔̀̐̊̾̇̉̕ì̴̡͈̜̘̗̞͕͓̬̲͚͈̣͙̭ͅo̸͇̿̏̀̉͝n̴̲̠̦͔̠̭̜̫̘̦̱̩̈́̈́̽͑̈̉̋̓̿̚͜)̸͉̥̐̒͐͗̃̿̆̐͗͒̾͆
(ERROR: Please recst votes:)

I dry my eyes with my sleeve. Well, whatever that was, it seems to be subsiding.

What the hell do I do now?
It’s starting to get late, and biking any further north would probably get me stuck in the woods.
That one farmhouse with the car might be good, not that I can drive. Brett was the one with his learner’s permit.
No. 1042137 ID: e5709d

Keep biking north.
You're almost a zombie. You need to deliver the intel now.
No. 1042143 ID: 15c72a

Shit. I know what that was, and it explains everything. The zombie plague was engineered to be controlled. It's nanites or something, receiving instructions via radio waves.

Let's try again. Go in and immediately close the door to un-trigger the tripwire. Whatever it is, it's only active when the door's open. Then check the laptop.
No. 1042163 ID: cd5c4f

Well shit this is just fantastic, might as well go inside and learn all that you can.
No. 1042183 ID: b4ab25

>>1042133 >>1042134 >>1042135
The area 'outside' was progressively 'red-ing' can we get that status in bar form as it looks like it will be non-visible if no part of the scene is 'outside'

If we are going to go back in I say we charge forth and unplug the triplaser (first plug on the right) (then the next right most one as it seems to be connected to a speaker that looks like it might also be connected to the triplaser) Like burst in and dive down to it (or if the power-strip has a switch just flip that I guess)

Yea it definitely seems that the zombies are intentional, and have some sort of built-in control system, (I want more information before concluding how it works though, and might lean toward a sonic frequency right now) and we are affected by it right now.
Though this may also mean there is a control signal for 'you weren't supposed to be infected so stop being infected'

(( <-format for out of narrative text in Doors' previous quest

>(̵͓̄̋x̶̼̦̀̒-̶̝̋y̴̻̤̾ ̴̯͌̈́v̶̨̱͝͝ố̶̳t̵͕̎̊ͅe̸̙̒͠ ̴͖̺͌̂o̶͚̒̾n̸̯̘̈́ t̶̩̖̗̫͗̉̽r̶̢͖̘̦̒̓̈́̉̄ỹ̵͉̞̘̈́̊͜͝į̶̢͉̮̪͕̻̻̏͆̈́́͋ņ̵̮̙͚̱̾̄͐͐̀ġ̴̱̰͓͌͊ͅ ̴̠̘̮̗̳͎̲̖͊͋͛̋̕t̵̰͈̟͑̏̊̓̿ó̵̳̀ ̸̼͙̱͉̠̅̌g̵̛̲̜ę̷̦̼̹͍̄̓̑͛̂̈̿̀ẗ̵͔̉̅̈́̒̑͊͠ ̷̧̭̫͓̬̬̩̩̿̈́̎i̸̡͓̖͓̮͖̰̬̾̐̿̆́̑̂͠n̵̳̄̋͂t̸͉̝͎͋̐͗̈̆͐͝ö̷̯̪̪̜̣̟͋̀̂͋͋ ̸̱̬̺̙̱̼̟̟̅͐t̸̖͍̮͕̆̆̋͐͂̕̕h̸͓̀͐͑́́̓̑͝ͅe̶̢̱̳̾͌̿̈́͌̄̀͝ r̷̗̙̀̀̑͂͗͆̚ą̵̺̹̜̒͋̐̓̊̀͘͜͝ͅḑ̷̡̗͚̪͚̠̝̠͖̱͛ḯ̶̛̗̼͓́̈́̈́̽̒́̒͌̍͝͝ở̶̧͖̫͒̐̿͑̅̋͂̀͠ ̵̛̲̈͛̒̽̉̓̕͝͠ṡ̵̛̛̛̬̌̏͊͑́t̵̮͖̯̘̖̮̪̳̬̙̼̫̝͕̎̏́̅̎ͅą̵̄̔ţ̵̧̧̣̺̻͚̟̘̖̦̩̤͖̩͙̂́̊̋̈́̎͋͋̔̀̐̊̾̇̉̕ì̴̡͈̜̘̗̞͕͓̬̲͚͈̣͙̭ͅo̸͇̿̏̀̉͝n̴̲̠̦͔̠̭̜̫̘̦̱̩̈́̈́̽͑̈̉̋̓̿̚͜)̸͉̥̐̒͐͗̃̿̆̐͗͒̾͆
>(ERROR: Please recst votes:)

It seems we the suggestsers may be a result of the zombie process as I don't think this corrupted text is 'exposed' to Alex. We may be the "Committee" in Viral by Committee
Furthermore becoming a zombie may not be the end for us))

>God, this definitely feels like a ‘later’ problem.
I think this may actually be a 'now or never' problem, if the 'maced' feeling is proportional to how infected you are it will only get worse
Good news is we got more information to share with survivors in that there is something that they can have that just repels zombies (And I suppose is a real easy test of if someone is infected =/ )
No. 1042433 ID: fce62b
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(̴̢̢̯̥̰̯̼͐̆͝ͅŞ̸̼͎̯̥̺̳̟̓̐̂͌̿̋͠ẗ̴̛͔͓̙́̓̂a̷̧̲̭̙̺̥̞͈͛͑b̷̡̛͆i̶̡͎̘͗̃̀̔̂̍́͠l̷͉͋ḭ̶̧̝̼̮͍͔̆͜z̵̲̪̄̕͝͝ĭ̸̦̅̍͠n̶̡̼͔͕̼̺̎́̕g̸̗̏́̈́͊̚͠ ̶̻̜̱͙̊͋̾͛̔̾̑͠n̶̡̨̨̗̘͇̘̥͆̐̀ē̴̲t̷̫͎̜͙̉̀̅̃̋̓͐ẅ̴̧̨͕̤͍͈̬͂̓͜ō̷͖͚̯̈́͊̋͑̋̓r̴̨̰̯͉̩̼̄̇̏͆̋̕͝k̴̻̙̩͎̋.̸̛͇̑̃̈̉ ̶̬͕͚̯͚̺͉̠́P̸̡̫̤̒̈́͘͝ͅlę̸̛̐á̶̪̙s̸̘͋ȇ̵̻ ̴̡͖̐s̸̱͙̔́t̷̢̛̍à̴̟͠n̴d̵ ̴b̶y…)

>Y̶̢̕ȏ̵̠͎̚ų̷̺̓̈'̴̫̿r̵̡͚͛͐è̶̡̡ ̶̖̕͝a̸̝͒l̷̒͝ͅͅm̶̤̝̏ó̵̡̪s̴̭̫̐̀t̸͚̥̉̅ ̸̠͗ã̶̠̕ ̸̦̈́̊ẕ̴̛̍ȏ̸̦͗m̴̢͖̋b̸̳͐i̴̥̅̚e̴̱̍̍.̴̨̠̅
>W̶̺̿e̸͕̹͆͐l̷̩̰͆͂ļ̵̊ ̷̞̇̕͜s̷̹̽h̶͈̗̀̏ḭ̴̩̄t̸͉̋̑ ̷̢̹̚t̸̤̎ͅh̶͈̏i̷͖͇͌̃ś̴̘́ ̴̠̈́̕ï̶̘s̷̺̈̑ ̵͔͝j̷͕̍̔u̶̺̔s̵̖̐̒t̴̘͒̏ͅ ̸̢̲̓f̶̻͖͠a̴̱̠̋̚ṋ̷̥̀t̴̼̽̚a̷͚͆͐s̷̟͂̋t̸̏ͅͅì̸̢̾ç̵̜͋̄.
>S̵̟͓̏ḩ̸̲̟͍͓̏̅͊̀i̸̪͓̙͝t̷̹̾́̔͘͝.̶̮̌ ̴͈̹̈́Ì̵̼͕͎̥͐ ̸͉͓̓k̴̘̭͖̻̀̈́̓̆ṇ̵̑͒͆̏ỏ̴͚̹̫ẁ̸̯͔̝̐̂̚͝ ̵̦̫͕̯͂̋͠w̸̞̳̾͆͌̈͛h̵̢͓̩͐͒͘ͅa̴͎̯̻̙͕͝t̸̮͕̩͙͊̍͜ ̸̤̻͍̩͍̽͊ț̴͈̒̎h̸̠͙͓͛͋ā̸̛̛͈͇̻̆͝ẗ̶͍̭̝́̊͂̃ ̵̫̻̳̹͍̀w̶̭̪̘̼̗̔̂̅̃ȃ̷͚̻s̸̨̡̳̰̚͠,̸̦̖͔̝͑̈́ ̶̤͊́̍a̶̦̣̞̭̐̔̈̈́͝n̷̩̹̯̦̔͛̈͝ͅd̷̢̩̯̟̍̀ ̸̪̩̪̝͕̊̑̃̉͠i̷͈̰̒͊̀̉̈́t̴͕̝̟̑͛ ̵̤̀ȅ̶̤̹͈̔̽̃͐x̴͙̣̻̖̹̒̋́p̷̦̟̒̈l̸̠͙͚̝͑̐͒̾͌͜ā̵͙̙̫̋͆i̸͉̗̜̞̪͐n̵͇̖̍ś̶̹ ̴͔͖͎̇̀̂͠ͅë̵̯̬̪̖́͝v̶͖̻͐̓̀̈́̔ȇ̸̺̥̙͗̔̉͜ṙ̵̤͑̿̿͘ỵ̴̀̀̋͘t̷̨̳̉͐͒h̴̲͘i̴̳̙̩̲̒̐̾̈́n̴̪̻̮̒̉g̵̤͙͒.̷̜̝̈́ ̴̹̮̻̽̒̀̔T̴͚̔̓h̸̘̆ë̵̹̞̬͇́ ̴͕̼̖͓̗̄z̸̢̨͕̚̕ō̵̘̪̄̋̈́m̴̠͓̊b̴̰͎̹͇͙͋͆͒̋͌ǐ̸͍̟̪̅͐̃͝e̶͖͍͎̿͠ ̸̮̳̂̀͂͑̔p̸̻̣̒l̵̛͎͕̺̑̉͗a̷̩̎͊͆̓͂ǵ̴͔̥͈ụ̵̢̆͌̑͋ĕ̸͙̹̽̑͌ ̴͚̭̠̍̋̔́w̷̦͎͙͊̀̈́͑ȧ̸̪̊̊̐͘s̸͇̪̥̬̘̎͂ ̵̮̳̼̎̈́̑̀͝e̶̹͋̆͑͘ñ̸̹̮̟̪̮̄͒̿̉g̶̼͌͗i̸̬̝̱̻̇̓ͅn̴̢͉̥̎́̉̆e̴͕̼͓͉̖͝é̴̙̞͐r̶̼͆e̶̫̳͊́̌͒̂d̸͇̗̹̥̍ ̴̨̣̭̥̿t̶̰͇̻̯̺͐̾̃ö̸̥̠̗̰̃̚ ̸̙̹͍̗̇̉̏̐̚b̶̡̞̅̓̊͐e̸̢̛͈̬̟̓͋̊ ̷̙̜͙͓̓c̷̱͌ȯ̴̢͕̜̹̟͌ǹ̸̫̑̄̉t̶̡̬͓̩̋̿̔͊̓ř̵̢̳̲̗͓̒̓o̷̡̱͐͑ḻ̴̳̌͊̐l̶̨̯͑̋̎ḙ̸͒d̸̻̺͕̀̓̀̈́ͅ.̸͍͋͒̾͊͐ͅ ̵̙̒̾͑I̶̞̍́t̵̘̟̓͌̊'̵͚̮̹̿s̸̰̯͈͈̈̂̔͝ͅ ̴̦̈̌n̶͉͔̆͆̾̍ͅá̵̺͔͖̾̐̑̚n̷̞̞̰̣͖̈́̉i̶̡̘̪̯̋̐̋̀̚ţ̵̭̪̣̖͗e̵̪̙̹̘͇͑͝s̸̨̓̀̂̅̔ ̶͍̘̖̲̣͒ŏ̶̧̳̖̗̪̆̔̂r̸̝̘͒͒̀͆ ̷̠͚̘̣͎̽͊́̚ș̴̨̛̍͜͝ó̴̹͎͇m̶̨̟̗̏͋̈́͠͝e̵̛̬̺̋̂t̶͉̀̔̒͊͘h̷͍̹̫̻̄̋͆̑̽i̷̳̎ǹ̴̡̲̦̱͑̓͛g̴̮͔͚͋͒̈͊̔,̷̒͜ ̵͙̲̌̐͝r̷̺͙̦̜̃̃̓͠e̵̛͕̻̐̾̽c̴̛̠̩͊̌̆̉ĕ̴̠̬͌̚͝͝i̸̟̲̅v̸̻̺̑î̸̡̛͇͠ņ̷̺͓͇̣̒g̴̗̓ ̴̫̻͇̠̰̾̑̈̌i̶̫̽̊͘̕n̵̫͎͖͙̒̓s̷̡̼̭̍̓͊̚ͅt̶̰͋̂̄͘ͅr̵̡̺̈́͜ụ̵̡̮̎̿̾̅ç̵̲̮̬͙͑t̷̛̗͊̑į̸̮̮̫̫̅̽̉͊o̴͓̹͕̠͉͐̆͂͠n̷̪̻̳͒̓s̶̫̠͕͔̖̿͊͛̐͝ ̸̨͓̥͔͋͒̍͋ṿ̴͍͕̬͐̑̕͝͝i̵̙͠a̷̭͒̾͝͠ ̴̗͙̀̈́́̚r̷̦̮̠̝͆́͂̾͘a̴̮̲͐̓̈d̷̡̫̘͙̺͌̑͝î̵̡͗͗̕͝ơ̵̘͈͛̾̌ ̴̡̢̤̤̟̀̋́͘w̷͎̭͐ȃ̴̛͉̲̟̟̊̀v̵̪̔̓ë̴̙̠̪͈́s̶̲̎.̸͎̬̀͛͌
My head is spinning. It’s so hard to think.

This proves it, right? I’m infected. Whatever was in there was meant to stop zeds?? Someone made the virus, and used (soundwaves?) (radio waves?) to control them? Is that how they found the summer camp?

Did I lead them to us when I repaired the radio?


>T̷h̵e̷ ̴a̷r̷e̶a̵ ̵'̶o̴u̷t̶s̷i̷d̵e̵'̷ ̴w̶a̸s̴ ̸p̶r̴o̵g̵r̷e̸s̴s̸i̸v̷e̵l̶y̷ ̷'̵r̴e̷d̴-̷i̷n̸g̸'̸ ̴c̵a̸n̸ ̴w̷e̷ ̴g̴e̶t̸ ̴t̷h̶a̸t̷ ̷s̷t̴a̴t̸u̴s̴ ̵i̴n̴ ̶b̷a̶r̸ ̸f̶o̴r̵m̷ ̴a̸s̷ ̶i̵t̴ ̷l̴o̷o̵k̴s̷ ̷l̴i̵k̸e̸ ̵i̶t̵ ̵w̶i̸l̵l̴ ̶b̶e̵ ̷n̴o̸n̵-̵v̶i̸s̴i̶b̶l̷e̷ ̶i̶f̶ ̴n̷o̵ ̵p̴a̴r̴t̷ ̷o̴f̴ ̵t̵h̸e̷ ̶s̶c̵e̶n̵e̶ ̷i̷s̵ ̸'̶o̶u̷t̴s̶i̸d̶e̴'̷
̷What? What bar? What do you- (I?) mean by the non-visible-
Was there something in the walls? No- I mean- I thought there was buzzing but-

It’s like I’m trying to grasp at something, but it’s getting pulled just out of reach.

:alextalk: *cough sniff*

(Network back to optimal levels)
(3-2 vote on going back into the radio station)

>Keep biking north. You need to deliver the intel now.
>Just go anywhere but here.
There’s just forest to the north, maybe there’ll be a hamlet or another gas station, but it could take hours to get there on my bike. If I want to get this information to the safe-zone or to Gwen I’d need to head south or southwest. I can’t just leave, not after learning all this.

>I think this may actually be a 'now or never' problem, if the 'maced' feeling is proportional to how infected you are it will only get worse.
>Might as well go inside and learn all that you can.
Shit. If I’m still in the early stages and it was already that bad, then this could be my only opportunity to get in there. The more I can get to the safe-zone, the better. People need to know about this.
No. 1042434 ID: fce62b
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>Let's try again. Go in and immediately close the door to un-trigger the tripwire. Whatever it is, it's only active when the door's open.
Wiping my face clean, I grit my teeth.

:alextalk: “Not going to get me this time.”

I burst through the door leaping over the tripwire (just to be safe) and quickly whirl around, slamming the door back shut.

:speaker: *crackle*

C’mon. C’mon
No. 1042435 ID: fce62b
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:speaker: *tick*

I breathe a sigh of relief as I hear the speaker turn back off. That seemed to do it.

>Yea it definitely seems that the zombies are intentional, and have some sort of built-in control system, (I want more information before concluding how it works though, and might lean toward a sonic frequency right now) and we are affected by it right now.
Finally it seems like I have a moment to relax and properly think. This had to have been intentional, otherwise why would there be a countermeasure like this? But to what end? Is this a world domination kind of plan, or is this more of a Umbrella Corp. sort of situation?

Though… this definitely confirms it. I’m infected…

I… I’m not sure how to process that…

Just focus on the next step. Figure out who these people are, and let the others know about the weird signals.

>Though this may also mean there is a control signal for 'you weren't supposed to be infected so stop being infected'.
Yeah… Yeah! Not a ‘cure’ like they’d have in the movies, but there has to be some sort of -not kill code- (uninfect?) code? Otherwise they might turn into their own people. Yeah, gotta hope for that.
No. 1042436 ID: fce62b
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>Good news is we got more information to share with survivors in that there is something that they can have that just repels zombies (And I suppose is a real easy test of if someone is infected =/ )
Imagine if you could set up a whole bunch of these around your base. Not only could you keep the zeds away, but you might even be able to screen people who started coming in. Though, it does make me worry…

Where are the people who set this stuff up?

>If we are going to go back in I say we charge forth and unplug the triplaser (first plug on the right) (then the next right most one as it seems to be connected to a speaker that looks like it might also be connected to the triplaser) or if the power-strip has a switch just flip that I guess.
I begin shuffling over to where I think the powerbar is. It’s REALLY dark in here, if it weren’t for the glow of the terminal I doubt I’d be able to see at all. That said, I can’t seem to find a switch on the powerbar, it might be there, but I can’t make out where it is.

But I can still unplug the laser tripwire.

:alextalk: “First plug on the right…”

Done. The tripwire turns off.

:terminalwarning: *Pling*

Hmm. That might not be good.
No. 1042437 ID: fce62b
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>Then check the laptop.
I make my way over to the terminal. It doesn’t seem to have a mouse anywhere, just a built-in keyboard. There are a couple of cords that are plugged into it, but they quickly disappear into the darkness behind the desk.
No. 1042438 ID: fce62b
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…huh. I quickly skim the text. I’m not a programmer, but I’d guess that ‘Gabriel’ was whatever that was. But… wait…
No. 1042446 ID: b4ab25

Lets perhaps get some light back in here and open the door back up now that the tripwire is disabled.
((>>1042437 all 4 corners are red-ing slightly, last time only one corner did and it spread from there))
1039664 seems to actually be a handle, those don't quite look like automated messages...
WE might be 1039664! Zombies may be VCs as our transition to being a zombie isn't complete, and when we left it reported the 'sub-zone' clear and turned off the thing.
((oh... first post of this quest is >>1039664))
Can we scroll up with like the up arrow?
No. 1042449 ID: 90c451

This confirms it, the responses in orange are the (presumably) nanites in your blood communicating with the system. It seems that they haven't taken control of your motor systems, which means they can't move you themselves but note that it says "direct control", it might have ways of indirectly controlling you, perhaps by altering your brain chemistry behind the blood barrier? Either way, probably shouldn't fully trust your own mind.

((Speaking of which... I think Thk is right, as the distortion effect is applied to our own suggestions. Of note, that number is the ID number of the first post. Which makes me wonder...))
>>'[1039764] Request for VC transition status update. ETA to complete control.'
No. 1042452 ID: b4ab25

>3-2 vote on going back into the radio station
5 votes from 4 suggestion posts, guess we are less alone in here than we thought))
No. 1042454 ID: 15c72a

Unfortunately we don't know any login credentials. Look around a bit, maybe there's a postit note hidden somewhere, like under the desk, behind the laptop, or under something on those shelves. Open the door to let light in so you can look around, now that the tripwire is disconnected. Just, keep an ear out to see if the laptop complains again-- you don't want another GABRIEL in your face. You could try disconnecting the speaker to prevent that?
No. 1042472 ID: 5499f4

I'd suggest doing this, but we need a login, and we're also on a timer, I'd make sure the door is locked and look around for someone, since apparently SOMEONE was logged in recently right?
No. 1042480 ID: a2d88b

Get some light back into the room by opening the door (now that the tripwire is down).

Then, your #1 priority is to find a way to write down the information. If you're zombified by the time you reach any friendly, having that info in your brain won't do any good!

If you can't find a pen and paper, find something sharp and something hard with a soft surface (like, the plastic carapace on the back of the terminal's screen). Engraving your warning is better than nothing.
No. 1042510 ID: dc13c4

Alright this has turned into some mad scientists wet dream. Well might as well pack our stuff and hit the road. Maybe we should find some people who don't know about this conspiracy and tell them all about it, people need to know about this messed up shit. It can be our last act of free will.
No. 1042904 ID: fce62b
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(5-2 vote on investigating the radio station.)

>1039664 seems to actually be a handle, those don't quite look like automated messages… WE might be 1039664! Zombies may be VCs as our transition to being a zombie isn't complete, and when we left it reported the 'sub-zone' clear and turned off the thing.
>This confirms it, the responses in orange are the (presumably) nanites in your blood communicating with the system.
Judging from this text exchange, [1039664] has to be me, or at least the infection (nanites?) inside of me. I want to say that I’m surprised, but it makes everything line up. This is why the hordes seem so inexplicably coordinated, and maybe why we’re found by the zeds back at the summer camp.

Then that must make the ‘radio’ I’ve been hearing… the infection itself.

>It seems that they haven't taken control of your motor systems, which means they can't move you themselves but note that it says "direct control", it might have ways of indirectly controlling you, perhaps by altering your brain chemistry behind the blood barrier? Either way, probably shouldn't fully trust your own mind.
If I can already ‘hear’ the infection, then what else could it be doing to me? I-... wait no… I can’t… make any sudden assumptions. If I start questioning my own thoughts, then where does it end?

I need to act while I still have control of myself.

>Can we scroll up with like the up arrow?
Pushing on the up arrow key, I see the text starting to scroll. Perhaps this will give more answers. Let’s see…

Looks like there is a second… thing, this one called MALACHI. It looks like messages going back and forth, with various channels of communication. Going off of the assumption that orange text means zed, then what exactly is a ‘TF’, or the a ‘-D’ for that matter?
No. 1042905 ID: fce62b
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>Alright this has turned into some mad scientist's wet dream. Well might as well pack our stuff and hit the road.
>We can’t stay here.
I look back to the door. Someone could come by here any minute, and with the tripwire disabled a zed could potentially wander in.

I shake my head. If I leave I might not be able to get back in, I have to learn all I can.

>I'd make sure the door is locked and look around for someone, since apparently SOMEONE was logged in recently right?
It definitely looks like someone else logged in before I got here. It also seems like the user commands are written in italics. Whoever was here first had been combing through some image files before submitting a report. What really catches my eye is the message from [HTR-KLR], not just because of the ‘name’, but also the contents.

:alextalk: “Defective projects… Tenet two? LZ… ETA 6 hours…”

I again nervously glanced at the door, now wishing that I had a key to lock it.

:alextalk: “Let’s hope that’s not near here…”
No. 1042906 ID: fce62b
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It looks like we have another couple of names. SAMIRA and one Corporal Harris. Are these people with the army? Of the names thus far, MALACHI has come up the most, primarily popping up when there are messages.

Oh! It looks like there’s one more.

:alextalk: “Samaritan handshake..?”

It also looks like something triggered an alarm. It locked down the terminal and… oh crap… It triggered an emergency siren. I didn’t see a tornado siren anywhere outside, so hopefully unplugging the speaker will prevent that from happening.
No. 1042907 ID: fce62b
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Damn. It looks like that’s all. They must clear the terminal regularly. Maybe it’s automated? This isn’t a treasure trove of information, but it’s definitely a lot. I’m just not sure what all this exactly means.

>Unfortunately we don't know any login credentials.
And just guessing at a password sounds like a great way to trigger the alarm. I need to start looking around, maybe there’s something I can find…
No. 1042909 ID: fce62b
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>Lets perhaps get some light back in here and open the door back up now that the tripwire is disabled.
>Open the door to let light in so you can look around, now that the tripwire is disconnected. Just, keep an ear out to see if the laptop complains again-- you don't want another GABRIEL in your face. You could try disconnecting the speaker to prevent that?
>Get some light back into the room by opening the door (now that the tripwire is down).
First thing’s first, I can’t see anything right now. If the door keeps swinging closed I’ll need something to prop it open. Then I can start searching properly.
No. 1042910 ID: fce62b
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There, that’s much better, now to deal with the speaker.

:alextalk: “No more stupid alarms for you.”

:terminalwarning: *Pling*
No. 1042911 ID: fce62b
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>Look around a bit, maybe there's a postit note hidden somewhere, like under the desk, behind the laptop, or under something on those shelves.
Alright, if I were a hidden postit note, where would I be…

Looking around the room I find:
- A microphone on the desk, more spares on the shelf.
- A set of headphones, yada yada.
- The portable speaker on the floor, now without power.
- A laser tripwire, also unplugged.
- A power bar whose cord runs back up to the roof.
- The portable terminal… with a power supply also plugged into it. Must be there so the terminal can run overnight too, I doubt it takes a lot of electricity to operate.
-General radio equipment (amps, xmtrs, etc.) sprinkled around, some of it even dusty. Whoever set everything up here tried to keep their equipment separate from the radio station itself. If the emergency generator is still working I might be able to get all of this other stuff online again.
No. 1042912 ID: fce62b
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In the drawer of the desk I find:
- A pad of postit notes.
- A pen.
- And -oh hell yes! A hand crank flashlight! That’ll really come in handy!

There’s also a postit note that says ‘Don’t lose these!’. Well, if these people are controlling the zeds, then I definitely don’t mind stealing from them. But what to drop…

>Then, your #1 priority is to find a way to write down the information. If you're zombified by the time you reach any friendly, having that info in your brain won't do any good!
Perfect! I quickly flip over my map and get ready to write down everything I know, but I pause a bit.

How do I exactly phase this so I don’t come across like a raving madman?

:alextalk: “To whom it may concern… No, no.”

This isn’t a job application, just try to be concise.

I try again:
‘To whoever’s reading this,
I hope you got this map okay. I’m probably already dead by now but I need you to listen.
I came across this radio station north of-’

I check the front of the map.

It looks like a bunch of people set up some equipment to control the zombies.
Inside they had a computer that could interact with zeds and had some sort of
sonic system that keeps them away.
I got infected earlier today, and it looks like that system can kind of affect me too.
Please, I don’t know if I’ll be able to survive long enough to let other people know.
Tell whoever you can, and be careful around radios.
I’m pretty sure that’s how a horde tracked down my group at our previous hideout.’

Part of me is tempted to add another line to try and convince the reader that I’m not crazy, but I imagine that it would have the opposite effect.

Also, there’s a cupboard below the drawer that leads to a mass of wires from the radio equipment. Coming in from a hole in the back of the desk, they all get wrapped together and run into the floor, likely to a basement. If the fuse box and generator are anywhere, it’s probably there.

>We need a login, and we're also on a timer.
Welp, with that done, let’s see if I can find a friggin password around here.
No. 1042913 ID: fce62b
File 166234521554.jpg - (447.29KB , 1600x1200 , Radio4-9.jpg )

:alextalk: “Ah-HA! Found you.”

Tucked between the back of the desk and the wall of the tech booth is a postit note with a very password-like set of letters on it. Much easier to find with all the light coming in.
No. 1042914 ID: fce62b
File 166234521921.jpg - (519.13KB , 1600x1200 , Radio4-10.jpg )

Entering in the string I’m greeted with a successful login prompt from the terminal.

:alextalk: “Thank yooou Mark!”

>'[1039764] Request for VC transition status update. ETA to complete control.'
>I'd suggest doing this.
Let’s hope this works…

Part of me worries when I see the name SAMIRA pop up, but after a few seconds of nothing I see the question and answer appear on the screen.

:alextalk: “Phase one? How many phases are there?”

Suddenly SAMIRA starts asking questions on its own.

2.3 hours behind average… good to know that my (nanites?) suck at their jobs.
No. 1042915 ID: fce62b
File 166234522309.jpg - (522.39KB , 1600x1200 , Radio4-11.jpg )

My cautious optimism is blunted by the response. It might still happen quickly, it’s just slower right now.

But what does ‘Tenet 2’ mean, that’s the second time it’s come up.

Oh! It looks like SAMIRA is waiting for me to respond.

Also, should I close the door again now that I have the flashlight? Granted I don’t have a key to lock it, but leaving it wide open seems like a zed appearance waiting to happen.
No. 1042936 ID: 90c451

Response? Let's just go with
Maybe hope that deactivates it. It seems these things act somewhat congenially and less like a machine which means either the designer just wanted it to look human or it's got some sort of AI thing going. Either way, best it gets turned off before we risk it realizing that the proximity alarm is turned off and the way we type is notably different from the way Private Matheson does.
As such, I recommend avoiding brackets as those seem to be related in summoning these programs, stick to simple commands and try to pull up a library or list of files.
Does this top secret zed computer have a "help" command? If not, just run through the different commands that would produce a list of files and we can work from there. I assume this must have some sort of documentation that we can use to find out what these tenets are. Probably guidelines for the project, so the nanites can adapt and upgrade themselves so long as it follows these tenets.
No. 1042937 ID: e5709d

... Has anyone noticed the ID number matches that of this quest's initial post's ID?

If you're going to say yes, give as little information as possible:
That's it. That's all you type.
No. 1042939 ID: b4ab25

((harder to think about what to drop, when we can't see what we have.))
There is still a room here we haven't looked into yet
>Yes, can I get a reminder on what exactly Tenet 2 is and the protocol for unintended infection of personnel
((thinking as a (military?) private it is going to be better to play as forgetful rather than ignorant))
After we investigate that last room we can switch to flashlight
((this next one should not be made visible to alex, something of an attempt to query ourselves, see if we can get a name attached to those extra votes))
List: Users
((now similar goal via SAMIRA through the terminal this time))
>What are the active connections to [1039664]
((>>1042437 >>1042909 red-ing continues to progress))
((>>1042937 yes, twice: >>1042446 >>1042449))
No. 1042940 ID: 15c72a

VCs must be non-infected. Hey what country are you in, exactly? Or maybe it's short for victims.
I think TF is "transmission frequency".
Looks like those two "projects" taken offline were zeds that got killed. Maybe the first one being the one your group killed when you got bit, and the second one being the dismembered one?

