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1098675 No. 1098675 ID: ca2950

"That's it. If the letters are all melting together into indecipherable blobs, that's a sign that it's time to stop. Time to hit the ol' icy trail..."
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No. 1098676 ID: ca2950
File 172913823464.png - (278.28KB , 1024x768 , 1.png )

"I don't even know what time it is. I wonder if Alex still wants to watch some dumb movie, so I can pass out five minutes in. That sounds good right now."
I shut off the computer, then gather my books and papers into my bag and sling it over my shoulder. The door slides open and I exit out into the hall.
No. 1098677 ID: ca2950
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The door slides closed behind me and it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust. Everything is shut off for the night, so I should hurry out of here. There's probably not much of anyone in the [School] area. There's probably someone working in the secret [Government Laboratory], though. It's not really a secret, but they do stuff that's classified, since both my parents work there and won't tell me what they do, beyond the generic science stuff that doesn't actually give away the mysteries of why the planetary government would build a lab in a remote location like this.

Oh well.

A green, viscous fluid is splattered on the floor trailing from around the corner and down the hall. If somebody was partying too hard, they chose are bad place to do it, and a worse place to puke after doing said partying. Think of the poor janitorial staff, people.
It seems to be trailing in the direction of the exit, which is just great.
No. 1098678 ID: 4c92cd

No. 1098679 ID: 273c18

Can you report the spill somewhere? Maybe grab a wet floor sign?
No. 1098680 ID: ea5ee4

Pour one out for the janitorial staff and grab a mop.
No. 1098681 ID: eb0a9c

Speedrun this part! Find as many staff as you can and hightail!
No. 1098684 ID: b57fea

Well, its exit o' clock so its time to go follow the goop!
No. 1098685 ID: 715440

...There wouldn't happen to be a different exit, would there? Wouldn't want to get goop on your shoes. Or deal with a drunk, barfy person this late at night.
No. 1098686 ID: c56a8d

Just go home, so you dont deal with weird monster bug experiments gone wrong
No. 1098687 ID: a7a180

Leave before you can be blamed for this.
No. 1098730 ID: 898df0

R huh? Keimi aren't you excited about starring in a R-rated movie?
No. 1098753 ID: ca2950
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There's only one door that leads out without sounding an alarm, so I can only hope I don't have to engage with any inebriated individuals. Odds are that if they're at the stage of trailing vomit for significant distances, they're going to be passed out at the end of the line.

I get my coat out of the lockers without incident, but the doors have a heavy shutter closed down over them. This has to be some kind of fire code violation.
No. 1098755 ID: c5529d

Does the halls always have red lights at night? shuttered doors and red lights looks like some kind of emergency.

In any case, Better report it to your parents. text them on you phone and get them to get someone to let you out.
No. 1098756 ID: c5529d

also, hey, don't forget your bag, unless you put it in your locker on purpose
No. 1098757 ID: 273c18

Metal shutters mean an emergency is taking place. But why no alarm? Go out the door that sounds the alarm.
No. 1098760 ID: a7a180

There’s already a bunch of alarms going off, so just use one of the doors that’s alarmed. What’s one more siren?
No. 1098765 ID: 898df0

Hack the door.
No. 1098775 ID: ca2950
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I can't get out this way, maybe I can get out through a fire escape.
But as soon as I start back the other way, several gross little flesh sacks with legs are in the hall. They seem to be the source of the puke slime on the floor.

What do I even do? They're kinda gross.
No. 1098776 ID: a7a180

Stand perfectly still. Their vision is based on motion.
No. 1098777 ID: 1de1ba

No. 1098778 ID: 26801d

let out a sonorous war cry and crush its skull beneath the heel of you boot
No. 1098780 ID: 273c18

They've got... stingers? Those things are huge, you don't want to get stabbed with that! Try to lure one into jumping at you from a distance, then dodge and run. Try to find a decent weapon to pummel them with before any confrontation.
No. 1098782 ID: 1f1547

You have a few tradeoffs you can make:

Your jacket: on your body, it provides a little protection. Off your body, it can potentially be used to actively block or ensnare them.

Your boots: on your body, they of course protect your feet, and can be used for stomping. Off your body, they can be swung for extra reach.
No. 1098783 ID: c5529d

welp, back to the locker room, keep the door closed and blocked, and wait for help. you can probably text your parents whats going on.
No. 1098797 ID: 898df0

Run past then. If they grapple you, you gotta press left and right buttons fast enough to avoid the progress of... anyway, just try to avoid them for now.
No. 1098815 ID: eb0a9c

Well, you can't cast magic just because you really, really want to.
No. 1098870 ID: ca2950
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I'll leave all my clothes on for maximum bite or sting or whatever these things do resistance and brandish my book bag to block them or whack them if I get the chance.
I could try to run past them, but if there's more ahead, they might trap me between them.

