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1010895 No. 1010895 ID: 673fe6

|| SOJOURN || NOTE: This will be a NSFW / 18+ only quest!

It is the FOURTH AGE, and now is a time of dire peril and uncertainty; the GREAT KHAN, AZAD KHAZARAD,
has perished at the apex of his ascension ceremony — leaving prophecies in tatters. Once mighty empires
teeter on the precipice of destruction, and the greatest among them, the KHANATE OF KHOR, lies in ruin
beneath a dark and mysterious PALL.

From the heart of the KHANATE, a terrible CURSE has begun to sweep the land, the spreading PALL warping
the very landscape and changing those with the misfortune of its touch in strange and sometimes MONSTROUS
ways. Sages say this is a prelude to the END TIMES: if left unchecked, all may be lost.

Desperate to avert calamity, many have dispatched expeditions or even armies, hoping to quash and forestall
such great perils and open the way to the FATED CITY at the heart of the KHANATE, where it is said answers
may lie. Few have returned, and the realms of man have grown restless -- and those beyond watch with
a growing concern.
376 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1026453 ID: 355980

Probably not a good idea to put yourself in danger going after a unknown force. Probably the best option is (A) for now till you get a full grasp of the situation
No. 1026559 ID: 8a8cfd

A. but could you potentially hide a dagger in case something does go down? Make a show of giving them the sword and make sure you watch them secure it as well. Say the sword has a lot of sentimental value.
No. 1026574 ID: b6986d

A is completely reasonable, if unfortunate. Insisting on keeping your weapons to hand will probably result in needing to use them, anyway. Anything we have on us that wouldn't necessarily qualify as a weapon to these people we should keep, though.
No. 1026752 ID: 89649e
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Ultimately, you decide it best to at least gain a fuller grasp of the situation before venturing out into the perilous gloom -- the prospect of safety and security for the evening an appealing one whatever the measure. You acquiesce to surrender the heavy blade at your back to the man, lending a look of relief as he glances down to the blade -- before making a somewhat obvious effort to maintain eye contact with you after a glimpse of buune.

Fortunately, his earnest effort of politeness provides you a prime opportunity to secret away your glade blade -- doubly fortunate, given that the athame is crucial should you need to perform and rites or rituals in the interim. A look past the man finds similar relief among the faces watching you with intent curiosity (and some apprehension) within the hall once the more obvious weapon is stowed.

"Thank you for understanding, stranger -- I'll see to it that this is safely kept, and returned to you later." He offers with a wan smile. "Come along inside then, where it's safe -- and you'll weather the eve among company."
No. 1026753 ID: 89649e
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Following the fellow inside, he hands your heavy blade to a young militiaman and asserts its safekeeping before the lad totes it off into a room at the back of the hall. "I am Emra," the older man offers you then before dipping his head, "something of a sage for this community. You'll find the folk of Hevelston to be good people, I'm certain. Once this trouble has passed, on the morrow things should be back to better fare."

You cast your gaze about the broad hall, feeling the bristling warmth against your face and fur: a long broad fire-pit dominates the center of the span, smoke wafting up in great billows to the ventilation far above -- while a second stone hearth sits at the far end, lit in kind. On the air, you can catch whiffs of somewhat recent cooking still lingering, though it would seem whatever supper the others have had was prior to your arrival.

More than a dozen men, women and children occupy the space, with nearly a dozen more apparent militia standing about at various places -- each garbed in leathers with skullcaps and long spears. A few of the militia peer out broad easterly windows into the gloom of the hamlet's periphery there. Taking a brief look, you gather that they're watching how the mentioned mercenaries fare -- though it's somewhat difficult to discern much in the moment beyond the distant silhouettes; they do not seem to have encountered trouble yet.

Periodic glances and stares are leveled your way from the gathered folk of the hamlet -- like as not in equal measure for a stranger in their midst as much as a buune at that; you do not see any among them who aren't of the realms of man here, not that it surprises you. At the rear of the hall, a stairway leads up on the left to an upper level and you can glimpse an open mezzanine of that second floor above you with more individuals lingering upstairs.

There is a steady clamor of conversations and cross-talk, your long ears pricking to and fro reflexively; the group to your right seem to be particularly agitated about the situation, and you catch mention in passing of a particularly unusual 'foreigner' among the mercenaries -- seemingly prompted by one of the men seeing an unexpected buune in their midst.

Faintly, you can also sense the weave of arcane wards as you probe with your more preternatural senses -- though you'd need more focused study to fully gather their extent and efficacy.

You decide to...

> )_

You're now safely holed up with the people of Hevelston, near as you're aware; this is a much more open ended point here as far as what you might wish to pursue, inquire after, interact with and so on. You can talk to Emra if you'd like, try to pursue food, room and board, converse with locals or militia, try to explore the space, settle in and keep to yourself, try to observe the mercenaries and so forth -- I'll endeavor to work in what I can from your suggestions next.
No. 1026755 ID: e51896

We can let Crystal Crumpsy play with that animal over there
No. 1026764 ID: 8483cf


Also make small talk with the militia. Maybe put on a skullcap and do funny things with your ears. They're going to remember you, might as well make it funne.
No. 1026767 ID: 4cee48

Let's not scare the already-scared people with an apparition of ours. I would suggest talking with Emra. Compliment him on the wards he's set up tell him that you feel safe here due to them. He might be surprised that you're able to detect them, but that's ok, you need to show at least a little bit of expertise on the subject. Ask him if he could teach you how to set one up. I'd also ask them about the mercenaries. What do they look like. And to tell you more about the beasts. Wouldn't it make sense for all the men here to attack together with the mercenaries?
No. 1026786 ID: 96c896

Before releasing CC, go over and introduce yourself to the dog and its owner. Would be much more shocking for CC to run fully across the room.
No. 1026799 ID: 1c6255

Lets refrain from unleashing phantomatic pups.
No. 1026953 ID: f57349

Ask if the foreigner had a yellow cloak.
No. 1027405 ID: 94bb57
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Despite the tension in the air, you decide to endeavor to introduce a bit of levity in the moment -- and make a friendlier impression on the holed-up folk of Hevelston. With a canny eye you spy another hound by the hearth, your thoughts going to visions of playful pooches with C.C.'s own presence; you do feel some hesitation at springing your spectral companion on the inhabitants sight unseen however, holding off on such manifesting just yet.

Intent on a bit of playful merriment, you ponder a measure of mischief. Looking nearby, you gingerly help yourself to a skullcap which had been left unattended -- donning the helmet with a lowering of your long ears with an amusing waggle before you try to strike up a conversation with a militiaman: a lean, younger looking man seemingly anxious by a window.

You express your puzzlement that the militia are here, rather than joining the mercenaries outside; he indicates that they are tasked with protecting the villagers from anything that might slip past the hired blades -- but that some militia are fighting alongside them. When asked of the mercenaries themselves, he speaks of a few familiar faces among former caravan guards and the like who have since lingered in Hevelston.

A man with a yellow cloak seems to prompt recognition -- though he is not certain if that traveler is among the mercenaries now or if they passed through beyond the hamlet earlier in the day; the 'foreigner' he purports to be 'demi-human' -- not unlike you, he says -- though tall and imposing with 'the head of a beast of burden' and clad in unfamiliar armor.

For a moment, you scoff to yourself at the notion of his comparison, quite certain that buune and other species are hardly 'half human' just because you're featherless bipeds -- but this young fellow is likely not the best suited for a philosophical debate of that nature. Instead, you decide to excuse yourself to instead have a word with Emra...
No. 1027406 ID: 94bb57
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You manage to spot Emra off in a corner away from the broader crowd now that the doors have been secured and your blade stowed; the man has since lowered his hood and as you approach, you spy him with a long carved pipe he's packed with fragrant leaves. Seated at a small table near one of the broad windows, you watch as Emra carefully covers the bowl of his pipe with a hand to shield it from a breeze before lighting it with a snap of his fingers - a small flame conjured forth.

"May I join yew?" You chime with a bat of your lashes, lightly adjusting your skull cap. Emra gives you a nod, gesturing across from himself before taking an exceedingly long puff of his pipe for very nearly a full minute. "Yes." He says after finally releasing smoke, though you'd long-since seated yourself. Eccentric, perhaps.

"I must say, the wards yew have placed are quite good. Could you teach me thee technique?" Emra appears surprised by your assessment of the wards -- doubly so when you inquire after their creation. "It has been some time since I've met with another with a knack for these things; you were able to sense the construct without laying eyes on them?" You nod at that and he snorts, taking another long puff of his pipe and seeming to relish the experience.

"Can yew tell me of those beests?" You inquire during his pause; Emra nods slowly after a moment. "I suppose I could show you a thing or two about warding. What sort of training have you had, anyway?" He lets the question linger openly, while also wordlessly offering you his pipe, should you choose. "As for the beasts -- it's thanks to the curse, you know." He frowns. "It twists things: animals, men, the land itself. Warps them, sometimes in ways more predictable than others."

Gesturing, Emra casts a look out into the gloom beyond the hall. "This lot has been plaguing us nightly; horns, scales, fur, tooth and claw -- some on all fours, some upright. A few may have been cutthroats that made lairs in the swamp, for all I can wager." He shrugs. "I've done what I can to secure the hamlet's homes, but I have my limits." He shakes his head. "And with a damned invasion underway -- and no help from Volkregar, leveraging what coin we could for sell-swords seemed the surest bet to try to put an end to it."