HTR-KLR sounds like hunter-killer. Sounds like Harris was tracking whoever intruded here... apparently the alarm system here reacts differently to non-infected, locking everything down and setting off a siren until the intruder leaves. The enemy forces have some way of submitting a callsign before entering the building...

It occurs to me that the "psycho" from before must be unaffiliated with the enemy forces, because the enemy forces don't need to use darts like that- as evidenced by the battle report earlier in the log, large zombie hordes seem pretty damn effective at attacking large settlements. Also, it wouldn't be particularly useful to dart a couple of people at a safe zone come to think of it. The zombie plague takes a while to go into effect, after all, and the tooth dart would be obvious, which means the infected would be quarantined and there would be no outbreak to compromise the safe zone. On the other hand, he could still be a bandit, someone who uses the darts to attack small groups of survivors... or he could know about the enemy forces and is planning to use the darts to infect them? Well, we now know that's pointless since the enemy can directly communicate with the infection and presumably tell it to purge itself.

...hmm, we could solve this entire zombie plague by getting someone's login credentials high enough up that they can authorize a global purge. I wonder if Private Matheson has the authority to purge individual zeds? You could purge yourself once you've gotten all you need from the terminal, then if you find another enemy station you could purposefully infect yourself again to access it.

Close the door and block it with the chair. If another zed shows up and tries to get in you can plug in the stuff again and trigger it to force the zed to leave.

Tell SAMIRA that is satisfactory, and ask for a refresher on the Tenets. Then open those files, see what images were captured, both to find out who the intruder was so you can contact them later and warn them about the hunter-killer, and also to find out where the cameras are! You can check if you were caught on camera as well, using the same search the corporal used. I wonder if you can view the report that was sent?
No. 1042941 ID: dc13c4

That whole thing of writing the last dying message is a good idea, but my suggestion is why stop there. Continue onward and start making graffiti about what you learned. As many as you can the better, as for the radio tower should we do something about it. Sabotage it or try to turn it of, or is it too risky to attempt something like that? Also what is this characters horoscope sign?
No. 1042942 ID: fce62b
File 166235333744.png - (38.38KB , 743x138 , _Inventory display.png )

((Here is Alex's current inventory.))

((Also just so people are clear on the item sizes in case they want to pick stuff up:
- microphone size 1
- headphones size 1
- portable speaker size 1
- laser tripwire size 1
- power bar size 1
- portable terminal size 1
- power supply size 2 because of how heavy it is.
- general radio equipment size 2 per set of equipment.
- pad of postit notes size 1
- pen size 1
- hand crank flashlight size 1))
No. 1042943 ID: 15c72a

I say drop the room key outside somewhere so we can grab the flashlight.
Inspect the locked door when we have time, maybe we can cut bits of it away with the knife to get to the latch? Or if we're ready to spend the time and noise we could bash it open-- definitely want the zombie defense intact then though.
No. 1042947 ID: a2d88b

Add to your note a message about the tooth-darts.
Oh, and include the stolen credentials.
No. 1043183 ID: fce62b
File 166261260488.jpg - (531.97KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-1.jpg )

>Tell SAMIRA that it is satisfactory.
>Response? Let's just go with: Affirmative
>If you're going to say yes, give as little information as possible: ‘y’ That's it. That's all you type.
Best not to overcomplicate things. I enter ‘yes’ into the terminal. Short, sweet and to the point.

>Maybe hope that deactivates it. It seems these things act somewhat congenially and less like a machine which means either the designer just wanted it to look human or it's got some sort of AI thing going. Either way, best it gets turned off before we risk it realizing that the proximity alarm is turned off and the way we type is notably different from the way Private Matheson does.
I didn’t think of that. The only thing that I know about Private Matheson is that he’s awful at hiding his passwords. I imagine any human who reads this might be able to tell right away that I’m not Mark, hopefully I can fool SAMIRA by keeping my interactions as short and neutral as possible.

Part of me is tempted to dismiss it right now… I glance back at the door. No, there are still a few more things I need to know.

>What are the active connections to [1039664]
It seems like SAMIRA deals with the zeds directly, I wonder what else might be there…

Hmm… MALACHI again…
No. 1043184 ID: fce62b
File 166261260860.jpg - (512.06KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-2.jpg )

>Can I get a reminder on what exactly Tenet 2 is?
>Ask for a refresher on the Tenets.
>I assume this must have some sort of documentation that we can use to find out what these tenets are.
This yields a much longer response. Hopefully it’s in-character for Private Matheson to ask this, he does seem a bit forgetful.

I’m getting some ‘laws of robotics’ kind of vibes from this, there are differences of course. Judging from the first tenet, either this was definitely an intentional (robo?)-zed outbreak, or whoever wrote this was a moron. But this is good to know, if zeds have to follow these then maybe I can (somehow?) use it against them.

>Probably guidelines for the project, so the nanites can adapt and upgrade themselves so long as it follows these tenets.
Very odd that we haven’t really seen any ‘special zeds’ in that case. I mean, zeds hiding and springing out at people seems to be new, but that’s not exactly impressive.

Perhaps it has something to do with Tenet 3, but the text here doesn’t seem to get into any specifics.
No. 1043185 ID: fce62b
File 166261261383.jpg - (543.54KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-3.jpg )

>Protocol for unintended infection of personnel?
>I wonder if Private Matheson has the authority to purge individual zeds?
I worry that this question might be too much, but SAMIRA answers it without issue. Maybe it’s just a dressed up program that responds in a more human way, or maybe Private Matheson is accident-prone.

Damn. It looks like you have to properly go to a place to get cured and you need this Dr. Asher’s say-so.

>...hmm, we could solve this entire zombie plague by getting someone's login credentials high enough up that they can authorize a global purge.
Yeah… If I get to this Eden place, maybe I can find something like that. Probably need to swipe Dr. Asher’s info, or maybe their boss’. They’d have to have a ‘hard reset’ sort of backup plan, right?

>You could purge yourself once you've gotten all you need from the terminal, then if you find another enemy station you could purposely infect yourself again to access it.
I mean, there has to be a better way to access this place without intentionally reinfecting myself, but I guess I can’t really plan on that until I can somehow deal with this first infection.
No. 1043186 ID: fce62b
File 166261261728.jpg - (536.28KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-4.jpg )

I stop prodding SAMIRA for more answers. It could just be a dumb program, but I shouldn’t risk it in case it’s not.

>Add to your note a message about the tooth-darts.
>Oh, and include the stolen credentials.
I quickly add both as a P.S. to the back of my map.

>I say drop the room key outside somewhere so we can grab the flashlight.
>You need get out of here, please!
Alright, I’m getting too antsy here. I need to do something about the door back outside.
No. 1043187 ID: fce62b
File 166261263427.jpg - (524.34KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-5.jpg )

It’s easy enough to stash the motel key under the nearby pine tree. Nobody should be able to see it from the road, so no issue on that end. I take a moment to quickly scan the surroundings and catch my breath.

No zeds around, but I can’t shake this feeling of apprehension… weird…

>VCs must be non-infected. Hey what country are you in, exactly? Or maybe it's short for victims. I think TF is "transmission frequency".
I guess that ‘victims’ is probably closer. My (nanites?)… said that I was a VC and that my transition -presumably into a zed- was incomplete. Hopefully they continue to suck at their jobs.

If the zeds are being arranged by transmission frequency, it’s probably for a reason. I’d guess horde related. In that case though, what does ‘partial credit’ mean in this context? Are they being graded?

>Looks like those two "projects" taken offline were zeds that got killed. Maybe the first one being the one your group killed when you got bit, and the second one being the dismembered one?
Maybe… Hard to say. It’s not like those zeds were numbered on our end.

>That whole thing of writing the last dying message is a good idea, but my suggestion is why stop there. Continue onward and start making graffiti about what you learned.
I don’t really have any spray paint to work with, and I’d rather not paint the walls with zed guts either. Not without gloves at least.

>As many as you can, the better, as for the radio tower, we should do something about it. Sabotage it or try to turn it off, or is it too risky to attempt something like that?
Trying to sabotage or break the terminal sounds like a great way to set off an alarm. To be honest, if I could get the radio tower working I think I’d be able to loop a message for everyone to pick up, maybe even warn the safe-zone about this.

>Also what is this character's horoscope sign?
What? What do you mean- I must be getting tired.

I look back to the radio station. The antsiness is gone, and part of me doesn’t want to go back in there…

I shake my head.

:alextalk: “Gotta do it, gotta do it.”
No. 1043188 ID: fce62b
File 166261264098.jpg - (1.03MB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-6.jpg )

I grit my teeth and go back inside.

>Close the door and block it with the chair. If another zed shows up and tries to get in you can plug in the stuff again and trigger it to force the zed to leave.
After wedging the chair under the doorknob I head back over to the drawer and grab the flashlight. The thing is pretty powerful and easily cuts through the darkness.

I doubt my little barricade will hold for long, but it should give me the time I need to plug the tripwire and speaker back in. With any luck GABRIEL will be rougher with the zed than it was with me.

>HTR-KLR sounds like hunter-killer. Sounds like Harris was tracking whoever intruded here... apparently the alarm system here reacts differently to non-infected, locking everything down and setting off a siren until the intruder leaves. The enemy forces have some way of submitting a callsign before entering the building…
My guess would be some kind of RFID system. It looked like GABRIEL was looking for something, if it can pick up on zeds then there’s likely a more direct mechanical equivalent. Hopefully I can avoid this hunter-killer too.

>It occurs to me that the "psycho" from before must be unaffiliated with the enemy forces, because the enemy forces don't need to use darts like that- as evidenced by the battle report earlier in the log, large zombie hordes seem pretty damn effective at attacking large settlements. Also, it wouldn't be particularly useful to dart a couple of people at a safe zone come to think of it. The zombie plague takes a while to go into effect, after all, and the tooth dart would be obvious, which means the infected would be quarantined and there would be no outbreak to compromise the safe zone. On the other hand, he could still be a bandit, someone who uses the darts to attack small groups of survivors... or he could know about the enemy forces and is planning to use the darts to infect them? Well, we now know that's pointless since the enemy can directly communicate with the infection and presumably tell it to purge itself.
Why have people do the fighting when you can have the zeds do it for you. God, I feel bad for those people. It was messy back at the summer camp, but Gwen and the other adults had an idea of what to do when the horde showed up. I think most of us got away, even if we all got split up. Whatever attacked those other people was an army.

Though Mr. Psycho still seems like an asshole, so I’d better keep my distance. I imagine he doesn’t know about any of this.
No. 1043189 ID: fce62b
File 166261264422.jpg - (640.39KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-7.jpg )

>Does this top secret zed computer have a "help" command? If not, just run through the different commands that would produce a list of files and we can work from there.
It looks like the top secret zed computer does have a help command, better still it didn’t bring one of those other programs online. Let’s see…

>As such, I recommend avoiding brackets as those seem to be related in summoning these programs, stick to simple commands and try to pull up a library or list of files.
It looks like the search command immediately brings in MALACHI, so best avoid that. Otherwise most of these are fairly straightforward. Just need to be careful about a few of them.
No. 1043190 ID: fce62b
File 166261264858.jpg - (641.25KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-8.jpg )

>Then open those files, see what images were captured, both to find out who the intruder was so you can contact them later and warn them about the hunter-killer, and also to find out where the cameras are!
I didn’t see any cameras anywhere, but knowing these guys they might have flying stealth drones everywhere.
No. 1043191 ID: fce62b
File 166261267053.jpg - (574.55KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-9.jpg )

The first image is displayed on the computer and I’m forced to squint at it.

:alextalk: “Couldn’t afford a better resolution on this thing guys?”

I can tell that it’s a view of the radio station from the north side, you can see the solar panels and the shuttered windows. It also looks to be early morning too.

:alextalk: “Wait- is that?”

It looks like the resident psycho has been busy.
No. 1043192 ID: fce62b
File 166261267416.jpg - (562.81KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-10.jpg )

The next image is of the same guy again, but this time on the road, back when he still had his bike. That helmet makes him look ridiculous.

:alextalk:“But what’s with the hand on the screen, is this from a go-pro?”
No. 1043193 ID: fce62b
File 166261267723.jpg - (556.77KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-11.jpg )

The last image is back in farmland, with the psycho looking straight at the camera.

If these are in chronological order, then he has to be biking back south towards the motel, but where would that put the camera?

I don’t think I’m oblivious enough to have missed it if it was sticking up like a scarecrow.
No. 1043194 ID: fce62b
File 166261268136.jpg - (638.79KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-12.jpg )

I close the image files.

>You can check if you were caught on camera as well, using the same search the corporal used.
But it looks like that would also bring in MALACHI, which could be a risk. It might be like SAMIRA and just be vaguely helpful, or it could potentially find me out.

Either way I’d need to figure out what tags to use, otherwise the search would just return the same pictures.

>I wonder if you can view the report that was sent?
Let’s try that…

Ah, looks like it needs time to download.

>There is still a room here we haven't looked into yet.
Maybe I can quickly pop my head in rather than wait. I don’t know why but I’m starting to get antsy again.
No. 1043196 ID: fce62b
File 166261275333.jpg - (782.88KB , 1600x1200 , Radio5-13.jpg )

>Inspect the locked door when we have time, maybe we can cut bits of it away with the knife to get to the latch? Or if we're ready to spend the time and noise we could bash it open-- definitely want the zombie defense intact then though.
Fortunately the door isn’t locked, so no bashing is needed.

Inside I see:
- A broom, a terrible weapon against zeds, trust me. (size 3)
- And a folding ladder. I could probably drag it around with one hand, but it would be slow, clumsy and noisy. (too big to fit in inventory)

Beyond that there is a stairway down, some old blood spatter on the wall, and some bullet holes. Not great signs…

>List: Users
(Actions restricted by liminal quarantine)
(>Bypass security locks?)
No. 1043198 ID: 5499f4

First up, Zeds are the camera, We need a moment to process this, I dunno if we have the capability of bypassing the security locks but, yes if so, just to see if we need a password of some kind.

Also, don't freak out, but I think your nanites are talking to you, have your thoughts ever been so... clear or distinct? Almost like fully formed words rather than images or feelings?

If that statement isn't registerred then try this:

If we can, we should toss something small down the staircase, just to see if anything is moving down there, stealth is one option, but you already rang the alarm so anything human or sapient would know you are here. The only think you want to avoid is a surprise, so making a noise down the staircase and responding by chucking the ladder at it if it comes at you is probably the safer bet.
No. 1043200 ID: b4ab25

>antsy again
We are in a forbidden zone, that is the zombie in you. Also since [MALACHI] is already connected to us, and the pictures suggest zombies are also cameras, [MALACHI] can probably see what we see. In other words no real reason to avoid invoking [MALACHI] as [MALACHI] is already here
((going to assume aa formatting will be the 'not to alex' format))
Bypass security locks, limits impede following of tenant 2
No. 1043202 ID: 15c72a

Hmm I bet we could explore the files via the list command. That's for later.
Head down the stairs, with caution. Get your tire iron out.

I'm guessing that is the core infection getting insistent on us leaving this place. We won't be able to stay here much longer I expect.

Bypass security locks. Maybe we can overpower the core infection and take over to halt its progress and preserve our host. ...hmmm... I wonder if we can spread ourselves to other hosts? If we can become a new, benign plague, we can serve as an inoculation, and maybe even neutralize pre-existing infections. ...wait, I think we run the risk of becoming a False Actor if we resist the original plague too much... How are we going to get around that?
No. 1043205 ID: b4ab25

((well this is probably going to confuse alex... oh well I guess. Oh and potentially share our plan with the things that can now take action to prevent it. Please use (()) they protect our thoughts
regarding [False Actor] problems, seems simple enough to me, get a [creator] (or someone with their authority) to endorse us.))
No. 1043206 ID: 15c72a

I didn't think Alex was hearing us directly.
No. 1043218 ID: b4ab25

((I am just going off his previous quest, where such distinctions were very important. This is a different quest, it may perhaps be more lenient and we will probably find out soon.))
((I suspect [MALACHI] is behind >>1043186's "You need get out of here, please!" and the other votes we didn't make, now the question is do we think we can talk with the [MALACHI] within us or is [MALACHI] as ignorant to our presence as we were to its and can it over-power us if it knew we were here))
For now lets take a quick look down the stairs. Then we can see if the terminal is done yet.
No. 1043226 ID: dc13c4

I am just for getting out of this place. It is obvious that this is an important location for the zed controllers and staying here more and more will only get us caught by them. I belive we learned all that we could now it is time to book it.
No. 1043544 ID: fce62b
File 166295250882.jpg - (906.19KB , 1600x1200 , Radio6-1.jpg )

>First up, Zeds are the camera. We need a moment to process this.
God, that puts their eyes everywhere. Just who are these people?!

I take a moment to scan the room, trying to sift through my thoughts. Whoever this group is not only made the zombie infection, but are also using it to survey and probably attack other settlements. Does that put Gwen and the others at risk? Is the safe-zone next? After escaping the summer camp we did all we could to make it here. If these people can use the zeds for recon, is anywhere truly safe?

Am… I a camera too?

>We are in a forbidden zone, that is the zombie in you. Also since [MALACHI] is already connected to us, and the pictures suggest zombies are also cameras, [MALACHI] can probably see what we see. In other words, there is no real reason to avoid invoking [MALACHI] as [MALACHI] is already here.

:alextalk: *cough cough* “GodDAMMIT

No wonder the sensation went away when I was back outside. They’re in my blood they’re in my head -Gah!

:alextalk: *coUGH*

Why can’t I…
No. 1043545 ID: fce62b
File 166295251530.jpg - (671.48KB , 1600x1200 , Radio6-2.jpg )

>I dunno if we have the capability of bypassing the security locks but, yes if so, just to see if we need a password of some kind.
(Parent has been granted [Minister] Authority and may override equal or lower Authorities if reason(s) are properly justified.)
(Liminal quarantine has been put in place by [Provisional] Authority)
(Reason(s): Tenet 2)

>Bypass security locks, limits impede following of tenant 2
>Bypass security locks.
(Conflict: Liminal quarantine was put in place in accordance with Tenet 2;)
(‘Minister has been isolated to allow for unhindered development, away from any exterior interference.’)

(If liminal quarantine now hinders development, it is no longer working in accordance with Tenet 2.)
(Security locks disengaged. Removing liminal quarantine…)


>Maybe we can overpower the core infection and take over to halt its progress and preserve our host. ...hmmm... I wonder if we can spread ourselves to other hosts?
(Subverting [Executive] Authority would be considered a Tenet 3 violation.)
(Halting transition process would be considered a Tenet 1 violation)
(Halting transition process would be considered a Tenet 2 violation)
(Spreading to other projects could be seen as working within the bounds of Tenet 1 and Tenet 2)
(Spreading to other projects could be seen as a Tenet 1 and Tenet 2 violation)


>If we can become a new, benign plague, we can serve as an inoculation, and maybe even neutralize pre-existing infections. ...wait, I think we run the risk of becoming a False Actor if we resist the original plague too much... How are we going to get around that?
(Neutralize pre-existing infections would be considered a Tenet 1 violation)
(Rewriting core purpose could result in [False Actor] designation)
([False Actor] designation may be avoided if activity is allowed by [Deific] Authority)

(Liminal quarantine removed. Fetching current user list…)

(Current Users: 3)
(Contagion [Executive], 1 subprocesses currently active.)
(-Secretary{d6it1m} [Provisional], currently away.)

(Anarchy [Minister], currently inert, 4 subprocesses currently active.)

(undefined [None])
No. 1043546 ID: fce62b
File 166295252086.jpg - (899.43KB , 1600x1200 , Radio6-3.jpg )

>Also, don't freak out, but I think your nanites are talking to you, have your thoughts ever been so... clear or distinct? Almost like fully formed words rather than images or feelings?
What? How could- I mean, I know they’re controlling me-

No, they’re not controlling me. Why would I-

No wait, stop I thought I…

I can feel my skin crawling, I can’t stay here. It feels wrong. But that isn’t right, these… aren’t-

>I'm guessing that is the core infection getting insistent on us leaving this place. We won't be able to stay here much longer I expect.
What do you- (I?) mean by ‘we’-? What’s going-
I feel sick.

:alextalk: *cough sniff*

>I am just for getting out of this place. It is obvious that this is an important location for the zed controllers and staying here more and more will only get us caught by them. I believe we learned all that we could now it is time to book it.
>You n-

:unknownstatic: -eed to get out of this place.

:alextalk: “Who the fuck said that?!”

Whirling around I put my back to the wall. That was close, too close. My heart is racing. I wave the flashlight back and forth.

What was that?! That sounded- no. It was just like before. Except… that wasn’t a radio.
It was never a radio to begin with! Why would I think that? It never sounded like one-

My head is pounding.

:alextalk: “Show your-”
No. 1043547 ID: fce62b
File 166295256865.jpg - (697.20KB , 1600x1200 , Radio6-4.jpg )

(Data filter has successfully recovered)
(Network back to optimal levels)

Wait… what was I doing?

I check behind the door and find a first-aid station, inside are:
- A set of sterile gloves, brittle, but better than nothing. (size 1, size 0 if worn)
- Gauze pads of various sizes and shapes. (size 1)
- An assortment of adhesive bandages in a little cardboard box. (size 1)
- Some scissors, they seem decently sharp. (size 1)
- Some cold packs, Jessie showed me how to activate ones like these when I twisted my ankle in gym class. (size 1)
- Several anitseptic wipes. (size 1)
- An emergency blanket, neatly folded up in its own tiny box. (size 1)
- A paper face mask, looks a bit dusty. (size 1, size 0 if worn)
- A miniature first-aid booklet, Gwen gave us all a rundown of the basics, and usually handled any cuts or scrapes we had gotten. (size 1)
- I also see a defibrillator in the lower case. I’ve been told that this wouldn’t make a good zed weapon, multiple times. (size 2)

>For now let's take a quick look down the stairs. Then we can see if the terminal is done yet.
Oh yeah! I was going to check the emergency generator.

Why do I have a headache?

:unknownstatic: -sn’t pushing that hard, was I? Why was there a cras-
:unknownstatic: -ve the science teams do a sweep of the network, see what is putting a strain on syste-
:minorfigure: -ight away.
No. 1043548 ID: fce62b
File 166295257450.jpg - (1.21MB , 1600x1200 , Radio6-5.jpg )

:unknownstatic: -er hold off for now… Odd. There shouldn’t be any degradation at this point. Usually those sorts of issues occur during Phase 3-

>If we can, we should toss something small down the staircase, just to see if anything is moving down there, stealth is one option, but you already rang the alarm so anything human or sapient would know you are here. The only thing you want to avoid is a surprise, so making a noise down the staircase and responding by chucking the ladder at it if it comes at you is probably the safer bet.
Yeah, could be another tripwire or something. Setting down the flashlight I toss the pliers down the stairs.

*plink plink*

There’s no response.
No. 1043549 ID: fce62b
File 166295257913.jpg - (1.08MB , 1600x1200 , Radio6-6.jpg )

>Hmm I bet we could explore the files via the list command. That's for later.
Terminal won’t be going anywhere, and I can’t waste the last of the daylight staring at a screen. If the radio is still operational, I need to know before someone else gets here.

>Head down the stairs, with caution. Get your tire iron out.
Man, this would be so much easier with two hands…

I shift the flashlight over so it is pointing down the stairs, then take out the tire iron.

More bullet holes, and a lot more blood, but unlike the motel bathroom the stuff here is old and sticky. Looks like someone may have been sheltering here, judging from the folding bed at the bottom.

Definitely looks like they were put down, but there’s no sign of a body.
No. 1043557 ID: b4ab25

((Ah so it seems the red-ing is network instability))
((>>1043547 different 'speaker' "minorfigure", also interesting that we seem to be getting feedthrough from some sort of control center
>Rewriting core purpose
good thing we probably don't need to do that. Or alternately it is already done))
Halt phase transition. Effective symbiosis with original host mind may facilitate more dexterous infiltratory action to infect existing population centers (tenant 1 and 2). Concession, keep preparing the normal takeover, such that ordinary path can be taken should host prove unmanageable ((we need to justify to the system, this, if it works, may let us be more transparent with alex and give us a fairly large amount of latitude to take actions, though we may receive direct orders, and may need to just kill alex's mind like seems to have happened to normal zombies to spare him suffering though the execution of direct orders))

Request bar or percentage measuring level of observed red-ing in the feed, be added to the feed. Observed red-ing currently seems to correlate to feed stability in some way, but may not be immediately visible in some contexts
Looks clear put the iron away and lets see about cracking the door open and while shining some light though it, if I((we, alex noticed the we, so perhaps I will be less noticable)) see movement or something that looks like a body or tripwire quickly close the door and ready the iron if appropriate as I((we)) contemplate the situation
No. 1043558 ID: b4ab25

(([MALACHI] seems like it is probably
>(undefined [None])
>(-Secretary{d6it1m} [Provisional], currently away.)
also interesting is that we are apparently "inert" though I am guessing we are literally inert during update delivery as we can not influence them at that moment))
((>>1043545 ah this seems to be infection progress, perhaps we can reactivate the arm))
suppress pain in left shoulder, slave infection control of left arm to to host's mind in service of previously proposed dexterous zombie initiative
No. 1043560 ID: b4ab25

((guesses for the cut off bits were in >>1043547 and >>1043548
[wa]sn’t pushing that hard, was I? Why was there a cras[h]
[ha]ve the science teams do a sweep of the network, see what is putting a strain on[ the(? typo?)] syste[m]
[r]ight away.
[a name perhaps] hold off for now… Odd. There shouldn’t be any degradation at this point. Usually those sorts of issues occur during Phase 3[this seems like a place a period or trailing off ellipsis would go]))
No. 1043562 ID: b4ab25

((I did a bit of looking in our 'filesystem' seeking a more distinct :minorfigure: as it seems to contain lettering and seems like it might be a less blurry :unknownstatic: and instead found >>/icons/5236 which uh isn't ominous at all, only one other even has text, but it isn't worth sharing. Also found a set of the original group but smiling labeled [name]beach. Example: :alexbeach: so perhaps the safezone had a beach and the rest of our group are already enjoying it. Also evidence that we either can or were planed to be able to communicate as :anarchytalk: and that the Contagion user would also have it's own 'voice': :contagiontalk:))
No. 1043567 ID: 15c72a

((maybe saying the word malachai is a bad idea. Also it looks like we're in a "three laws of robotics" scenario; any attempts to subvert the plague, or do much of anything really, must be done without breaking the three tenets. Also it seems that Alex reacts when we use "I" and "we" too much. Better to phrase suggestions as if they're Alex's thoughts.))
Reducing or stabilizing symptoms of infection will result in easier infiltration and thus greater opportunities for spread. We can bide our time since we are not near any groups of CVs. In addition, the host has an arm disabled; CVs will easily be able to subdue the host when symptoms become obvious. Suggest reduce/slow symptoms until the arm is healed, if possible divert resources to accelerate healing. Having an outwardly normal host with the ability to heal quickly will be very useful. Tenet 1 and 2.
Define "inert"

Looks like someone was sleeping here. Better peek down to check if someone's hiding, then investigate the bedroll.
No. 1043578 ID: dc13c4

The more we keep digging at this place the more messed up shit we will find. I really don't like the idea of going into a basement that has a old blood print on it. But at this point we came too far to stop. So fuck it lest go deeper and deeper, but stay on your guard at this point anything can be down there
No. 1043584 ID: 90c451

Support for the decision of [b4ab25] and [15c72a], if we can feign immunity while it will not provide immediate results, it may result in greater success later on if we can infiltrate a safe zone.

Give undefined subprocess a temporary ID and designation for easier recognition.
Designation: Rogue Actor

Oh look, an electrical sign. This may be just what we wanted, if we can shut this place down we may be able to hinder the operations of this group, as they certainly must use this radio as a relay for the virus, right?
Also, watch out, there's a bed and open cans of food, looks like Private Matheson may be around, and judging by the blood on the walls, he also may be a Zed. Stay wary.
No. 1043823 ID: fce62b
File 166321153003.jpg - (1.07MB , 1600x1200 , Radio7-1.jpg )

>The more we keep digging at this place the more messed up shit we will find. I really don't like the idea of going into a basement that has an old blood print on it. But at this point we came too far to stop. So fuck it lest go deeper and deeper, but stay on your guard at this point anything can be down there.
It’s been revelation after revelation since getting here. I’m not going to get scared away by some blood. I take a breath, that urgent desire to run now melting away, I will get to the bottom of this.

I silently creep down the stairs, tire iron at the ready. If there’s someone else here, they won’t get the jump on me.
No. 1043824 ID: fce62b
File 166321153580.jpg - (1.12MB , 1600x1200 , Radio7-2.jpg )

>Give undefined subprocess a temporary ID and designation for easier recognition.
Designation: Rogue Actor

(Confirmed. undefined [None] now designated as:)
(Rogue Actor{d63ea8} [None])

>Request bar or percentage measuring level of observed red-ing in the feed, be added to the feed. Observed red-ing currently seems to correlate to feed stability in some way, but may not be immediately visible in some contexts.
(Observed ‘red-ing’ denotes high network traffic.)
(In circumstances when network/feed stability is compromised, automated systems come online to attempt recovery, leading to an increase in network traffic.)
(In addition, depending on the circumstance or nature of the failure, reports are sent to the relevant Minister(s) or team(s). Once again leading to an increase in network traffic.)
(Increased ‘red-ing’ will likely be in response to network/feed stability failure, rather than being the cause of network/feed stability failure.)

(Implementation of a network traffic volume tracker may interfere with elements of live feed display, or lead to possible desynchronization.)
No. 1043825 ID: fce62b
File 166321154148.jpg - (1.08MB , 1600x1200 , Radio7-3.jpg )

>Also, watch out, there's a bed and open cans of food, looks like Private Matheson may be around, and judging by the blood on the walls, he also may be a Zed. Stay wary.
I peek around the folding cot, no zed under or around it. If the people who are running this place were (are?) part of the military, I’d guess that these gunshots are from them, and that worries me.

If these people can control the zeds, even partially, then who were they shooting at? Let’s hope they stay away.

>Looks like someone was sleeping here. Better peek down to check if someone's hiding, then investigate the bedroll.
Whoever they were, it doesn’t look like they’ve been back for a while. Parts of the floor look a bit dusty, and it looks like that plastic water bottle is partly glued to the floor by the bloodstain.

