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File 173342617473.png - (87.17KB , 500x500 , dream quest thumbnail is thumbnail.png )
1100786 No. 1100786 ID: 3f89df

Dream Quest Continued Rebooted!

NSFW: For Nudity, Sexual Themes, Possible Gore, Dream stuff Really.

An look into my dreams! (And you can mess everything up!)
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No. 1100787 ID: 3f89df
File 173342638771.png - (55.59KB , 500x500 , oh no twitter apology ahhhh.png )

(Apologies for the bad art first update, It's been an long week for me, but I want to get this done so I can focus on it later.)

Author’s Note: Hi guys, I guess I should talk about the big elephant in the room, why did Silly ENF Quest, and the original dream quest, be taken from questden? Well, even if I don’t need to explain it, I think it is better for myself to do.….

To put it simply, I’ve recently grown up in a couple of ways, and in that way I realized that NSFW content with the personification of myself isn’t really sexy, and is more so awkward in retrospect, basically moving forward I won’t be having porn of Myself as an character, it doesn't mean I won’t be making nsfw, or have self insert characters of NSFW in my media (Although there will be an large distinction between me and the self insert character, and how they act will not be as I as an person will act.).

Another aspect is that I’ve recently been exploring different pathways and opportunities in my life since getting the proper medication needed for me to be as productive as I can possibly be, and this has opened some doors, for example: I have a Twitch! And as I’m still learning there may be a time when I become popular (Which may not happen, who knows.), and I’m working hard on it, Dream Quest had an scene which had an faux editor stream nsfw outdoors dream, while it was based off of an actual dream I had (Which was way shorter than that section of Dream Quest, Like 1:30 in length.) Now that I’m treating it more like a job, having that be in the background is more embarrassing, awkward, and gross more than anything. And could affect any opportunities for the possible career moving forward. (Imagine your boss seeing your comic while you're naked while in the office doing your 9-5?)

Also, while I’m not actively promoting myself as an SFW Family Friendly Artist, Most of my Youtube, and Twitch content, and I’m going to make the difference abundantly clear. (Unless otherwise stated: Like for Jackbox/Gartic Phone.) I’ve recently determined it is, 13+, and you can probably see how an NSFW story, based on a twitch stream could both give people the wrong impression, and gross me out on many levels.

That, and I know people will find my NSFW Content, especially if I somehow become popular for the Youtube Drama Content Hole, and try to put their own spin and interpretations for clout and views, even as myself, dates of posting, and word as the artist says otherwise, and that could affect my very real personal life, which absolutely scares me to think about.

Finally for Silly ENF, it’s kind of as a tiny bit of the reason said above, it just wasn't becoming fun with the suggestions anymore, and advice people said for it, while well meaning, kind of rubbed me the wrong way, that as well as the middle section of dreamquest came to be at an time when I was very hypercritical and very demeaning to myself, I basically made it to poke fun when I was being “lazy”, and had an lot’s of self demeaning humor in it. (Not that it’s wrong) and I’ll still probably do so, just paired with the nsfw stuff made it seem like I enjoyed that kind of thing when I really was just being mean to myself for the sake of being mean.

I will still have PDF Files of an basic screen capture, and then do an full PDF recreation of both of them, however I don’t want them on the front facing internet, and this text post as an disclaimer before them just so everybody understands from my point of view, because there are good things about each of them, even if too some the answer just may be: Change the characters name, man. It’s more complicated than that, and I don’t want it or the history to be as if I’m hiding some sort of crime, I’m not; It’s my art, I can post whatever I want, I’ve just grown up enough that this isn’t what I want.

Apologies for the large text, and if you don’t really care, I understand, please enjoy the quest anyway. {End of Author’s Note}
No. 1100788 ID: 3f89df
File 173342638978.png - (66.02KB , 500x500 , AH! procsaonation nightmare!!.png )

You Justle awake, as if you had woken up from a nightmare! Wow that dream you had was… kind of hazy?
No. 1100789 ID: 3f89df
File 173342639106.png - (78.28KB , 500x500 , eeek awake lizard derklord.png )

