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1002454 No. 1002454 ID: 4c9664

updates weekly
1654 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1070737 ID: e8880b

Sounds like the voidking didn't want to fight in the first place. Think they were forced or tricked into going to war?
No. 1070751 ID: 7695ec

I wonder if the Trickster is the one behind the war, and VK rebeled, that note of hurt and kill seems rather familiar, with this being what the known Trickster influenced Red-eye void of present, and what the memories of that one Titan had, a darkness with red stars, spooky stuff!
No. 1070757 ID: 127d01


Hold up, can we get a "Mean while" moment? Nothing serious or anything. I just feel like, it'd be good to see something else happen in the Slime Quest world for one small bit, related or not to the current slime quest.
No. 1070761 ID: a39c57

Two slimes stare each other down, cowbpy style.
One does a jig
The other cuts a rug
They are dancing... THE DANCE OF DEATH (nobody dies in this dance)
No. 1070810 ID: 0ba437

Sure! What do you want to see?
No. 1070952 ID: 7f957f


Haunted inventor???
No. 1070976 ID: a39c57

or haunted by the bite of 87
No. 1070983 ID: f9ee19

Man i love these characters
No. 1071238 ID: 084179

One hot minute. Nemo was Voidking's waifu / focus of his affection, and he feels super bad about stabbing his GF, but had to for some contrived reason so people think Nemo is dead where in reality she's still alive. As a means to protect her....by stabbing her....damn love is something strong amerite?

No. 1071288 ID: 0ba437
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Runaway wins! stay tuned...!
No. 1071292 ID: a39c57

No. 1071450 ID: 0ba437
File 169368290544.png - (151.75KB , 500x500 , 660.png )

Rain pours heavily around you as you hike through the trees. The thin pine branches do little to shelter you from the downpour. Your clothes are soaked through to the skin. You're miserable, cold, hungry, and lost. The waystone you used got damaged and sent you so far off course that you have no idea now where you are now. You're starting to wonder if running away was really a good idea after all.
No. 1071451 ID: 0ba437
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You see a plume of smoke over a line of trees and can just make out the warm light of what seems to be a small building. Your hopes rise as you approach, desiring nothing more than to be inside where it's safe and dry. You can't be certain, but you feel like something has been following you for some time. You shiver at the thought of being jumped by wild void and dragged away to die in the rain. If you had to die in a fight you at least hope you could be dry.
No. 1071452 ID: 0ba437
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You open the door to a small inn and step inside. There's a fire lit inside, a few tables and chairs, a bar counter, and some stairs that lead up. It feels a little small, but it's not crowded at least, with only a handful of patrons and the innkeeper inside.
No. 1071453 ID: 0ba437
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Before you do anything, you try to quickly think up a cover story just in case anyone asks about you.

Who are you? And what are you going to do next?
No. 1071454 ID: c290f0

If anyone needs a name keep it simple, lets go with "Bea".
You were trying to get to the next town over looking for a job but got a little lost; rain didn't help your cheap map much. You just need some guidance and a place to dry your soaked bones for a spell.
No. 1071458 ID: e754f9

You're looking for a friend who is in another town because they had a cool rock to show you. Yes. That is a good lie.
But what is the truth...?
No. 1071459 ID: 7b65e9

You need food, new clothes, anything valuable that could be traded.
Survival first, everything else second.
No. 1071460 ID: c290f0


Not a suggestion HOLY FUCK look at that fucking nerd to the left lol what a point dexter
No. 1071461 ID: 8ab08b

You're name Is Soaking Wet Stephen, and you are Soaking Wet. Ask the barkeeper where in sam hell you are. Dry yourself off and get a room for the night.
No. 1071462 ID: 14b8a5

Somethin simple like "Sam" maybe

As for a backstory? Maybe they're trying to learn more about themself and had to leave home in order to get a new environment for some introspection. These folks seem nice enough, but you can't be too safe, keep as much information as you can to yourself until you're sure they're not gonna turn you in or anything
No. 1071463 ID: 9c66d2

Best keep it simple. You’re Sam or Alex or whatever and you were on your way to visit a friend when you got horribly, horribly lost in the storm. You need directions, a chance to dry off, and maybe a bite to eat.
No. 1071464 ID: d344dc

Watch who you calling poindexter. ;3
As for a suggestion, we need a simple name and a simple request, as this is an inn, perhaps they can accommodate with a private room for the time.
No. 1071485 ID: cd48aa

I like this name.