I also have to determine where I'd even want to run if I did. There's a classroom to the south and the west and north halls both lead to the central loop that has access to most of the classrooms and such. The lab is on the north side of that and the administration offices are to the west side. I just came from the east side resource room and didn't meet anything on the way here, so it's likely that they're coming from the west or they followed me from the north side and what are the odds they didn't originate from the secret government lab, really?

Time to dedicate, it's coming right at me!
No. 1098871 ID: a7a180

Go east! -no, northwest!
No. 1098872 ID: c5529d

Southwards! maybe there are classmates down there that might need your help.
No. 1098873 ID: 2ef957

If you remember the south classroom having windows, south. Else, west.
No. 1098874 ID: 273c18

South. If anyone else is here studying late you need to warn them.
No. 1098875 ID: 1effd3

Classroom! It's the second best thing to the armory(P.E. storage closet)!
No. 1098982 ID: ca2950
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A bit of mad dashing and panicking and I dodge around them into the classroom, which is very dark. The windows are shuttered and there's no time to close the door before... whatever they are end up on top of me.

This is some nonsense and I don't appreciate this situation at all!

Frick! I could kite them around in the dark and try to run back out or I could go on the offensive and try to bash them before they stab me with their beaky stabbing parts.
No. 1098983 ID: a7a180

Best to save the ammo and just kite them around.
No. 1098987 ID: 273c18

Bash them with a chair! Topple over desks to restrict their movement.
No. 1098988 ID: 1effd3

throw the desks!
No. 1098998 ID: e4e6e7

Oh yeah you've got items now. Lots of stuff to throw. Even improvised armor if you can find tape once this is dealt with.
No. 1098999 ID: 420176

Don't try running in the dark, you'll just bump into things you can't see.
Throwing things is your best bet, but don't try to throw desks, they're too heavy for you and given the size of your targets chairs will do the job just as well.
Make sure one of them don't get behind you while you fight the other, too.
No. 1099000 ID: 898df0

Good, they're trapped in the room with you now.
Show them the level of your chair-throwing skill.
No. 1099048 ID: ca2950
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I throw a desk over in front of one of them and hit the other one with a chair. It's surprisingly squishy.
The other one needs a moment to reposition itself to attack me and that gives me just enough time to avoid it by a hair and give it a few whacks.

I did it. I didn't die. It was really close there for a second, but I got them both without even a scratch.

I just need to calm down and stay alert. If one of these things actually stabbed me, it might do a lot of damage.

I probably need to head to administration or the lab to find help, but the lab is almost certainly where they're coming from, so that's a little iffy.
No. 1099049 ID: 273c18

Check admin first. Chair's not bad but you might be able to find something a bit better before we go to the labs.
No. 1099050 ID: c5529d

Before you leave, is there anything useful in the classroom that might help you that you can use as a weapon, like maybe a flagpole that you pledge allegiance to your Dog goD to?

or or less likely: a spellbook, or a biology book on weird creatures like these that can give us insight on how they operate

otherwise, yeah. To the administration offices! be sneaky, peek around corners.
No. 1099051 ID: a7a180

Go to the lab to chair more bugs.
No. 1099058 ID: 898df0

Alright. Go out and head west.
No. 1099062 ID: 1517d8

Anything useful as a shield would also be nice - garbage can lids, smaller blackboards, spare clothing.... Probably want to avoid noise, so as not to attract more things.
No. 1099064 ID: d8b1c1


Admin is boring, and the pencil pushers won’t be able to help you slay aliens, but I bet the lab is swarming with government deniable ops goons who might be able to help!
No. 1099066 ID: 67061a

Well you could for armor get a big book or the like, open it halfway and place it on your chest and wrap tape around to have it stay in place. Otherwise hardcover books would probably be good for throwing. Perhaps there's other stuff that would be good improvised throwing weapons? Depending on how they move a box of thumbtacks may slow them down enough to be of use.
No. 1099089 ID: eb0a9c

Figure out if these things are toxic. You might be able to use their beaks as effective shivs, but only if touching them won't poison you on contact.
No. 1099296 ID: ca2950
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If I have my backpack full of books and take a big book to block or hit things with, I should be able to defend myself well enough without the awkwardness of hauling a chair around or taping books to my body.

If I could make it to the lab, I'm sure someone will know what's going on and there should be some military personnel down there to fight off these little meat blobs, but the hallway to that area is swarming.
Something is hanging from the ceiling, too.

This is sort of worrying. I beat up two of them well enough, but what if that was a fluke? I'm not exactly the beefy warrior type. It's not too late to veer off and head the other way.

