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1100808 No. 1100808 ID: d4d7d9

You're a long way from home, kid.

So...who did you wake up as today?
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No. 1100926 ID: dc4bad

is the long thing a hinge or handle?
might not need to mess with more buttons and instead just open the box(?) up.
No. 1100927 ID: eb0a9c

Seriously, though. Why are these tech-coffins showing up throughout the multiverse?

Check the knob, looks like a door handle. Hold onto it with one hand, and press buttons in sequential orders according to your imagination while you try to get the handle open.
No. 1100928 ID: 2e3679

white box? yup, its the REAL schizophrenia experience. time to press buttans!
No. 1100929 ID: 99ca7b

Check Inventory

Which is to say, yourself. All of you here, any bits missing?
No. 1100931 ID: b6ea64

Put a quarter in the purple coin slot
No. 1100938 ID: 2f41db

That does look like a door handle...
Buuut there are lots of buttons too.
Is freedom a higher priority than pressing all the buttons?
No. 1100939 ID: 2f41db

That does look like a door handle...
Buuut there are lots of buttons too.
Is freedom a higher priority than pressing all the buttons?
No. 1100951 ID: 463889

There are a lot of smart things you could do like try to remember what is happening, checking your pockets, and so... BUT THERE IS A RED BUTON SO IT MUST BE PUSHED ASAP!
No. 1100960 ID: d4d7d9
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>Check Inventory

You feel around in the pockets of your dress, and find a few things lying within. You have a VINTAGE SKY DANCERS DOLL, the kind that got recalled a few years back because the pointy end kept poking kid's eyes out. You also have a PAPERCLIP, and a YOYO. Other then that all arms, legs, and other appendages are accounted for.

>What is that row of circles next to you?

They appear to be a collection of small mesh holes, letting in fresh air throughout the box.

>is the long thing a hinge or handle?

It's a door handle, though it's tightly locked with no way to turn it.
No. 1100961 ID: d4d7d9
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>Check the knob, looks like a door handle. Hold onto it with one hand, and press buttons in sequential orders

That makes about as much sense as anything else, you don't have any other context on what the buttons will do. You proceed to grasp the door handle with your left hand, while raising your right hand to start pressing buttons.

You start with pressing the red one a second time.
No. 1100963 ID: d4d7d9
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You are once again left in the dark, go figure.

You hit the red button once more, turning the lights on.
No. 1100964 ID: d4d7d9
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Next up is the blue button, which sinks into the roof of the box once you press it, unable to be touched again. From seemingly nowhere, a melody begins to start playing, one that you have a distant memory of. It appears to be in a language you don't speak, but it's up beat at least.


Next you move to the green button, which one again sinks into the wall and leaves it unable to be pressed once more. You hear some kind of grinding nose far outside of the box, and the scent of...pizza hits your nose? You suddenly realize you are fairly hungry.
No. 1100965 ID: d4d7d9
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With no other options left, you proceed to hit the purple button. Right as you touch it, a vibration in the door handle alerts you to the fact that the lock has been undone, and you are able to escape your tiny box.

You open the door, crawling out into wherever you may find yourself.
No. 1100966 ID: d4d7d9
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You find yourself standing in a room that is...weird. Yes, it's weird because rooms don't tend to be this bare and oddly laid out, but also because you have a strange sense of familiarity. Regardless, there's a lot to see and a lot to do.
No. 1100967 ID: eb0a9c

Okay, first up. Now that you're safely out of the box, check it for any additional items you may have ignored while trapped in it. Once you're fairly certain there's nothing else left in it, place the box to the side of the door. You may need a barricade quickly.

Next, look at that broken switch, likely for the door. You may be able to hotwire a bypass to open the door without a code.

Knock on the barrel, try to figure out what is inside without opening it.

Don't touch the computer until you're sure you can't escape otherwise. It may trigger an alarm.
No. 1100968 ID: 0db8d3

Oh! That's not a lip ring that's your nose!
A big ol' honkin guinea pig nose by the look of it!
Welp. Time to kick the other coffin!
Friends! Yay!
No. 1100969 ID: 273c18

Where's the pizza?
No. 1100970 ID: 25fb94


Maybe a cat nose? The resolution of reality seems a bit low...
No. 1100971 ID: 99ca7b

Hold on.

You were just laying in a cramped, uncomfortable space.