And obviously what you should do next is something incredibly silly.
No. 1071838 ID: 2c1245

You're an adventure from a little farm outta some place not really important. You got tired of doing nothing and decided "hey! I want to adventure!" well here you are!
No. 1071847 ID: 0bf2fd

No. 1071976 ID: c413cb

Sam Bea is a more generic name. Hopefully that will allow you to blend more into your surroundings.

As for backstory? Share little. You're on your way to a town you're not going to for personal business.

Now scan the cilentele, shiftey eyes like. Become aware of all of the danger in the room. Act as Eastwood-like as you can.
No. 1072074 ID: 0ba437
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You approach the counter. The innkeeper looks up from her sweeping. "Oh goodness, you're a bit of a mess aren't you? How'd you get caught out on an awful night like this?

"Bit of a long story, I won't bore you with the details," you say evasively, "I was just doing some uhh, spiritual reflection, and I got a bit turned around. You know how it is haha." That's true enough to make for a convincing lie.

She seems surprised when you mention getting lost. "Hon, it's a miracle you managed to find your way here. Don't you know how dangerous it is to stray from the lights out here?"

"Oh, No? Is it?"

"You're in the heart of Froasting, hon. No better place to get lost or lose yourself than here in the trees. Lucky of you to stumble on my little inn!" She chuckles with an air of relief and pulls out a small notebook from her apron. "Not meaning to pressure you, but you probably want a nice warm room to dry off in, miss uhhh.....? Is it Miss?"
No. 1072076 ID: 0ba437
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"Miss Sam," you say, "And that would be wonderful." You try to subtly glance around the room. The folks in here don't seem very dangerous, probably just passing through on their own business. You kick yourself for not realizing it sooner. Of course you're in Froasting. It's one of those places He told you about. The dense forestry and dark tangle of plants are home to all manner of vicious creatures. The wild void especially favor the darkness of the trees. An old crystal-lit path winds through Froasting, connecting the Grand Station to Yawn, providing a modicum of safety to travelers, but those who stray from the safety of the light are rarely seen again.

"Alright, I've got something upstairs for you, Miss Sam," the Innkeeper says as she pockets her notebook. "Don't worry about paying it up right now, I'll collect it before you leave. Just go on up and rest. If you leave your wet things in the basket outside the door I'll get them nice and dry for you in the morning."
No. 1072077 ID: 0ba437
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You sit mostly undressed on the bed in your tiny room, your belongings all laid out to dry. It's not much, a small embroidered purse with some money, a knife, your thread kit, and the broken waystone that got you here. On the table is a small meal the innkeeper brought up to you, just a quick soup she whipped up and some bread.

If the Oracle were here she would probably say some nonsense about how the Goddess' Will protected you. And if He were here He would probably scold you for being so reckless. But they're not here.

You're definitely all alone. Even tho Crestal Sea Spire and the Oracle are geographically close to you (if you recall the maps He drilled into your head correctly) they're not directly connected, and as far as you know there's no way for anyone to trace you here. You're safe. You're alone.
No. 1072078 ID: 0ba437
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So alone. Tears drip down your cheeks. You used to believe that the Goddess was alive, that her warmth and her will embraced you always. Hours ago you were excited to finally come of age and take on the mantle of Oracle, to finally, finally get to see the Goddess, to hear her voice. Hours ago you learned the truth. You ran away to escape the lies, but now you feel so lost and directionless. You want to pray out of habit, but knowing now that your prayers have nowhere to go...

