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File 173114688135.png - (9.71KB , 500x500 , 1.png )
1099534 No. 1099534 ID: d8443c

You find yourself at the mouth of a dark cave. Whether you chose to come here or simply happened upon it, you’ve arrived nonetheless.

Perhaps you're a treasure hunter, or maybe you're on the hunt for a monster. Maybe you're just exploring the strange lands beyond your home, just to see what's out there. Your purpose is yours to determine.

The light is dim, probably late in the evening. You’re not that far in this small cave, but the darkness in front of you feels particularly deep and thick.
There are stalactites and stalagmites around you, some small to medium sized rocks and boulders. Patches of cave moss decorate the walls and ceiling. The air is cool and dry. It smells about how you would expect. There are a few bones visible near the edge of the cave. They look to have been gnawed on, not a scrap of flesh remaining. You can’t see or hear anything from this far away, but it feels like there’s something in there peering out at you.

(you can observe the world with your senses and interact with things. Pairing words like LOOK, TAKE, USE, GO, SPEAK, etc with details will be your actions. you know how this works~)

((this is also going to be a short one, probably. Good luck))
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No. 1099536 ID: c5529d


what do we look like?



what do we have currently?
No. 1099537 ID: eb887a

Do we get to pick?
I want to be a regular guy who likes to come to this cave and pretend to be an evil dragon.
No. 1099539 ID: eeafe4

No. 1099543 ID: 355e44

TAKE bone
LOOK big rock
No. 1099544 ID: e4151b

No. 1099547 ID: a7a180

TAKE stalactite
No. 1099548 ID: 0db8d3


THROW Bone Darkness

No. 1099550 ID: 578f3f


EXAMINE Gaze in the Darkness.

GO away.

Don't play hero, kid. SPEAK to the police.
No. 1099552 ID: 1beac0

I'd TAKE 2 Bone, before THROW Bone Darkness, in case something comes out of the darkness that you have to HIT Thing WITH Bone
No. 1099553 ID: 7c0da2

LOOK around. LISTEN carefully. If there is something peering at you, you need to locate it before you go further in.
No. 1099554 ID: eb0a9c

No. 1099609 ID: 2f41db

TAKE bone
LOOK darkness
And, because i tried it in every text adventure game, a swear. Lets go with ARSEBREATH
No. 1099806 ID: d8443c
File 173167679635.png - (10.73KB , 500x500 , IMG_2376.png )

It’s you. You have eyes, teeth, claws, your senses and your wits. What more is there to say?
Oh, you do actually also have a coil of rope, a sharp dagger, a package of dry meats, a lighter and a canteen. You packed enough to be out for a little bit, but not long. You either expect to return home soon, or not at all.

You touch a nearby stalactite. It’s cold and wet, and feels like stone.
You can’t take it, it’s solidly stuck to whichever vertical surface it is that stalactites form on.

You take one of the bones. It’s dry and hollow.

You yell some nonsense into the dark. It echoes back to you.

A quiet, low voice hisses from the mouth of the cave:
“Spells won’t save you here, fool.”

You reply with another nonsense word.

You hear only snickering in response.

You hurl the bone into the cave. It clatters against the stone further in. The laughing stops immediately.
No. 1099816 ID: b85892

LISTEN Darkness
SAY sorry, was that your bone?
No. 1099818 ID: 0c6fb8

the commands whose result you're describing, for clarity?

SAY I've got a BONE to PICK with you!
XP eyeroll
Also, TAKE another BONE
No. 1099824 ID: d9b49f

USE rope on STALACTITE to secure yourself in case you get lost in the dark or fall in a hole.
No. 1100034 ID: d58817


There's not solving this mystery if we don't get started. Even if we can't rely on our magic for safety, we need to take the first step.
No. 1100429 ID: 71fafc

SPEAK to Darkness: you thought it was a wiindigo instead of another chupacabra. Made you territorial.

PAUSE for a moment.

THROW a nearby stone at Darkness.
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