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File 172913820280.png - (94.91KB , 1024x768 , Title.png )
1098675 No. 1098675 ID: ca2950

"That's it. If the letters are all melting together into indecipherable blobs, that's a sign that it's time to stop. Time to hit the ol' icy trail..."
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No. 1098676 ID: ca2950
File 172913823464.png - (278.28KB , 1024x768 , 1.png )

"I don't even know what time it is. I wonder if Alex still wants to watch some dumb movie, so I can pass out five minutes in. That sounds good right now."
I shut off the computer, then gather my books and papers into my bag and sling it over my shoulder. The door slides open and I exit out into the hall.
No. 1098677 ID: ca2950
File 172913830929.png - (107.52KB , 802x644 , 2.png )

The door slides closed behind me and it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust. Everything is shut off for the night, so I should hurry out of here. There's probably not much of anyone in the [School] area. There's probably someone working in the secret [Government Laboratory], though. It's not really a secret, but they do stuff that's classified, since both my parents work there and won't tell me what they do, beyond the generic science stuff that doesn't actually give away the mysteries of why the planetary government would build a lab in a remote location like this.

Oh well.

A green, viscous fluid is splattered on the floor trailing from around the corner and down the hall. If somebody was partying too hard, they chose are bad place to do it, and a worse place to puke after doing said partying. Think of the poor janitorial staff, people.
It seems to be trailing in the direction of the exit, which is just great.
No. 1098678 ID: 4c92cd

No. 1098679 ID: 273c18

Can you report the spill somewhere? Maybe grab a wet floor sign?
No. 1098680 ID: ea5ee4

Pour one out for the janitorial staff and grab a mop.
No. 1098681 ID: eb0a9c

Speedrun this part! Find as many staff as you can and hightail!
No. 1098684 ID: b57fea

Well, its exit o' clock so its time to go follow the goop!
No. 1098685 ID: 715440

...There wouldn't happen to be a different exit, would there? Wouldn't want to get goop on your shoes. Or deal with a drunk, barfy person this late at night.
No. 1098686 ID: c56a8d

Just go home, so you dont deal with weird monster bug experiments gone wrong
No. 1098687 ID: a7a180

Leave before you can be blamed for this.

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