You decide to...

> )_

Not quite the right time to turn C.C. loose, but the polter-pooch is prominent on Kaia's mind to the buune's delight. We're still fairly free-form here on what you'd like to say or inquire about, as well as whether or not you'd like to share details of yourself or partake in his offer. Emra does seem willing to exchange some magical know-how with you however!
No. 1027410 ID: 8483cf

I'd like to have Kaia tell stories about home and her family. Let's hear more about her!

Also, what the hell, it sounds like the real problem is about the beasts, not armed travelers- that's no reason to come after a BUUNE!
No. 1027414 ID: 96c896

Tell him about your training and your mission. Perhaps you can help with warding more buildings?
No. 1027428 ID: e51896

Maybe after we're done talking we can play our flute for anyone who wants to listen?
No. 1027467 ID: 34dfce

Is that what they meant by half human? You may want to make it clear that you are a Bunne from outside the Pall.
No. 1028036 ID: d3d7b6

I doubt he'd teach us anything for free. Or at least not without us gaining his trust/favor first. So I'd offer to go back out to fight those monsters. Can't be a lazy buune and just stay inside doing nothing!
No. 1028781 ID: 94bb57
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With the comfort of warm company helping you to relax, your thoughts turn to your home and the family and life left behind on your quest -- all the training you had done and the experiences of life as a young buune. Emra seems as receptive an audience as any, you reason -- and for the others whose attention you had gained, perhaps recounting your origins would help assuage any concerns that your appearance might be the result of the Pall (after all, most among the realms of man had never seen one of your kind before!)

Bellinea was the buune city in which you were born and raised, a bustling community nestled high among the peaks and valleys of the Ustellen mountains and near to the heart of your homeland. Far removed from the periphery of the bramble veil, it made for a more cloistered upbringing compared to the sights you've since come to know. Travelers of any sort who were not buune themselves were quite rare and denizens of the realms of man were nearly unheard of.

You do recall a visit of Retavii traders, long of snout and tail and round of ear -- though near as you know, such distant 'cousins' did not often leave the deeper crags. Emra puffs thoughtfully at his pipe at this mention before nodding somberly -- expressing some familiarity with 'rat folk' as he calls them. You catch a few more disparaging mutterings from others, but continue on nevertheless, reflecting on fond memories.

Among your four brothers and two sisters, you were the youngest of your kin -- and often enjoyed exploring the groves of the valley in the humid harvest season in particular. During your younger years, you were schooled like many of your brethren in the great communal burrow halls set within the hillside -- but remember a great deal of fun making your way to the rooftops of the taller homes in the exterior sprawl of Bellinea.

There was a bakery in Bellinea where you'd often pined over confections: walnut pastries, candied citrus peels, spiced almonds, apple tarts, jam-filled pastries and cinnamon cookies summoned in vivid memories which make your mouth water and nose wiggle in remembrance. Of course, you omit from your retelling that you'd had sticky fingers on several occasions, absconding with delicious sweets to enjoy while watching the sun set over the valley -- no need to worry these folk over thievery.

When you had begun to blossom into a young woman, it was decided by your family that you would depart from Bellinea to enter the tutelage of the Briar Spire owing in part to your burgeoning sensitivity to spiritual essence: an uncommon trait, but one found most often among buune women -- though your sisters had not shared in such. You were to become a Rhiannon, in part that you might assist the wardens in safeguarding your homeland; however, as things would unfold fate had more in store for you...
No. 1028783 ID: 94bb57
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Deciding against sharing the particulars of your esoteric training (and that it may be best not to speak of the Obsidian Sanctum in unfamiliar company,) you nevertheless find that a fair few of the men and women in the hall have turned their attention to you in your storytelling. Some see to sating their curiosities, asking you of your people, culture and customs. You speak of Khasma, goddess of the stars and fertile harvests (and really, other fertile interests as well) and some seem to consider a similarity with their own rites of harvest.

As well you reflect on courtship, for which trinkets fashioned of flowers were quite important, on craftsmanship and the talented artisans of woodworking and glass-blowing in Bellinea especially -- and even on love, which you swiftly gather is far more open among the buune than the folk of Hevelston. Your thoughts turn to the stack of love letters in your bag and a faint flush enters your cheeks, tail giving an unconscious twitch; fond memories indeed. Lastly, you talk of poetry and music, offering a demonstration with your flute which your small audience proves keen on.

Easing free from your cloak and hanging it aside, you rummage in your bag before retrieving your flute; after some brief consideration, you settle on the rather catchy tempo of Coupthlut si Othhwut -- part of a ballad about the buune bard Engelard and his cunning, passionate courtship of the Snow Queen. An exhilarating (and tricky to play!) piece, even if it's left somewhat wanting by the lack of a honeyed baritone providing the lyrical accompaniment.

Nevertheless, your talent as a flutist proves well-received and you are relieved that you're not too terribly out of practice; you even receive an applause afterward and find yourself relishing in the moment of remembrance however far from home you may be. Emra seems quite taken by the performance and deep in his pipe along the way.
No. 1028784 ID: 94bb57
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Upon the completion of your tale and performance, your thoughts go to the threats beyond the hall as you reflect on rendering aid for the mercenaries fending of the denizens of the dark. However, no sooner have you resolved to head out when a call comes from the militiamen at the fore of the hall. Two men move to lift and hoist aside the great timber barring the doors, opening the way then as light spills out onto the raised causeway beyond, bathing the faces and forms of some half dozen men and women bearing various arms and armor.

"It is done." Declares a tall, stout fellow clad in studded leather and resting a broad-axe across his shoulders; a few ragged tears can be seen in his garb. Another, slimmer fellow in low-hanging chainmail clutches at his arm where the links have been torn away, blood caked where it has oozed between his fingers; among the rest, several seem bruised and bloodied for the affair, but standing ably enough. "Three at the apothecary." Grunts the tall fellow. "And one dead."

A mixture of elation and more somber moods clash among the denizens within the hall -- but most appear palpably relieved that the bloody work is nevertheless concluded. You see the mercenaries welcomed into the front of the hall, each of them handing off their weapons to waiting militiamen; two who enter seem clad as militia themselves and are permitted to keep their spears at hand.

Once the rest have cleared the doorway, your eyes fall to a striking figure still standing beyond the hall: a head or more taller than yourself of braw build, a crimson cloak slung about their shoulders over armor of a strange style unfamiliar to you. Of most significant note, however, is their appearance -- boasting the equine head and tail of an onager. You watch as this last arrival silently surrenders a sword in its scabbard with a stoic expression before glancing over; your eyes meet, their nostrils flaring with a faint snort.

Around you, what empty spaces had remained among the tables are soon occupied by mercenaries returned from the battle beyond while a few of the men and women in the hall set out with some haste, seemingly to see to the aftermath outside.

Though the hour is now growing late, you decide to...

> )_

Whatever you might like to pursue next will like as not lead into wrapping up the day afterwards -- but tensions have eased now and things seem more safe for finding a place to stay for the evening.
No. 1028789 ID: e5709d

Invite someone to dance!
No. 1028809 ID: 8483cf

It might be a little late in the evening to RELEASE THE HOUND when everyone's so tired and the mercs are drained. Alas, maybe tomorrow.

Khasma would probably smile on congratulating the onager captain on a job well done!
No. 1029528 ID: 2f1c85

So the mustard cloak must be someone else. Still, this would be a good chance to find out what mission the equine fellow is on.

Act reserved for a while, in case the equine person has similar thoughts to your own, and decides to approach you first. But if he's shy, then you'll have to be the one to walk to him and strike a conversation.
Compliment him on defeating the beasts and then ask about who he is, why he's in this town, and what's his mission.

But also, flirt. Would be a shame to spend another night alone~
No. 1030401 ID: e51896

Congratulate him
No. 1030750 ID: dccdd0

flirt with him.
No. 1030801 ID: 894419

Invite this strapping lad for some celebratory dancing and revelry!
No. 1030856 ID: 94bb57
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Finding yourself feeling festive and friendly with present company, you decide to see to offering congratulations to the tall onager -- and see, perhaps, if they might fancy a dance or prove amenable to a more flirtatious approach. Initially, you take to a more reserved approach while you wait for the mercenaries to disperse and settle among the inhabitants of the hall -- catching a few glances your way from the equine and others alike.

After observation, you decide the onager must be shy and elect to go on the offensive, approaching the strapping mercenary with bright eyes and a friendly smile to introduce yourself and offer your regards. Up close, you feel a bit of a thrill run up your spine as you take in just how sizable the onager truly is -- easily standing over the men and women of this place and looming over you easily.

Cheery, you level praise for a job well done and offer companionship; the onager seems to tense and consider you with some measure of uncertainty, nostrils flaring with a chuffed breath much to your puzzlement.

"Easy there, don't just grumble at the pretty lady." Interjects another of the mercenaries as he inserts himself into your midst: he looks young and braw, with blue eyes and chestnut hair, a scar across his left cheek and a square jaw with the darkened remnants of a shorn beard. "Excuse my brawny friend here -- they're not very talkative." He offers to you wryly, reaching up to clap a hand on the onager's shoulder. "I'm Geoffrey and the big one's Zarin."

"Kaia." You offer back of your own name, smiling; Zarin's jaw tightens, but the onager dips a polite nod towards you while Geoffrey's smile broadens. "Excellent, a pleasure to meet you Kaia." He grins before gesturing to the hall beyond. "We've had ourselves a proper scrap and I'm apt to celebrate -- and if you don't mind me saying, I'd wager you're a lot more fun to drink with than this lot." He winks.

