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File 173025600597.png - (848.96KB , 959x917 , dfhtfhrghhtgdgh.png )
1099198 No. 1099198 ID: e3fb63

No. 1099199 ID: eb0a9c

And then there was the Cat Dancer
Who danced danced danced
and a danced danced danced
No. 1099200 ID: 0db8d3

I look forward to this schizophrenic doodle quest.

I've seen many a schizophrenic doodle.
This is a 4 outta ten at best, I'd say, but I have faith that as this goes on, the insanity will improve.
No. 1099201 ID: bfb6f3

No. 1099202 ID: 53560f

That’s cool I guess, doesn’t beat something though. Something is waaaay better.
No. 1099203 ID: 355e44

turn the candle on
No. 1099211 ID: 1effd3

Enable Dowsing option:
No. 1099218 ID: 578f3f

This better be a real quest or I will give you a spam-kin'.
No. 1099235 ID: 2f41db

I get the feeling theres a pair of mice with a clipboard taking notes as we bash our collective heads against this maze...

Maybe its pictographic?
Responds to images.
Not normally the done thing to post an image unbidden in someone elses quest though so...
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