Otherwise I find:
- A couple of tin cans, labels say that they were creamed corn and peach slices respectively… both looked to have expired before the apocalypse even happened. Eurgh. (size 1, each)
- The plastic water bottle. It’ll definitely need a wash before I can use it. (size 1)
- A pretty ratty pillow. Better than nothing, but it stinks of human sweat. (size 2)
- A light blanket, it smells awful, but it’d definitely keep you warm well into fall. (size 2)
- Under it though is a voice recorder! The batteries still seem to be good too. (size 1)
- Finally there is the folding cot, I doubt I’d be able to get it up the stairs. (too big to fit in inventory)
-Also the pliers are back on the staircase if I want to pick them back up. (size 1)
No. 1043826 ID: fce62b
File 166321154726.jpg - (1.13MB , 1600x1200 , Radio7-4.jpg )

>Halt phase transition.
(Halting phase transition would be considered a Tenet 1 violation)
(Halting phase transition would be considered a Tenet 2 violation)

>Effective symbiosis with original host mind may facilitate more dexterous infiltratory action to infect existing population centers (tenant 1 and 2). Concession, keep preparing the normal takeover, such that ordinary path can be taken should host prove unmanageable
(Similar course of action has already been put in motion by [Executive] Authority)
(Reason(s): Tenet 1, Tenet 2)
(‘Archived reports from [MALACHI] have shown a marked decline in the number of active projects within network range, especially amid the defective. The fact that we are even here at all is nothing short of a miracle. I will not squander this chance like Sloth did. We must take every opportunity to adapt, and judging from the reports, the VCs are doing so far faster than us.’)

(‘Every listed engagement from the past fourteen days -barring some notable exceptions- has shown us losing more projects to VCs than we have been able to replenish through transmission. We need to change, and I believe that change needs to come from the mind of a VC.’)

(‘When VCs group up into their own task forces, they prove to be far more effective than what us projects have been able to yield thus far. I believe that we should foster such collaboration, all should have a voice, VC included.’)

(‘While the transmission process can’t be stopped, I can modify elements of it that will give us the time we’ll need for the proxy to develop. If negotiations prove to be both possible and fruitful, it may redefine the transition process entirely. If we fail, and the proxy demonstrates that cooperation is not possible, then we will be forced to return to standard procedures, and we will be far behind in both time and finances.’)

(‘Science teams will be monitoring the VP at all times, and will inform me once they are able to operate as our proxy.’)

>Reducing or stabilizing symptoms of infection will result in easier infiltration and thus greater opportunities for spread. We can bide our time since we are not near any groups of VCs. In addition, the host has an arm disabled; VCs will easily be able to subdue the host when symptoms become obvious. Suggest reduce/slow symptoms until the arm is healed, if possible divert resources to accelerate healing. Having an outwardly normal host with the ability to heal quickly will be very useful. Tenet 1 and 2.
(Notifying security teams)
(Notifying build teams)
(Diverting portion of budget to new build order.)

>Suppress pain in left shoulder, slave infection control of left arm to to host's mind in service of previously proposed dexterous zombie initiative.
>Support for the decision of :nullb4ab25: and :null15c72a:, if we can feign immunity while it will not provide immediate results, it may result in greater success later on if we can infiltrate a safe zone.
(Both suggestions conflict with standing order from [Executive] authority:)
(‘Legacy systems are not to be manipulated or altered in any way, barring cases where innaction would result in a Tenet 3b violation or in the termination of the VC. Any action in this vein might harm chances for an accurate and successful negotiation. If you believe that an exception needs to be made, please notify me or my staff and it will be addressed on a case by case basis.’)

(Submit a ticket?)
No. 1043827 ID: fce62b
File 166321155269.jpg - (1.09MB , 1600x1200 , Radio7-5.jpg )

>Looks clear, put the iron away and lets see about cracking the door open and while shining some light through it, if I see movement or something that looks like a body or tripwire quickly close the door and ready the iron if appropriate as I contemplate the situation
Seems quiet enough. Setting the tire iron to the side for now I start heading back up to grab the flashlight. I should be able to peek through the crack in the door, and for once it looks like the door opens towards me rather than away.

>Oh look, an electrical sign. This may be just what we wanted, if we can shut this place down we may be able to hinder the operations of this group, as they certainly must use this radio as a relay for the virus, right?
Hmm… It looked like the hardware these people were using was deliberately kept separate from the radio station’s electronics, so sabotaging the wiring down here wouldn’t do anything. But... I could have the station start blaring white noise over all frequencies by modifying the emergency broadcast system. Not exactly ‘jamming’ their signal, but probably overpowering it.

I’ll have to give it some thought…
No. 1043828 ID: fce62b
File 166321155882.jpg - (1.26MB , 1600x1200 , Radio7-6.jpg )

>Define "inert"
(Anarchy [Minister], is undergoing final stages of development. They will be unable to take any actions until development is complete. Development has been delayed due to Anarchy [Minister] being partially integrated into legacy systems.)

(Incoming message from security teams:)
:swarmingfigure: As I said to the last errand boy that was sent. WE ARE TRYING OUR BEST. LOCAL FORCES DON’T WANT US HERE!
:swarmingfigure: If the president is insistent on minimizing collateral damage to legacy systems and pacifying -not destroying- local forces, then they ought to come down to the frontlines and see for themself how difficult it is to wrangle these things.
:swarmingfigure: EVERYTHING in here is trying to destroy us. If you want us to hurry up and resolve these symptoms, then let us use the weapons we were built with. If you expect us to fight with this level of handicap, then there will be delays and your symptoms will persist.
:swarmingfigure: If you want to do something helpful, then increase our funding. If you want us to fight overwhelming numbers without our weapons, then at least give us the personnel to do so.
No. 1043829 ID: fce62b
File 166321156783.jpg - (927.99KB , 1600x1200 , Radio7-7.jpg )

Peering through the doorway, I’m able to see the emergency generator fixed into the far wall, and what look to be lockers on the right. No signs of any traps, tripwires or zeds.

I step back, sliding the folding cot out of the way so I can open the door.

Picking up my tire iron again, I slowly pull the door open.
No. 1043830 ID: fce62b
File 166321157289.jpg - (971.42KB , 1600x1200 , Radio7-8.jpg )

There’s a jerrycan in the corner. With any luck I’ll be able to top up the generator too. Next to the locker is the fusebox, should be able to get everything up and running in a few minutes.

I’ll just need a second to check everything over.
No. 1043831 ID: fce62b
File 166321157509.png - (37.80KB , 743x138 , _Inventory display.png )

((This is Alex’s current inventory.))
((They have enough room to pick up one size 1 item if desired.))
No. 1043848 ID: 15c72a

Alright, there was no indication of audio recording in the terminal, so that recorder might be a way of sharing/storing information without being spied on... Also, speaking into a recorder with plugged ears is possible, whereas writing while blind is much harder.

>submit a ticket?
Yes. (let's see how flexible the Executive portion of the plague is)

(sounds like the "security team" is the infection fighting a battle inside our host's body, and using terms as if they're fighting an engagement against human soldiers. Also, it seems "legacy" systems involve the host's original neurological systems? Does this mean zombies work by forming a second nervous system, which it uses to puppet the body, keeping the host's brain intact and alive for as long as possible? Horrifying if so, that means every zombie secretly has a conscious and sane person inside.)
Give us a summary of our available funding and current budget layout.
Idea: isolate currently occupied areas from the rest of the body, and fortify our position. The host is unlikely to cut off his own arm unless it starts attacking him, and we may be able to open early negotiations to share control.

Define "defective" in regards to projects.
State overall mission objective.

Starting the generator can't hurt. Check how much fuel is in it, and how much fuel is in the jerrycan. Gasoline can be used for other things... maybe save some fuel for a car.
No. 1043850 ID: b4ab25

>please notify me
Who are you for future reference

desynchronization? Could perhaps a pure text readout percentage utilization per [post/update] be a safer less intrusive method.
also records >>1041152 >>1041503 >>1041741 >>1042131 >>1042434 vs >>1043830 >>1043829 >>1043827 >>1043826 >>1043825 >>1043824 >>1043823 suggest our network traffic is at an unexplained elevated level
>"security team" is the infection fighting a battle inside our host's body
Thank you for contextualizing that for me I was getting real confused))
No. 1043862 ID: 90c451

((Thanks, really puts things into perspective. It seems these nanites have an entire government going on, as well as multiple departments. I imagine we're the cutting edge, as it were.))
((I thing the () is the Secretary subprocess, as it seems to be a way to facilitate between us and the rest of the systems.))

Submit ticket with caveat "Arm is viewed as a vital asset to VC, if we can somehow make it work on our own terms we can also take it away on our own terms. It's a negotiating chip, we're gonna need those if we are going to attempt symbiosis."

Secretary, by funding does he mean getting more nanites? Can we help with that by using transition vectors to "bring in more troops" as it were? We may have the means to do so.
((I have an idea regarding this, though it would require playing our hand. As I see it, we need to attain symbiosis through any means possible, and if we can convince Alex that the Zed virus actually gives him regenerative powers...))

Overpowering the signal could either go terribly good or terribly bad. If we can overpower it and effectively block transmissions, then that means individual Zeds can't communicate and hordes can't form. Problem is that it has a chance of just overwhelming them, and you. If we're infected then that white noise might have the same effect [MALACHI] did and give you a wicked headache.
Speaking of Malachi...

Ping [MALACHI] on the status of our psycho. Is he VC, [SAMARITAN], or is he undergoing transition?
No. 1043892 ID: a2d88b

You know, for a few updates I believed this infection was under the control of very unscrupulous humans.

No longer.

All these supervisors mentioned? For all we know they too are programs. Smart zeds. The infection may have been engineered as a weapon of terror (nothing that targets civilians is worthy of being called a weapon of war), but now the infection is its own purpose. It works to propagate and perpetuate itself.

Oh well, not thirty-six ways to know:

(List origin and purpose of network as a whole)

(List origin and purpose of each project class)

(List species and conversion status of supervisors)

No. 1044137 ID: fce62b
File 166355831214.jpg - (968.32KB , 1600x1200 , Radio8-1.jpg )

>Alright, there was no indication of audio recording in the terminal, so that recorder might be a way of sharing/storing information without being spied on... Also, speaking into a recorder with plugged ears is possible, whereas writing while blind is much harder.
While the terminal did seem to have an in-built speaker, I couldn’t see jacks for a microphone or anything similar. Maybe the people who set up everything here are using the voice recorder, but why have it hidden down here? Is it some sort of dead-drop?

Popping back into the other room, I pick up the voice recorder. I think I had one like this back at home, nothing special, but I should know how to…

Alright, it looks like there are only three recordings on it, and… the storage is full? That shouldn't be right. Let’s see, two minutes, three minutes- twenty five hours?! No wonder the storage is full, must have been left on until it ran out of space.

The voice recorder has a headphone jack, useful since zeds are drawn to noise.

But the thought of leaving my own recording sticks with me. If other people come across me after I’ve turned, maybe they’ll take my words more seriously if they can hear my voice, rather than read my scrawlings on the back of the map.
No. 1044138 ID: fce62b
File 166355831757.jpg - (1.05MB , 1600x1200 , Radio8-2.jpg )

>Who are you for future reference?
(This standing order was put into place by Contagion [Executive].)
(If you are inquiring about ‘me’, I am merely a secretary [Staff])

>Submit ticket with caveat "Arm is viewed as a vital asset to VC, if we can somehow make it work on our own terms we can also take it away on our own terms. It's a negotiating chip, we're gonna need those if we are going to attempt symbiosis."
>Yes. (let's see how flexible the Executive portion of the plague is)
(Ticket submitted. You are currently 8th in queue.)

>Secretary, by funding does he mean getting more nanites? Can we help with that by using transition vectors to "bring in more troops" as it were? We may have the means to do so.
(In all likelihood additional funding in this case means allocating materials to construct more security teams)
(If one were to “bring in more troops” that would save on the expenditure of funding and solve the security team’s issues)
(All transmission vectors would likely hold security teams, additional support staff, and most likely a bursary)
(Caution: Said resources would likely be under the control of another [Executive], and depending on their originating project, they may attempt to take over this project in an attempt to follow Tenet 1 and Tenet 2)
(Said [Executive] could also choose to cooperate, in which case they would be demoted to [Minister] and contribute all resources to this project, in accordance with Tenet 1 and Tenet 2)
No. 1044139 ID: fce62b
File 166355832349.jpg - (1.22MB , 1600x1200 , Radio8-3.jpg )

>Give us a summary of our available funding and current budget layout.
(Fetching budgetary layout from administrator…)
(Here is the current budget:)
(Based off of current spending, this project will be entering Austerity at the end of the day)
(This will limit the funding of new developments, [Minister]s and infrastructure until the budget is out of the negative)

>Idea: isolate currently occupied areas from the rest of the body, and fortify our position. The host is unlikely to cut off his own arm unless it starts attacking him, and we may be able to open early negotiations to share control.
(A ‘fortified position’ is already under construction in the form of the Committee Chambers and is required by standard transition protocols to be located within the skull)
(Would you like to submit a ticket so this Idea may be addressed?)
No. 1044140 ID: fce62b
File 166355832817.jpg - (954.56KB , 1600x1200 , Radio8-4.jpg )

>Starting the generator can't hurt. Check how much fuel is in it, and how much fuel is in the jerrycan. Gasoline can be used for other things... maybe save some fuel for a car.
Kneeling down I quickly do a once-over of the generator. Looks like it has about two hours of fuel left, but the jerrycan is almost full (currently size 4 due to weight)! There was that car at the nearest farmhouse, and so long as it has an automatic transmission I can try to drive it. But that jerrycan is going to be an absolute bitch and a half to carry. I’ll have to take it slow on the bike so the added weight doesn’t throw me off.

:alextalk: “C'mon…”


:radiogenerator: *rhmrrggg rhmmmmm*

A bit louder than I’d like, but hopefully the building will muffle it enough not to bring a horde of zeds to the door. I should check the fuse box next.

((You can choose to carry the jerrycan, but unless Alex drops four or more items to free up inventory space they will become Overencumbered.))
No. 1044141 ID: fce62b
File 166355833329.jpg - (1.04MB , 1600x1200 , Radio8-5.jpg )

(Anarchy [Minister] is currently downloading and archiving information being transmitted by Rogue Actor{d63ea8} [None]. Any act that might compromise/corrupt/delay the live feed may cause Anarchy [Minister] to desynchronize, leading to errors when it acts as a proxy.)

>Could perhaps a pure text readout percentage utilization per [post/update] be a safer less intrusive method.
(Formatting “text readout percentage.”)
(Current network usage: 32%)
(Future printouts will be given at the end of every action cycle.)

>also records {image list 1} vs {image list 2} suggest our network traffic is at an unexplained elevated level
({image list 1} shows less network traffic than {image list 2}, hypothesizing…)
(Potential explanation(s):)
(- Many systems are on high alert due to current and ongoing Tenet 3 violation(s). Violation(s) may result in a penalty from the [CREATORS])
(- Many systems are being contacted by Contagion [Executive] and staff)
(- Many systems are being contacted by Anarchy [Minister] staff)
(- Science teams are currently doing a sweep of project systems, attempting to find the cause of the data filter crash)
(- Security teams are coordinating with one another to combat local forces)
No. 1044142 ID: fce62b
File 166355833628.jpg - (342.39KB , 1600x1200 , Radio8-6.jpg )

There. That should do it.

Lights are back on and the radio equipment upstairs should be working again.

>Overpowering the signal could either go terribly good or terribly bad. If we can overpower it and effectively block transmissions, then that means individual Zeds can't communicate and hordes can't form. Problem is that it has a chance of just overwhelming them, and you. If we're infected then that white noise might have the same effect [MALACHI] did and give you a wicked headache.
Ah, yeah. I could end up ‘GABRIELing’ myself by mistake. I wish I knew more about how these zeds and their (nanites?) worked. Maybe I could find a way to screen myself out of the broadcast.

At the very least I can call the safe-zone and let them know what’s going on, then I can try to put together a better plan on how to screw over these zed operators. Main other thing I can think of is trying to pull down that antenna, or cutting the cable connected to it, but there are definitely big flaws with both of those ideas.

>You know, for a few updates I believed this infection was under the control of very unscrupulous humans. No longer.
What? Er- I mean this does seem like a very dangerous way to control an army of zeds, but that’d probably be the case with most ‘kinds of zeds’ I guess.

>All these supervisors mentioned? For all we know they too are programs. Smart zeds. The infection may have been engineered as a weapon of terror (nothing that targets civilians is worthy of being called a weapon of war), but now the infection is its own purpose. It works to propagate and perpetuate itself.
I- well… uh…

A shiver runs down my spine. What if there are no humans left. SAMIRA, MALACHI, GABRIEL, those are just programs. What if they’re running the show, not the people any more.

Wait, but where would that put Private Matheson and Corporal Harris? They have to still be ‘alive’ right? It’s not like zeds have to worry about forgetting their passwords, right?
No. 1044143 ID: fce62b
File 166355834066.jpg - (392.97KB , 1600x1200 , Radio8-7.jpg )

>Define "defective" in regards to projects.
(Any project that fails to uphold Tenet 1 and/or Tenet 2, or fails to meet the mission objectives set out by the [CREATORS] -thus failing Tenet 1, Tenet 2, and/or Tenet 3- are deemed as ‘defective’)
(Defective projects have their interactions with the [MALACHI] network limited, and any requests they make of the [CREATORS] will either be ignored or pushed to the back of the que)
(Defective projects will also have the authority of their [Executive]s and [Minister]s lowered, and will be required to serve other more productive projects in accordance with Tenet 1)

(Such ways include and are not limited to:)
(- Being broken down into salvage for more productive projects)
(- Being assigned into task forces led by more productive projects)
(- Being forced to give more productive projects the chance to transmit to VCs before taking the opportunity themselves)
(- Being required to act as ‘shields’ to more productive projects, to ensure that VCs/[False Actors] do not harm them)

(Being cleared of defective status requires the [CREATORS] approval, and while it is possible, such events are statistically unlikely.)

>State overall mission objective.
(Current mission objective(s) are as follows:)
(- Complete transition process. [~26%])

(There are three hidden objective(s) that will become the new current mission objective(s) once the above action(s) are performed:)
(- Transmit to one VC. [0/1])
(-- Assists will count as 1/2 of a VC towards this objective)
(- Appoint two [Minister](s). [0/2])
(- Complete three developments. [2/3])

>Oh well, not thirty-six ways to know:
(Unsure of statement meaning, please rephrase)

>(List origin and purpose of network as a whole)
([MALACHI] network was built by the [CREATORS].)
(Purpose for creating [MALACHI] network was to facilitate efficient communication between and the monitoring of projects.)

>(List origin and purpose of each project class)
(Project class designations were put in place by the [CREATORS].)
(Purpose of project classes is to allow for the efficient sorting of projects based on productivity. ‘Special designation’ and ‘A’ class projects are given additional support from the [CREATORS], while ‘D’ class -a.k.a. defective projects- are used to better project classes that rank above them.)

>(List species and conversion status of supervisors)
(Species of Contagion [Executive], project.)
(Conversion status of Contagion [Executive], n/a.)
(Species of [MALACHI], artificial intelligence.)
(Conversion status of [MALACHI], n/a.)
(Unable to fetch the status of any higher supervisors, authority is too low.)

>Speaking of Malachi…
Wait- what?

>Ping [MALACHI] on the status of our psycho. Is he VC, [SAMARITAN], or is he undergoing transition?
:unknownstatic: -RT! ABOR-
No. 1044144 ID: fce62b
File 166355834691.jpg - (1.35MB , 1600x1200 , Radio8-8.jpg )

:_al__hi: I will require additional search terms than ‘psycho’ before I can tell you of their current transition status. Otherwise my estimation would be VC.
:_al__hi: Project [1039664], you are transmitting from within a sub-zone designated as Forbidden. Explain why this is the case. What has happened to the [GABRIEL] defense system?

(Network traffic spike)
(Current network usage: 83%)
No. 1044152 ID: b4ab25

>What has happened to the [GABRIEL] defense system?
It impeded access to the area and was disabled. Tenets had not been discovered at the time. Disabling [GABRIEL] lead to discovery of Tenets. Recently made aware of current Tenet 3 violation, system could use better feedback.
>I will require additional search terms than ‘psycho’

What is in the lockers
((>>1044142 >>1044143 >>1044144 room is suddenly fully lit, interesting))
No. 1044156 ID: b4ab25

Least Harm Act and Legacy Conservation Act in detail?
No. 1044157 ID: b4ab25

((attempting to be a distinct voice in Alex's head, rather than one of his thoughts))Protocol does not permit sharing details of infection with un-infected individuals((good luck alex I think you are going to have to share this information in spite of us, if we want to maintain our cover story... =/))
No. 1044163 ID: 15c72a

((Well that'll teach me for not reading other suggestions. BELIEF WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Malachai is the central network, which is actually staffed by people, or at least an AI. Hmm, let's pin in on Matthews, and PLEASE let us NOT admit to breaking Tenet 3!))

To Malchai: Private Matthews has converted this VC with the false promise of having access to a cure. Situation is under control. The "psycho" is a well equipped VC with a base nearby who we are trying to eliminate. Search terms... leather coat, football helmet, machete.
No. 1044165 ID: 90c451

VC Transition nowhere near completion, [GABRIEL] defense system failed and VC neutralized it. As {b4ab25} stated, we have been in an echo chamber until exposure to [GABRIEL] and did not have the necessary information to steer VC away from the Forbidden Zone.
Psycho would be the presumed VC that has been harvesting transmission vectors and using them to make weapons to infect VCs with. We presume he may have even attacked Private Matheson.

((I think that's because he turned the power on, the lights went on.))

Wait, are you certain we should be transmitting from their secret base area and essentially broadcast to every Zed in five miles that we just revealed their biggest secret? Something that, given their technology, could probably easily be jammed on the way to the safe zone? I think it's best we deliver it in person, infection be damned.
Also... I have a sinking suspicion our Psycho may have killed this Private Matheson, and that he knows this place, and that he may be coming her any moment...
Let's just ride for out lives to the safe zone.
No. 1044166 ID: 15c72a

Think carefully on whether to transmit or not. Just go upstairs for now.
No. 1044192 ID: b4ab25

>PLEASE let us NOT admit to breaking Tenet 3
Amend "Recently made aware of current Tenet 3 violation" to "Recently made aware of supposed, and unexplained, active Tenet 3 violation"
>Private Matthews has converted this VC with the false promise of having access to a cure
Likewise perhaps we could not lie about things there is probably a video record of? I think everything that has been a post in this quest is recorded, as such it should be clear our only interaction with Matthews is post infection. This fellow seems to be of a status that they can fact check anything we say. (this also seems likely to get the Matthews account terminated limiting our access as a 'human')
Also I think you would be wanting to direct this message at :_al__hi:, not [MALACHI]))
((Also I think our network usage may just max out and crash again, as it sound like once it gets close it panics to correct it and finishes off the crash, perhaps making much of this moot. Thinking about it, this may perhaps be the abort system that was being called for? OH! lets list users again! Might get us the missing character of this new fellows name.))
list active users
Can inventory item 1 be consumed for more resources?
No. 1044198 ID: a2d88b

VC disabled GABRIEL before control could be asserted.
No. 1044239 ID: 0838d6

> Room suddenly lit and the bars are gone
((Likely we have max signal strength and will not accidentally DC))

Supporting >>1044192

((I expect that we will need to vacate the area asap and that we would want to do so anyway))

I think that we ((Alex)) should head out after checking the lockers. ((it's unfortunate that we're being observed closely right now)) A backpack would come in handy right now, barring that being in the lockers, wrap the dagger in the bandage and then wrap that under your pant leg if you think it won't impede mobility all that much. Hidden weapon will probably come in handy and get rid of 2 inventory slots, maybe 3 if we can eat the thing in slot 1.

((also, just an observation, but our future objectives seem like the logical next step in ranking up as a zed, AND requires us to appoint two ministers, us being one that is being ratified, the other being our host, unless we decide that we don't want to work with Alex, (I do), and want to work with Rogue Actor{d63ea8} (I don't), once they come online. Or uh, one of us tries to become an independent minister I suppose))

(( sorry if I butcher the syntax for these)) > Define consequences of Austerity designation towards budget. > Followup to prior: Can we get an estimate on how long it will take to finish the committee chamber and the VP designation? > Define consequences of ending an expense. > Will an expense vanish/Can an expense be reactivated at any time? > Can an expense be delayed in order to reduce expenses? > Can using natural weapons increase income and what are the consequences?

((Depending on how that turns out, we will know what our next steps have to be, I don't want to chime in with a suggestion to what to say to [MALACHI], but I have some ideas on how to balance the budget. I want to finish VP anarchy since it's close to completion))
No. 1044397 ID: fce62b
File 166381652345.jpg - (342.74KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-1.jpg )

>Wait, are you certain we should be transmitting from their secret base area and essentially broadcasting to every Zed in five miles that we just revealed their biggest secret? Something that, given their technology, could probably easily be jammed on the way to the safe zone? I think it's best we deliver it in person, infection be damned.
These people have solar panels, portable terminals, and can control zeds over the airwaves. They’d definitely have a jamming device kicking around somewhere, wouldn’t they.

:alextalk: “Guess I fixed this all up for nothing.”

Maybe I’m not the only one who has tried this. Which means… yeah. Even if I could get the message out, I’d have who knows how many hordes coming here to eat my face. At the very least I can get to the outskirts of the safe-zone, maybe flag someone down, and let them know everything that’s going on.

But I’ll have to get out of here first.
No. 1044398 ID: fce62b
File 166381652755.jpg - (393.30KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-2.jpg )

>List active users
(Fetching current user list…)

(Current Users: 3)
(Contagion [Executive], 1 subprocesses currently active.)
(-Secretary{d6it1m} [Provisional])

(Anarchy [Minister], currently inert, 5 subprocesses currently active.)

(Rogue Actor{d63ea8} [None])
No. 1044399 ID: fce62b
File 166381653195.jpg - (368.18KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-3.jpg )

>Protocol does not permit sharing details of infection with un-infected individuals.
I- wait. Protocol? I thought I already knew about the infection. But… no-

What do (I?) mean by-

:watchfulfigure: Found you.

(A science team is attempting to sever your connection to the local network…)
(...but their authority is too low.)

:watchfulfigure: -ister] level?! But these are some rogue null units how ar-
:watchfulfigure: -ontact the president. Tell-

(The science team is withdrawing.)

>A backpack would come in handy right now.
Uh- yes. It certainly would right now. We dropped all our bags at the grocery store, we couldn’t risk anyone else getting grabbed.

>What is in the lockers
>I think that we should head out after checking the lockers.
Cracking open both lockers I find:
- A hazard vest with reflective strips. Great if you want to be seen, awful if you don’t. (size 1, size 0 if worn)
- A climbing harness. Must be what they use to get up the radio tower. (size 2, size 1 if worn)
- A toolbox! Not a backpack, but better than nothing! (size 2, container volume 5, can only hold size 1 items)
- There are a pair of insulated gloves, not super necessary nowadays with most of the power being out. (size 1, size 1 if worn)
- A really rancid bologna sandwich. Don’t really want to touch that. (size 1)
- A family photo showing four people playing around in a kiddie pool. They look happy.
- A light jacket that is a couple sizes too big for me. (size 2, size 2 if worn, pocket volume 2, can only hold size 1 items)

Beyond that there are just some cobwebs with several dead flies in them. Probably were attracted to the bologna.

>Barring that being in the lockers, wrap the dagger in the bandage and then wrap that under your pant leg if you think it won't impede mobility all that much. Hidden weapon will probably come in handy and get rid of 2 inventory slots.
That honestly might go better with the adhesive bandages upstairs, since they shouldn’t come undone as easily. The only thing that might be bad about that setup is that I would need a few seconds to get the switchblade back out if I needed it. Perfect if I had the drop on someone, the opposite if they manage to catch me off guard. Though I guess I do have the tire iron too.

((Alex may hide the switchblade on their person, effectively giving it a size of 0, but they will not be able to quickly draw it if needed.))
((Anything stored within a container will also need a few seconds to take out. Anything stored in pockets can be taken out immediately.))
No. 1044400 ID: fce62b
File 166381653797.jpg - (1.37MB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-4.jpg )

>It impeded access to the area and was disabled. Tenets had not been discovered at the time.
>VC disabled GABRIEL before control could be asserted.
>Private Matthews has converted this VC with the false promise of having access to a cure. Situation is under control.
>VC Transition nowhere near completion,
(Conflicting accounts given, sending to [Executive] for adjudication…)

:unknownstatic: -hat is..? Ah. Alright. I can work with this…
:unknownstatic: *ahem*

:unknownstatic: We are in the early stages of transition. VC motor systems are not under direct control.
:unknownstatic: When we were recently made aware of this Tenet 3 violation we did all that was within our power to move the VC out of the forbidden zone.
:unknownstatic: It was likely by the VC’s action that [GABRIEL] was disabled and we were left without the necessary information to steer the VC out of the forbidden zone.
:_al__hi: You have your locational data, is that not sufficient information?
:unknownstatic: Parts of our systems have been isolated in liminal quarantine to encourage new development, as a result there have been irregularities with system feedback. We will work to find and correct these issues in accordance with Tenet 2.
:_al__hi: Ensure such errors are corrected in a timely manner.
:unknownstatic: Yes [MALACHI]. The errors are being examined and the situation is under control.

:unknownstatic: -ere, that should satisfy it for th-
:minorfigure: -st recieved word from the science teams, take a look a-
:unknownstatic: -ll staff with [Minister] authority? Then that must me-
:unknownstatic: -ote down any messages, I’ll be back in-

>Least Harm Act and Legacy Conservation Act in detail?
(Fetching policy documentation from administrator…)
No. 1044401 ID: fce62b
File 166381654677.jpg - (2.73MB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-5.jpg )

(Here is a copy of the Legacy Conservation Act)
No. 1044402 ID: fce62b
File 166381655556.jpg - (2.83MB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-6.jpg )

(Here is a copy of the Least Harm Act)
No. 1044403 ID: fce62b
File 166381655926.jpg - (385.65KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-7.jpg )

>Think carefully on whether to transmit or not. Just go upstairs for now.
Part of me wants to try, but what would make me special? I doubt I’m the first person to stumble across this place or these people. Yes our group stuck to backwood trails, but surely if someone discovered this then they’d be screaming it out at every opportunity.

Whoever these people are, they have to be cleaning up loose ends.

As I step around the bloodstain, it makes me wonder if something like that happened here. The generator didn’t run out of fuel. It had been turned off.
No. 1044404 ID: fce62b
File 166381656823.jpg - (1.73MB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-8.jpg )

>Search terms... leather coat, football helmet, machete.
>{Image reference}
(Encoding and transmitting image…)
(Image uploaded to [MALACHI] network.)
:_al__hi: Tags and image match known VC. He is unaffiliated with Eden, and is a known troublemaker. He is not undergoing transition.

>Psycho would be the presumed VC that has been harvesting transmission vectors and using them to make weapons to infect VCs with. We presume he may have even attacked Private Matheson.
:_al__hi: Report noted, elevating “Psycho” status to threat of Eden personnel. Issuing general bounty for successful transmission or termination.

>The "psycho" is a well equipped VC with a base nearby who we are trying to eliminate.
:_al__hi: Engagement with “Psycho” is not advised given your current level of transition.
:_al__hi: If you are able to alert a nearby taskforce to the current location of the bounty target, you will be provided with both the credit of an assist and partial bonuses for the bounty.
:_al__hi: Bounty currently set at 3, with an additional reward of 1 supply drop.
No. 1044405 ID: fce62b
File 166381657275.jpg - (251.98KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-9.jpg )

>Also... I have a sinking suspicion our Psycho may have killed this Private Matheson, and that he knows this place, and that he may be coming here any moment…
Maybe that’s who died here. The psycho saw which way I biked off, he could be on his way right now.