You look at your clock, it almost seems like you're stuck perpetually at midnight, honestly, are ghosts out to get you? Are you finally dead and this is your endless purgatory, being forced to relive dreams, as if old memories as your past torments you in endless agony?
Your about to get up,
No. 1100792 ID: 3f89df
File 173342651082.png - (64.32KB , 500x500 , sleepy sleepy derklord.png )

when suddenly an overwhelming tiredness fills within you and your ears begin to ring, as you slowly drift away from consciousness, before you go you remember: this reminds you of a dream you had ounce.
No. 1100793 ID: 3f89df
File 173342651227.png - (68.04KB , 500x500 , Inside the dream palace.png )

A: 8-Bit and in 500x200 Resolution, a monster is chasing you down a hallway and eating you.
(4 Years Old.)
In that one Dream where everyone turned into Pokemon near the end, you were trapped in a place that looked like Target. A guy was about to kill you with a giant cheesegrater, and you were also going to fall into a boiling fryer.
(9) Years old.
C: The Dream that inspired Magical School of Treachery Includes murder! (One Decision and Magical School Creation backstory!
D: (Nsfw if you mess up?) The Dream inspired that one space-faring card game comic idea. This includes Villain transforming into a robot, epic creature battles, and censoring the main character, PP, with an egg. I told you my dreams get insane.
E: The Dream includes cute widdle sproutlings! A cartoony style and the older man….
F: Cosmic Horror 1: Getting trapped in a perpetual cycle of agony, where creatures are chasing you, and there's only one way to exit: nostalgic house snow edition!
G: Cosmic Horror 2: Boat/Shark edition!
H: Cosmic Horror 3: Jumpscare edition!
I: Cosmic Horror 4: Personal Hellscape Edition!
I2: Cosmic Horror 5: Walking down a Trail Edition.
I: That one fantasy dream with that cool conveyor and big tablet of lore and like archers. (You die in this one.)
P: That one Dream with kungfu fighting, pirates, and tremendous lore that looked like the start of some 2010 game in terms of its vibe.
J: You, the Sexuality Employees, and you're here to teach an anthro dragon what her sexuality is.
K: Sexuality Dragon goes to visit her family.
M: The three-part pirate saga you had because you heard someone gush about one piece while doing the dishes. The first includes sacrificing an elemental child to save the world; the second contains a YouTube essay Format. And pig Racism? The third one consists of some goons trying to reach home and a how-to-draw amiel (From Tenazaki quest.) piece of paper.
N: It's trick-or-treaters, but the monsters are real! Don't die! And get some fat cash.
O: A dream about losing everything, the apocalypse, and why capitalism is terrible, Mario edition.
Q: A dream where you go crazy because you don't want to spend money in a store, but the amiibo is so cheap!
K: That one Dream where you explore someone's prosperous house that makes no sense, and then you leave and get gunned down.
R: The Dream that happened right after first Dream has a little goo creature with an enigma, and villains, and archers and threads, and it was so cool that you woke up in your Dream to tell everyone why it was cool
S: (Nsfw) The Dream with a Mountian, Henry Stickman Mechanics Horny Fnaf 1 Animatronics, and the lets the player get a blowjob (Not the animatronics).
T: An zombie apocolypse! Had the same Dream three times! Different endings!
U: The Dream where you had a cool jetpack and went to see cool places!
W: A dream where you visit a twisted wonderland.
X: The Dream where you work in this junkyard town that's really high in the sky, you work in a game store, you play hide and go seek with transforming kids, and you play awful music. because your boss wants to. And has a video attached where Yoshi fucking dies, and you laugh inside the Dream.
Y: A relaxing dream where you just explore a 19's punk-inspired town where the geometry makes no sense.
1: The one cute, wholesome Fan-Pokemon dream that started as FNAF and ends in war crimes?
2: A completely normal and definitely not symbolic dream of waiting at a hospital, being denied, wandering around an unknown town, realizing you are a dream, and then tearing the top of someone's skull to wake up.
3: (New:) Essentially, you're in Mario Party 8's Goomba's Booty Board-Walk, but there's a bunch of new gimmicks, things, equipment and equipment statistics, and your anthropomorphic Pokemon? More specifically, an Espeon is wearing some Pokeball-styled ears, and you're an Umbreon wearing Pikachu ears. This Derklord fellow must have a mental illness for her brain to come up with this sort of stuff.
4: (New:) You are a Guy Exploring a dilapidated house with lots of spirits of children who have violent tendencies and usually have one fatal flaw; they can be recruited, however, and in doing so, have Pokemon-like designs, an Ice-looking girl has the most power than most of them, and she represents Isolation. Also it takes place half in your nana's house, half at your mom's house.
6: ()
The dream has me driving, hallucinating, dreaming inside a dream, and passing out! This is definitely not symbolic at all, and it is definitely not Ruby yelling at me for being a dumbass!
7: () Your that slime guy with the gross teeth from digimon and you have to protect your castle, from invaders however you actually suck, and you have to find an way for them to not kill you.
8: (New:) You are an Human Child exploring, chatting with and befriending with Fairy Tail monsters even though their powers are scary and beyond your comprehension
9: (New) In a dream that happened concurrently, you are in some airship/blimp, and there are some ties to the previous dream, and for some reason, it's furry. Also, there's a cosmic horror here, too, for good measure.
10: (new) I explore some random town, find an ENA plushie, and float on a mountain, remembering other, much better dreams. It gets too late, and then I crash on someone's couch, but then I realize before waking up that that was a bad idea.
11: (New Multiple!) The multiple dreams in succession where I get kidnapped or murdered in Walmart/SuperStore Parking lots,
12: Dream that was reminded by 10, I go out on a Bike-ride, it starts out relaxing but then ends up with me getting chased by a cosmic horror, whipping out, most likely doing a sub-section of 13 again and saying odd.
13: Also reminded by 10: I get lost in a very treacherous jungle, where there's vines and crocodiles, and I also happen to be going downstream, I then went underwater and found a city, i.e. Mario style
14: I get lost in a city looking for my mother and have many travel anxieties and travel problems.
15: A simple walk through a grassy field was an oddly calming dream that most likely ended with me falling off the nearby cliff.
[nsfw] 16: RPG that was kind of like DND and was also an video game like BG3, happened, cool fun misadventures, save scumming and oddly modern bathrooms? and furniture That's odd
(New) 17: Fream about being either really tired, or criminally ill as your family looks on as you shift in and out of cousiness, also you awake one time and prayed to god in your dream, and then passed out and ended up in hell.
(New) 18: Dream where I’m a boy and I have parents that don’t like me, nor each other. also I think I can talk to animals, spirits or something, ends with an entire apartment being blown up while I’m in the parking lot.
(New) 19: Dream where your in an animal crossing situation (Maybe you're an animal?) and it was definitely your oc’s, but you also have crippling debt, and everything more realistic in an sad way, but also everything’s cute like animal crossing!