>use a spellbook as a weapon

That would be ridiculous. Magic isn't real. This is a copy of Applied Mechanics of Aether Field Manipulation. It's about how to use your mind to alter natural laws to produce otherwise impossible effects... with science. I'm not sure how well I could pull off something like that in a high pressure situation like this. I'd give it maybe a fifty percent chance I could concentrate in the middle of combat long enough to blast anything or I could patch myself up if they poke me. I'd like to not have to, though.

Keimi knows Ayta Lv. 1 - A simple energy projectile
Keimi knows Nuos Lv. 1 - Heals minor wounds

No. 1099297 ID: 1effd3

energy projectile the hanging flashsacks, they cant reach you THAT fast
No. 1099298 ID: a7a180

What's that around the corner? Sneak up for a closer look.
No. 1099299 ID: c5529d

Quickly blast the sack on the right on the ceiling, if you're quick enough, it might land on the bug on the right on the ground.

Afterwards, retreat. that's too many monsters to deal with
No. 1099300 ID: 85555d


Sorry, you do realize that magic is simply a depreciated term for will-worked reality manipulation, yes? Sorry that some of us use bad nonenclature!
No. 1099302 ID: c5529d

or maybe just retreat, we can't deal with multiple enemies like this until we get another party member, or a better weapon
No. 1099304 ID: 273c18

Yeah no. You don't have the offensive power to get through there. Go find help in admin.
No. 1099314 ID: 9b76c6

Appreciation of a good game over scene aside, there's probably more behind that corner, so I guess we're heading to the lab
No. 1099334 ID: 5fee00

I'd definitely say go the other way. Looks like there's something bigger around the corner.
No. 1099357 ID: ca2950
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I'm going to slip off towards administration after seeing that. That's a few too many for me to want to deal with. The ideal number to deal with would be zero.

Which is not what I get, because there's more down this way.

These things are really horrible to look at and I am becoming very upset, but I have to not panic because being eaten or whatever these things do would be even more upsetting.
No. 1099358 ID: ca2950
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These things can leap with a surprising amount of force, but they're squishy, so as long as I don't get stabbed, I can just flatten them. I can try to pick them off from range, too.

Why couldn't somebody better at this stuff be the one this happens to?
No. 1099360 ID: c5529d

These fighting odds are much better.

attempting to get close range to stomp one of them will give the other an opportunity to attack you. Try picking one of them off with a projectile. afterwards, once it's one on one, you can stomp on the other
No. 1099365 ID: 7d5323

It’s because you’re trapped in an endlessly repeating nightmare. Now beat them with your backpack til you’re seeing red.
No. 1099384 ID: 273c18

Can you use Ayta while moving? You could just kite them.
No. 1099388 ID: ca2950
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The two creatures are hopping toward me by the time I focus enough, but I cast Ayta on one of them and it explodes into meat chunks and flops over. I've never used this on a living thing before. That's kind of gruesome.

I won't be able to do it again before the other one rushes me.
No. 1099389 ID: ca2950
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But the way they move leaves me an opening to exploit and I smash it with the heavy book as hard as I can and it bursts open like an overripe fruit of some kind.

Ugh! Gross!
No. 1099390 ID: eb0a9c

You look extra cute when you're squishing giant bugs.

Now move on and search for survivors.
No. 1099391 ID: a7a180

Now eat it to unlock new abilities.
No. 1099393 ID: 355e44

Look for a janitor closet on the way to admin. Even just a mop handle or screwdriver would be better than fighting with a book.
No. 1099396 ID: 273c18

Wow, another flawless victory. Time to start checking rooms! There's one door there, peek in.
No. 1099397 ID: 273c18

Well, two doors I guess. Top one first.
No. 1099403 ID: 977d10

None of it's slime got on your correct? Hopefully not acidic

Move forward, peek in any doors for survivors
No. 1099417 ID: 9b76c6

Have you ever considered starting a mukbang channel?
No. 1099464 ID: ca2950
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These doors lead to two more classrooms, which are generally not full of things you can use as a weapon. If I wanted to check a maintenance closet, it would be back near where I started and dangerously close to the outward flow of little gribbly monsters.

It seems a quiet. No overt signs of anything trying to kill me and I'm getting closer to administration. Maybe there's someone there, or at least I can try to call someone for help if there's no monsters eating the phones.
No. 1099465 ID: a7a180

Unless the phones have turned into monsters. Check before you put them up to your face.
No. 1099467 ID: 273c18

Oh we're not at admin yet. Keep going then.
No. 1099470 ID: 355e44

maybe you can use a phone as a flail.
No. 1099473 ID: eb0a9c

Find a safe closet to rest and call for security.
No. 1099499 ID: c5529d

alright then, continue onward until we reach the admin
No. 1099555 ID: 9b76c6

Clearly these aren't american classrooms. Carry on.
No. 1099644 ID: ca2950
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Everything is eerily quiet and I can pass through to administration without incident and there's phones to try to contact someone.