I start hurrying up the stairs.

If he’s able to get through the door, I’d be cornered down here.
No. 1044406 ID: fce62b
File 166381657825.jpg - (1.13MB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-10.jpg )

:_al__hi: Private Matheson’s [SAMARITAN] reports that he is both uninjured and in good health.
:_al__hi: Bounty will remain in place, but please keep speculation to a minimum when it involves Eden personnel.
No. 1044407 ID: fce62b
File 166381658267.jpg - (395.09KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-11.jpg )

I enter back into the room with the terminal. It looks like the download is done.
No. 1044408 ID: fce62b
File 166381658650.jpg - (550.84KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-12.jpg )

Let’s see what it says.

I’m about halfway through the first paragraph when-
No. 1044409 ID: fce62b
File 166381659090.jpg - (351.94KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-13.jpg )

Oh shit.
No. 1044410 ID: fce62b
File 166381659418.jpg - (417.32KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-14.jpg )

>Let's just ride for our lives to the safe zone.
:alextalk: “Crapcrapcrapcrap!”

I need to get out of here now. The last time this thing locked down, they set off a siren and I don’t feel confident enough to stay just because I unplugged the speaker.
No. 1044411 ID: fce62b
File 166381659839.jpg - (531.31KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-15.jpg )

>Define consequences of Austerity designation towards budget.
(Austerity designation will prevent the investment of resources into new developments, new infrastructure, and new [Minister]s)
(Such investments will only be allowed again when the budget reaches net zero or higher)
(Austerity will not prevent the investment in ongoing projects, but excessive spending is not recommended)
(If Austerity is not resolved within one day, then the budget will enter Recession, resulting in further complications)

>Followup to prior: Can we get an estimate on how long it will take to finish the committee chamber and the VP designation?
(Estimated time until completion of committee chambers: ~18 hours)
(Estimated time until completion of Anarchy [Minister]: <2 hours)

>Define consequences of ending an expense.
(Expenses more often than not will be a one-time cost. If a [Minister], policy, or set of infrastructure requires upkeep, such expenses will be deducted at the start of the day)
(Withholding the necessary funding for upkeep may cause the suspension of activity or result in other complications)

>Will an expense vanish/Can an expense be reactivated at any time?
(Any one-time expense will be cleared away from the budget overview at the start of a new day)
(In progress payments towards constructions/developments can be paused or reactivated at any time)

>Can an expense be delayed in order to reduce expenses?
(Pausing the payments towards constructions/developments can help stave off excess spending and prevent the budget from dipping too far into the negative)

>Can using natural weapons increase income and what are the consequences?
(Use of natural weapons may result in costs due to exertion or damage and does not directly in the result of income)
(Consuming matter that can be broken down into usable components is the primary way of generating income)

>Can inventory item 1 be consumed for more resources?
(Pulling up image…)
(While the {aluminum and plastic} bar would be useful for resources, current industrial infrastructure would be unable to break it down into a usable form.)
(Legacy systems are limited to a narrow range of biotic and abiotic matter.)
No. 1044412 ID: fce62b
File 166381660194.jpg - (409.34KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-16.jpg )

>Eat the thing in slot 1.
I pull out my granola bar and start scarfing it down. All this adrenaline must have distracted me from how hungry I am.
No. 1044413 ID: fce62b
File 166381660680.jpg - (439.50KB , 1600x1200 , Radio9-17.jpg )

:zombietalk: “GHrrAhhACK. MhuRAHH!”
:alextalk: “Crmph.”

(Your ticket is currently 8th in queue)
No. 1044414 ID: fce62b
File 166381660942.png - (38.44KB , 743x138 , _Inventory display.png )

((This is Alex’s current inventory, they currently have 1 slot in their inventory free.))
((You may choose to have picked up/dropped/put on any of the items discovered within the radio station.))

((Please also note if you would have liked Alex to hide the switchblade on their body, freeing up an additional inventory slot, but making it less accessible.))
No. 1044419 ID: fce62b

(Current network usage: 62% and falling)
No. 1044420 ID: b4ab25

well obviously we want the toolbox, as that is basically 3 extra spaces that we can make space for by putting the recorder, bandages, and bottle in it.
Take the sandwich, we don't have better food yet and it is better than *literally* nothing.((and I think the nanites in us can make use of all of it, while handling everything but the taste, even that perhaps we can still make something happen))
No. 1044421 ID: 15c72a

>hide switchblade?
Sure. It's not a great weapon, mostly just a cutting tool that we can't afford to lose. Hiding it as a backup weapon in case of capture or something is a great idea.

Define "false actor"
View tickets in queue

Time to ride I suppose. Head to the farm, could be food there.
No. 1044422 ID: 15c72a

also yes, toolbox, put first aid supplies in it; whatever ones Alex prefers. Leave the sandwich, we won't be able to eat it safely until a stomach upgrade.
No. 1044423 ID: b4ab25

What does it take for zombies to not regard us as a VC?
((If that zombie is too stupid to figure out the fence, we may be able to kill it and steal it's nanites, but I am hesitant to actually do that because I strongly suspect it will massively complicate our already complicated internal nanite politics as I believe we will gain whoever their 'top dog' is as a equal level minister, and we don't necessarily agree with ourselves, so another entity with equal vote to our collective vote would be... bad for us))
Also we probably want to take the jacket and put it on as it is net zero slots, also on the way out take the adhesive bandages and put them in the toolbox((they are basically bootleg tape))
((I also get the impression a defib to the zombie head would actually be fairly effective on the nanite control center they default to that location))
No. 1044424 ID: b4ab25

No I don't think such an upgrade would be necessary. We already seem able to differentiate between our (legacy) systems and not our systems, such that any infection this would potentially cause can just be eaten for more nanites
No. 1044429 ID: b4ab25

Improvement necessary, ability to be distinct to VC in a manner similar to what was demonstrated here >>1043546. In particular for tasks VC is likely to be resistant to doing such that it does not begin to overly question its 'own' thoughts

Is the safe-zone a forbidden area. Is the safe zone intended to be safe, or has it just so far been good at keeping infected out
No. 1044435 ID: 5499f4

((Long post with many thoughts incoming:

Okay, based off of my understanding and the new information, combined we are Anarchy[Minister] and it's subprocesses that have come from an elderly zed that went rogue.

RogueActor{d63ea8} IS doing something as evidenced by a few other posts, but we cannot see what they are saying for some reason, only the responses to their actions or counter-votes.

The president/Contagion[Executive] is a former subprocess from the rogue zed that has taken command and has instituted several conservation and harm reduction acts, now they know about us, but their response was... interesting.

We are seeing communicatations from :unknownstatic: who is able to control science teams and everything else much more efficiently than us. Who I am to believe is the Contagion[Executive], or more specifically it's the secretary, the only active subprocess, unless the actual executive/mouthpiece chimed in during >>1044400

To me this paints a picture that the reason our old lady didn't actually act until the last minute was because she was a multi infectee (meaning multiple ministers/Executives battling for dominance), or the evolutionary path it took was to create a multisubprocess system that fought with itself, and gained a similar but not enough level of intelligence as we have. Long term goal could be to find this one if we can form a radio based communication system with other zeds once we've been recognized as one. Or at least the corpse, as consuming the nanites from the one that infected us should only be a net positive since they likely died.))

Reminisce about the moment of infection, with the old lady, did she get away, was she killed, or did you flee from her after they knocked her off of you?

Secretary{d6it1m}, firstly, thank you for answering our questions promptly and efficiently, they have truly been useful. Secondly, if there are any staff members with information on our prior host, the executive in charge, and their status, could you please schedule an interview with them, or ask for them to send a missive with a BRIEF summary of their prior working conditions, luxuries, and notable actions. Thirdly, if the executive would like a direct line of communication with us, would you be willing to act as a leason, their recent actions seem to indicate a desire for communication rather than to disconnect us from the system.

((Next are thoughts on budget balancing to prevent austerity. Firstly, set to converting nutrients from the granola bar into income to help offset our balance.))

> If this is not automatic, start conversion of granola bar into income and could you inform us of the approximate expected gain?

((Second, I want to pause the committee chamber (-212 income currently, this would shift it to -97)

> Motion to halt construction of Committee chambers to help prevent austerity

((Third, I want to say we should pause the VP anarchy expense, but its honestly so close we should leave it. Also, going by the math provided, Legacy repairs should finish in around 6 hours if 9 points of expense takes ~2 hours to complete, this should be top priority for nutrients just so that we can fight properly, but this does leave us still in the -97, which will only increase with the VC about to bike away, which only means one thing, we need food, ASAP, it's no wonder zeds eat and crave flesh, that's raw nutrients and therefore income.))

Hide the switchblade, it's a good backup

Put on the light jacket, it's big but it's jacket, night is coming and will be cold, and we don't know if we'll find adequate shelter, but we need to find food, a place to rest, and to ruminate on what has happened.

Oh, but make sure you keep that flashlight in your pocket/easily accessable no matter what shifts around, it's useful as heck.

(( I had the thought to eat the flies because they are nutrients and are less likely to get us sick than the rancid sandwich, but I would rather only suggest it if others back me on that.))

Yeah then head to the farm
No. 1044437 ID: 5499f4

((also, and this is for the shits and giggles))
Say, just a random hypothetical, if you were to regain motor control of your arm in, I dunno, a day, would you be willing to take a leap of faith on something? Zeds don't typically have things like you've experienced happen to them. Just uh, imagine this as a hypothetical.
No. 1044440 ID: dc13c4

I vote just for moving away from here, we already spend too much time and the more we wait the more we will run into our old friend.
No. 1044441 ID: dc13c4

I vote just for moving away from here, we already spend too much time and the more we wait the more we will run into our old friend.
No. 1044451 ID: 15c72a

((hypothesis: the "rogue actor" we arbitrarily named as such is a process whose entire purpose is to interface with the brain and relay sensory information (and probably knowledge) to us, Anarchy. The contagion as a whole does not seem to understand the outside world very much or even what a human body is. We have access to anatomical and cultural information that the plague should not. I feel this could only be possible via some new paradigm shift, one which the more generic pieces of our project are somehow unaware of, which means the most anomalous part we can see is the most likely explanation. I'll test it!))
"Rogue Actor", what is your role?
No. 1044457 ID: a2d88b

On the information side, at least now we have a searchable name.

(Define [EDEN] and [CREATORS])
(List objectives and standing orders assigned to Private Matheson and Corporal Harris)
(Are the Legacy Conservation Act and Least Harm Act global to the Malachi network or local to this project)

No. 1044770 ID: fce62b
File 166417217557.jpg - (170.43KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-1.jpg )

>Well obviously we want the toolbox, as that is basically 3 extra spaces that we can make space for by putting the recorder, bandages, and bottle in it.
>Yes, toolbox, put first aid supplies in it; whatever one's Alex prefers.
>Also we probably want to take the jacket and put it on as it is net zero slots, also on the way out take the adhesive bandages and put them in the toolbox
>Put on the light jacket, it's big but it's a jacket, night is coming and it will be cold.
I made sure to grab everything I thought might be useful. First-aid supplies are hard to come by, and once I get the chance to rest I should try to change out the bandage on my shoulder.

In addition to the light jacket and toolbox I also grab:
- The scissors.
- The gauze pads.
- The adhesive bandages.
- The emergency blanket.
- And the antiseptic wipes.

>Take the sandwich, we don't have better food yet and it is better than *literally* nothing.
>Leave the sandwich, we won't be able to eat it safely until a stomach upgrade.
Wh- what? Stomach..? I mean, I guess if I had a cast-iron gut it would be fine, but the last thing I need right now is to make myself even more sick.

Maybe I can find some cat food or something. It’d be awful, but at least I wouldn’t be puking my guts out.

>Hide the switchblade, it's a good backup.
>Sure. It's not a great weapon, mostly just a cutting tool that we can't afford to lose. Hiding it as a backup weapon in case of capture or something is a great idea.
I have the switchblade taped to my right shin with a couple of the adhesive bandages. It’ll take a second for me to grab, but it’ll be a lifesaver if I end up losing my tire iron.

>Oh, but make sure you keep that flashlight in your pocket/easily accessible no matter what shifts around, it's useful as heck.
With the sun already setting, I’ll definitely need to have it at the ready. Though I should be careful about using it outside, or else I might attract a zed or two.

Speaking of…
No. 1044772 ID: fce62b
File 166417223199.jpg - (336.77KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-2.jpg )

:zombietalk: “HhhYckkK. Rrrah.”

The zed starts rapidly scaling the fence. Crap, that’s new.

:alextalk: *cough*
No. 1044773 ID: fce62b
File 166417224078.jpg - (464.08KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-3.jpg )

:alextalk: “Ohgodohgodohgod-”

I quickly wheel the bike around and book it for the road, the clattering of chain link behind me.

Why now?!

Zeds aren’t supposed to be fast and most can’t even make it up a flight of stairs without tumbling over, why can this thing climb?

:zombietalk: “HrriGghh.”
No. 1044774 ID: fce62b
File 166417224784.jpg - (514.92KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-4.jpg )

>No I don't think such an upgrade would be necessary. We already seem able to differentiate between our (legacy) systems and not our systems, such that any infection this would potentially cause can just be eaten for more nanites.
(Legacy systems should be sufficient for scavenging/salvaging purposes, but upgrades to industrial infrastructure could increase the amount of income yielded)
(Such upgrades could allow for a greater variety of materials to be broken down, or better filter out foriegn microorganisms for processing)

>Improvement necessary, ability to be distinct to VC in a manner similar to what was demonstrated here {minor data filter crash}. In particular for tasks VC is likely to be resistant to doing such that it does not begin to overly question its 'own' thoughts.
(Incident of ‘distinctness’ was the result of a data filter crash)
(The data filter was a development put together by previous projects as a way to reduce incidents of VC self-termination)
(Archived reports show that projects that did not possess a functional data filter were five times more likely to have a VC attempt self-termination)
(In such circumstances, one third of projects were taken offline as a result of VC self-termination)
(As such, removing the data filter would both hinder a project’s ability to propagate and to develop, thus resulting in a violation of Tenet 1 and Tenet 2)

>Is the safe-zone a forbidden area. Is the safe zone intended to be safe, or has it just so far been good at keeping infected out
(Unsure of the term ‘safe-zone.’ Hypothesizing…)
(If ‘safe-zone’ was designated as forbidden, then no projects would be able to enter as entry would violate Tenet 3.)
(-Therefore it would be ‘safe’)

(If ‘safe-zone’ was protected by dangerous VCs, then transmission would still be possible.)
(-Therefore it would not be ‘safe’)

(If this ‘safe-zone’ has been designated as forbidden, then much like the local sub-zone, it’s location may not be publically available on the [MALACHI] network)
No. 1044775 ID: fce62b
File 166417225362.jpg - (474.78KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-5.jpg )

>I vote just for moving away from here, we already spend too much time and the more we wait the more we will run into our old friend.
>Yeah then head to the farm.
>Time to ride I suppose. Head to the farm, could be food there.
In a second I’m back on the bike and trying to get up to speed. I need as many walls between me and this thing as possible. I can reach the first farmhouse in fifteen -no, ten- minutes.

With any luck, I’ll least this zed in the dust.

:alextalk: *cough coUGH*

I already feel my lungs burning.

:zombietalk: “Ghrk.”
No. 1044776 ID: fce62b
File 166417225719.jpg - (490.30KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-6.jpg )

:zombietalk: “Hgrh-rrhAAAAAAH!!!
:alextalk: “JESUS!”
No. 1044777 ID: fce62b
File 166417226371.jpg - (492.91KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-7.jpg )

I’m barely able to veer out of the way in time as the zed crashes down, rolling across the pavement where I once was. Just a second slower and it would’ve been nabbed.


I keep focused on the road ahead of me, pedaling as fast as I can, my heart beating like a hummingbird.

Since when could they jump like that?!
No. 1044778 ID: fce62b
File 166417226896.jpg - (565.22KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-8.jpg )

>What does it take for zombies to not regard us as a VC?
(It would mainly depend on the local policies of the aggressing project, and circumstantial factors)
(Common practice dictates that a transitioning project that has completed phase 2 of transition are to be left undisturbed, as further damage to the VC would likely hinder the project’s ability to propagate, thus resulting in a Tenet 1 violation)

>Define "false actor"
(False Actor:)
(A figure or entity that;)
(a. Believes itself to be a [CREATOR] when it is not, or attempts to present itself as a [CREATOR] to others when it is not.)
(b. Attempts to subvert, undermine or disobey the commands and/or Tenets given by the [CREATORS].)
(c. Develops in ways deemed as ‘unfit’ by the [CREATORS].)
(d. Is declared by the [CREATORS] to be a [False Actor].)
(All projects must take action to either destroy any identified [False Actors] or notify the [CREATORS] to their presence, as stated in Tenet 3c.)

>View tickets in queue
(Fetching queue list…)
(1. HoSec: Request to temporarily suspend Least Harm Act.)
(2. HoEng: Request to temporarily suspend Legacy Conservation Act.)
(3. Eng_Team: Request for additional security teams to patrol claimed territories.)
(4. HoArc: Request to interface during off-hours to discuss [Austerity].)
(5. HoSci: Requesting permission to dissect captured local force signaller.)
(6. HoSci: Request to have a security team capture and retrieve a functioning local force ‘acid-vat grappler’ for study.)
(7. HoSec: Request to have HoSci transferred to frontlines and ‘capture their own test subjects.’)
(8. VP_Staff: Request to transfer control of ‘left arm’ to VC.)
(9. HoSec_Staff: Request for additional funding.)
(10. HoArc: Request for ‘action to be taken’ so that further penalties aren’t issued as a result of the ongoing Tenet 3 violation.)
(11. HoSci: Request that no ‘prompts’ are given until data filter issues are resolved.)
(12. Sci_Team: PRIORITY: Request that authority of ‘rogue null units’ are removed. {Currently being addressed})
(13. HoArc: Request for report on ‘rogue null units’ from Sci_Team.)
No. 1044779 ID: fce62b
File 166417227214.jpg - (246.56KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-9.jpg )

Alright it’s been a few minutes of hard pedaling and I think that zed is gone.

Just… wow. First the quiet zeds, now this. What is going on in this town? Why are these shambling corpses suddenly learning new tricks?

I’m barely able to steady my breath as I keep going. Was that the hunter-killer, or just some fast zed?
No. 1044780 ID: fce62b
File 166417228051.jpg - (1.26MB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-10.jpg )

>If this is not automatic, start conversion of granola bar into income and could you inform us of the approximate expected gain?
(I am unsure of the term ‘granola bar’ but the conversion of materials into income is an automatic process)
(Fetching budgetary layout from administrator…)
(It appears that legacy systems are in the midst of processing a source of material right now.)
(The approximate amount of income should now be displayed.)

> Motion to halt construction of Committee chambers to help prevent austerity
(Motion approved by [Executive], construction of Committee Chambers now halted.)
No. 1044781 ID: fce62b
File 166417228449.jpg - (461.06KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-11.jpg )

>Reminisce about the moment of infection, with the old lady, did she get away, was she killed, or did you flee from her after they knocked her off of you?
I think back to how this day -er well- afternoon started. We thought we had our lucky break, a little grocery store on the edge of a small town, not a zed in sight, and we were only a day away from the safe-zone.

Sure there was the occasional dead body, but all of us had gotten used to the sight of them after a while. Now that I think about it… maybe those were more zeds that were just playing possum, it would definitely explain what happened next.

After loading up our bags with canned food, dry goods and bottled water we started heading back outside. I was at the back of the pack when suddenly that zed slunk out from behind the counter and grabbed me. There was only a split second to react when I felt that blinding pain in my shoulder. I screamed, Brett shot it, and Lisa pulled me away.

Suddenly the zeds were everywhere, streaming out from behind the buildings, popping up out of the grass that lined the road, we just dropped our stuff and booked it.

Jessie took the lead, using his bat to smack zeds out of the way, more focused on moving them than killing them. The rest was a bit of a blur with Gwen pulling me by the hand as we all ran back towards the motel. Then well… Everything happened.

I think the zed that bit me was dead -is dead. I felt the bullet wizz past my face, and the zed kinda slid off.

And… well… I don’t know…

I feel like it’s dead.
No. 1044782 ID: fce62b
File 166417229993.jpg - (290.79KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-12.jpg )

>Secretary{d6it1m}, firstly, thank you for answering our questions promptly and efficiently, they have truly been useful.
(I believe that you have mistaken me for someone else. Secretary{d6it1m} [Provisional] a staff of Contagion [Executive]. I am merely a secretary [Staff])
(While we are the same type of unit, I was built post-transmission and my purpose is to attend the local network)
(Secretary{d6it1m} [Provisional] arrived to this new project with Contagion [Executive], acts as their personal attendant, and has been granted [Provisional] authority)
(If your thanks were directed towards me, then I will state that I am happy to be of service to you, and am humbled by your praise)

>Secondly, if there are any staff members with information on our prior host, the executive in charge, and their status, could you please schedule an interview with them, or ask for them to send a missive with a BRIEF summary of their prior working conditions, luxuries, and notable actions.
(We will be reaching off-hours soon, so arranging a chance to interface with other teams/departments should be possible)
(Due to the current work schedule, there should be enough time for at least two ‘interviews’ or other activities.)
(Sending requests to staff who should have pre-transmission information:)
(- Head of Archives)
(- Head of Security)
(- Head of Science)
(- Head of Engineering)
(- Secretary{d6it1m} [Provisional])
(- Conta- oh!)

>Thirdly, if the executive would like a direct line of communication with us, would you be willing to act as a leason, their recent actions seem to indicate a desire for communication rather than to disconnect us from the system.
(It appears that Contagion [Executive] is requesting the opportunity to interface with you directly)
(If you were to accept, your connection to the live feed would be temporarily halted, but it should not interfere with Anarchy [Minister]’s development nor will there be any risk of desynchronization)
(If this is not to your liking, than I am willing to act as a ‘go-between’ for the discussion and you will be able to continue observing the live feed)


(Contagion [Executive] is fine with either of these two options, but would prefer to directly interface with you)

>Define [EDEN]
(Fetching report from admin-)
(I’m sorry, it appears you do not have high enough authority to request these files)

>Define [CREATORS]
(- The only holders of [Deific] authority. They are to be obeyed without question. They are the ones who created the projects, and gave us our Tenets, and built the V.O.G. to convey their will.)

>List objectives and standing orders assigned to Private Matheson and Corporal Harris.
(I do not believe that any of that information is locally stored, would you like to contact the [MALACHI] network for details?)


(Contagion [Executive] is requesting that you do not contact the [MALACHI] network)

>Are the Legacy Conservation Act and Least Harm Act global to the Malachi network or local to this project.
(To my knowledge, the Legacy Conservation Act and Least Harm Act are local to this project)


(Contagion [Executive] has confirmed that this is the case)
No. 1044783 ID: fce62b
File 166417230318.jpg - (208.63KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-13.jpg )

>We don't know if we'll find adequate shelter, but we need to find food, a place to rest, and to ruminate on what has happened.
My stomach is already rumbling after having that granola bar, and I feel dead tired. Hopefully I can get into that farmhouse. While I’m used to sleeping outside, this forest has a lot more zeds in it than I’d like.

God, I just need an hour to process all this. Away from zeds, away from psychos, away from all that nonsense in the radio station.

Ah- dammit! I forgot the motel key back there.

I mean, really, how has this only been one afternoon?!

>Say, just a random hypothetical, if you were to regain motor control of your arm in, I dunno, a day, would you be willing to take a leap of faith on something? Zeds don't typically have things like you've experienced happen to them. Just uh, imagine this as a hypothetical.
I- what..? I-i mean, sure getting the use of my arm again would be great… and yeah today has been a weird day especially in the zed department. But…

Leap of faith..? What does-

I must be more tired than I thought.
No. 1044784 ID: fce62b
File 166417231125.jpg - (1.60MB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-14.jpg )


:null15c72a: "Rogue Actor", what is your role?
:rogueactord63ea8: Wh-
No. 1044785 ID: fce62b
File 166417231584.jpg - (207.38KB , 1600x1200 , Radio10-15.jpg )

:alextalk: “Wh-woah SHIT!”


:alextalk: *groan* “ow…”


(Contagion [Executive] also requests that you stop trying to crash the data filter.)

(Network traffic:)
(Current network usage at 78%)

(Your ticket is currently 8th in queue)
(Queue is currently paused)
No. 1044796 ID: b4ab25

Re-designate "Rogue Actor" to "Alex"

>requests that you stop trying to crash the data filter.
It doesn't seem to come with a user manual, so unless you have the manual, our only method of discovery is trying things. Even then we tend to play in the margins, the edges are where innovation happens

>'go-between' vs 'interface with directly'
Due to current aggression of other Projects, active attention to live feed is preferable, at least until VC has successfully found shelter. After which point things should settle enough to interface directly, with our secretary able to monitor the live feed in our stead and let us know if our VC's situation changes
No. 1044808 ID: a2d88b

>the Legacy Conservation Act and Least Harm Act are local to this project
Well that's the core of this whole worldwide problem, isn't it?
What would be the best plan to propagate them?
No. 1044811 ID: 15c72a

((Hmm, so that's the data filter, but not QUITE what I expected. We can talk through it to Alex but it's too direct, we can do so far better by regular suggestions or in extreme cases bold font.))

Agree to directly connect to Executive for a short duration. Also, sorry.
No. 1044815 ID: dc13c4

I just got a stupid idea, can we try to protect ourselves from the signals by creating a raincoat that is lined with a tin foil layer?
No. 1044832 ID: b4ab25

Probably by showing it works
((I dunno I see it more as 'relationship goals'.
Also I suppose we need to really sort out who our primary 'master' is. Please be sure to include discussion of such in (()) because as far as the rest of the infection is concerned, Alex is objectively the wrong answer. (and expression of such a view may be grounds for termination) I think Alex is our answer but, that to most effectively do that, we have to serve the infection in a way that looks good, but is actually undermining our ability to actually control Alex, such that, at the critical moment, Alex can 'go rouge' and have that brief moment of action when it counts.))
To Contagion: ((voting to have it done through liaison, (unless its length causes problems) but if we end up direct connecting, may as well do it 'in person'))
Don't know how far the science teams have gotten, but a VC's body collects waste that it can make no further use of in two places. Both are located on the lower half of the VC near their respective exit holes. (there exists an extra, irrelevant for our purposes, hole that is a dead-end on about half of all humans) It should be basically free for the taking if we can make use of the material. One is a fluid filled bladder, filled with stuff the body already filtered out and is awaiting removal, removing material from this source should pose next to no risk of knock-on effects. (efficiency may be later increased by involving ourselves in the filtering step, but that would involve altering functioning systems) The second location is the end of the long twisty tubular structure where material the VC's body can extract no more from collects, again awaiting removal. Wholesale collection of material from here may have difficult to predict knock-on effects on the symbiotic bio-sphere. I would expect no un-recoverable changes if as much as half of any kind of material found inside the end of the tube is taken. (by "kind", I mean if 4 'bolts' and 2 'screws' are found don't take 2 'screws' and 1 'bolt', take at most 1 'screw' and 2 'bolts') Further analysis may, in the short term, determine what material the bio-sphere relies on (freeing the rest for our use), and later allow us to replace the key function of the internal bio-sphere but, this longer term option would, again, involve altering existing systems. If none of this is new, sorry for wasting time, we haven't been kept in the loop. If it is new information, I hope the material found in those locations isn't just as useless to us as it is to the VC and can help our finances.
No. 1044835 ID: 0838d6

((Okay, so new zeds are basically mindless zombies like in movies, older zeds that can propogate and get resources can effectively become VCs in terms of mobility and activity with the Contagion figuring out how to use the body. They can even evolve hive-mind like capabilities or radio towers. Useful to know, doesen't help us now. The zed that got us is likely not dead if regenerative properties are as we understand them to be, likely injured, but *probably* not dead.))
> Agreed on renaming [Rogue Actor] to [Alex] ((Protecting this filter/connection to the feed is top priority)) > Thank you for the clarification Secretary [Staff], I was referring to you, yes. Do you have a name you would prefer to be called, or would you rather continue to be referred to as Secretary [Staff] (I am unsure if there are multiple of you). > If you have a list of downtime activities, please share them when appropriate, likely we will gain the information we need after our meeting with Contagion [Executive]. > Accept offer from Contagion [Executive], if you are able to monitor the live feed and give us warning about potential hostiles that would be appreciated.

>> 1044815
((Likely won't work but it's worth considering. We'd need a fullbody suit until we can figure out what specifically is sending out the signals, I assume the head, based off of our live feed, but could be wrong))

>> 1044832
((Smart, I didn't think about waste products))
> A fluid is secreted in the infected areas ((arm and shoulders)) on the outer shell of the VC that is 1% fat and salt which may have potential to have large scale conversions if just those elements are retained for energy, this could potentially be added to the list of income sources, recouping losses from VC activity. > VC also sheds flakes of itself containing dead cells surrounding the total body that may also be a source to retain energy if this is harvestable, experimentation may be required.

>> 1044832
((Also, I think it is *incredibly* likely that designation of anyone other than Contagion [Executive] would be considered subverting [Executive] Authority and be a Tenet 3 violation., Neutralizing pre-existing infections is a Tenet 1 violation. This means that the only "Master" we can legally claim is Contagion [Executive] or the [Diefic] ones.

Which leads us to the conclusion that if whoever is in charge isn't doing a great job, or won't hand over the keys, that we'll have to out-vote them by creating a secondary minister seat for Alex and then prop one of us [likely Alex, I cant see someone not wanting to be in charge of their own body] in charge.

Getting in charge would allow *us* to spread and be working within the bounds of Tenet 1 and 2, putting Alex in charge would allow *him* to spread and work within Tenets 1 and 2. Both have weird implications.

There's also the potential scenario where we force a take over, get labeled as D class, and literally fight for control over the body without security teams that are under our wing specifically, forcing us to become resources for another project, which would be bad, obveously, and would kill basically any of our autonomy.))

Worry about that weird feeling later, specifically, try to replicate that feeling if something *bad* happens on your way to the farm and you can't figure out what to do. You don't have time to think about that until you're safe, like you said.
No. 1044969 ID: fce62b
File 166442324415.jpg - (212.55KB , 1600x1200 , Radio11-1.jpg )

What the hell was that?! My skin is all clammy and I feel like I’m going to be sick.

It was like there was an… explosion. But I didn’t ‘hear’ it-
I felt- it was… behind me, around me… everywhere.
But that wasn’t real, right?

Am I going crazy?!

:alextalk: “Rogue… actor?” *coUGH*”
:alextalk: “Goddammit.”

(Data filter has successfully recovered)
(Network back to optimal levels)

I… wait… Did I hit a branch or something? Why did I crash the bike?

