Mauve Spice Tulip
>examine barrel
>Knock on the barrel
>Follow the smell of pizza.
You walk over towards the barrel, though you're pretty sure it's more of an oil drum. The entire thing is made of thick metal, and a few knocks on the side of it echo out a deep rumbling tone. The top of it has a thick plastic plug, sealing a hole that you have to assume would be where the oil would come out of? As far as you can tell, the pizza smell is coming from within the drum. You're kinda hungry now.
>Check out the other box. Can you hear breathing coming from the air holes?
You take a brief look over to the other locker. As far as you can tell, there's no one inside.
>Now that you're safely out of the box, check it for any additional items you may have ignored while trapped in it.
Nope! As far as you can tell, the locker you were in is completely empty. Even the buttons have deactivated. You're just looking at a perfectly empty locker, ready to receive some books, coats, maybe the occasional nerd stereotype.
>place the box to the side of the door.
Unfortunately you're not able to move something so heavy. Not because you have a girlish figure or anything, though. You're like, six years old or something.
>look at that broken switch, likely for the door.
>also looks like someone broke the door control panel...
It certainly does look broken! The control panel has two buttons which would probably be glowing if there was power. Just from a glance though, you can't really see what's wrong with it, should you take a closer look?