Keen to gather information and to avoid an evening spent alone, you acquiesce to join the pair and together claim a table. Geoffrey orders up wine and other libations, proving to be a rather gregarious sort (and rather flirtatious in his own right, as you soon discover.)

Gamely, you manage to dance with them both: Geoffrey is quite sure-footed, and while Zarin seems hesitant to participate Geoffrey goads the onager into joining you in kind. It is swiftly clear to you that the equine is unaccustomed to dancing, but through patience you guide them along the steps (and avoid getting stepped on in the process.)

Several bottles and a hearty meal later, most of the activity in the hall has slowed to a late-night lull as you find quiet conversation with Geoffrey -- Zarin going unspoken but still attentive to the exchange. "We happened to be here when the call to arms came about," Geoffrey explains, "so it was serendipity, you might say." You're not certain what that word means, but you nod anyways. "Not that a bit of coin hurts, but we were obliged to lend our blades."

"What do yew plan next?" You inquire. Geoffrey shrugs, finishing off the last of his drink and setting it aside. "Look for another good charge to put our talents to use. What about you, Kaia?" Folding his arms against the table, he leans forward and watches you intently -- and perhaps a bit earnestly as he smiles.

Sensing you have an opportunity to chart your course, you decide to...

> A) Trust these two with the truth of your task and entreat them to travel with you
> B) Be pleasant but vague about your destination, deciding you'd work best alone
> C) _

In addition to voting on the above, you can separately weigh-in on if you'd prefer to keep things just friendly, respond to Geoffrey's flirtatious interest or similar pursuits; Zarin seems reticent at the moment, but perhaps they might loosen up more.

Generally, this is a chance to potentially start a party if you are inclined to do so. Finally, independent from this vote Emra will also be sharing knowledge of warding magic with you as part of your downtime here.

No. 1030861 ID: e5709d

C) Immediately ravish Zarin and break out into a sexual dance number!

... Just kidding, look around for more potential teammates.
No. 1030873 ID: ea5947

>A) entreat them to travel with you
>B) but be vague about your destination
It's definitely safer to travel with companions, and these guys seem to be reliable as far as their battling skill goes. Since they're mercenaries, it would probably be difficult to convince them to travel with you for free, but you have plenty of coin, so that's not an issue. You shouldn't immediately tell them about your mission. Not before learning more about them, their history, their desires and what not. So for now, you should hire them, unless they already intend to travel in your direction, in which case you could try to join their party (or convince them join yours) for free.

A buune needs her carrot, so keep flirting, but don't push too much at Zarin. Maybe they'll open up once the party is formalized, or after traveling together for a while. For one, you don't even know what's in their pants...
No. 1030931 ID: 48c95d

I agree that she should hire these strapping lads to be bodyguards initially rather than immediately involving them in her plans. More details about the mission could be provided once a bond is forged and they prove trustworthy. Perhaps there is a question Kaia could ask to glean their opinions before opening up to them?
No. 1031282 ID: dccdd0

A) tell them about your quest and try to get them to join you.
Also, keep a flirtatious tone with them. Hopefully, you'll get lucky.
No. 1031888 ID: f57349

A) "So, this whole situation with the Pall... who's working on fixing the heart of that? Anybody? Well then maybe WE should."
C) Also check if you can do anything to help out those three at the apothecary, or whoever else has less serious injuries.
No. 1031951 ID: 8483cf

No. 1031952 ID: abaa91

Backing this.
No. 1032426 ID: 94bb57
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With the perils which doubtless lay ahead, you decide to seek companionship for the road -- while not quite overtly playing your hand in the process. Aided in some part by the jubilant libations and affable airs you've managed with the pair (and a fair bit of flirting,) you broach the subject of the Pall broadly enough: was there anything to be done of the matter? Who might get to the heart of it?

Geoffrey posits that the Sarken and their Empress cite just such a charge with their march through the Khanate. "Zealots, the lot of them," he opines with a shake of his head, "but it was zealots who loosed it in the first place, I'd say." Zarin chuffs at the statement, but offers no remark beyond a thoughtful nod. "I wouldn't wager on their success." Geoffrey concludes.

Sensing an inroad, you suggest a more academic approach might prove fruitful yet if one might seek out scholars, or perhaps even magi among the Khanate. Geoffrey offers a chuckle and a smirk at that, but nods to you just the same before taking your bait: "Fancy you might be on to a proper solution, then?" Without putting too fine a point on it, you let slip that you'd heard of a wise and learned sort further east, albeit through what you understand to be a treacherous trek.

"So you're looking to hire some protection, are you?" Geoffrey casts a sidelong glance to Zarin before shooting you an appraising look. "Well, you're in luck -- we're available for such a jaunt, aren't we Zarin?" Another chuffed breath in response. "Normally our services come at something of a premium," he notes before leaning forward over the table and lowering his tone, "but call it ten gold a day and we're yours to see you safely through." He smiles.

Part of you senses that Geoffrey's interest (and apparent inclination to 'bargain') extends beyond your noble cause alone and into other fancies. Still, while you're not thoroughly versed in the cost of hirelings, it seems a reasonable rate while you grow more familiar with the pair; from Hevelston, it shouldn't be more than another day or two to reach Volkregar and even if you decided to return here afterward, you'd have coin to spare.

You agree, intent on setting out together early on the morrow having reached an accord -- before setting your sights on lending a hand at the apothecary...
No. 1032427 ID: 94bb57
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Three lie among the injured at the apothecary, their wounds cleaned and bound as they drift in and out of uneasy slumber. Where Geoffrey and Zarin seem to have fared well among the other mercenaries at the hall, the trio here are markedly worse for wear. You introduce yourself, candidly sharing your talent as a hedge witch with the apothecary -- offering to help mend and soothe the wounded as best you're able.

Setting to work, you take the time to enact the more involved process that is your healing rites to provide more potent recovery and relief from their wounds; for this, the apothecary lends many of the necessary reagents in service of facilitating your work making for an easier undertaking. Deep gouges and rending injuries from substantial teeth, claws and quills fill your imagination with ferocious and twisted beasts lurking among the gloom.

Nevertheless, you are an able hand at such magics and your handiwork spares these three from a more severe recovery. It would seem that some word must have spread from the display, perhaps through one of the militiamen posted outside -- for onlookers eager to observe a buune with a healing touch arrive from elsewhere in the village. To your surprise, the apothecary shows thanks for your efforts by way of coin in payment before you depart for the evening...

...and find Emra, puffing at his pipe and looking pleased with himself and you alike. "Too right, too right, I've seen you've a proper hand for the art now. Let's show you about the warding, then." He leads and you follow, for want of expanding your repertoire despite the late hour; it proves quite enlightening, even if the man is a peculiar teacher.

By the time you have finished, you feel thoroughly exhausted; much as you might fancy sharing a bed this eve, you decide it best to get what rest you can before setting out with your companions. Still, you're rather confident by the looks you'd gotten that you've sparked an interest among them -- so who could say what might unfold in the nights ahead?

15 gold coins gained from helping the apothecary. You have also gained the WARD ritual for free as a result of your earlier pursuit - it has been added to your sheet!
No. 1032428 ID: 94bb57
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You awaken the following morning feeling reasonably well-rested, though some soreness and fatigue still cling to your form after the exertion of back to back rites late into the night. As promised, you meet up with Geoffrey and Zarin early with a spot of breakfast before paying the pair for the day's accompaniment -- which Geoffrey attends to, seeming to manage Zarin's coinage as well for safekeeping. Your blade is returned to you once you depart from the hall.

Briefly, you consider an effort to pawn the valuables you've collected thus far before you set out -- but decide to hold on to the trinkets and jewelry that you might find a more suitable merchant, or use in enchantment at another time. ( You can earmark valuables for later sale if you'd like; by default, Kaia is presumed to hold on to rings and things in case they might be useful later. )

Together, you set out from Hevelston down the easterly road despite its muddy state and soon put the village behind you as you venture into the wetlands beyond.

Though you are unaccustomed to traveling with others, having company proves comforting -- even simply having an armed and able-bodied escort, should a foe present itself. On the other hand, neither Geoffrey nor Zarin are buune: you underestimated just how much more light of foot and swift of pace you were compared to those of other kinship. Still, adjusting your gait and tempo proves easy enough and the pair are not wanting for endurance, at least. ( Kaia is actually quite a fast traveler -- having new companions makes for somewhat slower travel, though not without perks! )

Zarin brings up the rear as you and Geoffrey keep to the lead, the sizable onager quiet but keenly alert; you suspect they've senses comparable to your own, at least. Geoffrey is surprisingly light on his feet you find, and though he might be no match for your swiftness you wager others might underestimate the man's speed; he also proves quite curious about you. You decide to share what you had among the villagers of Hevelston at first, reasoning that there was little secrecy there, but reserve more pressing details for now.

By mid-day, you arrive at something of a fork in the road presenting two possible routes to Volkregar. To the right lies an old, well-traveled trail winds down a slope and into what seems to be the beginnings of a steep ravine and possible valley beyond. To the left, the trade road carries onward and upward into the wilderness rutted with the remnants of passing carts and wagons.