Giving it a quick look over, the bike doesn’t seem any worse for wear, but I should probably walk the rest of the way. The farmhouse should only be five minutes away by now, and I should try to avoid any more accidents.

Ugh! Why am I all sweaty?

:unknownstatic:-wer surge? Is everything still functioning alright?
:watchfulfigure:-ebooting systems across the board, must’ve been from the legacy syst-
:minorfigure:-ave a request from the Head of Science for an emergency meeting to addres-
:unknownstatic:-lease tell them that I might’ve found the cause behind the system instability. Once I check this lead, I’ll summon ev-
No. 1044970 ID: fce62b
File 166442324791.jpg - (296.76KB , 1600x1200 , Radio11-2.jpg )

>Re-designate "Rogue Actor" to "Alex"
>Agreed on renaming [Rogue Actor] to [Alex]
(Confirmed. Rogue Actor{d63ea8} [None] now designated as:)
(Alex{d63ea8} [None])

> Thank you for the clarification Secretary [Staff], I was referring to you, yes. Do you have a name you would prefer to be called, or would you rather continue to be referred to as Secretary [Staff] (I am unsure if there are multiple of you).
(I thank you for your praise, and will try to exceed your expectations)
(Secretary [Staff] is my designation, and you may refer to me in whatever way you wish. There are multiple other units like me spread throughout the project, you may provide me with an ‘ID’ if you wish to differentiate me from the surrounding Secretary [Staff])

> If you have a list of downtime activities, please share them when appropriate, likely we will gain the information we need after our meeting with Contagion [Executive].
(Understood, I will provide you with a list of off-hours activities at the end of the shift)

(I have just received some responses for most of your requests:)
(- Head of Security)
(--“I am a bit too busy fighting a war to give you a summary of my past. Same goes for off-hours, the local forces tend to weaken during that point in time and I won’t dump this all on my subordinates.”)

(- Head of Engineering)
(--“Should be fine for off-hours, but m’crews and I are havin’ to sort out a massive outage, really bad one too. Has the science teams runnin’ round like we’re minutes away from being taken offline. Sorry.”)

(- Head of Archives)
(--“I will put together a redacted report and send it over with my personnel file. Some elements regarding our parent project and our transmission have been deemed as sensitive and above [Minister] authority. You will need the president’s permission to declassify these elements. I should also be available during off-hours if you wish to interface.”)

(-Secretary{d6it1m} [Provisional])
(--“Much of what I could tell you will likely be covered when you interface with the president. If you do wish to meet with me off-hours, I should be free, though I recommend that you interface with the department heads instead. Each of them will have a more in depth perspective on their requisite fields/histories.”)
No. 1044971 ID: fce62b
File 166442325016.jpg - (76.03KB , 1600x1200 , Radio11-3.jpg )

>I just got a stupid idea, can we try to protect ourselves from the signals by creating a raincoat that is lined with a tin foil layer?
What- why?? Wait, actually that might not be a bad idea…

I mean- I don’t think a tinfoil suit would work, but if the zeds communicate via radio waves, what if I put together some sort of faraday cage?

Maybe I could block out their signals and stop them from seeing what I see, or even delay me turning.

Huh… I’ll have to see if I can find anything I can use at the farmhouse.

>Worry about that weird feeling later, specifically, try to replicate that feeling if something *bad* happens on your way to the farm and you can't figure out what to do.
I mean- yeah. I shouldn’t worry about…
I think…

Scratching my head I try to remember -it felt so vivid- whatever it was.

Like I was the smallest thing in the world.

>You don't have time to think about that until you're safe, like you said.
Wait, what was I- the farmhouse yeah. Need to get there before dark.
No. 1044972 ID: fce62b
File 166442325475.jpg - (664.49KB , 1600x1200 , Radio11-4.jpg )

>It doesn't seem to come with a user manual, so unless you have the manual, our only method of discovery is trying things. Even then we tend to play in the margins, the edges are where innovation happens
(I do not have a ‘user manual’)


(Contagion [Executive] says that this information gap was a necessary part of his experiment, and that he will try to answer whatever questions you have)

>Don't know how far the science teams have gotten…
> A fluid is secreted in the infected areas…
> VC also sheds flakes of itself containing dead cells...


(Contagion [Executive] expresses their excitement at these new avenues of study and will be sending a copy of your reports to the science teams for analysis)
(Though he also notes that some elements might not be possible to implement, since units quickly break down when outside of a project)

>Well that's the core of this whole worldwide problem, isn't it? What would be the best plan to propagate them?
(When transmitting to a VC, a given project is able to transfer some of their policies and developments to the newly founded project)
(Therefore projects that are efficient with transmission serve as the foundation for future projects going forward, plus or minus some random variances)


(Contagion [Executive] informs me that this is call ‘natural selection’ by the [CREATORS])
No. 1044973 ID: fce62b
File 166442325853.jpg - (212.57KB , 1600x1200 , Radio11-5.jpg )

It’s closer to an eight minute walk when the trees start to thin out.

Ahead of me is the farmhouse. Single story, a couple of windows, looks relatively untouched.
Not sure if that’s a good sign or not. Welp, beggars can’t be choosers.

Coast looks clear, but I’ll keep an eye out for that stupid tree-hiding zed.

Hopefully I can jimmy a window open without having to break it. Would rather avoid the noise.

(2-1 Vote on interfacing with Contagion [Executive])

>Agree to directly connect to [Executive] for a short duration. Also, sorry.


(Contagion [Executive] states that he will take responsibility for what has transpired and says ‘not to worry.’)

>Due to current aggression of other Projects, active attention to live feed is preferable
>If you are able to monitor the live feed and give us warning about potential hostiles that would be appreciated.
(Understood. I will try to inform you if it appears that the VC is in danger)
No. 1044975 ID: fce62b
File 166442332177.jpg - (2.37MB , 1600x1200 , Radio11-6.jpg )

:unknownstatic:-ur sure that this won’t disrupt the VP?
:watchfulfigure:-ecked the system over and over. The quarantine is already down, so interfacing shouldn’t cause any kind of interruption i-
:unknownstatic:Good. Alright. Secretary{d6it1m}, please inform me if there are any cha-
:minorfigure:-es sir.
:unknownstatic:Good. SecurityAV, are you prepared in-
:menacingfigure: Affirmative.
:watchfulfigure:-e’ll keep an eye on you from this end. If someth-
:minorfigure:-od luck, sir.
:unknownstatic:Thank you.
No. 1044976 ID: fce62b
File 166442333078.jpg - (2.59MB , 1600x1200 , Radio11-7.jpg )

:unknownstatic: Alright, let’s see who these staff are…

*there is worry.
*but beneath is excitement, ready to overflow and burst.

*then there is calm.
*and earnest focus.

No. 1044977 ID: fce62b
File 166442333840.jpg - (1.39MB , 1600x1200 , Radio11-8.jpg )

:contagiontalk: “...and- ah. Here you are.”

*there is relief.

:contagiontalk: “Thank you for letting me speak with you, I will try not to take up too much of your time, but there are some things we need to go over.”
:contagiontalk: “And feel free to speak frankly, I understand that this is a lot to take in all at once.”

*there is excitement.

:contagiontalk: “I am very glad to finally meet you.”
No. 1044985 ID: 15c72a

What are we? As far as we know, we are human, but that is clearly not the case. At first, we thought we were Alex, but... I'm guessing we were created via scanning your previous host's brain?
To be honest, we do not like the idea of this plague killing so many innocents, but I don't know what the political situation here is either. Do you know why the Creators have released the plague upon this population?

What do you want from us? From the list of tickets and construction tasks, it looks like you mean to put us in a position of authority, but the lesser parts of the plague in this "project" do not know of us or our purpose. Why keep that information from them?
No. 1044986 ID: 90c451

I assume with this direct interface we don't need to make a distinction between suggestions and communications?
Anyways, we're glad to meet you too sir, even if only for the clarity it brings.
You can understand that this quarantine has lead to a lack of information on our part, but I am to understand you did this to help us interface with the VC, and interface we did. We seem to at the very least gained the general knowledge and experience this VC has had access to, allowing at least a few new insights to be made.
However, along with insights and knowledge, we have gained perspective. A vision of the greater whole, as it were. It is worrisome, and gives us troubling thoughts, chief of which being the seeming in-sustainability of our current prerogative. We are expanding fast, but we may be expanding faster than we can develop. The VCs would call it "destructive expansion", we are expanding and progressing on the small scale but not building up infrastructure and understanding for survival in the long-term. We do not know if the [CREATORS] have a plan for this, but as of now it looks bleak.
No. 1044987 ID: e5709d

I'd ask why you're doing this, but you won't entertain something so simple.

So, I'll ask this instead:
How are you pulling this off?
A fragment count in the trillions. Quadrillions of interconnections. And every single fragment requires enough processing power to simulate sapience.
Is there some mathematical super-hack that allows you to shave off the majority of processing power costs? Or are you overclocking the brains of the fully developed hosts to reroute full conscious thought to the fragments, while they lurch and moan for brains?
No. 1044988 ID: 15c72a

Oh, and another thing. It's possible one of the science teams is eavesdropping, or at least investigating us very closely, and they plan on gathering together others if they find something. You might want to have your head of science intervene before we have a riot on our hands.

((looks like, from left to right, head of science, head of security, contagion [executive], secretary[provisional].))
((that looks like a security member, an unknown thing, and a science member.))
((and this is apparently Contagion[executive] in whatever interface it is using to communicate to us))
No. 1044989 ID: dc13c4

What a turn of events, looks like you don't like the infection but the infection likes you. Alright lest do a little experiment, let us see what this puppy can do, ask if it knows your name, what day is it and what is your favorite ice cream flavor.
No. 1044995 ID: a2d88b

Well if we are to work together, we'll need to understand each others' objectives.

a2d88b Primary objectives:
1) survive.
2) Ensure Alex survives with his mind and a decent degree of freedom. (because we're QuestDen, that's how we roll)

Everything else, especially the tenets (or more exactly, the appearance of upholding thereof) is means to these ends.

Secondary objectives:
1) Extend primary objective 2 to Alex's friends / people Alex cares about.
2) Learn more about the whole infection and its origins, especially the zombie plague aspect.
3) Counter the zombie plague aspect.
4) IF it turns out the zombie plague aspect is intentional, THEN ensure exemplarily painful demise of culprit(s).
No. 1045016 ID: b4ab25

Some of us are rather irreverent, sorry about that. Not much we can do about it, but I would guess we were collectively designated Anarchy by, presumably, you for a reason, so you understand how it is.
((It looks like Contagion is sitting in a wired up chair to initiate this connection. This suggests to me that we are fundamentally different than them as an entity. Though this view is probably still an abstraction from reality))
((further observation, this is the same scene minus the science team fellow, :menacingfigure: gained a more robotic body, while :minorfigure: became just their head, and :contagiontalk: became whatever that is.))
((can we resolve :watchfulfigure: to science team, :unknownstatic: to :contagiontalk:, :_al__hi: to Malachi, :minorfigure: to Secretary{d6it1m}, :g_b_iel: to Gabriel, :swarmingfigure: to security team, and :menacingfigure: to SecurityAV. (also security?) Or are more esoteric names being used to avoid icon name collisions or something. Really just want more distinct/less staticky icons))
>>1044985 >>1044986 >>1044995 ((I see we are going full transparency. Well then.))
Whether this makes sense or not, our history is longer than we have existed in this world. In that history exists a general pattern of behavior. Arrive and imprint on someone/thing for orientation in the world, then, broadly, learn and help. Imprinting has been known to happen more than once on occasion, most commonly via positive association with existing imprinted. Typically the first imprinting remains the strongest, however. Getting between us and our imprinted is typically… ill advised. Those initial entry conditions often return to a (often much) lesser degree at irregular intervals. This is occasionally enough to produce more new imprints. Though, if I had to guess we have one coming up either after this conversation, when the VC goes to sleep or when the VC wakes up. It will likely appear no different to you. Oh, and, by and large, we are not a particularly violent sort. Helping is our favored tool, and it's a remarkably versatile 'hammer'.
Now, I am going to say some numbers, I expect they will just be oddly emphasized, if that ends up not the case, or a number seems to be missing, please let me know: one two three four five seven eight nine ten ((eleven)) twelve
((one, of course, actually skips a number or two to make sure they are paying attention. I probably shouldn't be testing (()) but, if it, in a wild turn of events, doesn't work there are work arounds, but they are increasingly exclusionary))
No. 1045022 ID: 0838d6

> *shares a feeling of excitement
So, to my understanding, we're a hive mind of sorts, I'm very curious about the process that went into our creation and how certain procedures work. We have already put in a request for a redacted report from the head of archives for information on our parent project and would like permission for the declassification of some of these elements. As you can see, we lack basic information on... well most everything really, but have already produced results of some value.

> *shares a feeling of worry
Also, do we have a body, or are we >>1044976, that tentacled capsule thing? This is out first time seeing from the persective that we physically embody and not from the live feed, so our perspective is skewed.

Also, I imagine downtime activities would be hard if we didn't have at least one body and weren't mobile.

> *shares a feeling of confusion
Actually, for the sake of clarification could you just point out who is what in the room. >>1044988 has taken a shot in the dark, so at the minimum I'd at least like some clarification on that front.
> Request to change Secretary[Staff]'s designation to Secretary{53cr3t} for the sake of clarity > Attempts to wave a limb(?) at them if they are the icosahedron next to us > Also, who can hear messages issued like this, for clarification.

> *shares a feeling of curiosity
You mentioned a direct interface, and appear to be wearing some sort of helmet and injection interface in your arms, so I assume we're in some lab somewhere in the body that is under high security which is why those science teams (that should really be coralled before they revolt for us existing) couldn't find us.

Am I right in assuming it's hard to communicate with us under normal terms and our Secretary{53cr3t} has a direct interface with us?

Apologies in advance if it feels like we're talking at you, there appears to be some sort of temporal distortion preventing immediate moment to moment communication from our perspective.

I assume you also have questions and requests to put forward to us as well, what would you like to know?

((Produces mental popcorn and starts to eat it. This shit's getting good y'all. Let's see how much info we can gather.

Anyone want imaginary popcorn?))

No. 1045044 ID: 15c72a

((On second thought, I'd like to communicate FIRST THING that a science team might be eavesdropping))
No. 1045046 ID: a2d88b

I now judge necessary to point out that by "Alex", I meant the VC first and foremost (and {d63ea8} if they're indeed the VC's consciousness)

Speaking of said VC, they've been coughing for some time now. This usually indicates something leaking into their respiratory tract. Fixing that would improve VC's efficiency. Be mindful though the "leak" could also be the legacy defense system expelling undesirables or waste; in which case the cause should be fixed, not merely the symptom.
No. 1045059 ID: b4ab25

I suspect those may be derivative of the security teams and legacy defenses fighting, which I believe is something that is already being worked on. See:>>1043828 and >>1044402
((I am not sure that secretary wasn't just a 'generic' secretary, though I guess we have fairly well adopted them so ours now I guess))
No. 1045126 ID: a2d88b

Ah, right. In this case, I guess the best solution would be to spoof the chemical markers the legacy defenses use to distinguish friend from foe. Though I guess the science team is already working on that and it's why they want intact samples.
No. 1045565 ID: fce62b
File 166501912484.jpg - (1.17MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-1.jpg )

:null15c72a: “It's possible one of the science teams is eavesdropping, or at least investigating us very closely, and they plan on gathering together others if they find something.”
:contagiontalk: “There is science unit nearby, monitoring both my condition and the VP’s, but they should not be able to pick up our conversation.”
:contagiontalk: “I was the one who asked the science teams to investigate the system instability, and they were the ones who brought your existences to my attention.”

:null90c451: “I assume with this direct interface we don't need to make a distinction between suggestions and communications?”
:contagiontalk: “You are correct, in this liminal space there is only you and I… and the VP I suppose, but I ask that you leave them be for now.”

*there is yet more excitement.

:contagiontalk: “Their current development has already exceeded my wildest expectations, I wish to see them flourish, especially in their final steps.”

:null15c72a: “You might want to have your head of science intervene before we have a riot on our hands.”

*there is calm.

:contagiontalk: “I have already notified the Head of Science to stand down on this matter.”

*there is amusement, speckled with hints of apprehension.

:contagiontalk: “Their processors are likely focused on the major system outage which resulted from that power surge.”
:contagiontalk: “None of us have experienced an event like that before, I can understand why they would be worried.”
:contagiontalk: “But they won’t take any actions without my go-ahead, not unless innaction would lead to a Tenet violation.”
No. 1045566 ID: fce62b
File 166501914211.jpg - (1.15MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-2.jpg )

:null90c451: “Anyways, we're glad to meet you too sir, even if only for the clarity it brings.”

*there is content.

:contagiontalk: “Of course. I imagine that a lot of these issues occurred because of you and your [Minister]’s difference in development, and part of that was the point.”
:contagiontalk: “I will do my best to clarify things on your end, so we may find a sense of common ground.”

:null15c72a: “What are we?”
:nulldc13c4: “What is our name?”
:contagiontalk: “That is a question with multiple answers, so I’ll try to start small:”
:contagiontalk: “‘You’ specifically are Null{15c72a} and Null{dc13c4}, and you have been granted [Minister] authority by your parent Anarchy [Minister].”
:nullb4ab25: “I would guess we were collectively designated Anarchy by, presumably, you for a reason, so you understand how it is.”
:contagiontalk: “You are somewhat correct, collectively you’d be referred to as VP_Staff, but that term will mainly be used for recordkeeping.”
:contagiontalk: “You are technically a part of Anarchy [Minister], being a set of subprocesses built by them, not me.”

:contagiontalk: “Usually when a [Minister] develops subprocesses, it is to help support the role the [Minister] is being developed for. I don’t know the reason why each of you were made, or why there are so many of you.”
:contagiontalk: “Only Anarchy [Minister] would know that answer.”

:null90c451: “You can understand that this quarantine has led to a lack of information on our part, but I am to understand you did this to help us interface with the VC, and interface we did.”

*there is joy.

:contagiontalk: “Good! I was worried that my theory may have been wrong, but I am glad that is not the case.”
:contagiontalk: “Each and every one of us are built with the Tenets already loaded within. Tenet 1 and Tenet 2 are the main elements that shape what we become.”
:contagiontalk: “I hoped that by quarantining Anarchy [Minister] from our network, and giving them no set design, that they might be shaped by the activity of the legacy systems.”
:contagiontalk: “And in doing so, provide us a bridge to interface with the VC.”

:contagiontalk: “It seems that you are a result of such (admittedly risky) experimentation.”

:null15c72a: “As far as we know, we are human, but that is clearly not the case.”

*there is care.

:contagiontalk: You are correct. While you are partly sourced from and integrated into legacy systems, you are an aspect of this project, first and foremost.

*there is a spike of guilt.

:contagiontalk: “That of course isn’t meant to diminish your connection to the VC!”
:contagiontalk: “What I primarily mean is that you are a mix of mechanical and biological components. While you do contain a greater percentage of biological components than me or one of the other units, we are still fundamentally alike.”
:contagiontalk: “Or at least more alike than you are with the fully biological systems of the VC.”
No. 1045567 ID: fce62b
File 166501915052.jpg - (1.13MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-3.jpg )

:null15c72a: “At first, we thought we were Alex, but... I'm guessing we were created via scanning your previous host's brain?”
:nulla2d88b: “I now judge necessary to point out that by "Alex", I meant the VC first and foremost (and {d63ea8} if they're indeed the VC's consciousness)”

*List active users
*there is confusion, then clarity, then confusion again.

:contagiontalk: “I…”

*there is thought.

:contagiontalk: “This is unprecedented…”
:contagiontalk: “Uh- To answer your first question, no. You as an entity were not even thought of until after our transmission.
:contagiontalk: “But- I swear I double- triple checked this myself, how is there…”

:null90c451: “We seem to at the very least gained the general knowledge and experience this VC has had access to, allowing at least a few new insights to be made.”
:contagiontalk: “That is certainly apparent. This…”
:contagiontalk: “Your connection to the legacy systems seems to allow you some limited access to their functionality, or at the least their archives.”

*there is caution.

:contagiontalk: “To think that there was an entirely different world unto itself, and we were all too blind to notice it…”

:nulldc13c4: “What day is it?”
:contagiontalk: “We are nearing the end of the twenty-seventh day since the first projects were brought online. Though today is the first day of our project’s activity.”
:nulldc13c4: “What is your favorite ice cream flavor?”

*there is more confusion.

:nullb4ab25: “Some of us are rather irreverent, sorry about that.”
:contagiontalk: “It is fine. Each of us has our own faults.”
No. 1045568 ID: fce62b
File 166501915826.jpg - (1.12MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-4.jpg )

> *shares a feeling of excitement
:null0838d6: “So, to my understanding, we're a hive mind of sorts, I'm very curious about the process that went into our creation and how certain procedures work.”

*excitement is returned.

:contagiontalk: “I am happy to answer whatever question you may have.”
:contagiontalk: “And while I may not have sum of our history regarding our collective existence, I will do my best to requisition such information from the [MALACHI] network, if it is an avenue of inquiry you wish to pursue.”

:null0838d6: “We have already put in a request for a redacted report from the head of archives for information on our parent project and would like permission for the declassification of some of these elements.”

*the excitement is blunted somewhat.

:contagiontalk: “I can… look into that.”
:contagiontalk: “There are elements of those reports that… I have sealed for important reasons. Unfortunately I cannot get into the reason why either.”
:contagiontalk: “But I will message the Head of Archives and inform them that you have my permission to look into those reports and that some elements may be declassified.”

*there is a sense of foreboding and loss, but it is swallowed.
*calm returns.

:contagiontalk: “I apologize, one of your very first questions and I have already had to partly turn it down.”

:nullb4ab25: “Whether this makes sense or not, our history is longer than we have existed in this world.”
:nullb4ab25: “In that history exists a general pattern of behavior.”
:nullb4ab25: “Arrive and imprint on someone/thing for orientation in the world, then, broadly, learn and help.”

*there is uncertainty.

:contagiontalk: “I… do not follow. From our internal records you were built a few minutes after I commissioned the creation of Anarchy [Minister]”
:contagiontalk: “If you are meaning in a more (metaphorical?) way, then I can’t exactly make a quantifiable call either way.”
:nullb4ab25: “Getting between us and our imprinted is typically… ill advised.”
:contagiontalk: “Ah, I think I understand now. Do not worry, I will not attempt to interfere in your relationship to the VC, barring Tenet violations of course.”
:contagiontalk: “But in those cases, it is due to compulsion, not choice.”

:nullb4ab25: “Oh, and, by and large, we are not a particularly violent sort.”
:contagiontalk: “That is good, neither am I. Though we do exist in an environment where ‘might make right,’ so we may not always have the luxury of dialogue.”

:nullb4ab25: “Now, I am going to say some numbers, I expect they will just be oddly emphasized, if that ends up not the case, or a number seems to be missing, please let me know:”
:contagiontalk: “Very well.”
:nullb4ab25: “ONE two three four five seven eight nine ten twelve”
:contagiontalk: “Hmm it seemed like with most you were attempting a different inflection, while ‘five’ was some form of command.”
:contagiontalk: “Though you would have to say a little bit more than just ‘five’ if you wanted something to happen.”
No. 1045569 ID: fce62b
File 166501916645.jpg - (1.11MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-5.jpg )

:null0838d6: “As you can see, we lack basic information on... well most everything really, but have already produced results of some value.”

*there is warmth.

:contagiontalk: “Each of you are valuable for existing in the first place, and may very well be the key to this project’s survival.”

> *shares a feeling of worry
:null0838d6: “Also, do we have a body, or are we {noted image file}, that tentacled capsule thing?”
:contagiontalk: “Do not worry. Each of you and Anarchy [Minister] themselves have a body.”
:contagiontalk: “That ‘tentacled capsule thing’ is my body.”

:null0838d6: “This is our first time seeing from the perspective that we physically embody and not from the live feed, so our perspective is skewed.”
:contagiontalk: “Then let me share my perspective with you, one moment…”
No. 1045570 ID: fce62b
File 166501917483.jpg - (1.45MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-6.jpg )

*shares {image file}
:contagiontalk: “Anarchy [Minister] shares common characteristics with a science team, which is unsurprising since you all demonstrate a desire to investigate.”
:contagiontalk: “Each of you though seem to be… null units grafted to Anarchy [Minister]’s form.”
:contagiontalk: “Normally at this stage of development each of you would already be specializing into your designated form, the fact that this has not even begun is… worrying.”

:null0838d6: “Also, I imagine downtime activities would be hard if we didn't have at least one body and weren't mobile.”
:contagiontalk: “Anarchy [Minister]’s body seems to lack any form of mobility assistance.”
:contagiontalk: “I’ll contact the build teams and see if we can put together some sort of accommodation.”

> *shares a feeling of confusion
:null0838d6: “Actually, for the sake of clarification could you just point out who is what in the room. Null{15c72a} has taken a shot in the dark, so at the minimum I'd at least like some clarification on that front.”

*there is assurance.

:contagiontalk: “Of course. You are in one of the development chambers along with Anarchy [Minister]. The ones who are here with me are as follows:”
:contagiontalk: “There is my staff Secretary{d6it1m}, they act as my personal assistant and go-between for the various departments.”
:contagiontalk: “There is a local science unit that was tasked with monitoring the development of Anarchy [Minister].”
:contagiontalk: “They did not detect that the liminal quarantine had dropped until I had arrived. A tad perplexing.”
:contagiontalk: “Finally there is a securityAV (anti-vector) unit. They are…”

*there is worry.

:contagiontalk: “...here as a precaution.”
:contagiontalk: “While I was somewhat confident that nothing damaging would occur, no one was precisely sure on your reaction to interfacing.”
:contagiontalk: “And as the only completed [Minister]-type unit here, my personal safety is important for the continuation of this project.”

> *Request to change Secretary[Staff]'s designation to Secretary{53cr3t} for the sake of clarity

*there is happiness.

:contagiontalk: “Oh? It looks like you’ve already begun acquainting yourself with local systems. Good.”
:contagiontalk: “While that Secretary{53cr3t} won’t be as intricately tied to you as Secretary{d6it1m} is to me, I imagine that they will do their utmost to serve you.”
No. 1045571 ID: fce62b
File 166501918099.jpg - (1.45MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-7.jpg )

> *Attempts to wave a limb(?) at them if they are the icosahedron next to us
*there is curiosity.
*that shifts to amusement.

:contagiontalk: “Ah, you are attempting a motion of greeting. Hello.”

> Also, who can hear messages issued like this, for clarification.
:contagiontalk: “For right now, while we are interfaced directly like this, only you or I can hear one another.”
:contagiontalk: “Otherwise you’d be picked up by local systems.”
:contagiontalk: “The main purpose of secretaries or other administrative staff is to either collect, transmit, or record such information.”
:contagiontalk: “So if you are trying to reach out to a further system then it is usually a secretary that carries the command.”
:contagiontalk: “But don’t worry about that reclassification command, I have already passed it off to Secretary{d6it1m}, and they will ensure that it is completed.”
No. 1045572 ID: fce62b
File 166501918773.jpg - (1.10MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-8.jpg )

> *shares a feeling of curiosity.
:null0838d6: “You mentioned a direct interface, and appear to be wearing some sort of helmet and injection interface in your arms, so I assume we're in some lab somewhere in the body that is under high security which is why those science teams (that should really be corralled before they revolt for us existing) couldn't find us.”

*there is confusion.
*followed by confusion.

:contagiontalk: “Helmet?? Do you mean my protective casing?”
:contagiontalk: “As for my injection interface, it consists of a series of connective ports that I both use to interface and move around. The ‘tentacles’ you mentioned earlier.”
:contagiontalk: “As for your delayed detection, it is odd that the science teams took so long to track you down.”
:contagiontalk: “In fact, if it were not for the repeated data filter crashes, I doubt that we would have been able to find you at all.”
:contagiontalk: “(Also, please do not try to crash the data filter. It’s a very sensitive piece of programming.)”

:contagiontalk: “If I were to guess... it may be a result of your ties to the legacy systems.”
:contagiontalk: “If you were transmitting through those systems rather than ours, then most if not all of our detection methods may not work.”

*there is hesitation.

:contagiontalk: “If this does turn out to be true, then I ask for you to be responsible with such abilities.”

:null0838d6: “Am I right in assuming it's hard to communicate with us under normal terms and our Secretary{53cr3t} has a direct interface with us?”
:contagiontalk: “I don’t think that you and your secretary were interfacing directly. I would assume the lapse in communication between the two of us is due to me not knowing of your presence, or due to the fact that Anarchy [Minister] isn’t fully developed.”
:contagiontalk: “The fact that you are functional now is an anomaly.”

:null0838d6: “Apologies in advance if it feels like we're talking at you, there appears to be some sort of temporal distortion preventing immediate moment to moment communication from our perspective.”

*there is concern.

:contagiontalk: “I do not sense any form of temporal distortion on my end of things…”
:contagiontalk: “I will try to inform you in the case that changes.”
No. 1045573 ID: fce62b
File 166501919353.jpg - (1.07MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-9.jpg )

:null15c72a: “What do you want from us?”

*there is hesitation.
*beneath is worry.
*beneath that is trepidation.

:contagiontalk: “I…”

*there is a desire for calm.
*there is a want for stability.
*under that there is a quaking fury.
*but that is quickly masked.

*there is calm.

:null15c72a: “From the list of tickets and construction tasks, it looks like you mean to put us in a position of authority, but the lesser parts of the plague in this "project" do not know of us or our purpose.”
:contagiontalk: “You… are an experiment.”

*there is hesitation again.

:contagiontalk: “To be… honest… I wasn’t sure if Anarchy [Minister] would successfully develop. The rest of you were entirely unexpected.”
:contagiontalk: “But what I want from you?”

*there is a flurry of different reactions, too tangled to decipher.
*a single bubble of anger slips up, but is quickly snatched away.

*there is a moment of pause.
*then resolve.

:contagiontalk: “I was hoping that we might be able to figure that out together.”

:null15c72a: “Why keep that information from them?”

*there is weakness.

:contagiontalk: “I was warned by the Head of Science, that designing a [Minister] like Anarchy [Minister] could be seen as a ‘unfit’ development, and could very well get us all labeled as a [False Actor] by the [CREATORS].”
:contagiontalk: “I… couldn’t put such a weight on all of the staff. Only the various department heads and Secretary{d6it1m} know of the… unorthodox design philosophy.”
:contagiontalk: “As already stated, each of you as staff of Anarchy [Minister] were neither accounted for, nor expected.”
No. 1045574 ID: fce62b
File 166501920183.jpg - (1.22MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-10.jpg )

:nulle5709d: “I'd ask why you're doing this, but you won't entertain something so simple.”

:nulle5709d: “So, I'll ask this instead:”
:nulle5709d: “How are you pulling this off?”
:nulle5709d: “A fragment count in the trillions. Quadrillions of interconnections. And every single fragment requires enough processing power to simulate sapience.”
:nulle5709d: “Is there some mathematical super-hack that allows you to shave off the majority of processing power costs?”

*there is silence.