Do some stretches before venturing forth. Gotta keep in shape. Wouldn't do to get a sudden cramp while running for your life, avoiding traps, and/or trekking into the unknown.
No. 1100972 ID: c1311f

examine barrel
maybe that's where the pizza smell is coming from?

also looks like someone broke the door control panel...
No. 1100973 ID: c5529d

I think you're in the wrong quest.

take some time to play with your yo-yo. Have some fun before you work.
No. 1100982 ID: fbbaff

Stretching is critical Cosmo(!). You never know when you could over extend yourself and pull a muscle that will impact your ability to work for ages to come!
No. 1100988 ID: 6c233e

Check out the other box. Can you hear breathing coming from the air holes? There may be someone inside so say hi.
No. 1100992 ID: 9cc607

No. 1100999 ID: 8f9bc4

Follow the smell of pizza.
No. 1101226 ID: d4d7d9
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>Do some stretches before venturing forth. Gotta keep in shape.
>Stretching is critical Cosmo(!)

You consider this for a moment, realizing just how stiff your entire body feels. Pausing your adventure for a moment, you let yourself streeeeetch out your arms, rolling your shoulders a few times until you can loosen up your body. While you're not in perfect condition yet, you do feel better. That being said, there's an odd crick in your neck that will just NOT go away, it's like there's a weird pressure on it from behind.
No. 1101227 ID: d4d7d9
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>examine barrel
>Knock on the barrel
>Follow the smell of pizza.

You walk over towards the barrel, though you're pretty sure it's more of an oil drum. The entire thing is made of thick metal, and a few knocks on the side of it echo out a deep rumbling tone. The top of it has a thick plastic plug, sealing a hole that you have to assume would be where the oil would come out of? As far as you can tell, the pizza smell is coming from within the drum. You're kinda hungry now.

>Check out the other box. Can you hear breathing coming from the air holes?

You take a brief look over to the other locker. As far as you can tell, there's no one inside.

>Now that you're safely out of the box, check it for any additional items you may have ignored while trapped in it.

Nope! As far as you can tell, the locker you were in is completely empty. Even the buttons have deactivated. You're just looking at a perfectly empty locker, ready to receive some books, coats, maybe the occasional nerd stereotype.

>place the box to the side of the door.

Unfortunately you're not able to move something so heavy. Not because you have a girlish figure or anything, though. You're like, six years old or something.

>look at that broken switch, likely for the door.
>also looks like someone broke the door control panel...

It certainly does look broken! The control panel has two buttons which would probably be glowing if there was power. Just from a glance though, you can't really see what's wrong with it, should you take a closer look?
No. 1101228 ID: 80c73b

>pressure on neck
Um. You don't like, have a tracker clamped onto your spine or st do you?
No. 1101229 ID: 6c233e

Check your neck, might be an implant
No. 1101231 ID: 0ece59

Remove the plug on the pizza barrel and try to take a sip of the liquid pizza contained within
No. 1101232 ID: 25fb94

You should investigate what kind of weird pizza-y liquid is in there, and if it seems safe or if it looks or smells off! And what, actually, is it!
No. 1101240 ID: 4c750c

While we’re inspecting the panel, we might as well *try* lifting up the slats. Maybe the broken panel means the door is unlocked and not jammed? It’s really a mixed bag with broken panels. I’ve seen people slam on door panels to close a door, AND to open it.
No. 1101246 ID: 273c18

Pop the cork on that barrel to see what's in it. Maybe there's real pizza inside!
Examine power panel closer.
No. 1101368 ID: 940726

Jiggle the barrel a bit. Maybe you can guess what's in it from the sound.
No. 1101371 ID: eb0a9c

Hotwire the switch! That means take the open ends of the two cords connected to the trigger (in this case, the two wires that the switch is connected to) and carefully stick the metal bits of both cords together. Do not touch the metal bits, it will hurt.
No. 1101481 ID: d4d7d9
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>Um. You don't like, have a tracker clamped onto your spine or st do you?
>Check your neck, might be an implant

You trace your fingers along the back of your neck, but you can't feel anything out of the ordinary. Then again it would be kind of hard to tell whether or not anything had been placed inside of you, right? You've seen spy movies before, they always tiny little eency-weency microchippy things put in them.

>Remove the plug on the pizza barrel and try to take a sip of the liquid pizza contained within
>You should investigate what kind of weird pizza-y liquid is in there
>Pop the cork on that barrel to see what's in it. Maybe there's real pizza inside!

You try your hardest, but the plastic stopper plugging up the drum appears to be stuck tight. It feels like there's a second lip to the plug on the inside of the barrel keeping it in place, so you're not sure if tugging will do any good. The middle of the plug is made of a thin plastic though, perhaps it's not opened by pulling?
No. 1101483 ID: d4d7d9
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>Jiggle the barrel a bit. Maybe you can guess what's in it from the sound.