Do you pray anyway?
No. 1072083 ID: a39c57

pray to... something, *anything* that can hear your lone voice in the maelstrom.
No. 1072084 ID: 5fd272

Prayers are still a way of expressing yourself, of airing your thoughts. Even if they won't be heard, aren't they still a good way to process what you've been through?
No. 1072085 ID: e5709d

It depends. Do you believe in anything? You can pray to that if you want.
No. 1072087 ID: c290f0


You don't need to pray if your hearts not in it, what's the point otherwise?

Things are clearly way worse off then just being wet and lost; so in lieu of "praying" just talk to yourself. Give yourself a pep talk and take solace in the fact that at least now you've technically have nothing holding you back.

In fact this could be the start to a new chapter of your life, "Sam". Let's roll up those sleeves, tighten that belt bucket, get pumped, and say "I'm still alive, I've got skills, and what ever I do next I'm certain to succeed cause "SAM" has never failed once!"
No. 1072089 ID: 8f9bc4

Who's lying about the Goddess being alive? That's so cruel! And dangerous too! Do they not know of the wild void? The fall of the Grand Slimes? Statues of frozen Titans all over the land. None of that exists according to them?

What you need now is not prayer but purpose. Answers.
No. 1072091 ID: d6d4cd

The routine might help you feel some semblance of normal. Who knows, you might find a way to change them slightly for who they're for to suit your situation. Even if it's just for you.
No. 1072092 ID: cd48aa

Pray. It can't possibly make anything worse. And even if the Goddess is gone, maybe someone else will hear?
No. 1072093 ID: 273c18

Pray. But not to a being you know is dead. Reach out with your powers and see if you can find anything else.
No. 1072102 ID: fa3034

Maybe the habit will be comforting. Give it one last hurrah, yeah?
No. 1072166 ID: 0b5926

No. 1072167 ID: dba426

Say a few words in your mind about what you're feeling. It's not a prayer, exactly, but it's a lot closer to one than you'd generally admit
No. 1072278 ID: 6f11f5


No. 1072280 ID: 7edfcd

Why pray to nothing? If you truely wanted to embrace this lie then you wouldn't have fled home.
Reflect instead, who were you? What did you leave behind?
No. 1072352 ID: 2c1245

Whatever you do, do not pray to Todd Howard. He will take you money!
No. 1073428 ID: 0ba437
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You close your eyes. It takes only a moment of concentration to unshackle your thoughts. You drift away from your body and into the cosmic swirling infinite darkness. The light you had imagined was her is there as always, burning inside you, but it feels off. Or, it feels the same, but now you are wracked with doubt. Is this her? Or is this you?
You decide to focus on you, the realest thing in this world right now. The light seems to shift a bit and as you peer closer you seem to make out the image of your own reflection. She floats there lazily, looking at you in silence.
"So what... what do we do?" you ask, "I'm so confused and lost."
"Talk to me," she says. It's your own voice speaking back to you, but it feels different somehow. "Tell me what's on your mind."
"All my life I've believed the Goddess was real, that she lived in her temple. The Oracles would pray to her and she would speak her will to them. I was so excited to come of age and finally see her. I snuck into the temple to get a glimpse, and ... found nothing. Just the Oracle's workshop."
"That's a heavy revelation," she says, "What did the Oracle say when she caught you?"
"She told me that the Goddess had been dead for so long that nobody even remembered when she was alive. She showed me a journal the Oracles passed down to one another. Instructions for how to keep the people believing," you ball your fists in anger, "and it was my job to keep up the lie."
No. 1073429 ID: 0ba437
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She nods and stretches. "Well, I suppose by running away we're breaking the cycle. Or attempting to, yes? You can't be an oracle or a princess anymore, so what are you? Who are you?"
"I don't know, but whatever I am, I want it to actually help people. It's what the Goddess would want. If she were real, I mean.. I don't even know if she ever did exist now."
"Well, helping people is a noble goal, whether it's for a made up god or for it's own sake," she says, "You'll always have yourself after all, and that's a fount of power nobody but you can lie about."
"I don't really know what that means, but it feels ... comforting I guess?"
"It doesn't have to mean anything if you don't want it to. You know who you are, Sam, and you'll think of a way to do it. As for a reason, why not for yourself? Be your own Goddess."
"Yeah... I can do that. Thanks, me."
She chuckles. "I'll be here for you."