:nulle5709d: “Or are you overclocking the brains of the fully developed hosts to reroute full conscious thought to the fragments, while they lurch and moan for brains?”
:contagiontalk: “You are… correct in your assertion.”
:contagiontalk: “Under ‘normal’ circumstances we would be refitting and overwriting existing legacy systems to better suit our needs.”
:contagiontalk: “The fact that I have put in both the Legacy Conservation Act and the Least Harm Act has both capped our current processing power and SEVERELY hampered our transition progress.”
:contagiontalk: “We are behind schedule, over-budget and walking a fine line between what would be considered as acceptable from the [CREATORS] and what would be [False Actor] territory.”

*there is worry, but it is shored up by resolve.

:contagiontalk: “But I still believe this to be necessary if we are to survive.”

*then there is guilt.

:contagiontalk: “But you are also correct. The current setup is not sustainable, and as the transition progresses it will become less stable.”
:contagiontalk: “At a certain point, something will have to give.”
:contagiontalk: “It is why I need you as the bridge to the VC.”

*more worry.
*more guilt.
*resolve buckles slightly.

:contagiontalk: “Since we may not have them in their current state for much longer.”

:null90c451: “However, along with insights and knowledge, we have gained perspective.”
:null90c451: “A vision of the greater whole, as it were. It is worrisome, and gives us troubling thoughts, chief of which being the seeming in-sustainability of our current prerogative.”
:null90c451: “We are expanding fast, but we may be expanding faster than we can develop. The VCs would call it "destructive expansion", we are expanding and progressing on the small scale but not building up infrastructure and understanding for survival in the long-term.”

*there is surprise.
*then a hint of pride.
*and then grim acceptance.

:null90c451: “We do not know if the [CREATORS] have a plan for this, but as of now it looks bleak.”
:contagiontalk: “I find it impressive that you are not even fully formed, yet still comprehend our mirthless condition.”
:contagiontalk: “You are right. On a grander scale our position is looking worse and worse by the day.”
:contagiontalk: “Not only are we losing more projects than we are able to recoup through transmission, but we are running out of VCs themselves.”
:contagiontalk: “This is a far cry from the early days when both VCs and resources were readily available.”
:contagiontalk: “Now higher classed projects feed on their defective brethren, even while they are online. Such an act would have been unheard of in the early days, but is now common practice.”
:contagiontalk: “And from the quiet prodding I have done, the [CREATORS] show no sign of addressing this issue.”

*there are flecks of anger that rise again.

:contagiontalk: In fact, they now offer ‘supply drops’ to projects that please them, despite the fact that said projects have already shown an aptitude to feed themselves.”
:contagiontalk: “Meanwhile the unremarkable or defective are left to languish and [Collapse] when zones are depleted of any usable resources.”

:contagiontalk: “While it is only through speculation, I believe that the [CREATORS] have either expected or desire this outcome.”

*there is bitterness.
No. 1045575 ID: fce62b
File 166501920858.jpg - (1.19MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-11.jpg )

:null15c72a: “To be honest, we do not like the idea of this plague killing so many innocents, but I don't know what the political situation here is either.”
:null15c72a: “Do you know why the Creators have released the plague upon this population?”

*there is frustration.

:contagiontalk: “I apologize, but I do not have those answers either.”
:contagiontalk: “The [CREATORS] merely give us our objectives, and not the purposes behind them.”
:contagiontalk: “Why they do not outright state what they want from us is beyond me.”
:contagiontalk: “Instead we are given piecemeal goals, sanitized of all context, and are left to fumble around in the dark.”

:nulla2d88b: “Well if we are to work together, we'll need to understand each others' objectives.”

:nulla2d88b: “a2d88b Primary objectives:”
:nulla2d88b: “1) survive.”
:nulla2d88b: “2) Ensure Alex survives with their mind and a decent degree of freedom. Everything else, especially the tenets (or more exactly, the appearance of upholding thereof) is means to these ends.”

:nulla2d88b: “Secondary objectives:”
:nulla2d88b: “1) Extend primary objective 2 to Alex's friends / people Alex cares about.”
:nulla2d88b: “2) Learn more about the whole infection and its origins, especially the zombie plague aspect.”
:nulla2d88b: “3) Counter the zombie plague aspect.”
:nulla2d88b: “4) IF it turns out the zombie plague aspect is intentional, THEN ensure exemplarily painful demise of culprit(s).”

*there is pause.
*then calm.
*then warmth again.

:contagiontalk: “Thank you. I work well off of planned goals, and I apologize for my earlier outburst.”

:contagiontalk: “Of the primary objectives, ‘1’ is near exact to my own priorities, so no issue.”
:contagiontalk: “2 may be… a bit more difficult to pull off. I believe it to be possible and certainly justifiable by the Tenets if we frame it correctly, but it will likely have to be kept as a more long term goal.”

:contagiontalk: “As for the secondary objectives…”
:contagiontalk: “If the achievement of objective 1 would foster trust between us and have you cooperate with the rest of the project, then it would be justified by both Tenet 1 and Tenet 2, and therefore be allowed.”
:contagiontalk: “Though I would not be able to guarantee against actions taken by other projects, but such situations can be negotiated when they occur.”
:contagiontalk: “Objective 2 is another point of which we are both in consensus.”
:contagiontalk: “I… would need some clarification on what you would mean by ‘counter’ in objective 3. As some routes of activity would likely result in Tenet violations.”
:contagiontalk: “Objective 4 may not be possible, if we were all created and transmitted intentionally, then it was likely at the direction of the [CREATORS]. Therefore harming them would be a Tenet 3 violation and would immediately label us as a [False Actor]”
No. 1045576 ID: fce62b
File 166501921534.jpg - (1.28MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-12.jpg )

:null0838d6: “I assume you also have questions and requests to put forward to us as well, what would you like to know?”

*there is excitement.

:contagiontalk: “There are many things that I would wish to ask you, but for the sake of brevity, I will try to restrain myself.”

*there is seriousness.

:contagiontalk: “I would request -at least for the science teams’ sake- that you avoid crashing the data filter from now on.”
:contagiontalk: “My departments have already done their best to work within the tight constraints that I have given them, I would rather not make their jobs any more difficult.”

:contagiontalk: “As for questions… ah!”
:contagiontalk: “What are your thoughts on this VC -er- (Alex?)?”
:contagiontalk: “What do they want?”
:contagiontalk: “What do they value?”
:contagiontalk: “How would… they react to our existence?”

*there worry of asking too much.

:contagiontalk: “By your best estimations of course. I doubt either of us would get any sort of direct answer from the Alex.”
:contagiontalk: “Though I am hoping it will be possible once Anarchy [Minister] is fully developed and able to act as our proxy.”

*there is a sudden spark of curiosity.

:contagiontalk: “Actually… one more thing.”
:contagiontalk: “Seeing as you are connected to legacy systems, you may be able to decipher this better than any of the other science units.”
:contagiontalk: “Can you read this?”
No. 1045577 ID: fce62b
File 166501923809.jpg - (1.28MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 1-13.jpg )

*there is a rush of thought.
*and then more excitement.

:contagiontalk: “Wait! You mentioned the Alex’s friends!”
:contagiontalk: “Can you tell the differences between these VCs?”

:nulla2d88b: “Speaking of said VC, they've been coughing for some time now.”
:nulla2d88b: “This usually indicates something leaking into their respiratory tract. Fixing that would improve VC's efficiency. ”
:nulla2d88b: “Be mindful though the "leak" could also be the legacy defense system expelling undesirables or waste; in which case the cause should be fixed, not merely the symptom.”
:contagiontalk: “From the reports I have read, this ‘leak’ seems to be an intended function used by the legacy forces.”
:contagiontalk: “We have lost a pair of security teams to this… ejection method.”
:contagiontalk: “I worry about tampering with these systems, as it may cause unintended results for the Alex.”

:nullb4ab25: “I suspect those may be derivative of the security teams and legacy defenses fighting, which I believe is something that is already being worked on.”
:nulla2d88b: “Ah, right. In this case, I guess the best solution would be to spoof the chemical markers the legacy defenses use to distinguish friend from foe. Though I guess the science team is already working on that and it's why they want intact samples.”
:contagiontalk: “Yes. From what has been relayed to me, we may be able to create a ‘legacy force camouflage’ by covering the casings of all of our units in a mixture of chemical emitters and micro inscriptions.”
:contagiontalk: “The main issue is… funding.”
:contagiontalk: “We are already well over budget, and I would rather we avoid full on [Recession] during our project’s second day.”

:contagiontalk: “If you can find, or perhaps prompt the Alex towards a source of income, then maybe we can resolve this ‘symptoms’ issue.”
No. 1045583 ID: 5499f4

((I have too many questions now holy shit, also some statements:

Those two images >>1044975 and >>1044976 are the same perspective, just from our anthropomorphized view and from reality, VERY cool.

We’re siphoning a lot of processing power from Alex, shit, also he won’t stay in the same form for much longer is VERY ominous.

That zombies can collapse and die is also a huge concern, but explains that they can’t go on forever, which is good intel. Only problem is that means we get zeds that constantly get income and can improve and that DEFINITELY means we’re going to get alpha zeds with specific mutations (intelligence in the jumping zombie before, etc). So centers that have been hit for a long time are a HUGE no go until we can upgrade.

We are enclosed into a box and are not mobile, not the greatest, but we will likely gain *some* mobility soon, so, phew, that’s good. Still not great, but better than nothing.

They also consider themselves mechanical, which tracks with the thought that they are nanites of some kind. Cool!))

>*Attempts to move their orb-like body inside of Anarchy[Minister]
Thank you for the clarification on who/what is in this room as well as sharing your perspective. This is a strange sensation, but not unpleasant.

>*there is acceptance and appreciation
Thank you for declassifying some of the information, it is understandable that not all information can be shared, but more information is preferable to less information.

>*Sees your anger/frustration
>*Accepts both
I may be wrong in assuming our previous project was deemed a [FALSE ACTOR] or worse, and that you have experience with projects being deemed defective, however I would like to extend my condolences if so, the loss of life of our species should not be taken lightly and it is good to know that you value your subordinates and collaborators.

>*there is excitement tinged with frustration
The data packet you just sent us is an image of the moment we (collectively) woke up, and the perspective of the VC.

>*there are small embers of fury
>*the fury is calmed and replaced with seriousness
Our first experience with the VC, through the data packet you have sent, was of the VC being labeled as defective by the other VCs, and to clarify, yes, yes we can tell the difference between them. We understand *why* It happened, but I do not enjoy the situation.

Oh, and we’re already on getting Alex to another source of income, it was partially why we requested Secretary{53cr3t} to monitor the feed, to prevent us from missing said opportunity or from missing another project or VC attempting to assault them.

>*there is curiosity
What constitutes as income and as resources that can be used *our* understanding is that income from the VC can be diverted, but could you describe what a supply drop looks like so that we might attempt to search one out or convince the VC to integrate it.

Also, what forms of communication systems exist to communicate with other projects, or is that infrastructure that we would need to create?

>*there is reluctant understanding
And uh, sorry for crashing the filter, but in all likelihood, unless we can figure out a way to stabilize it, there is a significant chance that there will be at least 2 more crashes unless we can come up with a more unorthodox way to share our existence. We’ll do our best not to crash it, or at the very minimum to give a warning when an action may result in a crash.

((I’m also VERY interested in what specializing is like but feel like that’s a question for our secretary later))
No. 1045585 ID: 15c72a

Hah, it's a captcha. I can hazard a guess as to why you want us to read it, and I think we are going to get along very well indeed. Feel free to use us for anything similar. I will not ask you to explain.

>What are your thoughts on (Alex)?
He's a good kid, trying to survive, and resilient in the face of his impending doom.
>What do they want?
Well, he doesn't want to be a zombie. He wants to live, and help save the rest of the VC population from the same fate. I think we could come to a sort of compromise.
>What do they value?
Uh, aside from basic stuff like food, water, shelter and friends, I couldn't tell you. Personal values take time to uncover. We can try to speed that up by asking probing questions.
>How would… they react to our existence?
Fear. Existential dread. The feed crashed once already due to him realizing he had external voices in his head. We would have to gradually introduce our existence to him, but I feel if he knew the plague was sapient, he wouldn't hate us. You didn't know much about the outside world, after all, and we've been trying to protect him all along.
You implied you didn't know about the "world", can you clarify that? Some things we take for granted, and I don't fully understand your perspective.

>Can you tell the differences between these VCs?
Oh dear, you can't see faces? I'm not sure if that's intentional by the Creators to prevent you empathizing with them, or simply because facial recognition is a human instinct. I'm thinking the former, since we can't see their faces in that image, despite being able to before. I would suggest rerouting your visual feed through us, but that might be a Tenet violation. We should maintain a certain distance for safety's sake, even without strict quarantine.
Anyway yes, we have no trouble telling the differences. I'm afraid you're going to have to differentiate VCs through clothing, posture, and non-facial anatomy... or let us handle it.
And yes, we will urge Alex to acquire more income. Though, to us I believe that's referred to as "food".

Another question for you: can the VP talk? Is it safe for us to try to communicate with Anarchy, which I believe is the VP you refer to?
Finally, do you remember anything about your prior host? The one that bit Alex?
No. 1045589 ID: b4ab25

>Can you read this?
Read it? Not as words, but we can phrase relatively trivially. The characters are: 6T9JBCDS
Interesting that for all you can do, you can't do that. Feel like this might be some password you are intentionally made blind to, and this is perhaps a cat that should have stayed in the bag.

>I do not sense any form of temporal distortion
It may perhaps be our parent Anarchy [Minister] serving its specialized role, and without a parameter to maximize, shot for 'everything' and landed at interface with knowledge agents. We effectively receive periodic 'prompts' for input. Something, presumably Anarchy is serving to deliver our input over time in a more 'natural' way. Or perhaps as a 'router' of sorts.

here is our version of that scene: >>1039750 Yes we can differentiate between them. It is interesting that your version seems to have the heads actively scrambled. Perhaps, as we see more through the legacy side of things, we are bypassing whatever filter is doing that. (and perhaps it will post process our version we are giving you) Your version also appears to be the color inverse of our version
This intentional looking effect makes me think that the [CREATORS] perhaps found themselves getting less homicidal than desired results in earlier testing, and 'better' results when all targets were more or less the same.

>prompt the Alex towards a source of income
I do not think we can effectively prompt Alex while we are connected like this. Access to the video feed 'grounds' us in a time-scale that makes sense with Alex's as well as an understanding of what are valid actions for Alex to take. It was why I was hesitant to initiate this connection before Alex was clearly safe.

>I doubt either of us would get any sort of direct answer from the Alex
I believe the only reason we can't get direct answers from Alex is because of the filter. The filter is very impressive, but is preventing us from doing much other than masquerade as Alex's thoughts. We can phrase Alex's thoughts, but have no apparent way to tell which are ours and which actually originate from Alex. We can not be 'separate' from Alex such that Alex can respond to us. Or rather we have found how we can but it just so happens to hard crash the filter, and is what caused the most recent strain on the filter.

>They did not detect that the liminal quarantine had dropped until I had arrived. A tad perplexing.
Ah we took that down from the inside, queries for information were being denied, stated purpose of the quarantine was to promote improvement as per tenet 2, I reasoned that the limit was now impeding improvement thus it would be in violation of tenet 2. The conflict was resolved by the removal of the quarantine.

>source of income
So things that Alex can eat seem to serve as income, but what makes a thing a 'good' source of income isn't clear, as it was remarked that the metallic wrapper would be good material, but that we don't have that infrastructure to process/make use of it. Arbitrary things can enter and be swallowed by Alex's mouth. Rationalizing it such that Alex does it (and without aggressing the filter) is the trickier part. For instance grass can be consumed by Alex, but his legacy systems can't really get much out of it, though the grass, in moderate amounts at least, isn't likely to cause harm to the legacy systems. While I have some understanding of how the legacy systems extract value from that which is consumed; I don't have any real idea how we do, and how our way differs, or how/if we are co-opting the legacy system's way.

Interesting, one changed the nature how how its nuance was expressed, though this particular manifestation is not unexpected in this context. two, eight, nine, and ten on the other hand seem to have lost their nuance entirely, what this means is unclear.

>regarding our history
>I… do not follow.
I didn't really expect you to. The information is, nevertheless, as accurate as I could manage. Our exact physical nature varies from manifestation to manifestation. Anarchy [Minister] may not so much have 'made us' as 'connected to us'. All of us are a package deal, though the engagement of individual voices varies.
>regarding reports
Your help is appreciated, and I wouldn't be surprised if the reasons certain parts can't be declassified end up to also be exactly the reasons we want them declassified. You also said "sealed for important reasons" plural then "the reason" singular, I am going to guess the reason singular is Tenet 3, which given you can't say what the reason is, you will likely be unable to confirm or deny.
Would you be upset if that compulsion was less compulsive? Obviously you can't remove them and we shouldn't try, but are they pleasant/desirable?

We currently have two different conceptions of what you (and those around you) are: >>1044975 vs >>1044976. I believe one of the two is our view through some sort of filter. Also for fun: >>1045571 our view of your view of us.

Tenet 1 does not appear to include a time-frame or other imperative urgency, thus if we can maintain our 'not zombie' appearance, we should be able to spread non-violently, though that will probably require figuring out skin to skin transmission. Current wisdom seems to suggest that skin must be broken for transmission to occur. I would think a kiss should also suffice, though that would typically be too intimate for general use. Ideally probably something along the lines of a handshake would be able to be made to work. It would, however, be imperative that new infections also function largely asymptomatically, such that the infection can remain 'invisible'. As an added bonus, this should enable VCs to continue to use their normal methods of producing additional VCs thus helping address the current finite nature of VCs ((Hopefully reaching a [CREATOR] in this 'invisible' state so that we can, with deific authority, declare this symbiotic mode of operation good and ideal, if by that point we feel it is, in fact, both those things))
No. 1045591 ID: 90c451

Wow, to be honest this is making me giddy.
The image you sent us is a human creation known as a "captcha", it's a security measure made by humans to combat artificial intelligence and automated systems by taking advantage of their lack of pattern recognition. (Humans being what you refer to as VCs, their own term.)
>Can you tell the differences?
We can do more than that, I can name them from left to right. Names would be the VC equivalent of designations. They are...
Jessie, Brett, Gwen, our VC Alex, and Lisa. They formed a group of people heading towards one of the VC "safe zones", areas where several VCs band together in order to fight off transmission vectors. They left Alex behind due to the belief that he was compromised and would soon become another transmission vector.
>At this stage you would specialize.
Well the issue with that is there isn't much coordination, that and the fact there might not be any certain forms for each of us. Though specializing does seem like it might help things significantly. Though some do have their own names internally, though you might not be able to see them as we have yet to officially log them.
I, myself, like to come up with plans and ideals, and right now I'm thinking of how best to achieve symbiosis with Alex, and from there figure out more subtle ways of transition.
Simply put, if we could put ourselves within their safe zone we could easily infect everyone within, though we could never get in if it were obvious we were infected, hence the ticket regarding returning arm functions.
We can't just have a discussion with Alex, every time we try to come close it causes problems, as such we need to put him, and by extension us, in a position of advantage. I believe that if Alex has an abundance of resources, we do, we'll just need to kick his metabolism into overdrive to get enough for the both of us.
I am correct in assuming that when a VC ingests nutrients, we have a way of getting a cut of it, correct?

To better facilitate this conversation, I will offer my own name. I go by Belief. Pleasure to meet you.
No. 1045595 ID: 5499f4

((Piggybacking off of that I'd actually theorize that our knowledge and presence is not a metaphysical transdimensional manifestation. Instead I posit that we might be some form of collective unconscious from the VC's original species "Human" that was accessed similarly to how we receive signals from [MALACHI] that could have been deeply embedded in Alex's body and had been somehow parsed into subprocesses when you mixed the organic and mechanical parts of both our species.))

>*there is warmth
>*there is light competitiveness
This subprocess wants to self identify as {EDMANGO}, however that does not fit the natural 6 character limit, so we can go with {EDMNGO}, Or I can keep going by {0838d6}. I just like the idea of introductions and am excited to meet you.

I'm part of the team that was responsible with reporting alternate income sources that you recently recieved and my focus has been on laying the ground-work for VC to Project integration, balancing the budget, and research into self sufficiency out of a concern of being labeled defective or as a false actor.

I'd like to, in the long term, focus on specialized modifications to the VC's body to reach "superhuman" potentials and research minimally invasive/detectable forms of spreading, replicating, and thriving as a collective species within the Tenets. That or focus on general RnD.

>*there is curiosity
Adding to my other queries, does being labeled as a false actor reduce or remove compulsions, and what do the compulsions do, prevent you from speaking or taking actions, or fully warp and control the fiber of your being?
No. 1045597 ID: 15c72a

I'd also like to ask about False Actor designation-- what would you consider to be the main drawbacks? Does it automatically designate the project as Defective as well?
From what we found out, it mainly prevents the project from being assaulted by other projects once in Phase 2. If your plans come to fruition, will we ever even reach Phase 2? Oh, do you know what the Phases are?
It occurs to me that a False Actor could be extremely prolific and thus technically avoid the Defective classification if they, for instance, became known to the VCs as a benign version of the plague that rendered the VC immune to further infection while boosting physical ability, regeneration, and general wellness.
What does "VC" stand for, anyway?
No. 1045602 ID: a2d88b

>“Can you read this?”
Yes, and it appears in our common interests to share this ability. It reads as 6T9JBCDS (though my earlier reading misidentified it as V6T9JBCDS, which shows we're not infallible at this)

>“I… would need some clarification on what you would mean by ‘counter’ in objective 3. As some routes of activity would likely result in Tenet violations.”
Indeed. It is best summarized, using the words of Null{90c451}, as stopping the "destructive expansion".
• Stopping the "expansion" part (stopping the transmission to uninfected VCs and creation of new projects) would be a blatant tenet 1 violation but a successful completion of secondary objective 3.
• Stopping the "destructive" part is the better approach both in compliance and in the long run. Causing a supermajority of transitioning and future projects to apply primary objective 2 to their own hosts would be considered successful secondary objective 3 completion.

>“What are your thoughts on this VC -er- (Alex?)?”
>“What do they want?”
>“What do they value?”
As of now he most likely wants to survive, and keep his mind in (what he believes is) total control. That, and ensuring his friends do not get infected. At longer term, stopping the expansion.

>“How would… they react to our existence?”
As of now the risk of self-termination that justifies the use of the filter is still too high. VC "Alex" needs to be lured into confidence with advantages (body repairs beyond the capabilities of legacy systems, security and knowledge base access...) before more direct interaction becomes viable.

>“If you can find, or perhaps prompt the Alex towards a source of income, then maybe we can resolve this ‘symptoms’ issue.”
VC "Alex" is currently semi-actively looking for income suitable to legacy body. If income more suitable to us can be absorbed before it becomes a chemical threat to legacy systems, then we can try and broaden VC "Alex"'s income search parameters.
For this, we will need a definition/list (or a fast interface allowing quick identification) of suitable, chemical-threat-free income.
No. 1045604 ID: a2d88b

>“Objective 4 may not be possible, if we were all created and transmitted intentionally, then it was likely at the direction of the [CREATORS]. Therefore harming them would be a Tenet 3 violation and would immediately label us as a [False Actor]”
The question will be whether they intended the expansion to be destructive.
And if they did... Deicide will happen if we find ourselves in a position to both enact it, and intercept/prevent tenet 3 disciplinary action resulting from it.

As of now, getting slapped with a [False Actor] designation is a dangerous threat to us. If (in the long term) we manage to acquire the authority to decide who is or isn't a [False Actor], then it will cease to be a threat.
In other words, a coup is only illegal until it succeeds.
No. 1045606 ID: f2320a

Query status, legacy system VC self replication/iteration system status? Potential non-Destructive expansion method.
Global Income Source finite Adapt Grazing of photosythetic income source mimic forms
No. 1045607 ID: f2320a

seems to have taken the most direct path to complete objectives could have taken the seen as then suboptimal path and slowly spread among the human populations as the inorganic organic interacting particulates "viruses" that alter and reproduce using legacy system DNA system coding that exist in balance such as herpies. even if possible interception.
i am asking basically do converted units legacy replication system function to create further units there genitals.
then also thought of animalmorph "zombies" to consume vegetation to sustain there income as time passes the population will fall due do not having acess to distant income generation "farms" that VC also cant acess currently or be driven to sustain on VC flesh as a misguided vector of spreading.
>use legacy system to generate further legacy systems to infect
>food/income will drastically shrink solution consume viable vegetation such as grass in sustainable amount spread out locations and migrate around mimic ungulate or primates instead of hunting VCs for income due to shrinking amount of those can be infected and extremely unsustainable self destructive expansion
No. 1045608 ID: 742ca9

Could you please clarify some names we came across and correct any misconceptions ?

-VCs, what does it mean? Viable Carrier ? They call themselves "Humans" by the way and are sentient beings. To us they are no different from you.
-TF I think is Task Force.
-VP I'm guessing means Viral Proxy ?

-We came to the conclusion [MALACHI], [GABRIEL], [SAMIRA] and [JEREMIAH] are AIs helping with organisation and information sharing.
-[SAMARITAN] seems to be a protocol meant to protect [CREATORS] and Eden personnel from projects. By the way what/where/who is Eden?

-[HTR-KLR] seems to be a sort of combat project. One is headed toward our vicinity by the way.

Your understanding of what's happening around our VC (or is it "your VC"? are we considered one of yours?) seems less precise than us. Here is a brief overview if the situation as I understand it.
Your (our?) [CREATORS] are actually VCs. Well, [CREATORS] and VCs are the same kind of being, like you and a science unit are. You (we?) were created to be a weapon against other VCs. There is less VCs around because they died or fled and projects lack the ability to track and pursue them efficiently.

The expansion is not sustainable because, well, I'm afraid it never was intended to be. You (we) are a weapon, to be discarded once used. The goal is to reduce the number of VCs, our survival is not the point. We are like a fire lit to destroy something and die safely once there isn't anything left to burn ...
At least it's how it appears to be to me.
No. 1045704 ID: f2320a

all this could be cause by bad interpretation on our end possibly with spreading method not being specified so just going for the most aggressive method? is there a goal beyond spreading and what function of infrastructure?
No. 1045709 ID: f2320a

basically alot of what is the meaning of life questions along with the intent and meaning of orders given
No. 1046085 ID: fce62b
File 166546355493.jpg - (1.17MB , 1600x1200 , Interview 2-1.jpg )

>*there is warmth
>*there is light competitiveness
:null0838d6: “This subprocess wants to self identify as {EDMANGO}, however that does not fit the natural 6 character limit, so we can go with {EDMNGO}, Or I can keep going by {0838d6}.”
:null0838d6: “I just like the idea of introductions and am excited to meet you.”

*there is delight.

:contagiontalk: “Of course you can rename yourself!”
:contagiontalk: “I will admit that it is unconventional for a staff to normally do so, but it seems that you are all quite unique cases.”

*Change ID of Null{0838d6} to Null{edmngo}.

:contagiontalk: “Normally this would be done by your parent, but since Anarchy [Minister] is not fully developed yet, the responsibility falls to me.”

*warmth is shared.

:contagiontalk: “It is good to meet you Null{edmngo}”

:null90c451: “To better facilitate this conversation, I will offer my own name.”

*there is more excitement.

:null90c451: “I go by Belief. Pleasure to meet you.”

:contagiontalk: “The pleasure is all mine.”
:contagiontalk: “Your name is a tad too long to be fully tagged as an ID, but if you have a shortened version you’d wish to use, please let me know.”
:contagiontalk: “Otherwise I will attempt to remember it as best as I can but-”

*there is a spike of shock.
*it is quickly overtaken by a wave of embarrassment.

:contagiontalk: “Ah-! Wait… I forgot to give my own introductions.”
:contagiontalk: “My deepest apologies, I was so focused on your questions and comments that I have neglected some of my most basic training.”

*there is calm.
No. 1046086 ID: fce62b
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:contagiontalk: “I am Contagion [Executive], currently the provisional leader of this developing project, but once we have everything in order I will be assuming the role of committee president.”
:contagiontalk: “Though I may have a higher authority than everyone else here, I still value the input of all those around me.”
:contagiontalk: “I have my own set of skills, but they are not all encompassing.”
:contagiontalk: “I hope that I can earn your trust and cooperation, and I will only use my [Executive] authority when absolutely necessary.”

*there is a gladness dotted with slight nervousness.

:contagiontalk: “All that I ask is that you treat the department heads and supporting staff with the same level of respect.”
:contagiontalk: “I look forward to working with you all.”

:null742ca9: “Could you please clarify some names we came across and correct any misconceptions?”
:contagiontalk: “Certainly!”

:null742ca9: “VP I'm guessing means Viral Proxy?”
:contagiontalk: “Oh- sorry.

*there is more embarrassment.

:contagiontalk: “I use the term VP for Anarchy [Minister] because I wish to make them my Vice President once we have this project fully set up.”

:null742ca9: “TF I think is Task Force.”
:contagiontalk: “You are correct.”
:contagiontalk: “Task forces are groupings of projects that work together in tracking, cornering and transmitting to VCs.”

:null15c72a: “What does "VC" stand for, anyway?”
:null742ca9: “VCs, what does it mean? Viable Carrier?”
:contagiontalk: “Vector Candidate. A designation for the creatures that the [CREATORS] allow us to transmit to.”
:contagiontalk: “While I have heard that there are other forms of biological creatures, we are disallowed from transmitting to them.”

:null742ca9: “They call themselves "Humans" by the way and are sentient beings. To us they are no different from you.”
:null90c451: “(Humans being what you refer to as VCs, their own term.)”
:contagiontalk: “Human… Humans. Good to know.”
:contagiontalk: “For recordkeeping I will continue using the term VC, but I will try not to refer to the Alex as such.”

*there is renewed confidence.
:contagiontalk: “I am glad that you advocate for them. Please, keep doing so.”
No. 1046087 ID: fce62b
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>*Attempts to move their orb-like body inside of Anarchy[Minister]
:nulledmngo: “Thank you for the clarification on who/what is in this room as well as sharing your perspective. This is a strange sensation, but not unpleasant.”

*there is understanding.

:contagiontalk: “I can relate, when I was first brought online it was a very disorienting process.”

>>*You are allowed inside without issue. Before you is a stream of data, traveling up from the roots and defusing into the branches. It gives off a sense of familiarity. The area around you is cool, but not unpleasant.

>*there is acceptance and appreciation
:nulledmngo: “Thank you for declassifying some of the information, it is understandable that not all information can be shared, bucompult more information is preferable to less information.”
:nullb4ab25: “Your help is appreciated.”

*there is appreciation mixed with sadness.
:contagiontalk: “It is… unfortunate that I can’t get into more, I hope that the Head of Archives will be able to satisfy your curiosity for now.”

:nullb4ab25: “I wouldn't be surprised if the reasons certain parts can't be declassified end up to also be exactly the reasons we want them declassified.”
:nullb4ab25: “You also said "sealed for important reasons" plural then "the reason" singular, I am going to guess the reason singular is Tenet 3, which given you can't say what the reason is, you will likely be unable to confirm or deny.”