Can your memories even be trusted anymore? Oh little Sapphire? Why do you think you're here? Why do you think They’re Here?
No. 1100801 ID: c5529d

dream maybe might even find something that can help us in that quest too? probably not, but seeing backstory of its creation is fun too.
No. 1100814 ID: 6c233e

C sounds fun
No. 1101091 ID: 3f89df
File 173388799490.png - (18.89KB , 800x800 , Into the darkness of the unknown heyyyy wait an mi.png )

Author’s Note: As an reminder * means that descriptions or dialogue is 100% truthful or what happened in the dream, and the decided path is an accurate quote or memory of what happens in the dream, sometimes it may vary as my memory and imagination can sometimes blur the lines, so ** Is something I’m 100% confident in, sometimes it can mean the true, true path.
End Quote:

Among the Glistening Walls of the Dream Palace, you walk through the doors, carefully scanning through the options, eventually arriving on the door, with an familiar portrait next to it; An all too familiar voice cackles and sneer’s her voice echoing throughout the room.

“Sapphire? That Room? Don’t you know how underwhelmed they will be? Are you going to sacrifice an idea, and quest that many enjoy, just to show them the underwhelming truth of it’s creation?”

You ignore the voice, and step into the room, a sudden darkness filling you, as you hear the door’s creaking behind you.
No. 1101092 ID: 3f89df
File 173388799528.png - (61.79KB , 800x800 , fli why is there so many deffintley trash and not .png )

*You are Fli, and you are, really, really angry at Furri, she broke the clear sides of girl code and insulted you, among other things, you share a room, and it’s obnoxiously pink an shade that despite what all those shitstains think, is an color you absolutely despise,
No. 1101093 ID: 3f89df
File 173388799784.png - (38.31KB , 800x800 , why do you remember the sink derklord why the sink.png )

, it’s clear that Furri knows that and purposely decorated her room, and put all her junk everywhere just to spite you, she’s cleaning her face with the tap, now’s a chance if any too show her who really runs the show around here!
No. 1101094 ID: 3f89df
File 173388800025.png - (25.63KB , 800x800 , ayo fli you support animal abuse, i_m gonna vote c.png )

Also she’s been acting like an bitch, and just finished bitching at you, so it’s time to show this canine bitch what happens to old dogs who outlive their usefulness!!*

* [A] Use your wind magic in order to force her face down into the body of water below, drowning her, as she is fighting for her life, until she takes her last watery breath.

Use your conscious too figure out, hey this is just clearly murder, maybe ask her why, she’s been such an bitch before jumping to conclusions? And murdering her? Maybe she’s going through some stuff right now.

[C] Break the Fourth Wall, and call upon the audience to tell you why [X] action is the right or wrong thing to do, or if the audience wishes, wine at sapphire until she tells you why she’s being such an bitch, which may or may not break the dream-time continuum.

[D] Do nothing: Sometimes going away from an situation is better then nothing.

[E] Option for the Audience to tell you or ask why [b]YOU
are being such an bitch.
[O] Other
No. 1101112 ID: 198df5

O: OTHER, kill her somewhere else. Killing her here where you both live will make you a prime suspect. Plus the wind will blow everything around leaving windy clues. Ask her what her plans today are, and we can figure out a plan from there to kill her, and possibly someone to pin the death on if she is hanging out with someone.
No. 1101897 ID: 3f89df
File 173593688407.png - (18.91KB , 500x500 , oh my goodness she_s cocky and sarcastic since she.png )


While the single-minded goal of killing this bitch would seem like the end of a significant life milestone, and you're life would be complete, you do have to think about your future self, Magicli hasn't given you any rules, so you're not sure how the killing game would work. Still, you feel like he'd pull it out of his ass specifically to screw you over. Hence, you must humour her and act like she's such a special princess. 

You fly up to her, her face wet from washing it after her crying session or something stupid like that, put on your best customer service face, and ask.
"Hey Furri, whatcha preparing for? Washing your face, wearing those.." 
I have to stop myself from saying slutty. 
[color=#9558FF] "Clothes." "You got a date or something?" [/colour] 
Furri, in her appearance of looking oh so special, turns around to me and says, with a snarky voice.
"Why? Do you Like <**Insert Male Student who Doesn't Exist During this space time continuum? You want to mess it all up for me?>" Wha- What the hell was that? Did I hear that correctly? Oh, whatever, it's probably just her stupid jokes; you humour her.
  [color=#9558FF]  "Maybe, (I Don't), any i'd just hate if that's what you were doing, instead of I don't know, getting a job?"

She just sticks her tongue out, and you contemplate just choking her now. "There's no job if you no longer have to pay taxes! Well, I have an important meeting, and Your not invited, House Fly, Bye-bye!
And she closes the bitching door, which makes your ears ring. Still, good, she's visiting <Insert Male Student Here> Wh- Anyway, you follow her down, making sure to stay out of sight and being able to quickly retreat if she looks back. 
No. 1101898 ID: 3f89df
File 173593688610.png - (25.07KB , 500x500 , me when I go past the dream cotunutiy.png )

Even though you hate being small, the good thing is that most people won't notice you if you are barely in your field of vision, so you have the advantage that passers-by don't seem to notice you. Finally, she arrives in that fake field, and you can see her talking with <Insert Male Student>; peeping around the corner, you then notice them start to get into a fight about sex or something that really doesn't matter, one that's loud enough to hear from a couple rooms over, Score. 
No. 1101899 ID: 3f89df
File 173593688814.png - (19.70KB , 500x500 , no fli don_t choke her thats her fetishhhhhhhhhhhh.png )

With a quick gust of your magic, you use your mana to constrict her airway, and also take all of the air out of her lungs; it's not long before she is writhing on the ground, the <Male Student> trying to help but mostly just grabbing her, putting his fingerprints all over her, the trial will be straight forward, and you finally don't have to deal with that bitch. 
No. 1101900 ID: 3f89df
File 173593689180.png - (85.44KB , 500x500 , me when i get away from murder what you say you gu.png )