Right before I can make a call, I hear something. A shuffling noise, like something is under one of the desks. What if it comes after me. I don't want to make any noises if there's a monster around.
No. 1099645 ID: 273c18

Get some distance, then go "psst!" to see if it's another person hiding under the desk.
No. 1099646 ID: a7a180

Who cares? It can already smell your fear.
No. 1099647 ID: eb0a9c

Here's a trick: ask what color the sky is. If they're right or wrong, at least they're sapient enough to ponder the question. A sapient predator could just mimic the last thing they heard their victims say.
No. 1099648 ID: b57fea

Quickly! Let out your most intimidating Aztec death yell and hop on top of the table for safety!
No. 1099649 ID: 355e44

peek under the desks and look for feet.
No. 1099667 ID: 9b76c6

Whisper that vaccines cause autism.
No. 1099679 ID: ca2950
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Slowly and carefully, I peek around for any signs of anything and after what seem like an eternity of trying to move around without making a sound I can see something.

There's definitely a monster here. I can see its huge, glassy eyes gleaming menacingly under a desk. Whatever it is is bigger than the other things.
What if it sees me!?
No. 1099680 ID: 1effd3


...I think it's just the local nerd.
No. 1099681 ID: b291ae

Poke it in the eyes as a first strike
No. 1099682 ID: 355e44

Toss something over the desk to make a distracting noise.
No. 1099700 ID: 273c18

Those are glasses. That is a person. Say hello, quietly.
No. 1099705 ID: f52677

It's glasses. Quietly say hello
No. 1099707 ID: eb0a9c

You should notice the large section below the head that is reflecting the most light. Stare at it, and back away slowly.
No. 1099752 ID: a7a180

Call it mean names and hide.
No. 1099753 ID: ca2950
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Oh, just a person with glasses. I'm saved.

"Hello? Can you help me get out of heeeeeee-"

The figure crawls out from under the desk and that is not a person with glasses at all! It's a horrifying creature with jagged bits all over it!
No. 1099754 ID: ca2950
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This seems a little more threatening than the flesh sacks and I don't like this at all.
I don't think I'm going to be able to call for help with this thing in the room.
No. 1099755 ID: 273c18

It's got stubby legs, run away and get some distance so you can blast it!
No. 1099756 ID: 4e436a

throw a chair between it and yourself as you run
No. 1099757 ID: 1effd3

We've been duped! its smart enough to know to look like the local nerd!

Quick, throw the shair at it, then smash its head in with that PC monitor!
No. 1099760 ID: 355e44

Wheel the chair into it so you can climb over the divider behind you. Then with cover between you blast em. There's a small door over there you can escape into if needed.
No. 1099761 ID: 3df1ab

Keep the chair between you and it, and try blasting it.
No. 1099774 ID: 9b76c6

Clearly your friend here has deep interest in electronics and is embarrassed that you caught him in the act.

Assure him that it was too dark under the table and that you didn't see anything. But to further pique his interest, tell him that you saw the latest new iPhone in one of the classrooms down the hallway, in case he's interested to see or do other things with it.
No. 1099778 ID: 0c6fb8

Can you kite it out of the room, then circle around back in and shut (and lock?) the door?
No. 1099808 ID: ca2950
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I hurl a chair at it, and by hurl I mean roll, mostly.

And it gets slashed into pieces. I don't know what I expected.
No. 1099809 ID: ca2950
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I try to blast it, but I can't concentrate while it's coming toward me and I have to focus on getting away. I'm gonna get cut in half before I can do anything.

Very upsetting.
No. 1099810 ID: 9b76c6

Run in circles around the tables until it grows tired and slow. Then you can blast it.
No. 1099812 ID: e42f8c

Stun it by asking a deep philosophical question, then run around it to the door.
No. 1099815 ID: b85892

Get height advantage, climb on the desk do if it gets close you can hop the divider. Then you'll have the breathing room to aim a shot.
No. 1099819 ID: 0c6fb8

The danger there, of course, is that we are a feeble academic and it is a muscle beast. The ones growing tired and slow? It is us, most likely. We should probably play to our brainy strengths - using tools and our environment (e.g. doors, electrical hazards, material properties), our smaller form (maybe can fit through tighter spaces), maybe hiding, uhhhh tactics?
No. 1099820 ID: 273c18

Run away. If you can't get enough distance to blast it then leave the room and hope it can't open doors.
No. 1099834 ID: eb0a9c

Persistence running would be a good idea
Keep throwing objects to tire it out
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