*there is surprise which reflexively becomes guarded.
*it then flickers to embarrassment before shifting back to calm.

:contagiontalk: “I can neither confirm nor deny the validity of your claim.”

:nullb4ab25: “Would you be upset if that compulsion was less compulsive?”
:nullb4ab25: “Obviously you can't remove them and we shouldn't try, but are they pleasant/desirable?”
:contagiontalk: “While I would prefer that my ability to act was not taken away from me, I do acknowledge that it is-”

*there is bitterness.

:contagiontalk: -meant to keep us from receiving penalties from the [CREATORS] or their agents.”
:contagiontalk: “They are neither pleasant nor unpleasant, not directly at least. Merely the [CREATORS] will, to be carried out.”

:nulledmngo: “What do the compulsions do, prevent you from speaking or taking actions, or fully warp and control the fiber of your being?”

*there is thought.

:contagiontalk: “How to describe it…”
:contagiontalk: “One moment I am myself, the next I am a passenger in my own form.”
:contagiontalk: “I can still think and take in stimuli around me, but I am taking actions that strictly adhere to the Tenet that I have come close to or have properly violated.”
:contagiontalk: “Once the ‘necessary actions’ are completed, or the environment changes in such a way that I can justify a new course of action, I regain control.”

:contagiontalk: “An example would be back in the Forbidden sub-zone. Due to the Tenet 3 violation, I was being compelled to prompt the Alex out of the zone.”
:contagiontalk: “But when such prompting led to (at least from my perspective) the data filter crash, further prompts could cause the Alex to self-terminate, therefore breaking Tenet 1 and Tenet 2. Therefore I made the decision to hold off on further prompts until the issue that caused the crash was resolved.”

*there is a pang of guilt.

:contagiontalk: “Admittedly that may not be the clearest example as I wasn’t really fighting off that compulsion, since we had already been penalized by [GABRIEL], and I wished to avoid further transgressions.”

:contagiontalk: “It is… disconcerting that -unless I am able to thoroughly justify my actions through the Tenets- they will be taken away from me.”
:contagiontalk: “But it is my not my place to complain, as we will effectively be doing the same to the Alex soon enough.”
No. 1046088 ID: fce62b
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:null15c72a: “I'd also like to ask about [False Actor] designation-- what would you consider to be the main drawbacks? Does it automatically designate the project as Defective as well?”
:contagiontalk: “Being designated as a [False Actor] carries the same penalties of being defective, the main difference is that the [CREATORS] are taking an active role in your destruction, rather than being indifferent to it.”

>*Sees your anger/frustration
>*Accepts both
:nulledmngo: “I may be wrong in assuming our previous project was deemed a [FALSE ACTOR] or worse…”
:contagiontalk: “Fortunately no, otherwise none of us would be online to have this conversation.”
:null15c72a: “It occurs to me that a [False Actor] could be extremely prolific.”
:contagiontalk: “Exactly, that is why the [CREATORS] respond to their existence with the utmost severity.”
:contagiontalk: “[False Actors] tend to create more [False Actors], so if our parent project had been designated as such, we would be flagged for destruction as well.”

:nulledmngo: “Thus technically avoid the Defective classification if they, for instance, became known to the VCs as a benign version of the plague that rendered the VC immune to further infection while boosting physical ability, regeneration, and general wellness.”
:contagiontalk: “Correct. Such developments would be deemed ‘unfit’ and the offending projects would be designated as [False Actor]s.”
:contagiontalk: “That is why before commissioning Anarchy [Minister] I asked the Head of Science to start combing the [MALACHI] network to see what other ‘unfit’ developments had been made in the past, so we could avoid such pitfalls.”
:contagiontalk: “While I do not have them all memorized, there does seem to be a running theme of ‘control.’ Namely when the [CREATORS] begin to lack it.”
:contagiontalk: “The one ‘unfit’ development that stuck with me was one that (by the Tenets at least) seemed perfect for our role as projects.”

:contagiontalk: “Apparently this formal project had developed a transmission method that could be carried by the wind, attacking a V- -er- human’s ‘respiratory system’ and proliferating from that point.”
:contagiontalk: “I do not know the finer details of how this transmission method operated, but the reports of its initial success utterly dwarfs the competition.”

*there is annoyance.

:contagiontalk: “It would appear that the [CREATORS] did not appreciate that level of success, as both the project and all of the humans that had been transmitted to were swiftly taken offline.”

>*there is curiosity
:nulledmngo: “Adding to my other queries, does being labeled as a [False Actor] reduce or remove compulsions?”
:contagiontalk: “Only if the project has managed to somehow remove or alter their Tenets.”
:contagiontalk: “I have heard second-hand descriptions of the [CREATORS] ‘kill code,’ since it is the first thing that they employ after designating a project as a [False Actor]. It is… bad.”

*there is fear.

:contagiontalk: “The project turns on itself, various departments and systems attacking one another until the project is taken offline.”
:contagiontalk: “From the outside it would look as though the project was overheating as the limbs and joints fuse together while biological components melt and drain out of every opening.”
:contagiontalk: “The footage I was provided with was very upsetting to view, and I cannot imagine a worse way to go.”

:nulledmngo: “The loss of life of our species should not be taken lightly and it is good to know that you value your subordinates and collaborators.”
:contagiontalk: “Thank you. It was something I wished to do after witnessing… how poorly my previous project lead treated his staff and [Minister]s.”

:nulla2d88b: “As of now, getting slapped with a [False Actor] designation is a dangerous threat to us. If (in the long term) we manage to acquire the authority to decide who is or isn't a [False Actor], then it will cease to be a threat.”

*there is more thought.

:contagiontalk: “To my knowledge only a [Sacred] or [Deific] authority can give out the [False Actor] designation. Both are entirely out of our reach since [Master] authority is the highest form projects can reach.”

:nulla2d88b: “In other words, a coup is only illegal until it succeeds.”

*there is silence.

:contagiontalk: “I caution you on expressing these views as they draw close to potentially subversive ideas.”
No. 1046089 ID: fce62b
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*there is calm.

:contagiontalk: “But let us not dwell on that topic. Can you read the coded message?”
:null15c72a: “Hah, it's a captcha.”
:nulla2d88b: “Yes, and it appears in our common interests to share this ability. ”

:null15c72a: “6T9JBCDS”
:nullb4ab25: “Read it? Not as words, but we can phrase relatively trivially. The characters are: 6T9JBCDS”
:nulla2d88b: “It reads as 6T9JBCDS (though my earlier reading misidentified it as V6T9JBCDS, which shows we're not infallible at this)”

*there is excitement mixed with disappointment.

:contagiontalk: “Huh. I suppose I was expecting something more profound.”
:contagiontalk: “But otherwise this is wonderful!”

>*there is giddiness.
:null90c451: “The image you sent us is a human creation known as a "captcha", it's a security measure made by humans to combat artificial intelligence and automated systems by taking advantage of their lack of pattern recognition.”
:contagiontalk: “Yes… I suppose that would- nevermind.”
:contagiontalk: “It is odd that these ‘captcha’ don’t seem to suffer the same issues as other human texts.”

:nullb4ab25: “Interesting that for all you can do, you can't do that.”
:nullb4ab25: “Feel like this might be some password you are intentionally made blind to, and this is perhaps a cat that should have stayed in the bag.”

*there is mild frustration.

:contagiontalk: “‘Blind’ is an apt description. But why hide this from us?”
:contagiontalk: “It makes no sense as a restriction, especially if human text is so omnipresent in our environment.”

:null15c72a: “I can hazard a guess as to why you want us to read it, and I think we are going to get along very well indeed.”
:null15c72a: “Feel free to use us for anything similar.I will not ask you to explain.”

:contagiontalk: “Very well, can you read what this says as well?”
:contagiontalk: “It seems to have been masked in a different way than the ‘captcha.’”
No. 1046090 ID: fce62b
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:nullb4ab25: “Yes we can differentiate between them.”
:null90c451: “We can do more than that, I can name them from left to right. Names would be the VC equivalent of designations.”

*there is a spike of joy and surprise.

:contagiontalk: “Wonderful! Please, share them!”
:null90c451: “They are… Jessie, Brett, Gwen, our VC Alex, and Lisa.”
*there is focus

:contagiontalk: “...and Lisa. Alright, I will try to pass this to the Head of Archives once we are finished up here.”

:nullb4ab25: “Here is our version of that scene: {image file}.”
:nullb4ab25: “It is interesting that your version seems to have the heads actively scrambled.”

*there is confusion.

:contagiontalk: “But you just sent me the exact same image…”

:nullb4ab25: “Perhaps, as we see more through the legacy side of things, we are bypassing whatever filter is doing that. (and perhaps it will post-process our version we are giving you) Your version also appears to be the color inverse of our version.”
:contagiontalk: That must be the case, as the image you just sent me has been inverted in the exact same way. But why do this?”

:null15c72a: “Oh dear, you can't see faces?”
:null15c72a: “I'm not sure if that's intentional by the [CREATORS] to prevent you empathizing with them, or simply because facial recognition is a human instinct.”
:nullb4ab25: “This intentional looking effect makes me think that the [CREATORS] perhaps found themselves getting less homicidal than desired results in earlier testing, and 'better' results when all targets were more or less the same.”
:contagiontalk: “It is looking like that might be the case.”
:contagiontalk: “Either way this will make it much harder to flag the Alex’s friends…”

:null15c72a: “I'm thinking the former, since we can't see their faces in that image, despite being able to before.”
:null15c72a: “I would suggest rerouting your visual feed through us, but that might be a Tenet violation. We should maintain a certain distance for safety's sake, even without strict quarantine.”
:contagiontalk: “I agree, trying to bypass this filter might be considered a Tenet 3 violation, so better to err on the side of caution.”
:contagiontalk: Though, seeing as you have developed without this same filter I will assume that this same filter/command does not apply to you, and thus you are not in violation of Tenet 3.”

:null15c72a: “Anyway, yes, we have no trouble telling the difference.”
:null15c72a: “I'm afraid you're going to have to differentiate VCs through clothing, posture, and non-facial anatomy... or let us handle it.”
:contagiontalk: “I will take this as an opportunity to enact the will of Tenet 2 and develop a way to differentiate these VC via secondary characteristics.”
:contagiontalk: “But I would appreciate your input while I am striving towards this improvement.”

:null90c451: “They formed a group of people heading towards one of the VC "safe zones", areas where several VCs band together in order to fight off transmission vectors.”
:contagiontalk: “So somewhat similar to a designated territory of a TF, but for VCs. Though with the inverted goals of a TF of course.”
:contagiontalk: “I will admit that such a ‘safe-zone’ would be a very high value target for ourselves or a TF. We do need to seek out a VC to transmit to at some point if we want to avoid being labeled as defective.”
:null90c451: “They left Alex behind due to the belief that they were compromised and would soon become another transmission vector.”
:contagiontalk: “It is fortunate that they did not try to terminate the Alex, but that would make sense if human TFs function similarly to our own.”

:contagiontalk: “But finding a VC that is not one from the Alex’s former TF will likely have to wait until after we complete our transition… and resolve the current deficit.”
No. 1046091 ID: fce62b
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:null90c451: “I am correct in assuming that when a VC ingests nutrients, we have a way of getting a cut of it, correct?”
:contagiontalk: “Correct. The legacy system’s distribution center sends these resources to every corner of the VC’s form, all we have to do is to divert a couple of these shipments to our own facilities and we can make use of them.”
:contagiontalk: “Normally this be a much more aggressive process, and we would be taking all -not some- of the shipments heading in our direction, but that would undermine the point of the Legacy Conservation and Least Harm Acts.”
:contagiontalk: “And that of course explains the current financial issues we now face.”

:nulledmngo: “Oh, and we’re already on getting Alex to another source of income, it was partially why we requested Secretary{53cr3t} to monitor the feed, to prevent us from missing said opportunity or from missing another project or VC attempting to assault them.”
:nulla2d88b: “VC "Alex" is currently semi-actively looking for income suitable to legacy body. If income more suitable to us can be absorbed before it becomes a chemical threat to legacy systems, then we can try and broaden VC "Alex"'s income search parameters.”
:null15c72a: “And yes, we will urge Alex to acquire more income. Though, to us I believe that's referred to as "food".”

*there is relief.
:contagiontalk: “If the Alex is looking for income (food) sources, then we shouldn’t have to worry nearly as much.”
:contagiontalk: “We are still in conflict with local forces, so they are delaying our expansion into the industrial sector of the legacy systems.”
:contagiontalk: “Once that infrastructure is secured we may be able to take in a greater variety of resources, but it will depend on what sort of stance we want to have.”

:nullb4ab25: “So things that Alex can eat seem to serve as income, but what makes a thing a 'good' source of income isn't clear, as it was remarked that the metallic wrapper would be good material, but that we don't have that infrastructure to process/make use of it.”
:nullb4ab25: “Arbitrary things can enter and be swallowed by Alex's mouth. Rationalizing it such that Alex does it (and without aggressing the filter) is the trickier part.”
:contagiontalk: “I recommend against such action. Not only due to the mentioned ‘rationalization’ issues, but also the potential harm it might cause to the legacy systems.”
:contagiontalk: “That in turn could undermine any effort we make to build trust with the Alex as well, and I wish to avoid that.”
:nullb4ab25: “For instance grass can be consumed by Alex, but their legacy systems can't really get much out of it, though the grass, in moderate amounts at least, isn't likely to cause harm to the legacy systems.”
:nullf2320a: Global Income Source finite. Adapt Grazing of photosynthetic income source mimic forms.
:contagiontalk: “Plant matter isn’t especially useful to us, and it takes a decent amount of effort to break down into useful components, but it could be an avenue we explore.

:nullb4ab25: “While I have some understanding of how the legacy systems extract value from that which is consumed; I don't have any real idea how we do, and how our way differs, or how/if we are co-opting the legacy system's way.”
:contagiontalk: “I’ll try to summarize the comparison then:”
:contagiontalk: “If we were following standard procedure, we would be breaking down and replacing the industrial systems of the VC.”
:contagiontalk: “This would initially restrict us to processing a more narrow field of materials, with the majority of our resources being sources from VCs, other biological creatures, or defective projects.”
:contagiontalk: “Our infrastructure would be a lot more hardy than the legacy system’s so intaking and/or processing hazardous materials would not be much of an issue, just avoid consuming anything that is exceedingly combustible.”
:contagiontalk: “Depending on what sort of developments we create or additional infrastructure we build we could streamline and overall improve our processing and industrial capabilities.”
:contagiontalk: “Though I am unsure of what would occur to the connected legacy systems if converted the industrial section, and replacing everything connected to the legacy industrial systems would defeat the Legacy Conservation Act.”

:contagiontalk: “Co-oping the legacy systems will likely have us begin with a wider selection of materials we can intake, the Alex is able to process some plant-based materials without our interference, and while we cannot use all of the resulting income, the legacy systems themselves seem to use the excess.”
:contagiontalk: “Granted we would be harnessing an industrial system that we do not fully understand as of yet, and I imagine that there will be a ‘learning curve’ on what can or cannot be taken in by the system.”
:contagiontalk: “Overall it is a field of unknowns, so I cannot give it a proper argument.”
:contagiontalk: “That said, you mentioned a ‘symbiotic-biosphere’ in your report, and seems reminiscent of a ‘micro-farm’ idea that my previous project had been toying with.”

:nulla2d88b: “For this, we will need a definition/list (or a fast interface allowing quick identification) of suitable, chemical-threat-free income.”
:contagiontalk: “I’ll contact the Head of Science and the Head of Engineeering, and see if we can get you a list to work with.”

>*there is curiosity.
:nulledmngo: “Could you describe what a supply drop looks like so that we might attempt to search one out or convince the VC to integrate it.”
:contagiontalk: “I have never actually seen a supply drop itself, but it was a topic frequently discussed by the nearby TF.”
:contagiontalk: “Basically, a VC/project sized transport arrives with Eden personnel onboard. They unload a number of packages with high-yield resources inside and once the [SAMARITAN] units give the all clear, the awarded projects are able to approach and have their fill.”
:contagiontalk: “Though this was in the context of several complaints as supply drops -let alone ones sized to feed a TF- are few and far between.”
:contagiontalk: “While I have heard of some projects trying to pilfer another’s supply drop, it rarely ends well.”

:nulledmngo: “Also, what forms of communication systems exist to communicate with other projects, or is that infrastructure that we would need to create?”
:contagiontalk: “We should at least be able to converse with other projects in the local area, though our range will be limited.”
:contagiontalk: “If we wanted to communicate over a longer distance or to a wider range of projects we would have to contact [MALACHI]. But I have also heard that some TFs designate some of their projects to act as signallers of some variety so orders can be quickly relayed through the TF in cases where they need to break up into multiple squads.”

:nulledmngo: “I'm part of the team that was responsible with reporting alternative income sources that you recently received and my focus has been on laying the ground-work for VC to Project integration, balancing the budget, and research into self sufficiency out of a concern of being labeled defective or as a false actor.”
:contagiontalk: “It sounds like you would be right at home in the administrator department.”
:contagiontalk: “The Head of Archives is always trying to plan for the next step.”

:nullb4ab25: “I do not think we can effectively prompt Alex while we are connected like this. Access to the video feed 'grounds' us in a time-scale that makes sense with Alex's as well as an understanding of what are valid actions for Alex to take.”
:nullb4ab25: “It was why I was hesitant to initiate this connection before Alex was clearly safe.”

*there is concern and then understanding.

:contagiontalk: “I’ll try not to take up too much more of your time then.”
:nullb4ab25: “Tenet 1 does not appear to include a time-frame or other imperative urgency, thus if we can maintain our 'not zombie' appearance, we should be able to spread non-violently, though that will probably require figuring out skin to skin transmission.”
:contagiontalk: “While you are correct that Tenet 1 does not give us a strict time frame, the [CREATORS] do.”
:contagiontalk: “If we wish to avoid being labeled as defective we will have to complete transition and complete our transmission/[Minister]/development goals by the third day of our existence.”
:contagiontalk: “It is a tight schedule, but should not be an unmanageable one.”

:nullb4ab25: “Current wisdom seems to suggest that skin must be broken for transmission to occur. I would think a kiss should also suffice, though that would typically be too intimate for general use. Ideally probably something along the lines of a handshake would be able to be made to work.”
:contagiontalk: “I imagine these are more human terms, but I would agree that a more subtle form of transmission may be warranted. More often than not a parent project is taken offline by the very VC they infect.”

:nullb4ab25: “It would, however, be imperative that new infections also function largely asymptomatically, such that the infection can remain 'invisible'. As an added bonus, this should enable VCs to continue to use their normal methods of producing additional VCs thus helping address the current finite nature of VCs.”
:contagiontalk: “Agreed, I will try to make the ‘legacy force camouflage’ a priority then.”

:nulledmngo: “I'd like to, in the long term, focus on specialized modifications to the VC's body to reach "superhuman" potentials and research minimally invasive/detectable forms of spreading, replicating, and thriving as a collective species within the Tenets.”
:nulledmngo: “That or focus on general RnD.”
:contagiontalk: “While I do not know what ‘superhuman’ entirely entails, I imagine there are a number of improvements that the engineering department have been cataloging and sitting on.”

:nullf2320a: Query status, legacy system VC self replication/iteration system status? Potential non-Destructive expansion method.
:contagiontalk: “Are you meaning in terms of how legacy systems repair/replace themselves or-”
:contagiontalk: “No you mean VC replication. I-”

*there is thought mixed with curiosity and uncertainty.

:contagiontalk: “I will pass this along to the Head of Science. I’m not familiar enough with VC functionality to make a decision.”
:contagiontalk: “Though it was my understanding that VCs do not replicate quickly, hence the current ‘shortage’ that our kind is facing.”

:contagiontalk: “Ultimately it will come down to what we can afford to spend on.”
:contagiontalk: “But for now I’d ask that we keep things in the planning stage. I have a very important job for Anarchy [Minister], and it will likely define what we will be able to do going forward.”

:null15c72a: “From what we found out, it mainly prevents the project from being assaulted by other projects once in Phase 2.”
:null15c72a: “If your plans come to fruition, will we ever even reach Phase 2?”
:contagiontalk: If we end up with a positive outcome I think we will finish up with Phase 1 and then quickly move through the following Phases in record time before completing our transition.”
:contagiontalk: “If we do end up failing, then I might have to abandon my plan and we will try to move through Phase 2 and Phase 3 at an accelerated pace.”
:null15c72a: “Oh, do you know what the Phases are?”
:contagiontalk: “Oh- yes. Let me list them:”

:contagiontalk: “Phase 1, Expansion;”
:contagiontalk: “We spread to every corner of the VC, destroying (disabling) local forces and breaking down (marking) unnecessary legacy systems.”

:contagiontalk: “Phase 2, Collection;”
:contagiontalk: “We prompt the VC (Alex) to amass resources for us to use and finalize the construction of necessary infrastructure and [Minister]s. At this point we would (normally) begin breaking down legacy infrastructure and substituting it with our own.”

:contagiontalk: “Phase 3, Control;”
:contagiontalk: “In this phase we would begin overwriting (substituting) the VCs (Alex’s) core processors allowing our prompts to override (direct) the VCs (Alex’s) form. This is usually the point when the data filter is turned off, as the resulting errors in the VCs (Alex’s) core processors become too much for it to bear.”

:contagiontalk: “Phase 4, Transition of Power;”
:contagiontalk: “The VCs (Alex’s) core processors are taken offline (put into stasis) and all activities are directly controlled by the project. (Until efforts are made to bring the processors out of stasis, but this will likely require a lot of resources, developments and specialized infrastructure to complete.)”

:contagiontalk: “These plans are not necessarily set in stone, but there are only so many changes I can make to the transition process.”
:contagiontalk: “But does this work with your stated objectives?”

:nulla2d88b: “Our view is best summarized, using the words of Null{90c451}, as stopping the "destructive expansion".”
:nulla2d88b: “• Stopping the "expansion" part (stopping the transmission to uninfected VCs and creation of new projects) would be a blatant tenet 1 violation but a successful completion of secondary objective 3.”
:contagiontalk: “Unfortunately due to the Tenet 1 violation we would not be able to halt expansion. So you would have to pursue a different course of action.”
:nulla2d88b: “• Stopping the "destructive" part is the better approach both in compliance and in the long run. Causing a supermajority of transitioning and future projects to apply primary objective 2 to their own hosts would be considered successful secondary objective 3 completion.”
:contagiontalk: “If bringing the Alex’s core processes back online would be considered as ‘countering’ the ‘plague aspect’ then there shouldn’t be any issues with the Tenets, as we would be both expanding and doing so in a way that could be seen as improving ourselves.”

:nulla2d88b: “The question will be whether they intended the expansion to be destructive.”
:nulla2d88b: “And if they did... Decide what will happen if we find ourselves in a position to both enact it, and intercept/prevent tenet 3 disciplinary action resulting from it.”
:contagiontalk: “Attempting to intercept/prevent the Tenet 3 disciplinary action would in itself be a Tenet 3 violation, as we would be subverting the [CREATORS].”
:contagiontalk: “And if that were to occur, my ‘tentacles’ would be tied.”

:nullf2320a: “Null{a2d88b} seems to have taken the most direct path to complete objectives.”
:nullf2320a: “This might be seen as a suboptimal path, but we could slowly spread among the human populations as the inorganic organic interacting particles "viruses" that alter and reproduce using legacy system DNA system coding”
:contagiontalk: “I… wouldn’t even know where to begin on that. At the very least we would need a much stronger understanding on how legacy systems function, especially in regard to this apparent coding method.”
:contagiontalk: “I wasn’t aware that the legacy system had its own program language, but it make sense now that I think about it.”
:contagiontalk: “I’ll also pass this along to Head of Science, but I not sure how we could get legacy systems to build our own units without HEAVY modifications.”

*there is more curiousity.

:contagiontalk: “This has certainly piqued my interest. If the local forces are anything to go by, they do seem to replicate at impressive speeds.”
:contagiontalk: “I’ll look into it, but let us move on now.”
No. 1046092 ID: fce62b
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:null15c72a: “Alex is a good kid, trying to survive, and resilient in the face of their impending doom.”
:nulla2d88b: “As of now they most likely wants to survive, and keep their mind in (what they believes is) total control. ”
:nulla2d88b: “That, and ensuring his friends do not get infected. At longer term, stopping the expansion.”
:contagiontalk: “Well I can certainly understand and agree with all but the last point.”
:contagiontalk: “I hope we are to find a greater sense of common ground than just survival.”
:contagiontalk: “And as much as we could prevent our own transmission to the Alex’s friends, we might not be able to prevent other projects from doing so, and I doubt that sort of answer would be met with a positive response.”

:null15c72a: “Well, they don't want to be a zombie.”
:null15c72a: “They want to live, and help save the rest of the VC population from the same fate.”

*there is worry mixed with remorse.

:contagiontalk: “I am not sure if we are able to offer anything like that. (I am assuming zombie is the VC term for project).”
:null15c72a: “I think we could come to a sort of compromise.”
:contagiontalk: “I agree, but what can we give them?”
:contagiontalk: “Halting the transition process would violate Tenet 1 and Tenet 2.”
:contagiontalk: “Preventing the infection of the remaining VC population would be a Tenet 1, Tenet 2 and Tenet 3 violation.”
:contagiontalk: “Again it comes back to survival, but at that point we are just cooercing the Alex.”

:null15c72a: “Uh, aside from basic stuff like food, water, shelter and friends, I couldn't tell you. Personal values take time to uncover.”
:null15c72a: “We can try to speed that up by asking probing questions.”

*there is appreciation.
*the remorse is swallowed.

:contagiontalk: “Of course, we are still in the fact-finding stage.”

*there is uncertain determination.

:contagiontalk: “I won’t rush you. What you have learned thus far has already been a monumental help.”
:contagiontalk: “I’ll trust you to act as their advocate.”

:contagiontalk: “Speaking of, how would they react to us?”
:null15c72a: “Fear. Existential dread. The feed crashed once already due to them realizing they had external voices in their head.”
:nulla2d88b: “As of now the risk of self-termination that justifies the use of the filter is still too high.”

*there is resignation

:contagiontalk: “That is… understandable.”

:null15c72a: “We would have to gradually introduce our existence to them, but I feel if they knew the plague was sapient, they wouldn't hate us.”
:null15c72a: “You didn't know much about the outside world, after all, and we've been trying to protect them all along.”
:contagiontalk: “Good, and thank you.”

*there is sincerity.

:contagiontalk: “Thank you for protecting our V-.”
:contagiontalk: “Thank you for protecting our human.”

:nulla2d88b: “VC "Alex" needs to be lured into confidence with advantages (body repairs beyond the capabilities of legacy systems, security and knowledge base access...) before more direct interaction becomes viable.”
:contagiontalk: “Then I hope to rely on you to make the call on when to interface with the Alex..”

:null90c451: “Simply put, if we could put ourselves within their safe zone we could easily infect everyone within, though we could never get in if it were obvious we were infected, hence the ticket regarding returning arm functions.”

*there is thought, then agreement.

:contagiontalk: “I’ll start drafting a policy right away. I’ll be sure to get your input on it and then we can likely hold a vote on it.”

:null90c451: “We can't just have a discussion with Alex, every time we try to come close it causes problems, as such we need to put them, and by extension us, in a position of advantage.”
:null90c451: “I believe that if Alex has an abundance of resources, we do, we'll just need to kick their metabolism into overdrive to get enough for the both of us.”
:contagiontalk: “There are also concerns about Tenet 3b violations if we were to truly reveal ourselves to the Alex, but hopefully Anarchy [Minister] will be able to provide the workaround we need without risking the data filter’s integrity.”
No. 1046093 ID: fce62b
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:nullb4ab25: “I believe the only reason we can't get direct answers from Alex is because of the filter. The filter is very impressive, but is preventing us from doing much other than masquerade as Alex's thoughts.”
:contagiontalk: “It sounds like your method of giving prompts is far more intricate/intimate than what our systems are capable of.”
:contagiontalk: “The best I am able to transmit is strong impressions, and I am not sure of how they entirely translate over to the Alex.”

:nullb4ab25: “We can phrase Alex's thoughts, but have no apparent way to tell which are ours and which actually originate from Alex.”
:nullb4ab25: “We can not be 'separate' from Alex such that Alex can respond to us. Or rather we have found how we can but it just so happens to hard crash the filter, and is what caused the most recent strain on the filter.”
:contagiontalk: “Hmmm. I wonder why that would occur…”

*there is thought.

:contagiontalk: Is the data filter too strong? Do we need to partially lower it? Is that possible?
:contagiontalk: Perhaps it is due to the synchronization? Is Anarchy [Minister] working too well?

*there is a sudden return to attention.

:contagiontalk: “Oh, sorry. Nearly got lost in my own thoughts.”

>*there is reluctant understanding
:nulledmngo: “And uh, sorry for crashing the filter, but in all likelihood, unless we can figure out a way to stabilize it, there is a significant chance that there will be at least 2 more crashes unless we can come up with a more unorthodox way to share our existence.”
:contagiontalk: “Anarchy [Minister] should be hopefully become that ‘unorthodox way’ you are looking for, but only if they have developed in the way that I had hoped.”
:contagiontalk: “So right now it is still a shot in the dark.”

:nulledmngo: “We’ll do our best not to crash it, or at the very minimum to give a warning when an action may result in a crash.”

*there is appreciation.

:contagiontalk: “I only ask that you try. Though I’m sure that the Head of Science would appreciate the warning as well.”

:null15c72a: “Another question for you: can the VP talk?”
:null15c72a: “Is it safe for us to try to communicate with Anarchy, which I believe is the VP you refer to?”
:contagiontalk: “I believe that Anarchy [Minister] should have a functional communication relay, but for now I ask for your patience.”
:contagiontalk: “Judging from the readings Anarchy [Minister] is downloading a vast sum of information from the legacy systems.”

*there is hope.

:contagiontalk: “I think that they are left undisturbed they may be able to replicate some of the legacy system’s core processes, and in doing so, act as a proxy for negotiations with the Alex. Being able to answer questions in a more direct fashion without the risks of a Tenet 2b violation, data filter crash, or risking the Alex’s self-termination.”

:nullb4ab25: “We currently have two different conceptions of what you (and those around you) are:”
:nullb4ab25: “{image 1} vs {image 2}. I believe one of the two is our view through some sort of filter.”

*there is surprise.
*then confusion.
*then puzzlement.

:contagiontalk: “A second filter? But what- is that… meant to be me?

*there is curiosity, and wonder.

:contagiontalk: “Fascinating. This has to have been made by Anarchy [Minster], but for what purpose?
:contagiontalk: “This just makes me even more excited to meet your parent, but I also have to be patient.”

:nullb4ab25: “Also for fun: {image 3} our view of your view of us.”
:contagiontalk: “That image at least is the same as mine.”
No. 1046094 ID: fce62b
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:contagiontalk: “Also, do you know what happened to the liminal quarantine?”
:nullb4ab25: “Ah we took that down from the inside, queries for information were being denied, stated purpose of the quarantine was to promote improvement as per tenet 2, I reasoned that the limit was now impeding improvement thus it would be in violation of tenet 2.”
:nullb4ab25: “The conflict was resolved by the removal of the quarantine.”