You almost feel as if your purpose is complete when suddenly, in a blink, you're gone.
No. 1101901 ID: 3f89df
File 173593689313.png - (42.87KB , 500x500 , stretching the strech cause idk what pose to do.png )

You are a 13-year-old Derklord. However, you may also be 14 or older if you did your age math wrong. You just awoke from a definitely canonical version of that Dream. Somehow, even though it was just a dream of one girl killing another and using magic, it stuck with you. As you contemplate your dream and begin and finish your morning routine, you can't help but think about the dream. Also, you are in your half a year/couple of months rapid obsession with the video game series Danganronpa. You enjoy it, mostly because you are an edgy 13 /14 year-old, but you do feel like the formula has some problems. 

You absolutely love Monokuma. Every second he's on screen is wonderful; although you haven't actually played any of the games and instead watch videos on YouTube, you can't help but feel like there are a couple of things missing. For one, despite being a head-master and being in a school, he actually doesn't teach them anything. and two, he's kind of shallow as a character

You've mainly been doing small graphic novels and short stories as your main hobby. Still, you're kind of wholesome in your content, and are getting kind of sick of the writing age range:10+ stories. You want something long-form that can express your ideas a lot more clearly. 

You're not really good at telling stories, and you're completely original ones are fun, but nothing mind-blowing; as you contemplate your Dream, you have a sudden realization of something fun you can draw/write. What if Danganronpa, But with Magic, like that one character did in your Dream! And also Magicli actually teaches them stuff. 
No. 1101903 ID: 3f89df
File 173593719272.png - (631.00KB , 756x1008 , The Old Magicli Drawings.png )

When you finish the concept, you come up with a name and begin frantically jolting down characters, of course starting with the one you vividly remember in your dream. Fli.

Little did you know that the small-what if story with a completely unoriginal series you’d make would turn into a five sketchbook full series, you’d get highly invested in the series and end up probably traumatizing some art therapists/counselors along the way.
No. 1101904 ID: 3f89df

You are <However Old Derklord is when you read this>
Derklord Again, and you have been jolted out from the darkness, and into the palace again almost as if purposely punched from your Dream. And your face head-first into the cement, the familiar voice cackles.

"So now they know, your teenage "magnum opus" was just some unoriginal, slop inspired by just an underwhelming dream where a girl kills another girl by drowning her using magic and then the Dream ends, extremely underwhelming, and especially for an series that you, worked so passionately for, being basically edgy fan-fic slop."

As much as there's a glimmer of truth, it's not the entire story. Despite its roots being tied to a media that you used to enjoy, you've attempted to distance Magical from its ties even back then. The characters are nothing alike, and the story and plot are completely original. The only thing tying them together is their genre. Also, you discovered you were Bisexual through Iceli. Who would have known?

As you brush yourself off, and walk through the halls of the dream palace, it starts to shift, as if wandering through your memories; you don't know who "They" Are, but sometimes you just need to create art, to create and learn from your mistakes, nobody is important, and what we find interesting and cool, are just elements taken from life, and stories of old.

And so another Door of the Dream palace beckons you.