"I'd wager there's a chance of brigands up yonder." Geoffrey offers of the trade road after he sees you contemplating. "Terrain's not kind to merchants through the low trail. Might not be kind to us, either." He offers a wry look at that. "Easier travel on the high road, but may avoid trouble on the low. What do you say?"

Considering your options, you decide to..

> A) Follow the low road into the ravine, preferring to take your chances with treacherous terrain and other hazards
> B) Follow the high road into the wilderness, preferring to take the chance of brigands for an otherwise easier trek
> C) _

Whew! That was a lot to cover this update, but we're underway again and things should pick up a bit more now. Geoffrey's not an infallible opinion on the possible paths, but those choices are the broad strokes of what each might entail -- while there are also less obvious factors, such as what opportunities you might find for your different talents in the mix.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GMZzD92D41H7SBRdr3Znag5X2oVB5aWmL0tPqlywi7M/edit?usp=sharing Reference sheet for current talents, magic and inventory. (Note: possible spoilers for anyone in the future catching up, as this document will be current to whatever the most recent update is!)
No. 1032430 ID: 8483cf

B. We've dealt with brigands before. Brigands also have useful information we might overhear!
No. 1032444 ID: e5709d

B) Tell your teammates to walk slowly in plain view while you scout ahead in stealth. You'll use magic to clamp their mouths shut if you spot an enemy.
No. 1032483 ID: 9748c8

On one hand, Pathfinder skill would make the low road's terrain not an issue. On the other, you have a powerful escorts and keen senses to counter any attack on the high road.

B) It's a dice roll, but I'd wager the high road has a higher chance of being interesting.
No. 1032682 ID: b6986d

Not only might brigands know something useful, they might have useful things or items we can use.
No. 1033508 ID: 94bb57
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Together, you decide to take the high road up and through the wilderness and to your surprise, find a certain eagerness in anticipating an encounter with your new traveling companions. Reasoning that brigands rather than beasts may prove a source of useful knowledge or equipment, you lay out your plan to Geoffrey and Zarin: both are to travel in plain view while you stalk ahead, traversing the terrain with canny senses and stealth that you might gain the upper hand on any would-be ambush.

Drawing your hood up and tucking your ears back, you take to the forest vanguard at a swift, light-footed pace as you navigate ahead of your 'escort'. For the better part of an hour you travel this way, cloak drawn about your figure as you weave a faint shroud over yourself -- just enough to render you more difficult to discern at a glance. Sweeping a wide circuitous route from the path, you take care to check on your companions from time to time lest you lose track of them, with a weather eye out for trouble.

Faint birdsong can be heard midst the creak of swaying boughs and rustling leaves, a breeze bustling through along the trade road; the scent of tall grasses, clay and sap greet you most prominently as you move, your sandals treading over mossy ground interspersed with thicker foliage and undergrowth. While these may be unfamiliar lands to the buune, you feel in your element as you carry yourself with dexterous grace -- a certain thrill stirred in your breast as you get your heart pumping.

Geoffrey's assertion proves true: as you maneuver your way back towards the path again from a broad sweep, you discover several men lying in wait -- having approached them from an unattended flank. At least five figures that you can discern paying overt attention to the pair of travelers arriving from a distance, exchanging glances and gestures as they no doubt ready for an ambush.

From what you can ascertain, the men are modestly armed and armored, but nevertheless strike you as rough individuals; nearest to you are two fellows with a sword and spear respectively, while you glimpse three others on the other side of the road -- unable to quite make out how they are armed, obscured by trees and foliage as they are.

You decide to...

> A) Lie in wait and see what happens when Geoffrey and Zarin encounter the men...
> B) Take action, by blade or sorcery, springing an ambush of your own...
> C) _
No. 1033509 ID: 8483cf

A. We're better equipped to do a surprise attack (if necessary) when they're certain they have the advantage.
No. 1033511 ID: 51c10d

A) But see if you can't use COMMUNE first to warn your comrades. Best none of you are taken unawares.
No. 1033515 ID: 48c95d

We should be sure to communicate the number of foes and their location as best as we can to provide an advantage. Our companions are professionals, and now is their time to prove it. Considering our strengths are in magic and stealth I do not think that Kaia should initiate the fight, but rather supply backup if needed for her companions. Perhaps at some pivotal moment, she could spring upon them from the rear, and perhaps make them think they have been flanked by a larger force (Maybe summoning CC could aid in this)? Fear and surprise should be utilized, as these men seem rough, and a prolonged fight to the death would be costly no matter the outcome.
No. 1033517 ID: e5709d

B) Summon Crystal Crumpsy and have them sow chaos to disorient the ambush.
No. 1033519 ID: 894419

No. 1034173 ID: 9748c8

Put one of them to sleep while staying hidden.
No. 1034379 ID: b6986d

Using stealth and magic, pick off one or two of them in secret before they can mount their ambush.
No. 1035035 ID: 94bb57
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With deft utterance and practiced gesture, you alert Geoffrey and Zarin to the brigands lying in ambush -- taking stock of those rough sorts you spy in strength and number. With the element of surprise tipped in your favor, you then set about plying your subtler talents from the advantage of stealth: opening with the rite of SLUMBER on the brigand nearest to your position in the hopes that he might succumb unnoticed by the others. To weave slumber at range even in so close a proximity requires some of your reagents, but nevertheless you see his limbs sag and head dip as he slides down against his hiding place, slumping into the bushes.

By now, your companions draw nearer -- and from your vantage, you see one of the men readying a crossbow to aim at the pair; this proves impetus enough to slip your hand into your bag to loose your secret weapon upon the unsuspecting fellows. With an onerous <b>boof</b> Crystal Crumpsey materializes -- and thanks to your efforts at training, seems to quickly grasp your intent; swooping in a frightful display, the woof-o-the-wisp pounces at the crossbowman who turns towards her in startled alarm, reflexively loosing a shot!

With a heady twang folly ensues as the man discovers one cannot bolt a polter-pooch as the projectile sails harmlessly through C.C. and instead catches the man brandishing a spear in the chest. Staggering with a pained cry, the spearman sways unsteadily while your ethereal hound passes through the crossbowman in kind; gaping in dismay, the man hastens to plant his foot into the cocking stirrup of his weapon to begin readying it for another shot.

Meanwhile, your ears prick to the din of unfolding violence not far off...
No. 1035036 ID: 94bb57
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More men than you'd expected seem to surface from hiding to engage Geoffrey and Zarin, but the pair are prepared to engage them. A tall, broad fellow with long blond hair makes for Zarin from a flank with a bold yawp only to be caught off guard by how swiftly the onager checks him bodily with that large shield -- a meaty crack audible as a few of the man's teeth dance out across its surface. With a curt chuff Zarin flexes and lifts, wholly foisting the tall fellow off his feet on the back of the shield as he splays out -- before Zarin delivers a decisive chop with a short, broad blade that hews the man's limb mid-forearm in a single blow.

Opposite the towering mercenary, Geoffrey is met by a brigand bearing a round shield and broadsword moving with a look of apparent confidence -- an expression swiftly dashed with your more talkative companion's expert footwork. Geoffrey deftly parries a swing from the brigand such that it crosses over the man's chest and throws his shield arm wide, creating enough of an opening to plunge his blade through the aged and tattered leather of the man as he croaks a breathless gurgle.

You've not been involved in such a melee as this before, pulse quickened and mind racing as adrenaline courses through you and you attempt to appraise the situation. Near as you can tell:

-One brigand slumbers near to you, and C.C. is harrying others.
-One brigand with a spear has been shot in the chest and seems badly wounded near you.
-The crossbowman is hastening to ready another shot.
-Zarin has thoroughly disarmed a brigand, and Geoffrey has surely slain another.
-Three more brigands are now closing on the pair to engage them.

You decide to...

> A) Maintain stealth for as long as possible, observing what else unfolds...
> B) Seek to join the melee and flank the brigands moving to engage your companions...
> C) _

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GMZzD92D41H7SBRdr3Znag5X2oVB5aWmL0tPqlywi7M/edit?usp=sharing Reference sheet for current talents, magic and inventory. (Note: possible spoilers for anyone in the future catching up, as this document will be current to whatever the most recent update is!)
No. 1035038 ID: 8483cf

B! Get that crossbowman.
No. 1035039 ID: 51c10d

B) See if you can't take down the wounded spearman first from behind—should be easier, given the wound—before taking down the crossbowman. Your companions are capable enough to take on the three others.

If you can't close the distance, whip out one of your iron daggers and try throwing it at his arm! Harder to aim a crossbow with a knife in your elbow.
No. 1035043 ID: 7c0424

B. This crossbowman is the priority target.
No. 1035050 ID: 273c18

I think those are all C votes. There's three more bandits approaching, that we haven't seen yet.

I agree that taking out the crossbowman is a high priority, but we should at least get an eye on the three bandits, right? If there's another one that would pose a problem for our friends then a bit of an interception is in order.
No. 1035221 ID: f57349

Steal the wounded guy's spear so he's more fully neutralized, then use spear on crossbowman.
No. 1035521 ID: 9748c8

Focus on the crossbowman.
No. 1042052 ID: 94bb57
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Making the snap decision to join the fray, you move with haste and purpose past the slumbering brigand to bear down on the wounded bandit with the spear; the man cranes his head toward you, eyes wide with startled surprise at the visage of the masked woman bearing down on him -- and even transfixed by a bolt as he is, he musters adrenaline in an effort to turn his spear towards you in an effort to ward off your approach.