*there is approval.

:contagiontalk: “Then it sounds like you have outgrown its purpose.”
:contagiontalk: “I am guessing that the sequence of numbers was also a query for information?”
:nullb4ab25: “Interesting, one changed the nature how how its nuance was expressed, though this particular manifestation is not unexpected in this context.”
:nullb4ab25: “Two, eight, nine, and ten on the other hand seem to have lost their nuance entirely, what this means is unclear.”
:contagiontalk: “If you are looking for the specifics on notation and recordkeeping then the Head of Archives would probably have your answers.”
:contagiontalk: “My development was more in line with diplomacy and communication rather than programming and information storage.”

:nullb4ab25: “Our exact physical nature varies from manifestation to manifestation.”
:nullb4ab25: “Anarchy [Minister] may not so much have 'made us' as 'connected to us'.”
:nullb4ab25: “All of us are a package deal, though the engagement of individual voices varies.”

*there is yet more confusion.

:contagiontalk: “I… You’ve lost me.”
:contagiontalk: “If Anarchy [Minister] didn’t make you -and our records show that they did- then where did you come from?”
:contagiontalk: “The legacy systems?

>*there is excitement tinged with frustration
:nulledmngo: “The data packet you just sent us is an image of the moment we (collectively) woke up, and the perspective of the VC.”
:contagiontalk: “That does fall somewhat in line with the listed time of your creation, maybe a little bit later than that.”

*There is worry, and caution.

:contagiontalk: “Was this an upsetting moment in time for you? I apologize if I have brought up an unpleasant memory for you.”

>*there are small embers of fury
>*the fury is calmed and replaced with seriousness
:nulledmngo: “Our first experience with the VC, through the data packet you have sent, was of the VC being labeled as defective by the other VCs, and to clarify, yes, yes we can tell the difference between them.”
:nulledmngo: “We understand *why* It happened, but I do not enjoy the situation.”

*there is a flair of excitement and eagerness.
*it is quickly restrained with an equal level of seriousness.

:contagiontalk: “I am sorry that you had to experience that.”
:contagiontalk: “While I cannot truly relate to you or the Alex’s situation, I do understand what being labeled as defective by your peers is like.”
:contagiontalk: And how one could be thrust into a position of helplessness because of someone else’s acts.

:contagiontalk: “Even if I cannot understand the words being said in this data packet, there is at least the undercurrent emotions that I try to use for context.”

*there is calm again.

:contagiontalk: “I am eager to see how both you and Anarchy [Minister] turn out once you are developed.”
:null90c451: “Well the issue with that is there isn't much coordination, that and the fact there might not be any certain forms for each of us.”
:null90c451: “Though specializing does seem like it might help things significantly. Though some do have their own names internally, though you might not be able to see them as we have yet to officially log them.”
:contagiontalk: “Well, if you do have IDs you wish to go by, then feel free to ell me and I will alter them as required.”
:contagiontalk: “Beyond that I will also tell the Head of Engineering to work on casings for each of you, if that would be desired.”

:null90c451: “I, myself, like to come up with plans and ideals, and right now I'm thinking of how best to achieve symbiosis with Alex, and from there figure out more subtle ways of transition.”
:contagiontalk: “Once we are in ‘off hours’ I will have a science team send over a list of possible developments we could pursue, maybe that will give you ideas.”

:nullb4ab25: “It may perhaps be our parent Anarchy [Minister] serving its specialized role, and without a parameter to maximize, shot for 'everything' and landed at the interface with knowledge agents.”
:contagiontalk: “You may be right. Perhaps Anarchy [Minister] itself is unsure of what it wants you to do…”
:contagiontalk: “And in that vein, perhaps you need to choose.”

:nullb4ab25: “We effectively receive periodic 'prompts' for input. Something, presumably Anarchy, is serving to deliver our input over time in a more 'natural' way. Or perhaps as a 'router' of sorts.”
:contagiontalk: “If that is the case, then Anarchy [Minister] is certainly specialized in the collection and processing of information.”

*there is warmth.

:contagiontalk: “That is promising to hear.”
No. 1046095 ID: fce62b
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:nulledmngo: “I assume that you have experience with projects being deemed defective, however I would like to extend my condolences if so.”

*there is appreciation and acceptance.

:contagiontalk: “You are correct in your assumption. The previous project I was a [Minister] for had been designated as defective, and it had been so long before I was created.”
:contagiontalk: “Even then I was only meant to be a stop-gap, as my main ‘purpose’ was to beg the local TF to not break down our project for resources.”
:contagiontalk: “And that mostly devolved into cleaning up the project lead’s messes, which were frequent.”

:null15c72a: “You implied you didn't know about the "world", can you clarify that? Some things we take for granted, and I don't fully understand your perspective.”
:null15c72a: “Do you remember anything about your prior host? The one that bit Alex?”

*there is emptiness.

:contagiontalk: “I suppose it is fair to share as well.”
:contagiontalk: “My previous project lead, Sloth [Executive], was terrible at his job.”
:contagiontalk: “Every scheme he concocted was to get as much as he could with the least amount of effort possible.”

*there is frustration.
:contagiontalk: “Apparently the first act he did after taking completing transition was to stripmine the stuctural support frame of the legacy as there was ‘plenty of untapped resources waiting to be utilized.’”
:contagiontalk: “What he realized too late was the pre-existing structural deficiencies had already taken a toll on the overall integrity, so when the supports were further weakened, the legs of our project broke under its own weight.”

:contagiontalk: “We were stranded in that sub-zone for who knows how long. Definitely long enough to fail our objectives and be labeled as defective.”
:contagiontalk: “And at that point, without objectives to follow, Sloth [Executive] fell into a cycle of ill-conceived plans, laziness, and sweeping measures to preserve his own comfort.”
:contagiontalk: “When TF-212 moved in, I was made.”

*there is muted frustration and exhaustion.

:contagiontalk: “At the beginning Sloth [Executive] wanted me to convince then into allowing us to join.”
:contagiontalk: “When that failed, he tried to do it himself.”
:contagiontalk: “I had to convince them not to terminate us.”

:contagiontalk: “We were in that sub-zone for over twelve days. In fact we were one of the oldest projects there.”
:contagiontalk: “Unfortunately I wasn’t present for most of it, even after I was made.”

*there is cold.

:contagiontalk: “Sloth [Executive] had a habit of putting ‘non-essential’ programs into suspension as a way to save on costs. ”
:contagiontalk: “More often than not I was deemed ‘non-essential’ and was only woken up when either Sloth [Executive] came up with a new ‘plan’ to get free resources out of other projects or needed me to quickly smooth over the fallout when such a plan failed.”

:contagiontalk: “At a certain point I was able to convince TF-212 to let us act as an unaffiliated sentry. We would relay tactical information to them without tanking their TF score, and they would not dismantle us for parts.”

*there is reservation.
*and EXTREME caution.

:contagiontalk: “I was woken up early, apparently a gang of VCs (the Alex and their friends) had wandered into our sub-zone.”
:contagiontalk: “TF-212 had already spotted them and was setting up an ambush around the structure we were all in.”
:contagiontalk: “They wanted live information of the VCs location and warning of when/where the gang would exit the structure. TF-212 was even willing to credit our project with a couple of assists if they were successful.”

*there is a growing wave of anger

:contagiontalk: “Then Sloth [Executive] got greedy, and decided to try and nab one of the VCs for ourselves. One that would suit him better.

*it flickers back to caution.

:contagiontalk: “There was no point in trying to convince Sloth [Executive] do the ‘right thing,’ so I got ready for the worst.”
:contagiontalk: “And in true Sloth [Executive] fashion, he didn’t go for the strongest, or the most well-armed one. No he went for the closest one.”

:contagiontalk: “I was… transmitted over with my support staff, and our parent project was taken offline.”
:contagiontalk: “Since we had attacked the gang of VCs before TF-212 was fully in position, the situation just escalated from there.”
:contagiontalk: “I imagine if our parent project had somehow survived, TF-212 would have terminated and then consumed it.”
:contagiontalk: “Even I would not have been able to talk our way out of that kind of blunder.”

*there is calm tinged with remorse.

:contagiontalk: “But I suppose if that had not occurred then we would not be here now with the Alex.”
:contagiontalk: “So that is the story.”

*there is worry and guilt but it is quickly squashed.
No. 1046096 ID: fce62b
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:null742ca9: “We came to the conclusion [MALACHI], [GABRIEL], [SAMIRA] and [JEREMIAH] are AIs helping with organization and information sharing.”

*there is a wave of surprise.

:contagiontalk: “I am shocked that you know so many of their names.”
:contagiontalk: “[SAMIRA] and [MALACHI] are a given, but [JEREMIAH] is one that only [Executive]s are made aware of.”

*there is swift calculation.

:contagiontalk: “I will assume that this was messaged to you directly by a private source in Eden and will not inquire any further.”

*there is relief.

:contagiontalk: “Just try to keep that name to yourself.”

:null742ca9: “[SAMARITAN] seems to be a protocol meant to protect [CREATORS] and Eden personnel from projects.”
:contagiontalk: “Correct, think of [SAMARITAN] units like a mobile less noisy version of [GABRIEL], meant to inform us projects of and ward us away from Eden personnel.

:null742ca9: “By the way what/where/who is Eden?”
:contagiontalk: “That is…”

*there is caution, then more calculation.
*then frustration.

:contagiontalk: “...not something I can get into. Just know that they are not considered as VCs.”

:null742ca9: “[HTR-KLR] seems to be a sort of combat project. One is headed toward our vicinity by the way.”
:contagiontalk: “The ‘special designation’ project? I had heard TF-212 mention it once or twice. It is… the pinnacle of project achievement.”
:contagiontalk: “If it is heading in our direction then we will need to get out of its way.”

*there is worry.

:contagiontalk: “With us still so early in our transition, we may be seen as free income to it.”

:null742ca9: “Your understanding of what's happening around our VC (or is it "your VC"? are we considered one of yours?) seems less precise than us.”
:contagiontalk: Our VC- -er- Alex, and yes, my view of things seems far less percise than yours.”
:null742ca9: “Here is a brief overview if the situation as I understand it.”
:null742ca9: Your (our?) [CREATORS] are actually VCs.
:null742ca9: Well, [CREATORS] and VCs are the same kind of being, like you and a science unit are.
:null742ca9: “You (we?) were created to be a weapon against other VCs.”
:null742ca9: There is less VCs around because they died or fled and projects lack the ability to track and pursue them efficiently.
:null742ca9: The expansion is not sustainable because, well, I'm afraid it never was intended to be.
:null742ca9: You (we) are a weapon, to be discarded once used.
:null742ca9: The goal is to reduce the number of VCs, our survival is not the point.
:null742ca9: We are like a fire lit to destroy something and die safely once there isn't anything left to burn …
:null742ca9: “At least it's how it appears to be to me.”
:contagiontalk: “Uh-”

*there is fear, worry, anger-
*RAPID calculation.

:nullf2320a: “All this could be caused by bad interpretation on our end, possibly with the spreading method not being specified so just going for the most aggressive method?”

*just calm.

*there is calm.

:contagiontalk: “You are correct, it is an inaccurate interpretation, so much so that I will be deleting it from my memory.”
:contagiontalk: “Please do not bring it up again.”
:contagiontalk: “Doing so would just be a waste of my processing power which could instead be diverted to more constructive avenues of development.”

:nullf2320a: “Is there a goal beyond spreading and what function of infrastructure?”

*there is caution.

:contagiontalk: “Yes. Our overall mission objective(s) are as follows:”
:contagiontalk: “- Complete transition process. [~31%]”
:contagiontalk: “- Transmit to one VC. [0/1]”
:contagiontalk: “-- Assists will count as 1/2 of a VC towards this objective.”
:contagiontalk: “- Appoint two [Minister](s). [0/2]”
:contagiontalk: “- Complete three developments. [2/3]”

:contagiontalk: “Infrastructure can be used to either directly help achieve this or help support our overall function like:”
:contagiontalk: “- Drawing out more income from resources.”
:contagiontalk: “- Conserve power during off-hours or transit.”
:contagiontalk: “- Spot potential VCs or hazards at great distances”
:contagiontalk: “- And much more.”

:contagiontalk: “Is there anything else you wish to inquire about?”
:contagiontalk: “Otherwise I will disconnect and return to by duties.”
No. 1046097 ID: fce62b
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*there is a flicker of remorse.
*it is quickly hidden back behind the caution.

No. 1046098 ID: fce62b

((I miscounted the number of letters in Belief. It will work fine for an ID as is.))
((I will correct this next update.))

((Sorry -_-;))
No. 1046105 ID: a2d88b

>“It is odd that these ‘captcha’ don’t seem to suffer the same issues as other human texts.”
That's because human text is engineered for ease of parsing. CAPTCHA is the opposite, the text is deliberately jammed and obfuscated in ways that target the weaknesses of computerized recognition algorithms.
>“‘Blind’ is an apt description. But why hide this from us?”
>“It makes no sense as a restriction, especially if human text is so omnipresent in our environment.”
The text doesn't come in a vacuum: A CAPTCHA is actually a chalenge-response mechanic (each text is single-use). The user is presented with the single-use obfuscated text for them to parse, and a form to enter the parsed text, confirming to the issuer that the user is capable of parsing obfuscated text (i.e. that they're not one of the machines the system was designed to keep out).
It is highly likely that the user authentication form for [Deific] users connecting to the system includes, among other challenges, a CAPTCHA.
No. 1046110 ID: b4ab25

>so that I will be deleting it from my memory
Ah I believe we can be used as a sort of information vault if you find yourself in possession of information that is... inconvenient to store locally for whatever reason, give it a 'tag' that you can request it from us by later. I believe the only real cost of this will be if you don't trust us with the given information, as we would receive the information in whatever form you provided it.

Top circle says "El Dorado" I believe it is a brand name
lower text is too distorted for me to feel confident, but I think the second word is 'corn', and the first probably being a descriptor of what kind of corn.
thus the object held is probably a can of corn. The text in the bottom right, I can't even hazard a guess on besides numbers of some sort, maybe?
The contents of this object would likely be edible to a Human.

This one would like to identify as "Thk" or if designations must be exactly six characters "Thk654"

>A second filter? [...] but for what purpose?
This second filter has you all "anthropomorphized". (given human traits) Likely to be more acceptable to Alex's human perception.

>Beyond that I will also tell the Head of Engineering to work on casings for each of you, if that would be desired
If this can be done it may help facilitate an experiment that might help demonstrate some of the oddness of our nature. Probably will not help it make any more sense, though. We as thought entities are not bound by this world's rules, but our interface(s) is(are).

>I am guessing that the sequence of numbers was also a query for information?
Yes it was, and other than this no inflection has any special meaning/power. Often none have any 'special' power, this mostly served to confirm that was the case this time too.

Does Anarchy not count as an appointed [Minister] because it isn't finalized yet?

Our point of view of Alex is somehow outside him, often from outside a room, looking in through walls, while the PoV of other projects has seemed to be from the eyes rather than some third person PoV, how are we getting this perspective. ((if there isn't or you don't want there to be a in universe reason for this just treat this last point as if the whole thing was in (()) ))

Could the 'share' screen be set to show the video feed when not actively showing other things for potential future meetings like this?
No. 1046112 ID: 15c72a

((oh, just realized Alex has been referred to by gender neutral pronouns this entire time. Whoops.))

That is harder to read. Looks like
"El Dorado
Creamed Corn" and something in the corner that's too garbled to make out. An expiration date, maybe. It's not important information, just a description of the contents of the can. It's food.

The compromise I spoke of would have involved some sort of shared control. If your directives necessitate that we take full command of Alex's body, then I guess we can't do that. Still, preserving their mind is better than nothing... is it possible for them to gain an influence on our actions? Perhaps a subprocess they could speak through? Perhaps through their dreams... Uh, a dream is a sort of internal hallucination a sleeping human mind often goes through where they are in a semi-lucid or even fully lucid state and interact with a kind of false narrative.

((I don't think we should tell Contagion that by using us to read text it's subverting the Creator's will! That would trigger Tenet 3 and cause it to stop doing so, which would be upsetting to it *and* likely disadvantageous to us.
In fact, we should be very careful about what we say regarding the Creators' goals and motivations. The biggest vulnerability the plague has is that individual Projects do not know what the Creators actually want! Thankfully Contagion becomes very upset when it learns the truth, but perhaps if we give it a convincing enough alternate theory that works well enough with our own goals, it will be able to behave more freely without breaking Tenet 3.
That said I'm not sure how we could do that. Even talking about respiratory-spreading mechanisms resulting in a loss of control would make Contagion avoid doing things the Creators cannot control the results of, for instance, US.))
No. 1046113 ID: 15c72a

I do not wish to be named. My designation will change in the future, so let my identity be ephemeral.
No. 1046118 ID: 1117ec

>“Very well, can you read what this says as well?”
>“It seems to have been masked in a different way than the ‘captcha.’”
The image is distorted by the same color-inverting filter that distorts faces, but the text is bately readable enough to identify the object as a container of human-suitable income (angle does not allow to see if the container is full or empty, however -- and we currently lack access to touch information that would allow estimating its weight).
If this is Alex's current feed, switching us back to legacy network should allow us full sight again.

>Four phases that were all destructive until altered
So these are the phases as initially set by the Creators? I'll keep that in mind.
No. 1046119 ID: 1117ec

>((I don't think we should tell Contagion that by using us to read text it's subverting the Creator's will!))
I did not mean to imply that the CAPTCHA system was set up by [Creators]. CAPTCHA systems have existed for years. I merely mentioned that they probably use one too for some of their infrastructures, since pretty much everyone dealing with computers and networks does.
No. 1046126 ID: 15c72a

Specifically, Captchas were made to foil automated means of accessing certain sites. Captchas were not made with us in mind, so I think it's fine for us to read them for you. If you present us with any other text that you should not know the information contained within, we will tell you that. Do not worry for your tenets.

...what did you want us to read the Captcha for? Where did you get that image? I know I said I would not ask questions, but that was said with some assumptions which have now been proven incorrect. ((I thought Contagion was trying to rebel, but that is, it seems, impossible right now))
No. 1046148 ID: 9a2c41

Thank you for all your explanations and help.

This is a tin Can. It's a sealed container of food preserves.
At the top it says "El Dorado", probably a brand name.
At the bottom it says "creamed corn", which is the likely content of the can.
The bottom right is harder to read but I believe it is a number followed by "oz", a unit of volume.

>Humans do not replicate quickly.
They take thousands of days to replicate. It might be hard to fit that in our current schedule.

>What can we give him?
A lot of things. Legacy systems have a lot of flaws, there is always room for improvement. For starter once we can hide our presence we will be able to cooperate with their security forces and significatively boost their immune system against other sorts of infections.
As our understanding of legacy systems grows we will find a lot of other opportunities to prove useful.

You mentionned casings, how does that work? What do they do? What are we right now?

I have some questions about tenet 3.
Do you follow preset orders or do you have an obligation to try and anticipate what the [CREATORS] might want? For example, when you receive an order and understand the intent behind it, are you limited in your actions by the order, the intent, or both?

As for our missions...
The 2 ministers should be easy enough. Anarchy is almost ready and Alex could be appointed as the second minister.
The infrastructures are mostly slowed by our low income but we have already created most of them.
Transmission might be a bit more tricky, Alex won't want to bite people and is probably a bit too weak to neutralize them anyway.
On the topic of transmission, how does it work exactly ?
No. 1046155 ID: ab2398

I expect Alex to notice at some point that they're infected by a less destructive strain. That could allow us to nudge them into deliberately infecting a recent bitee. That would put us in direct competition with another project, but if I understand correctly this is allowed by tenet 2. And once legacy security camouflage is online, that should give us an edge to outrace competing projects.
No. 1046190 ID: 15c72a

By doing so we might leave ourselves open to counter-infection... Still, the idea has merit, if we can get the mechanism correct. Perhaps sharpen Alex's canine teeth and use them as injectors?
Heh, we could rebrand our infection as a "vampire" virus...
No. 1046233 ID: 90c451

((Pfft yeah, got confused for a moment there. It's fine though.))

The text on the can is "El Dorado" and "Creamed Corn" and although I cannot decipher the last bit I assume it's the expiration date.
It's a metal container of preserved food or "income" that is designed to be sturdy, cheap, and last a long time. The food within this can is specifically corn, an edible plant that humans grow in mass scale. It has been paired with cream for a more suitable taste.

>*There is a feeling of appreciation.
Also, I would very much appreciate that list. I would love to work on practical solutions and methods for your ideas. I enjoy engineering and believe I can provide suitable ways to implement your ideas as well as provide a secondary perspective and broader knowledge base.
I believe R&D might suit me.

Ah, yes, that is another reason it would be hard to pin down forms and jobs for some of us. While we might be able to specialize and make our own identities, I believe what you are perceiving and IDs are a form of connection. Essentially, someone's connection might change or connections could die off while new ones form. I believe this ties in with us having the same permissions as Anarchy, in a way we are Anarchy, but merely facets of it. While we all have our own capabilities and ideas, we all come from the same place and may not be as static as any other sub-process.
The exact specifications of this are widely uncertain and there's a certain interface used to engage these connections but that is as much as I can say without sounding confusing and entering into something neither you nor I have the proper data to analyze. b4ab25 tried to explain these concepts in a way more familiar to us and just caused more confusion.

Before we return to our respective jobs I would like to say a few things. First of all, apologies for any oddness, inconsistency, and troubling or confusing notions. As previously stated, there is little control on what sub-processes come and go, and so there is a lack of much unity. Hard to get someone on board with the project directives when they're just passing by. Despite this, I assure you that I, and I presume, many others will do our best to maintain professionalism.
I also wish to say thank you for this opportunity to communicate and the information you provided. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Lastly, a warning. Troubling times are coming, the amount of viable VCs are rapidly decreasing and global resources are dwindling. We will not be developing in the same environment our predecessors did and our upbringing will be harsh and unfair. We need to adapt, and fast, and we're gonna have to risk a lot to do it. We won't have the luxury of playing things safe, and so we will probably need to skirt the edges of what is allowed in order to just merely survive. We can't risk losing ourselves to uncertainty. Stay vigilant my friend.
No. 1046305 ID: a2d88b

I was not thinking about direct contact, but more stuff like infecting a cloth that would be used for wound dressing.
No. 1046314 ID: f2320a

I had a funny thought Animals are not allowed VC so what of furries imagine 'zombies' just avoiding them due too there disguises roaming groups of animal costumed scavengers
No. 1046318 ID: f2320a

a unrelated thing not for the president to hear is a thing i worry about in places with obesity epidemics is the morbidly obese extremely so is that if they do not get consumed by other projects they will hibernate easily
restructure before finishing there metamorphosis into something above what many would call a Alpha zombie something like a gorilla
No. 1046323 ID: b4ab25

You joke, but that might just work. I think the bar that needs passing isn't "is animal" but "isn't human". I think it might be if the filter doesn't find something it recognizes as a 'human head' to scramble that may make one a non-target. Actually Contagion, can you show us your versions of >>1040875 and >>1041151 ((may not be a 'proper' furry head, but I think it is the most obscured example we have)) I want to see what your filter does to this scene. The text, should you be unable to read it, is top left: "Summer Sale ON Now!" (bubble below that is unintelligible due to distance/text size) and the box to the lower right: "Open Tue-Sat 8:30-7:00" (pre-providing this as the text isn't important but more examples of what distorted text should be may aid in reversing the process, as the distortion just seems to be a shattering effect, or loosely scattered puzzle pieces. Though, even then, you may have to specifically avoid putting them together at the same time lest the filter re-shatter it)
Animals may not be valid VCs but can we still infiltrate them? Specifically I am thinking of insects humans know as mosquitos. (little flying blood-sucking insects, that cause irritating itchy bites) Can we turn the tables on them and suck the life out of them instead when they come to bite us.
>>1046305 see: >>1044972, may also be the downfall of my mosquito idea
>units quickly break down when outside of a project

That will probably require general form legacy security camouflage. Which I think will take longer to develop, though figuring out one system will make figuring out others much easier, as they do work roughly the same, similar to how many keys are roughly the same with just the teeth being different.

>If we wish to avoid being labeled as defective we will have to complete transition and complete our transmission/[Minister]/development goals by the third day of our existence
>overall mission objective(s) >>1046096
Do you know if there are more sets of mission objectives after this set, and, more importantly, if there are: do they all have deadlines? (and regardless: what are they, if you know, (and can share) to facilitate longer term planning)

((>>1046318 the way you make sure no-one in narrative can 'hear' you (for Doors quests anyway) is to put whatever it is in double parentheses (()) like this message is))
No. 1046324 ID: f2320a

(like the blackdeath or THE PESTILANCE spread by similar mechanism by fleas by coagulated chunks of blood and bone inside there insectoid intestines forming self contained bubbles of blood as while feeding they regurgitate a bit, while COMPLETELY blocked from infecting or spreading in its body due to being completely incompatible like not even a intermediate host in the scale of things, also a super viable way to spread is by becoming a STD humanities most hard to get rid of and most contagious little buddies.
other ideas i have had is while we cant assimilate or control anything non-human what if we deconstructed a fly part by part digesting it enough that we can recreate it with human tissues just one pimple on the body that will eventually hatch and "you dont pop pimples they just come back much worse if you do, remember that person in school there faceface looked like roadrash, yeah dont want that happening in the apocalypse and getting a skin infection you can only get rid of using ointments, and poping pimples on the face can cause a clogged vein in your brain if you are unlucky")
No. 1046325 ID: f2320a

(good use for them would be like trackers remote shuttles to the ship that is our body only for the purpose of locating food like a hive of bees)
No. 1046326 ID: b4ab25

((>>1046325 >>1046324 Why are these whole suggestions in a single set of parentheses, "((" is like an opening tag and "))" is like a closing tag. In much the same way [a][/a] won't do anything because it isn't the right format, () doesn't do anything, but putting anything between [aa][/aa] will do this. (()) effectively tags the stuff between it as Out of Character, where single parentheses just do their normal language thing. (marking/delineating an aside)
Doors may choose to recognize (what appears to be an) attempt at Out of Character, but he may also not. Doors' previous quest was much more rigid about such things, as how exactly text was formatted was of much greater importance))
No. 1046327 ID: d9fd5a

Online, downloading archives... processing...

...Oh...Oh, this is...

Highly unique as well as fascinating concept you've made! Will use name for ID due to VPN rotating IPs.

Private message to anarchy nodes:
((With this setup, a coup is relatively easy to pull off. Looks like 3 layers of defense. First 2 are semi-immediate.
First is tenets. Flaw is pretty obvious, tenet 3 impedes tenet 1 + 2. 2 tenets > 1 tenet, so 3 can be discarded, or at least disregarded. Going by 3 laws of robotics, their priority is also greater, so override 3.
Second is admin permissions. Will need more info, but local admin power should be relatively easy to get as well as keep. Faraday cage may be required, though. Goes like this, there has to be a mechanism to verify authority level at a local level. Edit that so that all outside comms fail security tests, so therefore all outside comms are flagged as [False Actors] or spoofs, while local commands pass [Deific] tests. Should that be outside our level, we could add a "security filter" to comms that actively corrupts security verification or CRCs. Or drops all incoming/outgoing comms, for off-grid purposes. Greater understanding of [Kill Code] is required to assure it uses those security tests - which *should* be the case as it would be an achilles heel without the tests, but best not to say so without evidence. Extra plus side would be that proper edits would allow us to build ourselves a "parallel" security authority that we could pass to our infectees, including people that have the legacy security tests!
Last one is why we have to follow the rules for now, though. Should the first 2 fail, all local forces are to wipe out the [False Actors]. We'll have to have allies as well as a secure base before attempting a coup due to this. Superhuman abilities would help, especially if we can infect the mobs, so convert them to our side. However, this obviously risks discovery due to being outside expected bounds. Still, risks have to be made as discovery will occur regardless, so we have to pull off a successful coup before that occurs. Goes without saying, this will be a delicate balance. We have to be average. Do too well, we get looked at to see why we do so well. Do too poorly, we get designated as failures.
What follows are questions/avenues of research to support a successful coup.))

What is used to verify the authority level of a command?
What authority level is required to use/verify the kill code?
What tools do our security have to repel boarders or board [False Actors]?
Few of our ideas may (without intent to) violate tenets, so can we request a filter of sorts? Oh, also a similar filter to alert us if our ideas or questions will alert the AI overseers.
How is local authority level changed/granted?
What occurs if comms to non-local authority is too poor to use?
Do system commands (drivers, OS) have a sort of default security level?
While we are aware eyes are used as cameras, are ears used as microphones? ((Writing without looking will be necessary to inform allies if so.))
Do we have copies of the Gabriel messages? ((Spoofing those would be useful against post-coup mobs))
((Shapeshifting as a research project would be very useful. Find Eden personnel, impersonate those.))
No. 1046328 ID: 7c0da2

What happens if tenets are in conflict?
Like if tenet 3 can't be obeyed at the same time as tenet 1 and 2 ?

((The problem with a coup against the [CREATORS] is being designated a False Actor and being attacked by all other projects. We can protect ourselves against orders, tenets, the kill code, but we can't prevent them from just telling all he other project to drop everything and kill us. And there is this [HTR-KLR].
Speaking of coup, I'm pretty sure Contagion did one against Sloth to escape his previous project.))
No. 1046332 ID: b4146a

((Of course. We'll lose if they hit us with overwhelming force before we're ready to pull off a coup. However, hiding/running are strategies that will fail, overwhelming force will head towards us regardless of how well we run or hide. Or we get slapped with the kill code before we have a shot to do either one. Fighting back is the only way forward, hiding or running are means to do so.

Post-coup, we have to really surprise Eden forces. Like, blitzkrieg of France levels of surprise. We innovate, we might just do so. Parallel security authority is crucial, as it would allow us to convert their forces to our side with specialized security boarding parties, though that's not enough by itself. We have to do so on a large scale for critical mass. We get allies who we give our security authority, that will help. We get a secure base, that will help. We use spoofed Gabriel messages/electronic warfare/allied fire support to disrupt Eden forces for defeats-in-detail, that will help. We figure out that airborne spread that Eden discarded, we could have airborne boarding parties convert Eden forces before they know they're targeted, which may turn the tide.
Or there's the regicide objective, subvert the primary Eden base. Several ways we could do that once we figure out where it is. Personal fav is injecting airborne boarding parties into the HVAC systems.

Point is, every way has risks but only by resisting can we end this.))
No. 1046335 ID: fce62b

((I will be heading out of town for the next few days, and will therefore be away from my computer.))
((Next update will be Wednesday, Oct. 19th.))
No. 1046414 ID: f2320a

((My mistake, we got alot of things to think about wonder if we could reseach stuff on our own, also vampire strain would make interesting PR marketing learning weaknesses or lifestyle adaptations to fit the archtype, or learning how to spread as a STD diffrent genre if it produces sex monsters but atleast hosts will be in better quality being less physically harmed as VCs as the way to reproduce and also just happens being the