A: 8-Bit and in 500x200 Resolution, a monster is chasing you down a hallway and eating you.
(4 Years Old.)
In that one Dream where everyone turned into Pokemon near the end, you were trapped in a place that looked like Target. A guy was about to kill you with a giant cheesegrater, and you were also going to fall into a boiling fryer.
(9) Years old.
C: The Dream that inspired Magical School of Treachery Includes murder! (One Decision and Magical School Creation backstory!
D: (Nsfw if you mess up?) The Dream inspired that one space-faring card game comic idea. This includes Villain transforming into a robot, epic creature battles, and censoring the main character, PP, with an egg. I told you my dreams get insane.
E: The Dream includes cute widdle sproutlings! A cartoony style and the older man….
F: Cosmic Horror 1: Getting trapped in a perpetual cycle of agony, where creatures are chasing you, and there's only one way to exit: nostalgic house snow edition!
G: Cosmic Horror 2: Boat/Shark edition!
H: Cosmic Horror 3: Jumpscare edition!
I: Cosmic Horror 4: Personal Hellscape Edition!
I2: Cosmic Horror 5: Walking down a Trail Edition.
I: That one fantasy dream with that cool conveyor and big tablet of lore and like archers. (You die in this one.)
P: That one Dream with kungfu fighting, pirates, and tremendous lore that looked like the start of some 2010 game in terms of its vibe.
J: You, the Sexuality Employees, and you're here to teach an anthro dragon what her sexuality is.
K: Sexuality Dragon goes to visit her family.
M: The three-part pirate saga you had because you heard someone gush about one piece while doing the dishes. The first includes sacrificing an elemental child to save the world; the second contains a YouTube essay Format. And pig Racism? The third one consists of some goons trying to reach home and a how-to-draw amiel (From Tenazaki quest.) piece of paper.
N: It's trick-or-treaters, but the monsters are real! Don't die! And get some fat cash.
O: A dream about losing everything, the apocalypse, and why capitalism is terrible, Mario edition.
Q: A dream where you go crazy because you don't want to spend money in a store, but the amiibo is so cheap!
K: That one Dream where you explore someone's prosperous house that makes no sense, and then you leave and get gunned down.
R: The Dream that happened right after first Dream has a little goo creature with an enigma, and villains, and archers and threads, and it was so cool that you woke up in your Dream to tell everyone why it was cool
S: (Nsfw) The Dream with a Mountian, Henry Stickman Mechanics Horny Fnaf 1 Animatronics, and the lets the player get a blowjob (Not the animatronics).
T: An zombie apocolypse! Had the same Dream three times! Different endings!
U: The Dream where you had a cool jetpack and went to see incredible places!
W: A dream where you visit a twisted wonderland.
X: The Dream where you work in this junkyard town that's really high in the sky, you work in a game store, you play hide and go seek with transforming kids, and you play awful music. because your boss wants to. And has a video attached where Yoshi fucking dies, and you laugh inside the Dream.
Y: A relaxing dream where you just explore a 19's punk-inspired town where the geometry makes no sense.
1: The one cute, wholesome Fan-Pokemon dream that started as FNAF and ends in war crimes?
2: A completely normal and definitely not symbolic dream of waiting at a hospital, being denied, wandering around an unknown town, realizing you are a dream, and then tearing the top of someone's skull to wake up.
3: (New:) Essentially, you're in Mario Party 8's Goomba's Booty Board-Walk, but there's a bunch of new gimmicks, things, equipment and equipment statistics, and your anthropomorphic Pokemon? More specifically, an Espeon is wearing some Pokeball-styled ears, and you're an Umbreon wearing Pikachu ears. This Derklord fellow must have a mental illness for her brain to come up with this sort of stuff.
4: (New:) You are a Guy Exploring a dilapidated house with lots of spirits of children who have violent tendencies and usually have one fatal flaw; they can be recruited, however, and in doing so, have Pokemon-like designs, an Ice-looking girl has the most power than most of them, and she represents Isolation. Also, it takes place half in your nana's house, half at your mom's house.
6: ()
The Dream has me driving, hallucinating, dreaming inside a dream, and passing out! This is definitely not symbolic at all, and it is definitely not Ruby yelling at me for being a dumbass!