((From the Fount of Your Self, you are able to perform small Wonders. You recall some of the lessons the Oracle taught you and re-contextualize them as spells you can attempt to cast through prayer and focus.))
No. 1073430 ID: 0ba437
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No. 1073431 ID: 0ba437
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No. 1073432 ID: 0ba437
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No. 1073433 ID: 0ba437
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No. 1073434 ID: 0ba437
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You awaken some time later to an enormous clap of thunder that shakes the whole inn. Or, is it an earthquake? You're not sure. It's still dark out, but the rain has stopped. Maybe you woke up early? Or is it just this dark in the dense forest?
Something feels very very off...
No. 1073436 ID: 365de0

Is your clothing ready? Get dressed and check if anyone else is awake. Use a blanket if you have to.
No. 1073437 ID: cd48aa

No. 1073439 ID: 273c18

The Goddess lives on inside all of us.

Prepare for a fight, and step outside.
No. 1073440 ID: a39c57

then get dressed and see what's happening, that felt too earthy to be just a thunderclap.
No. 1073449 ID: 8feac3

God isn't real, you can blearily peek out your window and curse the sky for being too loud this late at night and nobody can smite you for it!
No. 1073450 ID: 8f9bc4

An adorable maniac has decided to unleash the beast!

Hope you're good at weeding.
No. 1073834 ID: 2c1245

god why'd you have to make him so HOT!
No. 1074026 ID: 0ba437
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You peer out the window, but can't seem to see anything for the darkness. There seems to be a lot of thorny vines covering the window. You definitely don't remember seeing that before.
No. 1074027 ID: 0ba437
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You crack the door open and see your clothing folded neatly in front of it, nice and dry. You quickly get dressed and pocket all your items.
No. 1074028 ID: 0ba437
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You cautiously descend the stairs and step out into the main room of the inn. The travelers you saw earlier are no longer present, and the innkeeper-

"Miss Sam!" you hear a hiss from behind the counter, and spy the innkeeper hiding behind the counter, "Don't go out there!"
No. 1074029 ID: 0ba437
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You dart behind the counter. The lady is shaking badly, a large kitchen knife clutched tightly in her hands. "What's going on? Was that thunder just now?"
"I don't know!" she squeaks, "The others went out to investigate, and -and... something took them! It just grabbed them and dragged them away and - and -and," she chokes back a sob, "This is too much for me!! I can handle regular monsters, but now the damn forest is attacking?? How the hell do you fight a forest??"
No. 1074031 ID: 82842b

>How the hell do you fight a forest?
Arson? :V

Worst case you could loot the inn for potential anti-thorn stuff gear, and wait til morning (or when you NEED to/are forced to leave) and see if things become easier?

Unless it's still getting worse, whatever it is...
No. 1074033 ID: 31c6af

HM. Yeah. This is bad.
Uhhh... you got any teleportation spells or magic that can let you see what's going on outside?
No. 1074035 ID: a7a180

You don't, you adapt to it. Flourish in it. Become an invasive species in it and crowd out the native plant life.
No. 1074036 ID: a39c57

Arson is a viable alternative to strategy.
Either that or get a plant cleaving weapon like a machete or cleaver
No. 1074037 ID: 273c18

You burn it.
No. 1074038 ID: 8ab08b

Construct a makeshift weed-wacker or find another cutting implement to take care of the plants, you know how to do that right? As much as Arson (fire) is a viable idea, it could set the Inn ablaze as well, and presumably we don't want that to happen to these nice folks.
No. 1074040 ID: cd48aa

No. 1074047 ID: 0b5926

With fire.
No. 1074101 ID: 708905

Axes, fire, poison, stripmining
No. 1074106 ID: 0bf2fd


No. 1074108 ID: 8f9bc4

You find whatever is wrong with the forest and you fix it. Hard to do when it's surrounded by thorny brambles. If you could get a sample of those thorny vines you might be able to figure out what they are.