Before moving onto other places of interest, you attempt to give the barrel a jiggle. It's quite difficult for a girl of your stature, given that you're a literal child and you could very well end up vending-machine style murdered, but you manage to give it a jostle without crushing yourself senseless.

Surprisingly, it doesn't sound like there's any liquid inside. Instead you hear a CLA-CLANG CLA-CLANG like something small and hard is banging around inside the drum. Though it's hard to tell, it sounds like it might be made of metal?

>Examine power panel closer.

You take a closer look at the panel. Hm.
The panel appears to be hanging on one screw that is somewhat loose, but the other three are still present in the plastic rectangle holding the buttons. Inside you see a mess of wires going every which way, though none appear to be broken or frayed. Instead, there looks to be two wires with odd rectangular plugs on their ends. They seem to lock together at their ends, but a big circular piece seems to be missing.

>Hotwire the switch!

You're not sure that you would be able to do that particularly well, even if these wires seemed like the kind that COULD be hotwired, which unfortunately they're not. Regardless, you are admittedly freaked out over the idea of becoming a fried little whisker girl.

>While we’re inspecting the panel, we might as well *try* lifting up the slats.

Even if the slats were loose, the sheer weight of the door would be too much for a girl your size. You refer back to the image of vending-machine death mentioned earlier, but with a marie-antionette flavor added to it. You suppose if you really needed to check for an implant, decapitation is a viable method.
No. 1101484 ID: 273c18

So we have doll, paperclip, yoyo... nothing was in the other box? So just those items... so we don't have anything to open the barrel or fix the circuit.
Check the terminal. Is it on, does typing do anything?
No. 1101485 ID: 6c233e

So someone sabotaged the switch. And in some haste it would seem, else they would have replaced the cover. Check the corners and under or behind everything in case they dropped the missing piece in their haste.

When that proves fruitless check out the console.
No. 1101498 ID: c1311f

>They seem to lock together at their ends, but a big circular piece seems to be missing.

Maybe the missing cirrcular piece is the YOYO in our inventory? If not, maybe the paperclip could be twisted to hold the plugs together.
No. 1101566 ID: 8f9bc4

Might need to find an APPROPRIATELY SHAPED COIN to fix the switch. What is on the computer?
No. 1101836 ID: d4d7d9
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>Check the corners and under or behind everything in case they dropped the missing piece in their haste.

You attempt to feel around inside the black void of wires and stuff, but are ultimately unable to find anything dropped or discarded. It's weird, the deeper you reach, the less you can feel anything. It all sort of dissolves into a vague sensation of darkness, like tracing your fingers through thick midnight fog.

You pull your hand back, shaking off the chill in your fingers.

>Maybe the missing circular piece is the YOYO in our inventory?

Well, it's worth a shot. You fuss with your YOYO for a minute, untying the string from the central bobbin of the toy. Clumsily grasping either of the odd sockets in your hands, you successfully plug both into your yoyo, completing what appears to be some kind of circuit. There is a faint whirring behind the wall, like your brother's computer coming to life.

You are now left with a YOYO STRING.
No. 1101837 ID: d4d7d9
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>When that proves fruitless check out the console.
>Check the terminal. Is it on, does typing do anything?
>What is on the computer?

There's an odd sound that follows the whirring noise, and you notice that it appears to be the weird computer screen in the wall. It's turned itself on!

You immediately recognize how old it looks, much different than any devices you're used to toying with. At the very least though, it has a normal keyboard and a simple enough display. Though your reading skills aren't great, you can tell that it's asking you to select a location.

Typing randomly on the keyboard yields no response, which frustrates you just a bit. Then again, the extent of your computer habits is ROBLOX, so perhaps you're not the best at judging the complexity of technology.
No. 1101838 ID: 6c233e

well 50/50 chance, type "SL Sector" first
No. 1101842 ID: 273c18

Oh right the axle in the middle is smaller than the outer size...

Let's try south first.
No. 1101885 ID: b9d413

Try tapping the screen, try hitting the arrow keys, try S and N, try hitting the spacebar and enter
No. 1101893 ID: 8f9bc4

give pizza

give me pizza

dispense pizza

open pizza

locate pizza


help search

search pizza direction

search pizza how to open
No. 1102150 ID: 2662d8

Write a tame location like:


It can be a fun trip ;)
No. 1102154 ID: a8da40

>Find spiderman
>pizza time
> P
> R
> O
> F
> I
> T
No. 1102184 ID: 0db8d3

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