7: () Your that slime guy with the gross teeth from digimon and you have to protect your castle, from invaders however you actually suck, and you have to find an way for them to not kill you.
8: (New:) You are an Human Child exploring, chatting with and befriending with Fairy Tail monsters even though their powers are scary and beyond your comprehension
9: (New) In a dream that happened concurrently, you are in some airship/blimp, and there are some ties to the previous Dream, and for some reason, it's furry. Also, there's a cosmic horror here, too, for good measure.
10: (new) I explore some random town, find an ENA plushie, and float on a mountain, remembering other, much better dreams. It gets too late, and then I crash on someone's couch, but then I realize before waking up that that was a bad idea.
11: (New Multiple!) The multiple dreams in succession where I get kidnapped or murdered in Walmart/SuperStore Parking lots,
12: Dream that was reminded by 10, I go out on a Bike-ride, it starts out relaxing but then ends up with me getting chased by a cosmic horror, whipping out, most likely doing a sub-section of 13 again and saying odd.
13: Also reminded by 10: I get lost in a very treacherous jungle, where there's vines and crocodiles, and I also happen to be going downstream, I then went underwater and found a city, i.e. Mario style
14: I get lost in a city looking for my mother and have many travel anxieties and travel problems.
15: A simple walk through a grassy field was an oddly calming dream that most likely ended with me falling off the nearby cliff.
[nsfw] 16: RPG that was kind of like DND and was also an video game like BG3, happened, cool fun misadventures, save scumming and oddly modern bathrooms? and furniture That's odd
(New) 17: Dream about being either really tired, or criminally ill as your family looks on as you shift in and out of cousiness, also you awake one time and prayed to god in your Dream, and then passed out and ended up in hell.
(New) 18: Dream where I'm a boy and I have parents that don't like me, nor each other. also I think I can talk to animals, spirits or something, ends with an entire apartment being blown up while I'm in the parking lot.
(New) 19: Dream where your in an animal crossing situation (Maybe you're an animal?) and it was definitely your oc's, but you also have crippling debt, and everything more realistic in an sad way, but also everything's cute like animal crossing!
(New) 20: [Tame NSFW Basically Very Spicy] That one Dream where you watch an animation of an pilot to some kind of webtoon who's rating kind of ages alongside the viewer, that follows an guy, and his friends including an unicorn girl, and they get together, but there's also some controversy since it's an animator self insert?
(New) (21:) Third Person Dream about an Group of survivors on an iceberg, but there's also some weird alien parasite that may or may not mind control people, becomes an whole journey full of betrayal and stuff.
(New) (22) Dream that takes place in the same setting as 21, but it's a whole bunch of hamsters trying to go from point A, to Point B. In a weird obstacle course battle royale setting where the losers die gruesomely.
(new) (23) Dream about an Being on some sort of ship interspersed with some kind of mario-maker like gaming on some sort of device, also in the Dream you go to the front of the boat to work on writing or something with your laptop, but because of physics and the air being really fast your laptop breaks in half and you have an panic attack.
(24) That Dream Before U, (Which was kind of a punk-like abstract world. Where there's something revolving around debt, and child actors? It may have also been an dream that was basically just an set-up for some sort of futuristic video game/story idea where there's an really tall dam that people live in, that's slightly magical that followed an darkness shadow guy with an small hat as he triest to do stuff.
(25) Becomes a Digimon, or something like Isekai that looks like an mixture between an dragon victini, and something else, and there's very convoluted lore on how the very marketable guy is actually this really powerful beast that people want to fight.
(26) A kind of escape room scenario with a lot of creatures, people and aliens? Trying to align puzzles and do stuff to escape and there's also some synergies kind of like an rouge-like? But also tests your own personal morals? It was kind of weird.
(27) Cosmic Horror: Cruise Ship Sinking Addition, Plus Vampires, Ghouls and Death and Stuff.
No. 1101905 ID: c5529d