Unfortunately you're not a botanist, and they'll just drag you away soon as you try. Their roots might be less threatening, if this place has a cellar? Plants make thorns to defend against things above the ground, not under it so much.

What you need is a giant trained and very hungry gopher...
No. 1074137 ID: a39c57

No. 1075091 ID: 0ba437
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You recall the stories He told you about Froasting. None of them included thorny vines, but He made sure to impress upon you the importance of Fire when facing anything in the trees. "Um... well, fire comes to mind. Plants usually don't like being burned."
She stares at you as you unravel a spool of thread from your kit and wrap several lines of it carefully around your fingers. "How are you going to fight an entire forest with a tiny fire?"
No. 1075092 ID: 0ba437
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"Well, hopefully I don't have to do any fighting," you say as you work. You lace your fingers through the loops you've created on your other hand, and with a sharp pull you snap several of them. Instantly your hand ignites in flame, crackling brightly in the dark inn. "Lots of creatures are afraid of fire, so hopefully I won't actually need to burn anything."
The lady yelps as you set your hand on fire. You're unharmed as the fires dance around it, but you can still feel a great deal of heat radiating off of your fist.
No. 1075093 ID: 0ba437
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"I'm gonna go out there and find them," you say as you rise, "you're welcome to come along if you want, or just stay here and hide."
She grabs your arm to stop you as you leave. "W-wait, please don't leave me here alone!" she squeaks.
You try to give her a comforting smile. "Alright, alright. What's your name?"
"I'm Chester," the lady says shakily, her kitchen knife shaking in her hand.
"Alright Chester, just stay close and we'll be fine." She squeezes your arm so hard it hurts.
No. 1075094 ID: 0ba437
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You cross the room and press ear against the door, listening for anything on the other side of it. Not even the wind can be heard.
You carefully open the door and peek outside. "Oh."
The entire doorway is blocked with a thick wall of those thorny vines.
No. 1075095 ID: 0ba437
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You raise your burning hand and press it against the plant flesh. A bright wave of fire ripples across the thick vines from your touch, and they shudder and hiss, unraveling and pulling away from the door.

A path begins to form through the vines as they pull and shift away from the fire.
No. 1075100 ID: a39c57

NOW WE'RE COOKING! Remember the basics of CQC and PUNCH! THOSE! PLANTS!
No. 1075103 ID: cd48aa

> Flirt
No. 1075107 ID: 6b2bf7

progres with care! the vines had to get there somehow, after all
No. 1075110 ID: 273c18

Careful now. Don't let them cut off the path behind you. If they don't regrow at all then focus on making paths to the other buildings. You're probably going to want to see if anyone can help you in this task.
No. 1075113 ID: 8f9bc4

> how are you going to fight an entire forest with a tiny fire

That is literally how you fight an entire forest. Tiny fires don't stay tiny.
No. 1078305 ID: 0ba437
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You lay your hand on more of the barbed vines as you push out into the darkness. Chester follows close behind.

"You didn't happen to see or hear what direction they were taken?" you ask her as you disintegrate another thick vine with your burning hand.

She shakes her head, nervously eyeing the creeping and writhing tendrils around the two of you. "Just, farther from the inn. I hope they're alright.."

"I'm sure they're fine," you say encouragingly, "folks know better than to wander through the woods unarmed, right? I'm sure they can take care of themselves, at least long enough for us to find them."

You hope that they can, anyway.
No. 1078306 ID: 0ba437
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The light from the inn shines brightly through the tunnel you've burned. At the moment it doesn't seem like they're keen on growing back behind you, so you press on. You decide to strike up a conversation to keep the mood light.

"So, uh, how long have you been out here for anyway?"
"Oh, a-a few years," she says, "I took over when my grampa passed."