Deftly, nimbly, you kip up with your momentum and deliver a fearsome buune stomp against his shoulder with force enough to jolt the weapon free from his grasp. In one fluid motion you scoop your sandal-clad foot beneath the pole-arm and kick it up into your waiting hands, turning your attention to the crossbowman, adrenaline coursing through you.

Fortune favors the bold bun: you can see the brigand has worked to reload his weapon with surprising efficacy, lest you had hesitated before. Now, shaken by your faithful hound and your own sudden surprise entrance, the crossbowman scrambles to draw a bead on you with the weapon. Tall grasses and foliage graze your shins as you hop, vault and sprint as fast as your legs can carry you.

From deep within the pit of your being, you feel tension well into a bodied buune battle cry as you throw your full weight behind a forceful thrust. You feel the head of the spear bite against the man's leather lamellar with a moment of resistance before its sharp point pierces past the man's defenses with all the fervor you've brought to bear. Crossbow falling from his hands before he can fire upon you, the brigand's face floods with dumbstruck astonished surprise as he chokes a cry, trying to grab at the spear stuck in his chest. A mortal blow, you are all but certain.
No. 1042053 ID: 94bb57
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Having shed your stealth to engage the battle at hand, you take quick stock of the situation in your surroundings: three other brigands have emerged from the wilderness to engage your companions, a cloaked woman moving wide to flank Geoffrey while a hardened looking fellow with an eye-patch carrying a falchion and buckler takes to him head-on.

From the opposite flank, a tall broad man garbed in heavy chain-mail moves to meet Zarin with a heavy shield and broad-axe. Behind you, one of the bandits yet slumbers and you can hear the groans of the spearman -- alive, but incapacitated and disarmed such that you are confident he is out of the fight.

C.C. awaits your direction with eagerness as you bear spear and sorcery at hand.

You decide to...

> A) Move to join Geoffrey's melee
> B) Move to join Zarin's melee
> C) Do something to aid them from afar
> D) _

In addition to your vote, you can include what you'd like C.C. to do.
No. 1042081 ID: 58dd24

C.C go harry the approaching woman and keep her from joining the other fight.
B) Move to join Zarin's melee
Is that crossbow still drawn back after being dropped? A quick shot to the chainmail guy's back would be nice.
No. 1042083 ID: 8483cf

B. Spooky chain mail man means Zarin needs help.

I vote that C.C. should harry spooky chain mail man's shins, to keep him off-balance and ideally trip him up. Armor, size and reach don't mean a thing when you're flat on the ground.
No. 1042128 ID: bfc523

Attack the foe in chainmail with the crossbow if it is loaded, if you succeed in injuring or dispatching him move to join Geoffrey's melee. If the crossbow is not loaded or is ineffective, engage Zarin's foe using the spears range to fight defensively.

C.C. should harry the woman to prevent Geoffrey from being flanked immediately.
No. 1042208 ID: f57349

Have C.C. harass the big guy in chainmail. Move to flank Mr. Eypatch yourself, circling around through the underbrush so you can approach from his blind side, and on the way there, shoot the crossbow at whichever bandit presents the clearest target away from your allies. Shout to warn Geoffrey about the cloaked woman.
No. 1042281 ID: 8a5496

CC the woman, crossbow the eyepatch, then B
No. 1070267 ID: 64dbac
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Wrenching the spear from the crossbowman, you feel the weight of the man slough free before collapsing backward into the foliage with a crumpling rustle and crackle of bushes. Within, you can feel your heart racing as the melee yet unfolds - casting a sidelong look to your companions in the fray before looking to the heavy crossbow below: it appears to correspond with a crank mechanism to reload - usable, but necessitating a delay.

You gesture and direct C.C. to bear down on the cloaked woman yonder, watching the ephemeral pup bolt with a snarl that would startle any not in her graces; with some assurance that Geoffrey would not be overwhelmed, you grip tightly at the spear in hand and spring to movement once more, intent on aiding Zarin.

Swift are the buune and you are a fine example of such - to stride and dart past overgrowth and roughage is a trifling matter and second nature; you can feel the wind catch at your ears as they slip free from your hood but by now, it is no matter. In the periphery of your vision, you glimpse the cloaked woman assailed as a wicked blade flashes free from her shroud, leaving little doubt in your mind that she would have sought a precise and visceral blow to Geoffrey whilst he was distracted.

Ahead as you bear forward with a bounding gait, your ears twitch to the thunderous crack of axe against shield as Zarin absorbs a potent blow. Stout and strong as an onager is wont to be, you catch glimpse of the jolt it sends through your sizable companion and gather a more acute appreciation for just how large the man in mail truly is by contrast; what a beast of a human!

You have hunted beasts before.
No. 1070268 ID: 64dbac
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With momentum, reach and the spring of your powerful legs, you drive the head of the weapon through the yield of ringed mail as its sharp point plunges and penetrates, a spatter of crimson blooming to catch on the shaft and nearby greenery before splattering again from the opposite side of the man: you've run him clear through his chest. Lurching backwards, the big man's weight bears him down against the spear and it loosens from your grip, catching against the ground and cracking in half with a splinter of wood.

There he lay at your feet, dead with a certainty; your eyes flit to meet Zarin's gaze and the onager's head tilts, as if assessing you under a new light. Across the path, the cloaked woman yelps and howls as she grapples with C.C. - and as Geoffrey trades deft blows with the one-eyed man, both he and his living companion draw to blurt loudly: they yield!

Several are slain, but the cloaked woman, one-eyed man, slumbering brigand and bolt-struck spearman yet live (though the latter will surely expire without healing. Independent from the vote below, you can weigh in on whether or not you wish to try to heal the spearman who was shot.

You decide to...
> A) Bid the remnants be spared by your companions and turned loose with a lesson learned after questioning
> B) Bear not this transgression: may the lot of them be put to the sword
> C) Spare the survivors for questioning, but leave them stripped of arms and armor to fend for themselves
> D) _

With that, we are back - and with your choice of action, the fight is won without casualty among your party. You feel bolstered by the experience and your companions have garnered a new appraisal of you in the process.

For those of you returning or reading anew, welcome and thank you! Life had been rather boisterous for quite some time, but I am returned bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. We are, notably, nearing a close on this 'act' of the tale - Kaia, Geoffrey and Zarin will assuredly continue adventuring, but I would also like to see what folks would feel about taking on a new POV & character for the next act vs. continuing directly with the buune.

No. 1070269 ID: e5709d

C) Take the loot. Give them a little food to survive, but otherwise make sure they won't come after you in revenge.
"And one last thing. In the event that you have told us falsehoods meant to get us killed so you can loot our corpses, you should know that I intentionally had my poltergeist hold back. The things they do to the souls of inconsequential creatures, well... that is more than even you deserve. For now."
No. 1070270 ID: e9dd80

They are to divide their possions into two piles and you will keep the one you like. This won't leave them completely defencless in the wilds, and a subtle test of which of them is most compliant.

Interrogate them, is this their whole company ? are there other dangers ahead?
Asses the injured man, only aid them if it is not a drain on your resources and if it will actually give him a chance of survival. This will hopefully make the rest of them more amenable

I like this. Use C.C, your exotic nature and mysterious powers to play on their superstitions, and further intimidate them into cooperation
No. 1070285 ID: a785dd

C) Find out what they know about the area and if there are any other hostile entities to be aware of. Leave them with just enough supplies to survive. I think healing the spearman would encourage the rest to be truthful and possibly dissuade them from seeking revenge.

Scaring them with C.C. is a great idea.

As for switching POV and character, I feel that Kaia's skillset allows creative and interesting solutions to situations, and I've quite enjoyed following her.
No. 1070292 ID: 048f0e

Agreed that C is the best course of action; putting them to the sword isn't the best way to teach a lesson and to spread word of what happens to brigands. Plus, usually, brigands are local peasants who've turned to desperate measures to support themselves and/or their families. That or deserters, so it's a 50/50 on if this pays off for us in a village later for sparing them.

New POV is always fuune!
No. 1070321 ID: b57fea

C) for the same reasoning as above. I'm also a big fan of bunne but I wouldn't be opposed to a POV shift
No. 1070328 ID: f2cf5a


Backing >>1070269, seems solid.

As for POV, I'll admit honestly- I've come to view this as Kaia's quest and story, so I don't actually think I'd be super interested in a different POV for a whole thread with how long they can take. I'd say keep your focus steady, especially considering you just came back.

In short: thanks, but no thanks. I'd prefer to keep with the Bunne.
No. 1070433 ID: 64dbac
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It does not take long for you to decide it would be best to spare, but disarm and strip the surviving brigands of their armaments and valuables. Geoffrey and Zarin are content to carry out your will in such matters, taking up the task of securing the lot for questioning while you turn your attention to the wounded spear-man; you find him to be in a great deal of pain, but provide nominal succor to stabilize him by way of MEND and SOOTHE - albeit performed as simple cantrips, for wont of saving your reserves of energy.

Upon your return, the brigands have been bound and readied for questioning -- and while they seem to regard Geoffrey and even Zarin in somewhat equal measure, you perceive that you seemingly put them at unease. Curious, if onager are more placidly accepted in the realms of man - that the buune would elicit more suspicion. Perhaps, you reflect, it is not unduly so given your canny with witchcraft and the stuff of souls and spirits - C.C. as a prime example.

With this consideration, you are inspired to lean into their superstitious regard for your people and coalesce a demonstration of your power to instill fear in them should they entertain the thought of betraying your mercy -- especially having saved the life of their friend. It proves quite successful, you feel: their responses are earnest and forthcoming.