E. Bring in the plants!
No. 1101958 ID: 6c233e

E) cute is good
No. 1102013 ID: 3f89df
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Oooh, the Sproutlings? Sapphire? What a Nice choice of a Door~ It’s been a year, and you’ve led them along for it; for about a year, they screamed to see the spoutlings, yet the truth is nonsensical, do you even wish to show them?

You ignore the voice and decide to step inside. Your vision darkening until…:
No. 1102014 ID: 3f89df
File 173611127067.png - (8.43KB , 500x500 , gasp thier adorable i hope nothing canoically happ.png )

**You are a tiny chibi seed who doesn’t have arms; female and your best friend forever is a small flower that’s a rose or tulip, also female; it’s around the start of the early evening, and you, too, have been exploring lately! It’s been pretty fun!!
No. 1102015 ID: 3f89df
File 173611127387.png - (9.11KB , 500x500 , awww thier so bored dont make them be bored for al.png )

Except.. For when it isn’t… now you two are so bored.. And you don’t know what to do! You wanna play with Rose, but the question is where and what?


[1] ** Hospital
[2] Casino
[3] Grocery Store
[4] Somewhere around the city
[5] Let’s just go back home!
[6] Carnival
[7] Other


[A] Hide and Seek
** [B] Tag!
[C] Playing Pretend
[D] Simon Says
[E] Scavenger Hunt
[F] Musical Chairs
[G] Capture the Flag
[H] Wrestling
[I] Other
No. 1102016 ID: c5529d

1,B. Just wanna see where the canonical Derklord dream goes, also because hospital seems like the weirdest place to play tag in.
No. 1102027 ID: 6c233e

1b) plant hospital? or a sort of little nightmares situation with tiny plants in the big city.
No. 1102481 ID: 3f89df
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Human Hospital! Your mothers live on opposite sides of the road in the same cul-de-sac and are a bit taller than humans. Besides, humans are kind of stinky anyway, and we are so small compared to them; we’ll just have some good fun anyway!