"Family business, that's cool. Giant thorny vines aside, how's it going for you?"

She chuckles. "It's fine I suppose. It's a lot quieter than I'm used to out here. But the guests keep it exciting."

"You work all by yourself?"

"Mostly, yeah. Sometimes I'll hire some help when I can get it, but it's usually temporary. A lot of people are grateful for the inn, but most folks aren't willing to live out here in the woods," her expression sours a little, "I know I wouldn't have chosen this as my new home. Still, I'm happy I'm able to provide travelers a place of safety."

You continue on, pushing vines aside, burning them where you can, all the while keeping a firm grip on Chester's hand. Or maybe she's the one holding you tight.
No. 1078307 ID: 0ba437
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"What about you, miss Sam? You said you were doing some spiritual reflection?"

"I uh.. Yeah. I got a bit lost, but I think I've found my way again. Nothing like a long walk in the woods to clear your head, ya know?"

"Or a long walk up a mountain," she says with a soft laugh, "Well I'm glad you found some kind of comfort out here. In spite of the-" she waves her hand at the vines, "-all of this right now."

"It's not all bad," you say slyly, "I could be fighting these things all by myself. It's a lot less scary with you here."

Chester blushes. "O-oh. Wh-well.. I'm really glad you're here too."
No. 1078308 ID: 0ba437
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Your foot splashes in a puddle suddenly, snapping your attention back to the world around you. The fluid is a bit thicker than water, and dark, barely reflecting the blazing fire in your hand. In fact now that you notice it there's a lot of it all around you, oozing out of the vines and pooling on the forest floor.

"Ugh, gross, wh-what is this stuff?" Chester asks, trying to shake it off her feet. It seems reluctant to let go.

"It's void matter," you say as you examine it, "Why would it be leaking out of the vines tho? Wild void doesn't saturate plants..."

"H-how do you know that? Have you dealt with this sort of thing before?"

"I've heard a lot of stories about the wild void, but I've never heard or seen anything like this." You reach out to burn more vines. The flames eat away at the dry parts of the plant flesh, but seem to sputter and fizzle over the void matter. You're able to burn enough to squeeze through a bit further, but the dark liquid seems to quickly coat the singed parts of the vine and stop it from creeping further up the length of the plant.
No. 1078309 ID: 0ba437
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You look back and can see the space you cleared beginning to lace back together, slowly covering your path. If you turned back now you might be able to make it back safely. You've made it this far now tho, and if you don't keep pressing forward the travelers will certainly be lost for good.

A) Keep Going
B) Turn Back
No. 1078310 ID: 7edfcd

How long can we keep that fire burning? It's thread magic so does it come off our clothes?

Should we feel confident about the spells length, I say press on.

Regardless, if we do go back, we're back at square 1.

(P.s. Ask Chester to donate her clothes to the keep fire hand burning fund. P.p.s. Flirt)
No. 1078311 ID: 273c18

They're regrowing AND adapting? That's bad news. Unless you're very close to another building, turn back.
No. 1078312 ID: 3c2dff

A. The only way forward is through.
No. 1078313 ID: 330bc3

Well, you started this for a reason, and going back would not make you not stuck in the middle of the void bramble, continue
Wild void does not saturate plants yet here it is, probably safe to assume there is a reason
No. 1078314 ID: eb0a9c

You live in a world where the truth is known; the things in the void are just seeds waiting to be people.
There's much to fear, but not from them. (A).
No. 1078315 ID: cd48aa

A, obviously. Going back just means being stuck in the inn until the weight of vines crushes it. This is the only way forward.
No. 1078318 ID: 0ba437

((The next update will be in a new thread, since this one has started to take a while to load. A link will be posted here leading to the new thread when it goes live. Please continue to leave suggestions here until then!))
No. 1078321 ID: 0b5926

Keep going. You've come so far. You have people to save.
No. 1078337 ID: 350c4d

A)Keep Going
I'm excited for the clean new thread!
No. 1078969 ID: 0ba437
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