This is, it would seem, only part of the whole of their remaining company and the lot of them are - or were - a mix of deserters of both the military and peasant militia. Since the PALL's formation, governance and order had already been strained contending with corruption and monstrous beasts surfacing throughout the land; add to this the SARKEN invasion and the realm has frayed apart at the seams.

From your questioning, you learn that the road ahead forks once more, with further brigands waylaying travelers on their way to the north; they'd avoided the southeasterly fork to Volkregar, despite a desire to seek what riches they believe to be hidden away there; two of their number had vanished without a trace after setting out to scout the way to the vaults a week prior. They believe that some manner of terrible monsters haunt the swampland there and that perhaps something had escaped from Volkregar into the wild. Lastly, they share that their band had avoided ambushing a contingent of clergy they believed to be on their way to Volkregar - their leader suggested to blaspheme quite so severely would be an ill omen for the lot of them.

"Won last theeng: if yew have told us falsehoods..."

You have come to learn that the buune are regarded with fear and superstition by some in the realms of man - this may prove to be both a boon and hindrance to you in the future. With your display, you feel confident these brigands at least will be unlikely to cross you again.

You have also gleaned information about the way ahead -- a northward fork which could be a useful path to further destinations, brigands not withstanding, and a southeasterly route to the Vaults of Volkregar proper -- alleged to be treacherous with lurking monstrosities. Given that these are a superstitious lot, it is possible that such beliefs are over-exaggerated.

No. 1070434 ID: 64dbac
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Afterwards, you regroup with Geoffrey as Zarin oversees the prisoners. "Can't say it bodes well if they've lost lads to the swamp there - but it'd be a toss-up 'tween some nasty creature or the guards of the place, if you ask me. Maybe they also just fucked off into the wilds, eh?" Geoffrey leads you to the gathered spoils, kicking at piled up mail and leather - some of which has been damaged from battle and darkened with blood. "If we wanted a real haul we'd likely need to go track down wherever that lot lairs." Geoffrey offers, nodding towards the prisoners.

"But you're still anxious to go to Volkregar I gather. If that's the plan, then we ought to decide on whether to settle in now and try the rest of the trek come morning, or push on while there's still day left. Either way, you're the boss eh?" He flashes a bright smile.

There are SPOILS from the battle; Geoffrey and Zarin are technically in your employ, but it is up to you if or how much you'd like to split with the two of them from what is here. Collectively:
> 33 gold coins
> 65 silver coins

> Broadaxe
> Dagger x3
> Dirk
> Heavy Crossbow w/ 21 bolts
> Longsword
> Shortsword x2
> Throwing Axe

> Chain Mail Armor
> Leather Armor
> Splint Mail Armor x2
> Nasal Helm x2
> Spangenhelm
> Wooden Shield

> Bloodwillow Poison Oil x2

Additionally, you have earned 2 TP! As before, this can be spent to improve or unlock Talents, or can be saved up until you have more to spend later. You'll be able to spend it on improvements when next you rest, but you can consider what you might like to do with it ahead of time.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GMZzD92D41H7SBRdr3Znag5X2oVB5aWmL0tPqlywi7M/edit?usp=sharing Link to the game sheet; possible spoilers for someone reading this from later updates!

You can err on the side of immediate caution by resting now, having gone through the din of battle; this would ensure you and your companions are fresh before carrying on towards the more treacherous regions of the swamp at first light and afford more day travel through the terrain. However, you would likely arrive at Volkregar at night, whatever may be afoot there. You could instead push onward in an effort to cover more ground before making camp; this would mean seeking shelter in potentially more dangerous surroundings, but the remaining leg of the journey and your arrival at the Vaults would like as not have day to spare.

As for your travel plans, you decide...

> A) Shelter and rest here, setting out for Volkregar at first light.
> B) Push onward until nightfall, then seek shelter and cover the remainder of the trek come morrow. [PATHFINDER]
> C) _

You're welcome to offer some more nuanced planning in there - and please also include what you'd like to do with the spoils and whatnot. Your PATHFINDER talent will potentially come in handy should you choose option B, as that betters your odds of navigating and finding suitable shelter.
No. 1070438 ID: e9dd80

Mercenaries only work when paid no? Divide the money into fours, equal shares for everyone and a fourth as a reserve for the needs of the group as a whole.

As for arms and armour, everyone gets free pick if theres anything worth taking. The poison seems best suited for your use. Try the armour on for size but only don it if it does not overly hinder your movements or stealth capeabilities.
Does the dirk or the daggers take your fancy? Only take the remaining gear with you if it does not encumber the party too much.

Could we use the prisoners as guides? Maybe return some of their loot if they do a good job. A bit risky maybe...

Im tempted to say push on, make use of the Pathfinder Talent, hell could we power game it and upgrade it with the 2TP?

Alternatively i'm in favour of takeing a point in Markswoman and saving the other for an eventual Cloak and Dagger upgrade
No. 1070442 ID: e5709d

Even shares of 11 gold, 20 silver each. 5 silver goes to finding Crystal Crumpsy a toy.

Take the Spagenhelm, Leather Armor, 3 Knives, a shortsword, poison vials, and the crossbow with bolts. Let the others pick what they can handle.

Use your pathfinder skill. You've still got energy left to find a better camping spot.

TP goes to Witchcraft and Marksman. See if you can put that crossbow to good use as a tool rather than a weapon.
No. 1070454 ID: a785dd

Divide the money evenly among the three of you, and take the poison vials for sure. Only take armour and the crossbow if they aren't too cumbersome. Let Geoffrey and Zarin have whatever equipment you don't take.

Push on until nightfall with your pathfinder skill.

Put 1 TP towards Pathfinder and save the other.
No. 1070486 ID: fef0ba

Paying mercs keeps them happy and hardworking. Give em equal shares to you, with another share held over for later use. Grab the poison- What does Bloodwillow oil actually do? Maybe take the chainmail too, if it's better than what you're currently wearing.
No. 1070577 ID: da6908


Agreed with all of this. It’s not powergamey to level Pathfinder right now, it’s just common sense; Kaia’s about to improve a skill by using it.

Keep one TP in reserve, split the loot, dump anything that would encumber us.
No. 1070594 ID: 64dbac
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You decide that dividing the coinage with Geoffrey and Zarin seems to be a given, especially in wanting to keep the pair in good standing. From the remnants you claim the poison vials, somewhat surprised to find bloodwillow oil in these lands -- thanks to your knowledge of herbalism, you're familiar with the oil and its effects. Bloodwillow oil is most effective if ingested or applied via wounding, creatures may suffer stiffened joints and numbing pain in their extremities leading to a loss of agility and flexibility along with difficulty concentrating.

Among the rest of the gear, you're confident with your skill at small blades and though they're not throwing knives, having more than one dagger can be useful in a pinch. Similarly, the short sword suits your weapon familiarity -- as for the crossbow, you're familiar with how substantial an effect the mechanism had in arming even the inexperienced at range; you can fit it in your bag along with the spangenhelm until either are necessary. With those more cumbersome additions, your bag is nearing its flexible capacity at its present level of enchantment.

Several of the brigands had worn leather armor, either piecemeal or whole; despite being short for a buune, you've found yourself to be of as tall as many among the realms of man and seemingly stronger than you'd expected by comparison. With some scrutiny and careful gathering, you are able to assemble for yourself pliant, flexible armor that offers greater protection at the cost of some of your agility and alacrity. A worthwhile trade? You reason you may hold a greater appreciation should a blow manage to land on you.

Asserting a desire to push on, Geoffrey and Zarin seem amenable to the prospect; the two of them claim the axes large and small from the spoils.

You are strong enough to handle heavier armor like chainmail, but it will certainly impose more hindrance on your speed and nimbleness (not to mention stealthiness) which seem to be consistent qualifiers in the suggestions so far. Donning the leather armor does impose a nominal tradeoff for speed and mobility, but your stealth should be largely unaffected and it may help considerably in the event that you might be injured. As with many things, you can potentially employ enchanting during your quest.
No. 1070595 ID: 64dbac
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You have strengthened ties enough to form bonds with your companions! Making the split may seem like a no-brainer to some, but it is sufficient in tandem with your regard for your companions to form the beginnings of bonds. It was touched upon briefly earlier on, but throughout your adventures you may find companions whose bonds can both help grow and improve Kaia's own abilities -- and afford you an influence in directing the development of theirs. Companions may live or die or part ways with Kaia, among any number of possible outcomes -- but maintaining and improving your bonds can be a powerful boon in your quest in the long term.

As a reminder on TP - unlocking a new talent costs two TP, and improving a talent costs TP equal to its current rank (so for example, improving from one star to two stars would cost one TP, but from two to three would cost two and so on.) You can only improve a given talent once per round of advancement. You could improve Pathfinder to two stars for one TP, Witchcraft to three stars for two TP or gain Markswoman for two TP, with some of the direction being considered currently.

Additionally, with the bonds you've formed you have unlocked Geoffrey and Zarin in the adventure sheet! Though there are still hidden elements for your companions, you can now review information for both such as their class, focus and talents -- and you now have the chance to develop their talents as well. Both Geoffrey and Zarin also have 2 TP each presently! Having multiple instances of utility talents in the party can have an additive effect. Each companion you may discover on your quest has one talent unique to them, also.