You don’t know what Little Nightmares is, but it sounds scary. Hopefully, the plants in the town of Little Nightmares aren’t scary either! That’d make you cry!


>1, B. I just wanna see where the canonical Derklord dream goes, also because the hospital seems like the weirdest place to play tag in

Who’s Derklord? Also, you and your friend have often played tag in the human hospital! Half of its floors are under construction but fairly high, like the eighth floor! That floor is very entertaining; you're so high up it feels like you're flying!
No. 1102482 ID: 3f89df
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Hospital it is!

* You and your friend consider going to the casino before choosing the hospital. People seem to laugh and play along, so it’s only fair! Unlike the plant hospital, there’s a lot of space surrounding it—like the headquarters for those big brands your momma likes, like Apple!
No. 1102483 ID: 3f89df
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* You rush inside the hospital and hear the shrieks of excitement when you and your friend run through the door. It’s mainly because your friend is slightly faster, and she makes it so you have to use your mind to catch her.

*Weee! Were taking the elevator! And there’s a human and a string thingy- Oop it opened! No! The string thingy got caught on my foot under a bit of pressure, and it popped! Now I’m not stuck! The humans are making a long drowning noise, but you hear some laughing, and they're okay, and you didn’t do something that your 6-8 year-old Seedling brain with no concept of death flawed! No! You're a good girl, and you know where you're going!
No. 1102484 ID: 3f89df
File 173706605817.png - (69.26KB , 500x500 , say hello to the crhonicly ill peeps before you ac.png )

*You and your friend dash around the patient quarters saying hi! Some even wave back while others are sleeping. We make sure to tip-toe really slowly so we don’t wake them; well I do, My friend keeps bolting. No! They made it to the elevator before me and they going up! Now you have to do the thing you hate!

No. 1102485 ID: 3f89df
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*Eventually, though the waiting ends, and you go in, you know where your friend is so you go to the eighth floor. Your friend teases, “You're never gonna catch me dirt seed!” and that empowers you to do better! You and your friend run across the planks and cement blocks, narrowing avoiding tripping and falling about eight stories high.
No. 1102486 ID: 3f89df
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until eventually, you find your friend at the edge of a brick plank reaching outwards. They can’t run anymore, you win!

*You go up to your friend and tag her, but she just tags you,
No. 1102487 ID: 3f89df
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and you both keep getting increasingly pushy with each other near the eight-story drop, until whoop! You both fall, weeee! This definitely won’t end badly!
No. 1102488 ID: 3f89df
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*You both fall perfectly fine next to a tree in a long sprawling field next to your culdesac! That was fun! You look up at the sky, but it seems to be getting late, and if you aren’t home in time for dinner, your mothers will kill you! You have two ways home: the long way through the forest or the entrance to the culdesac. The Culdesac is quicker, but you might see......

The Creepy Man.
No. 1102489 ID: 3f89df
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*Also, don’t tell your friend this, but you like your friend and mean like your friend. She’s very energetic and kind and doesn’t make fun of you for being a late bloomer. You are still of Unknown Childlike age but most likely 6-8, so you have a very basic understanding of love that you saw in the movies: two people, boy and girl, kiss and then live happily ever after, but your friend is another girl! And you remember that the daisies don’t like your family too much, but should you tell her that you like her?

Choice Path 1:

* [A] You like your friend romantically and end up as anaeally cute childhood lesbian seedling lover.
* You like your friend that way, but maybe not tell them right now. (You may get an additional choice later on.
[C] you are just a confused little seedling, and maybe you should try exploring your sexuality when you are a teenager, instead of being in love when you're still learning about the world.

Choice Path 2:

* [D] Take the Culdesac with a chance of seeing [b] The Creepy Man
, on the way there.
[E] Take the long and winding forest path that your parents don’t like but you take it anyway because the creepy man, creeps you two out.
No. 1102494 ID: 6c233e

C) you're just a little seedling

D) better not make your moms wait
No. 1102503 ID: bf347e

option C
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