I've also updated the game sheet for the inventory changes and revealed the PARTY TALENTS tab, as well as added Geoffrey and Zarin to the CHARACTERS tab.

For convenience, here are their current and available talents:

Duelist ★★★☆☆ - "Martial excellence in matters of fencing, swordplay and skillful melee to parry, riposte and otherwise perform impressive skill with light bladed weapons."
Cloak & Dagger ★☆☆☆ - Stealth & subterfuge, efficacy at the finer arts of secretive actions, hidden movements and matters of espionage and misdirection.
Pathfinder ★☆☆ - Among the most remote reaches of wilderness through the depths of the darkest caves, expertise in navigating and finding one's way in places others may become helplessly lost.
Huntsman ★☆☆ - "Tracking quarry, be it man or beast, with knowledgeability for survival in the wilderness. Improves odds
of successfully hunting game and can synergize with Pathfinder and Marksman."
Swift Learner (Unique) ★ - "Adaptable and quick to broaden one's skills, provides a chance to gain additional TP when awarded. Once per advancement a new talent can be learned for one TP instead of two. Can cross-train talents from others."

Brawler ☆☆☆ - Without weapons at hand, one's hands can suffice with able pugilism, grappling and fisticuffs in melee.
Marksman☆☆☆- Honed excellence at range achieving challenging or tricky shots, with improved accuracy over greater distances and leading fast moving targets.
Quartermaster ☆☆☆ - "Camp management when in the wilderness, affording better efficacy of supplies and improving recovery for oneself and others during rest. In civilization, efficacy in handling sundries and common bartering."

Bulwark ★★★☆☆ - "Martial excellence in matters of defense, canny and ken in defending both oneself and others. Higher ranks improve one's ability to deflect or intercept incoming blows."
Shield Wall ★★☆☆ - "Expertise in the use of shields, amplified should one fight alongside others with this talent. Synergizes with Bulwark, higher ranks can reduce the likelihood of one's guard being broken."
Brawler ★☆☆ - Without weapons at hand, one's hands can suffice with able pugilism, grappling and fisticuffs in melee.
Onager's Brawn (Unique) ★★☆☆ - "Large size and a legacy of service can allow an onager to perform impressive feats of strength and carry burdens which would prove overwhelming for others. Capable of carrying and equipping even the heaviest of gear and goods with minimal effects of encumbrance."
Herbalism ☆☆☆ - Discovering, identifying and collecting useful herbs and plant-life for use as reagents, ingredients, food, poisons or medicinal purposes. Higher ranks increase success rate and yield, opens rarer finds.
Juggernaut ☆☆☆ - "Leveraging a strong defense to afford a stronger offense, aiding in armored mobility and momentum, as well as diminishing and mitigating the effects of debility and injuries during combat."
Pathfinder ☆☆☆ - Among the most remote reaches of wilderness through the depths of the darkest caves, expertise in navigating and finding one's way in places others may become helplessly lost.
Quartermaster ☆☆☆ - "Camp management when in the wilderness, affording better efficacy of supplies and improving recovery for oneself and others during rest. In civilization, efficacy in handling sundries and common bartering."

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GMZzD92D41H7SBRdr3Znag5X2oVB5aWmL0tPqlywi7M/edit?usp=sharing Link to the game sheet; possible spoilers for someone reading this from later updates!

I'm going to treat this as an interstitial update, so the voting / decision making here is just settling on if / how you want to spend TP or save it - afterwards next update we'll proceed on!
No. 1070599 ID: a7a57c

I’m going to presume “additive” is in contrast to “multiplicative” (wherein two skilled users are much more effective than just one) and “non-stacking” (wherein only the highest skill matters, and having multiple users at the same or lesser skill level is as effective as one)

Geoff TP 1: With that in mind, Geoff’s Swift Learner is solid gold for a party member. He’s like steroids for skills, and we can teach him anything we have from other party members. Let’s cross-train him on Herbalism from Kaia, so we don’t have to spend our own TP to pump that stat.

Geoff TP 2: Let’s have Geoff spend his other TP to pump Cloak & Dagger to level 2, so we can have him accompany us on sneaking missions with a degree of competency.

Zarin TP 1 and 2: Do I even need to say how well Bulwark and Shield Wall synergize with each other? Spend 2 TP to bring Shield Wall up to level 3. This is a solid investment in the NOT DYING stat.
No. 1070604 ID: a785dd

Geoffrey: Spend 1 TP cross training Herbalism and put the other into Huntsman.

Zarin: Spend both TP to gain Juggernaut.
No. 1070607 ID: 58dd24

so many good abilities that we should upgrade, but I do cautiously suggest unlocking out unique Fortunate Bun talent would be wise.
No. 1070828 ID: a7a180

Geoff: +cloak & dagger, marksman.
Zarin: Onager's brawn.
No. 1071077 ID: 4481aa


I support both parts of this approach. Herbalism and Huntsman seem like a good pairing, focusing heavily on Geoff's utility in hunting, whereas Zarin improves his defense with a strong offense.
No. 1071120 ID: 7c5beb


Level Cloak and Dagger. Like Donut said, having The Buddy System while on stealth capers could save our life.

Also level Herbalism since it's a good skill and because I don't want to make another tie vote.

Level Juggernaut. I vote this over Bulwark because Bulwark sounds more like a dexterity or combat-based defense skill rather than one based on brawn. While there's nothing wrong with dexterity, we already have Onager's Brawn going for us.

Conserve TP for now.
No. 1071220 ID: 64dbac
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Once you've finished attending to prisoners and plunder, you feel certain in the course of trusting your skill at Pathfinding -- pushing onward until nightfall, that you may cover as much ground as possible while the day remains. Despite the remoteness of your destination, a road of sorts has been relatively maintained through the swampland reaches; Zarin keeps to the road proper as you and Geoffrey navigate the wilderness which flanks it, both keeping hidden for long stretches.

Two hours into your trek, a stretch of road has been overtaken by a lingering flood of muddy pools; fortunately, you are able to identify and tenable shortcut along an overgrown game trail, avoiding a more lengthy diversion. Distant caws and calls of birds carry on the wind, while croaks and buzzing insects prove a chorus as you traverse loam, mud and clay midst stretches of more solid earth. Finding some fortune in an abeyance of purported monstrosities, your keen eyes and nose flit among the foliage, senses peeled in pursuit of notable or useful flora.

Geoffrey takes a keen interest in your Herbalism once he alights to your activity -- leading to a cultural exchange of sorts: you instruct the man as one might a buune kit. To your surprise, he takes to your lessons with earnest readiness, unexpected of a mercenary. Together, with your tutelage, you and he discover bounteous samplings of lizard's tail and goldenthread along with a bundle of stone root -- the latter of which proves most fortuitous as buzzing insects prove biting pests.

When dusk approaches, you set your focus on seeking out a safe and secluded site to set your camp. While one can find not certain assurance against the dangers of wilds corrupted by the pall, your canny talent proves fruitful: you are confident in the relative sanctity of a dry niche of terrain recessed alongside an enormous, gnarled husk of a great tree. Notably, the essence which yet lingers within its trunk and ancient roots prove a sufficient well from which to erect a SHROUD ritual -- and to your pleasant surprise, Geoffrey is further able to camouflage the sizable tent he and Zarin deploy.

Geoffrey's a fast learner and takes well to matching your tempo at a stealthy gait through the swamp! As the traversal provides opportunities for further surveying of the local flora, both you and Geoffrey with his newly cross-trained Herbalism scored successes! Between the two of you, the party has gained a tidy sum of reagents for later usage -- though for practical purposes, the three of you have immediately used three doses of stone root to combat the swamp's aggravating insect population.

Pathfinder 2 proves to be a savvy investment: here, the check at your first rank would have at least proven sufficient for a suitable campsite, but with rank 2 you were also able to locate a capable ritual source. With this, it was possible to perform a SHROUD ritual at a more potent scale than you would ordinarily be able to comfortably fuel with your own reserves. You feel fairly confident this has made for a safe campsite. Nevertheless, a watch will be kept...

With the tallies in and trying to accommodate the general lean folks took, the results:
> Kaia: 1 TP to take Pathfinder to rank 2, conserve remaining 1 TP
> Geoffrey: 1 TP to take Cloak & Dagger to rank 2, 1 TP to cross-train Herbalism from Kaia
> Zarin: 2 TP to gain Juggernaut at rank 1

Inventory updated:
> Lizard's Tail x6 Soothing swelling and relieving pain, this valuable herb can serve as an excellent reagent for a healing draught.
> Goldenthread x5 Pain relief coupled with sedative qualities, this herb can also help to combat poison; it is a strong healing reagent.
> Stone Root x2 Somewhat repugnant in scent, this herb is nevertheless quite useful as a repellent against insects and other creatures.
No. 1071221 ID: 64dbac
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Bedding down for the evening, Geoffrey and Zarin assert that they will cover the needed watches through the night, believing -- accurately, you must admit -- that full and restful slumber will best assure your efficacy at witchcraft on the morrow. Given the great unknown of precisely what obstacles or challenges may await at the Vaults, this seems a sensible concession. Much as you would greatly prefer to sleep beneath the stars where Khasma might shine upon you from on high -- you are set to share the thankfully sizable tent with your companions; it is spacious enough for two, but with one on watch there shan't be overcrowding this eve.

Ultimately, Zarin opts for first watch, leaving Geoffrey to bed down for the evening alongside your own accommodations. He sheds portions of armor for practical comforts -- affording you candid glimpses of the man's lean physique wrought of athleticism and battle. At long last, you are afforded a chance to rest and recuperate once more; there's no telling when such an opportunity may present itself again in the day, or days, to come -- the Vaults of Volkregar may prove quite perilous, after all, and there remains word of monstrous creatures ahead.

Still, your evening offers a modicum of flexibility in the calm. As such, you decide to...

> A) Seek company and conversation with a companion
> B) Pray for favor & guidance (To Khasma, or another deity if you so choose.)
> C) STUDY the Bramble Grimoire in an effort to brush up on your cantrips and rites
> D) STUDY Logenthal's Lines for Lagomorphs and practice your 'trade tongue'
> E) Relax & recuperate (seek maximal comfort & rest)
> F) _ (write-in activity not covered by the above)
No. 1071222 ID: a7a180

No. 1071224 ID: b4cdf8

A. Tell Zarin all about how tall Buunes are, and how nice it is to have someone remind Kaia of home.
No. 1071242 ID: 0c1ccb

A. Try to seek some "companionship" for tonight.
No. 1071265 ID: a785dd

A. Spend some time with Zarin.
No. 1071318 ID: f2cf5a

> C) STUDY the Bramble Grimoire in an effort to brush up on your cantrips and rites
No. 1071339 ID: e5709d

D because sus option
No. 1071356 ID: 2c474b

Chat with Zarin. Talk about how weird humans are, and what he thinks of Geoffrey.

Let C. C out, so she can stretch her ghost legs and receive incorporeal head pats from everyone.

I think its rather sweet that a gruff mercenary type like Geoffrey has taken to herb picking. Can we make him something like a flower garland or mistletoe crown?
No. 1071455 ID: 64dbac
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As the evening winds down, you've energy yet -- and decide to spend the span before slumber joining Zarin by the fireside. Turning Crystal Crumpsy loose, the phantom pooch excitedly bolts to rummage and run about in the overgrowth of the swamp nearby. Settling yourself on a felled log beside the onager mercenary; Zarin looks to you questioningly, and you broach a conversation -- the first real one on one you've had with them, as Geoffrey had done the lion's share of the talking these days past.

You regale the onager with tales of your homeland, extolling the beautiful vistas and valleys of the Ustellen mountains, the bustle of buune in Bellinea and of your travels and travails from before the reckoning that is the PALL. Truly, it feels like a lifetime ago, despite so short a span; your journey has taken you far and way the furthest from your home you've ever been, beyond even the span of the Briar Spire and the shrouded depths of the Obsidian Sanctum. Your encounters with the realms of man had been few and far between, back then -- but in your status as a starkly foreign outsider among the likes of such strange and furless beings, you find common ground with Zarin.

When you have spoken at some length, Zarin seems to relax and open up more freely -- sharing in turn having hailed from the distant INDARAS, far to the east and beyond the Sullen Sea; vassal to the EMPIRE VALEK by conquest, Zarin was but one of many pressed into military service. Across several campaigns Zarin served as a foreign auxiliary and legionnaire, fighting shoulder to shoulder -- or more aptly, far above the soldiers of man with whom they served. Service, and servitude, you learn to be all too familiar to the onager as a people, their large and stout statures and physiques affording them a greater efficacy laborious tasks than that of man.

Imperial Valek had embarked on a campaign against the KHANATE OF KHOR along the easterly reaches prior to the great ruin of the PALL -- and Zarin was among the forward legions waging battle with the GREAT KHAN's armies. This, seemingly, was a slow war of attrition underway, owed in large part to the STRANGE SORCERIES of the Magi of Khor -- but the imperial legions were nevertheless claiming victories deeper and deeper into the realm of Khor.

It was in the midst of a protracted siege of the easterly bastion that the CURSE spread across the lands -- and when the fighting was at its most feverish peak, Zarin recalls the Magi resorting to some fell and doubtless desperate sorcery which loosed great agony and terror midst the ranks of Khor and Valek alike -- slaying many where they stood in gruesome fashion and twisting others into vile creatures, turning on enemy and ally alike.
No. 1071456 ID: 64dbac
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C.C. returns several times toting successively larger and more impressive examples of the local flora as Zarin collects their thoughts -- before taking to a somber, quiet tone: the onager had been inundated with the same corruptive sorceries that laid waste to the legion surrounding the onager -- yet Zarin remained unchanged and among the living. Chaos reigned, with no semblance of command yet lingering on the field; Zarin speaks of fleeing the battle into the realm of Khor and despite this having meant freedom, seems ashamed of being found of cowardice and desertion from the Empire. Scorned by most as a foreigner and an outsider twice over, Zarin struggled until crossing paths with Geoffrey; the later, it seems, had heard of the sizable onager and sought them out -- and having an able, charismatic and friendly compatriot saved them, or so Zarin believes.

As the hour grows late into the night, you offer comfort and succor to Zarin, and though they are hesitant to accept such, you feel that your BOND has strengthened and that you have grown closer to the onager. There is a certain admirable quality to so large and powerful a figure, you find, and you have yet to be familiar with more intimate company with their kind; perhaps you may yet further explore such companionship in the days ahead. For now, you have found yourself spent and retire to the tent, finding Geoffrey fast asleep already; you reflect on the notion of fashioning a gift for the man, perhaps fashioned of flowers (if you can resist eating them, ever a challenge for a buune!) and file away the thought for when next you have an opportunity.

> Crystal Crumpsy has interacted with inventory
> Crystal Crumpsy attempted to put Gnarled Branch into inventory, but there's no room!
> Crystal Crumpsy attempted to put Gnarled Branch into inventory, but there's no room!
> Crystal Crumpsy attempted to put Gnarled Branch into inventory, but there's no room!
> Crystal Crumpsy attempted to put Gnarled Branch into inventory, but there's no room!
> Crystal Crumpsy attempted to put Gnarled Branch into inventory, but there's no room!

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GMZzD92D41H7SBRdr3Znag5X2oVB5aWmL0tPqlywi7M/edit?usp=sharing Reference sheet for current talents, magic and inventory. (Note: possible spoilers for anyone in the future catching up, as this document will be current to whatever the most recent update is!)
No. 1071457 ID: 64dbac
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Come morning, you rouse to find you and your companions intact and rested, reporting the watch was uneventful thanks to locale and SHROUD. Having ventured much deeper along the wilderness, you are set to make good time to your destination -- and once the camp has been broken down and remnants of your presence abated, you set out with Geoffrey and Zarin to make haste.

For several hours you trek, navigating the twists and dips of the road to Volkregar; compared to the prior paths, this one proves markedly more substantial and seems to have broadened at the fork after your encounter with the brigands -- suggesting more active and regular usage to and from the more northern reaches of Khor. Around you the air is thick with insects and cloying humidity and while your savvy herbalism largely spares you from the former, the latter leaves your pelt damp and keen sense of smell partly subdued.

As before, you again seek to handle navigation and traversal with Geoffrey, avoiding a suspicious dead-fall on the road. Mid-day, the gloom of the sky above darkens and intensifies, leaving you with that tell-tale prickly sensation precluding a storm. Determined to avoid setbacks, the three of you press on as a drizzle of rain begins to fall, further muddying the way ahead. From this, at least, you feel reassured in your decision to switch to tall leather boots, for your sandals would have left your legs mired and caked with mud most vexing.

Further on, your ears prick to the sounds of a swift river current some ways away, parallel to the road -- and as the weather trails to a burgeoning storm and grows more intense, fat dollops of rain summon splashes in ever-broadened puddles, pattering against the hood of your cloak. "I should've taken one from that lot." Geoffrey quips of your covering. "Mindful not to get tripped up on one in a scrap, though..." He mutters to himself, quite decidedly soaked.

Thunder rumbles in a rolling, roiling wave; with a flash fingers of lightning dance earthward and cast broad shadows, the scent of ozone faint. Together, you reach a gentle slope descending as the road broadens ahead, soggy swamp spreading aside and giving way to the edge of the wilderness -- far in the distance, you can spy the peaks of mountainous terrain and as the canopy parts, you set eyes more clearly on a vast and foreboding sight.

With a coursing river serving as its moat, rocky terrain rises beyond the opposite short and serves as the foundation to a vast fortress of sorts; a gatehouse looms before the span, its portcullis partly raised before the darkness within, while from your vantage you can see a drawbridge raised beyond. In the distance and on high, you spy crumbling crenellations and battlements shrouded in shadow while from the flanks of round towers trail staggeringly large chains, anchored in what appear to be rune-etched obelisks.

Lightning crackles again, twice over in tandem, bolts captured by metal spires capping conical roofs and illuminating gruesome gargoyles perched on their precipice while opulent archways adorn the cusp of a keep looming above it all. After a moment, you come to glimpse light aglow from lofty windows, suggesting an active presence within -- but no guard or garrison seems to grace the entrance as you might expect. You gather your nerve and steel your resolve, for there is no mistaking it: you have arrived at the VAULTS OF VOLKREGAR, domain of one of the last Magi of Khor -- and that you may one day breach the FATED CITY, here you must prevail.

-- END OF ACT 1 --

With this, we wrap the first thread -- but know that ACT 2 will commence soon, with great perils and daring escapades aplenty! I hope you have enjoyed our tale thus far and thank all of you who have followed along and supported its telling! If you would like in the meantime (and really, onward as we go) there is a discussion thread located here: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/137106.html#137106
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